GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County...


Transcript of GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County...

Page 1: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike


Next Parish Meeting Tuesday 14th May 7PM - LANGTOFT VILLAGE HALL IN THIS ISSUE PAGE









COPY DEADLINE - GRAPEVINE 15/05/2019 Please send your articles to:

[email protected] Published by Langtoft Parish Council




APRIL / MAY 2019







Page 2: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

Clerk’s Notes of Meeting held - 19th Feb 2018

Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

Present: Cllrs Andy Halfhide (Chairman), Brian Branch, Angela Brogan, Brian Brown, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike Thompson and Lewis Trickey. In Attendance: Julian Tatam (Clerk), County Councillor Richard Davies, District Councillor Rosemary Trollope-Bellew and five members of the public. 81 /18-19 Open Forum The meeting began with the open forum at 7.00pm Questions were asked about: Litter Pick - could one be held before grass and hedges start growing? One is being planned and dates will be circulated. Penfield Nature Reserve – what progress? There are still some legal issues with the contract and these are being resolved. We have been advised by the landlord of adjacent field that they expect us to take action against rabbit damage. Peter Coles, the chairman of the advisory group outlined considerations on recommending that dogs are allowed on leads, recognising that many users of the park would be dog owners and despite the known damage to wildlife. Propose to zone the park to restrict dog walking to certain areas. Gritting – why is east End gritted by LCC and not West End? This is a historic arrangement dating from when there were high numbers of gravel lorries using the route. C.Cllr Richard Davies, Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and IT discussed the topic and how it impacts upon the village. About 22% of the County’s highways are gritted, primarily A and B roads and there is currently no capacity to take on more routes, for example Stowe Road or King Street. Changes to gritting materials and upgrading of vehicles later in 2019 may provide some increase in capacity so that treating West End and Stowe Road could be considered at this time. The Open Forum closed at 7.37 pm. 82/18-19 Chairman’s welcome and remarks The Chairman welcomed the County and District Councillors. 83/18-19 Apologies for absence Colin Larkman – wife unwell; Andrew and Debbie Hallam – a prior engagement

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84/18-19 Declarations of Interest The Chairman is a resident of Westfield Way; the planning application at 10 Westfield Way may be discussed. 85/18-19 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting The approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 8

th January

2019 was proposed by Cllr Jackson, seconded by Cllr Trickey and agreed unanimously 86/18-19 Report from County and District Councillors and Police D.Cllr Trollope - Bellew stated that the application for an extension at 10 Westfield Way is to go the planning committee in March, though possibly as a smaller revised scheme. C.Cllr Dobson submitted a written report, the highlights were read out by the Clerk. C.Cllr Richard Davies addressed the meeting on highways issues. He hopes that some additional funding will be available to increase verges cuts to three a year. They will improve the signage at the Outgang Road junction with Cross Road, following a recent request from the Parish Council. Improving the junction of the A15 and King Street at Waterside is a priority. An ‘Archer’ survey will take place at the A15 crossroads to look at the claimed need for traffic lights. Funding of any lights, a cost of at least £250k will be an issue with the need for a local contribution. There was also a discussion about the design of the access to the proposed filling station at the A15 A1175 roundabout. Highways has limited powers to oppose developments and this can be expensive if it is later agreed at Appeal. A report from PCSO M Laughton was ‘meet the read out. Someone has been apprehended for the recent thefts from vehicles. 87/18-19 Clerks Report The report was presented – no questions 88/18-19 Working groups Finance and General Purposes: A motion that we accept the quotation from BDG Mowing for the 2019 season was proposed by Cllr Jackson, seconded by Cllr Trickey and agreed unanimously. It will be a 40% cost saving

Clerk’s Notes of Meeting held - 19th Feb 2019

Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

Page 4: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

Clerk’s Notes of Meeting held - 19th Feb 2019

Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

Events & Cemetery: There had been an intention to run a ‘Meet the Councillors’ event along with an open day at Penfield in May. This has been postponed and will be reviewed later in the year. Amenities: There is a need to obtain a cheaper and more flexible supplier for the winter gritting of the village roads for 2019 20, and one which is easier to manage. There have only been 3 gritting treatments to date with 17 proposed visits declined. The issue of tree pruning in East End Park was discussed. A motion to accept the quotation to prune five trees by 40% at £670 and remove the uprooted Ash at £220 was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Brown and agreed unanimously. An inspection of East End Park has raised a number of issues with some of the play equipment. Cllr Jackson agreed to arrange for a quotation to undertake repairs and obtain some spare parts. The Council will arrange a working party to clean the equipment and safety surfaces, to include the play park at Black Bull Green. A litter pick will be organised in the next few weeks; Cllr Jackson will propose some dates by email. Some time ago a donation was received to install a duck house on the pond at East End Park. Given that the pond has been lost it was suggested that the duck house now be installed at Penfield. Clerk to investigate the records. Penfield Nature Reserve (Pocket Park): There was a discussion about the previous presentation on allowing dogs on lead in Penfield. A motion that dogs are allowed on leads in designated areas (areas yet to be defined) was proposed by Cllr Trickey, seconded by Cllr McCulloch but failed on a majority. Under Council rules, the decision cannot be reconsidered for 6 months. Grapevine: The group has had its first meeting. It is aiming to reduce or preferably eliminate the cost to the Council; the excess of printing costs over advertising income being £1414, £1402 and £1777 for the years 16/17, 17/18 and 18/19 respectively. Producing a publication in colour is being explored as, while this might be slightly more expensive, advertisements would be more attractive and would justify a higher charge.

Page 5: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

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Clerk’s Notes of Meeting held - 19th Feb 2019

Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

89/18-19 Finance Year to date accounts. The accounts to 12 February had been circulated to all councillors, including all transactions to date. The balances at that date totalled £21,954cr. Trailer for the gardener. The Clerk proposed that a trailer be purchased for the gardener to avoid the need to carry the mower and other equipment and material in his vehicle. This will require the fitting of a towbar. After some discussion a motion that up to £250 (+VAT) and up to £500 (+VAT) be spent on a towbar and trailer respectively was proposed by Cllr Trickey, seconded by Cllr Brown and passed on a majority. The Clerk will consider any ‘benefit in kind’ implications. Donation for zipwire. Council records indicate that up to £500 was agreed as a contribution to the Zipwire subject to certain conditions. The Clerk was asked to undertake a more detailed investigation of whether the conditions were met and report back. 90/18-19 Other Matters Emergency Planning – Resilient Communities Cllr Brogan had provided some documents on this programme. It was decided that we invite someone from Resilient Lincs to address a future meeting of the Council. Storage There was a brief discussion on some quotations for renting or purchasing a small secure shipping container. We are not in a position to take delivery until we obtain possession of Penfield so any decision was deferred. External Communication The setting up of a Council Facebook page was discussed, with the Clerk to be responsible for posting content. It will not be open to feedback or commentary (any comments should be raised in the public forum at a Council meeting). A motion to set up a site was proposed by Cllr Brogan, seconded by Cllr Branch and agreed on a majority. 91/18-19 Date of next meeting Next Full Council meeting: Tuesday 26 March 2019 at Langtoft Village Hall at 7.00pm There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.29 pm.

Page 6: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

Clerk’s Notes of Meeting held - 26th Mar 2019

Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

Present: Cllrs Andy Halfhide (Chairman), Brian Branch, Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike Thompson and Lewis Trickey. In Attendance: Julian Tatam (Clerk), County Councillor Barry Dobson, District Councillor Rosemary Trollope-Bellew but no members of the public. 92 /18-19 Open Forum The meeting began with the open forum at 7.02pm but in the absence of any members of the public the open forum closed immediately 93/18-19 Chairman’s welcome and remarks The Chairman welcomed the County and District Councillors. 94/18-19 Apologies for absence Colin Larkman; no news. Brian Brown; a prior engagement. 95/18-19 Declarations of Interest The Chairman is a resident of Westfield Way; the planning application at 10 Westfield Way may be discussed. Cllr Trickey is an advertiser in Grapevine, the pricing of adverts is to be discussed. 96/18-19 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting The approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 19

th February 2019 was

proposed by Cllr Jackson, seconded by Cllr Thompson and agreed unanimously 97/18-19 Report from County and District Councillors and Police D.Cllr Trollope - Bellew reported that she and D.Cllr Cooke had met with the Asset Officer from SKDC to view the Pavilion regarding the need for refurbishment. They are also collating responses from stakeholders regarding what future facility is required. C.Cllr Dobson updated the meeting on Thurlby’s progress with traffic lights on the A15. It might be that their pedestrian crossing can be modified to help assist the traffic joining the A15. It follows that a similar solution might be available for the A15 at Langtoft. There was also a discussion on gritting and the potential to collaborate with local villages to lobby for Kings Street to be included in regular gritting, to be persued after the election. There was no report from the police.

Page 7: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

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Clerk’s Notes of Meeting held - 26th Mar 2019

Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

98/18-19 Clerks Report The report was presented – no questions. The Clerk is working on the setting up of a Facebook page for the Council. He is also to follow up the issue of the conditions of the donation for the zipwire. 99/18-19 Report on Highways Visit A group of Parish Councillors met with County Councillors Dobson, Davies and Perraton-Williams and Local Highways Manager Rowan Smith to look at the following issues around the village:

• A15 crossroads – and the potential for traffic lights. Ongoing

• Puddles on the A15 by the pedestrian crossing. Contractor will be asked to re-visit.

• The access of Back Lane onto the A15. Lincs Road Safety Partnership will consider signage and access

• Passing places and traffic on verges on New Road opposite Gibbs Close. Difficult to widen the road due to a BT footway joint box. Clerk asked to contact BT to request that they upgrade it.

• Gritting of West End and Stowe Road by LCC – subject to a review in summer 2019.

• Accidents at Stowe Crossroads – alerting them of the issue

• Inadequate signage at Outgang Road and Cross Road junction – being upgraded

100/18-19 Working groups Cemetery: The group had met to tour the cemetery and discuss updating the rules. It was noted that various paraphernalia is appearing in the memorial garden, making it untidy and more difficult to maintain. The Clerk is to write to the memorial owners to remind them of the rules and ask them to remove the stray items. A motion to accept the revised rules, which include the ability to have sloping tablets in the memorial garden was proposed by Cllr D Hallam, seconded by Cllr Branch and agreed unanimously. Amenities: Cllr Jackson has met with Fenland Leisure to look at the work required on the play equipment at East End Park. A quotation will be sent to the Clerk. The policy of gritting of the village had been queried by Rowan Smith during the highways visit. The Chairman is reviewing emails from 2010 when consent was obtained from LCC Highways.

Page 8: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

Clerk’s Notes of Meeting held - 26th Mar 2019

Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

Penfield Nature Reserve (Pocket Park): The transfer of the land has been held up by a dispute between Hansons and the neighbouring farmer regarding the control of rabbits. These need to be resolved before the village can take over. The remaining legal issues are close to conclusion. 101/18-19 Finance Year to date accounts. The accounts to 21 March had been circulated to all councillors, including all transactions to date. The balances at that date totalled £19,473cr.

There are a number of payments to go out before the financial year end and the expectation is that the closing balances will be about £16,758, a surplus of £558 for the year. This is £6200 better than budget; the main savings being about £3000 on gritting (mild winter), £2000 on Penfield (transfer awaited) and £1800 for grasscutting and hedge trimming (dry summer). We have committed to £890 of expenditure on tree pruning to take place in April.

Earmark Reserves for Penfield Nature Reserve A sum of £2000 is in the budget to cover the initial take over costs for Penfield but has not been spent as the transfer has been delayed. A motion to earmark £2000 of reserves to be used for future Penfield expenditure was proposed by Cllr Brogan, seconded by Cllr A Hallam and agreed unanimously.

Membership of LALC There was a brief discussion on the benefits of membership of LALC and agreed to renew for 2019/20 without a formal resolution.

Cemetery Fees The maintenance of the cemetery is a significant net cost to the village, being reflected in the precept. The fees were increased 12 months ago and a motion to increase the fees by a further 50% for new enquiries from 1 April was proposed by Cllr Trickey, seconded by Cllr Branch and agreed unanimously.

Pricing of advertisements in The Grapevine The cost of publishing The Grapevine is offset by paid adverts, but there is still a net cost, averaging over £1500 a year over the past 3 years.

A motion to increase fees to £20 for a half page and £30 for a full page for a single edition, £100 and £150 respectively for an annual subscription of 6 editions was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Branch and agreed unanimously. The rules on the number of free adverts for village organisations will be revisited.

Page 9: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

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Clerk’s Notes of Meeting held - 26th Mar 2019

Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

It was also agreed that we hold a formal tender for printing, with at least 3 suppliers being invited to quote. 102/18-19 Planning PL/0126/17 Gravel Extraction at Tithe Farm This planning application as been referred back to the Council after an updated transport assessment. As lorries will only access the site from the A1175 and not from the A15 via Langtoft, the Council does not wish to comment, other than that Footpath 5 will be bisected and should be diverted around the site. 103/18-19 Other Matters Date of Annual Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting This being an election year, the Annual (General) Meeting should take place within 14 days after 7 May. It was therefore agreed that the scheduled meeting on 14 May should be preceded by the Annual Meeting. The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on 21 May. Parishioners will be invited to attend to contribute ideas for projects for new Council. Update of Grant Funding Cllr Brogan has been in contact with Wendy Moore, LCC Grants Officer and a joint meeting is to be held, probably after the election. LALC Clustering Questionnaire LALC has circulated a questionnaire on attitudes to ‘clustering’ of parish councils, in part to achieve benefits of critical mass. The consensus was that we would not want to cluster with other parishes, but continue to work together on projects like the A15 and King Street traffic issues. Rural Strategy Petition The Rural Services Network is organising a petition calling for a Rural Strategy to set out the government priorities for rural communities for the next 10 years. A motion that we sign the petition in support of a Rural Strategy was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Jackson and agreed unanimously. 104/18-19 Date of next meeting Next Full Council meeting: Tuesday 14 May 2019 at Langtoft Village Hall, following the Annual General Meeting which commences at 7.00pm There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.28 pm.

Page 10: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

County Councillor - Barry Dobson

The Highways team was invited to view areas where we had the most concern regards safety on the roads and surface water drainage. I invited Rowan Smith, along with the portfolio holder, Councillor Richard Davies and his support officer Councillor Clio Perraton-Williams who visited our Parish on 4

th March and were accompanied by

members of our Parish Council.

During the conversations we looked at the intersection with the A15 at the Waggon & Horses and it was agreed that Highways would quote us for a feasibility study to improve the traffic congestion at this dangerous crossing. Several ideas have been put forward and I hope that we can get a result soon. The other areas where safety signage and improved road structure was along Cross Road and, in particular, with the junction with Outgang Road. I am pleased to report that improved signage and other works have already been implemented and scheduled.

I recently chaired a meeting on the Environment and Economy where we presented with the Carbon Management Plan for 2018 – 2023. LCC has been working with the Carbon Trust on a third Carbon Management Plan (CMP), which has now been completed. It was reported that a reduction of 20% was achieved from 2005 – 2012 and a further reduction of up to 23.4% by March 2018. The new target that has been agreed is to significantly reduce emissions further from our activities and operations by the end of 2023. Of course, this is all to do with global warming which, despite all our other issues, is perhaps the most important now and for future generations. It was interesting to hear that currently the biggest offenders in this were: Schools 36% Street Lighting and Signs 26% Buildings 22% Transport 16% I have also requested that a working group be set up to look at the waste strategy for LCC in the light of the recent new Resources and Waste Strategy for England announced by DEFRA. This has so far been adopted by the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (JMWMS). The working group will look at the performance measures for monitoring the Council’s waste-related environmental performance and seek recommendations for the Council to adopt. We all know how confusing waste disposal can be; it’s not the production of materials such as plastic that are the problem, it’s the disposal of them. Recently, one of the leading manufacturers of animal feed has introduced as system of returning used plastic waste that they will send to a specialist company recycling this waste into street furniture.

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Our outdoor bowling season will begin soon with the green opening on Saturday 20th April, with our first social afternoon on Sunday 28th at 2.00pm. This year we have the usual teams playing in the Peterborough and Stamford leagues, these being 2 mid week Peterborough teams playing Wednesday and The club runs in-house competitions throughout the season with a finals weekend early September, social bowling is important to our club with

Wednesday coffee mornings being very popular for roll-ups for all abilities. If you are interested in bowling whether a beginner or experienced this is a good opportunity for you to have a "go" and see our facilities, we will also be holding an open day on Sunday 19th May 10am - 3pm for anyone interested. Bowling at our club can offer moderate exercise, good company and various social activities including theatre trips so if you would like to bowl or just have a good chat come along to a coffee morning to find out more about us. Our website at "Langtoft Pearl bowls club" will give you all club information including the league games dates and results throughout the season. Anne White Secretary

Langtoft Pearl Bowls Club

Page 12: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

Langtoft Women's Institute (WI)

Langtoft WI has been as busy as ever. Here is a summary of what we have been up to in January and February:

Awe-inspiring and totally fascinating! This is how I would describe the talk given by our January speaker, Dr David Bailey, Head of Pathology at Peterborough Hospital and Vice President of the Royal College of Pathologists.

Pathology underpins everything in medicine and so pathologists are often called “the doctors’ doctor”. Even the most experienced surgeon must consult with a pathologist before undertaking operations.

To be a pathologist, you need pattern recognition skills and a good visual memory; you need to know what you don’t know and who to consult to get a second opinion. You also need to be medically trained. Dr Bailey studied for 14 years in total. There are 19 pathology specialisms including vetinary and every hospital will have the 5 main specialists.

A typical day for Dr Bailey includes examining surgical samples, attending team meetings with surgeons, oncologists and nursing staff, training students and conducting autopsies. Approximately 25,000 surgical samples are studied each year; 20,000 for suspected cancer and the microscopes used cost £18,000 each. Samples are 4 microns thick and are stained with pink and blue dyes. Pathologists not only diagnose cancer, but also the type, grade and stage (spread) of the cancer. Due to advancements in pathology, Dr Bailey predicts that, in 10-15 years’ time, 50% of cancer patients will not need surgery. We learned that 97.5% of abnormalities in samples can be identified in a matter of minutes. Of the rest, some will be referred to other specialists for diagnosis and, for a very small number which cannot be identified, a research programme will be set up to investigate further.

A fact that I found very interesting was that some of the equipment used today is based on inventions made in medieval and Tudor times – the light microscope was invented in 800 AD and the staining dyes were developed in the 1500s. As you can imagine, Dr Bailey received a large number of questions from the audience, which he answered with honesty and integrity. I was left reflecting on how lucky we are to be able to benefit from his skills, knowledge and expertise at our local hospital.

February Meeting At our February meeting WI member, Sandra Lauridsen spoke about her recent work study tour of Northern Ghana. Please see my special feature below for more on this.

February is also the time of our AGM, where we take a look back at all the activities we have taken part in and the things we have achieved during the past year. At the AGM the committee, including the President, Jean Street were re-elected for a further year.

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Langtoft Women's Institute (WI)

Mental Health Matters Readers may remember that our WI resolution this year is “Mental Health Matters”. It is difficult for us to know what we can do as unqualified people to help sufferers with mental health problems, but Langtoft WI members were very keen to do something. Following a visit by Jean to Stamford MIND charity shop in January, it was decided that Langtoft WI would help to fund the training of mental health specialists and support workers by donating items of clothing, books and bric a brac that can be sold in the charity shop. As usual, members rallied round and a grand total of 55 bags were collected, which I am sure will raise a lot of money for the MIND charity.

In a show of support for women less fortunate than ourselves, Langtoft WI members donated toilet rolls to Boston Women’s Aid in January which were very gratefully received.

Groups The Crafty Ladies group has met in January and February and activities have included crocheting a square and making paper spring flowers. The Ladies Luncheon group had a pleasant lunch at the Black Horse at Baston in February. It is hoped that the walking group will recommence when the weather improves.

Walking Netball – Report by WI Member, Ros In February, five of us from Langtoft WI donned our trainers and the nearest thing to a PE kit and went to Pinchbeck to learn about Walking Netball. We were joined by about twelve others and introduced to the lady who was to lead the session. She told us a little about her organisation, which has teamed up with the WI to promote and support the sport. We played some skills games to get us going, starting with a game of catch, in pairs. Gradually more elements were introduced that got us moving, warmed us up and used some of those long-forgotten netball skills. . . oh, and made some of us puff.

It was all really good fun and before we knew it, we were ready for a ‘proper’ game. The size of the hall meant we had to play a reduced numbers game, so we had five on each team. One or two ladies were quite competitive, I suspect, but we had constant reminders of no jumping, only walking. . .and no elbows!! No one was injured and the consensus was one of great enjoyment as well as a sense of achievement in having done a keep fit activity while having fun. It is hoped that a local group for Baston, Langtoft and Thurlby can be set up in the future.

Future Events At our meeting on 15th April, Karen Neale will be giving us a talk entitled “My Sketchbook Journey” and on 20

th May our speaker will be Gill Stenning talking

about “The Lost Diary”.

Page 14: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

Langtoft Women's Institute (WI)

Please do take a look at the information provided separately about our newly-launched photographic competition. All Langtoft residents are welcome to take part and, you never know, you could see your photograph in the Langtoft 2020


Visitors are always welcome at Langtoft WI. For further information, please email [email protected] or contact Jean Street, 2 Reedman Close. Tel: 01778 345037. Sue Eales, Langtoft WI.

Special Feature – Speakers from our Own WI Membership I am often asked where do we find our speakers. Well, looking back over the 3 years since it was formed, Langtoft WI has been fortunate enough to be educated and entertained with talks by several of its own members.

In February, Sandra Lauridsen gave a very interesting talk, including a wealth of photographs, on her work study tour of Northern Ghana in 2018. Sandra is Education Manager for Kids Country and The Marshal Papworth Scholarship. Her work for the Scholarship involves managing the education and welfare of students from Africa who come to the UK to study masters degrees and short courses in farming-related subjects. The aim of Sandra’s work study tour was to understand where the students come from and to see international development work (and the problems associated with it) first hand.

To date, 200 students have been educated using the Legacy of former farmer, the late Marshal Papworth. Sandra is passionate about the need for training to go alongside monetary aid in the poorer African countries. These people often know nothing about maintaining complex machinery, looking after animals or sanitation. Education provides the knowledge and skills for these people to make best use of the international development aid they are given and to become independent. During her tour, Sandra was delighted see students who have gone through some of her programmes of study putting them into practice. For example, a course on sanitation has led to a borehole being dug in the village instead of walking to a dirty river; another student has started to grow groundnuts, which are a big cash crop, after learning about fertilizer and water management. Some former students are now passing their knowledge to others. For example, one former student trains other farmers over the radio. Another is now a school teacher, teaching special needs students about farming. Sandra’s pride in her work and her students shone through in her presentation.

At our November 2016 meeting, I gave a presentation about globes on behalf of my family-owned company, I explained the main advantages of globes over flat maps and also demonstrated how maps have been, and continue to be, used as propaganda tools to gain power.

I showed pictures of how our traditional globes are made, using paper gores pressed around the sphere which is the same technique that has been used since globes were first made, over 400 years ago. Globes make very good gifts for all sorts of occasions – christenings, graduations, weddings, as well as Christmas and birthdays – and are always treasured possessions.

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Langtoft Women's Institute (WI)

We are regularly asked to supply globes to be featured on TV programmes including Top Gear, Jonathan Creek, Cleaning Up starring Sheridan Smith, BBC News, Springwatch and most period dramas. It is surprising how many you spot on the TV when you start looking! The ladies asked a lot of questions during the presentation and feedback afterwards was very positive.

At our January 2017 meeting, Elizabeth (Liz) Jenks spoke to us about her work as a volunteer for the Anthony Nolan Trust. Liz gave us some history of the charity, which actually began before Anthony Nolan was born and became famous on the That’s Life programme with Esther Rantzen. She then explained her role. Liz is one of a number of retired nurses who give up their time to collect and deliver material from donors around the world to UK hospitals for use in bone marrow transplants. Every week, she gets a list of the hospitals and countries that require collections and she can choose where she would prefer to go. This can be as far afield as Japan, South Africa and Canada, as well as nearer to home, in Europe. Cologne is the best source of donor material. This is because they have an “opt out” system in Germany, which means people are automatically registered as a donor unless they state otherwise. We learned that donating material is not the invasive, painful procedure it used to be and research has led to the use of more sources of donor material than just bone marrow.

Liz has far from a glamorous, globe-trotting life. She is not allowed to take a companion – she has to travel alone so that there is no possibility of distractions. She has 36 hours to deliver the donor material, sometimes having to navigate her way through less than cooperative airport and airline staff, and she only gets basic expenses paid. Furthermore, she does not get the satisfaction of knowing if she has helped to save lives, for recipients and donors must be anonymous and volunteers are not told if the procedure has been successful or not. Liz has the full support of her family and relies on her husband to pick her up from stations at all hours of the day and night. Everyone found this presentation immensely absorbing and fascinating. We all admire Liz – an unsung heroine of Langtoft.

In September 2017, WI committee member, Sue Brotherhood talked about her role as an auditor with the Red Tractor initiative. Red Tractor is a world leading farm and food assurance scheme that ensures traceable, safe food. The Red Tractor logo is an easy signpost for consumers looking for British food and drink that has been farmed with care that they can trust. Sue also talked to us about cheese-making in England and some of the not-so-famous, smaller cheese-making dairies. To accompany the presentation, we had the opportunity to taste a selection of British cheeses that Sue had brought along and, of course, we had to have a glass of wine to go with them! So I hope you agree, that ladies of Langtoft WI have their own stories to tell that are interesting for others to hear. Sue Eales, Langtoft WI.

Page 16: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

All correspondence to the Council should be addressed to the Parish Clerk. Parish Clerk: Julian Tatam Email: [email protected] Tel: 01778 341211

Langtoft Parish Council

Andy Halfhide (Chairman) Debbie Hallam Brian Brown Roy Jackson (Vice Chairman) Colin Larkman Brian Branch Mike Thompson Yvonne McCulloch Lewis Trickey Andy Hallam Angela Brogan

LPC Representatives - On other Groups

Langtoft Village Hall Management Committee Councillor Yvonne McCulloch Neighbourhood Policing Panel Councillor Andy Halfhide Hyde & Mossop Charity

Current Councillors

Langtoft Village Hall

Management Committee

Registered Charity No. 501924

LVHMC—Contact details:

Chair – Yvonne McCulloch – [email protected] Vice Chair – Warren Burton – [email protected] Secretary – Pam Brown – [email protected] Treasure – Mick Fisher – [email protected] Bookings – Sarah Castley – [email protected]

Numbers Club January Draw February Draw £40 - 78 Mrs J Emerton £40 - Mrs L Fraser £5 - 35 Mr J Stocker £5 - Mrs s Lane £5 - 68 Mr D Scholes £5 - 92 Mrs J Street

Forthcoming events Easter Bingo - 8th April Fashion Show - 29th April

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SOUTH LINCOLNSHIRE Registered Charity BLIND SOCIETY Number 214140

We are South Lincolnshire Blind Society. We help Blind and

Partially Sighted people across the South Lincolnshire area

to live as independently as possible by providing advice,

emotional support, equipment, information on different eye

conditions, home visiting by trained volunteers and tele-

phone befriending. We also have a variety of groups and

clubs ranging from coffee and social mornings, craft clubs,

books clubs, lunch clubs and even a swimming club to help

tackle social isolation and enable them to stay independent.

Do you or do you know someone who might need our


We are very reliant on our wonderful volunteers who help

with our fundraising, social clubs, home visiting and tele-

phone befriending but are always looking for more – Can

you help? Do you have a few hours to spare and would

like to make a difference to someone??

Call our helpline today 01476 592775 or e-mail: [email protected]

visit our website: or find us on Facebook

Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm 14 Finkin Street, Grantham, Lincs, NG31 6QZ

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PLACE April 2019

Parish Council


Langtoft Village Hall EASTER BINGO - 8TH APRIL


Handful of Harmonies

Wednesday 10:30 am to 12 noon (Deeping Group).Friday 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm (Langtoft Group).

Summer term A begins on Wednesday 17th April and Friday 26th April respectively

Langtoft Players Spring Play ‘The Old People are Revolting

performed 11th to 13

th April – over 18s only

Yoga Classes MONDAYS 10AM - 11.30AM

WEDNESDAYS - 7PM - 8.30PM THURSDAYS - 10AM-11.30AM & 12.30PM

Women’s Institute (WI) Monday, 15th April, 7:30 p.m. Village Hall

Karen Neale "My Sketchbook Journey"


Grapevine Magazine DEADLINE 15TH MAY 2019


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May 2019




Wednesday 10:30 am to 12 noon (Deeping Group). Friday 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm (Langtoft Group).

April and Friday

The Old People are Revolting’ will be over 18s only


11.30AM & 12.30PM-2PM


THURSDAYS - 10AM-11.30AM & 12.30PM-2PM

Monday, 15th April, 7:30 p.m. Village Hall Karen Neale "My Sketchbook Journey"

Monday 20th May, 7:30 p.m. Village Hall Gill Stenning "The Lost Diary".


PLEASE FORWARD ALL COPY TO: [email protected]


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COLOUR IN THE PICTURE, TAKE A PHOTO & EMAIL TO: [email protected] (DEADLINE 18/4/2019)


Page 24: GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE - Lincolnshire County · Angela Brogan, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike

Hello everyone,

I hope you are having a blessed lent. Those of us who observe lent, find it is a time of reflection, some may call it mindfulness. It is a time to take stock, look at the balance of our lives and make adjustments. Now for those people who have faith, it is a time when we can learn, we can grow in faith, through worship and prayer and strengthen the relationship we have with God.

Now even if you are not a person of faith, or perhaps your faith has lain dormant for a while, Lent can still be time when you take stock and evaluate your life. Is it in balance? The discipline of Lent can provide a framework with which to rebalance ourselves, reminding us that we need to find time for friends, families and ourselves, as well as work.

We can give up something we enjoy such as chocolate or alcohol, and treat Lent as a detox, or we can try and do something kind for someone each day, to make the world a kinder place, perhaps we can do both.

Whatever we do for Lent, it is the time when we approach Easter, that wonderful festival in which we rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a time to remember that we are all loved and that Christ died so that we may be saved.

In the midst of the chocolate eggs, the school holidays, daffodils and tulips, know that you are loved, and that you are welcome to join us to celebrate the risen Christ.

Happy Easter, Carolyn

Church News Lent Lunches – Our last two Lent Lunches will take place on 3

rd and 10

th April.

Come along to the church between 12noon and 2pm to enjoy a bowl of delicious homemade soup with roll and butter, followed by cheese and biscuits and coffee or tea. The suggested donation for the lunch is £4.00 and the money raised will be divided between Christian Aid and our village church. Saturday Sales – Our next two sales are on Saturday 6

th April and Saturday 5


May from 10am to 12noon in church. A very sincere ‘thank you’ to those generous people who have already supported our church this year by donating items to sell at these sales. Cakes and produce are especially welcome, also gifts, toys and wrapping paper. No electrical items please.

St Michael & All Angels, Church

Letter from the Vicarage

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At the sales there are freshly made bacon butties to have with tea or coffee, cakes and produce, bric-a-brac, CDs and DVDs and our popular ‘Pot Luck’ table. All the money raised goes towards the upkeep of our village church. The church can only stay open if we can keep it in good repair. This is very expensive as it is a large building and over 700 years old. Decorated egg competition – This is a fun competition with classes for all age groups and lots of lovely Easter prizes. Please bring your en-tries into church on Easter Saturday for the judging. Entry forms and more details from Debbie Howard on 01778 349576 or email [email protected] Easter Egg Trails – Saturday 27

th April. As usual there will be three trails, one for the

very young, one for older children, and one for adults. Come along to the church any-time between 10am and 4pm. Only £1.00 to take part and everyone gets an egg! Light refreshments available all day with sandwich lunches from midday. There will also be an Easter Tombola and free craft activities for the children. We are always pleased to receive donations of Easter eggs (of any size) or little Easter gifts, for priz-es and for the tombola. At 11am and 2pm, our church puppet s ‘Puppets Plus’ will be performing a short play in church called ‘The Story of Easter’. This follows the events in Jesus’ life leading up to Easter Sunday. There is no charge for watching the play. Summer Fayre – Saturday 1

st June from 2pm in church. This is one of our major

fundraising events so please make a note in your diary and come along to support it. There will be a plant stall and if anyone is dividing plants or has any surplus, please let us have them for the stall. We will also be pleased to receive toys, games, gifts, cakes and produce, in fact most things except electrical items. There will be a barbecue outside with games and amusements, and afternoon tea served in the church. Please contact me if you have any items to sell, or would be will-ing to help on the day, or would like more information.

With very best wishes Judy Robinson, Churchwarden

Tel: 01778 343383 Email: [email protected] From the Parish Register Baptism: Ethan Matthew Weston

St Michael & All Angels, Church

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Each year the Parish Council holds a Parish Meeting to

report on its actions over the previous year and to seek comments from villagers.

This being a local election year, a new Parish Council will

be in place in May for the next 4 years.

This is your opportunity to contribute ideas to help the new Council to develop its

plan for Langtoft.

What projects would you like it to consider?

Please come along and give us your views!

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Langtoft Festival is a multi-genre music festival in Langtoft, Lincolnshire, England. Putting together a lineup anchored by some of the best local bands, groups and musicians in the area.

To compliment this stellar musical lineup across 2 stages, Langtoft Festival features chill-out zones, arts and crafts, interactive art, nature zones, family entertainment, an abundance of

food and much more, making it a completely immersive experience.

2019's Festival stages welcome: W45, Filthy Contact, Congnac & Cubans, ZEN, Crowbone, Porky Pig, Pennyless, March to the Grave, Handful of Harmonies, ASSUR, Peterborough

Highland Pipe Band, The Deps, Black Hawk Down, Taiko Drummers, Spalding Ukulele Orcheastra & Inspire Dance Studio to name a few …..

Music brings people together and bridges generations. We want our Festival and appearances to contribute to this togetherness.

Come and join in the fun on the 13th July and help celebrate our first Festival in 20 Years.

Langtoft Festival - £5 TICKETS ON SALE NOW!


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Pure Local Honey For Sale £5 for 1lb Jar

Hives in Baston, Baston Fen, Thurlby & Deeping St Nicholas.

No Chemicals are used in our Hives.

Also Polish - Pure Beeswax from our hives mixed with Olive oil and Lavender - £5

Candles and Wax Bars ■ Eggs £1 for 6

Money in the black letterbox please.

Fen Apiaries - 30 Church Street, Baston PE6 9PE

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To all our advertisers we thank you for supporting this local village publication.

We print 900 copies of each Grapevine and deliver it free to all village households. Advertising revenue allows the Parish

Council to partially offset the printing costs. The Grapevine is put together by volunteers from the village.

To Advertise your Business or Event please contact the Parish Clerk Tel: 01778 341211

Email : [email protected]

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Do you need to do a trailer test?

If you passed your car driving test after January 1997 you are not legally entitled to tow anything with a total Manufactures Authorised Mass of more than 3500 Kgs. (The combined weights of both, including what the trailer is

plated to carry even if you tow it empty or part empty).

That means that if you are going to tow a large caravan with a large vehicle, or tow a horsebox the chances are they will weigh more. If you tow without the right category on your licence you WILL NOT BE INSURED, and could

face other financial penalties.

Most drivers can pass after completing a course, taking the test usually the following day. We provide the tow vehicle and trailer so you do not have to

worry about it being “test “ready.

We carry out courses In the Huntingdon area or South Lincolnshire. We can also arrange overnight accommodation if you want to stay in the area over-night. If you have a friend that also wants to do a course see Courses and

fees page, you could make a saving.

If you want some advice please call me or contact me through email. I also offer caravan/trailer towing courses for those that do not need to do a test

but want some towing /reversing experience.

Tel: (01778) 342278 ■ Mobile: 07738491071

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Langtoft’s Baby & Toddler Group

Every Friday during term time

Langtoft Village Hall

9.30am to 11am

Bumps 2 Four is a place for children, parents, grandparents and carers to relax and have fun! Come and join us for a range of ac-tivities, including crafts, soft play, messy play, stories and a sing song, designed to entertain

all. It is a chance to meet others, chat and have a well-deserved cup of tea!

£2 per family

If you would like to know more please find us on Facebook: Bumps2four

or email: [email protected]

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