Grant Giving Guidelines

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Transcript of Grant Giving Guidelines

  • 8/10/2019 Grant Giving Guidelines


    Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust

    Funding Procedure

    The Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust welcomes funding applications fromindividuals or institutions for projects which fall within the funding remit of the Trust.

    The Trust funds a variety of projects which include conferences, seminars,

    publications, research, archiving, translations, art & culture projects and

    documentaries. The Trust funds both national and international projects.

    lease note that the Trust does not normally award funds to subsidi!e the continuation

    or running of "niversity#$ollege courses% cover transportation costs to or from

    $onferences% or subsidi!e fees#maintenance for undergraduate or postgraduate


    Applications can be made for either a Funding Award, a Major Project Awardor

    for the Nina Fishman Translation Award.

    Application Guidelines

    Applications must be made on the current application forms which can be

    obtained from the Applications $oordinator at'. lease specify if you are applying for a

    (unding Award, a Major roject Award or for a Nina (ishman TranslationAward.

    Applications must be made in accordance with the application deadlines

    which will be advised directly by the Applications $oordinator in response

    to a re)uest for the current application form.

    *n general, applications for funding awards and major project awards may

    be re)uired to be submitted up to two months in advance of the specific

    funding meetings.

    +nce an apply for funds is complete, you are re)uired to submit

    *-TN $+*/ to $assie Metcalf0/lovo at 12031 $avaye lace,

    4ondon /516 7T in accordance with the application deadlines. *f less

    than eighteen copies are submitted then the application will not beaccepted.

    *n addition, an electronic copy of the completed application form must be

    submitted by email.

    The Trust would appreciate if the 12 copies of your application forms are

    printed double sided.

    lease 'eep all appendi8es to no more than five sides of A9.

    lease note that all )uestions on the application form must be answered

    fully and clearly. *f the application is not answered fully and clearly your

    application is liable not to be considered by the trustees.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Grant Giving Guidelines


    +n receipt of an application, the Trust reserves the right to review and

    re)uest further information prior to the application being submitted to

    trustees for consideration.

    The Trust reserves the right not to submit an application for funding to the

    trustees should it, in its entire discretion, consider that the application does

    not meet the re)uirements of the Trust.

    "nder e8ceptional circumstances, the Trust reserves the right to rescind a

    funding award :in part or in whole;.

    The Trust will re)uire a brief project report and a brief statement of

    financial account indicating how the Trust money has been used from all

    successful applicants.

    The Trust will re)uire an ac'nowledgement which reflects the Trust

  • 8/10/2019 Grant Giving Guidelines


    Applications for major project awards must be submitted for initial

    consideration at the ?anuary meeting in accordance with the application


    Applicants must conform to the application guidelines as outlined below.

    Major roject Award applications will be subject to an initial short listing

    process at the ?anuary meeting, the shortlist normally consists of no more

    than 9 projects. No funding decisions will be made at the ?anuary meeting.

    Applicants will be notified whether or not they have been short listed for a

    major project award within 30C wee's of the ?anuary meeting.

    (ollowing the short listing process, the Trust may elect to re)uest further

    information, approach referees and approach independent consultants in

    order to facilitate its assessment of applications.

    *n addition, one or more trustee#s may be appointed to consider

    applications in detail.

    /ubject to receipt of further information :if applicable;, the Trust will

    ma'e a final assessment of major project applications at the April meeting. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions within 30C wee's of the

    April meeting.

    The Trust reserves the right to postpone final consideration of major

    project applications at any time until all further re)uested information has

    been received.

    The Trust will appoint a trustee as liaison to monitor each successful major

    project award. *n addition, the Trust will advise as to the fre)uency of

    status reports re)uired to be submitted to the Trust or the liaison trustee.

    Nina Fishman Translation prize

    Nina (ishman was a political historian, thin'er and activist, and the author of

    important boo's such as> The British (ommunist )arty and the Trade *nions :177D;

    and the two0volumeArthur +orner% A )olitical Bio!raphy:3611;. /he was also an

    active member of the board of the Trust. *n her honour a specific fund has been

    created to support the translation into nglish of wor's that fall within the interests of

    the Trust. No topic is specified but the Trust is particularly 'een to support wor's on

    topics that would have interested rof. (ishman such as 4abour history, uropean

    socialism and social democracy, the theory and practice of industrial relations :for

    further information please see http>;. The Trust will consider

    applications for translations of essays, articles, boo' chapters and interviews as wellas full length boo's.

    Applicants should complete the specific Nina (ishman Translation Award application

    form providing a brea'down of costs, an abstract of the wor' to be translated and a

    statement of its importance in relation to the interests of the Trust. lease note that, in

    the interest of maintaining the (und the Trust may see' a minimum royalty share of

    full0length translated publications.