Grandfather Tang Story in mathematics tanngrams

7/23/2019 Grandfather Tang Story in mathematics tanngrams 1/14 Grandfather Tang's Story  by Ann Tompert, illustrated by Robert Andrew Parker Crown Publishers, (New York, 1990 ! "rand#ather Tan$ and %ittle &oo were sittin$ under a pea'h tree in their ba'kyard! They were amusin$ ea'h other by makin$ di##erent shapes in their tan$ram pule! )%et*s do a story about the #o+ #airies, (Chou and u %in$,) said %ittle &oo! &o "rand#ather Tan$ arran$ed his se-en tan$ram pie'es into the shape o# a #o+!  Then "rand#ather Tan$ made another #o+ with %ittle &oo*s se-en tan$ram pie'es! %ittle &oo 'lapped her hands as her $rand#ather be$an! Althou$h Chou and u %in$ were best #riends, they were always tryin$ to outdo ea'h other! .ne day this ri-alry almost brou$ht their #riendship to a tra$i' end! They were sittin$ under their #a-orite willow tree beside a ri-er talkin$ about their ma$i'  powers!

Transcript of Grandfather Tang Story in mathematics tanngrams

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Grandfather Tang's Story

 by Ann Tompert, illustrated by Robert Andrew Parker 

Crown Publishers, (New York, 1990


"rand#ather Tan$ and %ittle &oo were sittin$ under a pea'h tree in

their ba'kyard! They were amusin$ ea'h other by makin$ di##erent shapes in their

tan$ram pule!

)%et*s do a story about the #o+ #airies, (Chou and u %in$,) said %ittle &oo! &o

"rand#ather Tan$ arran$ed his se-en tan$ram pie'es into the shape o# a #o+!


Then "rand#ather Tan$ made another #o+ with %ittle &oo*s se-en tan$ram pie'es!

%ittle &oo 'lapped her hands as her $rand#ather be$an!

Althou$h Chou and u %in$ were best #riends, they were always tryin$ to outdo

ea'h other! .ne day this ri-alry almost brou$ht their #riendship to a tra$i' end! They

were sittin$ under their #a-orite willow tree beside a ri-er talkin$ about their ma$i'


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)/ 'an 'han$e mysel# into a rabbit as ui'k as wink,) boasted u %in$! )/*ll bet you

'an*t do that!)

)/ 'an too,) said Chou!

)Can not,) said u %in$! )Anyway, a'tions speak louder than words!) and he

'han$ed himsel# into a


ima$e #rom http22smm!or$2sln2t#2t2tans2tans!html

)Not bad,) said Chou, smoothin$ his whiskers! )3ut wat'h me do better than that!)

And be#ore u %in$ 'ould blink, Chou 'han$ed #rom a #o+ into a



#rom http22$i!esu10!k14!ne!us2&5"/25od$e!dra$onweb25od$e!pa$es2'hina6pro7e't6p$s2"rand#ather6Tan$s6story!html

 Now, when Chou 'han$ed himsel# into a do$, he not only looked like a do$, but he

#elt like a do$ and a'ted like a do$! 8e bared his teeth and lashed his tail! u %in$

shi-ered and twit'hed his nose!

)/ lo-e rabbits,) Chou $rowled,) and /*m $oin$ to $et you and $obble you up!)

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The do$ ed$ed 'loser and 'loser! u %in$*s eyes $rew bi$$er and bi$$er! 8e was too

#ri$htened to mo-e at #irst! 3ut then he thou$ht, )/*ll be sa#e i# / 'an 'limb up the

willow tree!)

8is little pu## o# a tail $rew lon$ and bushy and his tall ears shrunk as u %in$

trans#ormed himsel# into a



u %in$ spran$ into the willow tree and s'rambled to the top!

)Chou will probably turn himsel# into a 'at so he 'an 'limb up the tree a#ter me,) u

%in$ said to himsel#! )3ut he*ll ne-er 'at'h me, /*ll 7ump #rom tree to tree and he

won*t be able to #ollow me!)

.# 'ourse, Chou thou$ht about 'han$in$ himsel# into a 'at!

)3ut that*s 7ust what u %in$ e+pe'ts me to do,) he said to himsel#! )hat 'an / doto surprise him) 8e thou$ht and thou$ht! )/ know! /*ll swoop down upon him #rom

abo-e) And he turned himsel# into a


Chou 'ir'led round and round in the sky abo-e the willow tree, sear'hin$ #or u

%in$! u %in$ peered throu$h the lea-es o# the tree, lookin$ #or Chou on the $round!

Round and round Chou 'ir'led the willow tree until he spied u %in$!

):ek; :ek; :ek;) he shrieked as he oomed down upon the suirrel!

u %in$ trembled! Chou*s beak looked sharp enou$h to pier'e ri$ht throu$h him!

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)/# only / li-ed in a shell house,) he thou$ht )Then Chou 'ouldn*t hurt me!)

Chou stu'k out his #ier'e 'laws to seie u %in$, but u %in$ do-e toward the ri-er

 below the willow tree! And as he do-e, he tu'ked in his head and tail and le$s, turned$reen, and 'han$ed into a



u %in$ 'limbed up on a mossy ro'k in the middle o# the ri-er! 8e thou$ht he was

sa#e be'ause he looked as i# he were a part o# the ro'k! Chou 'ir'led round and

round, sear'hin$ and sear'hin$, until his sharp eyes spotted the turtle! Then he

swooped down, down, down toward him!

3ut 7ust as Chou rea'hed him, u %in$ plun$ed into the water! )<ollow me and

you*ll drown, he 'ried!

)5on*t worry,) 'ried Chou, plun$in$ ri$ht behind u %in$!

8is body $rew lon$er, 'o-ered with s'ales! 8e whipped the water with his lon$,

wi'ked tail! And he snapped his spike=toothed 7aws as he turned into a



u %in$ 'ir'led round and round as he plun$ed down, down, down to the bottom o#

the ri-er! Chou lashed his wi'ked tail as he plun$ed a#ter u %in$! >ust as they

rea'hed the bottom, Chou 'lamped u %in$ in his spike=toothed mouth!

)Now, /*-e $ot you;) he bellowed throu$h his 'len'hed teeth!

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).h, no, you ha-en*t,) 'ried u %in$, who $rew smaller and smaller and 'han$ed

himsel# #rom $reen to $old as he trans#ormed himsel# into a



ima$e 'redithttp22www!$i!esu10!k14!ne!us2&5"/25od$e!dra$onweb25od$e!pa$es2'hina6pro7e't6p$s2"rand#ather6Tan$s6story!


and he swam out o# Chou*s mouth between his spiked teeth!

Then he hid in a pat'h o# 'attails! Chou 'hurned the water with his lashin$ tail as he

'har$e into the pat'h a#ter u %in$! ith his head swin$in$ ba'k and #orth and his

eyes dartin$ here and there, he sear'hed #or u %in$! u %in$ knew that Chou

would not $i-e up until he #ound him!

)/ must #ly #rom here,) he thou$ht! And he started to honk as he trans#ormed himsel#

into a



)8onk; 8onk; 8onk;) 'alled u %in$! And he took to the air!

A 'horus o# honks swelled the air as the #lo'k o# $eese spread their win$s to #ollowhim! hile Chou wat'hed, the honkin$ $rew #ainter, the #lo'k $rew smaller, and he

#elt his an$er slowly drain away!

)hy, oh, why did we play that stupid $ame) he moaned! )/*ll ne-er see u %in$


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8e 'losed his eyes and sank toward the ri-er*s bottom! >ust as he tou'hed it, howe-er,

he had an idea! And up he popped a$ain, a $oose himsel#!

Chou 'har$ed a#ter him, but u %in$ spread his win$s and took to the air!

Chou wat'hed him #ly to a small island where a #lo'k o# $eese were #eedin$! 3y now

he was not only -ery an$ry, he was also -ery hun$ry! 8e de'ided that i# he 'ould not

'at'h u %in$, any $oose would make him a $ood dinner! 8e splashed throu$h the

water toward the island until he rea'hed it!

?oments later, Chou was #lyin$ a#ter u %in$ and the other $eese! 8e 'ould hardly

see or hear them at #irst! 3ut he did not let this dis'oura$e him! Callin$ upon e-ery

last bit o# his stren$th, he #or$ed ahead!

@a'h #lap o# his win$s brou$ht him 'loser! The wed$e o# $eese slowly $rew bi$$er!The honkin$ $rew louder! At last Chou #ound himsel# #lyin$ beside u %in$!

)/*m tired o# our silly $ame,) he 'ried! )Come ba'k with me to our willow tree!)

3e#ore u %in$ 'ould answer, somethin$ stun$ Chou*s ri$ht win$! 8e sank toward

the $round!

A hunter had shot him! u %in$ #lew down beside Chou, pla'e his le#t win$ under

Chou*s smashed ri$ht win$, and to$ether they #luttered down to the ed$e o# the


The hunter ran toward them!

)<ly away,) Chou ur$ed u %in$! )&a-e yoursel#! <ly; <ly;)

)/ wont* desert you,) 'ried u %in$! And with a mi$hty roar, he 'han$ed into a



ima$e 'redit http22imo4001!usa!unl!edu2pd#s2B=Tan$ram40%ion1!pd# 

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The hunter raised his bow! u %in$ spran$ toward him and kno'ked the bow #rom

his hand! The hunter #led, lea-in$ his bow behind!

u %in$ and Chou returned to their #o+ shapes! And u %in$ helped Chou to his

den, where he took 'are o# him until he was mended!

)5id they e-er play that $ame a$ain) asked %ittle &oo!

)?any times,) said her $rand#ather! )3ut they were -ery, -ery 'are#ul,)

)That was a $ood story,) said %ittle &oo! )%et*s do another!)

"rand#ather arran$ed his se-en tan$ram pie'es!

)/s this story $oin$ to be about a man) asked %ittle &oo!

)Yes, said her $rand#ather! )he*s old and he*s tired! 8e wants to sit under a tree and

rest awhile!)

)/s he a $rand#ather like you) asked %ittle &oo! )Yes,) said her $rand#ather 7ust like

me!) %ittle &oo arran$ed the se-en pie'es o# her tan$ram beside her $rand#ather*s!

)/s that a little $irl) he asked

)Yes, said %ittle &oo! )>ust like me! &he*ll sit and rest beside the man!)

)That will make him -ery happy,) said "rand#ather Tan$! )And now, %ittle &oo, whatwill we do)

)e*ll sit and rest to$ether until ?other 'alls us #or supper,) said %ittle &oo!

)That will make me -ery happy,) said her $rand#ather!

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Told in tangrams, the story of Grandfather Tang’s Story by AnnTompert, is about two fairy foxes.

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“Drawing on a Chinese form of storytelling with seven shapes cut from a square of 

 paper, Tompert recounts the tale of two fox fairies. Parker’s penan!watercolor art a!!s

!rama, while the tangram insets will motivate chil!ren to try their own versions." —The

Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books.

Fairy foxes are ancient animals indeed, just like all fairies. Fairy foxes can change

shape into anything. The two fairy foxes in our story constantly challenge each other 

into changing from one animal shape to another.

irst a rabbit and then a s!uirrel.

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After a "ouple of easy animal "hanges they "hanged into a hawk to fly high in the


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All was well as they "ontinued to "hange from animals from land, sea, and sky. #t

was at the goose where problems arose.

Come read this Tangram tale and find out how they work together to have a happy

ending. This story is good for any age. Even my ! yr old loved it and we all had an

a"solute "last playing our Tangram game. #ead "elow to find out how.

Something To $o%This story lends itself nicely to a moment of Tangram play. Tangrams is a very ancient

Chinese game using $ shapes.

! large right triangles.

medium right triangle.

! small right triangles.



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&&'e first read the story of Grandfather Tang’s Story and then the se"ond time

through we made the Tangrams as we read along.

(egend of the Tangram %'hat is the legend behind


 & legend says' (Thousands and thousands of years ago, *u)玉 龍*, the +reat ragon,

lived among humans, who venerated him "ecause he was -yang, g

ood, and was always ready to help them. /ne day, the God of 

Thunder , jealous of the offerings the men had "rought to 0u, in a "urst of anger,

crushed the sky with his hatchet. 1o, the sky fell on Earth in seven pieces "lack like

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coal. 2ight disappeared taking with it all existing things.

 &t first 0u felt sad for the world, and then felt nostalgic. 1o he decided to collect the

seven "lack pieces of the sky and, in memory of the former world, "egan to reassem"le

several kinds of shapes' animals, plants and human "eings that had disappeared. 3ut

after finishing each shape, its shadow left it and wandered the deserted world crying

a"out its misfortune.

These complaints reached the ears of the +od of Thunder who was touched and, to

remedy the harm he had caused, he pulled from each shadow the "ody of a living "eing

to repopulate the Earth. From that time on, our shadow faithfully follows every move we

make and with the seven pieces of the sky, called #i #iao $an )literally -seven "oards of 

cunning*, everything on Earth can still "e shaped4.

1ource' &lmanacco del 5atematico, 6 +. 1arcone, !77

The Tangram Game

8e went to the li"rary and checked out a Tanagram "ook. 5aking many of the animals

and figures, we photographed them, made a photo9collage,and printed them onto card

stock. Cutting them apart, we now have many Tangram cards.

5ake one set of Tangram shapes for each person.

5ix the cards up and turn them face down.

Each person on their turn draws a card and constructs the Tangram.

1ee how fast you can do play the game.