Grammar notes by hemant datar

English Grammar Notes By Prof. Hemant Datar Scanned and Compiled by Ankush Pathak For any answers in the book “Credits- Akash Rahane” Congratulation, the great work of Datar sir now in ebook form. This is an open source project Please distribute this knowledge

Transcript of Grammar notes by hemant datar

Page 1: Grammar notes by hemant datar

English Grammar Notes

By Prof. Hemant Datar

Scanned and Compiled by Ankush Pathak

For any answers in the book “Credits-

Akash Rahane”

Congratulation, the great work of Datar sir now in ebook form.

This is an open source project

Please distribute this knowledge

Page 2: Grammar notes by hemant datar
















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Page No. 2prof. Mhasawaoe's Shr[iash C[asseslOthEng.Medium



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Page 3: Grammar notes by hemant datar


tive adiectrr:" two types of articles, Definite & lndefiniteArticles'

lndefinite Articles :- a or an

n) hdeltEilg-&ileleioarl rr*rhbn there is no reference aboutthe person orthing' so it leaves

n a it is usually used when there ls no IEreri'rrve qvvv"'

the Person or Place indefinite' . .

ii) jiir'rrua before singular countable nouns'

iiil it suggests singular sense' rund) sound of the word before'

iv) The use ot ' J'n article is determined by (vowelsc

which it is Ptaced'

v)lfthewordbeginswithaconsonantsoundarticle.a,isusedandbeforeawordvt o"Enning witii vowel sound'an' is used'

iii) ln suPerlative degree'


ll:rflffiil:fiIffi?"'i,'[ilith a vowe'u, but the sound is or a consonanr

3) 3 EuroPean - same as above

5) II9 cow is a' useful animal - representing the whole class of animals'v'r f,r=

refers to anY beggar'6) One evening a beggar came - 1

7) The book y;u;;ia "* available - reference to the book is'already known'

For Practice

1) Sanskrit is """"""' diffrcult language'

2)The guide knows """"""'way'3) lndia is one of """"""' most populated country'

4) Do You see blue skY'

B) Detinite artipre : ,The, is used when we refer to a particular person or prae or when there is

reference to the pU;; ;;;t" ""tri"iitn" contexi makes it clear)

ii -

,t is used when a singular noun refers to class

',,, - ,. ,i;t;*:li[nnil"",]ifil#'"; books, narnes and thinss which are unique

5) lron is .......'.'..." usefulmetal'.

8l Peacock is """''"""' beautifulbird'

gilf you meethim, give him message'

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10th Eng. Medium prof. Mhasawade's Shrilrash Classes page No, 4

merely joins together sentehces and sometimes words.


A) Co'ordinating coniuction : When the conjuction joins together two statements of clausesof equal rank it is called as co-ordinating conjunction. So co-ordinating conjunction joins to-gether clauses of equal rank.

The co-ordinating conjunctions are ;

i) When one statement is merelv ioined to another, "and" is used.

ii) When opposition or contrast between two statement is expressed, conjunctions like' 'but', 'still'only are used.

iii) When a choice between two alternatives is expressed. 'or', 'nor', 'else' is used.

B) Sub'ordinatirig coniuction : A sub-ordinating conjunction joins a clause to another on which, it depends for its frll *=Ml9ltr!-ordinrting gonjr*tions are ;

l"After,beCause,if,@I before, unless, as, when, where, while.


Conjuctionsarefurtherclassifiedaccordingtotheirmeaning1) Referring to Time - before, till, since, after.2) Referring cause or reason - because, since, as.

3) Referring to purpose - so that, Iest.

A)Referring to result - so .......... that.5) Condition - if, unless.

6) Concession - though, although, yet.

7) Comparison - then.

1) I waited at the bust stop till myiriends came.2)Rahul and Suresh are good'friends.

3) lwanted to study but lwas too tired.4) I shallpunish you, if you continue bad practices.

5)We can travelby bus ortrain.6) I started early still I reached late.

7) He will come if you lnvite him.

merely joins together sentehces and sometimes words.


A) Co'ordinating coniuction : When the conjuction joins together two statements of clausesof equal rank it is called as co-ordinating conjunction. So co-ordinating conjunction joins to-gether clauses of equal rank.

The co-ordinating conjunctions are ;


i) When one staternent is merelv ioined to another, "and" is used.

"After, because, if, that, though, although, till,before, unless, as, when, where, while.

9) Man proposes buf God disposes.10) She worked day and night so that she can achieve the target.11) Time and tide wait for no man.12) My grandmother died before I was born.13) Thouqh he was bed-ridden, he did not lose the hope.

14)The earth is largerthan moon.

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10th Eng. Medium Prof. Mhasawade,s Shriyash Classes Page Nr

ii) it is used to qualify r\b to express a purpose.iii) to qualify an adjective


1) I have come to see you.

2) Everybodywishes to enjoy life.3) lt is difficutt to tead a happy life.4) He was quick to understand the point.5)This is not the time to play. ..

6) The programme was about to begin.7) He refused to obey the orders.8)To err is human.

9)The girlwere anxious to learn new skills.10) You must reach the place to attend the party,

Examples for Fractice :

1 ) Every cricket team has a captain. He directs the other prayers.2) I speak the truth. I am not afraid of it.3) The body reqqires nutrients for the maintenance of it.4) He works hard for earninq

" lir"tihooO.-

5) Music has effect. lt can so the us.6) tcan afford ......(buy) a richlarment.7) lt is ...:......... (believe) the origin of some customs.8) lndia played poorly. We were sure ,...... (lose) the match.

l)lnfinitive.lnfinitiveisthebaseformofavern.tti@n",, it is used as subject of the verb, objec t6t'tneverb.

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l0thEng.Medium prof. Mhasawade's shriyash classes page No. 6

E) Present Participte - present participle is a form of verb which endsmostly used to qualify a noun. ltgenerallydescribesthe noun. i. e. itorverbal adjective or adjective phrase.

1) We met a girlcarrvinq a basket of flowers.2)A rollinq stone gathers no moss.

3) Hearino the commotion, lcame out.

4) We use washins machine to wash clothes.

5) I saw a boy get down from a runninq bus.

@ Gerund - Gerund is a form of verb which ends in 'ing' but has the force of noun or a verb.Gerund may be used as

1) Subject of the verb - playing cards is not allowed here.2) object of a transitive verb - children like making mud casfles.3) Object of a preposition - I am tired of waiting.

- He was punished fortelling a lie.4) Complement of a verb - Seeing is believing.

- Smoking not allowed.

1) Modalauxiliaries are also called as helping verbs.2) Modal auxiliaries indicate mood.

3) They are always used with anotherverb and they change the meaning,4)Auxiliary verbs are classified into two groups :

i) Primary ii) Modat


in -'ing' form andis used as adjective

Forms of

To Be






Forrns of

To Do




Forms of

To Have














used to

dared to

need to

Page 7: Grammar notes by hemant datar

lO,h Er& M"dtr- rrof. Mhasawaoe's ShriyaSh CIaSSeS Pug" W -l;iln Modal Auxiliarv I lndication / Function I I

1 rl I Can / Could I can - indicates ability, capacity or possibility I I

I I I couto - indicates ability, permission I I

L', I will I *,*te certaintv, request, warning I I

I ,i I May I u."o to express possibility, permission, less certainty I I

I ol I Shoutd I To express desirability, advice orsuggestion I I

I u, I Woutd / Used to I ro "rpr"ss

habitual action in the pastwhich is preenfly I I

I I I discontinued,ProbabilitY I 1

lu)l oughtto I to"*pr"ssmoraldutyorresponsibitity I I

I n I Must I ro inoi.,te obligation or compulsion I I

l''"1 t :

t**of:yitl:;:fi:r:mera for a day - here it indicates possibirity.

, 2)You can go now - here it expresses permission'

I gi Dr.Sinna-mav be on tour - here it expresses possibility or uncertainty or less certainty'

I +l.May I have your attension please ? - here it indicates permission orrequest.

I S) We will need the money on 10th - indicator certainty'

I O) Wj.1!you help me in this serious matter- here itexpresses request-

I li Wif f ,ou leave me alone for godsalce ? - expresser threat orwaming

I Ai V* rf.rould follow the traffic rules - expresses desirabili$ or suggestion'

I ;1to, ,rrl i,nprove your presentation - it expresses necessity or obligation'

I f O) We ousht to help elderly people - here it indicates moral responsibility.

I f f l Wft* f *as a boy of six, I used to live in avillage-expresses habitual past.

I f 2) Prices ouqht lo come down - expresses probability'

I n preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show the relation be-

I t*""n ihe person orthing talked aboutwith another person orthing.

I Exampte:

| 1) There is a flower in the qarden - the preposition '!n' joins noun to another noun'

I Z) They are fond of coffee - here the preposition'o'[ joins noun to adjective.

I - 3) Rahulwaited at the bus-stop - here the preposition 'at' joins noun to verb..

Prepositions are classified into following classes.

A) Simple PrePositions :

ffi;foflropn,ln of, on, out, through, till, to, up, with

B) Compound prepositions :.Formed by prefixing a preposition to a noun / adjective adverb.

about, above, across, albng, around, before, behind,

below, besider between, inside, within, without

Indication / FunctionModal AuxiliarY








Can l Could

will I

IMAY IShould I

Would / Used to



Can - indicates ability, capacity or possibility

Could - indicates ability, permission

' To indicate certainty, request, warning

Used to express possibility, permission' less certainty

To express desirability, advice orsuggestion

To express habitual action in the pastwhich is preently

discontinued, ProbabilitY

To express moral duty or responsibility

To indicate obligation or compulsion

cl nnras" er"positions : Group of words used with a force of a single preposition.

Page 8: Grammar notes by hemant datar

10th Eng. Medium prof. Mhasawade,s Shriyash CIasseS Page No. 8

Relations Expressed by Prepositions


1) Place


3) Manner

4) Cause, reason

5) Measure, rate, value


7)Agency, instrument

Prepositional Phrases

1) according to,

4) agreeable to

7) in comparison to

10) by means of

13) with a view of

16) for the sake of1 9) in consgquence of22) along with

25) in the event of

28) in hbsence of

1)famous for

4)divided into

7) beneficialto

10) entitled to

13) desire for:

16) acquaintance with

19)want of22)attention to

25) opposition to

28) applicable to

31) loyal to

34) prior to

37) inversed in

40) infected with

Preposition which indicate

about, across, among, at, besides, in, into, under, through

after, before, at, by, during, until, since, till

by, with

for, from, with, of purpose

at, of, by

for, with, after

at, by, through, with

2) in accordancewith

5) in reference to

8) on behalf of

11) in compliance with

1 ) by virtue of

17) with reference to

20) in case of

23) beca-use of

26)from the bottom of29) in lieu of

2) fond of 3) teeming with5) endowed with 6) appropriate to8) worthy to / of g) accountable to11) indifferent to 12) ambition for14) guarantee for 15) opportunity for17) doubt of 18) faiture of20) access to 21) attachment to23) encouragement to- 24) objection to

3) in place of

6) along with

9) in spite of

12)owing to

1 5) on account of

1B) in order tp

21)in the course of

24)infront of

27) accompanywith

Words Followed by PrepositionsCertain Nouns, Adjectives and participles are always followed by particular preposition

26) escape from


32) prone to

35) suitabled in

38) busywith

27) acceptable to

30) devoted to

33)restriCted to. 36)involved in

39) endowed with

Page 9: Grammar notes by hemant datar

ailached to a statement or assertive sentences.furcefulorassert more meaning. Generally it is used

reptthe sentence.

ffiEgSenbncesssrtence is afiirmative or negative.

seffienes have negative question tags and a[ negative sentences have"..*. tag.

ffil .Hntags are attached by using helping verbs. So find out, (Urere any helping verb in' In{iren sentence. The helping verbs are :

- am, is are, was, were do, does, did, have, has, had, @n, couH, will, would, shall,should, may, might

4) lf ttrere is helping verb in the given sentence the same trelpng verb is used to add a ques-tion tag, depending on affirmative/ negativestatement

5) tf these is no helping verb :

a) For present Tense sentence take the help of helping verb 'do' or 'does' for question tag.b) For past tense sentences, use 'did' for questioi t g.

6) Exception :

a) All the helping.verbs have negative form, formed by adding 'not i.e. can - can,t, was -wasn't but am - has no negative form. So in affirmafue sentences, if there is helping verb'am' it is changed to'aren't'and not as,amn'tt.


7) For lmperative Sentences (orders)

i)Affirmative orders have 'will you,as a question tag.

ii) For imperatives beginning with Let's - the question tag is atways.'shaltwe,.8) The subject word of a sentence is put after the hetping verb. Do not forget to put a question



1) Stay there, will you ?

2) Theywalked allthe way home, didn,t they ?

3) Let's help them, shallwe ?

4)The children weren't happy, were they ?

5) lam hungry, aren't l?6) He is an intelligent student, isn,t he ?

7) She doesn't look tired, does she ?

8) Mrs. Pradhan enjoys music, doesn't she ?

9)You never miss your mark, do you ?

10) Shobha won the hearts of spectators, didn,t she ?

CXasses Page No. 9

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l0thEng.Medium prof. Mhasawade,s ShrigaSh CtraSSeS Page No. 10

Examples for Practice :

1) She never neglected the poor.. "U

oL fh"22) I am not impressed, AM J (3) He performs his duties ditigenily_ ls"1nf k74) The Prince was an unhappy man.. / u)e) n,f h, i25) Wewilltake regular.exercise. woril w cl (

6) Pay the money., c, i U( p1o u?7) Let's go for a tr:ip. , &^ o.U t_ p /8)Machine helps us in roo"rn ti#.,' d* nt f,b*( /9)Turn the faucet. . uj,U V q"'L t .1

10) Mothercouldn't believe it. . LoLJd k\vl

Staternents or assertives are transformed into interrogatives without changing the mean-ing of the given sentence. While transforming to interrogativ6, use following.t"p..1) see i,vhether the given sentence is affirmative or negative.2)All affirmative sentences have negative interrogation (i.e question) and negative sentenceshave affirmative interrogation.

3) Questions are formed using the given helping verb in the sentence.4) lf there is no helping verb, then 'do, does or did' is used depending on the tense of a sentenceand subject of it.


1) There was no need for such a rash action

, Was there a need for such a rash action ?2) People have learnt to wear faces.

Haven't the people learnt to wear faces ?3)Art is equalty important.

Isn't art equally important ?4) We discussed the preparations for the party.

Didn't we discuss the preparations for the party ?5) He was always indifferent to his subjects.

Wasn't he indifferentto his subjects ?

While transforming Assertive sentences to Exclamatorywe need to lookfortwo points.i) if there is noun after the adjectiveii) if there is only adjective without a noun.

1) When there is a noun after the adjective such sentences are changed to exclamatory by using'whaJ'in the beginning. Also one can easilytransformAssertive tJfxctamatow, ov looking forwords like'very' or'a very, in a given sentence.

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l0thEng.Medium prof. Mhasawaoe,s ShriyaSh CIaSSeS Page No. 12

The above examples make it clear that all affirmative question have negative assertives

11d all negative questions have affirmative assertions. This is required to klep the meaning


1) Was he not a viltain to do such deed ?

2) How can you be so rude to me ?3) ls that the way one should earn money ?4)Are we here to simply waste time ?5) Why don't you understand my feetings t

1) While transforming such sentences, care needs td be taken that the transformation is donewithout changing the meaning of a given sentence.

2) There are no fixed rules fortransformation.

3)Generally "Antonyms"are used to transform.The differentways of transformation are ;

A) By using negative word and opposite word.

B) By using fail to i failed to / fails to in place of donlt / didn't / doesn't respectively.C) By'using' 'unable to' inplace of ,can

not, or ,could not,.

D) By using 'nothing but' or except in place of ,only,.

E) By using words like hardly, none but, no other, nobody.Following Table will give you an idea of different pairs of Affirmative i Negative


Negative Affirmative

1) no

2) nobody

3) never

4) can not

5) colld not

6) do not / does not

7) didnot

8) nothing but, no one, except9) no more

10)didn't speak1'l) not ordinary,

12) not sure13)never, notforget14) do not includelinvolve

15) not easy

16) firsttime17) not careful18) not allow

hardly any i without / less / litflehardly anybody / everybodyalways, everam / is I are + unable towas /were +.unable tofail to / fails tofailed toonly


kept mun, was silentextraordinary experiencedunsure, doubtful

always remember

exclude, omitdifficult

never before


ban, disallow

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ffi;shrilrastt ct"ttgt Page No. 14


The above exampt" shows that obiect of a sentence is used in passive voice as subiect'

Dr. Desaitreats allthe Patients



-bv Dr. Desai_L--AlL"rd"$:

obiect j


form of to be

ExamPles1) PeoPle PaY differenttaxes'

zi She enioYs swimming'

3) llearn German language'

. ilirre priest performs allth.e situals'- 5i My father helps the poor the needy'

B) SimPle PastTense


a greatvictoryoblect

lndia lost match

Hedrew sketches.


.1) Hewrote a courteous letter'

' 2) Mothergave me mY Pocketmoney'

' 3) He received the Parcel'

4) Teacher taught grammar'

5) She made a remarkable Progress'

So the structure used for Passive Voice,is ;

Object + form of + Verb in + by + Subiect

Tobe Past

am ParticiPle


ffi; Verb in + bY + subiect

To be Past

was /were ParticiPle

From of To be

_grsAn imPortant match



-:--From of To be





by himManY sketches



From of To be

Page 15: Grammar notes by hemant datar

I0th Eng. Medium

2) Continuous Tense.Structure


* Theysub

* Thevictoryobject

1) Governmqnt is undertaking a gaintproject.2) police


?1 uv r,i"n o-[ fi["j'::J::fl

*4) lVtr. Benjamin *r. .onOr.ting

""u"r.f.5) Managerwas scolding tfre ct"erf.

3) PerfectTense.


t Thenecessarypapersobject

being celebrated bythem.VPP

the necessary papers.object

have beenro* oit'oirr" t'[?To bvus


have coilectedverb

Form sgls gs-;J;;il verbinp""GPadicipte


isFrom be

1) She has seen the film.The film has been seen by her.2) He has conducted the e-i-p-eril"ntr.The gxoariinanra

^^.'.^ , "

4) Hetping verb is ffif"t- have been conducted bv him.

fi :ffi:'ffi Tilff, HT lHffi :"ff ,#,1.#,:f . *," voice rh e y a re



Page No. tS

have + been


has Verbinpast . ry}ffihad


+, Verlinpast + 6

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Comparative formComparative

Superlative fornnSuperlative





happiermore intelligentmore beautiful

bestlargesthappiestmost intelligentmost beautiful

Page 18: Grammar notes by hemant datar

Prof. Mhasawade,s Str.iyrit G

[_-y-'-' YvvrsED wrrr ,rerp us tn using the same sentence in different. This ;#;;"lrr"r-

types of sentences

:'ffiT[:"tJf,?f:illil?:::,Ifi::,,,ll,iv;deoree in the + est/mostrorm.i e one object

:]$i""Jl l$iffiH:T",fi'""fi?*:r;',,,,,e desree in one o*he + est / most rorm . i e one

3:ffi?H:Tr"" (person r pr"."inins) are compared with each other.

Wordsworth was the greatest poef.ErarnpleType B ,\

Footballis otErampre Type c

ne of the most popular games in Europe.


,*,rhrrglof degree ata gtance.

hsiliveComparative -

Erampbs Type B

FositiveGomparativd -Eramples Type Chsitive&mparative -

Rahul Bajaj is the most successfut man.No other man is as successful as Rahul Bajaj.Rahul Bajaj is more successfulthan any other man.

Computer is one of the gr:eatest inventions.Very few inventions ,r. .o nr"rir. ."rputer.Computer is greaterthan most o,i"r ru"ntions.

lilver is not as expensive as Gold.Gold is more expensive than Sitver

_ pune is cooler than Mumbai.

trterchange of degree of comparison.TypeA-The+est/mostTYPe B - One of the + est/ mostTypeC-Twoobjects

S-fudy the above tabte carefullyExamplesType A

the + ss1/ most

one ofthe + est /most

veryfew......are/ as,

' er/_more + thanmost-other......

er/ more + than

Page 19: Grammar notes by hemant datar

l0thEng.Medium prof. Mhasawade's Shriyash Classes Page No. 19

Examples for Practice :

1) The actual words spoken by the speaker are written in double inver

2) When the same words are reported by someone, then it is indirect spr

3) When the words are reported certain changes take place. There are

differenttype of sentences. Generally the sentences that are changed

speech are:A)Statements(Assertives)B)Questions(lnC)Commands&Request(orders)D)Exclamation

4) We will study each type separately.

5) The changes that take place commonly are :

i) lnverted commas are removed'

ii) Pronouns are changed as per person.

This is

nges for

iii) Question mark & exclamation mark are removed

iv) Following words change as given below.

Direct lndirect











the previous day


the nextday





that night


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lfthEng.Medium prof; Mhasawade,s ShriyaSh CIaSSeS page No. 20

A) Changes in Sfatemenfs'1) when the iReporting Verb' is say / says it remains without change,2) When the reporting verb is'said to' orthere is reference to two persons then the reporting

verb.changes to "told".

3) Conjunction 'that' is used before the indirect statemerit.4) Personal pronouns

"hrng" as perperson and gender.

5) Verb in the sentences is changed to past tense.6) ln case the given sentence is in past tense, it is changed to past perfect tense. (had +

verb in past participle)

Examples with Exptanation

t) Rakesh said,'ldon't understand this."

t Rakesh said that he didn't understand that.

2l Teachersays, "The earth goes round the sun.,,

* Teacher says that the earth goes round the sun.3) Mother said to Mohan, "l have told you to cornplete your homework today."{' Mother told Mohan that she had told him tb complete his homework that day.4\ He said, .l did it."

* He said that he had done it.

5) Father said, "l shall sign the report cafd tomorrow, shraddha.".!. Father told shraddha that he would sign the report card the next day.

B) Changes in Questions1) Before we discuss the changes, we should note that there are two types of questions

namely; i) wh euestions ii) verbar euestions (yes / no)2) Verbalquestions begin with helping verbs.

3) Wh questions begin with 'Wh'words like what, when, where, why including how.Ghanges in 'Wh Quesfions,

1) Reporting verb said / said to is changed to asked.2) 'Wh'question is used without change.

3) The question in the direct speech is changed into statement in indirect speech,4) So, in indirect speech the subject is written first, followed by verb, to make it statemenl.5) Personal pronouns change as per.person and gender,6) Verb is changed to past tense.

Examples with Explanation1) He said to her, "What do you want ?,,

* He asked her what she wanted

2) "Where do you live ?", said the stranger.

* The stranger asked / enquired where I lived.3) Manager said to us, "Where are you going ?,,

{. Manager asked where we were going.

lfthEng.Medium prof; Mhasawade,s ShriyaSh CIaSSeS page No. 20

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10th Eng. Medium prof. Mhasawade's Shriyash Ctasses Page.No. 22D) Changes ,n Exclamatory Senfences

1) Reporting verb said is changed to,,exclaimed,,.

?l Exclamatory sentence'in direct speech is changed into assertive sentence.3) so, conjunction that is used before the indirect sentence4) certain words.are used to bring out the emotions / feelings of the exclamation like.angrily, joyfully, sadly, shouted, lovinglywith fear.

5) Personal pronouns and verbs change as necessary.There are certain expressions exclamations which need to be studied separately.

Direct Speech

1) Bravo I

2) "Ha, Ha', he cried

3) your majestyExamptes f6r practice

1) He said, "My God ! lam ruined,,.2) "Tell me what is this book about", chetan said to Kapir.3) "l can't do so", Rajesh said.4l He said, "When do you wish to visit ?,,

5) "How facinating the land iJ !,, Joseph said.

Conditional sentences has two parts main clause and conditional clause.

I[:[i'iH'g:t" has alwavs simple future tense and the conditionatctause has simpre


A ' lf you mix the sorution properry, you wi, qet good resurts.4, sentence having if crause can be written using ,,Unress,,.

5) Remember "Unless" is used with negative sense so certain changes need to be donewhile using unless.'study the forowing exampres for better crarity on the topic.1) lf you work hard, you willsucced.

* Unless you work hard you won,t succed.2l lf the patient is not operated immediatery, he wiil die.* Unress the patient is operated immeoiatery, r.," *irroi".3) To keep it safe with you, you wiil have to rook after it. (if)+ lf you want to keep if safe with you, you wiil have to rook after it.4l To dismiss this aspect as hero-worship is Churlish.t lf will be churrish if you dismiss this aspect as hero-worship.

lndirect Speech

applauded saying

he laughed aloud

addressing the king respectfully



sentences which begin with if or unless are conditional sentences.

Page 23: Grammar notes by hemant datar




;annot control Pollution'6) Unlessthere are good roads' we c-"-'

* lf there are no good roads' we cannot csntrol pollution'

1)Sentenceshavingt*offidinatorsarecalledcompoundsentence.2) ln certain sentences special tvpe of construction is used ::i::: ::::::::,::i:lo.'fllil;:lffilil"r* ,.;IiJn-J",r.,"uins two different subjects or having same subject but different

"' 'r"iut 5i";oin"o by 'not only " " " but also"

4) For joining with'not only but also'take words common to both the sentences first'

5) Then two aciion verbs or complements are ioined by placing not only and but also before


ExamPles:1) He stole a gold necklace' He managed to run away' '

{. He not onlistole a gold necklace but also managed to run away'

2l Kerala produces rubber' Tamil Nadu produces rubber'

; Not only Kerala but alsoTamil Nadu produces rubber'

, 3) , she *' *urded by the police. she.wal t:*,i*:.Ytheschool''t ur rv vrsv

police bul also bythe school'* She was rewarded not onlY bY the

4) Our scientist took ttiis as a challange' They found a solution'

* our scientists not onlytook this as a challenge lut also folnd t

lo'"*_1 -when two different subiects arethere as in sentence'2'above the sentence begins

with not only' )ther communities celebrate Diwalifestivat.

5) Hindus celebrate Diwalifestival' r.\irrrari fi:crirrat

I li"*;;** or, rr.o ot "r

rg*Tunitiu. r.bbrate Diwarifestivar.

1) Punctuation makes the writing clear and effective'

2) The reration of your thoughts to one another can be crearry shown by use of some punctuation


3)'Following punctuation marks are used commonly'

A) The Fuil stop -This is used atthe end of statements and orders. Arso it is used after initials

and abbreviations'

e.g. 1) He is bored todaY'

2) Please come ln'

3) R.R. Patil/ S'P' Balsubramaniam'

4) U.S.A. /w'H.O'

B)TheQuesticinMark?Thisisusedattheendof(uestions,wordsindicatingq'i]].11],^^c) The ExclamatiOn Point (Mark) !-This is used after aword' phrase orsentence expresslng

a strong feeling.


Page 24: Grammar notes by hemant datar


l ..g. Jrr :, narran .

I ^. _ How beautifut the ftower is ! e

I O)fne Comma - This is used

I t^"^:?p?irr" iong co-ordinating clause of a compoundI Senlence.

| - between words, phrases, clauses in a series.

| - to set off phrases, clauses, words that introduce aI sentence.

I e; tnrerted Commas [,, ,,] - They are used

| - to separate direct speech from the rest of the sentence.

I - to mark out tiiles of stories, poems.

| - to enclose quoted words within a sentence.

I Dfne Apostrophe - [ ,] This is used

| ' -to form the possessives of a noun. e.g. boy,s parents, ^. ^

- to-s-how omission of letters e.g. didn,t [did not]G) Capitat l-etters - These are used to begin-


vvytt I

- proper nouns _ Nair, Haris etc.- the pronoun ,,l,,and

interjection ,,O,, .

- the tiiles

- specific names., awards, days of the week, first letter ofthe word in a direct quotation

1)As soon as or No sooner.... than rr**ililcrauses.2) There are two action words in a sentence ,no ir',"v rn. either dependant or related to eachothgr.

!y I ,v, q. v srrl rst urrpcl luafll o

3)As soon as is a conjunction pharse and No sooner.... than is also a conjuction pharse.4) There is no change in the meaning but the construction for No sooner changes.Study the following examples :

1)As Soon as the sun sets, birds return to their nests.No sooner does the sun set than the birds return to their nests.2) As Soon as reach the ground, we see many activities.No sooner do we reach the ground than we see many acticities.3)As Soon as the batsman was given out people stood up.NoSoonerwas the batsman given outthan people rtooO up.4)As Soon as he reached home, he was called again.No Sooner did he reachhome than he was called again.

Page 25: Grammar notes by hemant datar

10th Eng. Medium prof. Mhasawade's Shrbrash CIassE Page No. 25

1) sentence is a group of words which makes "oroilir".2) ln the anarysis of a sentence it is divided into two parts ii.e. Subject and predicate

" :j,?:* are the word / words which denote the person or thingabout which something is

b) Subject may be one word or severalwords.c) subject is arways a noun or a group of words that does the work of a noun.d) tn a sentence

lr'1lg a sroup or words r, ;;o*, il;, #;:;" word which ismore important that is cailed as ,subject word,. rvrv re qrvvcrys ulle

e)'subject word is qualified by adjective or adjective equivatent which is,Enlargement /Attribute, Yurydreilr wnrcn ts

Studythe following examples ;

1) Rahan's father is a specialist

Attribute Subjectword

2) The students of Shriyash ctass are realy brilliantJJSubject word Attribute

a) Predicate consists of one word or several words, but the essential word is ,verb, i.e. sayingword.

'ffi:ff",e1ff1i::,,:;."0j""''" equivarent quarinTing predcate that is cailed Extension /

Adiective phrase :

Adjective phrase is a group of words that does the work of an adjective i.e. the worddescribes a person /placeithing' -


1) She wore a silk dress. ''! \' 't:";

.:. She wore a dress made of silk.2) I like a smiling face.

* I like a face with a simle on it.

* Rogerwas a boywithoutfear.

Page 26: Grammar notes by hemant datar

l0thEng.Medium prot. Mr,r.r*"0"'q Shriyasht Classes page No. 26

Adverb Phrase:

Adverb phrase is a group of words modifying 'verb'is called asAdverb phrase.


1) He answered rudely.

* He answered in a rude manner.

2) She does herwork carelessly.

* She does herwork without care.

n) Simple Sentenq:A sentgltce which hg only one subject and only one predicate is simple sentence.

1) The te6cher / punis/red the class for disobedience

2) t$tit"o l'-11g tiox I with sreat effort, W3) Havini tiniin'eO his exercise / he put away his note book.

Combining into a Simple Sentence

1) This can be done by letting only one of the sentence rernain as a complete sentence with itsown subject and predicate.

2) All the other sentence must be converted into phrases.

3) These ph'rases willthen be attached to the main sentence.

4) The final sentence formed is called a Simple Sentence.

Ways to Convert

A) Converting a sentence into phrase with a present participle.(verb + .ing,form)

e.g. He ran fast. He felldown.

B) Converting thesentenqe dr reducing it to an infinitive (to + main verb form)e.g. He must work hard and wake up for the lost time.

He mustwork hard to make up forthe losttime.

c) converting a sentence into a phrase with a past participle.e'g. The books are sold in that shop. The books are second - hand.

The books sold in that shop are second hand.

D) Converting a sentence into a prepositional phrase but with a participle. I preposition+ verb + ing form : after / while / before I on lby + ingle.g.

1) Shefinishedherwork.Shewentout.

* Afterfinishing herworksheweptout.

2) They heard of the victory. They cheered up.

* On hearing of thevictorytheycheered.

3) He worked hard. He secured first class.

+ He secured first class byworking hard.

Page 27: Grammar notes by hemant datar

lfthEng.Medium prof. Mhasawaoe's Shriyash Classes Page No. 27

E)Converting asentencetoa prepositional phrase Ipreposition + Noun] ,. ' l

e.g. Wesawthetiger. ltwason thetree.

We saw the tiger on the tree.

Bl Compound sentence-: ,

A sentence which has two or more principal or main clauses.


1l He tried hard but he failed to achieve

2lThe ship sank yet the crews were saved.

3lTheywere poor and often they suffered great hardship.

Combining into a Simpte Sentence

1) This can be done by letting two or more sentence remain as a complete sentence with theown subject and predicate.

2) lf there are more than two sentences, you may convert one of the sentences into a phrase.

3) The two complete sentences are joined by a'Co - ordinator'

The co - ordinators'used are ' and, but, yet orfor'

Not only .... but also / as well as / either..... or/ Neither... nor/ othenruise / are the otht

special type of constructions.Examples

1) Not only did his fathergive hm money but his mothertoo.

2) He is rich yet he is not contended.

3) The piper advanced and the children followed.

4) Eitheryou must help me or I mustfind a way out myself.

5) Everybody else went to see him but I did not

6) He neither returned the goods nor paid the bill.

7) He must have helped his friend for he is social by nature.

Cl Complex Sentence :-a-

A sentence which consist.of one main clause and one or.more subordinate clauses,I:


1) !!is terrible that people should die of starvation.

2) We did not go as the weather was too stromy.

3) Wherever you go I shall follow you.

4) He can afford to be generous beeause he is rich.

5) We went for a walk on arrival of my friend.

6) His father stilltrusted him, though he had deceived him.

Gombining into a Simple Sentence.

This can be done by treating one of the sentences as a subordinating clause and joining ittolother sentences with a help of subordinator.

Page 28: Grammar notes by hemant datar

l0thEng.Medium prof. Mhasawade's ShfiyaSh CIaSSeS Page No. 30

Example:1) This happened when I was a child of eiqht.

. AnalysisThis happened - Main clause

when I was a child of eight - Subordinate adverb clause of time modifying the verb

happened in the main clause

2) You can invest the money wherever you want

3) He bhaved in such a mannerthat his reputation suffered.

, =::: - .'

0thEng.Medium Prof. Mhasawade's Shriyash Classes Page No' I

ixample:l) Thi; happened when I was a child of eiqht.

AnalysisIhis happened - Main clause

when I was a child of eight - Subordinate adverb clause of time modifying the

happened in the main clause

2) You can invest the money wherever you want

3) He bhaved in such a mannerthat his reputation suffered.

4) lwill not send the report, unless you payfor it'

5) Everything happened exactly the way we wa nted it'



l L-bl" x unable l l 31 benefit x loss

l, above x below ll32 better x worse

lg absence x presence I I 33 bitter 'x sweet

l+ abundant x 'scarce I I y' blend x separat

lu accept' x reject ll35 bold x timid'\l

lu acceptance x rejection I 136 boon x curse

lt add x subtract I I 37 borrow x lend

I t adequate x inadequate, I I 38 bottom x surface

It advantage x hisadvantagel l* bright x dull

I rO after x before I I 40 broad x narrow

I 11 against x for I I 41 busY x idle:

I I ,, agree x disagree I I 42 capable x incapal

ll 13 always x never I I 4s capture x releast

ll ,* ancient x modern I I 44 careful x careler

ll ;; il;; x question I I 45 certain uncert

I I ro appear x disappear I I 46 cheap x dear' c

I I ,, approach x retreat I I 47 civilized x uncivil

ll ,t appropriate x inappropriate | | ou clean x dirty

ll 19 arrivat x ' departure I I 49 clear x - unclet

ll , ask x replv lluo clever x stuPid

ll ,', attachment x detachment I I 51 close x open

ll12 attract x repet ll sz comfort x discot

ll ,. avairable x unavaitabb I I ua common x uncol

ll , ayvare x unaware I I s4 compare x contri

ll * backward x fonruard lls5 comptement x slur

ll * bare x covered t I 56 conceal x show

ll , barren x fertite I I s7 confident x nervc

I Lr beautifut x ugty t I s8 connect x discc

ll " besin x end llse connect x discc

I I so behave x misbehave I I 60 conscious x unco








19 arrival

20 ask

21 attachment

2. attract

2g available

24 avvare

25 backward

26 bare

27 barren

28 beautiful

29 begin

30 behave



x presence Ix scarce Ix reject t

x rejection I

x subtract i

X inadequate,

x bisadvantage

x before

x for

3 absence

4 abundant'I

5 accept

6 accePtance

7 add

8 adequate

9 advantage

10 after

11 against

12 agree

13 always

14 ancient

15 answer

16 appear

17 apProach

18 appropriate

x disagree

x never

x modern

x question

x disappear

x retreat

x inaPProPriate

x ' deParture

x reply

x detachment

x rePel

x unavailable

x unaware

x foruard

x covered

x fertile

x ugly

x end

. x misbehave

31 benefit

32 better

33 bitter

u' blend

3s bold

36 boon

37 borrow

38 bottom

39 bright

40 broad

41 'busY

42 capable "

43 caPture

44 careful

45 certain

46 eheap

47 civilized

48 clean

49 clear

50 clever

51 close

52 comfort

53 common

54 compare

55 complement

56 conceal

57 confident

58 connect

59 connect

60 conscious



x sweet

x seParate

x timid,\hyx curse

x lend

x surface

x dull

x : narrow

x idle i

x incaPable

x release

x careless

x uncertain

x dear, costly

x uncivilized

x dirtY

x - unclear

x stupid

x open

x discomfort

x uncommon

x contrast

x slur

x show

x nervous

x disconnect

x disconneet

x uneonscious



Page 29: Grammar notes by hemant datar


65 criticise

66 crowded

67 cruel

68 curse

69 damp

70 dark

71 dawn

72 dead

73 death

74 decrease

75 deep

76 defence


78 deny

79 descend

80 despair

81 difficult

82 digestion

83 direct

84 discourage

85 dissimilar -

86 dream

87 efficient

88 elaborate

89 enoourage

91 evil

92 fair

93 familiar

94 famous

95 fast

96 fiction

97 first

98 former

99 forward

100 found

101 freedom

102 fr.esh





























































short, simple















lOG grc*r107 harnfrd

108 'harmony

109 healthy

110 heavy

111 hospitable

112 host

113 humility

114 hygienic

115 identified .

116 increase

11V indoor

118. internal

119 interrupted

120 joy

121 junior

122. just

123 kindness

124 knowledge

125 least

126 less

127 liberty

1?8 liberty

129 life

130 like

131 loss

132 washed

133 willing

134 loud

135 major

136 multiply

137 near

138 necessary

139 ordinary

140 organized

141 perfeci

142 permanent

143 pleasure

144 popular

x srnaller

x ' harmless

x disharmony

x unhealthy

i x inhospitable



x pride

x unhygienic

x unidentified

x. decrease

x outdoor

i external

x uninterrupted

x soriow

x senior

x unjust

x cruelty

x ignorance

x most

x more

x bondage

x bondage

x death

x unlike

x gain

x unwashed

x unwilling

x soft

x rhinor

x divide

x far

x unnecessary

x extraordinary

x disorganized

x imperfect

"r x temporary

x displeasure

x unpopular

Page 30: Grammar notes by hemant datar

_ l0th Eng. Medium prof. Mhasa*ro"

Example,1)This happened when lwas a child of eiqht.AnalysisThis happened - Main clause

13.o.r"rili;,r:HirT::JJ eight - subordinate adverb ctause or time nnodiryins the verb

il I:l can invest the money wherever you want3) He bhaved in such a mannert,.,rr r,i,,"pril;, suffered.4) I will not send the reoorr ,,",^". ,),,-^::I:,':"" surrereo'

{ 5:,;vtr;;ffi ;il:L*#lil; n:;i,IJtrjlted t6) He spoke in such a low roi"" *,rt-ni'on" .oriJr,"", ni*.

Oppositest able

2 above3 absence

4 abundant


X ., unable

x below

x presence

x scarce

reject6 acceptance7 add

8 adequateg iradvantage

10. after

11 against

12 agree

13 always

14 ancient15 answer16 appear

17 approach

18 appropriate

19 arival20 ask

21 attachment

22 attract

23 available

24 aware

25 backward

26. bare

27 barren

28 beautiful

29 begin

30 behave

x rejection

x subtractx

inadgguate,x disadvantage

x before

X forx disagreex never

. x rnodern

x question

x disappear

x retreat

x inappropriate

x departure

, reply

x detachment

x repel

x unavailable

x unaware

x fonrardx covered

x feffle, ugly

x end

x misbehave

31 benefit

32 better

33 bitter

U btend

35 bold

36 boon

37 borrow

38 bottom

3e bright

40 broad

41 busy

42 capable

43 capture

44 careful

45 certain

46 cheap

47 civitized

48 clean

49 clear50 clever

51 close

52 comfort53 common

x loss

x worsex sweeix separate

x timid, shyx






54 compare

55 complement

56 conceal

57 confident

58 connect

59 connect

60 conscious

x dull

x narrow

x idtel ,

x incapable

x release

x carelessx uncertain

x dear, cosflyx uncivilized

x dirty

x unclear

x stupid

x open

x discomfor{

x uncommon

x contrast

X slurx showx nervous

x disconnect

x disconnect

x unoonscious

Page 31: Grammar notes by hemant datar
Page 32: Grammar notes by hemant datar

145 possible

146 powerful

147 preserved

148 problem

149 proper

150 protect

151. punishment

152 push

153 quickty

154 rapidly

155 regular

156 related

157 resident

158 responsible

159 right

160 rise

161 safe162 sensitive

163 severat

164 sharp

165 soft

166 strong

167 success:168 sudden

169 sweet

17A tame171 truth

172 under

173 unity

174 unsuccessful175 unwelcome

176 usefill177 victory

178 voluntary

179' winner '

180 won





















































hard, loud
















10th Eng. Me.dium Prof. Mhasawade,s Shriyash Classes Page No. 32

Frame ,Wh, euestion* Frame a Wh question to get the underlinedpart as answer

* While framing question take care that theunderlined part is not repated.

* Don't forget to put question mark.

{. Structure for framing Wh question is asunder.

Structure - Wh word + helping verb + sub. + psinverb + remaining paft + ?

Rute No.1 - lf the underlined part suggests time use,when,

Example - Father arrived at 1- p.m.When did father arrive ?

Rule No.2 - lf the underlined part suggests placeuse,where,

Example - Vivek lives in pune.

Where does Vivek live ?Rule No.3 - lf the underlined part suggests thing /

name / profession use ,what,

Example - They heard a lould crv. (narne)What did they hear ?My father is a teacher. (profession


What is your father ?Rule No.4 - lf the underlined part suggests reason /

purpose use "vuhy,Exampte - Dhira worked hard to earn a living.

Why did Dhira *ork h.Ff--Rule No.5 - lf the underlined part suggests person /

place / thing use ,who,

Example - The prince scolded the p6ople.Who scolded the people ?

Rule No.6 - lf the underlined part suggests indirectobject use,whom,

Example - Mother sent Jvoti to bring medicines.Whom did mothersend to bririg medicines?

Rule No.7 - lf the underlined part suggests ,doer ofthe action,use ,whose, --

Example - My sister is a doctor.Whose sister is a doctor ?

Page 33: Grammar notes by hemant datar







l0thEne.Medium Prof. Mhasawade's ShfiyaSh CIaSSeS Page No. 33

ExamPles for PracticeUse of Articles

1) He discussed the problem witn .J&".9.'... teacher'

2) Mr. Thomas is .....3....... 7*.. rose is +Eg most lovelyflower.

4) ...f,1... hour agotl*.. weather was flve.

5i ...F.t{.. horse iq ...*...... useful animal.

* 6) ldo not like ..11f,... sugar in tea. r -c .

7) Mohan is .....*fl.... active member-of .|fu...,.. chariialle society.

gi itis ...,*...... unir"ttrrituth that .*ff*':. sun rises in .*':r::*" rast'

;;;;;;;; .:::.*.'.,.. B.A. only.,Qnly....*{.r...... M.A;can applyforpostof ..t6s.:.,.lecturer'

1 o) i. i*.. French defeated ...ti#'.'.' Germans'

1 1 ) I first met him . ..,.r*.. .. " yeat ago.t ,, ^

12) I shallstay at .:-##'..... hotel in .'{r*.' Delhi.

13) Sanskrit is ....(1,.... difficutt language but French is, ..?* easy language'

t+jWnat ....ft... poorfellow. He lost .fifrr eye and ....*..... arm in ., road accident'

t S) ..=.'.1d.. Ceylon is .'*fl'.." islqnd.

16)This is .jt'e.... answerto ..#-...,...Problem' We have been discussing'

t Z; Striva;i was ...'r-,'*+.... founder ofr#*'... Maratha Empire'

18) Virendra was-awarded with .'.Ih*... Padma Bhushan'

rgiW" ut" in ..tfu.. middle of "'.'*.'.'.. serious epidemic'

zOi Sne is ...:*fi....... emotignal girl'

Zt) ,.,:i.',i.. more they get 'Th*. more theywant'

2l)Hewanted to go to ...=... America but his father refused.

23) Ramqn was .....G-n. exceptig2al thinker.

;;;.. ].fl*,. t inJ ot oeauty i; if..s. jov rorever. :

25) Our school won .ts,ft....first price for'clean school competition'.

Use of PrePositions1) The boy ...Q[].... red T-shirt is a sportsman.

2)We had been ...".93..,....tour ".i?.[.'.. aweek'

3) My friend studied .....;1:'.i.'..,. th6 whole day.

4) I always prefertravelling . .97. ...." train'

5)lshatlmeetthedoctoor..'.'.i..'..'.'Monday 11'00am'


Sl fhe ball passed the two fielders.

11)Thetrackwent thefield. (across)

12) The train arrived ........." platform No. 3 ........."" 7'20 pm' .

13) Shewas trembling .".'.'..'.'.' tear.

14\ Rajesh stepped the old building'

15)There is no confusion ..'..'......." this agreement'



Page 34: Grammar notes by hemant datar

, by, which)lt, for, on, at)


lr, over, to)

, in, for, of)


)nator)rdinator)(Use Co-ordinator)







he infinitive)

iltf,trng.M.aiurn prot Nlt,"""*.0"'s Shriy'aSh CIaSSeS Page No' 34

16) My Uncle is."-......'...'. L.L.B.

17)Thehousewasplunged....'...'...fireduetoshortcircuit.18) Spinach is full minerals and vitamins'

19) Father moved the table great difficulty'

20) She PeePed .. the door'

21) lshallcome back..'...".;'... two hours'

23)TheY allleftone another'

25) lwas tired ....'.'.'..".... wandering """' ""'iob'26) Mr.Pandit is a lecturer....;......".' Maths Department """"""" S;P'College'

27)'Shiva's temple is'..'...'....' the mountains'

28)Ca'nyoucompletethework.........'....'.twomonthstime?29)The boywas beaten .....,...... a stick....,........ his father. (on, from, by, which)

I 30) Excuse me ............. encroching ..........yourvaluable time' (about, for, on, at)

I gti t am obliged you .............. your kindness. (with, to, on, for)

I g2) lsai,rrthe bus leaving Bombay' (to, for, at)'

I .3si lvlv brother is indebted his friend a large sum' (for, over, to)

I a+i1'" battle resulted thevictory .......,.'.... the Marathas' (on, in, for, of)

I asi srre cut herfinger ..'.."'..... a knife' (by, with, on)I

II Use of Co-ordinatqr and SubordinatorI .tr lwaited atthe bus-stop. Myfriends came there. (Use Co-ordinator)

I z) t urot<e open the box. There was nothing in it. (use co-ordinator)

I g) H" do"rn't play footbatl. He doesn't play hockey. ((Use Co-ordinator)

I +i SfroOna tried to stand up. She was finding it difficult. (Use Co-ordinato$

I Si He must work very hard, othenruise he will notwin the first prize. (Use Co-ordinator)

I oi n" n.o finished his exercise. He put away his note-book. (Use Co-ordinato$

I z) He made the mistake. He admitted it (Use Subordinator)

I g) I wanteO to completethe work. I was too tried to continue. (Use Co-ordinator)

I gi H" oio not tose hope. He had lost everything. ((Use Subordinator)

I f 0) I reached late' I started early. (Use Subordinator)

I rr) she deserved the award. she had worked day and night.

I 12) The judge punished him. He was found guilty. (Use Subordinator)

I f Si t coutO not reach on time. The trains were late. (Use Subordinator)

I ,Oi Sf," will not only make profit but carve out her name. (Use Subordinator)

II , Use of Intinitive / Gerund / ParticipleI . tt

I f l She isworkinq in a male dominated areas. (Use infinitive form)

| 2) Dvinq is better than beqsinq. (Use infinitive)

I Sl f **t"O to buy a dictionary so I went to a bookshop. (ldentify the infinitive)

I q) He has succeeded to send a parcel. (use infinitive)

I si Jenifer wanted to send a parcel. (ldentify the infinitive verb)

I oi uty t"g,"r enjoy tisteninq to old hindi songs. (Use infinitive)

I il I hope (pass) the llT exam' (Use Gerund form)

Page 35: Grammar notes by hemant datar

l0thEng.Mediurn prof. Mhasawade,s Stfaiyffi Page N

' 8) Please stop ".."'........(tark), you are disturbing the crass. (ur" C"u,no ro*:_9)He likes reading English novels. (Use GerunJ torm;10) lt takes a rong time to rearn a new ranguage. (Use Gerund form)11) He went to post office to deposit ttre money. (use Gerund form)1?l ih" entered the room. she found them nusy. (use participre)

: 13) He offered to show us the way to home. He thought we wereiost. (use pa14) he found the mission of his titl. He worked hard for it. (Use participle)15) The'criminal removed all traces of crime. He left ftr" pr..".

f uru p"rtrcipl"

1) we shourd see how"Yi:;:#:,i::fl:Jii:Xffiries showing obrisatio2) You have to trust yourself. (Obligation)3) He can play tennis well. (Habituil action in the past)4) I have to take finaldecision. (Advice)5) The situation will improve very soon.'(What does modal auxiliaries indicate)6) You shourd herp the erderry person. (Morar responsibiiiti-lf vou will be punished if you disobey. (use modal auxiliaries showing possibil8) we ought to respect the nationar tii-corour. tourigaii;nJ

'Yr.r ru rvvs

Pick out modat auxiriary and its indication9) Can I borrow your camera for a fay.10) Can I leave now.11) I coutd sleep here in this chair.12) When I was young I used to visit my uncle,s house.13) Dn fiajesh may be on our.14) You should follow the traffic rules.15) Will you join us for the weekend party ?16) Prices ought to come down.17)May lsaysomething.18) ltmayraintoday.19) Hw would do anything for money.20)You must cover up the mistakes.21) Will you leave me for god sake ?22) I don't think, I can attend.23\ We should discuss this serious matter.24)Hemust prove his point.

:&.zs)lsishyou twllmeearlier.(must/should)26) .............,. you show me the way to the railway station. (shall/ could i may)ll)He play cricket befor marriage.28) lwas afraid that if lasked again, tre............... refuse. (might/ may/can)29)Hesaidl''..''....uSehistelephoneatanytime.(should/can/might)

?01 :..........,.. t carrythe box into the houses il;il, ii-I",,/wiil /wourd)?1]1.ry{read from theage of two. (indication)32) We would simply put my thoughts into a letter.33)Could I please come back ?

Page 36: Grammar notes by hemant datar

l0th fng. Medium

34) I woutd *rd, *, r,.*rhts into a tetter.

36) They put in their best efforts. (Fill in the blanks)Use of euestion Tag

1) Theywillbe nice to people.2) People are reallygood at heart.3) lt took four days for him to speak the truth.4) Such Sportsmen enrich the quality of life.5) I shallbethahkfulto you.6) But I am fed up with this.7) Mishaps like this do occur.8) No price is too big to pay for the freedom.9) You did a superb job of painiting.10) There was no one at the gate.11) John Martin represented a newtrend in sports.12) lowe this to my parents13) Try that again.141Get into the habit of early rising.15) Bring me food.16) Print the documents.17) Let's compare our performance with ourselves.18) Forgive us this time.19) Each actorwas dressed separately.20) He never neglected the poor.

|1) Let's contribute generously.22) She doesn't look tired.23) The work of building nation is not easy.

25)lam reallyshocked.26) We will take regular exercise.27) Please help myyoungerbrother.28) Nobodywas seen there29) He tosifris way in between.30) She is ngt on the stage.31) None of us knewthe boy.32) Let's move to the n"*t point.33)A few students realised the mistake.34) Little progress has been made,35) Shewants rest now.36) We deserve the treatmentwe get.37) Mother couldn't believe" it.38) Cut the paper properly.39) She speaks Japanese with fluency.40) Let's forget about it.41) Children shquld obey their parents.42)l am of this.

Page No. 36

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I0th Eng. Medium Prof. Mhasawade's Shriyash Classes Page No.43) lt gives you more freedom.44)You won,t be late again.45) No one knows it.

Use to Exclamalory tAssertiveChange it to assertive1) Howconvenientitwould be !2) What a tough time it was !

3) How upset lwas at my mistake I4)Amazing !

5) What bad tuck !

Use of lnterrogative / Assertivechange it to tnterrogative 'v ' ^"i1) There was no need.forsuch rash action. (rnterrogative)2) people have learntio make faces. (lnterrogative)3) He is arways indifferent to his subjects. (rnterrogative)J)nrt is equaily irpnrt"nt. irnt"rrog.tir"lS) We discussed the important points. (lnterrogative)6) There is nothing betterthan a busy life. (lnterrogative)7) No one can be expected to submit t";r*il". it'nterrogative)g) rt is usetess to offera bread to a man who is tnirstv. (rnterrogative)9) That was not expected of you. ltnterrogati";i""

"10) we courd have done nottring withoutlour herp. (rnterrogative)11) ltwas nota religious movement'12)

Freedom is noia gift.13) ttalked each poinLeparatety.14) No money can buy respect,1S) There was no hiding from him.

Change into Assertives1) When can their glory fade ?2) Did he care for luxuiies ?3) How can man live without trees ?. 4) Shail I everfoigetthose nrppyOrV. Z'S) Whywaste time in fighting;iir oursetves ?9)

Was there any need to buitd.r.h;;;;,;udium ?7) How can you be so rude to ,. Z

9le. he not viilain to do such a deed ??lWnV Ooo,t you understand my feelings ?10) lsn,t the change too obvious ?11) What is sport without its treioes Z12) Are we here to sirnply waste time ?

l?] flv don,t you start the cuU Oun yourself ?14) ls that the way one should earn money ?15) How can we ever repay your kindness ?

Page 38: Grammar notes by hemant datar

prof. Mhasawade,s Shriyash Classes7)How insulting the remarkwas !

B) What a great philosopher he was !

9) How lovely she sings !

10)What a great news it is !

11) How sincere she is !

12) What a terrible day it was in my life !

13)Sounds incredible I

1a) So kind of you I

15) What a great dramatist shakespearwas !

Make it Exclamatory1)You must all be very proud. 2) lf only lwere young again.3) lt was indeed a delicious meal.

!) Ue is a great foot to do such a thing.5) It is such a boring match.6) lttastes very sweet.7) You did really a superb job.8) They are an aggressive group.9) We allwere happy.10) lt is very easy for you:

]!f ffre expedition was reaily exciting.12) lt is an interesting feature13) The life is indeed a chaltenge.14) Sachin is indeed a great player.15) lt's a greatshame for lndia.

Make it negativeAffirmative / Negative

1) The name seems famiiliar.2) This last option also falied.3) I was farfrom happy.4) ltwas the first prize in my life.5) He is an active member of the group. ii,6) She neverforgets the names.7) He was dead.8) lt is difficult to find a right Solution.9) Only a handful people could be seen.

17) Only his friend was punished,

r .: - i ! :.';r:"r-r'i-'''r '^ ' rl-' j-6'' t ir'^r *r?

, r "t- i ' .".,r-i_, f '\ , Ja| ..'

10) ltis hard to imagine rndian team without sachin.11) Taj Mahalis an extraordinarymonument.12) ltwas a shar:p blade.13) September is the coldest month.

]j| Her home was just three kitometer away.15) He was unable to attend the party.16) Her nhme is excluded from the list.

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10th Eng. Medium prof. Mhasawade,s Shriyash Classes Page No. 40

;:l i::i:::: :-on" 9r tf e, ;,t ;;;,i n, o, in r ndia

*:LLi* I

! t :i:: ii{ttlx-


e, ?'rr'ri I{-r, r

f.z I-;Y


- i ri ,'a,# ir:

v r g'i. iil.glr1.(.- ,(./L r^:

ll *::"j,::1,:,1" 0":, 0,,:"13los; J}lnflin'"" ffy' e,,; i*,.2)An appre,. r",.n,ri;,;"fir"#Xi};:n''n *f L'i:

?l Y:rV few kings were as learned as king Ashoka.4) Education is one of the rort"*.irrissues in ourdeveropment.5) Hiiler was the most cruel rulers inrr. ever heard.6)To preach is easierthan to praci; '.,vq,vr

7) Television is the quickest *"rn, of reaching peopte.8) Daulatabad isone of the best.preserved forts.9) Rahulworked harderthan f.r" fri"rO10) Bangarore is the biggest

"l""troni" ,itv.11)A mother is more than earth.12) Gold is more expensive than most other metals.]9jy other continent i, ,. rrrg. ;]nustralia.14) The most important thing il"t;; get discouraged.1s)Democracy is the bestd; ;i;;;ernment.16) Taj Mahal is the most splendid ironument in lndia.17) Rohini sang betterthan ,nV oifn*, girl.18) lt is his most enduring .oniriOrilr..l?] Y"rV few girts are as nrrO*orLing as MaOhura.20) Photography ,.

l?t-.r. difficutt as painting.21) lron is more usefulthan allr,.,"r"L,..

23) His afe better than others.

P tt.


. :': tl, :! "i^t,

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10th Eng. Medium prof. Mhasawade,s Shriyash Classes page No. 41

24) lt is one of the most serene views in lndia.25) Tourism is the most dynamic growing industry.26) Bharat Natyam is the oldest dance form.27) She loves allherdaughters equallywell.

428) Some boys are at least as industrious as Karan.29)There are few cities in Maharashtra so famous as Mumbai.30) lt was the most dapgerous attack.31) Lead is the heaviest of all metals.32) The Times of lndia is the most effective newspaper. \

&33)Hewoulddiethanteuatie. pq.u *,*.ui-f ;;€--+e-r.{ a. lK [r"i rfur+(34) Some people have more money than brain.

35) No otherexercise is as healthy as swimming.36) The leopard is the fastest of all wiH creatures.37) He was much:more torerant than those at the university.

" 1?l Doing something professionalwill be more rewarding than a career in parallel spor

39) lt is the most successful experiment of the century.40) The most he had ever made was $ 400 per month.

Use of prepositions1) The chalk is .............. the table. !

2) The servant stood the table.3) There issome juice ........... the glass.4)The boys jumped .......... the river.5) People bathe the river.6) The pen is the drawer.7)Welive at Chinchw"O .......... pun".8) Lonavala is ............the highway.9) Nepa!is.............the North of lndia.1 0) The letterwas sent .......... post.11)The tigerwas killed ,........... the hunter. /

12) He stood ......!....... his brother.

14) He hit the target a gun.15)The riverflows the two villages.16) The ball passed the two players.17)He is a man .............principles.18) There is a bridge pavana river.1 9) The aeroplane flew .......... .... the sea.20)The boats are ........... the bridge.21)Tendulkar is ahead .......... Lara.22)Therays came the leaves.23)The man jumped ............... the burning type.24)Givethe pen ............. me.25) Get a newspaper .............. me.

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'9"'' Sht'Y"th CI"ss Page No. 42

Direct - lndirect SPeech

gAi Sne said, "l love you my son and I'm very proud of you"'

lhEng.Medium Pt"l.Mh"t"*"d"'t )nrect SPeech


1) She saYS, "This is mY dutY"'

2) He said, "Please wait here till I come"' I

3) Research shows, "The sun rises in the East"' I

4) Teacher said, "l have lot of papers to check today"' I


Si Sfie said, "Get out of my office nowl' I

6)Fathersaid,riboys,bequietandlistentomywordscarefully'izifne girl said, "How clever

! tT !"


8)"Hurryrp",shout"dKarna'sfathertohirn"'donotwastetime''lp o! noh"n :',,sir, I want to ask you some doubts, can I talk to you how ?"

I" 'Teacher : "Yes, you can, I have no lecture till4'00 p'm'


.. 10) "Let's not try to jump", Raman said' I

11) :Ohr now nrce twe iaye a holiday tomorrod" said the children' I

12) "Friends", said the old *"n, "rit io*n and rest yourselves here on this bench" I

q*gi Robin : Why can'tyou stitch the suit ? I

Salesperson:..|.amsorrySir,butwehavestoppedtheactivity.',.114) sonali said,

,,Mahesh, How isiiirrrt vou are so often ill ?" I take great care of myself' I

I never go out in the rain, I wear warm clothes"' .+^. ?,i I

15) "Father, she s.aid, .,Tell me honestly. Do you.think l can ever be a doctor./,,


16) "Don't be too neryous, nothing is serious"dolo.""!9 to Ml Patel I

17')Stranger:Canyoupleasehelpmeinfindingthisaddress?.Rahul :Are you new to this place ? I will help you'

t:el ne said, "Thankyou very much Sir"'

19)lapologized,..lamreallysorryformymistake,.20) Mother Said, daughter, *t,ut r'.' happened to you ? Why are you so pale ?i,

\ irrl,it"v*here, you are, son ! lam coming down'r, Qeorge instructed.

' --'22)She said, 'Wha!a lovely painting is this ! I

23) My friqSrd said,'Let us have some fun ?"

;i\rtr"n;g"i said, 'Let there be a trialtest"'

| ;;i il;'-an said, .Don,t move, hand overthe moneyto me".

I ;a\lr uorgh,t a ner,l, handset yesterday", she said to her friend.

I 'ii

oo.toi.aid to pranav, .Take this medicine regularly".

I z8i"l am on mYWaY", she said'

I 29) Mom said, "l think I'll go to bed"'

I ;;; ;;r;t : Didn,t you keep writing to your parents during your stav abroad ?

I nmy : I did keep writing to them' .FL^*a i- na ana ha*I g1)*Where are my parents ?" C'ried the littte girl. "There is no one here child" answered

I the Policeman.I g2) "l ran out of pails", she explained'

I ;ai"ilr'o I please come backand stay nexttime I have an appointment?" the man

I said.

I a+l X"w. snapped, "l don'twantto look as if.l've got measles"'

I 3b) Kantabai said, 'We realised if we all bought c"it" *. would have grazing problems"

I 36i"1 managed to shock myself" said Jyoti'

I 37) "HelP me God" lcried'



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l0thEng.Medium prof. Mhasawaoe's Shfiyash €lasSes Page No. 43

40) "Why did you kill 19 human beings last year ?" lnterviewer said. I


Use of lt .......... not /'Unless1) He does not have to work unless he chooses to.

2) Unless you play, you don't improve.

3) Unless there are good road conditions, the accidents cannot decrease.4) Withoutwater all living things die.

5) lf you don't express your views, you are likely to be punished.

6) The body cannot perform any of its functions, if there are no nutrients supplied.

7) If you don't mix the solution properly, you will not get good results.

8) lf you work hard, you will succeed.

9) Unless the patient is operated, he willdie.10) lf you want to keep this safe, you will have to look after it-

11) To dismiss this aspect as hero-worship is churlish.12) lf he doesn't pay his light bill intime, they wili disconnect the supply.

13) Unless there are many trees, we cannot control population.

14) Unless you know, don't try to repair it.

15)At high temperature, the protein in the cell is aflected.

:'Use of Simple / Compound / Complex

Rewrite as Simple Sentence1) ltwas the end of the journey. Anne Frank's fatherwaited.2) She remained hidden for two years. She was with her parents.

3) The train was slowing. The conductor announced the stop.4) ltwas a delicious moment. I had itto myself.

5) They went to schooltogether. They fought and laughed all the way.

6) Kantabai laughs heartily. She decla.res she is an'angutha chhap'.

I Zl Sirowy is myfaithfuldog. I love her.

i Al Lata was very rude. I took no notice of her rudeness.

I gl He picked up the coin. He gave it to the beggar.

I t O) I accept your excuses. I do it without reserve.

I t t ) I met him only once. lt was in a railway carriage.t'I 12) Kalidasa was a great poet. Kalidasa was born in lndia.

I t 3) You have told a lie. There is no meaning in it.

I 14) OId mother Hubbard went to the cupboard. She got the poor dog a bone.

I ,U) When my husband died, lwas allalone.

I ,Ui H" ."nnot afford a new flat. He is too poor.

I 17) When I think of lndia, I think of many things.

I f8) She confessed thatshewasverysad.I f g) Ritu visited Kashmir. She did so for reasons of health.

I ,O) I managed to shock everybody. I won.

I 21) ltwas a cherry on the cake. ltwas the selection to the IBSA Games.

I 22) Our trek kick-started. lt was a few hours behind^ scheduled.

I 23) We had a whole day in which we could laze around.I

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l0thEng.Medium prot Lrtnasawaoe's ShriyaSh CIaiSeS Page No. 44

24) We were both watching the tape. lt was for the first time'

25) David Justice went back to the wall and watched the ball.

26) Mum broke down and hugged metightly.

27) The price that we had to pay for the break up of the foreign partnership was

formidable28) We continued the talks on the same line and convinced them of the profits'

29) Now you know why I took the decision.

30) I stepped out on the street. I had mixed feelings.

Rewrite as ComPlex Sentence1) Durerwent to the art school. Knigstein supported his friend.

2) This is the college. I changed my subjects of specialization.

3) lfinished the dishes. lwent out.

4) Hewas grateful. No pain accompanied his disease'

.; 5) I brought them up like twins. There was only a yearts difference.

Oi Auttoiyoursupport, lwould not have become a salesman'

7) lasked him the reason for his failure.

, 8) Jyoti had no fear. She proved this by running the race.

I 11) Despite gnawing hunger pains, we gave lunch a miss'

I ,Z) ltwas my performance. ltwas taking a turn fortheworse.

I t3) My mother, Grace, had been diagnosed with cancer.

I l+) Two weeks later, I visited mom.

I isift,rt ruronday morning, she passed away'

I , Oifft"." are testing timls for an entrepreneur. They cannot be avoided.

I f Ziffre bankers had given loansto'Hero Honda'. Theywanted their money back.

| 1B)Aman did this. He must have been very strong

I ,n1 t rtooO t"o take the plunge. I feltyellow. :' '

I ZO) He admitted his mistake.

I ,,) Be just and fear not.

l, 22) Jawaharlal Nehru was a good speaker. People discovered that.

l' ZS) Alt our products enjoy the advantage of our brand.

I Z4) I was looking for qualified sales people and began the interviewing process.

I zs) What made cowboy a success?

I ZO) The shop's interiorwas a model of subdued elegance'

I Zl) He must have seen the look of bewilderment on my face',

I ZA)We used to breathe well. We worked hard.

| 2g) I went to see Knowles. I was impressed by the glowing reports from patients.

| 30) I breathe allright. Atleast lthink so.


I newrite as Compound Sentence

I t) We may be friendlywith many. They cannot be counted as friends

I 2)A realfriend warms you by his presence. He remembers you in her prayers.

3) I received your kind letter. I thank you for it,

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10th Eng.M;t

lusu No. +l



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