GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday...

GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO.! I -fKNTlETH YSS SAYSSEWAREN PLANT W B i BE SHOW PUCE" WOODBRIDGE LEADER • A N INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN "friE IMPREST OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP \ j Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Aftarno— g SaptenW 10, 19» PRICE TWO CENTS Poike Find Tot " Chief Condiw*U» Euneer Sure Plwt W Wn Pub- lic ApproTat , | :,ip us if we «rer bnlia a!-*" 1 "'™ t0 "wrt the childs dlsap- .,, that," M M Superintendent »* >ar *' l « l . tookthe boy horn*. , DBrien. In referring to thei : J—» oil planU" In an interview FINED S25r FOR ASSsMtlT ...uoiter for the Leader, this , 11 " 1 *' f** rW ANAULI 1 . ., m whleh the new Asiatic j ... .._.„. „,""";—• ._« s^wsren*, . R »> mond Cheeks, t3, colored, U • I BOARD BACKS CLUM'S STAND ON RELIGION PACKED STANDS CHEER DRIVER AFTER NARROW ESCAPE "We do n*t recoRirtw say reli- gious faith; we are liking care of the children ot this Township." said President ot the Board ot Educa- tion Metorft H. Clum, at the meet- t« brill a riant that ItoSJli thereSlf K ^ satd^r ! lwhmi erf «m Wh * n not have look like aa oil plant, the of a .:! development from the Nearis* ciihvsMtoa .,:?M' paroled to pay a IJ5 fine ln answering Mrs.,Hans Larson, uf a given s' Ho P*l«wn, who headed a delegation Recorder Bernard Vogel.i 0 ' residents ot, that section Whom In police court here! she Mid objected to the Hungarian on an assault nndi cn " dr *° using the Hopelawn school The complainant > tor reHslous instruction In a fomfcn was Leons, Stewart, of WoodbrldRe, lan ^>«!te. a' relative. Cheeks was brought In' Presla « Bt <>t »ne Board, Mr. Clum folio*inn a family quarrel , stated that he hadrecently granted . ' j permission to a priest who said, he oBrieT^atf^hat^fce pT*n( COP FINDS STOLEN CARSl*** morni»r »%lve W ciU4r>B tU 6i lie ready for use about De-i t ^ : Hungarian parents religious Instruc- Worklag tocea .hawj Patrolman Meyer Lanen, of the' 110 ",; Hi •**•* tB " h « hlMl «««• tarn >tni<>i<] ao because It had been the custom i .- . . . .... ,^.. 11U «*, "»e Board la the past to allow lolsl capacity of 411.000' A car owned hy Steve Lenny*] of ' heU8e oT t ot If'* 01 fci»l<Uaj»,tor light oil, will be ready fot>Ji stlnson »r>4 Lfcden stolen r » ll « l0M »« W that ItVras within about two rnoaths. ifrom t^ „,,. of , he ' !th ° h "~" -• » k * *—* * '- J .l.x-k, whk* will, be about Bmlding about 10:30 o'clock , Ion? *nM Z5 feetxMe-will (ound on Rahway avenue t. (or use In about four or Schoder avenue two hours later kc Dredging operations was valued at C25-0 mrreased within the last few'local police, force found i( ,.that the sine Iron tanks,- cars over the week-end. .i was g s alued at |jjo ompleted eight days. Ap- The second car, found on Sohod \\ ill K Kill to the development. be .'Hntat of farteml" uolng to build a plant . |i<i>i*le of WoMdbrMce and ; *i\\ take ihek out-of-town I to -.•<• when they come here' • :: said Mr. O'Brien. "Us 1 , bf a showptacf. Every . ound will be planted In ..mi we aiy going to plant ,.,.,i,- the road. ;•• nple who hated to see Svwaren will never know .'.n oil plant here. All the : have a new ftoatlAK roTt-i .-ill tot? fixed cover. The i iiver, which ii soaiethtn^ ill prevent any evaporation. \o Fwen! !•-? There never will be r, F i- *UI b« a pump house i< noa't ha say heating \W don'l newt to heat the >ill handle." nntendent O'Brlrt, IK tMtlng progress Blade at the-plant, at 185 local men were em- tliere at the present lime. to thirty tracks, most o( >»ned by local contractors, • have been usedia LOCAL MOVIE TO SE SHOWN WEEK0F0CT.7. the power ot the Board to his action if they sawfitto do so. The delegation, which claimed to represent the Parent-Teachers' As soctatlon of the Hopelawn school, Included Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Edward F,Johnston, Mrs. Richard Larson, Mrs. B. Horowtta, MM. Marie Stock el, Mrs. Minnie Clausen, Mrs. Edith Woldman, Mrs. A. Grundman. H. A. l.arcon and a women who refused i to give her name saying that «he did not come as a BtenHkCr Ot the party ' {but only as a gutest. ) "We as taipayers In the Hope- lawn section have come here to ob Film Will Show Scores Civic Organizations, School Children, etc. HOLD-UP MEJ( CONFESS CRIME TOCAFLWALSH A«faut "Sbdtkf Up" Mer Sbtp m State TWtrt 1 Baecriter, the Perth Amt>oy carpenter, driving* Chevrotet SMCUI owned by Joe Herbert of Herbert's Gara#e. Fords, snapped by Woodbridge Leader camera- man, after winning second place in the Hi mile race at the Speedway last Sunday. Buechler drove a daring race, and had.* mtmrw escape from injury, when his mount tfirned ovet at the height of the sprint event Bill skillfully recovered, straightened oat, amid the applause of the fans, and came in second. THE OLD AND THE NEW, SIDE BY SIDE, AT RACE TRACK "Th> Story ill Wnndbrlduc", the movie bfini; filni.d bf Dan Dorr, raaieraman for Supreme tion*, trie, of Red Bank,. shown at t , h « h Sl » te Theatre* through- in our section by any group or class lor religious sect who may teach in .;any foreign language or who may Oli (each a foreign language," said Mr? Larson, "Why weteach a foreign language right here tn our high school," President Clam. "It is the first time" In my recollection that anyone] has come before us^*o-«*jeet to- such activity." . I, "Regardless," said the speaker j for the group, "we feel that you i be out the week 1 oording to an of October announcement made ac- ; jeslerday !scenes byMr. Horn. The tftken, tew should regard the Uipayers' wishes. We tee) that the school in our loca- tion belongs to us and that you should be guided by the wishes of the taxpayers tn. that Beetlon." lank?. Chkaa*/llTlAse !,.., are now about remain to be taken, will be completed' within a few days. Work, .The public Schools of the T«wn- of editing the meyie has already! ihlp belong to all the people ot the I been startwL, , ' (Township and how do we know that 1 1 / Oaratrainan Jorn said yesterday] the pare nt« ot foeie children are not i WAll Ul be one of the a i 10 taxpayers!", a«ke*jyhi» 4W«»1| *• The New CORD Front Drive Car, Superior Garage Co.. of Perth Amboy, local dealers, posed, side by side, with the 1892 Model of one of the very first "horseles$ buggies" manufactured by the International Harvester Co., with J«e Herbert, of Fords, at the wheel. Joe also had the stands in hysterics during intermission, by doing high-jinks in his "leaping Lena", also of ancient vintage. I Tne- thre#.steai acewsew tff tip the cobbler shop of GverKe Moroa, in the State Theatre Balldls^ (tore, at 11 o'rltek Wedaeaday aight. ' owirnlBg. ia Ike pres*a«« of Detec- tive Captaia JkBMs WaUh, of tbt Woodbridge Pollee Deaartsaeai. The trio ware taestioaed by WaUh at Elisabeth police head- quarters, whore they had been tak- - ea. foll«wiBg a a r u u t k raid ot eittabeUi •ollcs upoa their hangout. Tear bombs were used to "ssaoka %«t" the suspects, trailed by the U- eefoe number of their ear. ' The mea are also vgated by Rahway poltM, tor the allegod BoM- ap and ahoodig of Robert Ormbery, a storekeeper, ot 41 Irving street, •a WHswday Bight. The three BMB being held are: Waller FerTU,ll, of Kerlya Court, Elisabeth, bettered to the the leader •f the gang; Charles Fergnsoar 11 and Nicholas Martina, 18. Both Ferguson aad Martlaa are bettered to reside la Xttsaheth bat their SttMt' «dMTCS»< |B> BOt kBOWS George Moroi. whoso shop Is la the Sute Tiieatie Buildia*, less thaa a. stone's throw fraai polkee head- qnartersV said be, was held up at the pout of a gwa about 11 o'clock Wvunesday eveaiaa. He was told n> hand ovif his atoaey. sad. he held out an opeaed parse. The men took all it cvBtaaaed^ aaovt VTT duilai a, 1 Waew Mora's witm, who was in the back of the store, remonstrated, say- tag that they'coald ill afford to lose the sun, the koidmp men rMuraed 1 a dollar. The- cash register, which I was in plain sight on the counter and which contained about twelve -doliars, was s*l touched, i Charles Coffey. Sr., night maa at Pete** Cosy Loach, on Maia stratt. I believed that the three men caaw IB- i to the luneh room amd had s sand- wich just before they held up tae * cobbler. I Ormbery, the Sab way storekeep- er, wss shot ia the left shoulder by r«M! at the -pair when he atiestpted | to throw aa kc cream cover at one ;uf the hoM-ap men. The souatf ia 'not sehova. -4- POUCE susrea ARSON that th^ film Iron i isi be hs« awr prodntcd. complete every detail. Th« tast has fllmert unurually well and the subjects In- dent. "You will find If you U k e a fln it th»t'Tery tew 6t them are," re- H.i.irua Tho <rtor*w equip- elud * * eo , ret ot eiTle and fMternaI plied Mrs. Larson. dudes' foVr*0»$T tarred' QrR>nilatlolu - "We feel that every resident ot "'o%SM htSi U.kf afi! P T iIM d01 ! tt . ed . •»/ -nerchsnt. are thfi Township 1 S a taxpayer whether Found Guihy of Drunk Driving f Carte >JV barrel tankt. The con- John Joseph McNiilty. 16. a truck in- near future, xutiuns Ins hist Itiv f the to be swarded to patrons on the ne pa y S his" taxes directly or indi- flrst night of the showing. Dupll- rectly," answered Mr. Clum. be given to thereg-1M rg . Larson then said that sjie 'driver, of 162 West Sixty-first street, the theatre on the tell that any person who asked tori New York City. iuid a $200 fine, the shewing. The j the use of a" school bundfflnTrTpr-reMconrt-«wta- *n& dwtor'o fcta - u - ; ular patrons of I week preceding police are lnv«tii;sttDt; the raporfj of an alleged assault which oocurrtjj in the raids ot tlu Pbiladelphia and Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday morning In which Theodore Bode was cut on the right shoulder. Bode is the captain ot of Additional School Land I awards will be made at the Monday i Ueious purposes was "very nervy or •nun and pipe* to- the UAkS - laid. The chemical will liti>- available at-aay tank. •T;!.- «iih a tank of •oil In ,tv,. ,-ijown that a fire can be •• •••! in eleven mesB<i. ..ik. cuptalttlag gasoUne three •; «as set OB ire in the test, i. to Mr. O'Brien. The ••' -Milem was tu/ned on and ;• «»» entirely out in eleven bathroom articles. The Iwmn Safety nmui precautions hate been ' >>uiidins a ire wall atoout mk at SewaMa. The wall, s of dirt; « B 4 whleh will «Itli grass, forms a ahallow I-.I ciimcit^of which wlB be ii'lit-d fifty pet cent greater <•• uuk willed it-surrounds 'i-nte*n years wohave nol iir»> in oa« o( tat~«tock, fixtures and other i me snunuay i Uelous purposes was "very nervy . .TJue..^tiJ!bL-i:KhuiaL.-j^;.:eui :ine.: i Pxesbx- «^V— "V^a^ktl-tV*-- •• a ! •«*•• 4niiaar •« i i i n i 1 9 - UTimlil i.nn- useful [call the 'very Would 'very "nervy? display In Within a. prlies will be placed;would you call the Catholics 'very arraigned in police court here Tuea-,ejt Gladatoae, of 1 jhUVort Cltj day on a drunk dtivjag sharge NaTty •-••••-• -- Officer York City. the lobby of the thea-| tew days. the features included on d; ire within a. tew days. | Among the features included in ' . __* the Him are the movies taken' of the !\fii/lante IA KI3V dedication of the Memorial ^ u n i c i - : l J l l l l l C l l l 3 I V I M»J pal Building se?*n years ago, the Memorial Day Parade this year, all the pupils of the Pupllc Schools, Woodbridge Post, American Legion Bugle and Drum Corps, the Lions Club, the Rotary Club, th^Woman's Club, the Junior Woman's Club, and the Woodbridge Fire Company iroQtiols'Troop of Camp Fire Girls |AvenU i!, th P will be filmed at the home of tuelr' may ln guardian this afternoon. Efforts-; will be made to photograph the Po- lice. Department at the Municipal Building this afternoon. (Continued on Page 1) at N.J. Teachers' State Convention Joseph Lewis at the corner sroe« oet, upon himas he of ifoin street and Amboy a»nur through the tie plant yard, truck which the Newj taken to the oflke of Dr. Hoagtandluf the Board if Doa&ible. driving-eat across the who ordered him removed to the] Supervising Principal Police are investigating; ao to burn lhe home of .^ahl. of JnHatt street. early Wednesday morning. An un- identified person, believed to be a woman, was seen leaving the home about, (our o'clock Tuesday morning by a neighbor, John Purkstl. who a>Msu<l Mr. Dabl in puting out a Mi-i. which waf discovered a few minutes later. ' ' Patrolman A- Matbews Investi- gated the report of lhe allegod ar- mn^ received at- - h padumrt^rwat- nooa on. Wednesday. Purkall, it [of changes nt School No. 1 at the was learned, saw the woman leave 7Hre*«D8 or toe Bo*xdTtond«y eve-"the home ana i moment liter i*w walked olng. The sub-committee was or--, the blaie. He called the owner of He was'dertd to rtport at the next meeting,the house who was unaware that The grounds committee of the Board of Education was instructed to investigate the co*t of purchasing a. tract -of- land -oa tba-'«est sid« <rf Broadway, New:School No. 11, and the advisability Bah.' when the Yorker road causing an accident. The truck, a hcise n)oyin? van, was being driven in aa erratic man- ner as it approached th$ ^laln street trafie booth, accordtag to Officer Lewis. The a river, be said fsitedi to stop when he bwt his whistle I bat beaded across into the gasoline' filling station at in* comer. The! ____ ! msnauver forced a track coniinu' Three members of the Barron1 1™ the opposite direction to; High" School orchestra w i l l ! » * m e »»to » P»*'«g«» ear, dam-: state concerts at (he of the State Teachers' Association, to bt; held in Atlantic anything had been amis* 1 . Rahway Hospital for treatment. John H. I ii:i: itrrcaatiom taken to guard 1 * blaie. "Your plant here! > Ui4- most modern In our sy»- l!ie Huailng cover, wblch pre- 'vaporatlon, is an additional <iuu in this waller." Hospital Auxiliary Will Hold Bazaar The annual bazaar of tli<> Wood- brldge-Sewaren Chapter of flie Hah- "'way Hospital Auxiliary, will be held in lhe home of Mrs. K. ''• Tlstlall, of Rahway avenue, WciOdbfldKe, on City, 10th. have on November 8th., are to be 9th. and made to; members of the local school orchestra play at the National Edu- ttattanal Convention-to "he held in' Atlantic City:next February. The three 6tudents and the ments they will play at the State Convention are: Walter Lejt, doubly Tb* driving true*, which UcNulty n: is owned by a S. A. D*niato. •aw • • -K^H^^ m-ma ^r »T H •• M . •- - *r of Tj- Park avenu- Brooklyn. H. R. Valentine on Grand Jury Love, in his report on the enroll I me*t in the Township Public Schools, brought out the fact that) about thirteen hundred children are 'now attending the two schools. When questioned, he admitted that the prestut buildings are filled to (capacity and that portabije schools j there are also crowded. . F. T. Howell, a member of the! Board, said that in his opinion in-) .creased classroom space would be Woodbridge dete|tales ot the local I abMlutely necessary at the location: chapter of the, Firemen's Belief As- j W |thin a year or fwo. Other mem- aocialion sxe attendinj; the annual j t>erB nf the Board agreed and the! State Convention of the order being j grounds committe* was ordered to held today and tomorrow at the new K t. auditorium in Atlantic City. Firemen Attend State Convention 'at Atlantic City "Scarface" Sought in Swindle Charge Made, by Negroes I Local delegates are: Louis Zehrer.' !K. Kalh. Fred Mawbey. Al Markow- 1 sky, EL. Romond. ' Life membjAa''attending iudude:' C j, bass tuba; Sylg» Tobrow«ky, Tiolin: Eb v i o l i B. W. the only iisid* the fence whichsut- t'it- plant, will contain (our ,li will be used by the crew Katurda} , October 26th; ' =•- of the completed "•"'•iHoaglsnd, wife of Dr. B. W. HOUK- IK.V* already been made to,, d Qt Bftrron iVtaw lH K( , nera i lhe srounds about lhe cha|rman , n char g e o f the arrange- ments. The ehairmen of the committee* '<> round* abou plantloe of Bowers o-briea. who In enUre|, cnarg / o f the varloua tables are !*«.. Is a resident ot Bay-| M foll0(Bf . TEACHERS NAMED • it-acliera were appointed by "• L| 'J of Education at their <- Mouday «entng. They Hunt Rx*hroan, School No. t Brewster, School No. School No, 7- Anna L. Johnson U d her -^ibB Harriet Breekenrldge, Woodbridge, tpeat several »ie "Ptnehunt", at Can* Mr*. Mr«. Mrs. Mrs- Mr». »m. Uble C. W. Deckir, fancy table; J i. Llvingood, bridge Uble; Barron Brewstw, doll table;. W, A. OaboTbt apron Chester Peck, utility .V. V. Randolph, ; Mrs.' Oliver Ames,)girt table; table; Marian Erb, violin.' Alt..«tll attend a rehearsal to be held (U the High School in Newark tomorrow morn- ing. ' '\' Theodore Hoopn, band an« orches-, tra Instructor. start«d worfevwlth a group of students here last Friday, according to a report of Supervising Principal John H. Love read at the meeting of the O^ard of Education Monday evening. Mr. Hoops will teach a group at the High School and a second group at the Wood- bridge Fire Company No. I Fire- houue on School street. The . I orKsnltaUpn will include .pupils at the No. 1 and No. _ will also be made to or- an orchestra at Fords and to rehearsals there under table; Miss table; Mrs. treasurer. .•Daisy Claronce r , Cuunlnchaiu,] HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY 11 ' Uardlman, formerly of taiuana-Perth Amboy Prescription* -C ( 'lied F«r Fay* 9S f W Here FaA aftek, 3«, a carp«ftter, ot 123 Avanel street, Armpl, paid »* fine noil court cost* when arraigned Uo pojlee e*urt.TO«lo»y eveniajfoo a reckl#«r drlvlnK charge. Anthony Kath, of the BpM<lwav O»ra«e w«f the complainant. , • John ggan, Sr., of Fords, w»s elected; chairman of thjs commUtee | bell. in charge of Mie first annual eard Mllltown. party to be given by Uw Holy Name Society of flur Lady of Peace Church Howard R. Vahnline, of Cut-n street, Woodbridte. is a member of the new Grand Jur> which will hearj the chargee in tl,- County Probe: which will'open, ai New Brunswicki on Monday. ' The other memij-rs ; of the jury, are: Ira R. Crouse, Perth Amboy, fore- man; Mrs. Marion R, WUIard, ISO Gordon street, Penh AatMVi Adoipb Glassman, 176 Smith street, Perth Amboy; Max Kk-in, 150 Kearnyj avenue, Perth Amboy; Gaorge Per- rinej Cranbury-; Cahla Cvnaius, Jr., New Brunswick; Henry C. F. Ran- Vi'dolph, New Brunswick; DaJton Burns, Now 1 Bruafw^l; |Crs. Mao Atkinson, Highland Park; Chesteri A. Bart, Helmetta; Waiter Bi Helu, Helmetta; Bertram S. Clayton, Cran- bjiry: Hsrry Afflertjaeh, Perth Ara- boy; Dr. Elmont W. Bedell, He- tuehen;* Robert Siidub, South Am- boy; Oliver WeUh Soath Amboy; Applegate. Monroe; William Ntw Urunawick; Har- Cranbury; fiohert Mason, South Amboy; Mis Lauretta Camp Middlesex and Walter Smith j Chas. R. Brown. C. K. Turner, E. M. Saltier, and Johri Bwgen. PeniioM, iaA all kinds of relief wofV^ among firemen and, their fanii- lies will be dlKuased. News Item Sent n Mtit be Signed Contrlbutora Wnding in items concerning births, engagemeiu. weddinca an4 other items to the Le*4«r are asked to sign their names aand addresses as evidence of good faith. Items mailed' in from an unknown source will not. be published. Where possible, the Leader requecta that* on all such ar- iftlea Uie pk«ne number of.the ueraon sending In the Item be -iven, or the namt of someon«> who caS answer any queries which may ariae when the story a prepared for publication. The Leader, appreciates the lntereat of Italeaders who may aid In IU efforts to obtainall the news of Interest to the com- munity. A swindle game, in'- which three negroes were alleged to hare been sums ot money and man." was said jtQ have contributed about |4Q was reported to police here Tuesday afternoon. Police received a de- iscj;iption qt the swindler, one ot the victims saying that the man had! 1 two scars on his» -face near his* mouth. ^k_ The victims wen: Boat Joaat, of tit Maple avenue, Rshwajr. Sahra- ham Davis, 3 Commerce street,. Rah- 1 i way; Sam Richardson, of Rahway. ; ' the same of the "white aaaa" |s not The next race at the Woodbridge kaowa. " ' 1 Board Speedwa> will be held on! According to the story told po^ Sunday afternoon, September 29th., lie*, the three negroes wen pleked according to an aannouneementjup inRahway and asked/H they made this noon by Dave Bvans, wanted work. They agMod to re- uianager. '-. • ;.palr the fence and work about the Due to litigation regarding own-,grounds at the Polish Orphanage, on erahip of the structure, Evans waajABboy. avenue .here. Soon after not sure of future developments It they surted to work their employer is now understood that his lease wUI 1 asked if any of the men had change not he affected By the transfer of for .a afty dollar bill. When they replied they had not he asked if Neit Speedway, Race September 29.1 ownership to Frank Petrone, I SHALL WE 1 SPANK THE BABY? D". U.\ijtKV C. ooleil cliitil psycholoKist, >%r>. frankl) t«-U» ssMher* to pnk their babies, and ex- actly how to «to It Bat, he also tells Ibera how to «rt g eatin-l) ullhovt spank- ing thrui. Which afaaakl be h J ne»i» r»r botk hajhlc« and p they they would loan him some money as ho had to make a deposit at the bank. All three give him all the- money they had, the "white maa" contributing forty dollars, It was said. T!R> stranger left aad * d not return. - ' ' Sisters said they had not em- ployed anyone to do any work at the orphanage nor did they haye any working agreement with anyone to. Uke care of tlir grounds. lido Growing PojwUr Fords, Jn the on Monday evenlnK. 8«pt*mber SO. Cards w»l be dislrtbuU* at 8:30 THE FIHWT MATKJHAL M. 13, The Board of DinatWi have this trwtlte players making high msy be s»cur«4 from, any Of tji* society or at the door. um«t sad 8t. to the opened two wetha a chaa^ra alays n|a|tb' By DH. GJUmW Starts Iwhf Frederick H. T*nm C: BUI* WATIOKlBRT 8P0BTW ' ' BCfiOOL 8LPPLUW SfWaWB , I t X TeUphont Woodbrtlfo Itt -'»• •'•:•' !«:•*. Jf CHURCH ^WOMEN JU&JHE FALL SEASON ACnVITlES Fall andwinter activities of the Auiilury of the First Pre*- cliur(*h. were resumed with a tui&sionary int-ctitus held in the, Sunday School rooms Wednesday afternoon. The meeting opened with a dinner served at OSMO clock by the uiissioaary asrriee. ' Mrs. A. G. Erb read a acrtftur* text and Mrs. J. E. Breckeafttg* leaf the prayer tor th* aUaateas, Mrs. C. M. Liddle, Mrs. H. W. mm Bremen, Mrs. .Alexaadar Bairdt Mfa. 4 George Brewtter aa4 M|f Jaha Short gsT* readlags osl ' Uplc*. Mrs. A. B. several solos. -Dr. WUUaai K. has returned from a 'fiends and rtiatifM Kc*i ft*

Transcript of GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday...

Page 1: GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday morning In which Theodore Bode was cut on the right shoulder. Bode is the captain






Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Aftarno—g SaptenW 10, 1 9 » PRICE TWO CENTS

Poike Find Tot


Chief Condiw*U» EuneerSure Plwt W Wn Pub-lic ApproTat

, | :,ip us if we «rer bnlia a!-*"1"'™ t 0 " w r t the childs dlsap-.,, that," M M Superintendent »*>ar*'l«l. tookthe boy horn*.

, DBrien. In referring to thei : J — »oil planU" In an interview FINED S25r FOR A S S s M t l T

...uoiter for the Leader, this , 1 1 " 1 * ' f** r W A N A U L I1 . . , m whleh the new Asiatic j ... . . _ . „ . „,""";—•

._« s^wsren*, . R »> m o n d Cheeks, t3, colored,

U • I




"We do n*t recoRirtw say reli-gious faith; we are liking care ofthe children ot this Township." saidPresident ot the Board ot Educa-tion Metorft H. Clum, at the meet-

t« brill a riant thatItoSJli the reS lfK ^ satd^r ! lwhmi

erf « m W h * n


look like aa oil plant,the of a

.:! development from the

Nearis* ciihvsMtoa


paroled to pay a IJ5 fine ln answering Mrs.,Hans Larson, ufa given s'HoP*l«wn, who headed a delegation

Recorder Bernard Vogel.i0' residents ot, that section WhomIn police court here! s h e Mid objected to the Hungarianon an assault nndicn"dr*° using the Hopelawn school

The complainant >tor reHslous instruction In a fomfcnwas Leons, Stewart, of WoodbrldRe, lan^>«!te.a' relative. Cheeks was brought In' P r e s l a « B t <>t »ne Board, Mr. Clumfolio*inn a family quarrel , stated that he had recently granted

. ' j permission to a priest who said, he

oBrieT^atf^hat^fce pT*n( COP FINDS STOLEN CARSl*** morni»r »%lveWciU4r>BtU6ilie ready for use about De-i t ^ : Hungarian parents religious Instruc-

Worklag tocea .hawj Patrolman Meyer Lanen, of the'110",; H i •**•* t B " h« hlMl «««•tarn >tni<>i<]ao because It had been the custom

i . - . . . .... , ^ . . 1 1 U «*, "»e Board la the past to allowlolsl capacity of 411.000' A car owned hy Steve Lenny*] of ' h e U8e oT t o t If'*01 fci»l<Uaj», tor

light oil, will be ready fot>Ji stlnson »r>4 Lfcden stolen r » l l « l 0 M » « W that ItVras withinabout two rnoaths. • ifrom t ^ „ , , . of , h e ' ! t h ° h "~" -• »k* *—* * '-J

.l.x-k, whk* will, be about Bmlding about 10:30 o'clock, Ion? *nM Z5 feetxMe-will (ound on Rahway avenue •t. (or use In about four or Schoder avenue two hours later

kc Dredging operations was valued at C25-0

mrreased within the last few'local police, force foundi(,.that the sine Iron tanks,- cars over the week-end..i


g s alued at | j j oompleted l» eight days. Ap- The second car, found on Sohod

\\ i l l

K Kill to the .'Hntat of farteml"

uolng to build a plant. |i<i>i*le of WoMdbrMce and; *i\\ take ihek out-of-town Ito -.•<• when they come here'• :: said Mr. O'Brien. "Us1

, bf a showptacf. Every. ound will be planted In

..mi we aiy going to plant,.,.,i,- the road.;•• nple who hated to see u«

• • Svwaren will never know.'.n oil plant here. All the: have a new ftoatlAK roTt-i

• .-ill tot? fixed cover. Thei iiver, which ii soaiethtn^

ill prevent any evaporation.\o F w e n !

!•-? There never will ber,Fi- *UI b« a pump housei< noa't ha say heating\W don'l newt to heat the

>ill handle."nntendent O'Brlrt, IK tMtlngprogress Blade at the-plant,at 185 local men were em-tliere at the present lime.

to thirty tracks, most o(• >»ned by local contractors,• have been used ia


the power ot the Board tohis action if they saw fit to do so.

The delegation, which claimed torepresent the Parent-Teachers' Assoctatlon of the Hopelawn school,Included Mrs. Larson, Mrs. EdwardF,Johnston, Mrs. Richard Larson,Mrs. B. Horowtta, MM. Marie Stockel, Mrs. Minnie Clausen, Mrs. EdithWoldman, Mrs. A. Grundman. H. A.l.arcon and a women who refused

i to give her name saying that «he didnot come as a BtenHkCr Ot the party

' {but only as a gutest.) "We as taipayers In the Hope-lawn section have come here to ob

Film Will Show ScoresCivic Organizations, SchoolChildren, etc.


Mer Sbtp m State TWtrt1

Baecriter, the Perth Amt>oy carpenter, driving* Chevrotet SMCUI owned byJoe Herbert of Herbert's Gara#e. Fords, snapped by Woodbridge Leader camera-man, after winning second place in the Hi mile race at the Speedway last Sunday.Buechler drove a daring race, and had.* mtmrw escape from injury, when hismount tfirned ovet at the height of the sprint event Bill skillfully recovered,straightened oat, amid the applause of the fans, and came in second.


"Th> Story ill Wnndbrlduc", themovie bfini; filni.d bf Dan Dorr,raaieraman for Supremetion*, trie, of Red Bank,.s h o w n a t t,h«h S l » t e Theatre* through-

in our section by any group or classlor religious sect who may teach in

.;any foreign language or who mayOli (each a foreign language," said Mr?

Larson,"Why we teach a foreign language

right here tn our high school,"President Clam. "It is the firsttime" In my recollection that anyone]has come before us^*o-«*jeet to-such activity." . I,

"Regardless," said the speaker jfor the group, "we feel that you ibe

out the week1 oording to an

of Octoberannouncement made


; jeslerday!scenes

by Mr. Horn. Thetftken,


should regard the Uipayers' wishes.We tee) that the school in our loca-tion belongs to us and that youshould be guided by the wishes ofthe taxpayers tn. that Beetlon."

lank?.• Chkaa*/llTlAse!,.., are now about

remain to be taken, will becompleted' within a few days. Work, .The public Schools of the T«wn-of editing the meyie has already! i h l p belong to all the people ot the Ibeen startwL, , ' (Township and how do we know that 1 1 /

Oaratrainan Jorn said yesterday] t h e p a r ent« ot foeie children are not i W A l lUl be one of the a i 1 0 taxpayers!", a«ke*jyhi» 4W«»1| * •

The New CORD Front Drive Car, Superior Garage Co.. of Perth Amboy, localdealers, posed, side by side, with the 1892 Model of one of the very first "horseles$buggies" manufactured by the International Harvester Co., with J«e Herbert, ofFords, at the wheel. Joe also had the stands in hysterics during intermission, bydoing high-jinks in his "leaping Lena", also of ancient vintage.


Tne- thre#.steai acewsew tfftip the cobbler shop of GverKe Moroa,in the State Theatre Balldls^ (tore,at 11 o'rltek Wedaeaday aight. '

owirnlBg. ia Ike pres*a«« of Detec-tive Captaia JkBMs WaUh, of tbtWoodbridge Pollee Deaartsaeai.

The trio ware taestioaed byWaUh at Elisabeth police head-quarters, whore they had been tak- -ea. foll«wiBg a a r u u t k raid oteittabeUi •ollcs upoa their hangout.Tear bombs were used to "ssaoka%«t" the suspects, trailed by the U-eefoe number of their ear.' The mea are also vgated byRahway poltM, tor the allegod BoM-ap and ahoodig of Robert Ormbery,a storekeeper, ot 41 Irving street,•a WHswday Bight.

The three BMB being held are:Waller FerTU,l l , of Kerlya Court,Elisabeth, bettered to the the leader•f the gang; Charles Fergnsoar 11and Nicholas Martina, 18. BothFerguson aad Martlaa are betteredto reside la Xttsaheth bat theirSttMt' «dMTCS»< |B> BOt kBOWS

George Moroi. whoso shop Is lathe Sute Tiieatie Buildia*, less thaaa. stone's throw fraai polkee head-qnartersV said be, was held up at thepout of a gwa about 11 o'clockWvunesday eveaiaa. He was toldn> hand ovif his atoaey. sad. he heldout an opeaed parse. The men tookall it cvBtaaaed^ aaovt VTT duilai a,1Waew Mora's witm, who was in theback of the store, remonstrated, say-tag that they'coald ill afford to losethe sun, the koidmp men rMuraed

1 a dollar. The- cash register, whichI was in plain sight on the counterand which contained about twelve

-doliars, was s*l touched,i Charles Coffey. Sr., night maa at

Pete** Cosy Loach, on Maia stratt.I believed that the three men caaw IB-i to the luneh room amd had s sand-

wich just before they held up tae* cobbler.I Ormbery, the Sab way storekeep-e r , wss shot ia the left shoulder byr«M! at the -pair when he atiestpted| to throw aa kc cream cover at one;uf the hoM-ap men. The souatf ia'not sehova.

-4 -POUCE susrea ARSON

that th^ film

Iron i

isi be hs« awr prodntcd. completeevery detail. Th« tast has fllmert

unurually well and the subjects In-

dent."You will find If you Uke a

fln it th»t'Tery tew 6t them are," re-H.i.irua Tho <rtor*w equip- e l u d* *eo,ret o t e i T l e a n d f M t e r n a I plied Mrs. Larson.

dudes' f o V r * 0 » $ T tarred'QrR>nilatlolu- "We feel that every resident ot" ' o % S M h t S i U . k f a f i ! P T i I M d01!tt.ed. •»/ -nerchsnt. are thfi Township 1S a taxpayer whether

Found Guihy ofDrunk Driving


>JV barrel tankt. The con- John Joseph McNiilty. 16. a truck

in- near future,xutiuns Ins hist Itiv

f the

to be swarded to patrons on the n e p ayS his" taxes directly or indi-flrst night of the showing. Dupll- rectly," answered Mr. Clum.

be given to the reg-1 Mrg. Larson then said that sjie 'driver, of 162 West Sixty-first street,the theatre on the tell that any person who asked tori New York City. iuid a $200 fine,the shewing. The j the use of a" school bundfflnTrTpr-reMconrt-«wta- *n& dwtor'o fcta - u -

; ular patrons ofI week preceding

police are lnv«tii;sttDt; the raporfjof an alleged assault which oocurrtjjin the raids ot tlu Pbiladelphia andReading Railroad, in Pprt Reading,early Tuesday morning In whichTheodore Bode was cut on the rightshoulder. Bode is the captain ot

of AdditionalSchool Land

I awards will be made at the Monday i Ueious purposes was "very nervy

or•nun and pipe* to- the UAkS

- laid. The chemical will• liti>- available at-aay tank.•T;!.- «iih a tank of •oil In

,tv,. ,-ijown that a fire can be•• •••! in eleven mesB<i.

..ik. cuptalttlag gasoUne three•; «as set OB ire in the test,i . to Mr. O'Brien. The

••' -Milem was tu/ned on and;• «»» entirely out in eleven

bathroomarticles. The

Iwmn Safetynmui precautions hate been' >>uiidins a ire wall atoout

mk at SewaMa. The wall,s of dirt; « B 4 whleh will b»«Itli grass, forms a ahallow

I-.I ciimcit^of which wlB beii'lit-d fifty pet cent greater<•• uuk willed it-surrounds'i-nte*n years wo have noliir»> in oa« o(

tat~«tock,fixtures and other

i me snunuay i Uelous purposes was "very nervy ..TJue..^tiJ!bL-i:KhuiaL.-j^;.:eui :ine.:iPxesbx-«^V— "V a ktl-tV*--•• a ! • « * • • 4niiaar •« i i in i 1 9 - UTimlil i.nn-

useful [call the'very Would

'very "nervy?

display InWithin a.

prlies will be placed;would you call the Catholics 'very

arraigned in police court here Tuea-,ejt Gladatoae, of 1j h U V o r t Cltjday on a drunk dtivjag sharge

NaTty • - • • • • - • - -


York City.

the lobby of the thea-|tew days.

the features included

on d;ire within a. tew days. |

Among the features included in ' . __*the Him are the movies taken' of the ! \ f i i / l a n t e I A K I 3 Vdedication of the Memorial ^ u n i c i - : l J l l l l l C l l l 3 I V I M » Jpal Building se?*n years ago, theMemorial Day Parade this year, allthe pupils of the Pupllc Schools,Woodbridge Post, American LegionBugle and Drum Corps, the LionsClub, the Rotary Club, th^ Woman'sClub, the Junior Woman's Club, andthe Woodbridge Fire Company

iroQtiols'Troop of Camp Fire Girls | A v e n U i ! , thPwill be filmed at the home of tuelr'm a y l n

guardian this afternoon. Efforts-;will be made to photograph the Po-lice. Department at the MunicipalBuilding this afternoon.

(Continued on Page 1)

at N.J. Teachers'State Convention

Joseph Lewis at the corner sroe« oet, upon him as heof ifoin street and Amboy a»nur through the tie plant yard,

truck which the Newj taken to the oflke of Dr. Hoagtandluf the Board if Doa&ible.driving-eat across the who ordered him removed to the] Supervising Principal

Police are investigating; aoto burn lhe home of

.^ahl. of JnHatt street.early Wednesday morning. An un-identified person, believed to be awoman, was seen leaving the homeabout, (our o'clock Tuesday morningby a neighbor, John Purkstl. whoa>Msu<l Mr. Dabl in puting out aMi-i. which waf discovered a fewminutes later. ' '

Patrolman A- Matbews Investi-gated the report of lhe allegod ar-mn^ received at- - h padum rt^rw at-nooa on. Wednesday. Purkall, it

[of changes nt School No. 1 at the was learned, saw the woman leave7Hre*«D8 or toe Bo*xdTtond«y eve-"the home ana i moment liter i*w

walked olng. The sub-committee was or--, the blaie. He called the owner ofHe was'dertd to rtport at the next meeting,the house who was unaware that

The grounds committee of theBoard of Education was instructedto investigate the co*t of purchasinga. tract -of- land -oa tba-'«est sid« <rf

Broadway, New:School No. 11, and the advisabilityBah.'

when theYorkerroad causing an accident.

The truck, a hcise n)oyin? van,was being driven in aa erratic man-ner as it approached th$ ^laln streettrafie booth, accordtag to OfficerLewis. The a river, be said f sited ito stop when he bwt his whistle Ibat beaded across into the gasoline'filling station at in* comer. The!

_ _ _ _ ! msnauver forced a track coniinu'Three members of the Barron11™ the opposite direction to;

High" School orchestra w i l l ! »*m e »»to » P»*'«g«» ear, dam-:state concerts at (he

of the State Teachers'Association, to bt; held in Atlantic

anything had been amis*1.

Rahway Hospital for treatment.John H. I

ii:i: itrrcaatiom taken to guard1 * blaie. "Your plant here!> Ui4- most modern In our sy»-l!ie Huailng cover, wblch pre-'vaporatlon, is an additional<iuu in this waller."

Hospital AuxiliaryWill Hold BazaarThe annual bazaar of tli<> Wood-

brldge-Sewaren Chapter of flie Hah-"'way Hospital Auxiliary, will be held

in lhe home of Mrs. K. ''• Tlstlall,of Rahway avenue, WciOdbfldKe, on


on November 8th.,are to be

9th. andmade to;

members of the local schoolorchestra play at the National Edu-ttattanal Convention-to "he held in'Atlantic City:next February.

The three 6tudents and thements they will play at the StateConvention are: Walter Lejt, doubly


true*, which UcNulty n:is owned by aS. A. D*niato.

• a w • • - K ^ H ^ ^ m-ma ^r »T H • • M — . —•- - — *r

of Tj- Park avenu- Brooklyn.

H. R. Valentineon Grand Jury

Love, in his report on the enrollI me*t in the Township PublicSchools, brought out the fact that)about thirteen hundred children are

'now attending the two schools.When questioned, he admitted thatthe prestut buildings are filled to

(capacity and that portabije schoolsj there are also crowded. .

F. T. Howell, a member of the!Board, said that in his opinion in-)

.creased classroom space would beWoodbridge dete|tales ot the local I abMlutely necessary at the location:

chapter of the, Firemen's Belief As- j W|thin a year or fwo. Other mem-aocialion sxe attendinj; the annual j t>erB nf the Board agreed and the!State Convention of the order being j grounds committe* was ordered toheld today and tomorrow at the new K t .auditorium in Atlantic City.

Firemen AttendState Convention

'at Atlantic City

"Scarface" Soughtin Swindle ChargeMade, by Negroes

I Local delegates are: Louis Zehrer.'!K. Kalh. Fred Mawbey. Al Markow-1

sky, E L . Romond. 'Life membjAa''attending iudude:'

C j ,bass tuba; Sylg» Tobrow«ky, Tiolin:

E b v i o l i

B. W.

the onlyiisid* the fence which sut-t'it- plant, will contain (our,li will be used by the crew K a t u r d a } , October 26th;

' =•- of the completed "•"'•iHoaglsnd, wife of Dr. B. W. HOUK-IK.V* already been made to , , d Qt B f trron iVtaw lH K( ,nerai

lhe srounds about lhe c h a | r m a n ,n c h a r g e of the arrange-ments.

The ehairmen of the committee*'<>

round* abouplantloe of Bowers

o-briea. who |» In enUre|, c n a r g / o f the varloua tables are!*«.. Is a resident ot Bay-|M f o l l 0 ( B f .

TEACHERS NAMED• it-acliera were appointed by"•L|'J of Education at their<- Mouday «entng. They

Hunt Rx*hroan, School No.t Brewster, School No.

School No, 7-

Anna L. Johnson U d her- ibB Harriet Breekenrldge,

Woodbridge, tpeat several»ie "Ptnehunt", at Can*


C. W. Deckir, fancy table;J i. Llvingood, bridge Uble;Barron Brewstw, doll table;.W, A. OaboTbt apronChester Peck, utility.V. V. Randolph,

; Mrs.' Oliver Ames,)girt


Marian Erb, violin.' Alt..«tll attenda rehearsal to be held (U the HighSchool in Newark tomorrow morn-ing. ' ' \ ' •

Theodore Hoopn, band an« orches-,tra Instructor. start«d worfevwlth agroup of students here last Friday,according to a report of SupervisingPrincipal John H. Love read at themeeting of the O ard of EducationMonday evening. Mr. Hoops willteach a group at the High Schooland a second group at the Wood-bridge Fire Company No. I Fire-houue on School street. The .

I orKsnltaUpn will include .pupils atthe No. 1 and No.

_ will also be made to or-an orchestra at Fords and to

rehearsals • there under

table; Misstable; Mrs.treasurer.


r ,Cuunlnchaiu,]


11 ' Uardlman, formerly oftaiuana-Perth Amboy

Prescription* -C( 'lied F«r

Fay* 9S f W Here

FaA aftek, 3«, a carp«ftter, ot123 Avanel street, Armpl, paid • »*fine noil court cost* when arraigned

Uo pojlee e*urt.TO«lo»y eveniajfooa reckl#«r drlvlnK charge. AnthonyKath, of the BpM<lwav O»ra«e w«fthe complainant. , •

John ggan, Sr., of Fords, w»selected; chairman of thjs commUtee | charge of Mie first annual eard to be given by Uw Holy NameSociety of flur Lady of Peace Church

Howard R. Vahnline, of Cut-nstreet, Woodbridte. is a member ofthe new Grand Jur> which will hearjthe chargee in tl,- County Probe:which will'open, ai New Brunswickion Monday. '

The other memij-rs ; of the jury,are:

Ira R. Crouse, Perth Amboy, fore-man; Mrs. Marion R, WUIard, ISOGordon street, Penh AatMVi AdoipbGlassman, 176 Smith street, PerthAmboy; Max Kk-in, 150 Kearnyjavenue, Perth Amboy; Gaorge Per-rinej Cranbury-; Cahla Cvnaius, Jr.,New Brunswick; Henry C. F. Ran-

Vi'dolph, New Brunswick; DaJtonBurns, Now1 Bruafw^l; |Crs. MaoAtkinson, Highland Park; ChesteriA. Bart, Helmetta; Waiter Bi Helu,Helmetta; Bertram S. Clayton, Cran-bjiry: Hsrry Afflertjaeh, Perth Ara-boy; Dr. Elmont W. Bedell, He-tuehen;* Robert Siidub, South Am-boy; Oliver WeUh Soath Amboy;

Applegate. Monroe; WilliamNtw Urunawick; Har-

Cranbury; fiohert Mason,South Amboy; Mis Lauretta Camp

Middlesex and Walter Smith

jChas. R. Brown. C. K. Turner, E.M. Saltier, and Johri Bwgen.

PeniioM, iaA all kinds of reliefwofV among firemen and, their fanii-lies will be dlKuased.

News Item Sent nMtit be Signed

Contrlbutora Wnding in itemsconcerning births, engagemeiu.weddinca an4 other items tothe Le*4«r are asked to signtheir names aand addresses asevidence of good faith. Itemsmailed' in from an unknownsource will not. be published.

Where possible, the Leaderrequecta that* on all such ar-iftlea Uie pk«ne number of.theueraon sending In the Item be-iven, or the namt of someon«>who caS answer any querieswhich may ariae when the storya prepared for publication.

The Leader, appreciates thelntereat of Ita leaders who mayaid In IU efforts to obtain allthe news of Interest to the com-munity.

A swindle game, in'- which threenegroes were alleged to hare been

sums ot money andman." was said

jtQ have contributed about |4Q wasreported to police here Tuesdayafternoon. Police received a de-

iscj;iption qt the swindler, one ot thevictims saying that the man had!

1 two scars on his» -face near his*mouth. ^k_

The victims wen: Boat Joaat, oftit Maple avenue, Rshwajr. Sahra-ham Davis, 3 Commerce street,. Rah-1

i way; Sam Richardson, of Rahway.; ' the same of the "white aaaa" |s not

The next race at the Woodbridge kaowa. " ' 1Board Speedwa> will be held on! According to the story told poSunday afternoon, September 29th., lie*, the three negroes w e n plekedaccording to an aannouneementjup in Rahway and asked/H theymade this noon by Dave Bvans, wanted work. They agMod to re-uianager. '-. • ;.palr the fence and work about the

Due to litigation regarding own-,grounds at the Polish Orphanage, onerahip of the structure, Evans waajABboy. avenue .here. Soon afternot sure of future developments It they surted to work their employeris now understood that his lease wUI1 asked if any of the men had changenot he affected By the transfer of for .a afty dollar bill. When they

replied they had not he asked if

Neit Speedway,Race September 29.1

ownership to Frank Petrone,


BABY?D". U.\ijtKV C.

ooleil cliitil psycholoKist,>%r>. frankl) t«-U» ssMher* top n k their babies, and ex-

actly how to «to It Bat, healso tells Ibera how to «rt

g eatin-l) ullhovt spank-ing thrui. Which afaaakl be

h J ne»i» r»r botk hajhlc« and

p theythey would loan him some money asho had to make a deposit at thebank. All three give him all the -money they had, the "white maa"contributing forty dollars, It wassaid. T!R> stranger left aad * d notreturn. - ' '

Sisters said they had not em-ployed anyone to do any work at theorphanage nor did they haye anyworking agreement with anyone to.Uke care of tlir grounds.

lido Growing PojwUrFords, Jn the

on Monday evenlnK. 8«pt*mber SO.Cards w»l be dislrtbuU* at 8:30


13,The Board of DinatWi have this

trwtlteplayers making highmsy be s»cur«4 from, anyOf tji* society or at the door. um«t sad 8t.

to theopened two wetha achaa^ra alays n|a|tb'


Starts IwhfFrederick H. T*nm C:



TeUphont Woodbrtlfo I t t

-'»• •'•:•' ! « : • * . J f


Fall and winter activities of theAuiilury of the First Pre*-

cliur(*h. were resumed witha tui&sionary int-ctitus held in the ,Sunday School rooms Wednesdayafternoon. The meeting openedwith a dinner served at OSMO clock

by the uiissioaary asrriee. 'Mrs. A. G. Erb read a acrtftur* textand Mrs. J. E. Breckeafttg* leafthe prayer tor th* aUaateas,

Mrs. C. M. Liddle, Mrs. H. W. mmBremen, Mrs. .Alexaadar Bairdt Mfa.4George Brewtter aa4 M| f JahaShort gsT* readlags osl 'Uplc*. Mrs. A. B.several solos.

-Dr. WUUaai K.has returned from a

'fiends and rtiatifM

Kc*i ft*

Page 2: GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday morning In which Theodore Bode was cut on the right shoulder. Bode is the captain



ON RELIGION(continued from pace nnf)

nervy'?" a»k<"<1 tin* pr^slel'iU. "Why jthis thine ha* >»<'»'n donr many limesb<"for<\ In KOIIIH we list (I In crfi'nt !thp u»e of the nchnol to two or ilirppxmtB and tlicy u«ed It for vrarn a»a Hunday School. They wrre of dlf-

' f»i^nt faiths Now In till' InftancpI believe th<r«" are two ««•!*, known,.I bellete, oi the Cah Inl8t»,4pd th«CalhoUCi.

"| don't know wlildi (hece iieopleDTP," Interrupted Mr*, I,anon.

"Nor_ ioA either a* I did not In-'i»tr«,"' continued the president ofthe. 8 4 ' '

xxxxxxx: •••••••••••••••••••••••••HXXE

* ''Mow many elrtldren are KOlnu teuw the «?hool?" Inquired u IheK{)ok«-Hinait for the group.

"1 did not auk,' replied Mr. Clum."In all our ^experience In <lw matterwe have never had one bit oftrouble an<J I see on reanon why wehhnuWt have any now."

Hut what language are thry go-Int; to npeak?" naked Mm. Larson."We are all Anierlcan« and we here<lu not approve of tho HungarianimiiMiage. y/h do not ffel that It,in of geperjtl I n l m i t "

« MI do approve of any pernonbeing able to speak tlwlr ownmother tongue. We teach foreignlanguages ID our »ChOQl» and tlier?han been no objection rained to.that," reiterated the -head of theBoard. '

"The State Law is very lenient Inthis matter and we are within ourright* In granting this permission.Now I've talked myself hoarse onInm matter and 1 would like to havethe opinion pf the gentlemen pres-ent and you re, also, Mm. Baker, onthe subject. I only want to naythat If the Board HCCK ftl it mayrescind jny permit."

Mr». Baker, who IN a resident ofthe Avenel sectloli, said that shecould not aee liow they could verywell refute the permission grantedfur the um* at the Hopelawn schoolwlien they were allowing the u»e andhad allowed the use b* the Avenelschool to two sects for holding re-liKious service* when they had nochnrch of ihelr own.

"I am in favor of granting thesepeople use the Hope-lawn school,1' ^eald Mrn. Baker."There are two denominations usingthe school In Avenel at the presenttime, the Presbyterians and theCalitolfei."

"But what language do theyBpeak?" inquired Mrs. Larson.

"1 suppose' the Catholic priest<SMiducts. hlB service in Latin," saidMrs, Baker.

"Mr. President," said M. P. Duni-fjan, a member of the lloard, "tobring this thing to. a head I movethat the action of the president ingranting permission to the Hun-garian priest to use the Hopolownschool, tor reliBiouii Instruction toeapproved." '

P. T. Howell, .who sat oppositeMr. DUnlgftn, quickly seconded themotion. It was passed with everynumber voting yes in an emphatictone of,voice.

James rV Filer, another memberof the Board, recalled that permis-sion had been granted to the Italians

j u Port Reading for the use of theschool there for a similar purpose.

"We- thank the Board for theiraction and we see tlietr .attitude Inthe"maiter7'~sald MfB. Utmiii sai*castingly.

^ ^ brieto onwhat he termed the*TlVQje"" gwtlngpoBSibilttlea" of the Boato's"action,Baying that if they thought theywere to gain favor with Hie largerelement which they thought was theHungarian clement, they were uiU-taken, He intimated that the Dan-ish element would show theirat length in the (natter at the nextschool election.

"I suppose you think you couldget out a large vote on this thingthen," said Mr, Clott. "I VUevethere were seventeen votes <aat Inthe last Mood .election in the, Hope-lawn section.""

' "Those votes, or most- of them,were caat by the; people- who are heretonight," hald Mrs. Larson, as sheleft the meeting chamber. "Andyou haven't heard tha l»st of this

• ,yet.""This will be taken down to Tren-

ton " said Mr'.' Larson as fieclos«d tile door. "

Supervising Principal John HLove reminded, thajnerabers of theBo«r<l after the deftgAtlon had left

•' that It was only a tew fears agothat the Hungarian ReformedChurch on School street here hadgranted tiie use of "the church edi-fice to the school Boa?d for holdingregular Public School classesthroughout a whole winter.




Win. Hutig, Proprietor•J.y~ Amboy Avenue

Phone 1158 Woodbridge




N- J.

Wm. F. MurphySHEET METAL WORKTin -• Copper - Sheet IronRouting * Hot Mt Heatikig

99 WEDGE WOOD AVE.Tel. Woo4bi4d«* 757-W



SALE, r Here is an opportunity to take yourself rid-

ing over the week-end in a car you can justly>>«. feel proud of. We are marking our cars down

for this special sale and you can come here pre-pared to get greater value for you money thanever before.

You will find many of our cars still have thelook of newness — most of them have been re-conditioned and are ready to give you manymiles of motoring pleasure!

You will find our way of doing business quitepleasing. If the car you buy is not entirelysatisfactory you may exchange it withtoime

'*. week without loss. ;;i.

Some Nice Values1928 Chevrolet Sedan . $375.001928 Ford Tudor 71928 Chevrolet Coupe . . . . . . . . . . 375,'1927 .Whippet Roadster 135.081928 Chevrolet Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . 325.001928 Second Series Pontiac Coach . . . 475;001927 Chrysler 70 Coach 550.00Cadillac Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 700.00Diana Straight Eight Sedan-. . . .'. 750.00

and many Dodges, Studebakers, ChevroleU, N«dur Hn4*oni apdFords, in Coupe, Coach and Stdan Models, also Reo, Dodge andFord Trucks and Deliverie*. 4

Liberal Time PaymentsYOUft mSEHT CAR ACCEFTED IN TR4DE.'

SOME-FOLKS think itquite a feat—carrying

no Fire 'Insurance—butthe big feat's to foot thedamage, after you'reburnt out \r

Protection CMti to tittle I

Piac* «U SWMT Fir* Inmnmcf(hrovfh The AtHomobflt lntwanctOrmpany of Hon/ord. iri


98 Main Street' TELEPHONE 283

WoodjHMge. N J.






Any business which cannot afford theexpense of ample insurance offers ahazardous investment.

We carry all kinds of insurance andplenty •{ it. , . .. , ' •


^ TJtr oMeW bwh !• P«U» Amboj


DANGEROUS^ Window-sill... back-porch . . . cellar . . .

JMOtiy—ftU aie dangeroa*. insanitary

and unreliable in the preservation of

perishable foods.

Doctors and public health authorities

eawywtoe agree that only.artificial re-

frigeration ike yor around affords ade-

quate protection. Fifty degrees is the

danger point When the temperature

creeps above that mark the micro-organ-

isms which cause food to spoil multiply

sstonishtsgfr. And when foods are kept

at too low a temperature there is danger,

too. They are frozen or frost-bitten, and

lose their nourishment value.

To ioswe the health of yourfamily—

and to prevent costly food waste, use

artificial refrigeration the year around—

in January as well as June.



PROGRAMShare in 835 Prize

Contest Awards TotalingO C A O O

I 9 Z 9

jFor writing beat 400 word U,tu* tellin«i "Wky SODegrees Is the Danger Poiut," yob e n winfir,tprb*~ •*

MODEL HOMETo *et the nwtion tbloklnK unthis vitally important topic ufproper food pr<*crvatio» t,,•lean ntw idraa, ue\t fttU aujfigure* xnutriiing fund pr«*rr-vatlo^ In guardiug health ahdpreventing viunotuio «Mlt , tU«National food P

Kcond i .r l« a 1930 five-Maae**g*r OdilUti Coupe, belling at•3,595 I \ O. B. lVtroit, Ibet l t fdl>riu> 12,000 in gulii—and to on.ilowu the list of 832 other big

ip in aof t3S,UO0 for t f c b e tNiltonal Idm Cnntntt.

The capiial prl« la . Model««»m«( or 910,000 In gold. Tiw

iiuh AWkidn.A«k any rffrfgeralion dealer

for your free copy of the booklet"How t o Safeguard Y o u rl a w n y . Health J* TbU teltoy»U the rules of the eqntMlt 0*iiamea of the judge*! and gl«cscomplete lUt of nriioa.


Page 3: GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday morning In which Theodore Bode was cut on the right shoulder. Bode is the captain



annual, R»«T D»y Of th*,',«, Episcopal Church Sunday!viii b* held oa October l»»h.

. .n l«r Suadaimorals* sent-v , nwraia of soet* and rwl-

',< being arranae* aa4 th*,M ontottons Kill be made.

. K Bergen will be la «h»r»*liransem«wta u d aa* will he

i,> Mtea Hefca Potter andwnV.. Mt lpr . "

Looker. Snaarlattaritat of I. ,1(1«T School, preeMe* at •[. of the .BOM* oa Monday

Mrs. Mtflga? * • •

Coats Smartly Tailored and Individual !*•

nrjvet—fl¥i •*» George,Which to W| ricM aMe ol

ui to keaa an wb«a _. dowa a hlH fcaokwmrt

Punch. , ' *'



7 'eitARTTY5 i ! i V

to Date Sweet Girb-Siyi Worried Mother


"DEAft TWCIXIA LEC I have• tittle tt-jnar^M, dancbter lahixh KfcooL a*4. Ilk* <*t»»r xfrbh«r sie. aa* fHteki the t* «rfdIHKUIIII to ha** *at»« «ith boj«3b* hii aa. fcrother* In fthool toha* no a le to tik* b*r to tb»i-arioo* schoal ewtertiimne^U wn-

b a. •

(Ctrl.out »b««t r**.

"1 I M M Ilk* to k t n If i wber* ta other laivma aad n a a k -attln M» aa hatf as o«r bori-

~WOMUB> MOTHTTKi t a l "V bars? Dn


•'uy School after » :M •"dock

,i*ms at I:M P. M.,nin| De»wtlomt->-1:|t o'clock.,Kday Sen h i Maaaas T:»t., Dsy Serrkee—Maaaea S:Jt|.'0 o'eleejui Fridaya—Maae f : M o'clock.Ivs loaa heard oa Saturday

• ,,nn- and ttealafs t ta « aado'clock. Rwaaf JTtfat PtMay*i Holy Daya ol ObHvatloa as

••.rdaya. j coats xw Tall Und winter. AH black ffie collar made of self material te coon and beltPariah atoefedea _ I B ' PfJ™.' favorite, but ir you ar* manipulated in some ortstnal man- third coat-this

,r> Soelety: Comartnioa First;Prejudiced against that sombre but ner. , c u n s t s well aa ahaof month. ,•"••" Jpoewlar shade th^re Is no rqajon For all ,«&orts activities ilie smart pelt. Fine quant?Name: CoaimBBJoa SetOBd *ny you should nut iadulge in jonr roat at the ektreuie left of the this coal It, also, h » halted mode!

, of usoatm. . ,Halr ror color or contrast. Browns sketch is very •watiky. K novelty and it U liaed wlt>of Bleaaag Virgin Mary:*" good, alto treea and navys. fabric in woolen that reptls dust, kasha cloth

-«r 4* ywaact toagft to appear waau: If

tbe latter, jroa are aot wrletly aa-te-aat*. Vaea yea bear oa« saaaral«ftse earthbear, "He t sacb afeflew. a regalarMart, drinkers am pith*, wrt fc?w

CaatMiac.ilM for* h aet aV

tbe aujoritr. a«a Ikestaaie itaaaara of aterst* I* vfctraa fwra wewaa dmaaai & a a * wk*is alt* *eyskalr> rteaa, to eooriac tebe tbe Staa4ara oa whkrh iaarrtB«Mi


! - ? T ? t K l l r trlm'"'nB» are very much In ra«l»n shoulders.

5 i»!.i-iV . "" "* h m a n v evid<ln<'t'. hut rrequenil. a coat t. Thf w^otid OKXi-« » i . m »"?SitOl' 'f8 a r * t t l e n e B s h o i r n w l t h • * * r f o r o n ' »hvrein tailored, with »roaw i w Tall -»nd wloter. AH b K ff

ni'on ThW SwiaT-wtMoattt. of the P

'oC awath;


i models.


fnl>r1ea In mlwd wrinkle* and showers is used in its Number towfor tha sports fashioning, and it is distinguished trimmed with a i

by s French novelty collar, belt and of raccooa w t t f a

Iaad tortfui m lft« back.

• raannlshli The fifth ;• a swagger"o'ilar of rac- model coat in aovetlf taeed, DUB-;a trios the abhly Ulk>r«i with belt a*s patch

h»Tinr the pockets. It if trimmed with woifroilar of the cottar aed eu!T«. • , j**d fafhioBs Oa the "itrffne, right H aa »*- ,

itel< fuhiooed coat trlamedaj>orled faacy with the popalar ac» aalutna for,!

baby sea! This soft, pretty far caa'a chic wra.n' be' combed a«d IroWeC at bam* and«-«term rotbir pade like n*» when matted bf snowPacket*, cuffs or rain. • "


ith« direction!

. you've spent all this while in the"ad«': -Z.r-~.~ - . ' -»

Peter giggled.

\ M —Soadw SekooL i\ y . — Moralai Worship.

n lopic: "A SuWtae Ufe". \. :in« servjees wW be resumed-,-t Saadu to October.

Rev. J. B.|Maara,

ii—CeiebraOoa ol Holy £o

loll in the son. If you two do notknow Men-other. It is high time you;

.did. fylrpen this Is Dawdler of B wI Villa: Dawdler, this is Chirper, the!i Cricket, aad a brother of aa old"friend of "mine!""

«. -w-

\ Mrs. Foster Hfttets


l'j A.11 A. —. . — . • . _ — _ .

ol -arti momth, uiJaWittawEuchariit aad eeraaeai ee<lounh Sundays, awrais« t»

_jeiimiu— ttik^ 8**#>y,prayer, litany aad M r w a

j - Mrs. J' wT Foater. of Sewaren.t"i was the hostess to the St. John's1

{Guild at the first meetlne of the fall. se&son held on Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. F. J. Adams presided. Rev. J.j W. Foster, rector V St. John's; rliurch lead the devotional serTtoa,I Plans were discussed for a cakei Mle to be held in the Sewaxen Li-i brarj\ on SeBtetuber 28lb,- Mrs. D.'V. Rush Is chairman of the commit-1lte« In charge of tltf arrangements,

be aaeiste'd by Mrs. E.I HAOY' -w, ~r- »•

I She will _ _.meeting and gettiira; •eqtminted' withtChristie, Mto Nehon and Mrs.

i the cheery crickets—to say nothing prank Rankin.Husdav 'o('the Walking Sticks and that old • •

ZT oTi, cannibal, Incl* Prajrlnt: Mantis, that EatertuBS Card Club. . . . Now he snatched his cap|his head awl waved it at his- . Mrs. George

—j_: ---=-?—-King George's--. —who He is? 1 should! to her card club on Ttresday evening

He Mrs. S. H. Wyld and'Mrs, S. H

he had actually forgotten all about'Dawdler. " •from A. McLaughlln. of

rthe hostess

•enrteaovtn beSunday ia' Oetaaar.

ME* C T l S TBRB.ajdr*A8PT

Soft Boiled

In «ar o nrbin'maaity there do aot re*m tobe aay. Oar dauxhter tells asthai wbea she is »»th her boyfrteads there is aoihiai ie ibeUUlk or eaaaact that aay aa«coaM te* faalt V h . bat we havefooad that tkej are aot a> ate*as they seeat to be \ln«*t everyoat of tbe bars drisk. ptay gaai-

smrts' M t a « «aaae» or »• with bad girls." I "will jaja. Qaaaxh. that aot asaay

of Ibeai are a»eu#ed of wasttaearaaey ea ganbtiar. but all ofthem are aeea in other lowvs withsome of the v n m ( in* Aadthey tblak tbey ouiht te be al-lowed to have d»tr* with oargood. reefecMMe^girii.

"Boys, wbea you r»ad this per-haps yea «rS! QBd*r»«aJi4 .some of y«a are,,unwelcoaM-some of the home* la your neigh-borhood, aaal why «ome parentswill aot aUww th-ir daughters todi,(e with you. even though .rop

' are from eatirelv 'respectable fam-ilies- Thttke *t you who 'step oat

j secretly oa yynr litt!» swee/hearu.whom yo^jespert '" marr> 1B the

' future, are aot fooh«r y«uac jirl*Yoa'd be surprise if yon knew

I •> not 4my that MSB•ciwat boyi'av drt«k! 'aadi# a cwrUla evtcatt^ saw'ihey•at «a «trtrti5 asorrnl; b«t 1tUbk that lber» are ao bov» ta y a w! • • » . or aay otber, who ar» aa*.tniMwonhy.

Doa t yoti tbtak. Worried Mather,that It, Mar •« tbai awxt of iftwa*bwja yaw speal of «ali aateax. lav**barrf aoflew boeaaa* they thiak theyaiast be to be ta tbe •wim" If tbeyreally ar* to«gh. the «irU are la*oalr oae* that ca» reform th-m. bytjoveMtiaf tbeai aad s"'"; to rwirr-talnmeal* ea saasae or under tbecfcaperoaace of tbrir el4»r« If tbey•wd the alee girts won t to»* rale

-bsa habtu lb»> wiU t b i t w

: i



or Itxhtna: Waaastloii BackLeg P»iaa. mahiac j-o" '*fcariawd. eai diatowrsged. w*rset try ttu Oatex « How Ttat?Doat gtv« as. Get Crates toaay «taanr drag store. Pwt it to the taat

{T Try Cjnrtax taday. Oar/ i

Toffee Dry, U M-BBOS j

Baked HtaaatwtS«ls« fhecae Toaalvitraeit ;

(WhoV- »>eat Bnadl IKlpr (>lh^ Araavaaaa Caatard Tca-

DRIES anJJ anJ. .smooth as glass

4Krr-b i. Braa Stew

^ ^ ^ gSAPOLIN IN 4 HOURSife.l£^rPga#.

Vni\ur mmd. Tnatal q Salad


e la endorsed

. (AVStfCL)llrv. B. J. (TFamA. haator

Sertlces at PaWk SekooU Ma*«i 3 A. M. Sudar

..friends I in all Insect Mrs. Uwls Prankelland. Well, old ehap, you'have, been> consolation prl»e. T H E Drinc^

Iwsking a call o( ft. haven't Sou?'V Among the guests were: M« J " P^"- -called the boy to the Bee'aMBOoa an Thomas Peterson and Mrs. I. M. NeW, • J™* *}">>"'•'-Dawdler drew near enough to heat son, of Woodbridle; Mrs. Harry corded.sllk for f.,1 wear.hinT "Did you .'tod out all the Baker and Mrs. A l o W Davies. oj The straight ae-p^ce dress

' scandal ln the faiSllyT , And tell me, Avenel. ' itrimtned from n-ck to bottom

Whole VTaem Birad ' ',VarUsw «*s«ee|

Armenian. Theof is cracked'

• p n that has been partiallycoMed. dried and. the* packaged. It;may be purchased, in' all Greek "or I '

•Syrian $r«e«ry stores. The jaenajwill «rve three. '}

— — _ ITHIS Y a W S KBtiFfclS ,

' Arawaiaa affeataaaV — t O«e pint \milk, three tablespoons sugar, are'tablespoons of cold miik; add to rest;

< of milk aad stir couuntly gnlii it;•thickens. Add vanilla and serve taj'

rndiyidttal custard cups. Sprinkle'itionamoe on to^. j! - — " . !1 Bean Strw—One pound latab cat'

ia small pieces. on« aad one-halfitounds pre«n tx»*n? ifreahi. one!tablespoon tomato «autf, one table-'spoon butter, salt, pepper. * Saute i

.the meal ia butter Cut gre«n beast}in t»O. add to meat and'teT evox |for tea minutes without adding amyi

Shake cootenU a few time*,saace' and enough water

coateau. Season to taste,aad a half hours over slow

F I N I S H "S>"° ^ l v t ^ t M s > ^ odot—roo aidunca!WtU not crack ot dap' . . .

Spread* easily and <}ottklr leaving ahtgb gk>s ioisfa . . . In P beaudfuicolon vvi Wide aad White. *

HUMPHREYS k RYAN7« >iaia Slrnrt.

of heavy « ' " ; .


hem with a iabo..!fac*d with ermine



did . jou manage t» get inside yourgill See's home?" Warm <'•....

Dawdler seemed to have lost hu; Voung\lady, demoa. redueing ma- ermine. •Perhaps, the heat had been--chine. Call 10 to t2.—Ad In the1 j h e cotUrle?'

for hhn or he may have pbiledalphia Bulletin. • . mantlet cuss ol *



Piano InstructionLI DA L. STELL

' i

pi self materialaad th* collar b ratm-tinr cui« broth^two « P »

boalgtoar. oae T * " * ' t

Coal has deep uMeapoons .tattter Season•aterUl which broth aad add b°»lsl>our-

i i h l til »'»


C .arch on Oak Tree Boa*.10 A. M. Saaday

too much for him or he may nave pwiedalphia tsuueiu. - gmtinUet cusa or -caj n r a r a i i i w n urwn aau aw> u»u.s«tued himself out gossiping With all L Mr.. Joyce W . tune J o w n a r e , t u e n e d at the wrist with an Orer flow, »re until all«U cousins, ! * • • * « fanned his from Devil. Lake. N. Dak~%eanes- ,Btereating InHed-oB *ftect. evaporated Do oot tt.r. Chopheated face with hfc right wing, and day afternoon to visit wit* fiends;1» B u t h Elder, --r.aaalla.tic flyer M d ,et It brown m butter ,

!wT« Petwiaw how hot and both- tbi city.-Local la a B w B e a v U l e ; ^ ^-^ p t a }- , r . 1 , the wearer, to ixmlgBour. m u well ? • « « , - - - - - ;Jred Dawdler was. he wa* glad that (Minn.) paper. ; jRuih. according v, late* dispatehfe o f t raage for ttfieen miantea before(

' he. hlnwelf, had had thfe good sense, • — |ls a recent bride , strviag.

AvemdHer. C. Faator


1130A. M. 8«a4at iebooLA. 1 . Moratog. Wwabip.

at the Ateael Bekooiaouse.

to keep quiet and'toot."What a morning I've

marked Dawdler at lam. M» voice'rather faint. "What chatterboxes;the ladle* are. No' sir, 1, waunt in-vited Ibto OouilB Ant Hill Bees

She kept ibf .landing In thesun. Wouldn't Invite me ia

u w , ^ , A« a»id the l4ouw was allupset from houfcecleanttiK As II i ahave cartd. Mt - l lke a Woman. l»nIt* I \enyy yon oow, and I flna

» «'««•* Km!"Th"e"Little Carnegie Playnous* baa

B u w | a n with Soriano's "The• an atmospheric ftlm

of Ille In a vodka village. The fflmwas directed | by- 01 ga Preobreihen-

woiuan of letters. — ™-

AUXIUARYTOH£CTA special ni<~;mg of the

•> A

» I ' ,

Maw, paatoff

H - g ^ M a m b f Hue.y—Vesaem '


l ranch at Tke MLMJWT Church.Kirst Chwth. of

.SrienUst, la Baatoa. MaM.'• nday Serviee— U ; M A. M."d a r «e*aol—»:»• A. M.

''"'dnesdajr TeaOaMWT Meeting —1 <> v . H -l jraday Readia* Eoom — »:0»

1 - 00 P. M.

; 656li, a' Preaertptlon tor

Colds, Grippe, Flu,Bifimu fitver and Malaria


Customer—"!that frock on it

Assistant —the manager *Would you careprivate fit tins: '•

It U

By A FQreiner

the roost •pe*e4y remedy known

Phone Perth Amboy1 2 9 9

r'rii-n<ll> rliuJry»I» li iM-allhjr fasfalon,but Hie i'i»ii|H-tlll»e spiritI,, , „ „ . . b

Irt JJrt«" «• •IIUI«IIII hM -'""d the teat

of %$ \We ilmitW ttoae11 we



UJtKE" if. • B4JIWP 4V*Tel, bddWM*

i Baked ITualaal "-f g«od^Ii«d'egrpUuit. oae aasall onion, one lable-! , p o o i r e l l « OlU parsley, tomatoes

newly feW learea, lettuce. ' Bake eggplantin orea natil r e o tender. Pe*l.Mash

lettnee'aad garnish with sUcedof parsley.

hoald tike-he window.

to try,

^ r y . ^! »oi allow

-.,,Uj Ij^o. l^ou.^nt ^Evcrybooy


He*, e.



ffednf mi Cmhmi &$**» ,

tM-180 Saath S t f t r ih tahay

Tfor Sick

^ healthful, but ita patient in warnthr«indow shadesthe

• • \ \ \

it <:10AcM. aa4t:»«moraiag.

Service, t M i P. M



llev. G. B.•lass*, oa' %wUj aaarilas .l 10 oclock.. Soday fcheol;i"g flwt Km.- "'•i-iKites dally a| f


TelepUe 143 Pertfc Amboy




^ Hoagbmd's Confectionery" '''*' , Liurffat AaaortnMnt ot FUvora ia T»«ni


TELEFHOME—WOODBR1DCE Ui ~"-J$" v-y,^«,A*&:


Page 4: GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday morning In which Theodore Bode was cut on the right shoulder. Bode is the captain



THE WOODBRIDOH PRlNTfJftt. (NO.*l 104 Mala Street, Woodbfidf*. N. J.

« OAcait WooJbndf*, N. J.. •• 5««nd CU« Mail MatMtl»t«r«d it A-

Republteatloh of neVa u d edltoilU malter l»O B M U jwrm'.tt«d pro-U«4 credit M «ITM to th« Ww«d-


of int»r«tt are lnrtttd, but »o anoarmom g ^ | ^ J

N. J., Friday Aftarnoim, Saptwnber 20, 1W9

Straining at the Gnat and Swallowing the Camel!


Study the Cirtoon—«hdTHINK1 * .CarjfiH'i cartoon in.thin week's issue, printed at the1 top

of this page, points an needing fin«««t at * very .common hu-man (ailing. ' , t UMM i

We shudder with horror when we hear of a.pilot kllTW inan airplane crash. We rave abptit the-dangers <tf traveling byair. l e t , the' etory -,; P family killed lit a grade crowing ispractically ignored! ' • ' ' • \M '

All the air-plnne? In America Are nqt'as dangerousaB tnegrade crossings in Woodbriiige Township I f ' ' ,.

You don't have to ride in an airplane, unless you wish;But you must cross grade crossings— at least, when travelingthrough Wortdbridge Township.. ' , ,

B«f6re so very long, trie railroads will begin to electrify.Until they do, they will not. rrtake any great changes in thejtrade of their tracks through Woodbridge, Iselin, Colonia,fcewaren, Avenel, Port Reading. '

Now, "that plans are being made, Woodbridge Townshipwants the railroads to understand that those praiw MUST U*CJLUDfc plan* for ^RADE CROSSING ELIMINATION.

Hinlera they dti, the people of the Township would b_e jus-tified in marshalling every conceivable forc e, in pitilesslyblocking, wherever and whenever possible, the future plansof the railroads. ..„ T

, JUn every side of us are towns which-tave been freed ofthe grade crossing curse: Perth Amboy, Metuchen, Rahway.Now Woodbridge TownshipT-frr6wing lustfly in population andinfluence, DEMANDS, without any "ifs" "ajd's" or "but's",that this antiquated evil of the horse-and-buggy-d^ys vanishforever from the map*. " •

What the railroads need is not a polite request, hat inhand—but a point blank ULTIMATUM: "Grade CrossingsMUST GO!"

C. B. Charles B.•tit.

WHO knowsthan a hundred yearn. 1

Crow* 'ut jcrowa? M it true that ahe has good fuck, antf that ha seldom lia« i,,,

Ar..-*fow» as wife ;ae they are generally credited jgHh ^ lI knOw that farmers WwrkHy eredltjrja* •Mi wuunuinnlnK ,t

i, «. common belief amMig/jfrnilrs ln Kafsas, where t was reared, thaifock o ™ « « will remaik^' lh« trees cawing at yoa, If y o U c a m , ,

1 gun. but^Kat the flock will take to flight If any,,,,!carrying a'fgun approaches; . »v

As a boy, I used to try to determine whether n,uwas true. We bad.a large g;or*-of locust treeH uH,than a quarter of a mile from our house, and Tli..r,,were some tall cottonwoods skirting the grove. Crow,used to perch oh these trees by thousands at a tlm,.I woujd utroll down to the "grove while Mie crow congress was cawing Its loudest, and, create hot a ripple i,,the loud discussion. Tl would throw clods at the rawers, and the only rtaiilt would, b« a Httie^nnD ink; ,lfwings and sume more loud talk from the tre?-top»

TFien ( would go. back to the house and Jget a nhoitun. As I approached the grove the crows flew awuhigh in air and traveling *•«• "ft l « « M t wasSny hi.'ltef.that'thU was-what hapnensfl. -««J«i-i^iave-inovf.(|to the dry, far from the crows, I have often ttiougiiitnat I may have been mistaken.

ECENTLY I was talking to Miss Garnett Burks, of Washington, D Cwho has * pet crow. She got him on her 1 athef'i vfafm *n Vir^ia!

tour veari a^o, when he was Just a fluffy chick, newly hatched, A tr,,in which there waa a crow's nest had been chopped down, and Nfl.s tiurk ,decided to save the three little^crowlets that were In the nest. Two di,.|when, someone ted them live anfle worm*. .

Miss Burks says her »et Is very Inttlllgent, He is very fond of a rili.who lives in the Am* house, with htm, and otten plays tricks on the cut,nulling his tail and itherwise teasing him, . . . , , . .

Whaa the youlf crow w u threatened with rlcketts, his mlst,^-,brought him o u t . $ It by feeding htm cod Hver oil and maisagjnu himregularly. ^ ^ { „ uj^ , , b u t h h m o r e ^ ^

paid me'for in* trouble. He's l o Intelligent. When I leave Washing,,,for • time I leave tbt too. there he is well cared for wlihom

He is learning to talk from an Australian crow with whom i,,.

jwainust be Interesting. Does any of my readers knowcrow* that might be 'interesting to the rest of JUS?anything about

Birthi Candidatet InvitedThe following birtha have, been re-1 Candidates for Ijomteal office ;,,

corned at the office of the Board of to be invited to attend a card lliirtHealth durlnu the past -week: - to be given by the Colored CitizenHealth durin: " ' ^ » Club, on Octotoni th , , in the ho,,,

September 13; Rose Marie Ser- of Mrs. D*nl* ^ M l n s , of vniak of Woodhridge *renue, daugh-' street. Gold p i e W i r e to be *«•„,-,ter of Air uiiu M.U. Anthony" Ser-.ed to the winners at cards.ier uiii« _._ Plans tor Mw event are to be o<m

September 6: LfcwtU MImpel, . of, the next meeting of' - • • • " - club on October 1st.




ASHINGTON^ Sept. 19. — Wil-liam Howard Taft, who turned

12. last. Sunday, has been such asuccess as Chief Justice of the Fed-eral Supreme Court that, no oneflilnks of him as an ex-jiresldent.

In fact, he has lived down hispresidential term.

Nation-Wide PublicityNo town ever gets "on the map", unless its DOES some-

thing, that is to say, unless people there do something to bringit Lo the attention of there.^ of the world. -. . <*

. Shefty"; Mtmtarra, Was jumlrfiowttr ttfltH-dempsay foughtGibson th'ere. The sfH>vk.was a-fizzle, but-Shfitby, Montana isdecidedly'oil the'map. ' i * * .

rMedrichshafen, Germany, "didn't meatTli thing to any-body in this country, until Eckener and his Zeppelin broughtit fame and recognition. •

The name "Woodbridge" has been printed millions uponmillions of times in the daily press of the country from coast J He was not a conspicuous hit into coast during the last few. months. Theatre goers will see ! ™ J t o m m ' . S a^wmte'Sethe name WOODBKIDGE, N. j . , in the captions of the news- tenant can make, according to allreels all next week, and all because of the Woodbndge BoardSpeedway.

The big dailies were a !bit skepticalNew Jersey speedway; But since Dave Evans fias brought bigleague Indianapolis drivers and real talent to Woodbridge,, , , i i • j •!• v j.u- • i * ** diately won all hearts i>y lh<

they have been eager to accord recognition to this revival of flne Bp,rUJ ln w h l c h h e t o o k ll1s li(.k

auto racing. , A

The Newark Evening News on. Monday devoted almost anentire page to pictures and accounts of last Sunday's races.The Herald TribunVdiS "likewise. " ~Y •

The bulldog determination ofDave Evans to> make a s,uc- t

cess of the Speedway, has given Woodhridge raoret pubJicitymmder a't the poiTs is at liberty tothan at any time in its history. Evans has a Iarg4 file of, pressclippings from Seattle, Frisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, evqry ,reiected~~that the "electorateworthwhile cily in the U. S., bearing the date-line' "Wnnt>. i «Wy _.i«d no objection to him per-BRIDGE, N. J." V ' -

Toft Has Been Real SuccessAs Chief Justice^Stewart


ids deserted' And, look |

so. Of course his- friihim when the piMhwhat happened tw himj

• • • • • *

jJEATBiN for f l e c t i o n , hediately won all hearts !>y thOi

T o b e . defeated) for re-electionb«at t l ie mntr, i • •

27 Turner street; daughter of Mr. ('and Mrs. Biago MJUkOcei:

AveaelSeptember 7: George Warren j _

Strvcker of 32 Burnett street, son, . "u Mr and Mrs. Aaron fl. Strycker. | Derts and the sate in the offle.. ,.r

I^Un ' - jtl»e New Jersey Wood Flnlsliin..September 11: Helen Skrzka, uf plant on Amboy avenue wn

Flume'street, daughter of Mr. and marked up and defaced by persm,Mrs John SkraykaY . (who gained entrance by forrim; ,

Thenceforward he never has been] Hagamm Heights rear window of the shop Tuf«,l;,;uut of office for long enough at a September IipAtttfrt^Ohn Kapus- night.. Tools belonging to an H.-,time fo amount to W e " t h a n V ky, frc^arit tWxm. son of Mr. and trldan workim, in the ptant WIT-much-needed vacation. He was a Mrs Steve Kapusky . . • ; the, only things missing, ao tar as;tate. supSme court judge at 30.

I t . WasI Intended Chief Justice Taft.

haB the "judicial tempera-!—that was what caused ft'

Amboy lieigUts j known. Traffic Sergeant Ben I'mSeptember 6: Veronica Mary Lud-'sons Investigated.

mrturftf-vrfgr "of'/ New

Hetitent"deal of his trouble as president —he. always believed his appointeeswere innocent until they wereproved to be guilty—and, If they


daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. AndrewM. Ludwig. •

»niCK UWIier.

Max Inselbcrg, Ofhappened to be'among his personal j avenue, was given a. summons to ap-

j friends, it took a lot of proving to|pear in police court here as a result,convince him.

Not that he lacked versatility.

- Charto* Ponton —fbneral of Charles, Fordun

• 67, was held from the late hoin>>; Wednesday morning followed byservices in Our Lady of Mount Car-mel church.L Rev. F. A. Hugolin

Woodbridge officiated. Interment was In SiJames'* cemetery,

Mr. Fordan.died in the home Sunof a collision ln which his

,,uv l l i aL u c l o t n . c u , „ „ „ „ , , , ,figured la t Saturday evening i i o

' He was a first-class solicitor gen-1 vehicle said to have been driven by j n e ; o n enal of the United States, Governor! Ed Leary, was alleged to have been Mesichea;(leneral of the 'Philippines, provl-jleft in the middle of the highway dan, pf~ Woodbridge andsional Governor of Cuba and Secre-' without a tail light. Daniel, of Woodbridge.tary of War, but h> alaways kas A car driven by John Gregus, of, —_surpassed himself handing down de- Campbell a't r e e t , Woodbridge, P A C TUIVVsTQ R I K Yilsions on knotty'points of law—in rammed into the rear of th,e ma-1- W%» i n i b f l M DUOIhia 40's as a federal circuit judge, in chine, according to the police re-Ohio; in Ms 60s aand 73'sras chief port. Charle* Blum*, of 365 HighHi the august supreme tribunal In street, Perth Amboyi' was Bald, toWashington.

Mtruck day morning after a brief Illness

The He Is survived by hW wife, Cath*rb daughter, Mfa. Jos«pi.

three sons, Eugene Imd James ami

t i u >


The County Proberson ace-used of crim

in the eye of the courts; the burden of proving him ihifdcentj

It mtwt be hardalready has Berved.any dtlier. cftncTliaihas failed to give entire satisfaction,!

Upon getting only 8 out of 531 elec-!

into the cold world, a privateten, '

And actually IIP subsequently ac-for a man wjio'cepted a reconciliutlon with Colorvel , u c l l l i lI1BJ, n(;r t la term to draw Roosejelt. Politicians speak of it as 0{ meaning to the future.- than that he j nothing short of angelic. . rj n i e f Justice Taffs wisdom

Two men, who drove up togasoline station owned by JohnPhodes, at the corner of Avf"-i

have witnessed the- accident. Patrol' street and Railway avenue last S.uDriver Aqdy Siroonsen Investigated urday evening, stole about four gal-an(J issued the "su mriioiuh " ""*" Ibffs" of gai, according To a ' repot'

; — made to local police. Rhodes iniilClkinC n D l V C D ' 6 I irEMCC police that he chased the two nunr i n i / d D I U Y L K 9 LlVlUiaZi away but that he was unable to nt

" the registration number of,the a«tn,« » .™,«™ . » . , . « « court'jurists, I Overseer of the Poor Joseph but said it was a Urge dark colore.1

Justices Holmes and Brandeis ( theiS c h* a v o ' ot P o rJ Reading found' a touring are of no especial consequence),'car^ CMe , containing old licensesee riot only its meaning of the mo- c a r d g M < 1 m o t o r vehicle registra- Daughter Bom to Mr. uml Mrs. lrwent- they see It also in the light i t t o n s belonging to Rev. R. Montague I A daughter, BHiabeth 1'r, «,.

'of Huber avenue, WoadbridKe," on]born to Mr.^nd Mra. A. Tr, <i

CHIEF JUSTICE TAF T is-a manof a great deal.of ability; not of

much imagination.To him the law Is what it means!

ri^ht now. ' , ' IHia fellow supreme

i . the Wednesday. The article WBB re-

, _ : . , . . . , ; i ... |upon s'-itiHS oniy o oui oi DJA eiec-;»p p v p r B mHI, iP(i «,ln France, a person accused of crime is considered guilty j torsi, votes the second time. i|* a a • B

l«raing'°Vndl the! turned to the owner through, the lo-

loser.TaCt apparently was not even ruf-

fled. Hia celebrated smile and twin-kle were 6u undimmed as ever, as he

rests with the defense., in this country, the defendant i» c o n - j j 0 ^ " ^ ' ^ r*qulreg

sidered innocent until proven' guilty by the prosecution.The latter attitude is the more ejviHzed of the two, and

should pievatl In all cases, ORiceholders accused of embez-zlement, misappropriation of funds, and" other crimes, should j * e ^° m * d

be given a square deal. > ! ,rThe county officials whose administration of Middlesex

affairs is now being Investigated by the grand jwy, afle -as-sured of a fair and square deal.

The taxpayers of the county demand the same. If th^rehas been misappropriation of funds, unauthorized aperujing ofmoney,.lax bookkeeping, general inefficiency, the public,is. en-titled to know about it, and the grand jury,is dujty-b^und toreturn indictments where the evjdence warrants it.

Supreme Court Justice Case took> great pains,- in chargingth.e jury,[to remind them that "unwise" and "inefficient".

breadths .... _„ „life, it soundness of his judgment, are' un-[ c a l police,

has been Chief Justice Taft. questioned.' I He was born "into the governing Justice. Holmes, in 'particular, Issituation with, class—hl» father was Secretary of laSpired.

a mighty! War when the. present head ot the. Chief Justice TattUnited States Supreme bench wasstill three years short-of bis major-h y . ^ • - , .

Young Taft himself waa assistantprosecutor qf Hamilton County (0.)a t 2 4 . '• '

Trinity lane, at the home last s«umday. Baby and* mWlier are dnm.-well.

and his moreprosaio colleagues, JugtlceB - VanDevanter, McReynolds, Sutherland,

> Butler, San ford and Stone generallyagree. \t there ialany chance to doso. Justices Holmes and Brandeisusually differ from them.

Parent Problem<SAf\r\Y C. MYERS, Ph.D.

I agement'is not necessarily criminal. •" 'The jury must also bear in mind, however, thajt ignorance

of the law does not serve as an excuse, and that the, countyofficials are adult, male persons above the average in businesstraining and general intelligence. u

•**.' Politics should be strictly kept but of this investigation.The dignified, unoatenjta.tious manner in which Prosecutor

) Toolan has conducted it, is worthy of praise and raises the' probe from a political level'to the high rank of a public service.

Democrat or Republican, or Socialist — every person in~- • Middlesex County should W deeply inferestied ih tji^ .inxeaf"

gation. Public opinion should not be, warped or influencedby political faiths. Let the probe and its judicial sequencesBrowed—clean-cut, fearless, Impartial. - ^

Political memosThe wise politician retires, while the retiring is good. The

foolish politician forgets that the public remembers.'

Moral of an unpublished Aesop's^Fable: "If ye Wek lo-offi ke> y b > i S ? t t f th t i "

p ^ ycal office, ke>p -ybu> ingS?8 otit of the county pie."

* "The Handwrttlnf on the Wall"at political banquets. ,

is a disturbing element

Revising an old provei*':'"taCiv4"he'U get his name ih the papers." a

a man

K<lltoi-'s Sole: (iany (I'll. D., IN head. DivisionKilucatlon, OlevcUiuiWextcru Reserve University,ailltui' of llwbybOod.)

* *' _*

pHILDRKN T)f the


What 1, hisimportant.

A>l l l I .Important he would have remem-bered it and learned it correctly.Hin first error tolls me that he hadnot counted me sufficieirtly impor-

C ta-nt to have" remembered what 1

have little or no "homework" in' told him. He hap not held me near-upper, ly BO Important as I tblnk he should;frivnn 8 n d " he repeals an'error, onoe cor-given ^ ^ g J v e g ^ ^ evidence of

keep your voice soft ana low, neverbetraying any irritation la . ycur.lipHecli or gestures at the errors ofyour child; unless you cap alwaysmake the child hopeful and happywhile he* works, enjoying successes,

. you should stay as far away as pos-s i b l e from, him when .he does hlii."-school work. The moment y.ou feel

the sliKiitcBt bit disturbed, as soon1| in; had considered it ns you breathe a little more irregu-father, tell him'Is very

best schools•

the lower grades. In thugrades, most, children are

. . - , . , miini UP gives auuvu OTiuoutc ui Ulkl,i

a^sx££^^&\sr^1 •Im agnry- " '""-"junior and senior high school pupilaj |eafi

larly, walk away. Your.child hasenojigh hardships without having toendure you when you-have neitherheart nor head. Don't be so cruelas to ltiake yourself a millstonehanging on his neck,help his child has proved himself anuisance.' <

One of the moat CUIAOUB' things

hard for h a v e l n h e r , t e d I r o l l lT h e B e

tootheix. T h e B e.c h i l d r e n aretherefor, v e r'y

glves of slowhe might

me.B«me of hUl n c o n f l i r t^Lith my own


ia.<$hat we arel With our own

n ,another ona M C O n d o r

OlillttitMi fFom th«third to. the sixthgTarte ure most.often helped at Ihome, and " be-'


iiiivsifivm* because . ^. ?feel no compulsion „„,/„;

my child.


V h l r d

so fcnto be

B ° ' In hls'ner-on some-,

my ; child.

as weare also mostoften hindered,

• .

No doubt. th$In his very eager

"DR.UYGRHaverage parent, y gness to aaalst the child to learn, does

I can grow as Impatient with Wm ,oU™'Ivstem *without fear of ,social v o u a s y M ' e m

although I must beto other people's - . . . . .

volonia . GirlIt takes a lot more character

than most ot us poaes to b.e cour-teoua to our loved one*. Wouldn'tIt be wonderful if we parents werej MISB Agnes Chrlitopherson, ofto cultivate such charaetws! i Colonia, a graduate ot Woodbridge

NOW we parents have, Vn oppor- Htaih ^chopl.^v^as «artlle(k in thetoiqity to earn our children's com- freshman plals at the New Jersey

at N. J. Women1 College

a great deal more harm than good, rade^itp by helping tbeln with their College for Women which bo|apThink of the ma«y thousand chil-1 homework, and to further, their ^uc- twelfth year on Monday. Hiss Ghrin<{reu ln the evaniqji Bitting by an cw» at school. q»t most ot us topherson registerM on Wednesday,angry father, battling with Bum, cryV dpn't. Instead, we jtrlve our ctril- the first day of• Frealiman" Week.Ing «over spelling, weeping over dreu from us. teach them to lose re-i The schedule for the week in-pages ot the reader) Sometimes the sped for us, and to deaplse their elude* a aeries of social event* instudy period ends with a father', lessons. How we parents are,! which the n m year studentsIrate and Insane and it, child hope-;Mo»t ot us have good reaaopB to be welcomed into-tRe student

What mustIt nieaij to ttrt*Wfl to go to bedwith auch an evening back; of him?$uch a father' whp has maant, to

ashafead of eura»lv«i»f •'•;Fellow parents, italess

learn to be' patient,pathetic; unless you


teeturea"and Informal talk*. Theyou can (UW, estimated at ?T6*meiub«r», W-

and sym- oludes young women from tireiftycan always flpuatles of the state. .' *

Page 5: GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday morning In which Theodore Bode was cut on the right shoulder. Bode is the captain


TownshipDeeds Filed at

C o u n t y S&t9EPT. 19, 1929

i, society for Home Bldg, Henry Ku_t_. Lotrl4-15

Map I-elin, Twp Wood-

,,iu Morris k wf to TheCo at gaa pape ,ftt 9. W.v 3rd Avea, Twp 'Wood-

\ I.

\|. -H-n-"1



iinr** 4 Wf to Halm Radl-, >40 Map Fords Park, alsotl Woodland Ave, E, fc*6 ft

,.,„• Heech Avt, Twp Wood-

,,,,„ Thos to John Den\ w(. Lota 16 to I t Bl 14 j, niorcat on Hllltopi, Twp

'!,"Anders Soreii k wf' tonrderleav; L&t » to 10 Bl,„ 19 Bl 1079F ( to 14 Bl,„ 14 01 I f T I f B4-» to 14x Map H-gaman Heights,

Kl-te M. to Fra»k BOlyoglots 1171-1 IT . Mi* Rop«-

WoodbrMn.Hteve 'ft wf to Alex

A »f. Lots 173-174 Map Sl-i,trace. Two Woodbridge.

; \w\ k Wf to Steve Oret-j. • Lots 68-«»- Map'Kea-bey I

. I'wp Woodbrldge. - iWarren D. ft wf 4o Marie

... ., Lots W to II -_ l 373-K.,: , ki.y Terrace, Twp Wood-

..; Hiunpton * wt to OOT. 0.-no res at stake on B. sd

, i'oillon k Weldner' for S. W

n J . Hf * ^ ° " homestead now crumbling and neglected, stands just pff'Cliff Road,

familL r 10Qdb'; id»e Avfenup, Port Reading. Ancestors of several old Woodb'ridn_«U__P« « T •born . th

1ere' , T i e story of the old colonial homestead and the tfigin of iteiounaers, as Riven below, is based ' . . . . . . . _ » . -

wrth old documents. °n

. n in conveyed, Twp Wood-

J. ft wf et al«| tors ill N. «d Thorni: -

meadow, Twp Wood-

OLD FAMILIESof Woodbridge

T H E story of the Haddon Homestead, and of the old Wood-1 bridge families who originated there, begins in 1630, when


wife Annabel! and his several chll-1dren. His father (TbM»a» Haddon1) had made a will' whereby the;homestead and land* were left, tohis grandson, Thomas III, the, Rev-|oluttooary War private.

Annabel, wMaw'of T h t M i U, laorder to save the prdpit j for hergrandson, bought It In at a sheriff*sale, and gave It to her son's chil-dren, who divided tbe propertyamong themselves in .111 . Bphralmdrawing the homestead,. Which re-{malned In bis po-tea_hjl until h(»death la 1872, when It ftaased to his!daughter, Catherine, who left It toher sister-in-law. Mrs. fasses Edgar jHaddon, whose chlKrW sold th*.old homestead to Rlfhard R. Ver-jnon. The old liomestM^W ^ w in!iiossession of the R. R. vernonKHiate.• LiwVlnx genealogy for, ttie rno-

', meat, we find that (tie old nome-|Htcad was subject 4» ftM* by the

Hessians and BritiA and by tramu» or e&BP followers,'who, tagging along With the Britishi troops, tost no chant* to profit, byraids" _ir the (rovntryiUfhf*! '

! Tbe Hessians and- British werecamped just across. « • atiund fromthe homAtead. on SlaMn Island, andwould itage foraging parties, taking anything they could find In the

,way of food pr property.• '• During Iffe troublesome days of

— — —;—i tne Revolution,, two women held thefort, so to speak, at the Haddon

_ _ ™««*slv*1>'." MahtU homestead, the mrafotifcrtelng away;Sarah Marsh, and Mary Hal- u> war; they were Aftntkll, and her,

Marsh., and JWM In what was daughter-in-law, M a r y . ^ p used to„ ' ' L « * e . r carry baby John HadHa to the

Crowell Haudon; who sue-1 n««rby wouds, where she Wd fromthe Invader., as noon ns*the enemy

Crastd Sottr Sboott

- ~ — — _-r -_ -w m _ ^ ^ _ _ -r _ T ^ , • | l — ^ , ™ _ _ ^f ^ d^T—-

Konealogical, data, carefully checked

g es who originated there, begins in 16Ldward Fitz Randolph, a pilgrim from Nuttinghaiftshland, arrived in the colonj«*f Massaehuestss. H

and Anna May, (the latter probablyfrom a South Jersey Inmlly).

Crowell Haddoo Dveil on I'n Ion-town Road, now called Ipper Green

W-ffio Trio* L. Hanson. E. ad

i in S, ad Ids Jos Kuhn,udttrldge.

Alice B., to Chaa L,s sd SchoeJ St, 411 ft 80"

H, founded V f r^e

l hlrun^°

by Wll- »n d A n B r t e n

*,. , . - - . . - « , — ;daughter. Christian^ who married1 here he married a maiden by t h . chatming name of l

wi l»am:Harrison, and a son.-Thorn- _ B K , „ „ , „ _ , - .„,of Elder Thomaji BloBSom, of L e y - . " S ^ ^ ™ 1 * ' ! ^ w"d*_P

IT5?(5 «~li*e* to permit the iifti_B of athe new world |?tth other M_ry Bakw daurttpr of Jaeob lM>''rd "e*tlon- *° t h > t tB0M hm'n

t h a d sought protection from tlft peisecu- Baker and Mary Cntterr iD '*• «" l c of *|J* V < * f n"y ••*•. of the Crown under the Dutch flag. ••••>* . j Tjie chiMrea of fho m a s H-daon-««««* h o w - could t*1. t l p"

l^iti!yitg__^_a^."M»tM*--w-r. SIJB. ar.,4 sa- JS.^V*1-?-!'-???*!


boats' were Righted comingSmith's Creek, which waa then ofjnavigable depth n^ht up to the back >of the homestead. ' |

If you will look %t the picture ofjthe o n place printed in this l«sue|you will see on the right hand aido, |an overhanging section of the roof, jThis unobstrusive bit of architecture'had a strategic Impffrtance, and was,


oMover the .worn threshold. :to stand in the doorway of thehome, shading her eye* with herh__,d, and looking off toward tk_settlng sun in tbe West, s gMtturewhich, in the oM country lore hand-ed down to as. w u believed to la-dleate that the perfon would be thela it of th* liae., Descendants of. John Haddon aa4 ,Rebeceah Brown, now living In &r 'near Woodbrtdge, laclude:'

Charles H Gardner, William H.Gardner, FrsemU Worth Oardaer,Elizabeth H. Bnnra. wife of Georgen. Brown; Jeanetta. wife pf ArthurA. Qulan, of Sewarw, and Martha,Mr*. B. B. WalllM.

Deacendante of tk«-Howell fpa__r.include James P. .Pralt. WllliaHTrail, and Mrs. Mary Rosa U *

Charlei K. 8«aa«n, of Perth A » -boy. Is deseeadM fr»m line of JacobHaddon aad Sally Ayrea.

, Descended tof Bahralm Ha«tMare: Ashtr Ftta RMdotph and Mrs.Mlttle Reynolds, wife ot Inland f.Reynolds; Mrs. Benjamin FreemanParsons, and Miss Mabel Fretman,of Rahway. »


:• . U S ' >'•

1 ^ r . i :;->:)! W ' i " i l l ' n i l K

[li l l th. l 111

j Jj.. lli..i.• I: i

io Perth Amboy B, L.•; w. cor Stephens Ave A

AVP, Twp Woodbridge.,-(. Ktnily J ft bus to Ml-ik.i Lots 6-6 Bev Map Bl<;. »»ren Imp Co, Ferry St,oilbridge.a. of N. J. to O«o J. Mll-•I-A Map N. J. State Htgh-

Twp Wtodbndg-.-..u J k wf t o f e r t h Am

of flTewas to have accompanied her on thefirst historic voyage. The Speed-w«Mr h-wewF-did nm live »p to h«rname, and had to return to port forrepairs. *

Edward Fitz Randolph and hiswife moved to Barnatable, Mass.,jiist north of Bostdn, and all theirchildren were bornnhere. The eld:est. Nathaniel, was baptised InMarch, 1640. When of age, Nath__-

married Rebeccah Brown; Cather- breaking Into it, could drop heavyat her death Jjetwejsq my sUters, iM Haddon, who faiarried Henry objects. Jjol water, or other missilesMargaret and'Mary." jHowell; Ephralm HaodoB, who mar, on " '

Nathaniel netrer returned from _t» Tte* Imrtwtte - IhmWny Harriott;,sea voyage and the Smoking Point Mathta» Haddon; Cornell us Haddon;property went te his eisterB after Jacob Haddon, *ho married Sallythe death of Sta mother. JAyre» {grandmother o[ Charles

His son. Joseph, la said/to have Keen Seaman, of Pert), Amboy) andmarried Abigail Shot wet I. and Jo-.Thomas Haddon, who with his wife old Haddon Homestead, «n a contin-seph'a Aster, Margaret, became the Mary settled In Carlisle. Kentucky, uatlon of what is still known as

the heads of the Intruders.I t was- John Haddon, who. a> a

baby had to be ai^atched from hi*warm cradle, bundled up, and. hur-ried Into the woods, who butlt ahomestead directly across from the

wife of Thomas Haddoa, daughterof EphVaUn Haddon.

I f

where he died of the "Asiatic Turtle Brook

Rrjected by Mi«- fteatrlreTruradale, abovr. of I.<H Anffrhw.(_M>e_<:e X< Ownor, M, OirHtt-rn«^l t« kill her and <nii«««l In a

buttle «dth an officer *rnt toher lonH", woiindlim him

live tlmm ami «tc«ji_i«. Th* re-jected multor then began a serie*of phone call* M i r - t i n g that he•waa wattbtM *Sf howie M »eare»ot police ssarcVcl the city forhim. Mis* TnieMisIt' Is shownpobitlnx to, bullet holefi made Inthe battle between the patrota_-iand Covnor.


S U M M E R C A M PThe following Woodbrtdg? SrouU

were In attendance at Camp Burtoa-at-Allalrc during ' the past sunmerHt-ason:

i Jnrnes Keating, Harry Wllsma,Donald Zenobta. Troop 11; JoeeMWarygas. ' Joseph Molnar, OeorgwMolnar, James Louktdes. tteveHruska. Melvln Knight, WlnfteWBJornson, Troop SI; Oeoree Acton.Charles Fair. FranHs HolihelnMr,Henry lnnelberg, Frank JOM, HenryMeyers, Howell Misdom, Jack Slater,

, Troop 33.Those present from Avenel were:

' Paul Kntpps. Jr., Daniel 8h*a.IjiulsToRe, Troop 41.

' Those present from Cotonla werf:Robert Tiffany, John Pintak, LamMcMichael.f>«*er MeMlchael, He#ryMcwcarelll. JoM.h Joy. JosftphOocie. Franklin JOreene, EdwardHa-aroekl, P r t o f Hodshon, Alt-Brown. Jr., Charles Bro*n, Everett

I Ellis, Troop 61.Thoae preamt from Fords were:

i Harold Handerhan, R .ymo-4 .Handerbaa, Harvey Lund. HenryMelntyre. John 8»Ukl. ChristlaaTfcoimiWrTfWiritt-.^-^

Those present m a Iaelin were:Adolph Boehm, Arthur Dube, Al-

bert GUI, Obarlea Dube, JosephHutteman. b r l Janhe, Alfred Kat-

•Muee_. Bdward Nahass,en, Bmfl .Road. This old riled In her father's homestead. 8t%ven O'Brien. Troop 71.

Plague" (cholera); Cornelius Had- homestead is also "still standing. Evallna Brown Haddon and Free-, Aa won a». the statistic* havethis union that the don II, who successively married The orchard of the John Haddon I man Worth Gardner had four chll- been finally approved a full-reportHaddon Homestead Elliabeth Spencer and Mary Spencer homestead used to he on the spot dren: Franoes Adela, who-married will be made Uy the Raritan Coun-

l Bennetu tnd Mm Haddou. who where the Port Beading Railroad Dr. Ueorge William Brltlon. andc l l Camp Committee.

lei married Mary Holley, the daugh- n w a g from

jter Of Joaeph, of Sandwich, Mam. family of the. . _ „ _ . ! I l W M Nathaniel who migrated sprung. „

*_."c_r~fot 6 0 ! i t t v a n d c a D > ¥ t° Woodbrldge; ac-j It Is [(osalble tjh»i the hoine?teftd Hurried UziU. flloodsood a__i U_ed Station pow stands. tfter hi* death, became the wife ofti HU*fw_ tumpgnted^>y hl» wife.. hls^_6ther",jhad been boughTt by !_6bel. after the in New Yort Ctty, tlwn a little tdwn "John' Ffarfadn m_rHe_-HTt*D«-_h A_rart Loughrldge; John Haddan

' —"—i of his brothers, jnd two of decease ,,of her husband, and that extending about as far as Citv Hail Brown; the couple had five d-Dgh-,Gardner, who married ESSSI sm^oWilllard k. wf to He_rvwf Lot 114 * ad] &

muui ni},.. .

,v.,,,i-i,v Sylvester ft wf to The[,-:ai. ni N. J. Par 3B-1 Map N. J,

ii llr-liway Dept, Twp WOod-|kriil_- ' . . .

-!..riu to Samuel Ellis Potter.i< I in 'i Map Welsman k Potter

I Co N W, cor Main St A Ford Ave,

v < J I .

I .

that extending about as far as City Hail Brown; the couple . . .his four nl»ler». Onn of hit sisters, she'and the family moved up from Park. ' ters: Mary, Anna, Evallna, Fannie,: Reeves; Charles Henry Gardner,! • ~

Flti Randolph. >bec»fte the"the "Smoking Point" "honieno-the Thg- trhildren of -Ephraim Haddon and EllMbeth. Iwho marrted.Mary Gllmorc Fwrand.l William Wonara, ov, a ^V.i|-ftU^-.BWHtj»lr'Wr~ ** t l l e Ha(id.on* were also all born |Jt e old JAnWii, Mary married LjJUjs^an Syckle.; | and EHiabetb^iddon Gardner, who oi ™aip streei,- woouunugc.

can Revolution, who in turn was the ^ In. proof of this, we have doeU-' erine,' James, Edgar, and Mary Jane Ten Eyk; Evallne married Freeman I Kate Haddon, the daughter of County Jail whenfather of Governor Joseph Bloom-; mentary records that Thomas Had-|(Mrs. Mary Jane Fitz Randolph). Worth Oardner; Fannie married' Euhralm, was the .last of the .Had- lice court Here n 1 0 ^ " 5

field, who took part in the Revolu- don and bis wife,.jMary, of W6od- Going back again tor our docu-" JA«le Brooks Lee. I dons to* die In the old honjestead. a drunkenness cnarge.lion and in th. War of 1*12. J."*'- bridge, on May 7, 1714. mortgaged ments, we find that Thomas Hiiddon Elizabeth rfaddOn alone of the^She had a premonition that she been arraigned nere man?

DlKres8lnfe a moment from the' the'homestead to Henrj- Latourette, II (of RevolutionaryFit» Randolph family, it is of Inter- of StajM£sland, th&<*cuQient stat-

asfam. i

Hiiddondiwi in

times on

five daughters, neveraione oi nie one n&u » vr*:_*_nniuu i,i-«- «»"- _w^_ _~._married; she! would be the last to lie carried out a similar complaint.

R. Jr * wf to E l l u -W. sd BfWl Ave, N.

sd Anna Si, Twp Wood-\h,v I . , . n .Jin" : ii Nthink . . .—*- . . •. .: • . . . . ,

Mi:i -i.i i Home B l d r g Corp to 1 5 t hI Aw i n , s t C o r p . L a r g e N u m b e rL o b Mai< L i n c o l n Manor ,I Vv'i/. i.lM I l l s e .

) l n i j , i l

i.- . " H i

est to note (hat Gov. Bloomfield w a s > g iBBr -Hie land M question hadtidentified with the Greenwich, N. J. been conveyed on November 20, |T*a I'arty, when a number of past H M W WHy»m Bingle to Iwbel,triondeatreyed a «ar(('o o f tea as a Flt« Bandolph. We know, that Had-1protest against taxation without p <»on the elder died at the homesteadrepresentation (a corollary to the Jn 1780.B T P


Tea Party). Thomas Haddo* the tat.-after. |

M a I

Home Bldrs Corp to 15th of Woodbridge, commander of aS.t Corp. Large N u m b e r company .of mil i t ia In 1715 , organ

| \ V -

M'til Hume Bldrs Corp to 15thi\. '.I'll, Si CoriL . LBJM- Numberji'- \i.i|i Lincoln Manor, Twp

H u l l _ Co. lnc to Public CoalL I.. .. inc. Lots 7U6 to 73) Map

I'-rk Sec 1, Twp Wood,

s children,with their widowed mother,

Hiddon homestead.She was buried in

Ui i.:/ . ; ! . - I . I . I


V" 1• • . i . l . i '

• i. Saul

Lincoln Manor, Twp lied .to combat Indian raids onIndians

and from theUIIJIL vifre at Dial Utae Kivinjj con-aiderdBfe" trpu^Ie (rn»r-vroodorl__ei m^- tu_ , n a r r | a s e o t TnQffias8 e t t l e "- 'Haddon to the "Widow Blo«nlWd&

Nathaniel, th. original Wood- a C h , n g e came about in the religionsbridge settler, waa a man of char- U I e ot t h e Haddon tribe,, foracter and importance. He was an xhomia a Quaker, waa married

. associate Justice of Middlesex Coun- - .-u t o t ' meeting", and espoused the.Steve to LOUIB MlHer * , iy . ' |n 1688, 1692 an* 1693, »nd a c o m m u n t o n of his wife, an Episco-Hl 538 Twp Assessment i D l e m b e r o f - t h e a_s4mblj fronf iXlia a n d t h u s became one of the!

Wuodbridge. !Woodbridge In 1S9S M d . 9 5 . I"»-jounders of • the Trinity EpiscopalCatherine to Wm .Wlea-.ihoae early days the Colonial -awem- C n u r C h , of Woodbridge. '


Include a Wonderful Selection of Reconditioned Cars

i m to 1U7 Bl 27-t b , y m e l i n Woodbri-se and PerthKahway Paik, Twp - - * • - • • - • -

K ft wt to HenryLots aB» to 362 387


lil l:t Map No.»|i Woodbridge.' iiM-n, Chris ft' wf-ti.risen £. w(. at N. E. COr

•ii'. osrar H. Miller S. w)\i>., Twp Woodbridge.

>i. Win ft wf et Ala to4oknwf.

Going back to the drat wife ofAmboy, being Owcauaa of th.lrlQ- Thomas Haddon. Margaret FlU Ran-catlon near Amboy harbor), proml- joipj,, there are- recprda showingn.nt and important towns. t h a t a | t of their children were born.

The home of Nathaniel, whom at the homestead, including, Eliia-will call Nathaniel I, to "distin- belli. wlit» married William Smith,,

married Thomas Brown i

I b r n l . .I IlLy C o

1 R a h w a y ( w e

'guish him from others to come, was Mary, -,••* . _ . . . . . lon what is now Green ^afreet, at the and John Dobbs, successively; N*-,Bite now occupied by the T. ,F. Dunl- thanlel. Joseplj. and Margaret,can home. Nathaniel wa» a-Quaker married John Heard; Marthaand attended thj s4_alon in the Isob.|. who married Nathaniel Loof-

.« w __u »i"Frleuds' Meeting House , which borrow: and'Thomaa II. who mar-Lot .2 Map Arthur E. ' fc , h e m tf E c h u r c h r l e d A B | n a b e l l Crowell. .sprmB Si', Twp Wood- 1 * n w M 4_d ._ T t y e Q u a k e r s burial, Tho_iaa\ Haddon II, waa a <*P-

stlll be »f-n-there, the tain, a Ffrtt Majqr, and finally a

7-Pa-Jtnger Buick Sedan1 9 2 7 . ^ . ,5-Pauenger Buick Sedan1927 v......I. I.

5-Pa»*nger Iw$ , ,.:

. 4-P_Aenger Buick Coiipe

, nowground may

Jordan, 1928Hudson Coach, 1927New Paint, Good Motor

Durant Sedan

Chevrolet Coupe



io Albert WeUWan,*. b , , t gMap Maple Park « u ; » « m ^.-4 Map. Maple Park


t>. Wm D , toLot it; Map

>'• »d l ' e r t hnlhridge.mi. Uonnette W

the names Lleuteoafif Colont-1 of tbeKa»dhJ_d_;e, Mltlerp. t JlU_le«x C_un_v/New Jeraey

Laing, the battles of the American Revolu

•Ii. i . k e

* wf to,ft MTwp died at tlan Browk by name, was the daugh-

,lay anditer ot G«-rge Brown, the Scotehwas a Quak.r Exile", who, with his wife. Annabellbrought up in Gordon, were among

Mil). I

of thetan andthe rul-


•nwoud Park to Carmine

were among the religiousaissenters who signed the Covenant.

The children of Thomaa Haddon- '- ' ill, who were

were: JosephHaddon, who married Anne Brown,«nd migrated to Fayette County,and migrated yPennsylvania; Nathaniel Haddon.

|"JI"" I

I T,,Ta«. Twp Woodbridge. and'hU family werei. Florence V ft to Cheater ti»at..corom_nlon. r

,- Lots 2& 27 Bl 5«3P Map' pUninent in Khe oouncils ot m e i — • • ^ a a b e l i Crowell.lark, Twp Woodbrldfe. iqu»kera were Jonathan. Nathan and ; J h o m e a l e _ d w <

Cheater S ft wf to'Auguat Edward Hawed, who were the r_i - . i»w m. . . . _ .iiuu. Lots JB-Jt Bt 5«»B,ing »plrR» at the meetings

"tial Park, Twp Woodbridge. I Joseph left a_rrtjrf_B him.'ii, June M. et al. Ek'ra to i widow Itobel and bis children,K'lsey. 36.52 acres Int B-seph and Nathaniel II (to whom bekuuwn a 8 Boulevard ft N ad left Ms duelling h<Jui») and Mary

to Iselln, Twp and Margaret. •From all accounts left us, it te

,.obable tbat Joaeph and his family» 19 t » J 4 Bl 40-Q,Map | ^ e 0 a t what waa then known asI'urk, Twp-Woodbflttgo. -gpioklris Point", later" known asi, Chas L. lnc to Al- niaiiaij Star and atUI later a»

Weed. Lots 73-74 1*7-168 ..7litVt Landing". {The. Tuft afterCreenflaly T«rr»ee, Twp ~n o n» this landing waa name_. is an

. • * Ancestor oi w rw. yiapi i wCo to Youui ' Mens ot woodbridgeJ • The f«rryLots 15.03-1*04 Rev .•gmOi|DK I'oint -i, rn-_ n > u ^ t . . M » g ph WiaRandu

^ • > lived, in^a hou?e known »8' "TheFort" The "Fort" <r»a rememberedby Mi's. Jane H. Flti Bandolpb; ofWoodbridge', who died within therant decade, ag«d 10*.

will, atill In 4he poasewiioB of

7-Passenger Studebaker Sedan.Used by only one ifldividuaj.

Original price $3,000now ~

CitBHae, 1928. Only very, slightly used, >



ils to

-moft wt to Ptroaka

"» I-ota 17-1 i Bl %2»H Map1 l'irace, Twp Woodbridge.""Sim, Ueo Wof: w( to The'" -S- J. Par 4 Mas Jj, J. 8Ute

Jo« * wf to Tba State ofW Map N. J. State High-

Thewas owned by



W o o d b r i d g e

53a103 M-Ui Bt-

. I ,at

5-PiMOi|er StudebakwSedan ..

5-PaM«nfer Stodebakcr

Nasb 1927 _; i l l : '• . • r i ' • • • • • i . , • • . , • • ' - . »


5750MuwcaTwring ,..r

ChryiUr SidaB, 1928



. A


deKendants, made by NathanielFit* Randolph son of Joseph,, onJaa 15. 1746. •htwto tome Hght on

an luteu-to »e», andhe Lord In



the town of

Cme lad HwtYou Tea L«w«MAD - FREE]




Union Garageu d T_» Tttc



Open Ev'gt 'til 9A D I L L A C S A L L E

?f3 High St. P«rth Amboy

Page 6: GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday morning In which Theodore Bode was cut on the right shoulder. Bode is the captain


Building Permi t sShow ConstructionS t i l l in Progress

Tl|f> rnllnwliiH building prrmltshave boon granted hy Building InH|M-i'tor f'rwi KayHer no tar Ihiamonth:

September IS: Two story house,Lulgl Hotettl, Daniel strn-t. Tort

Schwab to Testify

Two «tor> stucco lidune. MichaelWltlw. Sewarea avenue, I'ort ke .d-inl7 18,000.

September 1«: Two room bun«aj-low, John Cetl, Thompson street.Woodbrldge, 11,600. ^ .

Si'ijiomber 14: Two utory frame<lv..uiiig, Claude Decker, v.illdrrhiltii wiiiie. Kd^ars,' $2,600. ,

si'wp ".two Story fra'nio dwelling,HldKedfttc uvenui1, Edgars,' f3,0UU.

• Frame bungalow, Clauue D.tker.\-.. .i.i, .miin-, Kd urK, |!!,000. I

September ,13: Tnio story frameriwiauln^Hei.i) HUIKT, Sixth ave-i,.. . i .A iceaujniP-, $3,000,'

Frame bwvgalow, Kadio Associ-ates, 1'rltale street, Iselln, |J*,000.

•bttpteinber ft: one and one-halfm>V.> truine dwelling, Bernard Jan-sun, uldgewood avenue, .EMgaru,• 4,wuu.

8<-|iiemb'er 11: Two story framedwelling, Herman Krcderieks, Sber-i-y Htre*t, Edgars, $3,000.

One and ofiB-iiiilf story . frame*dwelllng, Herman Fredericks, Ridge-dale avenue, Edgars. $3,00X1.

2 The oost of said Improve- exceed six-per cent per nnnmn.ment Rhall b* awassed upon the other matters - ' "lands In the vicinity thereof bene- notes or bondsflted or Increaaed ln Value thereby...!^' the Chairman

the. extent of the benefit. Committee, the T .of Six Thousand Five Township TreMunr who are hereby.

All and before the hour above men


northerly sider point on the one-hundredyis (49.08) ree* .-.Summit Arenue, westerly line of lot No. fro n n .,

of <if I In- l^tlilfhemwill *><• ^nxmR

the first wlliie*"'!* I'Hllejl V < l w

I'nttwl W*te>i Seiinte (ommlttee•t Waah*"***1" I" «hc Inveirtigii-llon of the big navy lobby mwWhe

of WIIU iii II. Hhe«rer,

to3. The mini

Hundred ($6,500.00) Dollars, of soniurh tn. reof as «Sf *» necessary,la hereby appropriated to -meet therout of carrying out said improve-

i n»- nt. .* 4. The sewer to be conatructed

lirri'iimler In i" be a twenty (20")Inrh vitrified stortn sewer beginning/^1

w a j - ^gnt a culvert oil the northerly Hide M t h e _ , . Muf Woodbrldyi-Cirteret Road' ap-proximately 1"* feet ftUterty of thefuHterly line of Carteret Street andfrom said culv rt extending easterlyapproximately 45 feet U>"a-proposedmanhole In front of lot 17 block1078; thence northerly through.lotsIT 7 iind fi. block 1078, to a pro-poiud nm«hoh> in said lot 6; "\henceinnlerly through a«ld lot 6 to a pro-pr.sed manhole in the westerly sideof First Street; thence northerlyHIOUK th<* westerly jilde of Klr«lStreet to a proposed manhole in the«<mtlnrly nidi, of Carteret §treet;and from Bald manhole an-18" vitri-fied newer extending easterly alongthe southerly aide of Carteret Streetto a manhole in the easterly side of]Second Street and from said man-,hole a 16" vitrified sewer extendingeasterly aloni* the southerly side otCarteret Street to a proposed man-hole In the westerly line of^Thlrd

t o «*••• -'"te -">d inotes or bonds.

Uken by pur-l.^otherwise a

Dated, September 12II*.-. 1W9-_ ... Advertised September 13th., 1929

.. - . .._, . . . feet in width over and September 1929- ,14 in bloci 13SK aa said lot and •—,- —

Uld down on the; Town | -LBOAI, APVKUTI8EMKM-


block are Uld down on the Town.AsseMnent Map, wJilch right

more particularly i \Hperlflcatlons here-

in sbovb referMB t«.7. This ordnance shall take effect

Immediately: ttJWn Its adoption and«*rep*lBlng as required br-Ta#*.

, B. J. DUN1OAN.Township Clerk. „ _

Introduced Jtnd pawed first read- Perkins Is oomplalnunt and CarsonIng September 'j'th., 1929.

t A

TO: CarsoiS B. DoorleyDoorlef: "

By Virtue Of.of CW

STth ,Vr«rstV^7rb^To«r7elY0| tfetng Ae feme T S ns „„Teet to the northtrly Bide of Sura- veyed to theMM» d Qem Ktsh hv (Eft AVenSe; tl«lice ( 4 , easterly of Gordon• W r i i S l B , etogle?, ',alorfK IK* north¥ly side of Summit May 6 19*7 «WTrec6rded in ti 'Avenue 37.50 feet to the point or Bet o f t h a O t a * of Middlesex , , ;niace of BKOINKINO. ty In Book 881, M g e .651.

Being part of lot No. 22, a , shown I _ Decree! "mounting to B , ip i , , , ,

nn order of theit New Jersey N.

engineer_ E.

To"be *4**t|«ert September 13th., i Plalnfleld102B, and Antaniher 20th., 1929. IfeadnU '

E. Doorley, 'Bertha Doorley and iau», f-uth. Amody, Nt J. " |AsswlatoR. Inc., are de- pecreeB amounting to approxl--tniare required to ap- mutely $9,400.80. • '

the bill of said together with alt and singular

A. J. ,

To be »*yertised19J9, September 6th..

iSKfIC'1911T r V lather h

LBOAtvAiiVBHTLSKMBNT— ! complatnwit oil or before the 28th. l h e right8, privilege!, MrodltaiuentaL B : w y * y . riay of October next or the Bald Mil. w d apBUrtenairte» ihireunto be-

.:n>Tll\(T0ll# . Uke«.»». confessed ^ ^ longing or ln-an>Jrl«e »W.etUWng^ 'you and Jraehdecree made i l « n n W I L LIAM S. H tNNAlT Shflft:'you and

»». coidecree made

ll h l^ you and Jraehidec l n W I L L I A M

Sealed proijiBals for the cmwtru*- you a« the Ghann-llor shall 'deem ^ A L T E R j• * of flchoder Avenue Sewer jusj. and e A i l J U b ^ ; ^ ; ; - $ 2 6 4 6of .flchoder Avenue Sewer, just and

T o . n>m.,

Coran UUe Wood-




SHERIFF'S SALEuntil 3:30 P. M. wife, to Margaret D. I'erKins, oanw ">•••"-* . » -

8epteta . l i iL_» ,_of July. m 7 , « land. Mth., 1929lniej

they willthe


and made part hereof. • ,5. The location of any part <U

said system may be changed, or ther said system m y g ,Iselln; said plans departed from by resolu-'rento street,

10: One and one-halt Robert S. Ernest for E . . . - - - - - - . -story frame dwelling Joseph Lewis, North HI1L rtad, Colonia; Leonard wltlrln the limit of the WP™prla-Sutton street, tseUn, $3,500. Fischer lor-Pfank Dunham, Sherry tlon herein providedfor, so far as

Two story hollow tile house, Her- street, Woodbrtdge. . ,JW be tauftd Jiacessary 1». « « »«:'tual carrying out of the proposed

Walsli, tlon of the Township-Committee


p reaeikkii.1'url


11.11 story Framedwelling, John TureJt, Clivln street,Htwuren, $5,000.

Two cur garage. Vlncenti Roiettl,D.uiel atrt-ci. I'ort Reading.

C J f— rL. . . ; M « PfatM improvement because *f difficulty orfined tor manging' riaic* ln t h e wor-< 0- construction. •-.

— ! 6. All the work of said lmproye-Peter Kelt, 17, a luborer, of 1 7 ' m M I | \s to be done. In accordance

Damfprd avenue, Woodbild«e, paid w l t h D l a n B ai,d profile Of the Port

l U f t ^ , 4.WWW f S H D t , ' • (

The work fipkstats of approximate*VUrined Sewer,ly 1,303 l lwtt . 8'

and 4 Han)Pteas clftcatlons tor the

and iIn the Township of Woodbridse. inthe County ofof New Jersey; »ndDoorley *nd Bertha

Middlesex and State:iu Carson E.Doorley are

proposed wori,' prepared by GeorgeK. Merrill, Totrhship Engineer, have)been filed In the office of said En-gineer, In the Municipal Building,Woodbridge Township. New Jersey,and may be Inspected by prospectivebidders during business hours:

The standard proposal forms areattached to the (pecincatlons, copiesot which may be obtained upon ap-

a »6 fine »hd court coHts when ar- fteading Sewer No. 1 • Improvement, | pitcatlon to the Engineer.September 6- Knime porch and ral(fB«d in pollft court here TueB- M hereinbefore dettrtbed, made by

«<WUIon to rear of home, Sebato day evening for violation ot the mo- G e o r f e e R. Merrill, Township Engin-'•••-••- '" "••'• " —" "'- clftcatlons therefor,

on file with the\ei'itj||5."Secoh'd'"street. Tort Read- tor vehicle law. Kelt, It. was al-. e e r a n d t n e apeclftcatlons therefor,in«. - lesed, had transferred the re-flstra- w l ) | C h a r e n o w - — -

tlon plates given him for a StU(Je-, Township Clerk.baaker to a Ford car without au

'September 6: One and one-halfHtory. frame dwelling, ttinlf Noytn,Liberty street, Fords, $3,'{>00.

SwptflnibW~J!fr"" Two • story' frame(1 willing) James Nacha, Brightonstreet, Woodbrld^, ^5.000.

! 7. Temporary notes Or bondsu r e hereby authorised to be issuedfrom time- to- ttme^in an..s.niQupt

'-*"-—K^ nrlated, pursuant to the. controlling

26 PlumbingPermits Granted

Twenty - six plumbing permitswere granted by tnr Hoard of Healthilnrlnt "AUKUHI, acmrdlng to themonthly repmi of Health Inspectorl'eter l'eteraon. TIIOHC redeivlngpermits were;

Jensen and Itodnrr lor Doard of"KdtMithm; - !S(fw**wt; *teittw*~iHMk-Uodner for ForUu Construction Com-

^- panyj (two iiermitm: Jetftefl and


and specifications will be

made defendants because you boldtitle to an* jelalm an Interest in thelands described in said mortgage.

Dated-August 26th.. 1»29.CLARENCE A. WARD,Solicitor of Complainant,

22 W. Milton Avenue, |RaluMT, M J. |

To be aaveMised August 30th.. iaeptember fith.. 1929, Sep-i

tember 18th., 1920, and September20th., 1929.



Perth Amboy Hm,,,Jng and Loan Association i1,,,,plalnant, and Olreater H siuinet als., Defendants. FI K;, ,sale of mortgaged oremtsw rtat.'ViAugust 14, I t t 9 .By virtue of the above stated w r i t

to rtw directed and delivered i wniexpose to sale at public vendi

IN CHANCKKY OF NEW JERSEY WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER NlNni—Between North Amboy Build-, NINETEEN- fiUNDRED AN'DIng and Loan ABgeujlatlon, a body i TWENTY-NINEcorporate. Complainant, and Oe»a ai two o'clotU In the afternoon ,)KiBh and Mary KUh, hlB wife, et. said day, at the Sheriff's Onv.,, „,als., Defendants. Kl Fa for sale the City of New Brunswick, N iof mortgaged premises dated Au-] * Alt the following tract of parr igust 19, 192». 'of land and premises hereinaft...By virtue of the above Btated writ particularly described situate uii,

to me directed and deltversd, I will jtnd being ln the, Township «r Vv',m.r


pfurnished 'to prospect;on payment Qf Ten

the opening ot bids.B|ds must be made

. |.1i

expose to Rule at public vendue-ottWEDNESDAT-, SEPTEMBERTWKNTY-FlfTH, NINETEEN ;


bridge, in the County of Midl-and 9Ute of New Jersey.

- Being known-and designatp(|certain map entitled "Flm n,,


pcovisions of Chapter 252 of the,the specifications; must be enclosed{Laws of 1916, as amended and sup-1 in

,at onro clock Standard Time (Twoilselln," and recorded in the[o'clock Daylight .Saving Time) in |dlesex County.Clerk's Office, l l s i ,„

lara which amount will be refunded IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY the afternoon -fit said day, at the No. 1S24 and the adjoining tw-..|V,lupon return of plans and" speciflca-i —Between JOI N J1ANSON, Com,.Sheriff's Orfire In the City ot New feet of. lot No. J9*5,tions before the time specified for' plalnant, and E1NAR G. NIL9ON Brunswick, N. J.. . , | Being thirty-two feet In front ;,„,!

1 and MARGRETHE N1LSON, his All tract or parcel of lands and.rear and one hundred test In dii.iwife, et<*als., Defendants. Fl Fa premises,'situate, lying and being in' Being the Sane premises c,U]•fnfc"*ft!e--ef-mortgaged jtremisesjhe Townshiii ofWOodbrldge, ln the veyed to the said Chester n. Smii,dated May 10, 1929. ' -County of •NTraaJWBr a»rd< State of) by deed from. Newtett G, Burns i-iBy virtue of the ab<i\e stated writ New Jersey. " ux., bearing date geptember 7

on the stand-»rd proposal, form!) In tfie mantiFrdesignated therein and required by

fi b l d

at a rate not to

AND. -iliiinant, and FRANK l.ANDANO,

ei ai. Uerendanta, l"i l-'u for ualeof mortgaged prenilHt-s dated Au-gust 29, 1929.By ^rtue ol th* above slated writ

to me directed-Jtail delivered, I willexpose to sale at public vend UP on


respect of aaldl h J i d

plemented, whjchshall bear Inteiest

other matters In . .notes or bonds thall he -determinedby the Chairman of the TownshipCommittee, the Township Clerk andTownship Treasurer, who are hereby

pnTelopea, bearing the to me directed and delivered, I will I Being part of lot No. 49 on "Mapnotee or bonds'name-*nd"ad4refls of the bidder and expose to sale at public vendue on'of Property of Elixa C. Brewster,

Beginning on the northerly sidename, of proposed work on the out-ppside,' addressed to meCommittee, WoodhrldgeN d


and recorded January 26, l!)'sBook 907, paglK 197,

Decrees amounting toraately IS.6O0..! Beginning on the northerly side raately f5,600..

I of North Street, at a point distant I Together with all andd d ftft (150 f U t iNew Jersey, and must be' ae<H>m».at one o'clock Standard Time (Two one hundred and Qfty (150) feeUtbe rights, privileges, heredltaim n

panied by a certified check for t (o'clock Daylight Saving Time), ln westerly measured along the .same and appurtenances thereunto h,

out conditional endorsement, pro-Townshp , h hauthorized to executCafld issue said vlded said isfepek Miall not benetes or bonds.

improvement shalld d

thef i ' T ; 1 ; „/Township Committee and according/atternoon of ^• ^ p r ( > ; i s i o n - , 0 , . a n j a c t - e n t i t le« ,

sumof 10%W-tiie amount bid w t h | (he afternoon °ot thti safd day at the I from the westerly line of LindenSheriff's Offlee In the City of Newfevenue; thence westerly along^saldBrunswlek, N. J, • " I Une of North .Street, fifty (50) 'fe«t;

ALL the lollowing tract or parcel thence northerly, parallel with Lin-a of land and premises hereinafter, den A-venue, ninety-one and fifty

stating particularly described, situate, lying hundredthe . J91.-60) feet;' thencepioviu. and being in the Township of Wood-' south eighty degrees eighteen mi'n-

(than" WW'.0»7p«"y«We to thebe|ot the Township Treasurer, and

t Cnunder the su-| surety Company certificatethat Surety "Company will

Kodner for Jensen and Uodner, New the said day at the s Office In , , A n A • C o n c e r n l n g Municipalities".BrunBwicH avenue, Vords; Felix the= City ^ of • New Brunswick, N. J. . h e ^ l n b e t o r e described.Klug fgr O«orKe RoacJie, Thorpe1 A" that lot. trac , or parcel of 9 T n e C0Bt o £ s f l l d im p r 0 Vementavenue, Avenel; \yilllani Finn for l a l l ( 1 ».nd premises situate, lying attU g h g H b e a g a e s 8 e d u p o n t h e * a t i a 8 j nMr. Keeb, Colonia; William Finn for ^\^ ••» the Township of Wood-| t h e v i c i n i t y t h e r e o t benefited or in-Mr, Chrlstensen, Woodbridge; Wll-:bridge, County of Middlesex »ndjoy^g,,- j n .-^lue the ex-llam Finp for unnamed Woodbridge stale^of New-Jersey. , ( t f t h b e n e l u o r l n c r e a a e .project; Charles Conrad for Stand-1 .BEGINNING on the southerly side 1Q T h e r e ,B n a l l b e taken by con-ard Oil Company, Amboy avenue, °t M^lnzer Street at "a point therein demtfat lon purchase or .otherwiseWoodKrldge; Morris Welsberger for.rt'stant one hundred ninety-nine and f t h ^ ' ^ o f affOr-ding the nec-Pollak Brothers, Amboy Heights; "•'•""— K.,^J.UJ,I .U . . . . . . . . i » i . ifFelix Klug for Louis Caros, Avenelstreet, Avenel; Charles Slnikin forTony Leone, Burnett street, Avenel;Charles Conrad for H. Fredericks,ltidsewood avenue, Woodbridge.

B. Skapinetz for Peter GacsUu,B. tlie first course one hundred feet to

point therein]Inety-nlne and

•thirteen- hundredths feet easterly r\t&ia of way for said sewer,from the easterly line o£ Manhattan f ^ w t rigM 0 T ^ i 5 " "r iJtaTJAvenue; thence running souther* " " d fi jn block'1D78 as said lotBat right anslesjo Meln^r^Street lAown J5! ho Township"M-

Mei'iuer Street Httyone hundredparallel with

Florida Grove road, Hopela**n; _ .Skapinetz for . Mr. Fftkgae, ' i lol ly Melwer Street; thence westerlystreet, Haj-aman Heights; John' a-°»B t h e s a | u e nttJ' ^eot to the pointDobransky for August Gisko, Holly and place of BEGINNING. Btinj;street, Hagaraa'B HelghtE -^elbt l«t*-U»r«a liunilrfid. aM. filghtl andKJug for Rr. Roach, Bucknell are- ^tee hundred aM eighty-one onnue, Woodbridge; A. M- Smith for "Mm* of Avend Park, Section No. 1,M. Alboch, Grove arenue, Wood- Woodbrlrtge TownBblp. Middlesexbridge; A. M. Smith for Maple County, New Jersey, Owned and, de.-itealty Company, Livingston avenue, veloped by the Maple Realty Cr~Hvenel; Morris Welsberger for. G. lial|y. - - .Pollak, William street, +,AnAoy Amboy, New Jersey; surveyed andHeights; Leonard Fischer for Ohris *apped by Larson & t\>x, EngineersLehman, Livingston, avenue^ • Fords; ana Surveyors, Perth Amboy, N. J.;FeTrx Kluu for Louis Hanson, Grace *-«i n|e<* i'1 the. Office of the Clerkstreet, Kurds; Robert S. Erncbt for «f Middlesex County, New Jersey,V. I'oporitch, Maxwell ^veuue, W*6-Fords; Robert S. Erriest for Radio Subject to restrictions;

the shine premiBes conveyed

ment Map and sufficient space in lot

feet; thence northerly paralled with .*, H*Jg$£VJ$g&moreplans^ being

on the maps andreferred to.

This ordinance shall take

and advertising as required by la\ ' . B. J. DUN1GAN,\ Township Clerk.

p«aitv fnm ' Introduced and passed first read-

,.uple Realty" BuK&t 'h ^ t Z ^ £ l t U T 13th..1929, and September 20th., 1 29



longing- or in anywise appertaininWILLIAM S. HANNAH,

LEO* OOLDlBgBGER,$19.74 . . . . Solicitor

To be advertised September l;n

the bidderand must he

ftedelivered at

b f t m t , p Tthe plae; and State of New

MWdleaex,4uteg (80°Jersey, I with North

1929,it,'nearly parallel tember 27th.,

fpity-nlje and eight 14th., 1929. ~ '

a pSeptember 20th., 1929.

^ 2 9 and Oct


NOTICB3 IS HEREBY GIVEN that. • ; - . [ • . •. . the Township Committee w"Hl hold %

I to I'rank Landano by d,bed recorded m e e t t n g a t t l i e Memorial Municipal. In 9pok »39 of Deeds tof suid Coun- B u l W j n g Woodbridge, N.- J., on

NOTltBJ TO BiPOEItS ty.riaee 141. September 23rd., 1929, at 3:30Sealed proposals tyr furnishlnj,' Uetrees aniountlnft to aPProx|-1 o'clock In the .afternoon, (Daylight

materials and doing all work re- niateiy $3,600.00* Saving Time), to consider the finalquired for the construction of Sec- Together with all and singular Wie p a 8 6 a g e of the tollo,wing ordinance,tlpn 5 of the Jtahway Valley Trunk rights prlvlleses, herBditttment^ and , 8 t ^h\c^ time and place objectionsSewer will be receive^ by the Rah- BUPurtenances thereunto .1felonp;lng thereto may be presented by anyway Valley Joint" Meeting at their or.In anywise appertaining* 'taxpayer of the Townshipoffice, 37' Kim Street, Westnetd,' N. V WILLIAMS. HANNAH, :| objectojrs may file a writ!J., at 8:00 P, '.M. on October 10, ' . , SherJff. l'jWtlon ^ i l h t n e Township1929. . , , . • LOUS J. BEEItS, . • . . - . " "

5 of the Trunk'Sewer ex^,|28.98. Solicitor. ,in tiifc hian1i*dte on Forest To be aiiveitised"September BOth:

Ayenue approximately* 400 feet 1«29, Septeinhw 2Ttli.,1929, Octonorth of North Cranford her 4th.,- 192!), and, October 11th.generally along the Railway Rlyer 1929. , •• ,-to the upper eud of lh& Trunk Hi-wwi' •''' ' '• lit the C ran ford-Springfield line near —LEGALthe -Ruliwjty .River. • --- . (

Section 5 iacludes approximately11,000 feet of Z% inch1 sewer with i — ——•manholes and appurtenancea and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that

n ob-h h p Cterk

prior to that date., • B. J. DUNIGAN,:

Township Clerk.


AS ORDINANCETo Provide foi* a S j

, Sewer • tn . Wildwood Avenue*Fifth Street, Franklin Str««tand MifDlf Street, and to I'ro-Vkle for tip Assewnient TherWand fur the FuiAncing Thereof.Whereas, a form, of agreement Ime

other work incidental thereto. Ap- the Township Committee Will hold a been officially approved by theproxlmately l ,$00 feet of ihe line meeting Bt the Memorial (Municipal Township ot Woodbridse and thewill be of 38 ihch cast Iron pipe. Building. Woodbridge, N, J., on Township of Rarltan, which agree'

Alternate bids are Uken on pre- September 23rd., « 2 9 , at 3: 3<L ment • has for its purpose the sewer-cast reinforced concrete pipe with o'clock in the afternoon, (.Daylight ing of a portion of the Fords Sec-protective inside coating, reinforced Saving Time), to consider the final tlon of Woodbridse Township ini-monolithic concrete pipe and vltrl- passage of the following ordinance, mediately adjacent to the RarlUntied tile pipe. < at- which time and place objections Township line, by allowing Wood-

Bach hid must be accompanied by thereto may be presented by uny bridge to drain Its sewage into Rarl-a certified cheok for I2P.000.00 pay- taxpayer ot the Township. • tan Township* In', eonulderatlon. ofable to the Railway Valley Joint] Objectors may file a written ob-

th T Clerkas a guarantee that the.jeetlon with the Townshipcontractor will execute th# contract, • pV|or to that date. '

•B. & DUNIGAN.Township Clerk.

if awarded, falling which the saidcheck shall be forfeited, and whichsaid check shall. Ije returned to thebidder on the execution of. the con-tract. • , * ;

» Copies of plans, proposal forms,apecfflciUloiiB and forms qf uoud -andcontract can be seen at the oftlea otClyde I'otu, ConsultlnK Engineer,'30 CJiurch Street, New York City, Be It Ordainedoral the office of tbs Joint Meeting,; Committee of. ,•Ai Elm St., WeBtfielff, N;'j . , or majil; Woo«lj>ldgi»1 m; "the --Conutrbe obtained by prospective blddefa ' Wddlesex: > t••**<•*-..,»<-m-''••• *.*upon depoultlng twenty dollars'] L A sewer »a her<Jn»f!eroe(•20.00) which sum will be refund- scribed, t« be known as'Port Read


To Provide U>r the CoDstrnctUmof a' Storm Hewer to b» Known,as I'ort lWivilnx Stprln bewerNu. 1,


wlUph Ksrltan Townahlp shall havethe fright to drain Its sewage intosewers to be constructed by Wood-bridge Township, in said area,

'Be It Ordalnedi by the TownshipCommittee of ,the Township ofWoodbridge, in the County otMiddlesex;1. That a aanltary sewer ahull be

cgnstflxled by the- Township otWoodbrfdge, In Wltdwood Avenue,

- I Fifth StHetr Franklin Street andthe Township' Maple Street, U shown ou the. map".TownBhlp -of i attached. feeWte |nd

Chapter 162 of the Laws ofu amended l t

ed, toudate. "ed to Contractors who aubmi.t bids, Jng Storm. Sewer No. 1, shall be 2. "fhe coBt of said improvementon return of the plans within ten constructed a» a local Improvement, nhall be assessed upon the Unds indays after the contract has been under and b> virtue pt the provi-ithe vicinity thereof benefited or in-awarded, if the same are in good sions of an act entitled, "An Act;creased irvalue thereby to the ex-condltlon when returqdQ. , Concerning Munlci ajjiliat", ap-1 tent of the benefit or increase.

Tlie deposit will not be refunded prove* March 27, 19lfTtbe amend- 3. The sum Of Four Ttiomandto parties who tart out plans and meats thereof and' iupplements Fly« Hundred {t4,500.00) Dollars"do not submit pronoHtu, thereof and other la#a applicable or so muph thereof as may be i

The Jolat Meetjljig. reseryes the thereto ,to provide4»j;jtM dralnageliary is.h«reWl'*Piiropriate4 U» „ . . .right to reject rfnfUDji all-propoaal8. ot surplus water id Ca"rt«rel Street.fthlB cost oTtttrrying' out said 1m-

ItwhwiiyJ^alle^-folirt M«»hw. , Port heading, and-Ml, Wher street* provetoent.4. Temporary notes or bonds are

hereby authorised to be issued fromH. S. P. RANDOtPH, sliowiv.on the plans aad ,

CUalrmin. tions complied by Georfce K- Merrill,QABUIEL. LAR3SN, i Township Englqeer, which ajbut, ad* time to time in an amount not to «t-

Secretary, join or are la the n&tuiw storm'.eeedlhe annt appropriated, pursuant*. New JeMey.-M- >'' dMtMg-e area WMUSJIMMS k«« aalflitov t£# fionlioliins prQvi»ipn» of

Datefl September It, J « 9 . . -.Oarteret Street aa ihown* o n the .Chapter IBiol the l*ws oiitTo be udvertlwd g^tetoMr Jflth,, p^ne. and apeclftcatlpM »b(Mfe laen-.fmended, wbjflh sajld notu or

1989 and toniewb^r i7th.;yim,' dpWd.T H . l«b*ll bttrlaUrftit at a




The Shortest Route to Clean Clothes








PEED is combined wilh thoroughness of washing and safety'for^ materials in the Thor Rasher. Run hy electricity, all the hard,disagreeable features of washing by hand are removed. It h especiallydesigned to simplify every washday move. Its round tub has no cornersto clean, its wide top simplifies such little handling of the clothes asthere b to do. The electrically-driven, swinging wringer with Us softrubber rollers makes^transfer of clothes from one water to another easy*

• , • _ ' / •

The wringer cahhe removed and the irouer set inits place.Ironer gives a fine fintlh to flat pieces and difficult pieces can i*fully ironed with a little practic

Theg p

fully ironed with a little practice.


JVat/ier with the ironing attachment in yourhome. You incur no obligation by a requestfor tuch a demonstration. Telephone or write.



Page 7: GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday morning In which Theodore Bode was cut on the right shoulder. Bode is the captain

Fords A. A. Battm! * * * * « • « r CAIHD off iKMto TBIF HJKSE fcaioeyF.CNa* Sfrrtwb A.A.B*wB«hrt[her whelmed 1 1 - 1by FieldChib Nine

.•--•is n*f4.€lttJ»'aia« aaml

.-, *n lt-t M R at l""w*s

Ort Tigm' Tew

• ' - ' » •

. «ino*f» far • * • frames•Onaakk maywa kta

- -,;t ( w t l h (Mr ta••viiw tf«a» ttl* tfc» W all—ng «l ta» taiak Mr tto


start* w*a UM »illo».t a ttfc at ait*, aa* mi-

Cirtartt niMi

f*af FWM ci«a|

• « • • • * •

•r, : la -

_ ^ i » * r > DAVE EVANS STAGES BIGGEST* •? ^ J E ^ * f^",-o t A. Sr,i- AW)- BEST

; 'wilt 1TV

nin nraiiy wtw

S 1 tfI

-< p.

i. rt.

in St.

i* :rii-

, J : tJwrtty ia iik^ly -, i the TarsitT

' rtart* ta alxmruuacs w*a p-r.

ma«? Francisa iwrth m


A.IT *M tin h n •

(our -in*- I t a TTjutrsraillinl in :nv <am* Qraav butiot« so nar\ LU mtjr, Cttrtw ram.

'Batch ' inau k



'11' twtwn n

x iu-att lu-rtit aua- roc


was Ulrww* wat'~t* •OWA'W '»<rr?t?•W •» the > n mI * * <t*mdk a* fwfent• * >antfa> far ta». oat" t}> H U M I Sa»«t>*«i n e t a«tMfll be »mlif AHK BMBV ^ H-far 4£v| ua&SM* ipiJUBAW4 'kwc•afhU""'* "«*» nar*f u On7»tt *!>«• ttw jpaostuwa ".link

•»* iaw.-aaaa> •» t a * wUtewu K. ©aSty -rtrtw* iX iMl 1 1 1 Tin .ntcw. frwa* uovtmu V M

FarifcA. A. nPwv;"^. PeterLawreneevtMe J

;' Coad* Ernestile valntdar Bany I4-1. V :;:i. 11 Hwu-

will nmUnue« ii.i.:- work vfttctt a^

iif the

if. •UWQ.W <M «r^" «-= " ' * • T*"lTr. *" 3J | j I r s t Ilftae aattaaaatV It 'OU" -T>«B

*••*«**. m<!?iri)r <fiiiw|- i c a - t ^ n ^ n ? . « .: zta »*«ii{*« to -IJK nrnry t« w»j^n to . ^ j ^ . -\,-*.Hu»ato jraotie* ««3iitiv* iftwr. il»« Mown ^ • ^ ^ •°')*!l!!- ' time ai

r««ujE». m » rnn"i -

« •

9«orc a r '

Ami . !i* w i

. . ten- •»» »«»••

fill n t tmw , "tryi n

tor 'nolo;if

c.-... ,. HrelWWBW M l »••—I Bases- o .i. a t TijiaiaHli. ' 1: alt

• :., ;. 1; a» F i l l m a a . I; •»»r--..-. :. 1. SUWk «ttt. %y Kop-•

'u:.---r I; k

e liin nurd utrat'i ^Itoa wot

JIiU*r iatr—"Hi, caiiiiie:! Isn't Major• mil 4f t!ut tiURfcw y«Tt^wr"'VT3eif m <rf eae fewtMroftmi ka^ it<« iiaa,?" ' ' :iie •warito.

ontinarv «r It waa ilaa A j,rwii u

^h««rr ,, ta charge nan bunii 'n:

W.H-.S. Footfall ScfeUeDat« W. H. S.

Oct. 5 Soaille

Oct. 26 Santa* _ -Sax. 1 Leonardo '.

Nov. ! ( Port RichnwadNov. 28 S t Mary'a


^ took .te trs( .irimife natch rar- ttke-

jostraiian»Ht is •:!»;


as Games Loon

mt 5.

•-MIX- t}.


ms ;>ut >u<

j t ilotrtM tohftth

"mi w&* rmt

IK. K. av:

: \ t;$ %. I "Parwu$ 1 t t h a w s - *

, i * i HMtikalt j- 4 i t :«aM». Wj ^ ^ ^

t ^_ Scalar iqaatf ftmna ""»iais>iff mtnwut *•»«•

» » .»*tj qtttaitatup u««t . lion- aa* OuataM *a»*ci<iv-^ *if» »o ~ ^

. * •» r»o ocftrir VIM'S fi>r i j m*l. !B^< *«»t at Tttoma*.



Pursuit tarn aari wasIBB k i l t IIIBflMB .

(triying 1 Siller Smaies ami Zaie e , ^ A m t ^ ^<Mey«r». at L^armaawwrn. P^.. jiaa ^ e -Froncitirrrtn*; a JtjDer. tte< far \wmon ia xjietr anilesthe iflailfyina rtmwfa. tftfl !&at rnut ' ^ ^ wimm ,;

tire* Sftiia «iia««r (baa


•MI::., a Mid • infers of- ' v!re ait aades.•*-- • ?unt»reii tmad-


a e". C - • • •» I I I * t »


brawa. intome taa -iireport met '

ag». **»

aut caand

* *

tui f

ft S M I out a»


ir7»nt ni the anisrIn.^Haa. w r » : Con.- g.jwa Sorwart C<»- j . -.

Test This Irooerin Ypur

4tm Coauoa. .if Jutu«a» Pa., fctw* J J s ^ ^

T!u? 'ltlier Hr". vfs and: t4«i" Euaae •»"•** xitiuuis.f TTs« big ear» ^^jie ai lit Ui*ir awn

AJ Stewart. Momataanv St. .X.'.^J«JU t I l i r t ^ *& <^»«i " ! w a

4 * *. Cuaras: C'J>;eiaa 1 5 * poua^&_ 4 a " I t , , t*H ;<a Jl«tB»; A i « i— * * * taawW. t»e t>«t * w » «ai

- 4 • ,1 iMtii,

S t<rft ftwtii u t i

1 T i aiBMMif tor a W<1 m a u a i jwt ««-m « M «>e-feail j ^ t2» SaiL H» iltauywt -* afci

aaBBBataf i t «V tiV0*4tt£8fl£. «VBPBV£ tftt^ '\0t {Mttflw&k swtf sfiBd ^jj i^ft m i csi*ij r o w B ^ r 9B8C%w>Srtmwrt. c t»»» Bartor « u put Jut « . « ttmar fcy


Home - . P -

at. K;. :-»

•tda; •*Re*J" PacnMaa, Pi

24 1-5 aftwajfc; • • B B I

Specuti. "

uag tae IUHWCJ. c

aod chiri >iia» r««fr«iweij. ^ Winkkr. 1Strie-«g xc ' J- alan w«s Jaeit- Da^oft**, 3k.

. _-n»4U. Winaa.. L*n»Htfrn. Ric* Tuta. (tt . _ _[art Turseiso. •'^' fa* UMT« tun-' A TuOiaa. rt —'littter was recr»i H. tan ;:i:.-,i *s» u Fauatt,. a.;•( «a «v«n?. A.-io,.: «wnag into r!i*

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i. Harris 3p«-!-«rei am* giilw. Wiaaai jlnustied S. r. C- —™: OL WB^EBt 'Brat with J-^ck^n iad Rif« coming TS« 'lauaai

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Page 8: GRADE CROSSINGS WOODBRIDGE LEADER - DigiFind-It · Reading Railroad, in Pprt Reading, early Tuesday morning In which Theodore Bode was cut on the right shoulder. Bode is the captain


Early WhistlesBlow the Good Newsof Fall Suits from

M I C H A E L S - S T E R N

As usual, ChitatenseiT* areup with thf milkman andnestling todAf on hangersare the cream of the firstFall suit selections.

Creative genius in* designinghas successfully courtedDtfme Fashion,' *

Fabric Experts and harmonyartists have combined.

Every line . . . lapel,. . ...curve and contour NEW aathis minute's oxygen.

We cordially invite you tocome and see a clothingstore turned into an artgallery.

Michaels Stern Fall Suits(2 pints) from $35 up

New Fall Topcoats $18.50 to $29.50Knox, Berg and Packard Hats

$3.50 $5.00 $8.00Flonheira & Walk-Over Shoes

CHRISTENSEN'S96 Main Street Woodbridge, N. J.

Knights' Bowlers Mat TonightMiddlesex Council; K. of C. bowlera intereseted in join-

ing the league which*rolls on Monday evenings at the Crafts-men's Club alleys are urged to attend a special meeting to beheld in the Columbian Club rooms this evening. It is plnnnedto reorganize for the coming 'winter so that the four alleys atthe'Craftsmen'*.Club may be in use every Monday evening.

A few of the boys "-warmed up" the hardwood strips Mon-day evening. It was the first time they had been used since

I Steward Moore leveled and refinished themI , Grand Knight elect George O'Brien copped the honorsfor a single string With a 167. The scores:G. O'Brien 167 lit 130 106 J. EWhorn . „A. OelB - . 1 8 8 130 138 128 Mullen .* i.J. Neder U6 135 124 117 KeatlBgC, WIlttDK 1*4 11» 96" 87 O. Gerttfc -»,,.h. CamplOh 73 110 93 101 N. Lang*n _ ,

120130149• «7122


157 130

Mik* Stones at Prhctkt,The "Independents", a group of unattached bowlers, got

together on the Craftsmen's Club alleys Wednesday.eveningfor/a little workouU. Mike Schubert took the honors for asingle'string with a 315. .Art Lee displayed Home 6? His oldtime skill and marked up a 206, a 202 a id * ?00.

The boys are expected to organize within the next fewdays so that regular match gajnes may be started in the nearfuture. ,

Some of Wednesday evening's scores:L«e

A- V M "•--NaylorFr«d

wofcena ut qottor of

f i fe $HiW - | f I d * i t

will open on Friday Evening, Septefyber 27th.,

in St. Anthony's Church, Porf Reading, at 7:30

o'clock, and will continue every Friday for nine

consecutive weeks.

r t



103 117167


Jaeger 138__ 215"'Schubert


187 163178 167188 204


Fei Bowler$ Take TwoWoodbridue Federal bowlers took two but of three game;

with the Perth, Atpboy fiardware quintet: and the KeasbeyCeramic bowlers dropped three to the "Poit Office No- 1 team,of Perth Amboy, in "the "second round of the Industrial Leaguerolled eu the Recreation alleys Tuesday-evening.

• Honors for high in a single string the Hardwareclarifin the first tusstes, Keenan taking a 202~and Hope-a 201.

g f e f c ^Ceasbey^star, marked up a 202 In the second sewith Pemberton,' of Perth Amboy, rolling a close second with

an even 200.The scores:




(continued from ffge •event*

driver was unhurt and ah&njU, spectators vau.H&d...'wire iunce and pushed hTni imotor started as it had stalled inthe skid. He was able to finish the-raee. ~

RUBS Snowberger's prontie tookthe inside at the starter's line withFreddie Wlnnal's Miller oppositehim. The other seven car's lined upin the following order: Condon,Schurch, Jackaon, Rice, Glmarlno,Buechler, and Stewart. Freddie ooTdenWinnai finished an easy winner with Hoffman "IICondon and Schurch finishing s e c- perabertonond and third respectively. Win- • *nai's time was sixteen minutes, thir-ty seconds.

The "Baby Face" thrilled. the Venaett ...crowds by his exceptional skill in the Podolskl,-..ten mile handicap which followed. PayneHe was forced to sandwich his Mil-, Wagenhofferler between the cars and swing Into T. Tilpthe home 'stretch with only a fewinchcB between his "chariot" andcars driven^ trr~"^!bn*Mi and- Snowberger to finish half a car lengthahead of Condon and half a carlength behind Snowberger. it wasthe best bit of driving the BpectatorBsaw during the day and it held'them


Sunday, Monday, September 22 — 23


"THUNDER"Tuesday, Wednesday, September 24 — 25

Maurice ChevalierIN

"Innocents of Paris"Thurs., Fri., Sept. 26 — 27 Double Feature

Jack Holt inFather and Son

FEATURE Zane Grey's 'Stairs of Sand'Saturday Only, September 28 Double Feature


Patsy Ruth Miller and Ford Sterling in



855 906Keosbey Cennnic

-„. 147 169179 156

™ 1S2 137™ 202 176.„ 167 179


817 817 S02

Mrs, Einhorn Hits a 120Court Mercedes, C. D. of A., mem-

bers opened the ladies' bowling sea-son at the Craftsmen's Club alleysTuesday evening with several good

spellbound until the threecrossed the finish line and spreadout. ' .. • , scores. Teams will be formed with

Winnai was the scratch man, the'ln the next few days and matchlast car to start. The drivers, in games will be started as soon «.i pos-order in whteh they started, were: J Ilble. .Rice, Glmarlno, Condon, Snow- Mrs. Einhorn romped off wittberger, Jackson and Winnat. Snow- High total for a singe string when

Winnai and Condon, in theshe hit the maples for a 120. Mrsorder given, were leading at the LevI was close behind with a 116halfway mark. The three leaders Mrs. Fitipatrick was third highwent around holding their positions with a 100. • ,for nine and three quarter laps. The scores: .Suowberger looked like a sure win- Mr*. Sattler ., 51 78 76ner when thC"three gas buggies topk Mrs. Witherldge _ 7* 66 79Hie green flag. ' I Mrs. Fit*patrlck ... 65 100 82

All three" gave er the gun and Mrs. Levl 73 70 116held their' positions, the "Baby|Mrs..Oerlty 72 90 80Faco" probably riding Che hardest. fMrs. Leahy 87 75 86Just an the three cars hit out of yie .Mnk Einhorn ISO 46 78iii<Ht curve Winnai found himself i .; :IHeniJIy "on the tall"- of the cars] Might Serve It WUh « Summonsahead. HQ liit the open space be-| A salesman soW' an elderly negrotweon them, though it was against | farmer tt tractor, gome time afterthe rules. He was unable to swing'the machine was delivered, the

• + • • • • • • • • + »*<••

his wheel in either direction, helater said, so he just slid into the^ap. His daring gave him a break,tin! other cam swung a bit wide to,opou up the hole and all three*inured over the finish line in theclosest finish seen on the localboards, 0 . •< ' '• '''*'""

The Australian Pursuit race,to. be one of the biggest

scored a big hit with therace fane. One of the cars wasforced out because of motor trouble.Decker took the starting line "posi-tion in front of the grandstand.Hnnwberger was on the went bend.Condon took the buck stretch andFreddie Wlnnal the center of theeast curve. All four drivers gottheir motors roaring and the starterclimbed to the ,roof of the Judges'stand to wave his red (las for thestart.

Condon was forced out early be-cause of motor trouble. Winnailapped Derker, leaving Freddie andSnowberger to contend for honors.

wail lapped, when he de-motor trouble and Winnut

lulled iu the victor.W'iimai and Charlie Uusch, of

lUujomfieUl, were the contestants Inthe thrilling u>otorcycle-auto contestwhich was scheduled to determine.thu fastest vehllce ou the. localtrack. Duucli was ditched in theliihi lap o( the event and Wlnnuiwuh declared the1 winner. Buschwas riding the rail with Winual onthe inside of the track when the lno-turcycle skidded tn'd threw the riderto ihu board*. Busch escaped with-out a scratch or ft silver as he threwhis miiiB about hi* face to protect it.

A "bucking broncho" flivver,owned by Herbert's garage iu Fords,,provided plenty of comedy tor thespectators when Manager DaveBvans , aUow»d, 8«rb«rt the use ofthe track at Ane close of the rate.A Cord trout fM^1 driver, ownedby the Superior O»r»gt>, of PerthAmboy, «iio ntaA* a trip arOund theoval, arousing plejnty of interest,*

salesman, called on his customer forpay.

'"Can you pay me for' that tractor,Uncle Jim? • he asked.

"Pay fo1 de tractor!" he asked inastonishment. "Why, roan, yo' doneJtgle me dat in free weeks de trac-tor would pay fo' hlsself."-


Regular exercise andhealthful recreationwill keep you physi-cally and mentally -"on your toes"

BOWLINGis the ideal indoorsport for men andand women of all ages


"Where 11K- Howl"



I*c ,

v- I,,.


$25.00and up



We CM only allow a fair price for a used car be- Hcause the new foti is honestly priced — twice—^our Hchances are far better tfget greater value k m Aaiv MJsewhere.

We have a nice lot of 1-2 ton, 3-4 ton,l tonand 11-4 ton trucks to select from, Reos,Dodges and Fords. All in good runningorder. . \ ^

Come in, make your selection and try one out. Youdo not have to keep if if it is not satisfactory — Youcan exchange it for another without loss.

• ' * :

i l l iberal time Payments



A. "1

North East Corner• • • ' • ' ' ( • • • • * . _

Maple & FayetteSts. ;

. 1 , ' " K