Grade Cam Data Collection Results

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  • 7/31/2019 Grade Cam Data Collection Results


    Grade Cam Data Collection Results


    The following results were taken from the GradeCam survey made using

    and distributed to 67 teachers at Timberline High School. A total of 37 teachers responded to my

    survey representing 55% of the staff. For the full survey, please see Appendix 3.

    1. Do you use a Grade Cam in your classroom? If the answer is no, please submit your survey.

    Yes No

    10 27

    Total Respondents: 37

    2. What content area do you teach in?

    3. Do you allow your students to grade their own work using the Grade Cam student view


    Yes No

    8 8

    4. If no, why not?

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




    Social Studies

    Physical Education/Health


    Other Elective Course

  • 7/31/2019 Grade Cam Data Collection Results


    -DON'T USE IT.

    -unfamiliar with the feature

    -Don't have one

    -I just use it as a document projector.

    -I am not familiar with Grade Cam

    -sometimes for formative assessments, but I have found that for tests there is too much

    activity around the gradecam for me to be sure that they don't cheat and to ensureconfidentiality.

    -I couldn't get it to install properly on my computer, even with the help of the techexperts

    5. Do you use the immediate feedback you receive from the Item Analysis function in Grade

    Cam to inform your teaching?

    Yes No

    9 5

    6. If yes, how does it affect the topic you are teaching?


    -Of course, the immediate feature allows reteaching, remediation, etc.

    -Provides an immediate check for understanding

    -it is better than scantron and allows me to reteach objectives that the students missed.

    this is a great tool.

    -It helps when I go back through the test with the students to identify where they had

    problems and to influence how I teach that topic the next year. It is really nice to assess

    where the kids went wrong and discuss with them when and where we covered things.

    -I analyze the areas that I need to reteach and do so either that day or the next. At times I

    adjust my grades due to analysis. I also give non-graded gradecam assessments strictlyfor teaching information.

    -We discuss why they other questions were chosen over the correct one. Can correctmisconceptrions

  • 7/31/2019 Grade Cam Data Collection Results


    -It lets me know what types of problems the students need more practice with. I

    sometimes have assignments based on which problems they missed on gradecam quizzes.

    -Allows me to review important concepts that were missed, and if 50% miss, then I

    reteach that concept and retest

    -It directs the review of the test and allows me an opportunity to revisit topics that

    students did

    Discussion of Results

    There are 67 teachers at Timberline High School and 37 of those individuals answered my

    survey with only 10 reporting that they used GradeCam in their classroom. This means that only

    18% of the staff has or currently uses GradeCam in their class. This shows that it is not a very

    widely used or known tool among the staff. It could possibly be that many are just used to usingthe Scantron machine that is centrally located in the staff copy room and are hesitant to change

    what has worked for them thus far. As mentioned previously, if teachers were to change to using

    GradeCam, the school would no longer have to purchase the costly answer sheets and teachers

    would be able to have their own GradeCam in their classroom.

    Grade Cam was most widely used in the Social Studies, Science, and English department with

    Math following at a close second. As all of these classes lend themselves to objective

    assessment, it shows that these teachers would find this tool useful in their classroom.

    The number of teachers who have their students grade their own work was split in half with eightin each category. Teachers who answered the follow-up response question about why they

    answered no, identified that they either did not know the function existed or that they found that

    it was too difficult to negotiate students while they were all grading their own tests. Eight

    teachers do seem to find it useful showing that this feature is used by some. One teacher even

    mentioned using it as a document cam for displaying other documents to their class which could

    also be another useful feature.

    A majority of teachers (9) responded that they did use the Item Analysis function in GradeCam,

    while five responded that they did not. The follow-up question asked teachers why they used it

    and most of them responded that it did impact their teaching soon after the results were lookedat. Some also mentioned that it helped clear up any misconceptions that students might have and

    another teacher stated that it helped facilitate whole class discussions about the material. Two

    teachers also mentioned that it formed what their end of unit test might look like or what they

    would review as a result of what the item analysis results were.

  • 7/31/2019 Grade Cam Data Collection Results


    Without GradeCam, these teachers might not be able to get the instant results that they do get

    from having their own scanning ability in their rooms and students would definitely not get the

    instant feedback that GradeCam can give them if they are scanning their own work.