GPSAZORES · 2018. 9. 10. · Page 3 19th January...

Page 1 GPSAZORES Project Title: 1 ST GPSAZORES Meeting, Ponta Delgada, 19 th January 2017 Project Coordinator: Helena Calado (University of The Azores)

Transcript of GPSAZORES · 2018. 9. 10. · Page 3 19th January...

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Title: 1ST GPSAZORES Meeting, Ponta Delgada, 19th January 2017 Project Coordinator: Helena Calado (University of The Azores)

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IN ATTENDANCE: Universidade dos Açores- Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso (FGF): Helena Calado (HC) (Coordinator) Fabiana Moniz (FM) Marta Vergílio (MV) Ana Cristina Costa (AC) Mario Cana Varona (MCV) Artur Gil (AG) Daniela Gabriel (DG) Paulo Borges (PB) António Medeiros (AM) Mario Pinho (Skype) MD. Mostafa Monwar (MM) Seascape consultants Ltd David Johnson (DJ) Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL) Carlos Pereira da Silva (CS) Catarina Fonseca (CF) Universidade de Sevilha Juan Vivero (JV) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa José Guerreiro da Silva (JS) Kiat Ng (KN) DDDD Productions Enterprise Carlos Cabral (CC)

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19th January 2017

Table 1: GPS Azores 1st Meeting - Agenda

10:00 ResearchTeam-Welcome

10:15 Project Presentation - Prof. Helena Calado 10:45 Changes to the Project and Experts role/tasks

11:15 Discussion

11:45 Website and Logo/Layout Presentation

12:15 Lunch 14:00 Framework Presentation (Md. Mostafa Monwar) 15:00 Communications, Schedule and deadlines 15:30 Discussion

16:00 Conclusions and Suggestions

1. Research Team-Welcome (HC)

The meeting began with a welcome by Professor Helena Calado (HC) who formally opened the meeting with introductions and a run-through of the agenda.

Figure 1: The GPS Azores Project Team

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2. Presentation: Expectations of Projects (HC) Helena Calado (HC) gave a presentation on the overview of the GPS Azores project, including the objectives, structure and project partners.

Figure 2: Project Presentation

3. Changes to the Project and Experts role/tasks After the project overview it was agreed that Task 1. International Legal and Political Framework will incorporate information from Azores and all countries of the North Atlantic, but the others tasks (Task 2. Ocean Governance, Task 3. Azorean Scenarios and MSP, Task 4. Strategic Assessment and Task 5. Map Viewer) will focus just on the Azores case study. The Team also agreed that Task 2 Ocean Governance should be a global task that will developed throughout project. HC presented the proposal for the leading experts for each task:

• Task 1. International Legal and Political Framework: Helena Calado, Md. Mostafa

Monwar, & Marta Chantal (tbc)

• Task 2. Ocean Governance: Juan Vivero; Helena Calado, Kiat Ng, Aldino Campos,

Fabiana Moniz, Mario Pinho.

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• Task 3. Azorean Scenarios in MSP: David Johnson, Carlos Pereira da Silva and

Catarina Fonseca

• Task 4. Strategic Assessment: José Guerreiro; Md. Mostafa Monwar, Helena

Calado, Anunciação Ventura

• Task 5. Map Viewer: Mario Caña & António Medeiros

Figure 3: Task leaders Proposal

It was agreed that the leading experts should draw up the methodology proposal for their task by the middle of March.

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4. Website and Logo/Layout Presentation (DDDD) DDDD Productions, represented by CC, presented the Logo and website structure proposal.

Figure 4: Website layout

Figure 5: Website structure proposal

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5. Framework Presentation (MD. Mostafa Monwar) MM gave a presentation of the work already done for the Task 1. International Legal and Political Framework. The output of that work was the construction of horrendograms of the International and national legislative instruments that give protection to the marine environment (Portugal, France, UK, Canada, USA, Ireland, Iceland and Spain).

Figure 6: Horrendogram of the International legislation that gives protection to the marine environment (e.g. Canada)

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The team members agreed to analyse the horrendograms and validate it by the end of February.

Figure 7: MD. Mostafa Monwar Presentation

MM also presented the questionnaire (Table 2) for the Task 3. Strategic Assessment and Discuss indicators for SEA. All the team members will send some inputs by the end of February.

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Table 2: Reference Indicators and Questions for the Strategic Framework of the North Atlantic Region/Countries

Issues (Is) Goals (G) Objectives (O) Indicators (I) Question (Q) Supporting Question (Q) or

Suggestions Is 01. National strategies and framework for the management of the North Atlantic

G 01. Evaluating institutional, policy and legal arrangements

O 01. Assessing the adequacy of legislation and regulations related to ocean management as well as Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA)

I 01. Existence and adequacy of legislation enabling ocean management

Q 01. Have your country developed specific legislation and/or policy for the management of the oceans and its resources along with the EU recommendations.

SQ 01. Please specify if there are any policy documents, Acts, specific laws, or provisions within general laws for ocean management and if there is enforcement and application for them.

I 02. Existence and adequacy of legislation enabling SEA

Q 02. What is the legal framework of your country based on SEA

SQ 02. Please specify if there are any policy documents, acts, specific laws, or provisions within general laws for SEA and if there is enforcement and application for them.

Q 03. What are the requirements to implement SEA in your country

SQ 03. Please provide if you have specific suggestions and comments about it.

Q 04. What are the obligations to implement the SEA in your country

SQ 04. Please provide if you have specific suggestions and comments about it.

O 02. Assessing the coordination and coherence of

I 03. Existence and functioning of respective coordinating

Q 05. Have your country established a coordinating or management body involving key government

SQ 05. Please specify if a centralised body or an existing body reinforced with integrated functions or an inter-department

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administrative actors and policy

mechanism for ocean management.

departments with responsibilities on ocean resources and management?

coordinating committee has been established to implement the strategic framework for the ocean

G 02. Evaluating ocean management and implementation

O 03. Assessing the adequacy of administrative resources devoted to ocean management and SEA

I 04. Availability and allocation of human, technical and financial resources for ocean management

Q 06. Is there sufficient number of human resources available for the management of the oceans?

SQ 06. Please provide if you have specific suggestions about it.

Q 07. Are there sufficient facilities and financial support allocated to the strategic framework ?

SQ 07. Please provide if you have specific suggestions about it.

O 04. Assessing the availability of technology applied to ocean management

I 05. Use of technology to enable and support ocean management

Q 08. What kind of technologies do your country use to support ocean data acquisition and management for SEA?

SQ 08. Please indicate the availability of modern technology, oceanographic research vessels with number of expeditions etc. Do you have any suggestion for it?

G 03. Evaluating information, knowledge and capacities

O 05. Assessing the adequate levels of information, knowledge and capacities for ocean management and SEA

I 06. Intergradations of strategic framework or SEA with ocean management

Q 09. Does SEA adapted to the marine environment in your country during ocean management.

SQ 09. If yes, please what types of major information were provided to the stakeholders and peoples during the preparation of SEA. Please describe the role of SEA during ocean management plan in your country

Q 10. Do all the steps are considered during the preparation of SEA in your

SQ 10. Please provide if you have specific recommendations and comments about it.

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country followed by SEA Directive1?

Is 02. Progress in the regional initiatives at the national level

G 04. Evaluating the implementation of regional agreements and initiatives to Strategic Framework

O 06. Assessing the adequate implementation of regional agreements

I 07. Ratification and implementation of regional agreements relevant to ocean management

Q 11 What challenges have your country faced in the implementation of the OSPAR Convention2? What are the counters measures of these challenges?

SQ 11 Please describe the difficulties encountered when implementing the agreements and possible measures to improve their implementation

Q 12. Have your country ratified and progressed in the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention3)?

SQ 12. Please indicate the specific measures carried out upon the compliance of the provisions of the Convention

Q 13. What challenges have your country faced in the implementation of the Espoo Convention? What are the counters measures of these challenges?

SQ 13. Please describe the difficulties encountered when implementing the agreements and possible measures to improve their implementation.

Q 14. Have your country ratified and progressed in the implementation of the Kyiv (SEA) Protocol4?

SQ 14. Please indicate the specific measures carried out upon the compliance of the provisions of the Convention

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Q 15. What challenges have your country faced in the implementation of the Kyiv (SEA) Protocol? What are the counters measures of these challenges?

SQ 15. Please describe the difficulties encountered when implementing the agreements and possible measures to improve their implementation.

O 07. Assessing the adequate implementation of regional initiatives

I 08. Participation and implementation of regional initiatives relevant to ocean management

Q 16. Have your country take initiatives to implement the EU North Atlantic Strategy5?

SQ 16. Please indicate the specific measures carried out upon the compliance of the provisions of the Strategy.

Q 17. Have your country take initiatives to implement the Galway Statement6?

SQ 17. Please indicate the specific measures carried out upon the compliance of the provisions of the Statement.

Q 18. What challenges have your country faced in the implementation of Galway Statement? What are the counters measures of these challenges?

SQ 18. Please describe the difficulties encountered when implementing the agreements and possible measures to improve their implementation.

1SEA directive: 2OSPAR Home: OSPAR Convention: 3Espoo Home: Espoo Convention: 4 The Kyiv (SEA) Protocol Home:

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The Kyiv (SEA) Protocol: 5EU North Atlantic Strategy Home: EU North Atlantic Strategy: Action Plan of EU North Atlantic Strategy: 6Galway Statement: Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance:

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6. Communications, Schedule and deadlines HC highlighted the next steps and deadlines for the 1st year, summarizing and closing the meeting.

Table 3: Next Steps

Action Responsibility Due By Status 1st Research Meeting HC Jan 17 completed

Circulate 1st Research Meeting Report between all team members


Submission Report – 1st Research Meeting

HC; FM mar17 On-going

Send project information for the website FM ASAP On-going Project Website DDDD Apr 17 On-going

Inputs for SEA Questionnaire All Feb 17 On-going Horrendograms Validation All Feb 17 On-going

Tasks methodology proposal All Task Leaders Mar 17 On-going 1 International Paper (legal framework) Jul 17

1 communication in congress July17 1st online Meeting All Jan 2018

7. Conclusions and Suggestions All team members agreed to disseminate the project in order to captivate master and Phd students to develop thesis under GPS Azores project themes. HC asked to all task leaders to establish connections between GPSAzores and other projects with interest for knowledge exchange. After that, HC summed up and closed the meeting thanking to all the team members for their participation in the session.