GPS Standard: The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources, and...

Location, Climate, and Natural Resources of the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, and Italy GPS Standard: The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources, and population distribution on Europe.

Transcript of GPS Standard: The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources, and...

Location, Climate, and Natural Resources of the United Kingdom,

Russia, Germany, and Italy

GPS Standard: The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources, and population distribution on Europe.

An island nation with many ports and harbors.

Location has helped the U.K become an international banking and insurance center

Location on Atlantic Ocean helps its trade with U.S.

London (capital) has the busiest airport in the world.

Population – 61 million

Location of the United Kingdom

The Channel Tunnel is a large tunnel (under the water) which runs between Britain and France, under the Strait of Dover in the English Channel.

Great impact on England’s economy

The channel is about 31 miles long. The tunnel is about 131 feet below the sea bed.

The Channel Tunnel

Mild climate with rainfall throughout the year. The gulf stream moves warm water from the Gulf

of Mexico up north across the Atlantic to the west coast of the U.K.

The Gulf stream makes winters in the U.K much milder.

The climate and the land is good for farming. (however < 2% are farmers) Over half of the land is used for farms.

Climate of the U.K

Why do think most people in the U.K live in urban areas rather than rural?

Think Pair Share

Coal, petroleum, natural gas, and iron ore.

Fishing is profitable (cod,crabs, and mackerel)

Most people live in urban areas to find jobs

80% of people work in service industries.

Natural Resources of the U.K

In two continents, Europe and Asia

European Russia and Asian Russia are separated by the Ural Mountains

Russia is unfavorably located in relation to major sea lanes of the world which hurts trade

Population – 142 million

Location of Russia

Really only two seasons winter and summer. Average yearly temp is below freezing.

Many areas have soil that is permanently frozen (called permafrost)

About 73% of population lives in Europe Russia (weather not quite as bad)

Asian Russia climate is extremely cold. Temps can be

-40 F. Summers are mild Its ports cities are locked

by ice most of the year.

Climate of Russia

Siberian Tigers –

only about 500 in the


Gold, aluminum ore, coal, and iron are found in the Ural Mountains (lots of factories located here)

Oil in Siberia Over half of the major

cities are located on the Volga River.

Russia has formidable obstacles of climate, terrain, and distance which hinder exploitation of natural resources.

Natural Resources of Russia

Volga River


Answer the question below in paragraph form.

How does the location, climate, and natural resources of Russia and the U.K affect their economies?

Summary Writing

Germany’s location in center of Europe makes it a crossroad of travel and trade (excellent highway system)

Densely populated, most live in urban areas

Many cities lie along the Rhine River, which is important for trade.

The Alps mountains make transportation more difficult in the South, though they have built tunnels to improve trade.

Population – 82 million

Location of Germany

Marine climate Gulf stream warms the

region The seas also cool the

land in the summer. The ocean also brings

moisture to the land to produce good crops

Climate of Germany

European Plains

Coal, iron ore and potash from mining

Uranium used for nuclear fuel

1/3 of the land is arable.

Coal helped to build large industrial areas mainly along the Rhine River

Natural Resources of Germany

Northern border is in the Alps Mountains

70% of population lives in urban areas, mostly in North Italy

Italy’s location on Mediterranean sea allows effective trade with Africa, Asia, and other countries in Europe.

Population –60 million

Location of Italy

Mostly a Mediterranean climate

Mediterranean sea keeps temperatures comfortable most of the year.

Dry summers Alps mountains block cold

air from the north The Sahara desert sends

warm air from North Africa Alps and Apennines

mountains have snowy winters because of elevation

Climate of Italy


Mediterranean Sea

Apennines Mtns

Natural gas most valuable natural resource

Marble and granite used for construction and artwork

Grapes and olives are important crops

Fishing industry, (sardines and anchovies) important for the economy

Natural Resources of ItalyVineyard in Italy

Anchovy Sardines