GOVERNOR’S · 68 Camelot...

GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE - HAPPY THANKSGIVING I would like to thank the Pilot Club of Cambridge for hosting the October 5, 2013 Fall Workshop and their entertainment during lunch to "Light up the World." Thanks for making the Fall Workshop a great place to be to learn more about what we as Pilots are to be doing. Thanks to Greta Tyler for her presentation on the ABC’s of Pilot and Pick-Me-Ups. Marie Gravely did a great job with her presentation on Diabetes. Thanks to the facilitators who lead the round table discussions: Kelly George - Membership, Suzanne Ellis - Communication, Mary Pat Owen - Leadership, Jean DeCoursey - Projects, and Rose Campbell - Fund Raising. JoAnn Sholl helped get us ready for the Awards next Spring, and Robyn Ladson prepared us for the upcoming elections. Patti Mettle, our PI Founders Fund Representative, gave us information on the PI Founders Fund and Grants and Scholarships. Now we can look forward to having a great Thanksgiving with family and friends gathering around our table to share food and our many blessings. During September, I enjoyed lunch with the Pilot Club of Jackson County and the Pilot Club of Charleston. I also met with the Pilot Club of Greater Kanawha Val- ley. During October, I met with the Pilot Club of St. Albans. It has been good to see what each club has been doing. I want to welcome all of the new members that have been installed recently, and encourage each one to plan on attending the KY-OH-WV District Convention in Columbus in April, 2014. Thank you so much for the e-mails, cards and calls during Bob’s illness. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Governor Della Together we will …… “Light the World through Service.” GOVERNOR’S BULLETIN NOVEMBER VOLUME 1 ISSUE 5 1 ISSUE 2 2013-2014 DISTRICT OFFICERS Governor Della Cline 548 19th Street Dunbar, WV 25064 304.768.3772 H 304.633.9592 C [email protected] Governor Elect Shannon Hill 940 Hodges Drive Columbus, OH 43204 614-424-1991 [email protected] Treasurer Gale Neal 114 Stonewood Drive Huntington, WV 25705 304.733.5564 [email protected] Secretary Suzanne Ellis 68 Camelot Drive Huntington, WV 25701 304.544.0328 [email protected]

Transcript of GOVERNOR’S · 68 Camelot...

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I would like to thank the Pilot Club of Cambridge for hosting the October 5, 2013 Fall Workshop and their entertainment during lunch to "Light up the World." Thanks for making the Fall Workshop a great place to be to learn more about what we as Pilots are to be doing. Thanks to Greta Tyler for her presentation on the ABC’s of Pilot and Pick-Me-Ups. Marie Gravely did a great job with her presentation on Diabetes.

Thanks to the facilitators who lead the round table discussions: Kelly George - Membership, Suzanne Ellis - Communication, Mary Pat Owen - Leadership, Jean DeCoursey - Projects, and Rose Campbell - Fund Raising. JoAnn Sholl helped get us ready for the Awards next Spring, and Robyn Ladson prepared us for the upcoming elections. Patti Mettle, our PI Founders Fund Representative, gave us information on the PI Founders Fund and Grants and Scholarships. Now we can look forward to having a great Thanksgiving with family and friends gathering around our table to share food and our many blessings. During September, I enjoyed lunch with the Pilot Club of Jackson County and the Pilot Club of Charleston. I also met with the Pilot Club of Greater Kanawha Val-ley. During October, I met with the Pilot Club of St. Albans. It has been good to see what each club has been doing. I want to welcome all of the new members that have been installed recently, and encourage each one to plan on attending the KY-OH-WV District Convention in Columbus in April, 2014. Thank you so much for the e-mails, cards and calls during Bob’s illness. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Governor Della

Together we will ……

“Light the World through Service.”


1 I S S U E 2

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Governor Della Cline

548 19th Street Dunbar, WV 25064

304.768.3772 H 304.633.9592 C

[email protected]

Governor Elect Shannon Hill

940 Hodges Drive Columbus, OH 43204

614-424-1991 [email protected]

Treasurer Gale Neal

114 Stonewood Drive Huntington, WV 25705

304.733.5564 [email protected]

Secretary Suzanne Ellis

68 Camelot Drive Huntington, WV 25701

304.544.0328 [email protected]

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I AM A PILOT! What an exciting time it is to be a Pilot! With the implementation of our Do More, Care More, Be More initiatives, Pilot Growth is inevitable. When a Pilot Club provides relevant programs, supports club success, and involves the community , greater participation and support follow. Have you had an opportunity to see the new and improved website? Please take time to surf to because the opportunities to share and learn more about Pilot are boundless. Increasing membership should be a goal of every Pilot and Anchor. Being a part of an international organization enables us to help others locally and globally. When you have an opportunity to share your membership with others please direct them to the Pilot International Website. Reach out to local home health agencies or assisted living facilities to share more information about our Pick Me Ups program or contact the local media in showcasing Care & Kindness Week in November. The community will begin to learn more about Pilot, and all the great work we are doing. Sharing Pilot International’s mission, vision, and focus, is as simple as the “A-B-C’s”... Anchors, Brain Safety & Fitness, and Caregivers. There are opportunities to share our Pilot Story outside the traditional ‘Share Pilot’, so let others know you’d love to be their speaker or bring a 30 minute program to their office or organization. Being a Pilot Ambassador will not only bring more awareness to your community but bring potentially interested members to your club. Many times we just need to rethink our strategy, and invite potential members or community leaders that support us annually to a project. This allows everyone to see the Pilot International mission in action, and the donor will see first hand how you are helping the community. Remember to keep members involved and informed because it enables them to grow. Take time to provide new member orientations quarterly outside of a regularly scheduled meeting. Lastly, stay abreast of the current needs in your community and tailor your clubs opportunities for service accordingly. The members will feel engaged and a part of making the community a better place to live. “Successful leadership is not about being tough or soft, sensitive or assertive, but about a set of attrib-utes. First and foremost is character.” Warren Bennis Pilots and Anchors, thank you for being suc-cessful community leaders and continue to grow through your membership. Sherry Sherry Johnson ECR President-Elect PO Box 899 Quitman, Texas 75783 903-352-9868 [email protected]

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Governor Elect - Shannon Hill Happy November everyone! What an exciting time for us. Our clubs have installed new members and have more coming. I have enjoyed visiting with some of you, and I have loved seeing the different ways Founder’s Day was observed. With Thanksgiving approaching, like most people, I am thinking about what I am grateful for. I feel so thankful to be a part of this District and this organization and to know all of you. There are so many things in my life that I try not to take for granted like home, family, friends and the little things that make me laugh each day. So, know that I appreciate all of you and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


DISTRICT AWARDS - “BRAINMINDER BUDDIES AWARD” Use correct form and complete all of the information. Club membership information - How many Pilots and Anchors are directly involved Program Information - Date(s) of presentations, locations and addresses Number of Presentations and number and ages of children present Number of Adults (Teachers, Aides, Parents, Other ) who attended Faculty/ Adult Response - Attach copies of letters Press coverage by any media - copies of newspaper articles and pictures are encouraged Year - Total Presentation Year - Total Audience Postmark deadline - March 30 All information must be mailed to Joann Sholl

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The Chaplain’s Corner - Sue Trautwein


The fourth Thursday of the month of November is marked for the yearly celebration with family and friends. It is a time we sit down to dinner and express our “thanks” for all the blessings of life. E.P. Powell wrote: “Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men, but be careful that you do not take the day and leave out gratitude.” The following are some ways to give thanks on Thanksgiving Day and to make your holiday even more memorable. 1. A Thanksgiving Blessing - Invite someone who lives alone, an international student, a nursing home resident or someone who is lonely, to share in your Thanksgiving meal. 2. A Thanksgiving Memory - Ask each family member and guest to share a favorite Thanksgiving Day memory. 3. A Thanksgiving Expression of Gratitude - Ask family members around the dinner table to name a blessing for which they are especially grateful. 4. A Thanksgiving Journal - Family members write in a Thanksgiving Journal, sharing their thoughts, joys, connections and love, as they celebrate. The journal will be cherished from generation to generation. 5. A Thanksgiving Offering - Share with a needy family, contribute to a charity of your choice, or support a Pilot project. For each new morning with its light. For rest and shelter of the night. For health and food, for love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Please remember these Pilots who are ill: Bob Cline - Governor Della’s husband

Our sympathy goes out to the family and friends of: Maxine Hoke - Pilot Club of Huntington

Club News

PILOT CLUB OF GREATER STARK COUNTY October was a busy month for our club. We had five members attend the Fall Workshop. On October 11 and 12, we had a garage sale, and Sonia Lavy made delicious homemade soup and baked bread. We also had blueberry muffins and coffee for breakfast. We made a total of $752.00 during the weekend. We participated in an open house for the North Canton fire department with our program of Safe Kids Stark County. President - Elect Shannon Hill made her offi-cial visit with us on October 19th, and gave us lots of new ideas and updates about Pilot information, as well as installing a new member. Our new club is busy and excited about our future. JoAnn Sholl

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Patriotism - Margot Jogwick

WHY EVERY DAY IS THANKSGIVING DAY FOR ME People have come to these shores from many lands, in quest of liberty and a new life. Many have come to this land of milk and honey. I came to this land 55 years ago with one piece of luggage, but I was filled with hopes and dreams of a better life. My dreams have come true. I have found a safe haven and opportunities beyond my wildest dreams. I give thanks for freedom , signs of goodness, opportuni-ties to be of service, the spirit of generosity and kindness, acceptance, and tolerance. I consider these precious gifts indications of grace. I can rush past or I can thank my Creator for eyes to see and a heart to appreciate these undeserved blessings, which I consider unexpected from the Al-mighty. How blessed I am. I am amazed that so much has been placed into my undeserving hands. May all of us be filled with the spirit of kindness, generosity and gratefulness, so that America will con-tinue to be a beacon light for other weary pilgrims. Fellow Pilots, let us celebrate Thanksgiving Day after the official day is over, for gratitude connects the Creator with His creation. May you have a meaningful Thanksgiving. Margot - A grateful American

Club News

Pilot Club of Charleston We have an exciting month planned. We received rare permission from the Mayor ’ s office to sell luminaries on Veteran ’ s Day, Nov. 11, after the Veteran ’ s Parade at Haddad Park. Luminary bags will be filled with a small bag of sand, a battery operated tea light and a sign-up sheet “ i n honor of or in memory of ” . The bags are $5.00. We have already sold 20 luminaries. That evening we will have a program at the Veteran ’ s Memorial. A color guard, the National Anthem, the Pledge, a Rosie the riveter and a veteran will speak. Then we will display the luminaries around the memorial.

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Grants and Scholarships

During my presentation on Scholarships at Fall Workshop someone stated that there is only one scholarship for high school students. That is basically true but to clarify I want to explain again the four different scholarships available through the Pilot International Scholarship Program.

THE RUBY NEWHALL SCHOLARSHIP To be awarded to students from foreign countries who are attending college in the USA or Canada - who commit to returning to their native countries and use their education to make a better life for all of his or her fellow citizens.


For students studying at the master’s or doctorate level who are preparing for a career helping children with brain related disorders or brain related disabilities.

BECKY BURROWS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP For graduate or undergraduate students preparing for a second career, re-entering the job market or obtaining additional training in their current field. The career path must pertain to assisting those with brain related disabilities.

PILOT INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP For undergraduate students preparing for a career helping those with brain related disorders or brain related disabilities. As you can see the Pilot International Scholarship would benefit high school students. The Ruby Newhall Scholarship could apply to a foreign high school student. The other two would probably not be considered by or applicable for a high school student. I hope this helps clarify the options available. I am looking forward to hearing from you by the March 1 mailing deadline for scholarships applications. Patti Mettle - Grants and Scholarships District Representative

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As many of you know, the Membership At Large ( MAL) Classification was eliminated during the 2012 Pilot International Convention. Also, at that convention, the number of members to charter a new club was decreased to 5 members. There was an attempt to start a virtual club with the 5 “MALs ” of the KY-OH-WV District. However, Pilot International said the 5 members had to be NEW members so the club could not be formed. Also of note, in June 2013, when clubs were receiving their dues notices, “ MALs ” did not receive a dues notice. PI said they would be sending out dues notices, but as of this date, no notices have been sent to this group of PI members. In the meantime, the Pilot Club of Danville, Virginia was struggling to maintain their club. They had a brainstorming session to determine what course of action they should take. They were aware of the decreased interest in MALs nationwide by PI, so they decided to try something new. An invitation went out to all MALs to become a part of a new hybrid club. This club would have members from the Danville, Virginia area as well as members from across the United States. Six MALs representing the KY-OH-WV District ( Marie Gravely and Joanne Mason ) , the Tennessee District, the Kansas-Missouri District and the Louisiana District joined the Pilot Club of Danville, but will remain a member of their local district as well. These members also have full membership privileges. Member installation took place August 15th via phone. Future club meetings will be held via Skype, with local members participating at the club ’ s usual meeting location. Virtual members will be active members and have leadership roles within the club. If you are aware of MALs across the country who would like to be an active member of a club, have them contact Presi-dent Pat Wallace at 434-548-3130 or e-mail her at [email protected], for more information about this new hybrid Pilot Club. Marie Gravely Pilot Club of Danville, Virginia KY-OH-WV District Member

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PILOT CLUB OF CHARLESTON At our Share Pilot/ Founder’s Day meeting on October 16, we recognized three members of our club who each have 30 years of service with us. They are Emily Warden, Jewell Haddad and Carol Legg, pictured with President Margot Jogwick. They were tagged as having “Ninety years of Friendship and