Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance...

Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM 1996

Transcript of Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance...

Page 1: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

Government of Jammu and KashmirFinance Department



Page 2: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

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..... --'-


It is expected that every Government servant is sufficiently familiar with such rules and orders as are necessary and relevant in relation to his duties. Finance Department (Codes Wing) have been publishing 'Annual Compendium' which contains all the Notifications, Government Orders, Clarificatory office memoranda/Circulars in relation to service and financial rules, issued in a particular calendar year i.e. from January to December each year. Four such Annual Compendia for the year 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995 have so far been published and are available against cash payment at Government Press, Srinagar and Ranbir Government Press, Jammu. The present 'Annual Compendium' for 1996 is fifth publication of its kind.

2. In order to update the knowledge of relevant rules every Government officer ·is expected to equip his office with the volumes of Annual Compendia besides, other relevant codal books in the best interests of prompt and efficient disposal of the matters, which he is supposed to deal with in the discharge of his official business.

3. In this context, it is hoped that the officials at various levels will find this publication useful.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Addi. Chief Secretary Finance .

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INDEX s. Subject Reference to Reference Page

No. Notification to Rule/ No. SROs, Govt. Order

Orders, effected Circulars and

Office Memoranda


2 3 4 5

I. Jammu & Kashmir Civil Notification 1-12 Services (Higher Standard SR0-14 dated Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 15th January, 1996. 1996.

2. do. Errata to SRO- 13 14 dated 15th January, 1996 issued vide en-dorsement No. A/89 (93)-90 dated 18-1-96.

3. Pay Structure of Drivers. Notification Rule 9-a (ii) 14-16 SR0-28 dated ofJammuand 25th January, Kashmir 1996. (Revised

Pay) Rules, 1992.

4. Non-adherence of pre- 0. M. No.-A/ J&K Finan- 17-18 scribed Statutory Rules/ 223(95)-137 cial Code Guidelines for acquisition dated 29-1-96. · Vol. (I). of stores/supplies/services.

5. Higher Standard Pay Scale 0. M. No.-A/ 19-26 Scheme SR0-14 dated 29(96)-168 15-1-1996. dated 2-2-96.

6. J&K Civil Services (Re- 0 . M. No.-A/ 27-28 vised Pay) Rules, 1992- 31 (94 )-9 dated Definition of "Fresh Re- 2-2-1996. c.ruits" etc.

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Regularisation of Ex-ser­vicemen engaged as daily wagers in Govt. depart­ments-clarification thereof.

Accord of administrative approval and technical

sanction for Cte projects.

Delegation of Powers to Ladakh Autonomous Hill Council-Administrative

approval etc.

Ban on engagement of Daily Rated Workers.

Delegation-Ladakh Hill Development Council-Ad­

vance Drawal.

( ii )


Endstt. No.-A/

79(95) - 976 dated 7-2-96.


Rule 4 (d) of SR0-64

d a t e d 24-3-1994/ Rule 9 (2) of

J&K Daily Rated Work Charged Em­

p Io ye es (Regularisa­tion) Rules,

1994/Note 5 below Article

. 37 of J&K


0 . M. No. Al Rule 9-3 of 164(95)-277 J&K­

d a t e d cial Code 28-2-1996. Vol. I.

Govt. Order Chapter 5.6, No. 110-F of 5.8 & 5.14 of 1996 dated the Book of

15-3-1996. Fin an c i a I

Circular No. Al 55 (94)-371/

d a t e d 25-3-96.


SR0-118 dated



Exception 4

below Article

320-Aof J&K Civil Services Regulations

Vol. I.


29-30 12.

13 .


31-32 15.

33-35 16.

36-38 17 .

39-40 18.



Travelling Allowance in respect of Ladakh Autono­mous Hill Development Council, Leh.

Revised L.T.C. Rules.

Settlement of pending Pen­sion Cases.

Release of Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) to the employees/workers of State of Public Sector Corporations w .e . f. 1-1-1996.

Payment of Dearness Al­lowance to State Govt. Employees w.e.f. 1-1 -96.

Payment of Dearness Al­lowance to State Pension­ers/Fam i I y Pensioners­Rev ised rates w .e.f. 1-1-1996.

Issue of Official Advertise­ments.

Clarification in respect of Rule 12(8) of J&K Civil

( iii

3 4

Notification Exception SRO-l 19dated No. 5-A be-2-4-1996. low Note l to

Notification 8RO- l 28 dated 9-4-1996.

0 . M . No. Al 172(95)-1/45~

d a t e d 16-4-1996.

0. M. No. Al 44(85)-111/549 d a t e d 10-6-1996.

Govt. Order No . 174-F of 1996 dated 10-6- 1996.

Go vt. Order No . 175-F of 1996 dated 10-6- 1996.

0 . M . No . Al 75 (96)- 406 dated I 0-6-96.

Rule 14.4 of the J&K Fi­nancial Code Vol. I.

L.T.C. Rules.

Rule 7.35 of J&K Finan­cial Code Vol. I.

0 . M . No. Al Rule 12(g)of 51(96)-595 J&K Civil










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23 .


25 .

( iv )


Services (Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996.

J&K Civil Service (Re­vised Pay) Rules, 1992-Definition of fresh recruits in respect of Engineering Stipendaries.

Engagement of Daily Rated . W orkerslW ork Charged Employees after 31-1-1994-Termination thereof.

Wrong regulation of Pay and Allowances of the employees-Review of Service Records.

Income limit for depend­ency of parents- Medical claims.

Eligibility of Family Pen­sion to parents.

Settlement of pending Pen­sion Cases.


dated 20-6-96.

0 . M . No. Al 31 (92)-690 dated 9-7-96.

0 . M . No. Al 55(94)-624 dated 6-8-96.

0 . M. No. Al 85(95)-652 dated 7-8-96.

Notification SR0-256 dated 7-8-1996.

Notification SR0-257 dated 7th Aug., 96.

0. M. No. Al 172(95) - I/ 840-A dated 16-8-1996.


Services (Higher Standard Pay S c a I e Scheme) Rules, 1996.

Rule 3 of J&K Civil Services (Medical At- · tendance­cum-Allow­ance) Rules , 1990.

Govt. Instruc­tion No . 5 below · Rule 21 of Family Pension Rules(Sched­ule XV).















Scooter/Motor Cycle Ad­vance-Increase in pay slabs and amount of advance.

Stepping up of pay in respect of Degree Colleges.

Sanctioning of adjustment of Travelling Allowance etc. in respect of Major Head 2015-Elections.

Eligibility of Family Pen­sion to parents.

Delegation of Powers­Repair to Departmental ve­hicles.

Payment of Dearness Al­lowance to State Govt. ·mployees- Revised rates ·ffi ctivc from 1-7-1996.

( v )


Notification SR0-282 dated .19th August, 1996.

Notification SR0-286 dated 22nd August, 96.

Notification SR0-306 dated 2-9-1996.

Corrigendum No. Al31(94)-875 dated 3-9-96 to Noti­fication SR0-257 dated 7-8-1996.

Govt. Order No . 232-F of 1996 dated 8-10-1996.

Govt. Order No. 235-F of 1996 dated I 1-10-1996.


Sub-rules I & II of Rule 14.22 ofJ&K Financial Code Vol. I.

Proviso be­low Rule 9.2 of the J&K Degree Col­leges(U.G.C. Pay) Rules, 1991 .

Govt. lnstruc­ti on below Rule 14.25 (d) of J&K Financial Code Vol. I.





Govt. Instruc- 96 tion No . 5 below Rule 21 of Family Pension Rules (Sch-edule XV').

Insertion of Serial 107 in 97-98 Chapter 5.10 · ofJ&K Book of Financial Powers.


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- 35.






Payment of Dearness . Al­lowance to State Pension­ers-Revised rates w.e.f. 1-7-1996.

J&K Civil Service (Higher Standard Pay Scales Scheme) Rules, 1996-Doubts and clarification

- thereof.

Sanctioning of al! ;, . . leave except study leav 1

respect ofJ?egree Colle~·c

Grant of Special Compen­satory Allowance in favour of Moving Employees.

Grant of Interim Relief to State Govt. Employees w.e.f. 1-4-1996.

Grant of Interim Relief to State Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.

Grant of 3rd lstalment of Interim Relief in favour of State Public Sector Em­ployees.

Travelling Allowance to Moving Employees.

( vi )


Govt. Order No. 236-F of 1996 dated 11-10-1996.

0 . M. No. Al 29(96)-1034 d a t e d 22-10-1996.

t1 ficati on , .0-446 dated 13- 1 !-1996.

Govt. Order No. 255-F of 1996 dated 21-11-1996.

Govt. Order No. 298-F of I 996 dated 31-12-1996.

Govt. Order No. 299-F of 1996 dated 31-12-1996.

Govt. Order No. 300-F of I 996 dated 31-12-1996.

Corrigendum to Notification SR0-255 dated 4-8-88 issued vide endtt. No. A/5 7( 66 )-·4 d a t e d 31-12-1996.

4 5


Notification 104-108 SR0-14 d a t e d 15-1-1996 Higher Standard Pay S c a l e Scheme.

Insertion of 109-1 IO Note 6 in the First Sched-ule of J&K Civil Services Leave Rules, 1979.





Govt. lnstruc- 118 tion No. 2 af-ter sub-clause (d) of Govt. In ~ truction No. 1 of Arti-cle 363 (I) of J&K CSR's. Vol. I.



Dated Jammu, January 15, 1996.

SR0-14.-In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section 124 ol the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to make the following Rules, namely :-

1. Short title.-These Rules may be called the Jammu and Kashmir . Civil Services (Higher Stanc!ard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996.

2. Commencement.-These Rules shall come il\to force w e.f. 1-1-1995.

3. Extent of application.-(i) These Rules shall apply to :

(a) all categories of non-gazetted Government employees except as provided elsewhere in these Rules, who are whole time employees working either in permanent or quasi-permanent or temporary capacity in graded scales ;

(b) such other categories of employees as may be specified by the Government from time to time.

(ii) These Rules shall not apply to :

(a) Gazetted Government employees

(b) Government emplbyees in part time employment

( c) persons engaged on contract basis ;

(d) persons employed on work charged establishm.:nt ;

(e) Government employees under suspension

(t) persons on re-employment ;

(g) such of the categories of . osts/employees, for which special treatment is expressly provicted or may be provided under any law or Rule or Not:fication or Order for the time being in force :

Provided that where there is provision of only one Time Bound Promotion under the aforementioned rules or any orders for the time being in force

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( 2 )

and the same is allowable and granted after putting in less than 9 years service on the entry post, the next Higher Standard Pay Scale under these Rules in such case (s) will be granted from the first of the month following the month in which suc.h employee (s) completes 18 years of regular satisfactory service with reference to entry post without getting any promotion.

4. Definition-In th~se Rules unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "Scheme" means the Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme.

(b) "Existing Pay Scale" means the pay scale of the entry post applicable from 1-4-1987 a!: per Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 1992, as indicated in Column 2 of the Schedule 1, held by the Government emplpyee at the time of his/ her 'Promotion IN-SITU' under this scheme.

Explanation-In case of a Government servant who, on the relevant date, was on deputation or on leave or on foreign service or under suspem1ion or under training "existing pay scale" in his/her case means the pay scale applicable to the post which he/she would have held but for his/her being on such deputation or leave or foreign service or under training or under suspension as the case may be.

(c) "Promotion In-Situ" means elevation from the existing pay scale to the prescribed Higher Standard Pay Scale without change of desig­nation, responsibility or inter-se-seniority.

(d) "Higher Standard Pay Scale" means the pay scale indicated in Cols. 3, 4 & 5 of Schedule 1 appended to these Rules.

(e) "Schedule" means a Scheduie appended to these Rules.

(t) "I, II & III Higher Standard Pay Scale" means the prescribed Higher Standard Pay Scale indicated in Cols. 3, 4 & 5 of Schedule I respectively ;

(g) "Promotion" means a functional promotion to ihe next Higher Post as per the respective Recruitment Rules ;

(h) "Competent Authority" means the appointing authority for the post of Higher Standard Pay Scale under these Rules ;

(i) "Service Career" means the service rendered in a particular service to which the employee belongs at the time of grant of 'promotion I '1111' under th Rul

( 3 )

(j) "Structure" means the structure of Higher Standard Pay Scales as indicated in Schedule 1 of these Rules ;

(k) "Regular Satisfactory Service" means actual continuous service under State Government in the present cadre to be reckoned within the same cadre and assessed fit for the purpose of promotion ;

(I) "Employee'' means a non-Gazetted Regular Government Servant who is a whole time employee working either in permanent or quasi­pennanent or temporary capacity in graded scale.

(m) any other term used in these Rules, but not defined herein, shall carry the same meaning as assigned to it in J&K Civil Service Regulations.

5. Grant of Higher Standard Pay Sca/e.-

(i) {a) An employee covered under these Rules who has not got any promotion or promotional scale/selection scale in his service career and has-Gompleted 18 years or more but less than 27 years of regular satisfactory service before l-1-1995 will be allowed, w .e.f. 1- l -1995, in place of his exiscing scaie the Second Higher Standard Pay Scale specified in Column 4 of Schedule I of these Rules ·

' (b) An employee covered under these Rules who completes such

regular satisfacto~ se~ice of 18 .lears afts:r 1-1-1925 and has not got any promotion C'" promo!ional scale/selection scale in his service career will be ailowed the Second Higher Standard Pay Scale from the 1st of the month following the month in which he completes such service ;

(ii) (a) An employee covered under these Rules who has not got any promotion or promotional scale/selection scale in his/her service career and has completed 27 years or more of rw1lar ~~isfactory service be~re 1- I -19Q5 will be allowed, with effect from 1-1 1 1, in place of his/her existing scale, the Third Higher Stand, Scale specified in Column 5 of Schedule 1 of these R

(b) An employee covered under these Rules who complet· Lgular satisfactory service of 27 years after 1-1..:.!.22.5_ and • d-> not got any promotion or promotional scale/selection scale in his service career will be allowed the Third Higher Standacd..Pay Scale from the 1st of the month following the month in which he completes such

. ---se~

(iii) (a) Every employ cov red under these Rules who has not got any promotion or pwrnotlon l c.11 /sdcction grade in his service career

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( 4 )

and has completed nine years or more but less than I 8 years of regular satisfactory service before 1-1-1995 will be allowed, w.e.f. I- I-1995, in place of his existing pay scale the First Higher Standard Pay Scale specified in Column 3 of Schedule I of these

Rules ;

(b) An e:>lployee covered unde1 these Rules who completes such regular satisfactory service of 9 years after 1-1-1995 and has not got any promotion or promotional scale/selection scale in his service career will be allowed the I st Higher Standard Pay Scale from I st of the month following the month in which he completes

such service ;

(iv) (a) An employee covered under these Rules who after grant of one or more promotions after first entry into the service has stagnated for 9 years or more in the same post before 1-1-1995 will be allowed, w.e.f. 1-1-1995, in place of his/her existing pay scale the Ist Higher Standard Pay Scale as specified in Column 3 of

Schedule I of these Rules ;

(b) An employee covered under these -Rules who after grant of one or more promotions after first entry into the service completes 9 years of such stagnation in the same post after 1-1-1995, will be allowed w.e.f. !st of the month following the month in which he/ she completes 9 years of such regular satisfactory service, the 1st Higher Standard Pay Scale as spf'cified in Col. 3 of Schedule 1

of these Rules.

6. Fixation of Pay.-Even though promotion under this scheme, which is 'IN-SITU', may not involve assumption of higher duties and responsi­bilities, the benefit of Article 77-B of the Jammu and Kashmir CSRs. will be allowed while fixing pay on promotion 'In-Situ' as a special

dispensation :

Provided that such benefit will not be allowed again at the time of the functional promotion of an employee if the functional promotion carries the same scale as has been allowed at the time of promotion 'In-Situ' :

Provided further that where an employee is entitled and promoted on 'In-Situ' basis under Rule 5 (i ~n ci " (ii) of thes<! Ru!es, hi< ·1·er pay shall first be notionally fixed un Art1ck /7-l3 or J&K CSRs. as a special dispensation in the intermediary pay scales(s) i.e. I st and/or Second Higher Standard Pay Scale(s)-indicated in Columns 3 & 4 of Schedule I of these Rules respectively and thereafter his paf fixed in the appropriate Second or rhird Higher St· rd Pay Sca le indica te in Columns 4 & 5 of chedule t of these Rules respectivel M the • ,· ma~ However, n <lITC'.\J"S on account o f not ional pay fixatit'n in he in t:rmcdiary pay scale(s} shall be

( 5 )

id w.e.f. 1-1-1995 to the date of issue of these Rules, but arrears shall computed and paid as if the concerned official had got promotion 'ln­

ltu' from the existing pay scale indicated in Column 2 of Schedule 1 to econd or Third Higher St.andard Pay Scales as indicated in Columns 4

5 of Schedule 1 of these· Rules respectively as the case may be.

Note :-The case may arise where an employee granted a Higher Stan­dard Pay Scale on promotion 'In-Situ' under these Rules on or after 1-1-1995 draws a lower rate of pay than another, junior to him.

In order to overcome such situation Govt. Instructions below Article 77-B of J&K Civil Service Regulations shall apply, mutatis-mutandis, to such cases of seniors, drawing pay less than juniors in respect of promotion 'In-Situ' under these Rules.

7. Date of next increment. - The next increment after pay fixation in Higher Standard Pay Scale under these Rules shall be admissible on completion of 12 months of incremental period.

8. Efficiency Bar.-lf an employee is e.igible for Higher Standard Pay Scale but he is held up at the Efficiency Bar in' the existing pay scale the procedure for crossing of Efficiency Bar in the process of fixation of pay in Higher Standard Pay Scale will be the same as laid down in Rule 11 of J&K Civil Service {Revised Pay) Rules, 1992.

9. Exercise of option.-

(a) If the employee who has got benefit of senior/selection grade scale, desires, he may exercise option to continue senior/selection grade scale or to accept this Scheme. If he exercises option to join this Scheme, · his pay fixation shall be done. as if he had not availed of the senior grade/selection grade scale. As a result, the !!mount of pay and allowances, due if any, shall be adjusted against the benefit admissible under these Rules.

(b) The option must be exercised in writing in the Form as prescribed under Schedule 3 annexed to these Rules and shall have to be furnished to the proper authority i.e. Head of the Department/Office under whom he/she is working, within three months from the date of issue of this Notification .

10. Every employee availing the benefit of these Rules shall be required to give an undertaking in writing as per Schedule 2 annexed to these Rules to the effect that as and when he/she will be eligible for functional promotion, he/she will not refuse it This is because the intention of this Scheme is

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( 6 )

to give benefit to those who are stagnating in a post with the relevant pay scale and the benefit of this Scheme cannot be extended to those who have relinquished/foregone the functional promotion for reasons whatsoever. If he/ she declines the promotion when it becomes due, he/she shall have to forsake the benefit under this Scheme and he/she shall have to be reverted to his/' her original lower grade and shall draw the pay which he/she would have drawn in the original lower grade had he/she not availed the benefit of the Higher Standard Pay Scale under this Scheme :

Provided that due to reversion to the original grade the recovery for the period for which pay plus allowances in Higher Standard Pay Scale have been drawn by the employee, shall not be made.

11 . The Promotion 'In-Situ' to Higher Standard Pay Scale shall be made against the existing post during the period of such appointm~nt, . tr~ating the said post as that of the relevant Higher Standard Pay Scale till it ts vacated by the concerned employee by way of normal promotion, retirement etc. Thus the strength of the posts sanctioned for each category, shall never be increased as a result of the 'promotion Jn-Situ' against the Higher Standard Scale in that category.

12. Authority commitment to grant Higher Stc:_mjarcj __ Pay Scale-proce-dure therefor. - - .-

The Appointing Authority for the post of Higher Standard Pay ~~ale shall be competent to grant Higher Standard Pay Scale to ehg1ble employee(s) ;

(b) At the time of granting Hight:r Standard Pay Scale the existing screening mechanism for promotion shall be applied ;

(c) No Higher Standard Pay Scale shall be granted to the employee who is under suspension on the date of eligibility or who is charge-sheeted under provisions of J&K Classification, Control:& ~peal ~~~:~ ~; any other Rules for the purpose. However, when the emp exonerated in Departmental enquiry against him/her and reinstated on duty, the Higher Standard Pay Scale shall be granted on th~ basis of eligibility on completion of 9/18/27 years incremental period of service as the case may be ;

(d) An employee otherwise eligible for grant of 'promotion In-Situ' under these Rules shall be deemed to have been exempted from passing the prescribed departmental/any other examination for purposes of grant of 'promotion In-Situ' only. However if the employee wants to get the actual functional promotion on higher post, he/she shall have to pass the prescribed departmental examination ;

( 7 )

(e) ·such period of leave without pay/other allowances as has not been _ _agreed by the Competent Authority to be counted for purposes of

annual increments shall not be taken into account for reckoning of the period of 9/18/27 years for Higher Standard Pay Scale as the case may be ;

(t) The service of surplus employee(s) due to discontinuance abolition of post(s) in the former Department/office shall not be taken into account ;

(g) The service of isolated cadre(s) encadred in other cadre(s) without the request of the employee and the earlier service in isolated cadre(s) which may be encadred hereafter or in any cadre where pay scale is equal but nomenclature is changed may be taken into account for sanctioning the Higher Standard Pay Scale.

13 . The benefit of these rules shall not be available ·to such employees whc> r~linquished promotion for reasons whatsoever.

' 14~ Jnterpretation.-ln case of any dispute and/or doubt with regard

to any of the provisions of these Rules, the matter shall be referred to the Government in the Finance Department for clarification and/or interpretation who shall decide the same.

By order of the Governor.


Addi. Chief Secretary to Govt., Finance Department.

No. A/89/(93)-88 Dated 15-1-1996

Copy to the :

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries ______ _ 2. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government _____ _ 3. Principal Secretary to Governor, J&K. 4. Resident Commissioner, J&K, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi. 5. Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Secretary, Legisla-

tive Assembly/Council. .6. Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 7. Accountant General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Jammu/Srinagar.

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- -- .. _ ~ ~ =-· "'

,=;;:.- - ~.C'T ... -:- •

'Tl ,,...._ (/) a· Q.

ii.> ..;_, ::s 0 0 ~ (1) -· ., og

~ (1) -

"O Sl z ii.>

§Q > ._ (1) Q. > ::s (1) ?' ~ .... Vll

Rule 4{b), (d), (f) A (I) of J&K Civil Services (Bisher Standard Pay Scale Sclleme) Rules, 1996.

Structure for gran, 9_( Higher tan ar Pay Scale to various categories of Non-Gazetted State Government Employees on comple­tion of the prescribed regular satisfactory service .

S. No. Pay scale of the entry post applicable from



1. 750-12-870-EB-14-940

2: 77~-1--i--9~5-EB-14-1025

3 . 825-15-900-EB-20-1200

4 . 950-20-1150-EB-25-1400

5. 950-20-1150-EB-25-1500

6 . 1300-30-1390-EB-40-1870

First Higher Standard Pay Scale for 9 years of regu­

lar sat is factory service in the entry post.





13 00-3 0-13 90-EB-40-18 70

1200-3 0- l 560-EB-40-2040

1340-40-1460-EB-40- I 940 '

7 . 1340-40-1460-EB-40-1940 1400-40-1800-EB-50-2300

8 . 1200-30-1560-EB-40-2040 1400-40-1800-EB-50-2300

9. 1400-40-1800-EB-50-2300 1400-40-1600-50-2300-EB-60-2600

Second Higher Standard Pay Scale for 18 years of regular satisfactory

in the entry post.


825-15-900-EB-20- l 200


1300-30-1390-EB-40-l 870


1400-40-1800-EB-50-23 00


Third Higher Standard Pay Scale for 27 years of regu­

lar satisfactory service in the entry post.


950-20-1150-EB-25-140 0

1300-30-1390-EB-40-18 0

1340-40-1460-EB-40-l 94 0




1400-40-1600-50-2300-EB- 1600-50-2300-EB-60-2660 60-2600

1400-40-1600-50-2300-EB- 1600-50-2300-EB-60-2660 60-2600

1600-50-2300-I:;B-60-2660 1340-60-2600-EB-7 5-2900


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Page 12: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM


( 12 )





in the Office as~~~--'~~~~~~--:~~~~-

at'-______ _, having been of~~~~~~~~~:---:­given the benefit of Senior/Selection Scale with effect from

. · .,.,. .

issued Dated vide Order No._________ --------hereby opt to select Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme


1995 introduced under Notification SR0-14 dated

operated from - I 9(93) 88 . d d F' ance Department's endorsement No. A 8 -

15-1-1996 issue un er m dated 15-1-1996 instead of said Senior/Selection Scale.

2. I hereby agree that excess amount of difference .of pay and allowan~es, . t of grant of Senior/Selection Scale to me earlier,

if any paid to me, on accoun be ad;usted against the benefit to be accrued under the Higher Standard Pay

Scale Scheme.

3. Option hereby exercised is final and shall not be modified at any

subsequent date.

Place _____ _

Date _____ _

Signature of Employee _ _ __ _

Name of Employee ______ _

Designation Office ______ _

Signed before me

Signature and Official Seal 01

Head of Department/Offict

( 13 )


Errata to SR0-14 dated January IS, 1996.

1. In the caption under Rule 12 of the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services {Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996 promulgated vide SR0-14 dated January 15, 1996, the words "Authority Commitment" may be read as "Authority Competent".

2 2. The last but second word i.e., "shalls" appearing in first line of para­in Schedule-2 appended to the Rules ibid may be read as "shall".

This may be deemed to have existed in the said Notification abinitio.


Copy to the:-

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director Codes.

Dated: 18-01-1996.

2. All Commissioners/Secretaries to--,G=-o-v~em_m_e-nt--3. Principal Secretary to Government, J&K. ------4. Resident Commissioner, J&K, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi. 5. Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Secretary,

Legislative Assembly/Council. 6. Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 7. Accountant General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Jammu/Srinagar. 9. Registrar, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu.

IO. All Heads of Departments/P.S. to Advisors/CS. 11 . Divisional Commissioner, Jammu/Kashmir. 12. All District Development Commissioners . 13. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Jammu/Srinagar. 14. Director/Deputy Director, J&K Fund Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. 15. Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. 16. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu/Srinagar. 17. All District Tr~asury Officers/Treasury Officers 18. All Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers--- - --. 19. General Manager, Ranbir Govt. Press, Jam mu for printing equivalent

number of this Errata and appending it with the Notification already printed for supply to the requisitioning Departments.

20. All Officers/Section Officers of Finance Department. 21 . President, J&K Employees Joint Action Committee, Jammu. 22 . President, Civil Secretariat Non-Gazetted Employees Union . 23 . President, Lower Grade Employees Union, Civil Secit:, Jammu. 24. All Presidents, Low Paid Employees Federations/Unions. 25. President, All J&K State Motor Garages Union, Jammu/Srinagar. 26. Master fil w .. s.c . .,7 Anmi.11 Compend ium, 1996 w 2 .c.

Page 13: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

/ /


( 14 )



Dated Jammu, the 25th January, 1996.

SR0-28.- In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be made in the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1992 namely :-

·'' In Rule 9 of the said Regulations; /. I

I und~r the captiot> "(a) Drivers" the existing clause shall . be ' re-

numbered as sub-clause (i) and the following inserted as sub-clause (ii) :~

" , ·1.: (ii) Henceforth the initial appointment to the posts of Drivers shall

be made in the pay scale of Rs.95,0-1500. ' ,

(b) The existing posts of the Drivers in the pay scale of Rs. 800-1150 shall be upgraded to the pay scale of Rs. 950-1500 and the concerned incumbents shall be placed in the said pay scale with immediate effect.

( c) The pay structure of Drivers in the respective Departmental cadre shall be as under :-

(i) Drivers (Grade U) Rs. 950-1500 50% of the total number of posts of Drivers.

(ii) ()rivers (Grade I) Rs. 1200-2040

(iii) Chauffeurs Rs. 1640-2900

30% of the total number of posts of Drivers.

20% of the total number of posts of Drivers.

Note :-Drivers (Grade 11), on completion of minimum five. years service in the pay scale of Rs. 950-1500 shall be eligible for promotion as Drivers (Grade I) in the pay scale of Rs. 1200-2040 subject to availability of posts. However, in case of such of the Drivers as have been appointed initially in the pay scale of Rs. 800-1150 as per provisions of sub-clause (a) (i) abcve, now upgraded to t!te pay scale of Rs. 950-1500, the period of service rendered by them in the pay scale of Rs. 800-1150 shall count for computation of minimum service of five years for purposes of their promotion as Drivers (Grade I) in the pay scale of Rs. 1200-2040.

( IS )

Drivers (Grade II) on completion of minimum five years service In the pay scale of Rs. 1200-2040 shall be eligible for promotion as 'Chauffeurs' in the pay scale of Rs. 1640-2900 subject to the availability of posts.

II The following shall be inserted as clause (k) under the caption 'Orderlies on )/Jamadars'.

(k) Orderlies (Peons)/Jamadars

The pay structure of 'Orderlies (Peons)/Jamadars' in the respective rtmental cadre shall be as under

(I) Orderlies (Peons) Rs. 750-940 50% of the total number of posts of Orderlies (Peons)/ Jam~dars.

(ii) Jamadars (Grade II) Rs. 775-1025 30% of total number of posts of Orderlies (Peons)/Jamadars.

(Iii) Jamadars (Grade I) Rs. 825-1200 20% of total number of posts of Orderlies (Peons)/Jamadars.

Not :-The eligibility criteria for promotion from a lower scale/category to the higher scale/category as prescribed in case of Drivers under Note below sub-clause (ii) under the caption (a) Drivers, of Rules ibid shall mutatis-mutandis, apply in the case of promotion of Orderlies (Peons) as Jamadars (Grade I) and Jamadar (Grade II), as the case may be.

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary, (Finance)

No. A/82(82)-133 Dated 25-1-1996.

py to the :-

I. All Additional Chief Secretaries ------2. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government . Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assem­bly/Legislative Council. All Heads of Departments - -----Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. Advocate General , J&K, rinagar/Jammu. Director/Dy. Dir tor, A ount and Treasuries, Jammu/Srinagar.

Page 14: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM


8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21.

( 16 )

Director/Deputy Director, J&K Funds Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. · Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. All District Development Commissioners _____ _ Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. All Financial Advisors and Chief Accounts Officers. Pay and Accounts Officer, Delhi Treasury, Tis-Hazari, Delhi. Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmir. Private Secretaries to Advisors (M)/(S)/(RKS)/(G). Private Secretary to Chief Secretary. All Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers/Treasury Offic-ers /all Officers of the Finance Department. Resident Commissioner, J&K, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi. President, Lower Grade Employees Union, Civil Sectt: President/ Advisor to All J&K State Motor Garages Drivers Union.

22. President, J&K Employees Joint Action . Committee, Jammu. 23. President, Non-Gazetted Secretariat Employees Union,

Jam mu. 24. Master file/Annual Compendium, w.2.s.c.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

( 17 )


0. M. No. A/l.23 (95)-137 Dated : 29-1-1996.

SMbject :-Non adherence of prescribed S~tutory Rules/Guidelines ·for acquisition of Stores/Supplies/Services.

It hc.s come to the notice of the Finance Department that in a number f cases the Departmental Officers/competent authorities do not follow the

prescribed provisions of the statutory rules/guidelines while placing the orders for supply of Stores/Services with duly approved f11TDs.

The detailed rules governing the acquisition of the. Stores/Services are mainly . envisaged in Chapter VII and VIII of Jammo and Kashnltt Financial Code, Volume I while as the detailed procedures for making advance drawals from the treasuries in favour of the contractors viz. duly approved firms/suppliers are contained in Chapter XIV of the said code of rules.

It has been observed that despite clear provision of rules/Government Instructions and departmental officers do not follow the above rules in letter and spirit in so far as even agreements in the prescribed manner are also not executed to ensure strict adherence to the terms and conditions of supply of Stores/Services by concerned f11TDs/suppliers which is otherwise fraught with the risk of avoidable losses to the State exchequer besides saving the Government from unavoidable litigation.

Accordingly all the Additional Chief Secretaries/Commissioner­cretaries to Government and Heads of Departments are requested to ensure

trlct adherence to the coda! provisions in general and purchase and procurement of Stores/Supplies/Services with prompt execution of requisite

recments in this behalf in particular, by various Departmental offices to obviate avoidable litigation on the one hand and regular. supplies on the


The Additional Chief Secretaries/Commissioners/Secretaries to ov mmcnt are also requested to issue suitable instructions to their

ubordinate offices for ensuring strict compliance with the provisions of the I vant rules in this behalf.

J.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes) Finance Department.

Page 15: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM


( . 18 )

Copy to the :-

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries _____ _ 2. Commissioners/Secretaries to Government. 3. Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative

Assembly/Legislative Council. 4. All Heads of Departments. _____ _ .5. . Accountant General, A&E, Srinagar/Jammu. 6. Advocate General, Srinagar/Jammu. 7. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Jammu/Srinagar. 8. Director/Deputy Director, J&K Fund Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. 9. Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar.

10. All District Dev. Commissioners __ -:-_ 11. Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers _____ _ 12. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 13. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. 14. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Tre_~sury Officers/Treasury

Officers · . ·.i

15. General Manager, Ranbir Govt. Press, Jammu for publication in the Government Gazette.

16. Master . file/Annual Compendium, 1996 w.3.s.c.

.. -·

( 19 )


0. M. No. A/29 (96)-168 Dated : 2-2-1996

• uh} ct :-Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme SR0-14 dated 15-1-1996.

In order to set at rest the doubts expressed by various quarters in relation nxation of pay involved in the matter of implementation of SR0-14 dated 1-1996 (Higher Standard Pay Scare Scheme), the undersigned is directed nclose few illustrations which will fonn guide lines for the drawing and

bursing officers in the matter of ensuring correct fixation of pay o~ motion 'In-Situ' of eligible employees in whose case the orders have been

u d by the competent authority as per relevant provisions of SR0-14 dated I ·O 1-1996. It is requested that these instructions may kindly be passed on t 11 the concerned offices subordinate to the respective Administrative

artments for the guidance.

(Sd.) B. K. KOUL,

Accounts Officer (Codes), Finance Department.

PY to the :-

I . All Additional Chieti Secretaries .

7, 8. 9,

Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Govt. -----Accountant General, .Al&E/ Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. All Head of the De11artments ____ _ Advocate General, JftK, Srinagar/Jammu.


Director/Dy. Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Jammu/Srinagar. Director/Deputy Director, J&K Fund Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar . All District Dev. Commissioners

II. I I I . I~.

16. 17.

----Principal Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. Financial, Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers -----Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmir . General Manager, Ranbir Govt. Press, Jammu for publieation in the Government Gazette. All Officers/Section Officers of the Finance Department.

Page 16: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM


( 20 )


A Government servant has joined service on 1-10-1967 as a teac!ler and since his appointment has not been given any promotion to any senior/ selection scale. His pay scale as on 1-1-1995 was 1200-30-1560-EB-40-2040 and was drawing pay of Rs. .1960/- w .e.f. 1-9-1994. His date of next increment being 1-9-1995.

Pay fixation on 1-1-1995 under Rule 6 of J&K Civil Service (Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996 ;

A-For purpose of drawal of arrean from 1-1-1995 to 14-1-1996 :

Since he has completed more than 27 years of service before 1-1-1995, he will get promotion 'In-Situ' under relevant rules from Rs. 1200-2040 to Rs. 1600-50-2300-EB-60-2660 (Third Higher Standard Pay Scale) and his pay fixed as under in terms of Art. 77-B of J&K Civil Service Regulations :-

(i) Pay in the relevant existing scale -0f Rs. 1200-2040 on 1-1-1995 Rs. 1960/

(ii) Add notional increment in 1200-2040 Rs. .:.1;1-

(iii) Total (i + ii) above. Rs. 2000/-

(iv) · Next higher stage in relevant 3rd Higher Standard Pay Scale p608-2660) Rs. 2050/-

Hence his pay will be faxed. at R:s. 2050/- in the 3~d Higher Standard Pay Scale w.e.f. 1-1-1995. Since his pay oil 1-1-1995 was Rs. 1960/- in the existing pay scale of Rs. 1200-2040, the arrears in this case will be paid at Rs. 901· (i.e. Rs. 2050-1960) with DA "and IR thereon at the relevant sanctioned rates w.e.f. t .:.J.1995 to · 14-1-1996.

8-For puepose of drawal of pay Crom l!H-1996 :

(a) (i) Pay in the relevant existing scale off Rs. l~~-2040. as on . 1-1-1995

(ii) Add ·notional in~~ment ii). .this scale

(iii) Total (i + _ii) above.

(iv) Next higher stage in Rs. 1400-40 ·180P-EB-50-2300, the lst Higher .Standard'­Pay S~le at which pay gets fixed po,tiop.­ally \mder Art: 77-B of J&K CSltS ·on . -

Rs. 1960/-

Rs. 40/-

Rs. 2000/-

1-1-1995 RI. 2050/-

( 21 )

(I) Pay notionally fixed in 1st Higher Stand­ard Pay Scale i. e. Rs. 1400-2300 as on 1-1-1995

(U) Add. notional increment in Rs. 1400-2300

(Ill) Total (i + ii) above. ·

(Iv) Next higher stage in 2nd Higher Standard Pay Scale of Rs. 1400-40-1600-50-2300-EB-60-2600 at which pay gets fixed notionally as on 1-1-1995

( ) (i) Pay notionally fixed in 2nd Higher Stand-ard Pay Scale as on 1-1-1995 i.e. of · Rs. 1400-2600

(ii) Add. notional increment in relevant 2nd Higher Standard Pay Scale i. e. Rs. 1400-2600

(Hi) Total (i + ii) above.

(Iv) Next stage in 3rd Higher Standard Pay Scale i. e. 1600-50-2300-EB-60-2660 at which pay gets fixed as on 1-1-1995

Notional pay fixed in the pay scale of Rs. 1600-2660 as on 1-1-95 .

Date of next increment

Rs. 2050/-

Rs. 501-

Rs. 2100/-

Rs. 2150/-

Rs. 2150/-

Rs. 501-

Rs. ?.200/-

Rs. 2250/-

Rs. 2250/-


Pay to be drawn as per pay faxation at (B) w.e.f. 15-1-1996.

(Sd.) ............. ~ ......... .

Accounts Officer, Finance Department.

Page 17: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM


! I

( 22 )


A Government servant has joined service on 1-12-1982 as !uni~r Assistant and since his appointment has not been given any promotion to any senior/selection scale. His pay scale as on l-1-1995 was 950-20_-l 150-EB-25-1500 and was drawing pay of Rs.1090/- w.e.f. 1-9-1994. His date of next increment being 1-9-1995.

Pay fixation on 1-1-1995 under Rule 6 of J&K Civil Service (Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996 ;

A For purpose of drawal of pay from 1-1-1995 to 14-1-1996 :

Since the official has completed more than 9 years ser1ice before 1-1-1995, he will get promotion 'In-Situ' under relevant rules from the pay scale of Rs. 950-1500 to the pay scale of Rs. 1200-30-1560-EB~0-2040 (1st Higher Standard Pay Scale) and his pay _wil_l .be fixed as under m terms of Art. 77-B of J&K Civil Service Regulations :-

(i) Pay in ihe relevant existing scale of Rs. 950-1500 on l-l-1995 Rs. 1090/-

(ii) Add notional increment in 950-1500 Rs. 20/-

(iii) Total (i + ii) above Rs. 1110/-

(iv) Next higher stage in relevant lst Higher Standard Pay Scale (1200-2040) Rs. 1200/-

Pay fixed in the higher scale as on l-l-1995 Rs. 1200/- (in the scale of Rs. 1200-2040)

Date of increment 1-1-1996.

(Sd.) ....................... .

Accounts Officer, Finance Department.

( 23 )


A Government servant has joined service on 1-12-1976 as Junior lstant and since his appointment has got no promotion to any senior/

I ction scale. His pay scale as on 1-1-1995 was Rs. 950-1500 and was wing pay of Rs.1300/ P.M. w.e.f. 1-12-1994. His date of next increment

Ing l-12-1995.

Pay fixation on 1-1-1995 under Rule 6 of J&K Civil Service (Higher dard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996.

For purpose of drawal of arrears from 1-1-1995 to 14-1-1996 :

Since the, official has completed more than 18 years of service before 1-1-1995 he will get promotion 'In-situ' under relevant rules from Rs. 950-1500 to Rs. 1400-40-1800-EB-50-7300 (2nd Higher Standard Pay Scale) and his pay fixed as under in terms of .Art. 77-8 of J&K Civil Service Regulations :-

(i) Pay in the relevant existing scale of Rs. 950-1500 as on 1-1-1995

(ii) Add. notional increment in 950-1500 (iii) Total (i + ii) above (iv) Next, higher stage in the relevant

2nd Higher Standard Pay Scale i. e. (1400-2300)

Rs. 1300/­Rs. 25/­Rs. 1325/-

Rs. 1400/-

The pay of the official will be fixed at Rs. 1400/- in the 2nd Higher Standard Pay Scale w.e.f. 1-1-1995. Since his pay fixed on 1-1-1995 in 950-1500 was Rs. 1300/-. The arrears in this case will be paid at Rs. 100/- (1400-2300) with DA and IR thereon at the relevart sanctioned rates w .e.f. 1-1-1995 to 14-1-1996.

purpose of drawal of pay from 15-01-1996 ;

(i) Pay in the relevant .existing scale of Rs. 950-1500 as on 1-1-1995 Rs.

(ii) Add notional increment in this scale Rs. (Iii) Total (i + ii) above Rs. (iv) Next higher stage in (1200-30-1560-EB-

40-2040), the 1st Higher Standard Pay Scale at which pay gets fixed notionally under Art. 77-B of J&K CSRs on 1-1-1995 Rs.




h) (0 Pay notionally fixed in the 1st Higher Standard Pay Scale 1200-2040 as on 1-1-1995 Rs. 1350/-

Page 18: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

( 24 )

(ii) Add notional increment in 1200-2040


(iii) Total (i) and (ii) above

(iv) ::.Xt P~~gh~~al~ta~f ~.2~~0~1~-e{so~~:~ 50-2300

Notional pay fixed in the pay scale of Rs. 1400-2300 as on 1-1-1995.

Date of next increment

Rs. 30/­

Rs . 1380/-

Rs. 1400/-

Rs. 1400/-


Pay to be drawn as per Pay fixation at (B) w.e.f. 15-01-1996.

(Sd.). ·· ·· ··· ·· ·········· ··:·

Accounts Officer, Finance Department.

( 25 )


A Government servant has joined service on 1-12-1977 as a Plumber since his appointment has got no promotion to any senior/selection

le. His pay scale as on l'-1-1995 was Rs. 950-20-1150-EB-25-1500 and drawing pay of Rs. 1070/- on 1-1-1995.


Pay fixation as on 1-1-1995 under Rule 6 of J&K Civil Service (Higher. dard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996.

For purpose of drawal of pay w.e.f. 1-1-1995.

Since the official has completed more than 9 years of service but less than 18 years before 1-1-1995 he will get promotion 'In situ' under these rules from 950-1500 to Rs. 1200-2040 (First Higher Standard Pay Scale) and his pay will be fixed as under in terms of Art. 77-B of J&K Civil Service Regulations :-

(i) Pay in the relevant existing scale of Rs. 950-1500 on 1-1-1995

(ii) Add notional increment in 950-1500

(iii) Total (i + ii) above.

(iv) Next higher stage in 1st Higher Standard Pay Scale of Rs. 1200-2040

Pay fixed in the pay scale of Rs. 1200-2040 as on 1-1-1995

Date of next increment

Rs. 1070/­

Rs. 20/­

Rs. 1090/-

Rs. 1200/-

R.s. 1200/-


(Sd.) .......... ... .......... .

Acco~~r, Finance Department.

Page 19: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

( 26 )


A Government servant has joined service in 1971 as Junio~ Assistant (950-1500). He was promoted as Senior Assistant on 1-7-1972 m the pay scale of Rs. 1200-2040. He was drawing pay of Rs. 1440/- w.e.f. 1-7-1994. His date of next increment being l-7-1995.

Pay fixation on 1-1-t 995 under Rule 6 of J&K Civil Service (Higher

Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996.

A-For purpose of drawal of Pay w.e.f. 1-1-1995.

The official has derived the benefit of one ~r~motion and has rendered more than 9 years service in the .ex1stmg. pay scale of Rs 1200-2040 on 1-1-1995, he will get promotion In-situ under these rul~s from Rs. 1200-2040 to Rs. 1400-2300 (First Higher Standard Pay Scale) and his pay will be fixed as under in tetms of Art. 77-B of J&K

Civil Service Regulations :-

(i) Pay in the existing scale of 1200-30-1560-EB-40-2040 on 1-1-1995

(ii) Add notional increment in 1200-2040

(iii) Total (i + ii) above. ...

(iv) Next higher stage in 1st Higher Standard Pay Scale of Rs. 1400-40-1800


(v) Pay fixed in the pay scale of Rs. 1400-2300 on 1-1-1995

Date of next increment

Rs. 1440/-

Rs. 30/-

Rs. 1470/-

Rs. 1480/-

Rs. 1480/-


(Sd.) ...... ......... ........ .

Accounts Officer, Finance Department.

7 )


0. M. No. A/31 (94)-9 Dated : 2-2-1996

• t1b}ect :-J&K Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 1992.

The import of the expression 'Fresh Recruitment' 'Fresh appointments' 'New appointments' and 'Future appointments' appearing in Jammu and

hmir Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1992 issued vide Notification RO-75 dated 30-03-1992 has been clarified vide Finance Department 0 . M.

No. A/37(92)-633 dated 14-9-1992.

A doubt has been expressed as to whether such of the Degree and lploma Holders in the Engineering disciplines who were being paid stipend f Rs. 1620/- and Rs. 1300/- per month respectively, consequent upon their ppoi.ntment as Stipendary Engineers prior to 30-• 1992 and were subsequently' appointed on regular basis without any

Interruption may also be treated as 'Fresh Recruits' for purposes of their gular appointment in Rs. 1400-2300 after 30-3-1992.

The matter has been examined in the Finance Department in consultation with Law Department and it has been decided that the following shall be

ded and shall always be deemed to have existed as proviso to para second f finance Department's above quoted O.M. No. A/37(92)-633 dated 14-9-

1992 (copy enclosed) abinitio.

"Provided that the Degree and Dipl ma Holders in various disciplines of Engineering, appointed prior o March, 1992 as 'Stipendaries' on monthly stipend of Rs. I 620/- and ~. 1300/- p.m. respectively shall not be treated as 'fresh Recruitment'/'Fresh appointees' if such stipendaries have been appointed on regular basis on or after 31-3-1992 without interruption."

All Administrative Departments are requested kindly to communicate th instructions to all the Officers/Organisations subordinate to them to settle

nding cases after re-fixation of pay accordingly.

opy to the :-

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries ______ _ All Commi ion r/ cretari to Govt. ____ _

Page 20: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

IO. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

18. 19.

Secretary to <;Jov~rnor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/Leg1slat1ve Council. All Head of the Departments Accountant General, A&E/Au-d-it-, -S-r-in_a_g_ar-/J-~mu. A~vocate General, Srinagar/Jammu. D~rector/Dy. Director, Accounts and Treasuries Jammu/Srinagar D~rector/Deputy Director, J&K Fund Organisation Jammu/S · · D1rect?r ~f Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. ' rmagar. All Dtstnct Dev. Commissioners Financial Advisors/Chief Accoun-ts_O_ffi_t-ce_rs_

Pr!nc!pal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Tra-:i-n-in_g_I_n-st-it-ute Jammu. Pr1~c1pal, Accountancy Training Institute Srinagar ' Resident Commissioner, New Delhi. ' · Comptroller, Agriculture University Kashmir. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers/Treasury Officers General Manager, Ranbtr Govt. Press, Jammu for publication in th~ Government Gazette. Annual Compendium (w.3.s.c.) 1996.

Copy of 0. M. No. A/37 (92)-633 dated 15-09-1992 issued from Finance Department.

Subject J&K Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 1992.

. A dou,?~. has been ~xpressed about the import of the expressions "Fresh recru1~ent_s Fresh appomtments'.' "~e~ Appointments" "Future Recruitments" ~ppeann~ m J~mu _and Kashmir C1v1l Service (Revised Pay) Rules J 992 issued v1de Nottficatton SRO-75 dated 30-3-1992. ' '

. The matter has been examined in the Finance Departmen in consultation with t~e Law Department and it is clarified that "Fresh recruitments" "F h appointments" "Ne~ a~~ointments" "Future appointments" appearingre~n Jamn:iu and Kashmir C1v1l Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 1992 shall mel\n appomtments as have been made or shall be made on or atler 31-3-1


All the Administrative Departments are requested to ki di · these · tru f 11 h n Y communicate

. ms c tons to a t ~ Offices/Or~anisations subordinate to them to settle pendmg cases of re-fixation of pay m new pay scales, accordingly.

True copy attested.

(Sd.) ································· Acco_unts Officer (Codes),

Finance Department.


11bject :-Regularisation of Ex-servicemen engaged as daily wagers in Government Departments-clarification thereof.

Under Rule 4(d) of Jammu and Kashmir Daily Rated Workers/Work harged Employees (Regularisation) Rules, 1994, promulgated vide SR0-64

dated 24th March, 1994, it has been provided that a daily rated worker/work charged employee shall be eligible for regularisation on fulfilment of, inter­a/la, the following conditions :-

"That he is not a retiree from any State or Central Government Service or any local body, Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous body in or outside the State."

2. There is also a provision under Rule 9(2) of Rules ibid that :

"if any retired person has been engaged as daily rated worker, his/her services/engagement as such shall be terminated forthwith".

3. A doubt has been expressed whether an ex-serviceman engaged as Daily Rated Worker/Work Charged Employee also comes within the ambit of the term 'retired employee' as stipulated in the above quoted provisions of the said Rules.

4. The matter has been examined in the Finance Department in the light of a substantive provision contained in the J&K Civil Service Regulations under Note 5 below Article 37 and the back-drop wherein the said prO\ision has been made, prescribing the maximum age limit for appointment of ex-serviceman in Government Service as 48 years. It is clarified that the Ex-serviceman engaged as Daily Rated Worker/ Work Charged Employee shall not be treated as lretired employee' for purpose of rules ibid.

5. All the Addi. Chief · Secretaries/Commissioners/Secretaries to Government/Heads of the Departments are requested to convey the aforementioned clarification to their subordinate offices for taking appropriate action in the matter.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Addi. Chief Secretary, (Finance).

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I ,,



No. A/79(95)-976 Dated 07-02- 1996

Copy to the:-

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

All Additional Chief Secretaries All Commissioner/Secretaries to _G_o_vt_. ---­All Head of the Departments Principal Secretary to Govem-o-r,-J-&-K-. --

Resident Commissioner, J&K 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi. Secretary to Gov~rnor/Public Service Commission/Secretary Legislative Assembly/Counc11.

Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. Acc~untant General, A&E/ Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. R~g.1s.trar, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu. D1v1s1onal Commissioner, Jammu/Kashmir All District Development Commissioners D~rector/Oy. Direc~or, Accounts and Treas- -u-ri-e-s,-Ja_m_m-u/Srinagar. D~rector/Oeputy Dtrector, J&K Fund Organisation Jammu/Srinagar Dt~ec~or of Infonnation, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. ' · Prmc1pal, Accountancy Training Institute Srinagar/Jammu A.II Di~trict Treasury Officers/Treasury Offlcers. . Fmanc1al Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers All ?fficers/Section Officers of Finance De_p_a_rt_m_e-nt-s-. -

Pres~dent, J~~ Employees Joint Action Committee, Jammu. Pres~dent, Ctvtl Secretariat Non-Gazetted Employees Union. President, Lower Grade Employees Union, Civil Secretariat. All J&K . State Motor Garages union, Jammu/Srinagar. Master File (w.2.s.c.) Annual Compendium 1996 (w.2.s.c.)

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director Codes, Finance Department.

( 31 )


0. M. No. A/164 (95)-277 Dated : 28-2-1996.

, '"hject :-Accord of Administration Approval and Technical Sanction for the Projects.

Attention of all the Addi. Chief Secretaries/Commissioners and Secretaries overnment is invited to Rule 9.3 of the Jammu and Kashmir Financial

e Volume-I which, inter a/ia, lays down that no work/project should be mmenced or liability incurred in connection with it until :

(i) "Administrative Approval" has been obtained from the authority appro-priate in each case; and ·

(ii) A properly detailed design/estimate has been sanctioned.

2. It has come to the notice of the Government that certain Departments not observe provisions of the relevant statutory rules and as such continue make infringements by undertaking the execution of works/proi'}cts which

neither administratively approved nor technically sanctione~ ,n order to st such tendencies on the part of various Departmental Officers, the

llowing decision has been taken and directions issued by SAC in the meeting the Budget Council on 6.2.1996 as per Administrative Council Decision

No. 11

"It has come to notice of the Finance Department that various departments execute works and incur the expenditure without ensuring that administrative approval and technical sanction for such works has been accorded. Finance Deptt. have advised all the Departments that booking of expenditure in absence of the administrative approval and technical sanction is irregular. Cases are also being reviewed by the Audit. Apex Committee which has asked the departments to accord administrative approval and technical sanction in respect of all the projects within a period 'Of 3 to 4 months in which case these sanctions have not been issued. The Apex Committee has also recommended that after this grace period, the Chief Engineers should at the end of each quarter, send a certificate to the Administrative Department that ho work under his charge is being executed without accord of administrative approval and technical sanction."

A cordingly, II th Administrative Departments should ensure that the " dminl tr tiv Approv 11 nd T hni 111 • anction" for all th works/projects

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( 32 )

under execution is accorded at the latest by the end of May, 1996. Thereafter at the end of each quarter (June, September, ·December and March), all the Chief Engineers/Heads of Departments should send a certificate to their respective administrative departments to the effect that no work which is not administr~ively approved or technically sanctioned is under execution within their charge.

4. However, all the Addi. Chief Secretaries/Commissioners and Secretaries to Government are requested kindly to bring these insquctions to the notice of their subordinate officers ensuring strict adherence to the provisions of relevant rules in this behalf in consonance with the aforementioned decisions of the Budget Council. Any violation of these instructions is to be viewed seriously as per directions of the State Administrative Council.

Addi. Chief Secretaries/ Commissioner/Secretary to Government.

Copy for information and necessary action to :

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR, ., Director Codes,

Finance Department.

1. All District Development Commissioners ____ _

2. All Heads Departments/Chief Engineers ____ _

3. Private Secretary to Advisor(M)/Advisor(G)/Advisor (RKS)/Advisor(S) for information of the Advisors.

4. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary for information of the Chief Secretary.

5. Annual Compendium, 1996 (w.2.s.c.)

( 33 )


ubject :-Delegation of Powers to Ladakh Autonomous Hill. Development Council of Leh.

Reference :-State Administrative Council Decision No. 22 dated 14-2-1996 conveyed vide Ladakh Affairs Department No. LA(A)63/95 dated 15-2-1996.

Government Order No. 110-F of 1996.

Dated 15-3-1996

In the Book of Financial Powers :

I. In Chapter 5.6 :-

(a) the words "Leh and" appearing in clause (2) of Col. 3 against serial No. 1 shall be deleted.

{b) the following shall be in:>erted as clause (2) (a) under Col. 3 against serial No. I.

Col. 3 Col. 4

2. (a) District Superintending Engineer Leh.

Up to Rs. 50 lakhs. He shall henceforth refer projects costing over Rs. 50 lakhs to the Gov-ernment for techno-economic feasibility clearance.

II. In Chapter 5.8 the following shall be inserted as serial 1-D :-

S. No.

1-D (a)

Nature of power

To accord administrative approval to projects other than residential buildings to meet the requirements of all the Departments.

To whom delegated

Ladakh Auto­nomous Hill Development Council of Leh.


Full powers provided that techno-ec nomic feasibility is got cl~ed for works costmg over Rs. 50 iak is from die State Government.

111. In Chapter 5.8, Clause III' under Col. 3 against seriffi,,-. • -C shall be recast as under :-

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( 34 )

N. In Chapter 5.14, following shall be inserted as serial i-E

S. No.


Nature of power

To grant contracts for individual works.

To whom delegated

Ladakh Auto­nomous Hill Development Council.


Up to Rs. 50 lakhs for which Contract Commi­ttee should be consti­tuted, The said Committee shan include Chief Executive Officer, District Superintending Engineer, the concerned Head of De­partment and Chief Con­tro 11 er of Finance L.A.H.D.C. While award­ing contracts the Council shall follow the general instructions issued from time to time by the State Government on the sub­ject such as assigning work to J&KPCC etc. If the cost thereof exceeds a particu­lar level.

v. In Chapter 5.10, the following shall be inserted as serial 20-B :-

S. No. Nature of power

20-B To sanction purchase of office items such as Typewriters, Fax, Photostat Machine etc.

To whom delegated

Ladakh Auto­nomous Hill Development Council Leh.


Full powers subject to economy orders issued by the Government from time to time.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

No. A/84(95)-11-339

Copy to the :-

(Sd.) M.S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (Finance).

Dated 15-3-1996.

l. All Additional Chief Secretaries ______ _ 2. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt. ____ _

3. Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Secretary Legisla-

tive Assembly/Council. 4. All Head of the Departments ____ _ 5. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Stinagar/Jammu. 6. All District Dev. Commissioners. _____ -::-::::::--= 7. Chief Executive Officer, Ladakh Autonomous Hill Dev. Counc.i. 8. District Superintending Engineers, Leh/Kargil. 9. Advocate General, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts and Treas~ies: SrinJagar/u/JarnmS . u. 11. Director/Deputy Director, J&K Fund Organ1sat1on, amm nnagar. 12. Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. 13. Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers. 14. Resident Commissioner, New Delhi. 15. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Tralll:ing Institute, Jammu. 16. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Snnagar. . . th 17. General Manager, Government Press, Jammu for publication m e

Government Gazette. 18. Private Secretaries to Advisors to His Excellency the Governor. 19. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary. 20. All Officers of the Finance Department/Section Officer Finance. 21. Master File/ Annual Compendium. 22.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

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( 36 )


Engagement of Daily Rated Workers.


It has come to the notice of the Government that a large number of daily rated workers have been appointed w.e.f. 1988-89 despite a bari imposed by the State Government on their engagement. Wages of such daily rated workers have been paid from the maintenance grant and iQ some other cases by debit to object head of expenditure other than "Wages" which consequently has prevented detection of such unauthorised appointments through the mechanism of regulating the release of funds under the object head "Wages". The departments could not make available updated and correct details of daily rated workers in position as on 1st April, 1989, number of daily rated workers brought on regular establishment by virtue of their having completed 7 years of service as per rules and the number still required · to be brought on regular establishment, separately under Plan and Non-plan. According to an analysis it is estimated that as many as 13,500 daily rated workers continue to be paid by the departments on Non-plan alone in the year 1995-96 for which a wage budget of Rs. 13.69 crores has been worked out in the Revised Estimates 1995-96. In fact, by first April, 1996 all the daily rated workers appointed in 1989 and in earlier -yearsare supposed to have completed 7 years of service and earned the entitlement of being brought on regular establishment. The continuance of wage budget of Rs. 12.68 crores even in the Budget Estimates 1996-97 confirm the apprehension that the number of daily rated workers appointed unauthorisedly after 1989 is sufficiently large. The existence of the wage budget either in the R.E. 1995-96 or the estimates for 1996-97 will not carry with it any approval of the State Government to cover unauthorised appointments which may be taken note of by_ the departments concerned.

2.- However, the matter has come up before the State Administrative Council on 6th February,. 1996 and it has approved the suggestion of the Finance Department that history sheets of service of each daily rated worker with code No. and a Photograph duly attested by the head of the concerned department be maintained as a substitute of service records for use at different levels. The format of the service sheet. of the daily rated workers is enclosed. A complete file of these history sheets is to be maintained not only in the office where the daily rated workers are working but also in the office of the next superior, the Direction office and the Administrative Sectt.

3. The Administrative Departments will kindly issue suitable instructions to all the field formations to :-

(a) maintain the history &heets of daily rated workers in the format · enclosed with this circular.

( 37 )

(b) report to the Finance Department the number of daily rated workers appointed year-wise w.e.f. 1st April, 1989 separately under .Plan and Non plan indicating . reference to the authority under which these appointments have been made.

(c) indicate the source ~f funding of these daily rated workers i.e. wages, maintenance grants or any other object head.

(d) the expenditure booked year-wise for these daily rated workers.

above information may kindly bC arranged to be ~upplied. so. as to the Finance Department by 30th April, 1996. The receipt of this circular


indly be acknowledge~.


to the :-

(Sd.) M.S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (Finance).

Dated 25-3-1996.

All Additional . Chief Secretary/POD/Elections/Home/ Agricul~e Department. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Govt. ____ _ All Head of the Departments.

r information and necessary action.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

Page 25: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

( 38 )


I. Department

2. Name

3. Father's name/husband's name

4. Pennanent residence

5. Present residence

6. Date of birth with reference to school certificate/medical/ municipal records.

7. (a) Academic qualification

(b) Professional qualification

8. Date of first appointment

9. Status at the time of first • appointment

(Daily Rated/Seasonal/Casual/ Piece Rated).

10. Date when status' of Daily Rated Worker in the Department was issued.

I I. District wherefrom State subject obtained.

I2. Codal No. of the D. D. 0.1 Department.

13. Object of expenditure debited to any other Head other than Wages.

14. Remarks, if any.

• Indicate the source.

I. Service sheet of Daily Rated Workers

2. Bar Code No. ------

Space for Photograph

Stamp of H.0.D. with name


(i) Name of the officer authenticating the photograph ------

(ii) Designation -------

( 39 )



Dated Jammu, the 2nd April, I 996.

118.-In exercise of the powers conferred by section I 18 of the l lution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct that llowing amendments shall be made in the Jammu and Kashmir Financial

, Volume I namely :-

the said Code ;

following shall be inserted as Ex~eption No. 5-A below Note l to 14. 4 :

The Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, Leh shall be ompetent to make advance drawal up to Rs. I 0 lakhs with the oncurrence of Chief Controller of Finance concerned without making

reference to Finance Department.

y order of the Governor.

(Sd.) M.S. PANDIT,

Addi. Chief Secretary (Finance).

/84(95)-11-349 Dated: 2-4-1996.

y to the:-

I. All Additional Chief Secretaries ------ommissioners/Secretaries to Government.

Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assem­bly/Legislative Council. All Heads of Departments


Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srina'i:,-'9.unmu. All District Development Commissioners.

7 hicf Executiv Onie r, I adakh Autonomous Hill Development Council. Di trict u rink ndin J.n in r, Leh/Kargil. Adv t G 11 1 I J ran r/J mmu.

Page 26: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

( 40 )

D~ector/Dy. Direc!or, Accounts and Treasuries, laJJlD!u!Srinagar. Director/Deputy Director, J&K Funds Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. Financial Advisors and Chief Accounts Officers. Resident Commissioner, J&K, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. Private Se.cretaries to Advisors to His Excellency the Governor. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary. All Officers/Section Officer of Finance Department. Master file/Compendium.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Cod~). Finance Department.

( 41 )



Dated Jammu, the 2nd April, 1996.

R0-119.-In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section 124 f the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct

th t the following amendments shall be made in the Jammu and Kashmir ivil Service Regulations, Volume I namely :-

In the said Regulations ;

the following shall be inserted as Exception 4 below Article 320-A

ception 4 :

The Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, Leh shall have full powers to authorise such 'transferred employees' of the Council to travel by air within the State as are not otherwise entitled to the same in tenns of relevant' State rules.

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) M.S. PANDIT,

Addi. Chief Secretary (Finance).

No: A/84(95)-11-386 Dated: 2-4-1996.

py to the:-

I . 2.

4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9,

I() ,

All Additional Chief Secretaries _ ____ _ Commissioners/Secretaries to Government . Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assem­bly/Legislative Council. All Heads of Departments ___ _ Accountant General, A&E/ Audit, Srinagar/Jamrr>;.>o All District Development Commissioners. ___ --=-Chief Executive Officer, Ladakh Autonomous Hill ~ 1elopment Council.

uperlnt ndin ngineer, Leh/Kargil. Advoc t n r 11 J rin r/J mmu,

Ir ct r/Dy. I It l lor, nd Trea urie , Jammu/Srinagar.

Page 27: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

( 42 )

11. Director/Deputy Director, J&K Funds Organisation, Jammu/Srinagur 12. Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. 13. Financial Advisors and Chief Accounts Officers. 14. Resident Commissioner, J&K, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi. 15. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 16. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinaga1. I 7. Private Secretaries to Advisors to His Excellency th

Governor. 18. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary. 19. All Officers/Section Officer of Finance Department. 20. Master file/Compendium. 21.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

( 43 )



[)ated Jammu, the 9th April, 1996.

-128.-In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section 124 onstitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct following amendments shall be made in the Jammu and Kashmir

ervice Regulations, namely

the said Regulations ;

for Schedule XXI, the schedule appended to this notification shall be ubstituted.

y order of the Governor.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Addi. Chief Secretary (Finance).

A/45(90)-409 Dated: 9-4-1996.

y to the:-

l. 2.



All Additional Chief Secretaries _____ _ Commissioners/Secretaries to Government ____ _ Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assem­bly/Legislative Council. All Heads of Departments. ____ _ Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. All District Development Commissioners . Chief Executive Officer, Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Coun­cil. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Jammu/Srinagar. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. Advocate General, J&K; Srinagar/Jammu. ~

Financial Advisor nd hi f Accounts Office(,-"----Resident Commis ion I , N w n lhi. Principal, North rn Zon I count ncy Training Institute, Jarnmu. Principal Accoun I Srialpr.

Page 28: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

~ .,, . -- ~

16. 17.


19. 20. 21. 22.

( 44 )

Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmir. Private Secretaries to Advisors to His Excellency the Governor. All Saddar treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers/Trea8ury Officers. · Private Secretary to Chief Secretary. All Officers/Section Officer of Finance Department. Master file/Compendium for the year 1996.

. '


(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

( 45 )

Schedule XXI


I Short title, commencement and applicat~on.-(1) These rules shall be II the- Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) I , 1996 ;

) These rules shall come into force with effect from 1-4-1996.

( ) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (4) these rules shall apply to the persons appointed to the civil services and posts in connection with dte affairs of the State.

( ) These rules shall not apply to the

(i) persons not in whole time employment

(ii) persons in casual and daily rated employment

(iii) persons paid from contingencies ;

(iv) persons in work charged establishment;

(v) persons employed on contract except when the terms of contract provide otherwise ;

(vi) persons re-employed after retirement except when the terms and conditions provide otherwise ;

(vii) persons eligible to any other form of Travel Concession available during leave or otherwise.

2. Scope.-The Leave . Travel Concession shall cover the Government rvant himself/herself and his family.

3. Definitions.-ln these rules unless the context otherwise ulres :-

.,r, (a) "a place in India" ·will mean any place witt...:_, l e territory of India,

whether it is in the main-land India or overseas.

(b) "Controlling Officer" for purpose of these rules means the authority prescribed for countersigning T.A. Bills in terms of Note 2 to Art.

Page 29: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM


( 46 )

368 of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations (excluding the "Exception" thereunder) specified as under :-

(i) For Non-Gazetted Govern- Gazetted Officer incharge . of ment Servant establishment to which the Govt.

servant belongs.

(ii) For Gazetted Officer Next higher Administrative Officer.

"Sanctioning authority" for purpose of these rules means the authority competent to sanction Leave Travel Concession to the Government employees, which shall be as under :-

(i) For Non-Gazetted Officer Head of the Department con­cerned or Commissioner/Secre­tary to Go\'._ernment of the con­cerned department in the case of Secretariat employees.

(ii) For Gazetted Officers Government in the Administra­tive Department.

(d) "Disciplinary authority" means an authority which is empowered to impose penalties to Government Servants in terms of Rule 30 of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules.

(e) "Family" for the purpose of these rules means the Government servants spouse and other members of his/her family as defined in Art. 15 of Jamrnu and Kashmir Ci·; il Service Regulations.

(f) "Shortest direct route" shall have the same meaning as given in Art. 306(a) (b) and (c) of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations ;

(g) "Form" means the form appended to these rules.

(h) "Block of years" means a block of four years, the first block thereof commencing from financial year 1996-97 (i.e. 1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-1999 and 1999-2000).

(i) "Year" means a financial year beginning from Ist April and ending 31st March.

4. Declaration of Family.-Every Government servant shall declare his/ her family at the beginning of a block of four years in Form 1. This declaration

( 47 )

duly certified by a Gazetted Officer, in case of Non-Gazetted employees, shall registered with the Head of the Office. The Head of the Office shall after

tisfying himself/herself accept and paste the declaration with the Service I ook of the employee and make use of it invariably at the time when an pplication for L.T.C. is made by the employee. On the occurrence of any hllllge in the family strength, the employee shall make a fresh declaration n the prescribed manner.

5. Admissibility of Leave Travel Concession :-(I) The Leave Travel mcession shall be admissible to a Govenrment servant specified in sub-rule ) of rule 1 and his/her family once in a block of four years o:-- ly if

1overnment servant has completed five years continuous regular service under 1vcrnment on the date of application ( to be made in Form-2) for such

Provided that an employee completing five years continuous regular service during the course of a block of four years shall be eligible to avail of the L.T.C. during the remaining period of the same block.

(2) The concession shall be admissible during any period of leave 111 luding Casual Leave.

(3) The concession will not be admissible when a Government servant 111dcrtakes journey during the week-end-holidays or any other period of

holidays alone without any leave.

(4) The concession shall not be adm issible to a Government servant who proceeds on regular leave and then resigns his post without returning t 1 duty.

(5) Govenrment servants serving in the Vacation Department ml en itled to enjoy regular vacation can avail of L.T.C. during Vacation

p 1 iod

(6) The concession sha1l not be admissible to a Government servant ( 11 hHiing his/her family) during the period of suspension.

(7) In the case of husband and wife, who are both Government rv 1111 , he or she can avail of the Leave Travel Concession as a family

ni mh r of his or her spouse.

(H) 1overnmcnt servant(s) on de~, .~o/Foreign service shall be 111111 d to 1..1 . under these ru le . The exp nditure on L.T.C. in such cases h II l p id by th borrowln ' 11 y ·uhjcct to its sanction by the

I I 11111 111 to ht h th mploy c( ) b Ion .. ~~~~~~~~-

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( 48 )

(9) A Government servant who has availed of Leave Trave~ Concession under Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service (L.T.C.) Rules, 1990 shall not be eligible for L.T.C. during the first block of four years commencing from 1996-97.

6. Declaration of place of visit :-(1) When the Leave Travel Con­cession to visit any place in India is proposed to be availed of by a Government servant or any member of his/her family, the intended place of visit shall be declared by the Government servant in advance in Form 2. The declared place of visit may be changed before the commencement of the journey with the approval of the authority competent to sanction J,,.T.C. in exceptional circumstances.

(2) A Government servant and each member of his/her family may visit different place of .their choice during a block of four years. It shall not be necessary for members of family of a Government servant to visit the same place as that visited/may be visited by the Government servant.

7. Counting of L.T.C. against a particular Block :-(1) A Government servant and members of his/her family availing of Leave Travel Concession may travel in different groups at different times during the block of four years. The concession so availed of will be counted against the block within which the outward journey commenced even if the return journey is performed after the expiry of the block.

(2) A Government servant who is unable to avail of the Leave .Travel Concession within a particular block may avail of the same within the first year of the next block.

(3) The Leave Travel Concession availed of by a Government servant referred to in sub-rule (9) of rule 5 shall be counted against the first block of four years.

8. Entitlement-Journey by Rail.-(1) The entitlement for travel by train under these rules shall be as under :-

(i) Govenrment servants drawing Second Class AC-basic pay above Rs. 3200/- 2- tier sleeper/1st Class.

(ii) Government servants drawing First Class/ Air Condi-basic pay of Rs. 1701 /- to tioned chair car. Rs. 3200/-

(iii) Government servants drawing Second Class Sleeper. basic pay upto Rs. 1700/- p.m.

(2) .Journey by Road :

(a) The Travel by road to any place outside the State shall not be admissible except between stations not connected by rail.

-(h) Travel by road within the State shall be undertaken in buses of J&K

State Road Transport Corporation and J&K Tourism Development

Corporation alone.

(c) The Government assistance towards the cost of journeys between places not connected by rail will be admissible to the Government servants subject to the provisions of clause (b) above, as under:-

(i) \\'here a public transport system with vehicles running between fixed points at regular intervals and charging fixed rates exists the assistance is the fare actually charged by such a system for the appropriate class of accommodation.

f. planation :--"Appropriate Class" Means:-



(a) Government Servants entitled to travel by lst Class or above on rail.

(b) Other Government servants

By any type of bus.

By ordinary bus/Express Bus.

where a Public Transport system does not exist or where no other means of transport is available, the assistance will be regulated as in case of journeys on tour in terms of Art. 318 (b) of Jam mu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations.

(3) Journey by Air :

The Government servants may travel by air between places not connected by rail, where an alternative means of travel is more


The provisions of this sub-rule shall also apply in case of Government employees posted in Ladakh region for the grant of concession during the winter season, when road between Srinagar and Leh region remain bloc!<ed. The concession will be subject to

the following conditions :-

(i) The facilities of air travel will be admissible; only during the period from 15th November to 15th March.

-1;, (ii) The facilities will be limited t"l air travel hehveen Leh and

Srinagar/Jammu as the case may be.

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( 50 )

(iii) The air travel facility will be allowed to the Government servant, his/her spouse and only two dependent children (upto the age of 18 years for boys and 24 years for girls).

(4) In regard to places in terri tory of India, connected by Shipping Steamer Services, the entitlement of a Government servant to travel by ship/steamer will be regulated as in case of journeys by ship/steamer under­taken on tour (Art. 316-A of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations).

(5) Entitlement shall be decided by the status of the Government servants as on the date of forward journey.

(6) If a Government servant travels by a class higher than to which he is entitl ·d, Government assistance will be restricted to the rate of entitled class. If he t ave ls by a lower class, the assistance will be based on the lower class fare actually paid.

9. Limitations on admissibility of L.TC. Charges :-{I) Reimbursement under leave travel concession shall not cover incidental expenses and expenditure incurred on local journeys. Reimbursement for expenses of journey shall be allowed only on the basi s o f a point to point journey or through ticket over the shortest direct route.

(2) Reimbursement of rail fare by chartered rail coaches and air fare, if any paid because of temporary dislocation of surface transport, shall be restricted to the amount admissible by entitled class (Rail/Road).

(3) Telegram charges for reservation of railway berths are in-admissible.

10. Grant of Advance and Adjustment thereof:-{!) (a) Advance may be granted to Government servants by the authorities competent to sanction Leave Travel Concession to enable them to avail themselves of concession for leave travel to any lace in India. The application for grant of L.T.C. advance shall be made in Form 2. The amount of such advance of each case shall be limited to 90% of the estimated amount which Government would have to reimburse in respect of the cost of the journey bothways.

(b) Sanction for availing of L.T.C. and grant of advance therefor shall be . issued by the competent authority in the prescribed Fonn 5.

(2) If the family travels separately from the Government servant(s), the advance may also be drawn separately to the extent admissible.

(3) Advance may be drawn both for the forward and return journeys al the time of commencement of the forward journey provided th p riod of

( 51 )

ve taken by the Government servant or the period of anticipated absence f the members of family does not exceed ninety days. If this limit is exceeded en the advance may be drawn for outward journey only.

(4) The advance shall be refunded in full if the outward journey is not mmenced within thirty days of the receipt of advance. However, in cases

where reservations can be made sixty days before the proposed date of outward urney and advance is made accordingly, the Government servant shall

roduce the tickets, within ten . days of the drawal of advance irrespective f the date of commencement of journey.

11 . Claim for adjustment/reimbursement :-{I) A claim for adjustment/ imbursement of expenditure incurred on journey under Leave Travel oncession shall be submitted in Form 3 supported by original tickets/money


(2) Where an advance has been drawn by a Government servant, the laim for reimbursement of the expenditure incurred on the journey shall be ubmitted within one month of the completion of the return journey. On a ovemment servant's failure to do he/she shall be required to refund the entire

ount of advance forthwith in lump sum. No request for recovery of advances In instalments shall be entertained.

(3) Where no advance has been drawn, the claim shall be submitted within three months after the completion of the return journey. Failure to

o so will entail forfeiture of the claim and no relaxation shall ordinarily permissible.

(4) A simple interest at 20% per annum or as notified by the GovernlJlent m time to time hereafter will be charged if the conditions laid down in

the sanction issued by the comp,;;tent authority are not complied with and/ r the rules are violated.

12. Fraudulent claims of Leave Travel Concession :-{l) If a disci­plinary proceeding against a Government servant has already been initiated

r is proposed to be initiated on the charge of preferring a fraudulent claim of Leave Travel Concession, such Government servant shall not be allowed the L TC for subsequent blocks till the finalisation of such disciplinary proceedings.

(2) If the disciplinary proceedings result in imposition of any of the nalties specified in Rule 30 of the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service

( lassification, Control and Appeal) Rules, the Govern ment servant shall n t be allowed to avail the LTC in the sub~,.-·;.gnt block(s) in addition I the one already withheld during the ' pendency of disciplinary

roe edings. I

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( 52 )

(3) If the Government servant is fully exonerated of the charge of fraudulent claim of L TC, he shall be allowed to avail of the concession with­held earlier as additional set (s) in future block of years but before the normal date of his superannuation.

13. Responsibility of Drawing and Disbursing Officer/Controlling Officer :-(1) The advance for L.T.C. shall be drawn and disbursed to a Government servant subject to the following conditions :-

(a) The LTC and the advance has been sanctioned by the competent authority as prescribed under clause (c) of. rule 3 of these rules.

(b) Immediately after drawal of an advance, an entry shall be made in the Service Book of the concerned Government servant as under

"Shri ______ _ has been allowed·' to avail of L TC

vide order No. for the block ------dated ·--- issued by and an -------Rs. has been/drawn vi de

amount of


No. _____ dated . ______ and paid to him for the purpose."

(c) The bill for drawal of an advance shall be accompanied by the order sanctioning the L TC and the advance.

(2) At the time of adjustment/reimbursement of L TC claims inter-a!ia the following formalities shall be observed :-

(a) The Controlling Officer, as prescribed in these rules, shall examine the genuineness of the claim by verifying the original Rail/Road tickets etc. before countersigning the final claim.

(b) After the final adjustment, an entry shall be made in the Service Book of the Government servant as under :-

"The advance of Rs. _______ drawn vide T.V. No.

___________ dated 1iaid to the official

(refer page ______ of Service Book) has been adjusted v1de

T.V. No./Cash Vr. No. dated and there is

nothing outstanding on this account against the official".

( 53 )

(c) On the bill through which the adjustment is made, a certificate shall be recorded that the prescribed entries have been made in the Service Book of the official.

• (3) Drawing and Disbursing Officers/Controlling Officers shall be

r onally responsible for any deviation or violation of any provision contained these rules.

14. Accounting of expenditure on Leave Travel Concession :-The penditure on account of L TC will be debitable to the object "Salary"

er a distinct sub-head "L TC" under the relevant Minor/Major Head of

15. General :-(1) The sanctioning authority shall allow only such umber of employees of a particular establishment to avail of L TC in a year

a relevant block as can be accommodated within the available budget under e object "L TC" for the relevant year :

Provided that an employee who may not have been allowed to avail L TC in a block for reasons not attributable to him/her, may be given priority in availing the concession in the next block.

(2) In order to have effective watch over the sanctions for L TC, covery/adjustment of LTC advance/claims, the Head of Office shall maintain register of L TC claims, advances in Form 4. This register shall be reviewed

monthly for analysing the position of outstanding advances paid upto the end f proceeding month for recording orders in regard to the recovery/adjustment f outstanding advances, where these are due for adjustment. In this register II outstanding advances shall be brought as opening entries. A monthly totement of facts shall be submitted to the controlling officer and head of

the Department.

16. interpretation :-In case of any doubt regarding any of the provisions 111 these mies, the matter shall be referred to the Government in the Finance IJ partment for its final decision.

17. Power to relax :-Save as otherwise provided in these rules, the 1ovcrnment in the concerned Administrative Department on being satisfied

that the operation of any of these rules causes undue hardships in any case, may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, dispense with or relax th requirements for that Rule to such extent and sub: 'J.o such conditions nd exceptions as it may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a

1u t and equitable manner provided that any such relaxation shall be allowed with the concurrence of the Finance Department.

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( 54 )

18. Repeal and savings :

(i) With effect from the commencement of these Rules the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1990, shall stand repealed.

(ii) Not withstanding such repeal, any order made, action taken or liability incurred under the rulPs so repealed shall be deemed to have been made, taken or incurred under the corresponding provisions of these rules.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

1 I,

( 55 )



[Refer Rule 4 of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service (L. T. C.) Rules 1996}.

__________ working as in the (name of the Official) (Designation)

partment presently posted in __ do solemnly (Office where working)

clare the strength/particulars of my family as under :-

s. No.







Name Relation D. 0. B. Profession with Govt. servants

Income (per month)

2. It is certified that the particulars/details of my family as stated above are correct and in the event of my wrongful information being found to have been furnished be me, I shall be personally responsible for the consequences.

Dated -------

Signature of Government servant (GazettediNon-Gazetted).

certify that the particulars furnished -------------(Name of the Officer)

by about his/her family in this declaration· herein (Name of Govt. servant)

above made are correct to the best of my knowl.edge and belief.

Dated _____ _

Note 1 :


Signature with Official Seal of Gazett0

,., Officer. ~ _ o

1azetted Officer is required only in respect ov mm nt rvant.

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( 56 )


[Refer Rules 5, 6 and I 0 of the J&K Civil Seriiices (L. T.C.) Rules, 1996}.

Application Form for (i) Declaration of Place of Visit (Rule 6)

(ii) Sanction of L. T. C. (Rule 5)

(iii) Grant of advance for L.T.C. (Rule 10)

I. Name of the Government servant

2. Designation

3. Date of entry in the State Gover­nment service.

4. Total service as on the date of application for L.T.C.

5. Basic Pay (with scale of Pay)

6. Whether wife/husband is employed. If so whether he/she is entitled to L.T.C. (Reference to rules where­under entitled may be given)

7. In case of wife/husband being enti­tled to L.T.C. state whether he/she has claimed it separately

8. Place to be visited

9. Block for which L.T.C. is to be allowed

I 0. Single Rail fare/Bus fare from the Headquarters to the place of visit by shortest direct route

11 . Persons in respect of whom L.T.C. is proposed to be availed

( 57 )

Name Age Relationship (Refer Fonn I)


12. Estimated amount for availing L.T.C. (with full details) Rs .. ________ _

Amount of advance required Rs .. _________ _

14. Declaration by Government servant

I declare that the particulars furnished above are true and correct. I undertake to book the tickets for the outward journey within prescribed time after receipt of advance.

In the event of cancellation of the journey or if I fail to book the tickets within the prescribed time limit, I undertake to refund the entire advance in one lump-sum.

ate Signature of Govt. servant.


I . Certified that :-

(a) Particulars in Col. 1 to 6 have been verified and found correct.

(b) The members of the family as shown against Column (11) above exist in the declaration made by Government servant in Fonn (I) which is pasted in his Service Book, and the said members ar, "O itled to L.T.C.

i >nature of Head of Office.

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( 58 )

11. Check list.

1. Fare for to and from by the entitled class or the classes by which the official proposes to travel, whichever

is less. Rs.----------

2. No. of entitled persons for whom advance is claimed Rs.

3. Amount reimbursable to official (1 x 2) Rs.

4. Amount of advance admissible (90% of item 3) Rs.

Note :-This Form shall be prepared in duplicate and one copy forwarded to the sanctioning authority for sanction of L .. ;r.c.




( 59 )


(Refer Rule I I of J&K Civil Service (L T. C.) Rules, I 996)


or the Block of years ________ to ________ _

: This bill should be prepared in duplicate one for payment and the other as office copy to form part of the personal file of the concerned Government servant.


(To be filled in by the Government servant)

Name ________ ~ 2. Designation. _______ _

Basic pay ______ _ 4. Headquarters. ______ _

Nature and period of leave sanctioned with reference to order under which sanctioned. _________________ _

Nature of leave ________ From _____ to _____ _

Particulars of members of family in respect of whom the Leave Travel Concession has been claimed.

Name (s) Age Relationship with the Government servant

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( 60 )

7. Details of journey(s) performed by Government servant and the member of his/her family. (Money receipts/Tickets to be enclosed in original) .

Date of Date of Distance Mode of Class of S. Nos. No. of Fares paid Remark, departure arrival in K. M. travel accommo- of money fare

dation receipts/ claimed used Railway for


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

8. Amount of advance, if any Rs .

9. Amount reimbursable/recoverable Rs.

10. Particulars of journey(s) for which higher class of accommodation than the one to which the Government servant is entitled was used (sanction No. and date to be given).

Place Mode of Class to No. of Fare(s) Class by No. of fare/ From to conveyance which fare(s) entitled which fares paid

entitled claimed to actually Rupees (Rupees) travelled

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

11. Particulars of journey(s) performed by road between places connected by rail.

Name of places Class to which entitled Rail fare

From to Rs. P.

Certified that :

1. The information as given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

2. fbat my husband/wife is not employed in Government service/that my husband/wife is employed in Government service and the concession ha not been availed of by him/her separately for himself/herself for any of the family members for the concerned block of years __ to _ _ .

3. That my husband/wife for whom L.T.C. is claimed by me is employed in (name) of the Public Sector Undertaking/Corporation/ Autonomous Body etc.) which provides Leave Travel Concessi011

( 61 )

facilities but/he/she has not preferred and will not prefer any claim in this behalf to his/her employer ; and

4. That my wife/husband for whom L.T.C. is claimed by me is not employed in any Public Sector Undertaking/Corpo.ration/Autonomous Body financed wholly or partly by the Central/State Government or Local Body which provides L.T.C. facilities to its employees and their families.

ate _____ _ Signature of Government servant.


(To be filed in by the Office)

l . The net entitlement on account of Leave T-ravel Concession works out to Rs. (Rupees as detailed below :-

(a) Railway/Air/Bus/Steamer fare Rs. _________ _

(b) Less amount of advance drawn vide cash/Try. Voucher No. __ Dated Rs. _______ __ _

Net Amount. ______ _

2. The expenditure is debitable to Account Head

(i) Budget allotnlent for the year Rs. ___ ____ __ _

(ii) Expenditure including this bill Rs. _________ _

(iii) Balance available


ontrolling Officer


Rs .. _________ _

Signature of Drawing and Disbursing Officer.

Certified that necessary entries have been made in the Service Book of Shri/Smt./Kumari ________ __ _

'Nut Strike out the w111d,/1: pr ~ \ions nCll applicable.

Signature of the Head of the Office.

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( 62 )

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( 63 )


(Refer Rule 5-B of J&K. Civil Service (L. T. C.) Rules, 1996).



Subject :-Sanction of LTC/LTC Advance in favour of Shri.~·------

Reference : ------------------------

l. Sanction is hereby accorded to the:

(a) grant of L.T.C. to in favour of Shri _____ _ (Place of visit)

working as ------- in the office of--~----who shall avail it from to _______ _

for which the leave shall be sanctioned by the concerned competent

authority separately ;

(b) grant ~f an advance of Rs. (90% of the estimated expendi-

ture of Rs. as per item 12 of Application

Form 2) for availing of the L TC.

2. The sanction for L TC has so for been accorded in favour of ___ _ officials/out of _____ _ officials during the current financial year

of Block ·-------

3. The sanction shall be subject to the following terms and

conditions :-

(a) An entry shall be made in the Service Book of the official as prescribed vide Rule 13 (1) a& 13 (2) of the Jammu and Kashmir

Civil Service (L TC) Rules, 199\,~

(b) The official shall submit the final L TC claim in Form 3 within one month from the date of return journey after availing

the L.T.C.

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( 64 )

( c) The other conditions for grant of this concession shall be same as indicated in Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service (LTC) Rules, 1996.

(Sanctioning Authority)

Note :-

(i) Copy of this sanction duly attested by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer shall be attached to this bill/cheque for ad"ance drawal to be presented to Treasury for payment.

(ii) Th . e copies of this order shall be endorsed by the sanctioning authority_ of Accountant General J&K, Head of the Department/ Controllmg Officer/ Administrative Department/Concerned Officer invariably.

( 65 )


0 . M. No. A/172 (95)-1/455 Dated : 16-04-1996.

bject Settlement of pending Pension cases.

Attention is invited to Finance Department Circular 0. M. o. A/85(95)-1151 dated 29-12-1995 on the subject cited above whereunder tailed instructions for speedy disposal of pension cases have been d down so as to ensure that every retiree gets his pension on t of the month on which it is due. In order to ensure that

e prescribed time schedule is adhered strictly, a need has been It that a 'Small Review Committee' under the Chairmanship of ommissioner/Secretary of the Administrative Departme.nt be nstituted with the following composition to review the settlement

f the pending pension cases ensuring that the cases of those Government ants who are retiring within next 24 months are initiated well in time

as to enable the retiree to get their PPO issued on the first of the month It is due :-

(i) Commissioner/Secretary to Govemmei;it concerned.

(ii) Head of the Department concerned.

(iii) Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer of the Administrative Department.

2. The Committee should invariably hold quarterly meetings that the prescribed returns by the subordinate offices in this behalf are

nsured to be submitted well in time with relevant · pension cases Initiated and settled promptly and regularly. The said Review Committee hould hold first meeting at least by end of April 1996 to ensure

that the retiring Government servants who are to retire prior to 1-5-) 996 to get their PPO's issued on 1st May 1996 positively. The said Review Committee will have to see and sort out the bottle-necks in peedy settlement of the pension cases of their respective Dep~ments and

I ke remedial measures to see through the prompt and regular settlement of the same.

~ ~ 3. The Receipt of this O.M. may- kindly be acknowledged.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

Page 39: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

( 66 )

Copy to :-

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries _________ _ 2. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Govt .. ______ _ 3. All Head of Departments. ___________ _ 4. All Financial Advisors and Chief Accounts Officer of the Administrative

Departments. 5. Compendium/Master File.

( 67 )


0. M. No. A/44 (85)-III-549

Dated : Srinagar, the 10th June, 1996.

Subject : Release of Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) to the Employees/ Workers of State Owned Public Sector Corporations with effect from 01-01-1996.

Reference : Administrative Council Decision No. 47 dated 27-04-1996.

The Government has been pleased to approve the release of 14 (fourteen) Instalments of COLA to the Industrial Workers and Employees of the State Owned Public Sector Corporations with effect from 1st January, 1996 in lieu of Increase in Consumers Price Index level from l-1-1995 to 31-12-1995. The State . Owned Public Sector Undertakings to whom Wage Committee Report is applicable may accordingly pass appropriate orders in the matter with the approval of their competent authority, in-keeping-with their resource position at the following rates as notified vide Government Order No. 296-F of 1987 dated 13-10-1987.

S. No. Pay Slab/Wage Level P.M. Rate of COLA for instal-ment per month

2 3

1. Upto Rs. 650/- P.M. Rs. 10.00

2. From Rs. 651/- to Rs. 775/- Rs. 12.50

3. From Rs. 776/- to Rs. 900/- Rs. 15.00

4. From Rs. 901 to Rs. 1000/- Rs. 17.50

5. From Rs. 1001/- to Rs. 1325/- Rs. 20.00

6. From Rs. 1326/- to Rs. 1500/- J Rs. 24.00

From Rs. 1501/- to Rs. 1650/-.r'

Rs. 27.00 7.

8. From R. 1 6~ 1/- to Rs. 1900/- Rs. 30.00

Page 40: Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance… · Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department visit COMPENDIUM

( 68 )


9. From Rs. 1901/- to Rs. 2200/-

10. From Rs. 2201 and above

Copy to :-

1. Chairman, Bureau of Public Enterprises.


Rs. 35.00

Rs. 40.00

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

2. Addi. Chief Secretary, Home/Elections/Agriculture/Planning.

3. Commr./Secretary to Government, (All) ______ Department.

4. Copy to All Managing Directors.

( 69 )


ubject : Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees­Revised Rates effective from 1-1-1996.

Reference: SAC Decision No. 46 dated 27-4-1996 conveyed vide GAD No. G DC/ 46/96 dated 10-6-1996.

Government order No. 174-F of 1996.

Dated I 0-6-1996.

In partial modification of Government Order No. 220-F of 1995 dated 29-9-1995, it is hereby ordered that all Government servants, including Work­

harged and Wholetime Contingent-paid-employees working in the regular time scale of pay shall be paid Dearness Allowance at the following rates with effect from 1-1-1996 :-

Pay Range per month

(i) Basic pay upto Rs. 3500/-

(ii) Basic pay above Rs. 3500/­and upto Rs. 6000/-

(iii) Basic pay above Rs . 6000/-

Rate of Dearness Allowance (including previous instalments) with effect from 1-1-1996.

148% of basic pay.

111 % of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 5180/- P.M.

96% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 6660/- P.M.

2. The additional instalment of Dearness Allowance shall be paid in cash with effect from 1-1-1996 to all categories of employees including those drawing pay above Rs. 3500/- P.M.

3. The basic pay for the purpose of this order shall be the basic pay as defined in Article 27(a) (i) of J&K Civil Service Regulations plus the

tagnation personal pay which has been allowed to be treated as part of pay for Dearness Allowance as per Government Order No. 226-GR/F of 1990 dated 31-10-1990. 1°


4. The paym nt on account of Dearness Allowance involving a fraction of 50 pais nd 1hov h 111 b rounded to the next higher rupee and the

• Ira ti n of I .. th 111 O p 11 1 11111 he i n r d.

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( 70 )

5. The provisions of this order shall also apply, mutatis-mutandis, in the case of All India Service Officers serving in connection with the affairs of the State.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

No: A/44(94)-558

Copy to the:-

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director Codes, Finance Department.

Dated: 10-6- I 996.

-------2. Commissioners/Secretaries to Government -----3. All: Heads of Departments _ __ _.__ 4. Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assem-

bly/Legislative Council. 5. Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 6. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 7. F.A. and CAO Power Projects and Flood Controls, Srinagar. 8. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhiffrade Agent,

Bombay. 9. All District Development Commissioners ____ _

10. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Jammu/Srinagar. 11 . Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. 12. Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. 13. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 14. Financial Advisors/Dy. Financial Advisors _ _ ___ _ 15. Chairman. J&K Bank/General Manager, J&K Bank, Srinagar. 16. General Manager, Government Press, Srinagar for publication in the

Government Gazette. 17. Saddar Treasury Officer/District Treasury Officers(freasury Officers. 18. All Officers/Section Officer of Finance Department. 19. Instructor, Secretariat Training Class, Srinagar. 20. Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmir. 21. Private Secretaries to Advisors to His Excellency the Governor. 22. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary. 23 . Government Order file/Annual Compendium, 1996 w.3.s.c.

( 71 )


Subject : Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Pensioners/Family Pensioners-Revised Rates with effect from 1-1-1996.

Reference: SAC Decision No. 46 dated 27-4-1996 conveyed vide GAD No. GDC/46/96 dated l 0-6-1996.

Government Order No. 175-F of 1996.

Dated l 0-6-1996.

In partial modification of Government Order No. 221-F of 1995 dated 29-9-1995, it is ,hereby ordered that the State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners shall be allowed Dearness Allowance on Pension/Family Pension · It the following rates with effect from 1-1-1996 :-

Pensiori/Family Pension per month

(i) Not exceeding Rs. 1750/-

(ii) Exceeding Rs. 1750/- but not exceeding Rs. 3000/-

(iii) Exceeding Rs. 3000/-

Rate of Deanress Allowance per

month (including previous instalments) with effect from 1-1-1996.

148% of Pension/Family Pen­sion.-

111 % of Pension/Family Pen­sion subject to a minimum of Rs. 2590/- P.M.

96% of Pension/Family Pension subject to a minimum of Rs. 3330/- P.M.

2. Pension/Family Pension in the case of pre 1-4-1987 retirees and where family pension was sanctioned prior to 1-4-1987 means the consolidated pension or consolidated family pension as the case may be effective from 1-4-1987 in terms of Government Order No. 93-F of 1988 dated 1-4~ 1988.

3. In the case of pensioners who have retired from service on or after 1-4- 1987 and in the case of family pensioners, whose family pension has been

nctioned for the first time on or after 1-4-1987, :lo nsion/family pension shall m an basic pension/family pension admissib/ 'in terms of Notification ,.

R0-129 dated 5-4-1988.

4. In the ca. of fi mily p nsioners whose family pension is sanctioned re pect of a Gov mm nt rvant who has retired or may retire on or after

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( 72 )

1-4-1992 and has died or may die thereafter or who has died or may die while in service on or after the said date, the family pension shall mean ihe basic pension admissible in terms of Rule 20 (b) of Family Pension Rules (Schedule XV) of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations ; incorporated vide Notification SRO-77 dated 30-3-1992.

5. Payment of Dearness Allowance involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded to a next higher rupee.

/ 6. Personal Pension, if any, will not be taken into account for determining Dearness Allowance on Pension.

' 7. Other provisions governing grant of Dearness Allowance on Pension/ Family Pension such as regulation of Dearness Allowance during employment/ re-employment, regulation of Dearness Allowance where more than one pension is drawn etc. and other provisions of the existing i:ules/orders (~ are not in conflict to the provisions of this order) shall continue to remam in force.


8. The Treasury Officers and/or 'the paying Branches of the J&K Bank, where-from the State Pensioners/Family Pensioners draw their pension, shall authorise payment of Dearness Allowance to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners without waiting for any further instructions either from the A.G. or from the General Manager, J&K Bank. Where the Bank authorities feel any doubt in the computation of Dearness Allowance in any case, they shall refer the matter to the concerned Treasury Officer for clarification.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

No: A/44(94)-554

Copy to the :-

1. Financial Commissioner, . J&K, Srinagar.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director Codes, Finance Department.

Dated: 10-6-1996.

2. All Additional Chief Secretaries/Commissioners/Secretaries to Government. ______ _

3. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi. 4. Chairman, J&K Bank, Srinagar/All Heads of Departments. 5. Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assem­

bly/Legislative Council.

( 73 )

6 . Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 7. Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Treasury Officer. 5-Prithvi Raj Road, Kashmir House, New Delhi. 9. All District Development Commissioners ------

10. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Jammu/Srinagar. 11. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. 12. Director of Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. 13. Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmir. 14. All Financial Advisors/Dy. Financial Advisors ____ _ 15. General Manager, J&K Bank (w.5.s.c.)/All District Manager J&K

Bank. The General Manager, J&K Bank is requested to instruct all the paying branches of the Bank to release the instalment of DA to all the Pensioners/F. Pensioners promptly.

16. Treasury Officer/Saddar Treasury Officer/District Treasury Officers/ Treasury Officers" ______ _

17. General Manager, Government Press, Srinagar for public~tion in the Government Gazette.

18. President, Pensioners Association 80-Rehari, Jammu/Pre. Pensioners Discussing and Recreation Centre, 1178 'Sector 16, Faridabad-121002.

19. Private Secretaries to Advisors/Chief Secretary/Additional Chief Secretaries.

20. Trade Agent Bombay/Principal NZA TI, Jammu/Principal, A TI, Srinagar. 21. Instructor, Secretariat Training Class, Srinagar.


I .;-.

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( 74 )


Subject :-Issue of Official Advertisements.

O.M. No. A/75 (96)-406 Dated : I 0-6-1996.

Attention of Additional Chief Secretaries/Commissioner-Secretaries to Government to the provisions of Rule 7.35 of J&K Financial Code Volume I under the caption "Advertisements" which, inter alia, read as under :-

(a) Except where otherwise provided by any general or special order of Government in the Information Department in any particular case, the Information Office of the Government will be the central office for the issue of all official advertisements and it will secure standing contract for advertisement space in the various News~ papers approved by Government from time to time.

(b) The Heads of Departments, Secretaries to Government and all other officers desiring to have official advertisements published will send their advertisements to the Director of Information or other officer of his Department nominated by him in this behalf.

(c) No payment should be made direct to the papers on account of advertisements published in them except on bills certified by the officer concerned of the Information Department. Such bills should be supported by the Newspapers cutting containing the advertisement.

2. It has been brought to the notice of the Finance Department that in a number of cases Government Advertisements have been released by various State Government officers directly to the Newspapers in contravention of aforementioned provisions of the State Rules. A list of such advertisements issued by various officers directly in violation of the rules ibid is annexed for ready reference.

3. With a view to curb such tendencies and ensure strict adherence to the provisions t>f relevant rules all the Additional Chief Secretaries/ Commissioners-Secretaries to Government are requested to issue suitable instructions to their subordinate officers for implementing the coda! prescrip­tion and Government instructions strictly. Appropriate action may also be taken against the officers guilty of violations in this regard.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (Finance).

( 75 )

Copy to the:-

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Financial Commissioner, J&K, Srinagar. All Additional Chief Secretaries All Commissioners/Secretaries to_G_o_v_e_rn_m_e-nt-All Heads of Departments ------

Private Secretaries to Advisors for information of Advisor. Annual Compendium, 1996.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director Codes, Finance Department.

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( 76 )


0. M. No. A/51 (96)-595 Dated : 20-6-1996.

Subject : Clarification in respect of Rule 12 (g) of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996.

Rule 12 (g) of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996, promulgated vide SR0-14 dated January 15, 1996 provides as under :-

"The Service of isolated cadre (s) encadred in other cadre (s) without the request of the employee and the earlier service in isolated cad~e (s) which may be encadred hereafter or in any cadre where. pay scale 1s. eq~al but nomenclature is changed may be taken into account for sanctioning the Higher Standard Pay Scale."

2. Cases have been brought to the notice of the Finance Department where employees have been transferred and encadred from one departmental cadre to another in the past with same designations and pay scale, but the Departments are not in a position to ascertain and establish with reference to documents whether or not the subsequent encadrement has been on the request of the concerned employee (s) or otherwise in the public interest, so as to enable a decision being taken whether or not the service rendered by such empl,oyee~s) in the earlier cadre could be computed and counted for grant of In-Situ Promotion' under the aforementioned rules.

3. The matter has been examined in the Finance Department. Accordingly, it is clarified that where there is neither any documentary evidence to substantiate that such subsequent encadrement has been on the request of the concerned employees (s), nor there is any specific entry to this effect in the service records, viz., Service Book of the concerned employee (s), the subsequent encadrement shall Be deemed to have taken place in public interest and not on the request of the concerned employee(s) and the service rendered in the earlier cadre in the same capacity, notwithstanding on a different cadre, shall be computed and counted for grant of 'In-Situ Promotion' under the aforementioned provisions of the rel~vant rules.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director Codes, Finance Department.

( 77 )

Copy to the :-

1. Financial Commissioner, J&K, Srinagar. 2. All Additional Chief Secretaries, J&K, Srinagar. 3. All Cornmissioners/Secretaries to Government. ___ _ _ _ 4. Principal Secretary to Governor, J&K, Srinagar. 5. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi. 6 . Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assem-

bly/Legislative Council. 7. Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 9. Secretary to Chief Justice, J&K High Court, Jammu/Srinagar.

10. Registrar, J&K High Court, Srinagar/Jammu. 11. Divisional Commissioner, Srinagar/Jammu. 12. All Heads of Departments. ___ ___ _

13. Director/Dy. Director, Accounts and Treasu(ies, Jammu/Srinagar. 14. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. 15. Director, Information, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar. 16. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu/Srinagar. 17. All District Treasury Officers/Treasury Officers. ____ __ _ 18. All Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers ___ __ ~ 19. General Manager, Government Press, Srinagar/Jammu for publication

in the Government Gazette. 20. All Officers/Section Officers of Finance Department. 21. President, J&K Employees Joint Action Committee, Jammu. 22. President, Civil Secretariat Non-Gazetted Employees Union. 23. President, Lower Grade Employees Union, Civil Secretariat, Srinagar. 24. All Presidents, Low Paid Employees Federations/Unions. 25. Master File w.4.s.c. 26. Annual Compendium, 1996, w.2.s.c.

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( 78 )


O.M. No. N3 l (92)-690 Dated 9-7-1996.

Subject :-Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 1992.

Attention is invited to Finance Department O.M. No. A/37(92)-633 dated 14-9-1992, wherennder a doubt with regard to the import of expression "Fresh recruitments" "Fresh appointments" "New appointments" "Future appoint­ments" appearing in J&K Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 1992, issued vide Notification SRO-75 dated 30-3-1992, was clarified as under that :-

"Fresh recmitments" "Fresh appointments" "New appointments" "Future appo4itments" appearing in J&K Civil Service (Revised P~y) Rules, 1992 shall mean appointments as have been made or shall be made on or after 31-3- 1992".

2. Subsequently a doubt was expressed as to whether such of the Degree and Diploma Holders in the Engineering disciplines who were being paid stipend of Rs. 1620/- and Rs. 1300/- P.M. respectively, consequent upon their engagement as Stipendary Engineers prior to 30-3-1992 and were subsequently appointed on regular basis without any interruption may also be treated as "Fresh Recruits" for purpose of their regular appointment in Rs. 1400-2300

after 30-3-1992.

3. The case was examined in consultation with Law DepartmeRt and it was clarified vide their Department O.M. No. A/31 (94)-9 dated 2-2-1996


"The Degree and Diploma Holders in various disciplines of Engineering appointed prior to March 1992 as "Stipendaries" on monthly stipend o1' Rs. 1620/- and Rs. 1300/- P.M. respectively shall not be treated as "Fresh Recruits" " Fresh appointees" if such stipendaries have been appointed on regular basis on or after 31-3-1992 without interruption."

4. It clearly follows that appointment of such Stipendary Engineers on regular basis subsequent to 30-3-1992 shall be made in "'Rs. 1760-3200 and not in Rs. 1400-2300. Obviously, if any such Stipendary Engineer on his regular appointment on or after 31-3-1992 has been appointed/ placed in Rs. 1400-2300, he shall have to be placed in the pay scale of Rs. 1760-3200 from the date of is regular appointment as "Junior Engineers" and is accordingly entitled to arrears in the scale of Rs. 1760-3200 from the date

of his regular appointment.

( 79 )

5. It has come to the notice of Finance Department that Stipendary Engineers have been paid arrears on enhanced rate of stipend, as well, for the period of their engagement as Stipendary Engineers to the date of their regular appointment which is neither the contention nor intention of t.he clarification so issued. As such where the arrears have been paid at enhanced stipendary rates in absence of appropriate orders for the stipendary period from the date of initial engagement as Stipendary Engineers to the date of regular appointment of such Junior Engineers in the regular pay scale, it shall have to be recovered immediately in lump sum and stringent disciplinary action should be taken against such of the Drawing and Disbursing Officers who have allowed such arrears in utter disregard to the clear instructions issued vide O.M. No. A/31(94)-9 dated 2-2-1996 and without application of their judicious mind.

6. The undersigned is accordingly directed to request the Commissioner/ Secretaries of the concerned Administrative Departments to take stock of the position immediately through Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers concerned and identify the Drawing and Disbursing Officers who have resorted to such irregular action and make available a list of such Drawing and Disbursing Officers to Finance Department, besides taking appropriate dis­ciplinary action in the matter to put stop to recurrence of such irregular action and where the payment of arrears have been made by any Drawing and Disbursing Officer, the recovery of the said amount will be the personal responsibility of the concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officers. The pay of the said Drawing and Disbursing Officer should be kept withheld till recoveries are completely ensured by them.

7. This is in continuation to the Fax Message No. A/31(92) dated 26-6-1996 flashed to Chief Engineer Ravi Tawi Irrigation Complex, Jammu with copy endorsed to and duly acknowledged by Commissioner/Secretaries to Government, Public Works Department/Power Dev. Department, Housing and Urban Dev. Department and Agriculture Department.

8. The matter may be treated as urgent.

I. Additional Chief Secretary Agriculture Production Department.

2. Commissioner/Secretary to Govt. PWD/PDD/Tourism/Housing and Urban Dev. Department.

'opy Lo the :

I. All C'h1 I ht •i111 1

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director Codes, Finance Department.



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O.M. No. A/55 (94)-624 Dated 6-8-1996.

Subject :-Engagement of Daily Rated Workers/Work Charged Employees after 31-1-1994.-Termination thereof.

Pursuant to State Administrative Council Decision No"' 14 dated . 24-1-1994 Government Order No. 26-F of 1994 dated 31-1-1994 has been

issued under Finance Department's endorsement No. A/33 (92)-11-95 dated 31-1-1994 which, inter a/ia, provides that :-

"the practice of engagement of daily wager/daily rated worker in the Government in any form is hereby withdrawn retaining only the concept of casual labour/seasonal labour for specified development departments. The engage.ment of such casual/seasonal labour shall be on the muster roll for payment of wages and no engagement/ appointment orders shall be issued. Further modalities for the purpose shall be worked out as a part of the scheme to be issued in the statutory form. The existing delegation of powers for engagement of · daily wagers/work charged employees available to field officer is also withdrawn. For future, the work charged posts shall be created only by the Government in consultation with the Finance/Planning Departments."

2. Pursuant to the aforementioned orders of the Government, the powers for engagement of daily wagers/work charged employees available to field officers have also been withdrawn vide Government Order No. 73-F of 1995 dated 20-03-1995 with effect from 31-01-1994 i.e. the date of issue of Government Order No. 26-F of 1994 dated 31-1-1994 and J&K DRWs/Work Charged Employees (Regularisation) Rules, 1994 promulgated vide SR0-64 dated 24-3-1994.

3. It has come to the notice of the Finance Department- that engagement on daily wage/work charge basis have been made by some Departments/field officers in utter disregard to the aforementioned orders of the Government which tentamount to serious infringement of the standing Gov~ment orders/ rules in this regard.

4. In order, therefore, to arrest such unhealthy trend and also to ensure that no such irregular/unlawful engagement in allowed to continue further which is apt to create avoidable legal complicacy besides avoidable embarrassment to the Government, all the Additional Chief S crctaries/


( 81 )

Commissioners/Secretaries to Government are requested to terminate such irregular engagements forthwith ensuring strict adherence to the standing orders of the Government/provisions of relevant rules besides taking appro­priate disciplinary action against the erring officers.

The matter may be treated as 'Most Urgent'.

(Sd.)-M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (Finance).

Copy to :-

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries _____ _ 2. Commissioners/Secretaries to Government ______ _ 3. All Head of the Departments _________ _ 4. All District Dev. Commissioners _________ _ 5. Annual Compendium with two spare copies. 6.


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( 82 )


O.M. No. A/85 (95)-652 Dated 7-8-1996.

Wrong regulation of pay and allowances of the employees-Review of Service records.

Attention is invited to Finance Department's circular O.M. No. A/85(95)-279 dated 19-4-1996 whereunder the Administrative Departments, Heads of Departments, Financial Advisors and Chief Accounts Officers and Drawing and Disbursing Officers of all the Departments under their control have been requested to take immediate steps to review the service records of their employees who are retiring within next 24 months so as to. ensure the correctness of pay and allowances drawn by them from time to time. It was also requested to devise time bound programme to review service records of all concerned employees to ensure that excess payments made to concerned are recovered before their pension. papers are submitted to Accountant General.

2. The Accountant General vide his D.O. letter No. PNR-l/95-96/1020 dated 17-6-1996 has brought to the notice of Finance Department that the pension cases received in audit office reveal that effective measures have not been taken by the concerned controlling officers as instances are still coming to notice where pay drawn by officers/officials has been found to have incorrectly been fixed.

3. Undersigned is accordingly directed to request all the Additional Chief Secretaries/Commissioners-Secretaries/Secretaries to Government to issue suitable instructions to all subordinate offices for pr9111pt/regular review of service records of their employees immediately ensurmg correct pay fixation as already amply made clear vide Finance Department's O.M. dated 19-4-1996 (referred herein above) to obviate any avoidable inconvenience to the retiring employees.

4. Matter may be treated. as Most Urgent.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes). Finance Department.

Copy to :-

I . All Additional Chief Secretaries -------------~2_. _ A"""=-11 ovt.~· ------......... ..._~~~--

( 83 )

3. Secretary to Government/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/ Legislative Council.

4. All Head of the Departments. _______ _ 5. Accountant General A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 6. All District Dev. Commissioners __________ _ 7. Advocate General, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Director/Deputy Director, Accounts and Treasuries .. :$.r:inagar/Jammu. · 9. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Srinitgat()~~mu.

10. Director of Information J&K, Srinagar. " · ·~ .. .., ... .. , l l. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu."' .. ;.-•• ~ . · · .-, ~~-. :·· · · 12. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. 13. Financial Advisors and Chief Accounts Officers _______ _ 14. Resident Commissioner, New Delhi. 15. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers!freasury Officers_ 16. Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmir. 17. Annual Comp~ndium with two spare copies.

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( 84 )



Dated Srinagar, the 7th August, 1996.

SR0-256.-ln exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to make the following amendments in the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Medical Attendance-cum-Allowance) Rules, 1990 namely :-

In these Rules ;

the 'Explanation' below Rule 3 shall be recast as under:-

"Explanation : Parents in the definition of family shall be treated as dependent on Government servant provided own income of either parent does not exceed Rs. 5001- P·-IJl·"

This shall have prospective effect.

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (F), Fmance Department.

No. A/31(94)-807 Dated 7-8-1996.

Copy forwarded to :-

l. All Additional Chief Secretaries ________ _ 2. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government/All Heads of Depart-

ments. _____ _ 3. Secretary to Goverrunent//Legilsative Assembly/Council/Public Service

4. 5. 6. 7.

Commission. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. All District Dev. Commissioners. ___________ _ .. Advocate General, Srinagar/Jammu. Director of Information J&K, Srinagar. Director/Deputy Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Srinagar/Jammu. Resident Commissioner, New Delhi.

11. Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmir. 12. All Financial Advisors & Chief Accounts Officer/Dy. FA&CAOS.

' 8. 9.


( 85 )

13. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu/ Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar.

14. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers/Treasury· Officers - - ---

15. Instructor, Sectt. Training Class, Srinagar. 16. All Officers/Officials of the Finance Dep(!rtment. 17. Annual Compendium with two spare copies/Master File. 18.


(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

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( 86 )



Dated Srinagar, the 7th August, 1996.

SR0-257 .-In exercise of powers .conferred by proviso to section 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, thP. Governor is pleased to make the following amendments in Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations Volume II, namely :- •

In Family Pension Rules (Schedule XV) of these Regulations, Government Instruction No. 5 below Rule 21 shall be recast as under:-

Government Instruction No. 5:

For the purpose of eligibility of family pension "father" or "mother" of the deceased Government servant as the case may be shall be treated as dependent on the deceased Government servant provided own income of either parent does not exceed Rs. 500/- per month including superannuation pension, if any.

Pending cases if any with Accountant General on the date of issue of this notification shall be decided under amended rules.

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (Finance).

No. N31(94)-806 Dated 7-8-1996

Copy forwarded to :

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries -~~~~----~

2. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government -~--------

3. All Head of the Departments ---------------4. Secretary to Governor/Legislative Assembly/Legislative ..s;::ouncil/Public

Service Commission. 5. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 6. All District Dev. Commissioners --------------7. Advocate General J&K, Srinagar/Jammu.

Dire tor/D puty Dir ctor, Accounts and Trcnsuri . , Sri1111 • 11 /J unmu/

( 87 )

Director/Dy. Director, Funds Organisation, Srinagar/fammu . 9. Director of Information J&K, Srinagar.

IO. Resident Commissioners, New Delhi. 11. Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmir. 12. All Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers 13. Princip'al, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training- In-s-ti-tu-t-e,-J-a_m_m_ u_. --14. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. 15. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officersffreasury Officers 16. Instructor, Sectt. Training Class, Srinagar. -17. All Officers/Section Officers of Finance Department. 18. Annual Compendium w.2.s.c./Master file. 19.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

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( 88 )


O.M. No. NI 72(95)-1/840-A.

Dat'!d 16-8-1996.

Settlement of Pending Pension Cases.

Attention is invited to Finance Department Circular 0. M. No. A/85(95)-1151 dated 29-12-1995 on the subject cited above whereuqder detailed instructions for speedy disposal of pension cases have been laid down so as to ensure that every retiree gets his pension on the first of the month on which it is due.

2. Attentiqn is also invited to Finance Department O.M. No. A/172 (95)/ 1/455 dated 16-4-1996 whereunder the Departments were requested to constitute a 'Small Review Committee' under the Chairmanship of CommissioT1er/Secretary of the concerned Administrative Department to review the settlement of pending pension cases and also to ensure that the cases of those Government servants who are retiring within next 24 months are initiated well in time so as to enable the retiree to get their PPO issued on the first of the month on which it is due. It was also impressed upon them that the said Committee should invariably hold quarterly meetings to ensure that the prescribed returns are submitted well in time by subordinate offices with relevant pension cases initiated and settled promptly and regularly ensuring that the retiring Government servants who are to retire prior to 1-5-1996 do get their. PPO on 1-5-19'6 positively.

3. It is expected that necessary action must have been taken by all the Administrative Departments in constituting the "Review Committee" and settling/reviewing the pension case in accordance with the provisions of relevant rules and instructions issued by Finance Department in this behalf.

4. Finance Department in its keenness to have the provisions of the rules/ instructions in this behalf implemented in letter and spirit would like to have the feed back of action taken in the giatter sent by all the Departments indicating the position of review/settlern6"1lt of pension cases by or before

15th Sept., 1996.

Matter may kindly be treated as Most Urgent.

"Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

( 89 )

Copy to :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

All Additional Chief Secretaries All Commissioners/Secretaries to_G_o_v-em_m_e_n_t_ All Head of Departments . ______ ,

All FA & CAO of the Administrative Departments. Compendium/Master file.



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( 90 )



Dated Srinagar, the 19th August 1996.

SR0-282.-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 118 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be made in the Jammu and Kashmir Financial Code Volume-I :-

In the said Code ;

Sub-rule I and II of Rule 14.22 shall be recast as under:-

I. Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped advance shall be allowed to a Government servant whose basic pay is not less than Rs. 1500/- P.M. and whose service on the day 1>f application of the advance is not less than five years. The basic pay for the purpose of this rule shall mean the basic pay as defined in Art. 27 (a) (i) of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations Volume I.

D. The amount of the advance for the first occasion shall not exceed Rs. 13,000/- (Rupees thirteen thousand) or eight months basic pay or the anticipated price of the Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped whichever is least :

Provided furthe~ that notwithstanding anything contained above, the amount of the advance that may be granted on the second or the 1 subsequent occasion for the purpose of the Scooter/Motor Cycle/ Moped shall be restricted to Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten tflousand) or six months basic pay

· or anticipated price of the Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped whichever is least.

The amount of the advance so granted shall be recovered from the Government servant in such number of equal monthly instalments as he may elect, but such number shall not be more than seventy.

By order of the Governor.

\:Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (Finance).

( 91 )

No. A/212(61}-756 Dated 19-8-1996.

Copy to the :-

l. 2 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Financial Commissioner J&K, Srinagar. All Additional Chief Secretaries All Commissioners/Secretaries to--:G:-o_v_e_m_m_ en_t _____ _

Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/ Legislative Council. All Head of the Departments

.--:~~~~~~~:_~~~-Ac co un tan t General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. All District Dev. Commissioners Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/·J-:-a_m_m_ u_. -----------

D~rector/Deputy Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Org. Srinagar/Jammu. Director of Infonnation, J&K, Srinagar.

Pr~c~pal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. Prmc1pal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. All Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officer-s-=/T--r-eas_ u_ry_ O_ffi_tc-e-rs-­All Officers/Section Officers of Finance Department. -Annual Compen<;Iium w.2.s.c./Master file. ·--

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

- -r _ _

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( 92 )



Dated Srinagar, the 22th August, 1996.

SR0-286.-In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section 124 . of the Constitution of Jarnmu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct

that the following amendments shall be made in the Jammu and Kashmir Degree College (UGC Pay) Rules, 1991.

In the said rules,

the following shall be inserted as proviso below Rule 9 .2.­

"Provided that the next increment of a College Teacher/Librarian/ Instructor in Physical Education, whose pay is fixed on the first day of January 1986 at the same stage as the one fixed for anot?er Government servant, junior to him/her in the same cadre and drawing pay at a lower stage than his/her in the existing scale, shall be granted on the same date as admissible to his/her junior, ifthe date of increment of Junior happens to be earlier."

By order of the Governor.

.\. (Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (Finance).

No. A/38(91}-757 Dated 22-8-1996

Copy to the :-

1. Financial Commissioner J&K, Srinagar. 2. All Additional Chief Secretaries. _________ _ 3. All Principal Secretaries to Government. ________ _ 4. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Govt. __________ "C"'7

5. Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/ Legislative Council.

6. All Heads of the Departments ______________ _ 7. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 9. Director/Deputy Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Director/Deputy Director, •7unds Organisation, Srinagar/Jammu. 11. Director of Infonnation, J&K, Srinagar. 12. Principal, 'lorthern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 13. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. 14. All Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers·-----~---15. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers/Treasury Officers_ 16. All Officers/Section Officers of Finance Department. 17. Annual Compendium w.2.s.c./Master file. '

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

( 93 )


Notification .

Dated Srinagar, the 2nd September, 1996.

SR0-306.- In exercise of powers conferred by section 118 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct to make the following amendments in the Jammu and Kashmir Financial Code Volume I, namely:-

In the said Code

I. In Rule I 4.25(d) the words and figures '215-Elections' shall be substituted by the words and figures "2015-Elections".

fl The following shall be inserted as "Government Instruction" below Rule 14.25 (d) :-

Government Instructions :

(a) Head of Office/Drawing and Disbursing Officers concerned shall be the authority competent to sanction advance TA, wherever admissible, to the official (s) subordinate to him/her and deployed on election duty. The bills of advance TA shall be accompanied by a copy of order of the competent authority sanctioning advance TA and a copy of the appointment order for deployment of the official(s) on election duty.

(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in Rules 5.26-A, 5.38-A and 5.54- A of Jammu and Kashmir Treasury Code Volume-I (inserted vide Notification SR0-306 dated 18-8-1981) amended from time to time :

(i) the bills of advance/adjustment TA shall be presented at the concerned treasury by the concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officers and paid by the Treasury Officers irrespective of the scheduled dates of payment on .any working day ;

(ii) no specific fund allocation for advance drawal/adjustment of TA debitable to Account Head "2015-Elections" shall be required. The allocation of funds for advance drawal and/ or adjustment of TA claims as billed for shall be deemed to have been made under the Account Head "20 15- Elections" to the extent of the amount of advance/ adjustment bill.

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( 94 )

(c) For purposes of drawal of advance/adjustment of TA bills debitable to Major Head of Account "2015-Elections" in connection with the Parliamentary/Assembly Elections, the concerned Drawing the Disbursing Officers shall be deemed to have been vested with the drawing and disbursing powers under Account Head "2015-Elections" at the respective Treasuries of operation to the extent of funds as per sub-para (b) (ii) above.

(d) The Treasury officers shall submit a copy of the list of payments (Mudwar) made at the treasury during a month to the District Election Officer concerned to vouch for the adjustment of the expenditure under Election Grants placed at his disposal by the Chief Electoral Officer/Election Department for the accounts being rendered to the concerned quarters.

( e) . As regards drawal of advance/adjustment of TA by debit to Eiection Grants in respect of such employees of Corporations/ Local Bodies/ Autonomous Bodies, as may be deployed on election duty by the competent authority, the same shall initially be paid in advance/adjusted by the concerned Corporation/Local Bodies/ Autonomous Bodies by debit to their own grants and subsequently reimbursement shall be claimed from the concerned District Election Officer who shall debit the same to the election grants as per the actual amounts of expenditure incurred on this account by the concerned Corporation/Local Bodies/ Autonomous Bodies, sufficient details thereof shall be made available by the concerned Heads of the Corporation/Chief Executive to the concerned District Election Officer.

(f) Adjustment of expenditure on account of TA paid to such of the Central Government employees/any State Government employees (other than the J&K State), as may be deployed on Parliamentary/Assembly Elections in connection with the affairs of J&K State, shall be made by Accountant General J&K by book

· adjustment to the extent it has been paid for by the concerned Central/State Government and appears in the books of the concerned Accountant General.

Pending cases, if any shall be settled accordingly.

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (Finance).

No. A/32(77)-872 Dated 2-9-1996.

( 95 )

Copy to the :-

l. Financial Commissioner J&K, Srinagar. 2 All Additional Chief Secretary/Election/Home/Planning -------3. All Principal Secretaries to Government ---------4. All Commissioners/Secretary to Govt. -----------5. Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legislative Assembly/

Legislative Council. 6. All Heads of the Departments _______ _ 7. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 9. Director/Deputy Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Srinagar/Jammu. 11. Director of Information, J&K, Srinagar. 12. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 13. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. 14. All Financial Advisors/CAOs --------15. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers/Treasury

Officers( All) ___ _ 16.· All Officers/Section Officers of Finance Department. 17. Annual Compendium, 1996 (w.2.s.c.)/Master file.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

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( 96 )



In Notification SR0-257 dated 7-8-1996 issued vide Finance Department endtt. No. A/31(94}--806 dated 7-8-1996 the following shall and shall always be deemed to have existed in 2nd para of the SRO ibid :

For Read

In Family Pension Rules (Schedule XV) of these Regulations, Govern­ment Instruction No. 5 below Rule 21 shall, be recast as under :-

In Family Pension Rul~s (Schedule XV) of these Regulations, the second sentence of Government Instruction No. 5 below Rule 21 shall be recast as under:-

By order of the Governor.

No. A/31(94}--875

Copy to the :

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries ____ _

(Sd.) ·M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

Dated 3-9-1996

2. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government _ _ __ _ 3. Secretary to Governor/Public Service Comm ission/Legislative Assembly/

Legislative Council. 4. All Heads of the Department'------· 5. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 6. All District Dev. Commissioners. _____________ _

7. Advocate General , J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Director/Deputy Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu 9. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Orgn., Jammu/Srinagar.

10. Director of Information, J&K, Srinagar. 11. Resident Commissioners, New Delhi. 12. Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmir. 13. All Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers --------14. Principal Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar Northern Zonal

Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 15. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Offic~ffreasury Officers_ 16. Instructor, Sectt. Training Class, Srinagar. 17. All Officers/Section Officers of Finance Department. 18. Annual Compendium, w.2.s.c./Master file . 19.

( 97 )


Subject Delegation of Powers.

Reference Health and Medical Education Department's U. O. No. HME­SHTO-Acctt-24/93-257/PS dated 27-8-1996 and GAD's No. GDC-64/CM/96 dated 26-8-1996.

Government Order No. 232-F of I 996.

Dated 8-i0-1996.

In Chapter 5.10 of Book of Financial Powers the following shall be inserted as Serial 107 :-

S. No. Nature of Power

107 To sanction execu­tion of emergency repair of depart­mental vehicles of Health and Medical Education Department

To whom delegated Extent

(a) Principal Medical Up to to Rs. 10,00.0/ College/Dean Ass- in ec:.;h case per ociated Hospitals/ year. Director Health Services.

(b) Medical Supdt. Up to Rs. 5,000/- in District Hospi- each case per year. tals/ Associated Hospitals, CMO's Dy. CMO's and ADMO's.

(c) Block Medical Up to Rs. J ,(,:) ~/- in Officers. each cas.: per year.

Subject to the cond it ions that bills for execution of repairs/replacements shall be got verified hy an officer of Mechanical Engineeri' )eptt. not below the rank of Asstt. Executive Engineer (Mech.) of the Area/District before pay­ment.

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( 98 )

This delegation will also cover replacement of batteries and tyres.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary, Finance.

No. : A(22}-Health/982 Dated 8-10-1996

Copy forwarded to :-

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries, _ ________ _

2. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government "l/P bl" S . 3. s~cretary to Governor//Legilsative Assembly/Counct u 1c ervtce

Commission. 4. All Heads of Departments .. _ __ _ 5. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 6. All District Dev. Commissioners, _ _________ _ 7. Advocate General, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Principal, Medical College, Srinagar/Jammu. . S . /J 9. Director/Deputy Director, Accounts and ~reasur;;s, rmagar ammu.

lo. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Orgn. Srinagar am mu. 11. Director of Information, . J&K, Srinagar. 12. Resident Commissioner, New Delhi. 13. Comptroller, Agriculture University, Kashmirffi 14. All Financial Advisors & Chief Accounts 0 teer~ .

1 15. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Trai~ing nst1tute, ammu. 16. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, SrmagarO. ff" IT 17. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury 1cers reasu ry

Officers. ___ _ 18. Instructor, Sectt. Training Class, Srinagar. D 19. All Officers/Section Officers of the Finance epartn~-~t. 20. Annual Compendium with two spare copies/Master 1 e. 21.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), .. Finance Department.



( 99 )


Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees- Revised Rates effective from 1-7-1996.

Cabinet Decision No. I dated 11-1-1996.

Government Order No. 235-F of 1996.

Dated 11-10-1996.

In partial modification of Government Order No. 174-F of 1996 dated 10-6-1996, it is hereby ordered that all Government servants including Work Charged and Whole Time Contingent paid employees working in the regular time scale of pay shall be paid Dearness Allowance at the following rates w.e.f. 1-7-1996 :-

Pay Range per month

(i) Basic Pay up to Rs. 3500/­

(ii) Basic Pay above Rs. 3500/­and up to Rs. 6000/-

(iii) Basic pay above Rs. 6000/­P.M.

Rate of Dearness Allowance (including previous instalment) 1-7-1996.

159% of basic pay.

119% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 55651- P.M.

I 03% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 7140/- p.m.

2. The additional instalment of Dearness Allowance· shall be paid in cash w.e.f. 1-7-1996 to all categories of employees including those drawing pay above Rs. 3500/- p.m.

3. The basic pay for the purpose of this order shall be the basic pay as defined in Article 27(a) (i) of J&K Civil Service Regulations plus the stagnation personal pay which has been allowed to be treated as part of pay for Dearness Allowance as per Government Order No. 226-GR/F Of 1990 dated 31-10-1990 .

4. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving a fraction of 50 paise and above shall be rou nded !o the next higher rupee and the fraction of less than 50 paise shall be ignored.

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( 100 )

The provisions of this order shall also apply, "!utati~-mutandis i.n th case 5~f All India Service Officers serving in connection with the affairs f

the State.

By ·order Of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

No. A/44(94)-988 Dated 11-10-1996

Copy forwarded to

l . All Additional Chief Secretaries _________ _

II Commissioners/Secretaries to Government·- - - --=-2. A 1 . 3. All Head of the Departments . . .

4 . Secretary to Governor//Legilsative Assembly/Counc11/Pubhc Service

Commission. 5. Advocate General, Srinagar/Jammu. . /J 6. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, S~~agar ammu.

7 . Resident Commissioner, New De 1.

8. All District Dev. Commissioners d T . S i·nagar/Jammu Director/Deputy Director, Accounts an rea'lunes, r .

1 ~: Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Srinagar/Jammu.

11. Director of Information, J&K, Srinagar. T . . I t•tute Jammu. P . . l Northern Zonal Accountancy rammg ns I , 12. nnc1pa , . S ·

13. Principal, Accountancy Training lnst1tuotefti, rmagar. Financial Advisors & Chief Accounts icer ___ _ 14

· G 1 Manager J&K Bank, Srinagar/Jammu. 15. enera • Off /T su ry

Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury 1cers rea 16. Officers · h

17. General Manager, Government Press, Srinagar for publication in t e

18. 19. 20. 21.

Government Gazette. All Officers/Section Officers of the Finance Department. Annual Compendium with two spare copies.

Master File.


( 101 )


Subject Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Pensioners/Family Pensioners-Revised Rates with effect from l-7-1996.

Reference Cabinet Decision No. 1 dated 11-10-1996.

Government Order No. 236-F of 1996.

Dated 11-10-1996.

In partial modification of Government Order No. 175-F of 1996 dated 10-6-1996, it is hereby ordered that the State Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners shall be··oUowed Dearness Allowance on Pension/Family Pension . at the following rates with effect from 1-7-1996 :-

Basic Pension/Family Pension per month

(i) Not exceeding Rs. 1750/-P.M.

(ii) Exceeding Rs. 1750/- but not exceeding Rs. 3000/-

(iii) Exceeding Rs. 3000/- P.M.

Rate of Deanress Allowance per month (including previous instalment) w.e.f. 1-7-1996.

159% of basic pension.

119% of basic pension subject to minimum of Rs. 2783/- P.M.

103% of basic pension subject to minimum of Rs. 3570/- P.M.

2. Pension/Family Pension in the case of pre 1-4-1987 retirees and where family pension was sanctioned prior to 1-4-1987 means the consolidated pension or consolidated family pension · as the case may be effective from 1-4-1987 in terms of Government Order No. 93-F of 1988 dated 1-4-1988.

3. In the case of Pensioners who have retired from service on or after 1-4-1987 and in the case of family pensioners, whose family pension has been sanctioned for the first time on or after 1-4-1987 pension/family pension shall mean basic pension/family pension admissible in terms of Notification SR0-129 dated 5-4-1988.

4. In the case of family pensioners whose family pension is sanctioned .in respect of a Government servant who has retired or may retire on or after 1-4-1992 and has died or may die thereafter or who has died or may die while in ft rvice on r <ifter the said da<1., ,i11.:. ia11111y p cll!>1u 11 :.11a11 mca11 Che ba 1c pen ion dm i . . ihl in terms of Rule 20(8) of Family Pension Rules

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( 102 )

(Schedule XV) of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations incorporated vide Notification SRO-77 dated 30-3-1992.

5. Payment of Dearness Allowance involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded to a next higher rupee.

6. Personal pension, if any, will not be taken into account for determining Dearness Allowance on pension.

7. Other provisions governing grant of Dearness Allowance on pension/ family pension, such as regulation of Dearness Allowance during employment/ re-employment, regulation of Dearness Allowance where more than one pension is drawn etc. and other provisions of the e~isting rules ~as. are not in conflict to the provisions of this Order) shall continue to remam m force .

8. The Treasury Officers and/or the Paying Branches of_ the JBc:K Bank, wherefrom the State Pensioners/Family Pensioners draw their pension shall authorise payment of Dearness Allowance to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners without waiting for any further instructions either from the Accountant General or from the General Manager, J&K Bank. Where . the Bank llUthority feels any doubt in the computation of Dearness Allowance in any case, they shall refer the matter to the concerned Treasury Officer for clarification.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

No. A/44(94}-989

Copy forwarded to

I . Financial Commissioner J&K, Srinagar.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

Dated. 11-10-1996

2. All Additional Chief Secretaries _____ ___ _ 3. Commissioners/Secretaries to Government ____ _ 3. All Heads of the Departments ___ _ _ ___ __ _ 5. Secretary to Government/Legilsative Assembly/Council/Poblic Service

Commission. · 6 . Resident Commissioner, New Delhi. 7. Advocate General, Srinagar/Jammu .

. · 8 . Treasury Officer, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New pelhi. 9. Director/Deputy Director, Accounts and Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Srinagar/Jamt11u. 11 . Director of Information, J&K, Srinagar. 12 . All Distr ict Dev. Commissioners._· _____ _ 11. Comotroller, Agricul ture University , -Kashmir. 14. F1MQ.Cial Aa ·1scn ' !W-• ~ · "'"" '·•:: __

( 103 )

15 . General Manager, J&K Bank (w.5.s.c.), All District Managers, J&K Bank. The General Manager J&K Bank is requested to instruct all the paying branches of the Bank to release the instalment of DA to all the Pensioners/Family Pensioners promptly.

16. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers/Treasury Officers .

· 17. General Manager, Government Press, Srinagar for publication in the Government Gazette.

18. President, Pensioners Association, 80-Rehari, Jammu/President, Pensioners Association, Srinagar/President, Pensioners Discussion and Recreation Centre, 1178-Sector, 16-Faridabad~ 121002.

19. Private Secretaries to Advisors/Chief Secretary/Addi. Chief Secretaries. 20. Trade Agent, Bombay. 21 . Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 22. Prii 1cipal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. 23 . Instructor, Sectt. Training Class. 24. All Officers/Section Officers of the Finance Department. 25. Annual Compendium with two spare copies. 26. Master File. 27.

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( 104 )


O.M. No. A/29(96)-1034 Dated 22-10-1996.

Subject J&K Civil Service (Higher Standard Pay Scales Scheme) Rules, 1996-Clarifications thereof.

Consequent upon the introduction of J&K (Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996 vide SR0-14 dated January 15th, 1996 references from the" representatives of various Unions of Government employees/Departments have been received in Finance Department raising various points for clarifications. The same have been examined in the Finance Department. Accordingly, clarifications as detailed here below against each point are issued for guidance and references by the Department viz-a-viz implementation of the aforementioned scheme -

Point of doubt

(a) As per rule 7 of J&K C.S. (Revised Pay) Rules, 1992 any Govt. Servant could opt to re­tain the existing pay scale (pre­revised scale prior to 1992) under the conditions laid down in the said rule. For example an orderly has opted to retain the pre-revised scale of Rs. 630-940, which he continues to be in, instead of the relevant re­vised pay scale of 750-940.

The point of doubt raised is whether such an employee is entitled to the benefit under J&K CS (Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996 ? if so in which scale he can be placed ?

•.i Clarification

(a) It is clarified that such Govt. employee shall also be entitled to the benefits under the J&K CS (Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996, subject to fulfilment of other eligibility criteria prescribed therein. How­ever, in their-case "P~y Scale of the entry post applicable from 1-4-1987" as shown in col. 2 of Sch. l of the said rules shall include the pre-revised pay scale continued to be retained by such Govt. employee(s) on the date of issue of SR0-14 dated 16-1-1996. Accordingly, such employee (s) on being entitled to Higher Standard Pay Scale under the said rules, shall be elevated to the corresponding revised version ·of the pay scale in 1st, 2nd or 3rd Higher Stand­ard Pay Scale wheiFeas the case may be as shown in Col. 3, 4 and 5 respectively in Schedule I of J&K C.S. (Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme) Rules, 1996.

( 105 )

Point of doubt

(b) There have been certain category of posts , like Jr. Assistants, Cashiers, Library Assistants, Store Assistant, Driv­ers etc. in whose case prior to the introduction of J&K C. S. (Revised Pay) Rules, 1973 there have been two tier pay scales. Such as in the case of Drivers there where the scales i.e. 70-135 and 75-150. These pay scales have been clubbed into one pay scale as a result of revision of pay ordered in 1973.

In the above background cases may arise where by virtue of two tier system of a particular post an employee might have been placed in the higher selection scale of the same category of post without any change in his functions/duties prior to club­bing of such pay scales into one. Say Driver has been placed from a lower scale of Rs. 70-135 to Rs. 75-150 scale, which two scales have subsequently clubbed, consequent upon 1973 r(!vision, into one single scale of Rs. 200-320.

Question arises whether in such cases elevation from a lower scale i.e. Rs. 70-135 to Rs. 75-150 should be construed as a functional promotion for pur­poses of grant of In-Situ promo­tion.

(c) There are cases where a Gov­ernment employee has been ordered to work in his own pay and grade on a higher post, of


(b) In this connection it is clarified that since in such cases the merger has resulted in ·abolish­ing of one pay scale with intro­duction of a single tier pay system, as such in. such cases placement/elevation from a lower to a higher scale granted prior to clubbing of two scales should not be construed as a functional promotion for purposes of grant of In-Situ promotion.

(c) It is clarified that. in such cases it is the actual date of confir­mation regularisation of such promotion as would determine

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( 106 )

Point of doubt

course, with pr without charge allowance under the provisions of relevant rules and such arrangement continues beyond otherwise admissible limit of time under the relevant rules without confirmation/formal promotion ordered in the higher grade post.

A question arises as to whether in such circumstances such an elevation which, of course, is in own pay and grade with or without Charge Allowance can be treated as promotion for purposes of eligibility to the benefits of In-situ promotion.

(d) Doubts' have been expressed whether an employee, who has rendered (without having ac­quired one or more promotions) 17 years of service (say) as Jr. Asstt. before 1-1-199 5 and is entitled to get/elevated to "1st Higher Standard Pay Scale" on 1-1-1995 (because of having more than 9 years but less than 18 years of service) can be allowed "2nd Higher Standard Pay Scale" after putting in one year more service to make it 18 for entitlement to "2nd Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme" or shall he have to wait for another 9 years from 1-1-1995 for be­coming a entitled to "2nd Higher Standard Pay Scale Scheme" and so on.


the eligibility or otherwise to ln­Situ promotion.

( d) It is clarified that since grant of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Higher Stand­ard Pay Scale(s) is to be granted with reference to 9 years, 18 years and 27 years regular sat­isfactory service respectively, as the case may be, with reference to the entry post without any functional promotion having been acquired during the period, as such the residual spell of such service after 9 years, 18 years has to be computed for calculating 18 years/27 years for purposes of next In-Situ promo­tion, as the case may be.

Accordingly a person who has completed 17 years satisfactory service as required under the rules ibid and is entitled/ elevated to 1st Higher Standard pay cale Scheme on 1-1-1995 hall be placed in the "2nd

Ii i her tandard Pay Scale"

( 107 )

Point of doubt

(e) Doubts have been expressed whether the terms "Senior/Se­lection Scale" used in rule 9(a) under the caption "Exercise of option" included promotional scale as well.

(f) Whether the officials who have retired after 1-1-1995 but before issue of SR0-14 dated 15- 1-1996 are covered under the provisions of the J&K Civil Service (HSPSS) Rules, 1996.

(g) Whether the upgradation of a post in respect of the pay scale without change of its nomencla­ture should be treated as a promotion for purposes of grant of In-Situ promotion un­der J&K Civil Service (HSPSS) Rules, 1996.

(h) When an official has got pro­motion In-Situ under J&K Civil Service (HSPSS) Rules, 1996 to a "Pay Scale" higher than the functional pay scale to which he is subsequently entitled to , whether on functional promo­tion subsequent to In-Situ Pro­motion he will be placed in the lower functional pay scale or he will continue to hold the higher pay scale which he has acquired by virtue of driving of benefit of In-Situ Promotion.


after putting in one more year only of satisfactory service provided he does not get functional promotion during the said period.

(e) It is clarified that the said terms include promotional scale as well.

(f) The officials retired after 1-1-95 but before issue of SR0-14 dated 15-1-1996 are entitled to the benefit under the said rules, if otherwise qualifying for the same.

(g) Since in such cases the existing pay scale ceases to exist and the same is entirely replaced by a new scale of pay without any change in nomenclature of the post, as such upgradation should not be construed to be functional promotion for the purpose of grant of In-Situ promotion under the relevant provisions of the J&K (HSPSS) Rules, 1996.

(h) Though his functional promo­tion may be ordered in lower scale than he is placed in by virtue of In-Situ promotion, yet such an employee shall ~rry the higher pay scale in his personal capacit~1 •

which he might have acquired prior to his functional promo­tion on In-Situ basis under the provisions of J&K Civil Service (HSPc;;S) Rules, 1996 to this effect a specific stipula­tion should invariably be

made in the promotion order.

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( 108 )

The above clarifications may be communicated to all the concerned officers subordinate to the Administrative Departments.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary (Finance).

Copy to the :-

I. Financial Commissioner, Agriculture Production Department. 2. Financial Commissioner, Planning and Development Department.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13-A. 13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18.

19. 20. 21.

All Additional Chief Secretaries _________ _ Secretary to Governor/Public Service Commission/Legilsative Assembly/ Legislative Council. Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. All Heads of Departments. _..,, Director/Deputy Director, Accounts and Treasuries Sriangar/Jarilinu. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Srinagar/Jammu. Director of Information, J&K, Srinagar. Advocate General, Srinagar/Jammu. Registrar, J&K High Court, Srinagar. All District Development Commissioners ___ _ Comptroller Agriculture University. All Financial Advisors & Chief Accounts Officer ___ _ Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers/Treasury Officers. ___ _ Private Secretaries to Ministers. General Manager, Government Press, Srinagar for publication in the Government Gazette. Compendium for the year 1996 (w.2.s.c.) Master File.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

( 109 )



Dated Jammu, the 13th November, 1996.

SR0-446.-In exercise of the powers conferred under section 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct to make the following amendments in the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1979 :

In the First Schedule of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1979, the following shall be added as Note 6:

Note 6:

In respect of College Education the Principals of Degree Colleges shall be competent to sanction all kinds of leave except study leave and leave outside India to the staff working under them.

By order of the Governor.

(Sd.) M. S. PANDIT,

Additional Chief Secretary, (Finance).

No. A/9(77)-999 Dated 13-11-1996

Copy to the :

I. Financial Commissioners ________ _ 2. All Additional Chief Secretaries _________ _ 3. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government .. ____ _

4. Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister/Public Service Commission/Legisla-tive Assembly/Legislative Council.

5. All Heads of the Departments __________ _

6. Accountant General , A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. 7. Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 8. Director/Deputy Director, Accounts & Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu.

9. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Jammu/Srinagar. 10. Director of Information, J&K, Srinagar. 11. All District Dev. Commissioners _________ _

12. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu.

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( 110 )

13. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. 14. All Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts Officers·--------'--­t S. Comptroller, AgricultUre University, Kashmir. 16. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary. 17. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officersffreasury Officers_.

18. Instructor, Sectt. Training Class, Srinagar. 19. All Officers/Section Officers of the Finance Department. 20. Annual Compendium, w.2.s.c. 21. Master file. 22.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director Codes, Finance Department.

( 111 )


Subject : Grant of Special Compensatory Allowance in favour of Moving employees.

Reference: General Administration Department's No. GDC- 126/M/96 dated 18-11-1996.

Government Order No. 255-F of 1996.

Dated 21-11-1996.

Sanction is hereby accorded to the enhancement of Special Compensatory Allowance from existing rate of Rs. 350/- (Three hundred fifty) to Rs. 450/­(Four hundred fifty) P.M. in favour of such of the moving employees who have not been provided with Government accommodation at Jammu despite their entitlement for the same w.e.f. 1-11-1996 till durbar move to Srinagar.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

No. A/52(7l)V/l l03

Copy to the :

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

Dated 21-11 -1996.

l. Financial Commissioner, Agriculture Production Department. 2. Financial Commissioner, Planning and Development Department. 3. Financial Commissioner, J&K. 4. All Addi. Chief Secretaries ____ _ 5. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government ----6. Private Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister. 7. Advocate General , J&K. 8. Registrar, High Court. 9. Secretary, Legislative Assembly/Council/PSC/SSRB.

10. All Heads of Department. l l. Private Secretary to Ministers for information of the Ministers. 12. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary. 13. Government order file (w.3.s.c.). 14. Annual Compendium, 1996.

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( 112 )


Grant of Interim Relief to the State Government Employees w.e.f. 1-4-1996.

Cabinet Decision No. 28/8 dated 30-12-1996.

Government Order No. 298- F of 1996

Dated 31-1 2-1996.

It is hereby ordered that third instalment of Interim Relief in favour of all categories of Government employees including Work Charge. and Contingent paid employees in the time scale of pay, shall be allowed at 10% of basic pay subject to minimum of Rs. 100/- P.M. w.e.f. 1-4-199.6 and also subject to the following conditions :-

1. The amount of Interim Relief will not form part of pay for any service benefits i.e. Computation of House Rent Allowance, Compensatory Allowance, Over Time Allowance, Pay Fixation, Enhancement of Leave Salary, Pension or Gratuity etc. etc.

2. The amount of Interim Relief sanctioned in this order including the previous two instalments, released vide Government Order No. 7-F of 1995 dated 2-2-1995 and Government Order No. 206-F of 1995 dated 18-9-1995, will be shown as a distinct element of remuneration.

By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashm ir.

No. A/136{93}-1 281

Copy to the :

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Directo~ (Codes), Finance Department.

Dated 3 1-12-1996

I. Financial Comm iss ioners, Agricul ture/P lanning and Deve lopment Department.

2. All Additional Chief Secretaries 3. Financial ommi sioner, Revenue. 4. A II C orn nussiorH rs/S crctar ics 10 < iovl0 1111111·111

( 113 )

5. Principal Secretary to Governor/Chief ~inister. 6. Divisional Commissioners, Srinagar/JamQlU. 7.- Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.

Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar/Jamirtu. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. ' 13. 14. 15. 16.

Accountant General, A&E/ Audit, Srinakar/Jammu. All Heads of Departments. ____ l_,___ __ Comptroller, Agriculture University, K hmir. All District Dev. Commissioners_--1'--------­Director/Deputy Director, Accounts & Tr;asuries, Srinagar/Jammu Director/Deputy Director, Funds Orgn ., Jammu/Srinagar. Director of Information, J&I)., Jammu/Srinagar. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jamnru. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Srinagar. All Financial Advisors/Chief Accounts .Q.fficers ___ . ____ .

17. 18. 19. 20.

Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Ofnc'ersffreasury Officers_ General Manager,;Government Press, .@n~u for publication' in the


21. 22. 23.

Government Gazette. L.. All Officers/Section Officers M:-Finance Department. Annual Compendium w.2.s.c./Master file/~tock filr.-




--~---~ ----~---~-----'-~-----~---~_;_~~------~-~-------~-~-...J

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\. 11'+ )


Grant of l!lterim Relief to the State Government Pensioners/ Family Pen'sioners.

Cabinet Decision No. 28/8 dated 30-12-1996 received vide General Adm . Depantment's endorsement No. GDC/132/96 dated 30-12-1996. I

Gowernment Order No. 299- F of 1996

Dated 31-12-1996.

It is hereby ordered that the State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners shall be paid another instalment of Interim Relief at I 0% of basic Pension/Family Pension subject to minimum of Rs. 100/- P.M. w.e.f. 1-4-1996 and also subjeot to the fulfilment of the following conditions :-

(i) If a Pensioner/Family Pensioner is re-employed/employed under the Central or State Government or a Corporation/Company/Body/Bank under them in India or :abroad including pennanent absorption in such CorriJoration/Companyn3ody/Bank, he/she shall not be eligible to draw lnte;rim Relief on Pens 1on/Family Pension during the period of such re--employment/employrnent ;

(u) ~nterim Relief may be shown as a separate element. No dearness relief on this element will he admissible. Interim Relief involving a fraction of a rupee may be rounded off to the next higher rupee.

(iii) In case of persons in receipt of more than one pension, the Interim Relief will be calculated on the total of all pensions taken together.

2 . The concerned Treasury Officers/Bank Managers of J&K Bank wherefrom the Pensioners/Family Pensioners are drawing their pension/family pension shall release payments on account of Interim Relief on the basis of these orders without waiting for any further communication either from Accountant General or Chainnan, J&K Bank/General Manager J&K Bank.

By order of the Ge vemment of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

( 115 )

No. A/115(95)-1282 Dated 31-12-1996

Copy to the : I /pl · g and Development

1. Fin'ancial Commissioners, .<\gricu ture annm

Department. , . All Additional Chief Seqetanes'------~--Financial Commissioner, Revenue. All Commissioner9'~cretaries to ?ove~~ent·-------~-Principal Secretary; Governor/Chief M1mster. • Divisional Commissioners, Srinagar/Jf'"1Jll~. lh1 Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road~ New De .

7· Advocate Oeneral, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu.

S. Accountant General, A&E/Audit. Srinagar/Jammu.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

9. 4' 10. All Heads iof Departments . . K hmir l l. Compt~er, Agriculture ~n~ve~s1ty, as ·

12 All OiS:lfict Dev Comm1ss1oners / . Director/Deputy Dire~ctor, Accounts & Treasuries, ~rinagar Jammu. 13. Director/Deputy Director, Funds. Orgns., Jammu/Snnagar. 14

' Director of Information, J&K Srmagar/Ja~mu. 15. Accountant General Himachal Pradesh, Simla. . 16. p . . I Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 17. nncipa • · l 't t Srinagar 18. Principal, Accountancy :ra!nmg nst1 u e, . 19 All District Dev. Commissioners _ _ _ . _ ___ _

· . . 1 Ad · rs/Dy Financial Adv1sors·-----::-=--;--;:;-:-·· 20. fmanc1a v1so · . IG 1 Manager J&K Bank, Srinagar/ 21. Chairman, J&K Bank, Stmagarf Je&neKraBank '


23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Jammu/All District Managers o · h J for publication in t e General Manager, Government Press, ammu

~;;::i~;;:s~~~~cers/District ~reasury Officers/Treasury Officers_

All Officers/Section Officer~ o~ Fman.ce Depa~e~t. President, Pensioners Assoc1at1on, Srmagar/Jam . A 1 Compendium of 1996 (w.2.s.c.).

nnua t Order file (w 3 s c.)/Master file/Stock tile. · Govemmen · · ·

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( 116 )


Grant of 3rd instalment of Interim Relief in favour of State Public Sector Employees.

Cabinet Decision No. 5518 dated 30-12-1996 communicated under General Adm. Department's U.O. No. GDC/152/96 dated 30-12-1996.

Government Order No. 300-F of 1996.

Dated 31-12-1996.

It is hereby ordered that the 3rd instalment of Interim Relief shall be paid to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings at I 0% of basic pay subject to minimum of Rs. 100/- P.M. w.e.f. 1-4-1996. This will be subject to the following conditions :-

I. The amount of Interim Relief will not form part of pay for any service benefits i.e. computation of House Rent Allowance, City Compensatory Ailowance, Over Time Allowance, Pay fixation, Encashment of Leave Salary etc. etc.

2. The amount of Interim Relief released/sanctioned vide Government Order No. 89-F of 1995 dated 31-3-1995 and Government Order No. 259-F of 1995 dated 30-11-1995 read with Government Order No. 260-F of 1995 dated 1-12-1995 will be shown as a distinct element of remuneration.

By order of the Government .of Jammu and Kashmir.

No. Nl3(95)-1283

Copy to the :

(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Director (Codes), Finance Department.

Dated 31-12-1996

I. Financial Commissioners, Agriculture/Planning and Development Department.

2 All Additional Chief Secretaries ·~--------~ 3. Financial Commissioner, Revenue.

5. 6 . . 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13.


15. 16. 17. 18.

( 117 )

Principal Secretary to Gove~or/Chief Minister. Divisional Commissioners, Srmagar/Jammu. Advocate General, J&K, Srinagar!Ja~mu . . Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi RaJ Road, New Delh1. All Head~ of Departments. ___ ___ _ Accountant General, A&E/Audit, Srinagar/Jammu. Chairman, Bureau Public Enterp~ises J&K, Jammu.

DI.rector of Information, J&K, Srmagar/J.ammu. All Managing Directors/Chief Executives. ____ _ . All Treasury

Officers · for publication in the General Manager, Government Press, Jamtn11 Government Gazette. All Officers/Section Officers of Finance Department. Annual Compendium (w.2.s.c.). Government Order file (w.3. s.c.)/Master file/Stock file.


4. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government/Cha1~·r=ma:n~B~.~P~.l::_· .. _~ ____ l __________________ ~~-~~----------------

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. .

( 118 )



Government Instruction No. 2 inserted vide S~0-255 dated 4-8-1988 issued vide Finance Department's endorsement No. A/I 7(73)-797 dated 4-8- I 988 as wrongly printed in Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations Volume-I 1st Edition 7th reprint 1991 (page 352) should be read after sub-clause (d) (page 353) of Government Instruction No. I of rules ibid.

No. A/57 (66)-4

Copy to the :


(Sd.) M. J. NAJAR,

Di1c!ctor (Codes), Finance Department.

Dated 31-12-1996.

l. Financial Commissioners, Agriculture/Planning and Development Department.

2. All Additional Chief Secretaries _________ _ 3. Financial Commissioner, Revenue. 4. All Commissioners/Secretaries to Government -------5. Principal Secretary to Governor/Chief Minister. 6. Divisional Commissioners, Srinagar/Jammu. 7. Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi. 8. Advocate General, Srinagar/Jammu. 9. Accountant General, A&E (Audit), Srinagar/Jammu.

10. All Heads of Departments _____ _ 11. Comptroller, Agriculture l'.Jniversity, Kashmir. 12. All District Develop~nt Commissioners _____ _ 13. Director/Deputy Djrector, Accounts and Treasuries, Srinagar/Jammu. 14. Director/Deputy Director, Funds Organisation, Srinagar/Jammu. 15. Director of lnfonnation, J&K, Srinagar/Jammu. 16. Principal, Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 17. Principal, Accountancy Training Institute, Jammu. 18. All Financial Advisors/Deputy Financial Advisors _____ _ 19. Saddar Treasury Officers/District Treasury Officers/Treasury Officers. 20. General Manager, Government Press, Jammu for publication in the

Government Gazette. 21. All Officers/Section Officers of the Finance Department. 22. Annual Compendium, 1996 (w. 3. s. c.)/Master File/Stock File. 23.