Government of IndialBharat Sarkar Ministry ofRailways ... · Government of IndialBharat Sarkar...

Government of IndialBharat Sarkar Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) . No.20 10/JIDRPI1-3(SAG) New Delhi, dated 21 -9-2011. The Secretary 1. Ministrty of Law & Justice (Department of Legal Affairs) Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi 2. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & P.D. (Department of Food and Public Distribution) 3. Ministry of Petroleum & Natural; Gas Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi 4. Ministry of Coal Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi 5.. Ministry of Steel (SAIL-CIP Section Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi General Managers All Indian Railways Subjectr-Amendrnent in the role of Joint Internal Dispute Resolution Panel (JIDRP). Reference: 1) Railway Board's letter's letter No. 2010/JIDRPIl-3 dated 20.9.2010. 2) Ministry of Law & Justice O.M.No.F.34(4)/20111Judl. dated 3.3.2011. 3) Law Secretary's note No.FTS no.431/Jud/Sec./2011 dated 3.8.2011 4) Letter No.13-5/2008-M.II dated 28.7.2011 from Ministry of Food 5) Railway Board's letter No.2010/JIDRP)I-3(SAG) dated. 15.06.2011 and dated 23.06.2011. 6) Letter No.13(1 )/2008-S-CIP dated 27.6.2011 from the Ministry of Iron & Steel 7) LetterNo.T-12011I1/2008-Sup dated 308.2011 from the Ministry of Petroleum .. 8) Letter No. 38011/14/2008-CA-U dated 5.7.2011 from the Ministry of Coal. The scheme of Joint Internal Dispute Resolution Panel (JIDRP) formulated in pursuance of directions of Hon'ble High Court Delhi on 30.09.2008 and duly approved by Committee of Secretaries, as a conciliation mechanism between Ministry of Railways and Ministries of Coal, Iron & Steer;'''F0'0:ct.:al1cl~FetfQkllib! and PSUs under their control, was circulated among the Railways vf(4~r;IB:~~;dftil~1t~:L(;t~!ed' 2'l9 .2010 referred to above. Cont/2 .."

Transcript of Government of IndialBharat Sarkar Ministry ofRailways ... · Government of IndialBharat Sarkar...

Page 1: Government of IndialBharat Sarkar Ministry ofRailways ... · Government of IndialBharat Sarkar Ministry ofRailways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) . No.20 10/JIDRPI1-3(SAG) New

Government of IndialBharat SarkarMinistry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)

(Railway Board) .

No.20 10/JIDRPI1-3(SAG) New Delhi, dated 21 -9-2011.

The Secretary1. Ministrty of Law & Justice

(Department of Legal Affairs)Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi

2. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & P.D.(Department of Food and Public Distribution)

3. Ministry of Petroleum & Natural; GasShastri Bhavan, New Delhi

4. Ministry of CoalShastri Bhavan, New Delhi

5.. Ministry of Steel(SAIL-CIP SectionUdyog Bhavan, New Delhi

General ManagersAll Indian Railways

Subjectr-Amendrnent in the role of Joint Internal Dispute Resolution Panel (JIDRP).

Reference: 1) Railway Board's letter's letter No. 2010/JIDRPIl-3 dated 20.9.2010.2) Ministry of Law & Justice O.M.No.F.34(4)/20111Judl. dated 3.3.2011.3) Law Secretary's note No.FTS no.431/Jud/Sec./2011 dated 3.8.2011

4) Letter No.13-5/2008-M.II dated 28.7.2011 from Ministry ofFood

5) Railway Board's letter No.2010/JIDRP)I-3(SAG) dated.15.06.2011 and dated 23.06.2011.

6) Letter No.13(1 )/2008-S-CIP dated 27.6.2011 from the Ministry of Iron& Steel

7) LetterNo.T-12011I1/2008-Sup dated 308.2011 from the Ministry ofPetroleum ..

8) Letter No. 38011/14/2008-CA-U dated 5.7.2011 from the Ministry ofCoal.

The scheme of Joint Internal Dispute Resolution Panel (JIDRP) formulated inpursuance of directions of Hon'ble High Court Delhi on 30.09.2008 and duly approved byCommittee of Secretaries, as a conciliation mechanism between Ministry of Railways andMinistries of Coal, Iron & Steer;'''F0'0:ct.:al1cl~FetfQkllib!and PSUs under their control, wascirculated among the Railways vf(4~r;IB:~~;dftil~1t~:L(;t~!ed'2'l9 .2010 referred to above.



Page 2: Government of IndialBharat Sarkar Ministry ofRailways ... · Government of IndialBharat Sarkar Ministry ofRailways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) . No.20 10/JIDRPI1-3(SAG) New


2. It was envisaged in para 3.1 of this scheme that all Ministries/PSU s shall be advisedto first approach the JIDRP for conciliation before taking any other legal recourse.

3. In the light of a recent ruling given by the Hon'ble Supreme Court, dated 17.2.2011,and Ministry of Law and Justice, Department of Legal Affairs OM No. F.34 (4)/2011-Judl.dated 3 March 2011, for non-insistence of COD approval for pursuing litigation, the issueof existence of JIDRP was examined in the Ministry of Railways.

4. The Apex level panel of JIDRP comprising Member Traffic/CRB and FinancialCommissioner, Ministry of Railways and Secretaries of the Ministry of Petroleum, Food,Iron & Steel, Coal and Law (vide their letters quoted above) have conveyed their·approvalfor modification in the scheme of nDRP that prior approval of JIDRP need not be obtainedbefore filing of a case in the CourtiRCT.

5. In the light of approval accorded by the Members of Apex level of JIDRP, Para3.1 ofJIDRP scheme stands amended, with immediate effect, as follows:-

"3. 1 The specified Ministries and their PSUs can file a case in theCourtlRCT without seeking prior approval of the JIDRP. The institution ofJIDRP shall however continue and the relevant Ministries and their PSU's canapproach JIDRP for conciliation."

p. The respective Ministries may please circulate the above amendment to all theconcerned Public Sector Undertakings under their control.

(pURAN CHAND)Jt. Director Railway Claims Tribunal,

(Railway Board)Rly. Tele-23303473

Copy to: l.CCMs, all zonal Railways2.CCOs, all zonal Railways.3. SAIL, RINL, roc, HPCL, BPC

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