Government Finance

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Transcript of Government Finance

  • 7/30/2019 Government Finance


    Government Finance


    Recent Developments

    Sag de Clerck

    Statistics Department

    March 8, 2012

  • 7/30/2019 Government Finance


    Content of Presentation

    Data dissemination in GFS formats

    G-20 Data gap initiatives

    GFSM 2001 update

    Eights review of Funds Data Standards Initiatives

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 2

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    Data dissemination in GFS Formats

    IMF Executive Board Decision present fiscal data inthe framework ofGFSM 2001 in IMF staff reports

    Common format for presenting fiscal data

    Enhance cross-country comparability

    Transparent linkage between stocks and flows

    Compatible with National Accounts data

    Progress with

    Started in May 2011

    Exception for program countries

    Approximately 80 countries were converted

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 3

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    Data dissemination in GFS Formats

    Several conversion models

    Full conversion, partial conversion, supplementary information

    Benefits derived from conversions

    Identify data gaps

    Illustrate discrepancies between source data and international


    Increase demand/raises awareness for standardized presentation of

    fiscal data

    GFS Yearbook, International Financial Statistics (IFS),World Economic Outlook, Other IMF publications to

    follow best effort basis

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 4

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    G-20 Data gap initiatives

    G-20 Ministers and Central Bank Governors adoptedthe following recommendations directly related to


    #17 - promote timely and comparable GFS data based on

    GFSM 2001 framework

    #18 - launch public sector debt database

    #20 - enhance the Principle Global Indicators website and

    close data gaps

    Board Paper and G-20 Recommendations provide a

    significant impetus to further enhance fiscal data,

    using GFSM 2001 framework

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 5

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    G-20 Data gap initiatives

    Recommendations under the G-20 Data GapsInitiative can be divided into two broad categories

    Those recommendations for which the conceptual/statistical

    framework needs development

    Those recommendations for which conceptual/statistical

    frameworks exist and ongoing collection needs enhancement

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 6

  • 7/30/2019 Government Finance


    G-20 Conceptual guidance initiatives

    Public Sector Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers andUsers (PSDSG) published in 2011

    Available on GFS Website:

    Several regional courses and workshops were conducted

    Progress with revisions to other statistical manuals

    GFSM 2001 update (more later)

    Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual

    External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 7

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    G-20 Data collections initiatives

    Principal Global Indicators Website was launched

    Efforts to improve the availability of data continues

    Ongoing process of consulting on progress with

    implementing recommendations

    Bilateral consultations completed in 2011

    IMF is organizing regional conferences in first half of 2012

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 8

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    G-20 Data collections initiativesWorld Bank, in coordination with IMF and TFFS, launched

    the public sector debt statistics database in December

    2010 for developing countries

    62 Countries have agreed to participate

    34 have started to report debt data

    December 2011: OECD, IMF and World Bank issued a

    joint invitation to participate

    OECD members other than developing countries

    A few non-OECD advanced economies to participate (December2011).

    Collaborative effort

    Efforts to improve availability of integrated GFS data

    continueannual and quarterlyGovernment Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 9

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    GFSM 2001 Update

    Objective of update

    Align GFS with 2008 SNA

    Improve and clarify, using country experiences

    PurposeUpdate not a revision

    Will not re-open debates settled in the update of the SNA


    To follow an international consultative process

    Electronic GFS Discussion Forum

    GFS Advisory Committee

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 10

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    GFSM 2001 Update

    7 Revised chapters were posted

    Work on remaining chapters and appendixes continues

    GFS Advisory Committee will meet in May 2012 todiscuss

    Comments and suggestions will be incorporated before

    world wide comment period in second half of 2012.

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 11

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    GFSM 2001 Update

    Highlighted the need to continue with efforts toharmonize statistical guidelines and public sector

    accounting reforms

    IMF/IPSASB Alignment Taskforce are working on:

    GFSM appendix on accounting and statistical linkages

    Update of matrix of remaining differences

    Model Chart of Accounts to illustrate how to harmonize

    reporting requirements, following a building block approach

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 12

  • 7/30/2019 Government Finance


    Eighth Review of the Funds Data Standards


    The global financial crisis has highlighted areas forimprovements in statistical standards

    The report explored the possibility to create an improved

    standardSDDS Plus

    The SDDS Plus proposals were in principle agreed to

    SDDS Plus

    takes into account the ongoing work in the context of the Data

    Gaps Initiative of the G-20 economies

    was designed to be fully consistent with the Funds mandate

    on the stability of the international monetary system

    Government Finance Division, IMF Statistics Department 13

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    SDDS Plus implications for GFS

    Discussions of the report included proposals for:

    hyperlinks to longer time series

    more detailed data via the National Summary Data Pages


    set timelines in the context of the SDDS nonobservanceprocedures

    streamline the SDDS by adding structure to the Forward

    Looking Indicators

    delete the Advance Release Calendar flexibility optionsDetails of data categories are still under consideration

    research revealed fragmentation/inconsistencies in fiscal data


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    The way forward

    Continue technical assistance to support member


    Regional focus several projects

    Continue to provide several training opportunities

    courses, workshops and seminarsHeadquarter based


    Invite consultation/participation

    Appreciate all opportunities to collaborate with other

    international organizations and member countries

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