Governance - Financial Structuring - Funding Strategy Advisor

Experience. Integrity. Trust . Governance - Financial Structuring - Funding Strategy Advisor for Acceleration and Success of Growth Companies

Transcript of Governance - Financial Structuring - Funding Strategy Advisor

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Experience. Integrity. Trust .

Governance - Financial Structuring - Funding Strategy

Advisor for

Acceleration and Success of

Growth Companies

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Real World Experience and ExpertiseGerard Buckley

– Founder & CEO of Jaguar Capital an Advisory Practice for Growth Companies in Governance, Financial Management & Financing Strategies

– Chairperson of Board of Directors, Maple Leaf Angels Corporation & Investor in eight early stage companies

– Certified Corporate Director of the Institute of Corporate Directors

– Previously Entrepreneur in Residence with Incubes (An Internet Company Accelerator)

– Past member of Small & Medium Enterprise Committee of The Ontario Securities Commission

– Investment Committee of Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS

– 32 yr. Career with Scotia Capital as a Financial Risk Management Advisor to Fortune 200 Companies: Rogers, Irving Group, Empire Co., Four Seasons, Bruce Power, OPG, Province of Ontario, Ford etc.

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Jaguar Capital

An advisory firm in Governance, Financial Management and

Funding Strategies.

Our client focus is on growth companies in Energy, Digital Media, Technology, Healthcare and Financial Services.

Jaguar Capital is specialized in

Evaluating, Pivoting and Growing Companies

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Partnering for Success

• We work with our clients to identify their strategic priorities, critical success factors and the decisions required to achieve them

• We augment in-house expertise to resolve specific challenges or provide support for recurring needs

• We provide financial risk management services to CEO/Board of Directors and in-depth offerings for transactional personnel

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Advisory and Consulting Services

• Planning the recruitment, formation & management of an Advisory Board or Board of Directors

• Structuring Audit and Compensation Committees of Boards • Executive coaching for Founders & CEOs • Identifying financing alternatives for growth stage companies • Assisting companies to negotiate professional financing • Structuring investor presentations• Preparing company for the due diligence process

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Jaguar Capital Successes

Advisor - Entrepreneur Coach - Trust

Engaged to provide entrepreneurial coaching to the CEO of a content marketing company in Canada. She contracted Gerard to assist her with the structuring of the company and negotiate a shareholders agreement and share structure with the company’s primary non-executive shareholder. In addition she worked with Jaguar Capital in the hiring of her executive team, structuring compensation and targeting market segments in the growth of

her business.

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Advisory Boards

• Prepare a Skills Matrix

• Reach outside your comfort zone

• Create a influential team of OCI’s

• Industry Vertical Experience

• Previous Start-up Experience

• People with large contact lists

• Members with Legal, Finance, Technology & M&A experience

• Customer Advisory Board

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Jaguar Capital Successes

Consulting – Governance – ExperienceA growth stage technology company engaged Jaguar Capital to structure, recruit and implement an effective Advisory Board. By building a skills inventory of the company, creating a skills matrix and identifying skill gaps, Jaguar Capital was able to identify the composition of an effective advisory board. Using the experience of Jaguar Capital’s principles with the participation of the management team, Advisers were recruited whose interests and skills were aligned with the company and its future growth.

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Risk Management & Governance Solutions

• Advise on the negotiation of financing, loan and banking agreements

• Financial Risk Management Governance Policies

• Currency hedging programs

• Evaluate & build skills matrix and recruit for advisory boards and boards of directors

• Lead strategic planning initiatives and build performance measurement metrics

• Business development, strategy and sales leadership

• Lead and establish governance structures

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Jaguar Capital Successes

Consulting – Governance - Risk Management – Trust

Jaguar Capital was engaged by an international telecommunications company based in Canada to assist with the development of a Financial Risk Management Policy for the management of their foreign exchange and interest rate exposures. JC was instrumental in developing a framework to analyse the company’s financial risks and then work with senior management to develop a Risk Management and Investment policy that would be presented to The Board of Directors for approval.

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Interim Executive’s with Experience

• We offer interim executive management to growth stage companies, midsized corporations and organizations in the not-for-profit sector

• We provide flexible alternatives when definitive staffing requirements are unknown

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Jaguar Capital Successes

Interim Executive - Financial Management - Integrity

A junior mining company based in Vancouver that was focused on acquiring mineral properties in Mexico and Canada engaged Jaguar Capital to provide the services of a CFO for two days a week. The CFO was responsible initially the set up the Head Office functions including financial management, corporate structuring and tax planning that resulted in negotiations with professionals in the appropriate jurisdictions.

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Positioning a Company for Investment

• Prepare a strong executive summary

• Business Plan and Investor Pitch Deck are separate

• Financial Statements should at least be prepared under a review engagement

• Well prepared and understood USA

• Use an Advisory Board to get familiar with operating a formal organizational structure

• Understand the requirement for Qtly Reporting to shareholders

• Understand the sales metrics that drive your working capital requirements

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Jaguar Capital Successes

Consulting – Financial Structuring – Integrity

Jaguar Capital was engaged by a growth stage technology company based in Canada to introduce the company to potential accredited investors and sources of financing. JC worked with the CEO to effectively pitch their company and ensure the sources of capital understood the value proposition of the technology. The process successfully produced a Mezzanine Debt Term Sheet for $1 Million for one year, an offer to inject equity and a proposal from a boutique investment banker.

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Financing Alternatives

• There are 13 angel groups in Ont and 32 in Canada

• Government programs ( IAF, IRAP, OETF, OCE, IBI, SRED)

• Online - Angel List, The Funded, Gust

• Y Combinator, Tech Stars, 500 Start-ups

• Incubators & Accelerator funds – over 110 in Canada

• Crowd funding such as and equity crowd funding will follow

• Super Angels & Micro-VC’s

• Asset backed lenders

• Banks

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Jaguar Capital Successes

Consulting – Financial Management - Experience

Jaguar Capital was engaged by a growth stage retail distribution channel for a Speciality Heath Care Product. The three year old company with sales of over $3 million required financing that would be supported by the inventory and receivables of the company. Jaguar Capital was successfully able to negotiate with an alternative financing company a line of credit that was able to meet the working capital needs of the retail distributor.

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What Investors Look For

• High anticipated growth rate

• Experienced management team

• Sustainable competitive advantage

• Barriers to entry

• Clear strategy for commercialization

• Proof of concept or enterprise level validation

• Business model anchored in Reality

• Traction (sales or user)

• Investor exit strategy

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Jaguar Capital Successes

Training – Entrepreneurship – ExperienceJaguar Capital developed and delivered a series of seminars for Angel Groups, Accelerators, Entrepreneurs and Industry Conferences. These seminars which have indebt curriculum include: Pitching for Investment, Due – Diligence, Valuation of an Early Stage Company, Forming an Advisory Board, Terms and Conditions to Expect from Investors, Accessing Angel Capital, Preparing an Executive Summary and Pros and Cons of Accessing Venture Capital too Early. These presentations are industry leading which many have trended on both LinkedIn and Slideshare.

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Your Growth Adviser

• The Principals of Jaguar Capital, headed by Gerard Buckley, have built their experience on over 30 years in financial markets, technology and sales by consulting with market leading corporations in North America.

• We are available to meet with your company and discuss the growth needs specific to your company’s needs.

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Jaguar Capital Team

Gerard Buckley, BBA, FICB, ICD.DManaging DirectorJaguar Capital Inc.(C) 416-884-9522(W) 416-646-6789

[email protected]
