Gov Exhibition



Gov Exhibition

Transcript of Gov Exhibition

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eEurope Awards – 2005

Exhibition Catalogue

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LEGAL NOTICEBy the Commission of the European Communities, Information Society andMedia Directorate-General.

Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained in the present publication. The European Commission is not responsible for the external web sites referred to in the present publication.

The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official European Commission’s view on the subject. Please note that all information disseminated through this catalogue has been provided by the project-owners on a basis of confidence, as well as on the agreement that it may be disclosed to the public.

© European Communities, 2005Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.eEurope Awards’ website:

Designed and typeset by the Publications Service, EIPA, The Netherlands. Printed by Atlanta, Belgium.

EIPA wishes to acknowledge the financial support of the European Commission provided through the eEurope Awards Project IST-2001-38016.

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A new start has been given by the European Union to the Lisbon Strategy emphasising a partnership for growth and jobs between all stakeholders and support from the European Commission.

In this context, the European Commission recently launched a new initiative “i2010 – A European Information Society for growth and employment” to create an Information Society that makes Europe more attractive as a place to live, work and invest and therefore directly supporting the Lisbon Strategy.

Information, communication and media industries are on the verge of a new phase of growth based on the convergence between high speed broadband networks, audio visual media and electronic devices and the new services that will run on these converging systems. eGovernment is part of this wave of growth. Businesses and citizens expect government services to be quick and efficient, just like all the other services that they use in their lives. The policies in the i2010 initiative aim to underpin these developments.

eGovernment has the potential to meet the demands for these high quality services in ways that are efficient and effective, transparent and inclusive. This Ministerial Conference and Exhibition profiles real examples of good practice to show that that eGovernment can deliver on its promise.

Therefore, I would like to thank all the Public Administrations that have submitted their experiences to the eEurope Awards for eGovernment – 2005. They are all valuable contributions to learning vital lessons and exchanging good practice.

This Conference is a forum for exchanging experience and engaging political commitment. I feel strongly that this is an area where Europe can benefit from its diversity. Coming together and sharing results allows us to learn quickly from our vast range of experiences.

Speed is of the essence, because I would like to see Europe leading the way towards a new generation of modern, accessible and open public services.

Viviane RedingMember of the European Commission

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Foreworin charge of Information Society and Media

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For their help with the summary of cases submitted for the eEurope Awards for eGovernment – 2005 I would like to extend my thanks to Antoinette Moussalli, Jamal Shahin and Giuseppe Zilioli. Also, I sincerely appreciated the coordination work done by Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen, as well as the assistance with the compilation and editing of this catalogue by Lucy Traunmüller, Lauren Hollingsworth, Thomas Henökl and Matthias Kreuzeder. Furthermore, I would like to thank Denise Grew and Willem Huwaë for their work relating to the layout and design of this exhibition catalogue.

Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to the European Commission, DG Information Society and Media, for entrusting us with this opportunity and my team within EIPA’s eEurope Awards Project Management Secretariat for making the eEurope Awards for eGovernment – 2005 a success.

Christine Leitner

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eEurope Awards Project ManagementSecretariatThe European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) is providing the neutral platform for the organisation of the eEurope Awards programme. The Project Management Secretariat at EIPA is responsible for the preparation, coordination and implementation of the awards scheme and currently consists of the following members:

Christine Leitner, Head of Project Management SecretariatMatthias Kreuzeder, Assistant to the Head of eEurope Awards ProjectManagement SecretariatTore Christian Malterud, Resource Manager Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen, Researcher Thomas Henökl, Research Assistant Nicolette Brouwers, Programme Organiser Denise Grew, Publications Co-ordinatorWillem Huwaë, Assistant to the Publications Department

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Table of Contents


Enabling eGovernment


Theme 1: The right environment 3

• LEPIDA – The Broadband Private Network for Emilia-RomagnaPublic Administration (Italy) 6

• KZC@ – Konekta Zaitez Ciudadan@ (Spain)• Local e-Gov – The National Strategy for Local eGovernment

in England (United Kingdom)


8• – The Public Service Broker (Ireland)• Webrichtlijnen – Web Guidelines for eGovernment in the

Netherlands (The Netherlands)


10• FAST – Secure Exchange Gateway (France) 11• eDavki (eTaxes) (Slovenia) 12• RRLC – Online Registration of Rent and Leasing Contracts (Italy) 13• BEST – Benefits Express (United Kingdom)• KSI ZUS – Complex Computer System (KSI) for the Social

Insurance Institution (ZUS) in Poland (Poland)


15• PAP – Public Administration Portal (Czech Republic)• IRISMAMMO – Telemammography Programme in the Brussels

Region (Belgium)


17• FALSTAFF – Fully Automated Logical System Against Forgery

and Fraud in the Italian Customs Information System AIDA (Italy) 18• CLIENT (The Netherlands)• SEAP – Extended Electronic System for Public Acquisitions



20• ePS – eProcurement Scotl@nd (United Kingdom) 21• Carta-IN (Italy) 22• Eastserve (United Kingdom) 23

TransformationTheme 2: Government readiness 25

• eCabinet Project of the Government of Ireland (Ireland) 28• E-LAW – The Austrian E-LAW Project (Austria) 29• The DWP/DoH RTA Automation Project (United Kingdom) 30• EID – Electronic Invoicing in Denmark (Denmark) 31

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• – Public eProcurement in Norway (Norway) 32• eProcurement (Italy) 33• Communit-e – Simplification of the Benefits and Medical

Recognition Application for Disabled People (Belgium) 34• eReadiness of Polish Customs – Building up eGovernment

Readiness of Polish Customs (Poland) 35

Businesses and CitizensTheme 3: Service use 37

• HamburgGateway (Germany) 40• VIRK – The Danish Internet Portal for the Danish

Commerce Sector (Denmark) 41• AthenaNetwork (Greece) 42• IRIS BCN – Promoting Civic Attitudes in Barcelona through

a Customer Service Request Platform (Spain) 43• SISRCR – Regional Integrated Health Service for the

Continuity of Medical Treatment (Italy) 44• TASTSELV.DK – The Automated Tax Administration (Denmark) 45• eVERA – Online Vehicle Licence Renewal (Malta) 46• CWO – Careers Wales Online (United Kingdom) 47• Mijn IB-Groep – Portal for Study Loans and Grants

(The Netherlands) 48• Kadaster-on-line (The Netherlands) 49• OVC – Virtual Office of Cadastre (Spain) 50• SPES – Scottish Parliament ePetitioner System (United Kingdom) 51• GIVA – The Geneva Internet Voting Application (Switzerland) 52• RIES – Rijnland Internet Election System: Fully Transparent

Election System (The Netherlands) 53• COT – Meath County Council – Communities Online Together

Initiative (Ireland) 54• e@SYConnects TV – e@SY Connects Digital Interactive

Television Service (United Kingdom) 55• LCOL – Leicestershire CareOnLine (United Kingdom) 56• Mobhaile – Extending the Use of Information and Communication

Technologies (Ireland) 57• COURTPUB – Electronic Notice Board of the Courts – Publication

with Legally Binding Force and Services for Citizens on the Internet(Austria) 58

• EZB – Electronic Journals Library (Germany) 59

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ImpactTheme 4: Impact 61

• AeL – An Integrated Solution for Content Management andComputer Assisted Training (Romania) 64

• ROS – Revenue Online Service (Ireland) 65• eGAMES – eGovernment Assessment, Measuring and

Evaluation System (Hungary) 66• Fed-e-View – Tool for Measuring the Degree of eGovernment

Development of Federal Administrations and Agencies (Belgium) 67• Implementing Benefits Realisation and Performance

Management in the Public Sector (United Kingdom) 68• TRAMER – Traffic Insurance Information Center (Turkey 69

Submissions 71


Exhibiting submissions (by theme and topic) 114Exhibiting submissions (alphabetically) 118

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eEurope Awards – 2005


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The right environment


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Enabling eGovernmentThe right environment

Creating the best environment to enable government, businesses and citizens to benefit from transformation

The questions addressed by this thematic group concern how IT can enable better government, and how it can create the right environment for eGovernment to transform public administrations for the benefit of government, businesses and citizens.

[...F]irst policy priority is to use all means and instruments at our disposal to create a modern, market-oriented regulatory framework for the converging

digital economy and to stimulate the availability of online content.Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission

This section focuses on the exploitation of new/cutting-edge technologies and infrastructure, including public sector business transformation projects which explore new technologies such as broadband or WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) to deliver a service and/or transform the internal or back office processes of an organisation.

The implementation of a security and identification policy framework involves the introduction of broad-based innovative solutions in security, identification and authentication, which do not limit safety, privacy rights, openness and ease of access.

Public/Private partnerships allow the introduction of partners, with a range of required expertise who will bring knowledge, ideas and resources into the public administration as well as innovative contractual aspects. Successful business transformation projects clearly founded on such innovative approaches are presented.

Skills and professional development in public administrations apply to cases that demonstrate the implementation of effective skills training, professional development, leadership and knowledge transfer. These areas of intervention improve the internal capacity and capability to implement IT-enabled business transformation projects.

Governance and finance summarises the cases that demonstrate good governance or financing models for sustainable eGovernment projects, cooperation frameworks between different administrations, public-private partnerships, decision-making structures and mechanisms, legal and regulatory aspects and interoperability frameworks.

Cases covering this theme include those relating to infrastructure (LEPIDA, KZC@), frameworks for modernisation (Local e-Gov,, standards and methodologies (Webrichtlijnen, FAST), Government services (eDavki, RRLC, BEST, KSI ZUS, PAP,

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IRISMAMMO), government to business (FALSTAFF, CLIENT), organisation of services (SEAP, ePS) and to community development (Carta-IN, EASTSERVE).

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g LEPIDA – The Broadband Private Network forEmilia-Romagna Public Administration(Italy)

Infrastructure in Italian region builds on new partnerships to connect services to citizensEmilia-Romagna is an Italian region that has been keen to exploit the use of telematics to further develop the geographical region. In this project, the right environment is established through development and roll out of an infrastructure which is capable of meeting some of today’s high-bandwidth requirements.

The LEPIDA project has been operational for over one year and has already started providing infrastructural support for approximately 50% of the public administration’s offices in the region. LEPIDA actively delivers a range of services including applications for agriculture, healthcare, employment, GIS, eProcurement and urban safety.

This project is embedded in the National eGovernment strategy. It introduces the use of broadband technology to connect over 400 public administrations throughout the Emilia- Romagna region to enable the fast and accessible delivery of services for both citizens and businesses. Without this initiative many communities could be denied the opportunity to become connected.

It is based on an innovative model of public-private partnership, where the network deployment is outsourced to local public companies who provide and maintain the networks and deliver services according to a service level agreement defined and monitored by the public administrations.

It is currently spearheading research into a number of additional methods of communication including voice over IP. This infrastructure is therefore thinking about sustainability of its environment.

ContactRegione Emilia-RomagnaGaudenzio Garavani+39 - (0)51 - 639 - 7617 [email protected]

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KZC@ – Konekta Zaitez Ciudadan@ (Spain)

Basque Country tackles digital divide

This project, firmly embedded in the Basque “Euskadi in the Information Society Plan (PESI)” has raised awareness in Internet technologies at community level in the Basque country.

Based on broadband technology, a public network extends around the region delivering a range of training programmes targeting a whole cross section of social groups, including immigrants, retired people, the unemployed and others. These are brought to fruition in the development of training rooms and centres (KZgunea), which provide services and IT literacy training.

The training offered includes literacy and numeracy skills, language and cultural education as well as a range of other courses, all delivered using information technology enabling the teachers to increase citizen’s skills in the use of ICTs.

The courses are all free and backed by a number of local helpdesks staffed by trained personnel who enable face to face support and guidance for service users. The system is in use in all the municipalities (250) of the Basque region. Almost 10% of the population are users of KZC@.

The portal has been given the Web Accesibility Certification AAA issued by CTIC (Centro Tecnológico de la Información y la Comunicación) and ESI (European Software Institute). This is the first certification given to a portal at European and worldwide level. The design which takes into account the needs of all citizens, including the disabled, was recently awarded the prize of “Best Accessible Webpage of a Public Administration” in Spain given on Internet Celebration Day. This is a good example of one way to bridge the digital divide with eInclusion policies and activities.

ContactBasque Country GovernmentBegoña Gutierrez Lizarralde+34 - (0)945 - 018522 [email protected]

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g Local e-Gov – The National Strategy for LocaleGovernment in England(United Kingdom)

The UK – context for eGovernment

In the UK, the National strategy for local eGovernment in England consists of the development of a technical infrastructure for delivering eGovernment services at the local council level (covering 80% of total government services) designed to embed eGovernment within the mainstream of organisational policy and practice.

Following extensive consultation with a broad range of stakeholders this national plan was developed, backed by a large amount of funding from central government. It sets out a vision, implementation framework and model for local eGovernment designed in a bottom-up manner to transform the quality of services and the organisations that deliver them.

The programme has overseen the successful delivery of 22 national projects, run by local councils for councils to provide guidance and products that can be adopted all over the UK based on a ‘build once share many times’ philosophy. In addition every council in England has to work within local and regional partnerships, thus building capacity and increasing the potential to share information and expertise, whilst saving cost. As a result of the strategy, the average council had made significant efficiency gains by eEnabling 79% of services by March 2005, and was on course to achieve 100% eEnablement by December2005. This compares to 26% at the start of the programme in 2001.

Monitoring takes place through a series of performance indicators, which include holistic outcome-based measures, which are reported on regularly to government by all 388 local councils in England through online Implementing eGovernment (IEG) returns.

Both councils and citizens benefit from the programme, the former through savings in development time and costs and the latter through effective service provision which has enabled a vast range of services to be accessible online.


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Office of the Deputy Prime MinisterDr. Peter Blair+44 - (0)207 - 944 - 4417 [email protected]

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Enabling – The Public Service Broker(Ireland)

Ireland’s framework for transforming delivery of public services

The Public Services Broker (PSB), as developed by the Reach agency, consists of a portal, common services, agency services and an integration infrastructure based on a Service Oriented Architecture. It is a key element of the Irish Government’s eGovernment Strategy.

The principal function of the PSB is to allow agencies to communicate with each other and with their customers using a single standardised connection. Agencies are required to create one connection to the PSB which allows them to connect to all other PSB agencies. Service delivery is effected by the exchange of XML messages via the PSB messaging hub.

There are a number of common services provided by the PSB to all agencies and users, these include comprehensive information on public services in Ireland (currently 1400), the Customer Registration process, the Public Service Identity Service, the Reach Interoperability Guidelines.

There are also a number of services provided by individual agencies to other agencies and customers using the PSB, these include the Child Benefit service and the National Cancer Registry of Ireland for example.

Among the benefits for customers using the service are time and cost savings for users who can now apply for services online, the single integrated registration process ensures security, higher quality (full and accurate) personal data on file with the administration.

The PSB has had a considerable positive impact on service delivery in that it supports the creation of new virtual, cross agency services and facilitates the sharing of information between agencies with removal of the requirement for paper documents and forms. It delivers specific services, such as Child Benefit and the Death Event Publication Service, which are measurable, not just in relation to cost savings. The automation of some services has allowed the redeployment of staff and other resources. Services can be provided independent of location and this supports the decentralisation element of Irish government policy.

PSB is targeted at every user/consumer of public services in Ireland and therefore impacts on a very broad cross section of people.


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Ger Coughlan+353 - (0)1 - 6141507 [email protected]

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g Webrichtlijnen – Web Guidelines for eGovernment in the Netherlands (The Netherlands)

Web guidelines for eGovernment

This project provides guidance for the development of government websites covering content, style, logic, accessibility, and standards compliance.

Websites that have met the guidelines have received positive evaluations in terms of better user friendliness and accessibility, improved manageability, efficiency and ability to st and the test of time in terms of future web developments.

This project puts the users at the centre and its inclusive approach safeguards the interests of all communities including those with special accessibility requirements. It is based on the principle that simplicity is the key to understanding and the acknowledgement that websites are becoming the medium most used for the transmission of information as well as services.

The guidelines are targeted primarily at government employees who are responsible for commissioning web projects, and at contractors who build websites and web applications for the government.

This project could be of interest to those who wish to develop or adopt an instrument for creating optimally accessible websites that are effective, efficient, transparent and inclusive. In the Netherlands, these principles for better government have been laid down in the Cabinet’s “Modernizing Government” Action Plan.

ContactICTU – Advies Overheid.nlRaph de Rooij+31 - (0)70 - 8887850 [email protected]

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FAST – Secure Exchange Gateway(France)

Ensuring eSecurity in France

The full deployment of a trust infrastructure for secure transmission of official documents between central administrations, decentralised bodies, civil society organisations and other institutions is one of the key requirements of eGovernment.

This application allows rapid and secure exchange of official documents between a wide range of organisations by the means of an extensive focus on security and trust issues in the context of the currently available state of the art technical solutions.

FAST provides a set of administration services to the local authorities and benefits to the citizens by speeding up their administration procedures and making operations transparent. It offers, for citizens, a reduction in the administrative burden, as much information is now securely digitised and accessible within the system to different sections in the public administration.

More than 180 officials participated in the pilot phase alone with more than 10,000 exchanges of documents since the launch in December 2003, and elected officials are increasingly using the electronic signature offered by the system. The pilot took place in the French département des Yvelines, and now reaches 44 of the 100 French départements with 4 applications.

It is a public-private partnership that focuses on comprehensive back-office and front- officereform. Overall it reveals: a joined up approach – by being fully interoperable – deployment with support and user training and security with authentication and ongoing infrastructure service and maintenance. This is a highly efficient model that could be of great interest to others, and that the eTen programme is now considering for initial deployment.

ContactCaisse des depots et consignationEtienne Combet+33 - (0)1 - 58507384 [email protected]

Christophe Vattier+33 - (0)1 - 58507434 [email protected]

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g eDavki (eTaxes) (Slovenia)

The Slovenian eTax system

eDavki is a sound, secure, complete business solution combining a web portal with back office integration and the highest level of security based on a PKI infrastructure. It is fully integrated with other government institutions to enable information exchange.

The system allows individuals and companies to file taxes online using a digital certificate issued by any registered certification authority in the country. In this way it helps increase the take-up and use of digital certificates not only for tax filing, but for other public and private purposes as well.

This solution has had 15% take up in 2004 by VAT payer users and 50% take up rate for employer’s reports on student’s employment. New efficiencies were created for the tax administration by accelerating the processing of tax returns, cutting down on paper, reducing errors due to data re-entry and improving employee productivity.

This case demonstrates how an eGovernment solution is helping to guide citizens in Slovenia into the information society and stimulate the local digital economy. This is a particularly sound model for accession states, providing a citizen focus, within a sound and trusted environment.

ContactSlovenia Ministry of Finance – Tax AdministrationAndja Komšo+386 - (0)1 - 478 - 2883 [email protected]

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RRLC – Online Registration of Rent andLeasing Contracts (Italy)

Online tax payments for property management

The Italian Revenue Agency has introduced a service that enables citizens and companies to register rent and leasing contracts online. The service has been operational for all users since January 2002.

RRLC allows all end users to register rent/leasing contracts, to carry out the administrative tasks after registering the contracts and to pay the taxes due in the same transaction, thus freeing up time and simplifying complex processes.

The technology is predominantly web-based and uses java and XML to automate and store records. The innovation in the system is that it combines legal and technological innovation, enabling citizens to interact directly with the public administration, rather than having to go through an intermediary.

The system has grown from 30,000 transactions in the first year to nearly half a million in2004.The Revenue Agency is currently trying to examine whether the system can be extended to other uses and tasks. In the same domain, research is being done into what can be done with the current data to make services related to rent and leasing contracts easier for all stakeholders.

This national project has facilitated the development of interactive services for the citizens ofItaly.


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Revenue AgencyPaola Di Napoli+39 - (0)6 - 5054 - 3242 [email protected]

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g BEST – Benefits Express(United Kingdom)

eBenefits delivered in Halton, UK

Halton Borough Council locatedin North West England has developed an eService enabling the direct delivery of services relating to the payment of social security and other benefits to the community.

This initiative links the benefits payment office directly with claimants, and has cut down the mass of paper correspondence that used to be received by 75%. It has also drastically shortened the average time it takes from lodging a claim to the payment of benefit money from six to two weeks.

It is supported by a mobile “Benefits Express Bus”, an outreach service staffed by council officers. The bus is linked to their computers via 3G technology.

The Benefits Express Bus both enables face-to-face contact for citizens with complex claims and immediate updating of benefits records. This project has meant that an increase of almost £250,000 in claims for welfare rights has been processed. The issue of benefits take-up has often been slow in the UK, because of lack of access to information and the paucity of communication.

This is an interesting approach, with a mixture of technology and outreach, attempting to deal with inclusion in terms of the public sector.

ContactHalton Borough CouncilPeter McCann+44 - (0)151 - 4717430 [email protected]

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KSI ZUS – Complex Computer System (KSI) for the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) in Poland (Poland)

Through pension reform to an information society

This nationwide project paved the way to the development of an information society by building on the infrastructure for pension reform in Poland. Since January 1999, each of the 20 million people insured has had to have an individual account in order to ensure the automatic collection of information on social security and health insurance contributions are made on their behalf.

There are 2 million employers who are obliged to make monthly contributions for all their employees. This has led to over 260 million settlement documents per year being handled electronically, thanks to the comprehensive and secure information technology based solution which is at the heart of this highly effective system. 13 times more of information than before the reform is now processed.

ZUS, as the first public institution in Poland that has made it possible to submit documents by secure e-mail. Small enterprises may still use traditional hard copy, with advanced technology document scanners being used to digitise and store paper based information. More than 75% of payees file eDocuments via “Payer” software, that is a part of KSI ZUS system. This accounts for 90% of all information submitted to ZUS. The electronic data transmission channel communicates with Open-End Pension Funds (OFEs), financial intermediaries and the National Healthcare Fund (NFZ).

This provides an infrastructure that enables workers in Poland to better plan the savings for their pension before they retire.

This is a model for government modernisation that contributes to the development of the right environment for eServices that benefit all.

ContactSocial Insurance InstitutionAleksandra Wiktorow+48 - (0)22 - 8400222 [email protected]

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g PAP – Public Administration Portal(Czech Republic)

Public Administration Portal of the Czech Republic

This Public Administration Portal has been developed by the Ministry of Informatics in the CzechRepublic and has been in operation since October 2003.

A major back office re-organisation was required in order to enable the new system to communicate between a range of departments, thereby enabling a single portal.

The portal comprises a directory of administrations and information regarding both national and EU legislation. There are also online services which enable transactions between citizens and government, business and government and government and government.

The Guide through the PA’s activities is based on the obligation that all PA bodies have to publish public services (such services as issuing passports and driving licences, submitting pension insurance files etc.) procedures on-line in a structured form. This includes information such as: who can apply/use the service; where and when the service is available; what is the fee; links to relevant legislation; links to electronic forms and services if they are available and who is responsible for the service etc. The application is linked to the other applications on the portal such as the directory, legislation, map services and others.

The portal represents a model for supplying public information in a uniform and a high quality manner and demonstrates good practice in providing the right environment for eGovernment.

ContactMinistry of Informatics

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Jitka Novotná+420 - (0)2 - 21008522 [email protected]

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IRISMAMMO – Telemammography Programme in the Brussels Region (Belgium)

Brussels introduces reliable telemammography programme

The introduction of this breast screening programme for women between the ages of 50 and69 in Brussels and its region provides a service that enables remote breast health checks every two years. IRISMAMMO is the name of the network and accompanying teleradiography service that facilitates these health checks and enables them to be far more efficient and effective.

IRISMAMMO facilitates the transfer, reading and storage of mammograms and improves the service for the general public by integrating the processes of health checking and reporting. It is monitored by a panel of specialist radiologists who check the readings against the x-rays to ensure accurate interpretation of the findings.

By putting forward generic solutions that can be adapted to the transmission of other forms of medical imaging in a Grid-technology compliant environment, this regional service provides many benefits for citizens, the hospitals, and the region: it reduces the period between examination and result, reduces the amount of travelling done by specialised radiologists, and promotes scientific excellence.

It is devised and implemented by a multi-disciplinary team involving doctors, University- based healthcare specialists and IT experts in the Brussels Region. This model can easily be adopted and adapted elsewhere as has been the case with the partnership with Beijing.

In order to support it the Belgian team have devised a high quality programme of eLearning in medical imagery which has recently been funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo Programme and is shortly to be implemented.

ContactBrussels Region Information Center (BRIC)Sorin-Titus Cocea+32 - (0)2 - 282 - 1978 [email protected]

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g FALSTAFF – Fully Automated Logical System Against Forgery and Fraud in the Italian Customs Information System AIDA (Italy)

Online systems to combat counterfeit and fraud

The demand for designer label and luxury goods has led to a rise in counterfeiting and piracy. This problem also affects medicines, children’s games and toys, and even foods.

This groundbreaking project involved the introduction of a system to identify counterfeiting and fraud in the supply chain. Companies wishing to participate only have to supply details of their products (photographs, leaflets, manuals) to allow for easy recognition of authentic products.

A technology package called AIDA is capable of generating reports which outline risk profiles for products from the information supplied by companies. Falstaff also enables trade associations to create interactive multimedia web pages, generating an electronic handbook to which customs officers can refer.

The system is used right across Italy and operates 24 hours a day. It handles information from trading standards bodies, trade associations, companies producing goods and consumer bodies and associations.

It has a particular relevance in the context of transferability, as many other countries can use some of the processes and technologies developed. In addition, there are clear back- office cost benefits and very significant efficiency gains, due to the fact that more fraud is identified and necessary action can be taken.

ContactItalian Customs AgencyTeresa Alvaro+39 - (0)6 - 5024 - 6519 [email protected]

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CLIENT(The Netherlands)

Controls on import and export of agricultural goods

The Dutch government has introduced an online service that simplifies and improves procedures for government and importing businesses and at the same time reduces the administrative burden on businesses. The introduction required the complete overhaul and redesign of the enforcement and monitoring processes at the borders with neighbouring countries for products of animal and vegetable origin.

From April 2003 when the EU Internal Market requirement on cut flowers inspection came into force, the take up of electronic declarations rose to over 90% of the number of shipments, and the average processing time of a declaration was reduced from 24 to 12 hours.

Having harmonised the business processes required to track all agricultural products with those carried out by the Dutch Customs Agency and others, the overall service delivery has been speeded up and made more efficient.

Multiple data collected by a number of different agencies can now be brought together, which has required a major exercise in co-operative and joint working between businesses, government agencies themselves and those engaged in agriculture.

This is a clear example of the Dutch government providing the right environment for all aspects of eGovernment and one from which the rest of Europe can clearly benefit.

ContactMinistry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV)Ir. G. F. C. Heijink+31 - (0)70 - 378 - 4272 [email protected]

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g SEAP – Extended Electronic System forPublic Acquisitions (Romania)

eProcurement for public authorities

The Extended Electronic System for Public Acquisitions has been developed by the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology in Romania. This project has implemented an ICT infrastructure for public institutions to procure goods and services via the web. This relies upon open standards to allow interoperability with similar European systems.

Since 2003, the website and the service itself have undergone change, bringing it into line with the European Public Procurement Directive. It allows for open and closed procedures of many different sorts, mainly reverse auctions and one-time ‘sealed-bid’ offers.

At present the system features some 1,000 public authorities. More than 3,000 companies use the services, and the site receives over 20,000 visitors per month. This has resulted in over €150 million in direct savings, which is a total of 24.5% of the previous running costs of the services.

The system has three major advantages: it renders the public procurement process more efficient and transparent; it simplifies participation in these public procurement processes, and it has been a driver for technological development and increased competition in the public procurement sector.

This service is part of the Romanian government’s plans to lay down the right environment for public administration modernisation and encouraging economic growth in Romania.

ContactGeneral Inspectorate for Communications and Information TechnologyBogdan Furnica+90 - (0)21 - 3032923 [email protected]

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ePS – eProcurement Scotl@nd(United Kingdom)

eProcurement supporting economic development

The eProcurement Scotland Service (ePS) developed by the Scottish Executive (SE) enables the entire Scottish public sector, including central government, local authorities and the National Health Service, to benefit from the cost savings and efficiencies of eProcurement.

ePS is a fully hosted and managed 24x7 eProcurement system which provides a range of additional services including eTendering, eAuctions and transactional purchase to pay solutions.

The service is designed to carry out transactions with any supplier, from SME to multinational supporting Scottish Ministers intention of making Scotland the easiest and best place to do business with the public sector.

The underlying objective of the service is to catalyse large scale change in the conduct of public sector procurement in Scotland. ePS is a business change programme that sits at the heart of the efficient Government agenda, locking procurement practice and process improvements into place through the use of ‘e’ tools, driving forward public sector excellence– encouraging investment, employment and economic activity.

The take up of the system is well ahead of schedule. The target of 50 public sector organisations using ePS by the end of 2005 has already been exceeded. 60 organisations are currently using ePS placing through the service 260,000 orders worth £270 million. Each order placed in this way provides savings in processing time, speed and accuracy and to date has achieved over £50 million of identified cost savings.

ContactThe Scottish ExecutiveIan Burdon

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+44 - (0)131 - 244 - 3493 [email protected]

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g Carta-IN (Italy)

A credit card for eLearning

A Credit Card for eLearning has been developed in the Campania Region of Italy, where unemployment is still much higher than in other parts of Europe, particularly among those aged between 18 and 25.

The research literature has shown that employment prospects increase if the potential candidates have IT skills and can speak a second language. Carta-IN is their passport to acquiring these skills. The candidates receive loans for the purchase of computer equipment and training modules, to be repaid at very favourable interest rates. These enable candidates to access eLearning courses financed with public funds.

The project has benefited from partnerships across the region between a broad range of actors, including the administration, banks, software and hardware suppliers and eLearning providers. A common quality standard has been adopted for delivery of the eLearning package, which includes a certified learning catalogue and a marketplace for eLearning.

This project provides not only a model for stimulating employment, but also one which demonstrates an alternative way of financing learning and skill acquisition, to enable young people to work in the Information Society.

ContactRegione CampaniaMaria Adinolfi+39 - (0)81 - 7966301 [email protected]

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Eastserve(United Kingdom)

Getting the local community online

The involvement of local people was encouraged from the start in the development of this community-focused project which has provided a technological infrastructure based on wireless broadband, personal computers, and basic training in ICT literacy.

In addition it has enabled access to online services and local information as well as low cost wireless broadband internet connecting 1,500 households where there was previously no, or very little, internet access at all.

A portal, specially designed for, and serving the local community has also been developed. This provides access to a range of local services such as online crime reporting and discussion forums.

By developing a great deal of expertise in obtaining user feedback and ensuring citizen participation in community decision making, this project has empowered the local communities it serves.

Eastserve is a multi-agency partnership which will work with the community to develop new models of service delivery. Eastserve shows one way of developing local communities by integrating the online world with the real one.

ContactEastserveAthol Few+44 - (0)161 - 231 - 9580 [email protected]

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TransformationGovernment readiness

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TransformationGovernment readiness

Transformation of the organisation and innovation in the back office

The effective use of ICT in a public administration redesigned by business process reengineering could result in significant improvements in public sector effectiveness, both in customer services and internal matters.

[...E]nsuring that IT supports the business transformation of Government itself so that we can provide better, more efficient public services.

Prime Minister Tony Blair

This theme concerns the transformation and innovation of the back office with eGovernment acting as a catalyst for the transformation in public administrations.

This theme embraces a number of different topics:

The first is strategy , and more precisely the alignment of the administration’s development strategy with its IT strategy. This endorses the concept of a public administration developing and implementing a long term IT strategy which dovetails with the administration’s transformation strategy and supports multiple transformation projects

A second major issue concerns the back-office transformation of the processing systems of the public administration, enabled by IT and underpinned by organisational/legislative changes.

Back-office corporate services refer to employee-centred service transformation. Cases within this theme contribute to the transformation of the public administration’s corporate services, including IT, human resources, financial management and procurement improving efficiency and quality.

Linked to the above, the topic organisational transformation refers to organisational change, for instance the merging/centralisation/expansion/relocation of services, as a major objective and the key IT enabler.

Projects submitted under the title of Government Readiness demonstrate a wide range of examples of good practice in information and knowledge management, such as secure data processing and transmission between administrations and departments (eCabinet, E-LAW, DWP/DoH RTA), change management (EID,, eProcurement), as well as multiple citizen service and training tools (Communit-e, eReadiness).

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TeCabinet Project of the Government of Ireland (Ireland)

eEnabling Irish Government

eCabinet is an Irish Government initiative instigated by the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) and developed by his Department in co-operation with all other Irish Government departments. It modernises and transforms the way the Irish Government (Cabinet) consultation and decision making process operates.

It replaces the former paper based process with a modern secure ICT based process. The project was set up following in depth business analysis and consultations with key stakeholders and consists of a model containing the best elements of the existing system, whilst incorporating new efficiencies and enhanced features made possible by technology. The resulting eCabinet system makes it easier for civil servants to write, process, consult on and submit documentation for Government and deliver a better service.

Specific Objectives are to facilitate new efficiencies through enabling Cabinet documents to be authored in a conventional word processing environment and Cabinet memoranda to be distributed electronically from initial drafting to their submission to Cabinet, as well as to enable Ministers and other high level users to obtain quicker information on finalised memoranda. A dedicated helpdesk collects feedback on an ongoing basis.

This project has had a direct impact on the way civil servants and Government Ministers conduct their business. Since the system came into operation in 2004 over 700 memoranda have been processed and over12,000 transactions have taken place.All government ministries are involved and currently there are 6,000 registered users , 30,000 are expected to participate eventually.

Key benefits are the secure electronic creation, processing, distribution and management of cabinet documentation and the speeding up of the administrative process. All administrations and most organisations face the challenge of how best to gather, process and present important information for their senior management. There are beneficial elements of eCabinet which would be applicable and more generally transferable to any information based organization.


ContactDepartment of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister)Gary Davis+353 - (0)1 - 6194089 [email protected]

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TE-LAW – The Austrian E-LAW Project(Austria)

Electronic support for law-making

The E-LAW Project supports law-making in Parliament through reform of the production of legal texts. It has done this by extending an existing legislative database in the Parliamentary Administration through the addition of workflow management and semi-structured text processing, the Federal Chancellery establishing a new database. The data exchange is based on compatible formats (XML) and independent interfaces, which are supported by detailed procedures for the exchange of data between Parliament and government.

Thus, the E-LAW Project has created one continuous electronic production channel from the beginning of the process to authentic publication on the Internet, within the framework of a user-friendly secure technical and legal environment. It is now only necessary to enter amendments to texts during the legislative stages. The workflow system includes government bills, other kinds of bills, committee reports and legal enactments of the Nationalrat and decisions of the Bundesrat which are readily available, free of charge to everyone.

Implementation of the electronic law-making process is supported by aneLearning programme based on the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) methodology, enabling the MPs and staff members to deal with the system.

This is a unique, cost effective solution adopted at the level of federal legislation and resulting from a public/private partnership. It has increased the proportion of electronic legal enactments from 8% in 2002 to 100% in 2004, with a savings potential of over € 1 million per year (the equivalent of 60 tons of paper ).

ContactAustrian Parliament – ParliamentaryAdministration

Wolfgang Engeljehringer or Günther Schefbeck

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+43 - (0)1 - 40110 - 2719 or 2236 [email protected] [email protected]

Federal Chancellery – IT DepartmentBrigitte Barotanyi+43 - (0)1 - 53115 - 4222 [email protected]

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TThe DWP/DoH RTA Automation Project(United Kingdom)

eTransfer of information saves time and money

A number of government departments are involved in the recovery of costs borne by theNational Health Service in treating victims of road traffic accidents in the United Kingdom.

A public/ private partnership, set up by the Department for Work and Pensions, initiated a project to automate the electronic transfer of data between the two key government departments involved – the Department for Work and Pensions Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) and the Department of Health.

The system follows nationally determined standards, and is designed to be interoperable with other EU systems.

The automated system operates over the Government Secure Intranet (GSI). Data, previously transferred in paper format is now transferred to NHS hospitals in XML schema and displayed on their web servers. Data is then input via a web browser and transferred back to the CRU for automatic update, which takes place overnight. This frees up personnel for other work during the day.

Invoices for the recovery of fees from insurance companies are also processed by the system automatically, further increasing efficiency. This project has reduced the need to exchange 350,000 paper forms, resulting in an annual saving of over € 1.25 million.

ContactCompensation Recovery Unit, Department for Work and PensionsPaul Fazakerley+44 - (0)191 - 2252142 [email protected]

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TEID – Electronic Invoicing in Denmark(Denmark)

Pioneering electronic invoicing

Electronic invoicing became mandatory in Denmark on 1 February, 2005. 15 million transactions that were previously handled in paper are now managed electronically.

The new system has resulted in savings of an estimated € 120-150 million per year. Electronic Invoicing is now compulsory in Denmark, and is supported by a recent law which gave the Minister of Finance the authority to establish a legislative framework for electronic invoicing.

EID was the result of a public/private partnership that made use of successful and established technology. The central infrastructure uses dedicated networks (VANS) and offices called Read-In Bureaus. Documents sent across this network are based on a standard variant7of XML, OIO-XML .

By providing security and convenience for the supplier, this system enables all public sector partners to computerise all internal work processes and systems.

This example of a national government showing readiness for eGovernment also demonstrates how organisational transformation and back office innovation takes place across the public sector.

ContactAgency of Governmental Management

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Thomas Fjeldberg+45 - 33 - 956862 [email protected]

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3 – Public eProcurement in Norway(Norway)

eProcurement – modernising public services

This solution, which has been adopted at central, regional and local level, has its roots in the Norwegian eProcurement initiative approved by the Norwegian Government in 1999. Now firmly embedded in the National eGovernment strategy eNorway 2009, it is a key influencer of the newly presented Norwegian “Strategy and actions for the use of electronic business processes and electronic procurement in the public sector”. has a focus on complete transformation of the public procurement process, moving from an initial focus on electronic ordering to implement support for all activities from notification of tenders via sourcing to electronic invoice handling. It has built upon European specifications and also contributed to international standardisation efforts.

The key innovation of lies in the flexible Internet based service provision concept and the business model for co-operation with a private company as service provider. The concept and business model has made it easier for public sector entities to take eProcurement into use and led to a considerable reduction of cost and risk in implementation projects. The result is easy access to a user friendly and affordable tool for operational eProcurement both for public sector entities and their suppliers.

An essential impact of electronic public procurement is that more time and money are made available for improved public service production. Experiences from Norwegian public sector entities indicate a potential for 20-40% time reductions on handling of orders, goods receipt and invoices, and 2-10% price reductions in operations related procurement expendi- tures. In addition the risk of error is reduced, and the basis for improved control and transparency of the procurement process through electronic traceability is increased.

ContactMinistry of Modernisation – eProcurement SecretariatAndré Hoddevik+47 - 22 - 249667 [email protected]

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eProcurement portal for the Piedmont Region

This portal has been implemented by the Piedmont Region and serves as a platform for the management of IT calls for tender, electronic marketplaces and framework agreements. This website operates as a single access point for eProcurement.

It offers value to both business and public authorities by reducing transaction costs, using simpler and more rapid and transparent procedures and creating a fair marketplace for small and medium enterprises.

The impact generated relates to savings of 37% on the auction base value in 2004, and a similar reduction in 2005 for the eMarketplace and framework agreement areas.

The portal offers access to a range of other functions and services that support the eProcurement process. These include eLearning and Training Services, regulations and laws, interactive fora and discussion pages, a range of community and helpdesk services.

The use of an open standard technological solution enhances the case and increases its potential for transferability . The holistic approach it has adopted, offering as a package ICT, processes, training, information and consultation services, can also be considered as good practice for transfer of knowledge and of value to others wishing to undertake a similar project.

ContactRegione Piemonte-Direzione Organizzazione, Pianificazione, Sviluppo eGestione delle Risorse UmaneSergio Crescimanno+39 - (0)11 - 432 - 1358 [email protected]

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TCommunit-e – Simplification of the Benefits and Medical Recognition Application for Disabled People (Belgium)

eServices for all

Disabled people across Europe are entitled to a number of special benefits to help them cope with the added burden of their disabilities. Like all citizens they are entitled to and expect to receive swift and appropriate treatment of their requests.

Communit-e has developed a web-based tool for processing applications for benefits for the disabled by local authorities in Belgium. This can be done securely online, which eliminates the need for paper-based procedures altogether. Once the request arrives in the administration, it is integrated into the back office system, which then automatically checks eligibility against a number of specially selected parameters. The final product is an individualised form to be completed by the disabled person and his or her doctor.

The simplification of this process and the setting up of this new accessible and flexible system now means that benefits to which the disabled are entitled are much easier to apply for. The advantage to the customer is immediate because the processing of a demand for a benefit now takes a few seconds, rather than the 3-4 weeks it used to take.

For the municipality and the citizen, it has meant the delivery of a faster, more effective and better quality service whilst saving the cost of posting about 13,000 letters each month.

A continuous client satisfaction survey ensures continued quality and updating. A flexible technical architecture will allow for new services associated with the needs of the disabled to be added at any time. This is an example of local government co-operating with central government to ensure high quality eService delivery.

ContactDisabled Persons Directorate-General of the Federal Public Department(Service Public Fédéral)Tom Auwers+32 - (0)2 - 5286306 [email protected]

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TeReadiness of Polish Customs – Building up eGovernment Readiness of Polish Customs (Poland)

Electronic customs system leads Polish modernisation

A total reorganisation of the Polish Customs was required for accession to the EU, and was an important part of the National eGovernment strategy. From the outset, this reorganisation was used as an opportunity to move further in developing new and innovative systems for the Polish Customs and was dovetailed with the EU wide eCustoms strategy.

Rolled out as the country wide implementation of the Integrated Customs Duty and Tax System (ICDTS), based on XML and web services, this is an example of how to successfully implement open standardsfor business. Today the ICDTS supports all customs procedures and documents in export, import and transit. It also supports financial processes such as collection, clearing and recovery of dues as well as budgeting and accounting.

The ICDTS has increased transparency, security and safety in the transaction of customs business, as well as introduced standardisation in the context of an interoperable environment, whilst reducing costs. This logically integrated system stimulates advanced use of customs intelligence and risk analysis applications.

The reorganisation and the introduction of electronic systems has facilitated trade as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the public administration in Poland.

This is a useful case of front and back office reorganisation and transformation, which shows how the Customs Service can be used as an example for other areas of the public sector.

ContactMinistry of Finance, Customs Policy DepartmentAnna Dubielak+48 - (0)22 - 6945005 [email protected]

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Businessesand Citizens

Service use


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Businesses and CitizensService use

Transformation and innovation in external facing services, putting citizens and businesses at the centre, driving use and participation

A user-centred approach contributes to reductions in the administrative burden on business especially on SMEs and citizens and improves quality of life, fostering trust in government and democracy.

This conference is focused on the sharp end of ‘Citizen-Centred’ government. By that we don’t just mean convenient and easy to use web services. We also

mean the joining up and transformation of services to deliver tangible benefits for individual citizens, businesses and wider society.

Ian Watmore, Head of the UK Cabinet Office eGovernment Unit

This theme addresses the transformation and innovation of the eGovernment services obtained by putting citizens and businesses at the centre, delivering real benefits for end-users, achieving high take-up and customer satisfaction.

It also explores policies and good practice relating to service innovation, to delivering public value while at the same time achieving efficiency savings.Sharing/cross-cutting service describes a multi-channel delivery to enable interaction with services and information across and between public administrations, with end users benefiting from this shared implementation.

There are also intermediated services where transactions are processed electronically between the intermediary and the public administration. This model shows how additional benefits, such as greater inclusion through intermediation, can be achieved.

These services make a real difference to citizens’ lives, resulting in positive feedback. They deliver clear benefits to citizens and to businesses of all sizes reducing red tape and costs in dealing with government.

The cases listed below illustrate the variety of applications within this theme:eGovernment portals for citizens (HamburgGateway), eGovernment portals for business (VIRK), local city interfaces (Athena Network, IRIS BCN), multi service delivery mechanisms (SISRCR, TASTSELV.DK, eVERA, CWO, Mijn IB-Groep), fiscal management (Kadaster-on-line, OVC), national and local eDemocracy (SPES, GIVA, RIES), community service delivery and inclusion (COT, e@SYConnects TV, LCOL, Mobhaile) and information distribution (COURTPUB, EZB).

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The digital gate to the city

As both a city and a state, Hamburg has the need for a very broad service offering in order to satisfy both citizens and business requirements.

To meet all user needs, a single point of access, with multiple level authentication ensuring privacy and security for the customer as well as for the city’s IT infrastructure, has been created which brings together all legacy applications online and puts the citizen firmly at the centre.

The HamburgGateway is then the single key infrastructure for all departments of the city and state of Hamburg to make existing and new government services available on the Internet.

This forms an integral part of Hamburg’s multi-access strategy, infrastructure policy and eGovernment strategy, bringing the benefits of faster, more efficient, secure and cost ef fective services 24/7.

Furthermore, the City of Hamburg is more than willing to share its ideas and experiences in creating the Hamburg Gateway and the software with any other city or region who may want to know about them.

ContactMinistry of FinanceDr. Ursula Dankert+49 - (0)40 - 42823 - 1725 [email protected]

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Businesses and

VIRK – The Danish Internet Portal for theDanish Commerce Sector(Denmark)

The business centered portal is an internet portal developed as part of the Danish National IT strategy, which delivers 599 fully digital solutions to companies and Public Administrations validated by one single electronic signature.

With one single access point to the services offered by the public authorities regulating the business, Danish companies can report data and retrieve business relevant information from more than 50 authorities and 2300 public and private websites. This makes the direct reporting of events such as employee sickness both easy and immediate, thus saving both time and effort. has benefited from being a public-private partnershipbetween the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency and the company VirkA/S. The solution includes a sophisticated XML- structure, guided workflows, digital signatures and customised information. Thus the application serves as leverage for shared standards, digital signature and XML among others.

With more than 120,000 unique users a month and 600,000 hits a week the website is a well received portal. Operational since September, 2003, Virk of fers solutions to a number of well-known problems: a single access point used by different stakeholders has meant less confusion and re-inventing the wheel. The support given to Danish businesses and therefore the economy through enhanced administrative transactions means that more time is created in which to focus on production and growth.

ContactDanish Commerce and Companies AgencyKatrine Ring Andreassen+45 - 33 - 307736 [email protected]

Pelle Øby Andersen+45 - 33 - 307663 [email protected]

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Athena Network(Greece)

eMunicipality for the people of Athens

The city of Athens has brought the administration nearer to the people it serves by implementing an electronic call centre, which can be accessed by the telephone through a memorable three figure number (195), the Internet and face to face at one of the 7 supporting citizen service centres (CSC’s).

Administrative processes have been streamlined through this multi-channel system, which provides services for the people of Athens as well as information on a range of topics and areas of interest, including sport and culture, immigration, police and security, passports and identity cards, elections and transport. In addition, the system manages a range of municipal activities such as voluntary work and health and welfare activities. Athena supported the Olympic Games held in Athens in 2004.

A comprehensive staff retraining programme has been undertaken to encourage municipal personnel to “work smart”. New opening hours have been adopted, which make it easier for citizens and businesses to conduct business until late evening in most cases and 24 hours a day through the Internet.

User feedback has been very positive and in 2004: 175,221 applications were recorded for264 different procedures. In addition a total of 249,269 citizens visited the original seven customer service centres. The eighth service centre, whose business is confined to issues concerning immigration, was visited by 415,265 people . In the same period the Citizen’s helpline received 146,742 calls. Between December 2003 to October 2005, theAthena Network dealt with 751,350 citizen requests.

Athena Network is a good example of back and front office reorganisation that has provided a range of easily accessible, enhanced services which have enabled citizens and businesses to provide feedback and contribute to policy-making through a new feedback mechanism which invites comments, questions and suggestions on how to improve services.

ContactMunicipality of AthensDimitris Zafiriadis+30 - (0)210 - 3722030 [email protected]

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Businesses and

IRIS BCN – Promoting Civic Attitudes in Barcelona through a Customer Service Request Platform (Spain)

The City Council at a click!

Other cities across Europe could follow a lead that makes local democracy and citizen participation a key pillar of one city’s service provision.

By providing over 20 different access channels to public access forums; including face-to- face contact, telephone (mobile and fixed), and a Internet-based interface, the municipality of Barcelona enables its 1.5 million citizens to make direct contact with key officers and decision makers. Complaints and requests for information and services therefore go straight to the engine of the local government for immediate action.

This initiative means that citizens are now an integral part of the local decision-making process, empowering them and enabling them to play an important role in the democratic process.

Citizens can also easily access some 1,600 services, such as requesting the collection of large objects from their homes or reporting graffiti and other local nuisances. The 350,000 requests to the City Council via any of the many access channels available each year are dealt with by 250 operators and a further 500 support workers who process requests, complaints and claims.

Iris also enables the city leaders to monitor issues that are causing major disquiet to residents, identify trends in demand for improved services, compile a list of the top ten citizen’s suggestions and publicise them, ensuring that citizens know that their voice and concerns are listened to and do indeed matter.

Iris is not only able to keep a finger on the pulse of the city by acting as a sensor for public opinion, but it also monitors the issues and problems which are experienced by citizens in the course of daily life, and offers solutions.

ContactAjuntament de BarcelonaJose Ramon Rodriguez+34 - (0)93 - 2918486 [email protected]

Maxim Lopez+34 - (0)93 - 2918423 [email protected]

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SISRCR – Regional Integrated Health Service for the Continuity of Medical Treatment(Italy)

eHealth service for an Italian region

An integrated system for the Health Agency and the Health Service Authorities of the region Friuli-Venezia Giulia, SISRCR has been financed by the regional administration as part of the regional eGovernment plan involving the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (central government) and the structural funds.

SISRCR supports the continuity of care by enabling links and clinical data exchange between all health service providers in the region. Access to health services are improved for patients, clinicians and other healthcare professionals through simplified access procedures using smart cards and by implementing a regional call-centre.

Using this system care providers can access patient’s medical records and find a comprehensive history of treatment as well as biochemistry, pathology and other investigation results which have been put in the system by the various departments that carry these out.

There is now less chance of clinical error due to mistakes in manual reporting and there is more time for other patient orientated tasks. Surveys carried out on a regular basis have shown high user satisfaction by GP’s and patients.

Usage numbers are increasing all the time and show that the call centre receives more than10,000 calls per week. 150 GPs are connected which saves patients valuable time making appointments as well making time savings for the GP through a reduction in administrative tasks.

ContactAgenzia Regionale della SanitàCarlo Francescutti+39 - (0)432 - 549111

+39 - (0)335 - [email protected]

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Gianni Maglione+39 - (0)432 - 549111+39 - (0)335 - [email protected]

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Businesses and

TASTSELV.DK – The Automated TaxAdministration (Denmark)

Tax paying made easy for the citizens of Denmark

All 4.5 million taxpayers in Denmark no longer have to complete complicated forms by hand and then wait hours in a queue in order to make their tax payments.

The Government of Denmark has developed a fully automated tax process that they have called their” “No touch Strategy”. This involves the direct electronic reporting of the 97% of citizen’s tax related data collected by employers, banks and mortgage institutions, trade unions and the social benefits service directly to the Central Customs and Tax Administration.

Citizens can view their tax details at any time using a secure internet access and can make corrections either directly online or by the telephone. No paper records have to be kept, because their full tax history is always available online.

This has made the tax service more efficient from the point of view of both the clients and the tax office. There have also been savings in cost and time. Approval for the system has been given by citizens using the service, with their reactions to it being constantly monitored via an interactive user feedback feature which is a core component of the system.


ContactSkat (Central Customs and Tax Authority)

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Keld Borup+45 - 72 - 373998 [email protected]

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eVERA – Online Vehicle Licence Renewal(Malta)

Linking road licences, fines and car insurance

eVERA is a web application developed for the Malta Transport Authority which provides citizens with the facility to renew their vehicle road licences online, pay outstanding fines, upgrade their licences and check the date of their next Vehicle Roadworthiness Test, from any Internet access point.

Insurance agencies and brokers also have the facility to update theTransportAuthority databasewith insurance policy details and to renew and issue a road licence.

Putting the licence renewals online has reduced transport office queues, whilst at the same time producing a useful integrated system for other agencies involved in the licence renewal process.

Since vehicle licences cannot be issued until traffic fines are settled, the project started by connecting all traffic wardens to the database. The wardens use a special hand-held device to send updated data on each fine to the database. Thanks to this project, a higher level of enforcement and compliance has been obtained.

It is anticipated that other services will be added to the system, including the reception of renewal notifications via SMS and the possibility for car importers to upload new vehicle details prior to registration.

To date 10% of all licences are renewed through the system. 90% of all insurers are connected to the system and queuing time at the Department has been decreased substantially.

ContactMinistry for Investment, Industry & Information TechnologyJoe Schembri

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+356 - (0)21 - 226808 [email protected]

Michael Gonzi+356 - (0)21 - 226808 [email protected]

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Businesses and

CWO – Careers Wales Online(United Kingdom)

Lifelong career planning for the people of Wales

CWO is a website established by Careers Wales, funded by the W elsh Assembly Government, in order to support young people through their lifelong career planning. It also supports adults returning to learning or training. The programme seeks to encourage the participation of all young people, as well as adult returnees to the learning, training and employment market in order to give them the best chance of achieving their careers goals.

The bi-lingual (Welsh and English) system distinguishes between different user groups according to age and professional status (e.g. ‘employer’). Therefore, supporting a sixteen-year-old looking for information on potential courses of study and training and job opportunities, as well as supporting a 55-year-old who needs to polish up his CV and obtain information about courses.

The site also helps users to understand and record their learning/working style, interests, skills, personal qualities and achievements through the use of interactive games and exercises. Users can save the outcomes of these activities in their e-Progress File ‘e-portfolio’, a product that allows the users to build up, over time, a self assessment profile. Information contained in the e-portfolio can be used to build CVs, application letters and action plans, and can be used to make decisions and provide evidence of achievements.

Careers Wales Online ( was launched in November 2004 and technically is a stand alone website, based on standard commercial products. Since its launch the site has already exceeded the target of 80,000 registered users set for March 2006. The site has also recorded more than 17 million page views since launch.

ContactCareers Wales AssociationPaul Messer+44 - (0)2920 - 854880 [email protected]

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Mijn IB-Groep – Portal for Study Loans and Grants (The Netherlands)

Student loans and grants online

An internet portal for students, Mijn IB-Groep enables them to find out how much student loan or grant they will receive each month, what repayments they have to make, and to check that their bank and other details are up to date and accurate.

The customer-driven service is secure and easily accessible at any time and from any place, as long as the user has internet access and a mobile phone. The service mainly targets 18-24 year olds and to facilitate the adoption of the system by these clients, one of the log-in access codes is delivered by SMS (text message). This has been a particularly successful feature and has been chosen to be one of the national standards for eGovernment.

Currently 250,000 students have registered. This represents one third of the entire target group. Each month the service is used almost 70,000 times and in addition more then 10,000 new users register.

Customers are very much in control of their personal information held on the system. Most data can be amended by the students themselves which also allows them to update vital records such as contact, education and bank details.

The introduction of this system has saved over €2.4 million expenditure yearly; apart from other cost savings the job of loan and grant processing can now be done with 15% fewer employees.

Contactib-groepJan Kouijzer+31 - (0)50 - 5998392 [email protected] [email protected]

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Businesses and

Kadaster-on-line(The Netherlands)

Online access to land registry products

This system compiles data about registered properties and makes it available to business clients and citizens through public registers and cadastral maps.

It increases the accessibility of land registry information and helps meet the prime objective of the Dutch government to have 65% of public services online by 2007. The Kadaster online service is an Internet ready version of the standalone network that has been operational since1996.

The service, which is used by 6000 registered clients enables 45,000 users to access up- to-date land registry information. This service provides high quality detailed images of properties and other cadastral data. It satisfies the needs of a broad cross-section of clients including notaries, estate agents, municipalities, banks and construction companies, who can access information far more quickly and cheaply than before the introduction of the online Kadaster tool, over 60,000 products are provided each day.

One of the objectives of Kadaster-on-line was to continue developing it in order to meet client wishes as much as possible. The most important extensions are Online products for citizens, the use of automated data traffic, which enables clients to incorporate land registry information into their own applications automatically, and EULIS – which is a project involving several countries cooperating to make land registry information accessible on a pan-European level. EULIS will be operational at the end of 2005.

The system enables users to submit feedback, which has shown that client satisfaction has increased with the introduction of the online version of the Kadaster. It enables the delivery of much needed services while focusing on citizens and businesses in a European environment.

ContactKadasterGertie Dullens+31 - (0)55 - 5285217 [email protected]

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OVC – Virtual Office of Cadastre(Spain)

Online access to cadastral information

OVC has been developed by the Spanish national government to enable all citizens, businesses and civil servants to have electronic access to information about property occupancy and availability directly from their homes, places of work or other internet access points whenever they need this service.

The cadastral database which is compliant with the provisions of Directive 2003/98/EC of 17November 2003, includes information about physical characteristics of buildings, what they are made of, for what they are used, how much they are worth and details of ownership. Overall it contains information on 31 million urban land parcels, 42 million rural land parcels and 21 million land owners as well as map locations for around 90% of the land parcels on the system. Access to all the information is free of charge. Recently the service has been improved by the addition of a new web map server.

OVC also delivers a number of services relating to property matters. It provides tools that allow the interchange of information, in a secure way, between Cadastre and administrations as well as the institutions that collaborate in its updating.

Currently there are almost 27,000 registered users who make over 24,000 requests of the service, and this is growing at a rate of 100 per day. The public part of the OVC receives more than 300,000 requests for information a day.

ContactGeneral Directorate of CadastreFernando Serrano+34 - (0)91 - 5836880 [email protected]

Roberto Fernandez+34 - (0)91 - 5836695 [email protected]

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SPES – Scottish Parliament ePetitionerSystem (United Kingdom)

eParticipation increased for Scottish citizens

Launched in February 2004, the Scottish Parliament’s ePetitioner system provides citizens with an electronic forum to voice concerns through the formal processes of parliament.

Any citizen can raise and sign an ePetition, or add comments to an online discussion if they wish to. Citizens can, if they prefer, submit paper petitions, as the ePetitioning system is seamlessly integrated with procedures for handling paper petitions.

ePetitioner not only supports citizens’ access to and participation in the democratic process. It has also put in place a continuously updated website to highlight issues through channels that are convenient for citizens. At the same time, it allows them to review the progress of their petitions electronically, through the various st ages of decision making.

This project enables citizens to actively participate in the democratic process, thereby encouraging civic engagement and citizen empowerment. Since its launch, 63 ePetitions have been posted on the Parliament’s website using the system, attracting over 21,000 signatures and over 700 discussion comments.

This project is both nationally and internationally recognised as an example of good practice in enhancing citizen eParticipation and local eDemocracy . It shows that new types of services can be provided by government which help facilitate the democratic process.

ContactScottish ParliamentDr. James Johnston

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+44 - (0)131 - 3485186 [email protected]

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GIVA – The Geneva Internet VotingApplication (Switzerland)

Swiss citizens vote online

Following ten years of successful postal voting, the State of Geneva in Switzerland has introduced an online voting system for citizens. This was developed particularly to reach those who traditionally did not vote and to encourage young people to use their voting rights.

The extended online voting pilot was gradually introduced in 14 municipalities, for fully secure online referenda at municipal, cantonal and federal levels. Access to the Internet was all that was necessary to be able to participate.

In order to keep pace with technical evolution, the application is suited to a number of browsers operating under different operating systems.

The feedback from users of the system has shown that they are very pleased with its performance. On average 20%-25% of votes were cast online, and once voters had experienced the system they did not want to use any other.

Citizens in other parts of Switzerland are keen to adopt the system and this is evidenced by the number of enquiries from citizens who are not yet voters online who want to participate.

ContactState of Geneva

Michel Chevallier

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+41 - (0)22 - 327 - 2049 [email protected]

Michel Warynski+41 - (0)22 - 327 - 2432 [email protected]

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RIES – Rijnland Internet Election System: Fully Transparent Election System(The Netherlands)

Online voting for Water Board representatives

Many government and quasi independent public bodies and institutions have Boards whose membership is elected from among their client base. This enhances the transparency and democratic structure of the organisation.

Two Dutch Water Boards have introduced secure online voting for citizen representatives at a cost of €400,000, considerably less than it cost before to organise voting in the traditional way. The technology is based on published and validated design principles and available to all. Its introduction has led to an overall cost reduction of €85,000. Some 2 million eligible voters have been able to cast their votes, 120,000 of whom in the first year voted online and280,000 by regular mail. When in 2008 all the Dutch Water Boards will introduce online voting with RIES the overall cost reduction – with 12 million eligible voters – is expected to be some€750,000

To participate all that is needed by the voter is a personal computer with access to the Internet. No special hardware or software packages are necessary, nor is any change or adjustment to the home PC. The system is so flexible that other voting channels can be used alongside the online system, such as postal voting, voting by GSM and voting via a ballot box, all without having to register separately for each channel. All voters are able to check to ensure that their vote has actually been cast and counted in the tally. 70% of voters stated that they found this function very important.

All who are registered on the system can access it to vote from any location in the world, and the fact that it is so simple to use means that it encourages all social groups to participate; thus having a large impact on ensuring equality of access.

ContactHoogheemraadschap van RijnlandSimon Bouwman

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+31 - (0)71 - 3063357 [email protected]

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COT – Meath County Council – CommunitiesOnline Together Initiative (Ireland)

eGovernment at grass roots level

An innovative project that aims to reach communities through the provision of ICT-assisted facilities, intended to improve existing, traditional, communication channels for community and voluntary groups.

COT provides and supports online website presence facilities for some 750 community and voluntary groups in County Meath. This support is provided in the form of both a domain name and hosting services. Training in managing and maintaining websites is also provided for the participating groups, free of charge.

Website templates are distributed free of charge to the community and voluntary groups, based on an open source content management system called Mambo.

This project contributes to the objectives of “New Connections”, the Irish Government’s strategy to realise the potential of the Information Society.

This project is one of the first projects to involve local communities and support them in providing vital services to the people they serve.

ContactMeath County CouncilMichelle Galvin+353 - (0)46 - 9097318 [email protected]

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e@SY Connects TV – e@SY Connects DigitalInteractive Television Service(United Kingdom)

Communities connect

e@SY is a regional partnership of public service providers, which includes local authorities, health authorities, emergency services, transport executive, the Regional Development Agency and organisations from the voluntary sector who seek “Service Transformation for all”. It features an innovative means of access via DiTV.

e@SY provides a common entry point for citizens, and businesses, to access information and interactive services provided by South Yorkshire public sector service providers. This for the service providers gives them access to a uniform platform from which they can provide their services directly into 1.5 million homes.

A wide range of services are available such as a Jobs Hotline which has seen a ten fold increase in use since the start of the project, and a doctor’s appointment booking service which has shown a 44% increase in eBookings.

Although aimed at all citizens, e@SY particularly addresses the issue of the digital divide resulting from the fact that many poorer families do not have personal computers and connections to the internet. The same can also apply to businesses, especially in relation to micro businesses.

The e@SY Connects TV service is the first true public sector DiTV interactive service and is delivered using a national platform known as the Starter Kit which simultaneously delivers the same information and interactive services to 3 proprietary Digital TV platforms. Interactive services are enabled by the use of a return path routed over the cable or telephone networks. It has been designed to present an easy and simple user-friendly service to allow those without computers access 24/7 information and services using Digital TV.

The DiTV development had a cost of €367,000, €50,000 for each of the original 5 micro sites which carry it. An innovative partnership with Central Government resulted in the brokering of a deal with the satellite and cable providers for a ‘cluster licence’ at a fraction of the original cost (€88,000), making this an excellent example of good practice and partnership working, as well as a model for social inclusion.

Contacte@SY Connects

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Gary Simpson+44 – (0)1709 – 591214 [email protected]

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LCOL – Leicestershire CareOnLine(United Kingdom)

eGovernment promotes eInclusion

Addressing a need of communities right across Europe, this is an eGovernment initiative with a clear focus on the people of cities, towns and villages in the UK east midlands region.

Tackling issues around the digital inclusion of some of the ‘hardest to reach’ groups such as older people, disabled people and their carers, CareOnLine is an active partnership between local government, health and voluntary organisations providing information, training and support for adults of all ages. So far 2500 people have had the chance to experience internet access.

LCOL offers information, training and support in their own homes to help isolated and vulnerable older and disabled people and their carers to use and benefit from technology. Users range in age from 20 to over 90.

Independent evaluation by Loughborough University has reported that this initiative helps reduce social isolation and feelings of exclusion. Learning and working together is a positive outcome of the project. 76% of users said the experience has had a positive effect on their daily lives and 69% said that they would not have connected to the Internet without the project. The website usage has increased more than fourfold from under 2000 visits per month in 2002 to over 9000 visits per month in 2005.

Since the start of this project LCOL has provided computer equipment and Internet access for100 isolated individuals, 12 social services day centres and residential homes, 25 housing schemes across the County, 3 public service shops, 2 libraries and 1 hospital as well as 6 voluntary organisation centres. It has installed a total of 150 computers, and a lot of special access equipment such as 25 “touch screen” computers for people who cannot use a mouse or a keyboard and trained 300 people in basic IT in their own homes.

ContactLeicestershire County Council

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Ian Retson+44 - (0)116 - 265 - 7352 iret [email protected]

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Mobhaile – Extending the Use of Information and Communication Technologies(Ireland)

eCommunities promote inclusion

Mobhaile is an interactive service developed by the Irish Local Government Computer Services Board to aid social inclusion by extending access to Information and CommunicationTechnologies to local communities.

Mobhaile has taken full advantage of the Irish LocalAuthorities migration to a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) through the development of a community technology package which comprises component technology to allow communities to create their own websites, and the communication potential to provide each citizen with e-mail, blog and community information.

The provision of this low-cost facility has enabled community and voluntary groups, schools and small businesses to exploit ICTs and establish online communities. It facilitates the creation of locally sourced content giving local people the chance to engage with issues and activities of interest to them. The success of the project lies in the common approach to roll out, the building of extended communications networks in communities and the maximisation of the broadband infrastructure.

In order to monitor the progress of the project an eChampion network has been set up which allows and brings together feedback from community groups participating in the scheme. To date over 300 (70%) community groups, schools and SME’s have used the service to create an online presence. A further 200 are currently in training. The Mobhaile for Schools template has been launched and by the time the local authority portal is fully implemented in2006, full roll-out will have taken place.

ContactLocal Government Computer Services BoardTim Willoughby +353 - (0)1 - 6457000 [email protected]

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Sadhbh McCarthy+353 - (0)1 - 6457000 [email protected]

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COURTPUB – Electronic Notice Board of the Courts – Publication with Legally Binding Force and Services for Citizens on the Internet (Austria)Increasing the efficiency of justice in Austria

Citizens and businesses can query the status of bankruptcy proceedings interactively from all courts in Austria. All decisions are published in legally binding electronic document form and these are easily obtainable using very simple and straightforward search systems, making this a very user friendly application that can be accessed by all.

This has meant savings of 95% in publication costs. Typically in a bankruptcy case the costs for traditional newspaper advertisements totals on average €1090 per case. This new system cuts this cost to €58, which means savings for all those involved.

More accessible information about auctions of bankrupt goods has meant that a larger number of buyers can be reached and attracted to the sales, which has led to increased revenue coming from auctions. Fewer telephone enquiries now have to be dealt with by court personnel and overall there is a reduction in the need for clerical support.

Another benefit has been the simplification of court processes where decisions are now electronically transferred for publication, when a notice to the public is required. More than a million queries a month are now dealt with by this electronic system and there are several thousand regular users from banks and other private and public bodies, where insolvency cases are monitored on a regular basis.

This is a highly innovative service, which has revolutionised the processing of court decisions and the impact of their outcomes in Austria.

ContactAustrian Federal Ministry of JusticeDr. Martin Schneider+43 - (0)1 - 52152 - 2176 [email protected]

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EZB – Electronic Journals Library(Germany)

European online library of journals

The University of Regensburg is responsible for the development of a database containing journals that are available for online consultation.

With more than 24,000 titles the EZB ( has established itself as the most extensive database worldwide for academic electronic journals. It is regularly used by328 universities, their students and other academic institutions. It is also available via theInternet to all citizens and therefore can be used by anyone who wishes to do so.

In 2004, 10.7 million accesses to EZB titles were recorded and the figure continued to grow with its recent integration into the interdisciplinary academic portal ( as well as into other digital libraries and literature databases, through which its store of texts has been greatly enhanced. Between October 2004 and April 2005 this new service has already been used 280,000 times.

EZB has also benefited from working co-operatively with other digital libraries and this has led to the delivery of the service in a further 328 libraries across Europe as well as the Library of Congress in America.

ContactUniversity Library of RegensburgDr. Evelinde Hutzler

+49 - (0)941 - 943 - 4411 [email protected]

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Gerald Schupfner+49 - (0)941 - 943 - 3935 [email protected]

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Measuring the impact on and benefits to government, businesses and citizens

The delivery of clear and measured benefits to government, businesses and citizens is the core of this theme, where good practices in achieving impact and measuring eGovernment benefits have been explored. Although each of the first three themes must have demonstrable outcomes within their thematic group, this fourth theme focuses explicitly on the analysis and measurement of impact.

There is no reason to reinvent the wheel just because we are dealing with an eProject. The main issue is to know what we actually want to achieve, and that

the demands, costs, impacts and benefits are clearly identified, defined, monitored and evaluated.

Ref.: eGovernment in Europe: The State of Affairs,report presented at the eGovernment 2003 Conference, Lago di Como

Cases selected illustrate how by setting indicative objectives/indicators/targets, by the definition of quantitative and qualitative approaches, the analysis of major benefits either to users or the public administration, as well as social and economic impact can be assessed by common measurement frameworks. Social and economic impact can also be measured by user feedback.

The three key aspects of this theme are the external facing impact, where the major benefits to users that are coming from the government business transformation can be estimated and measured.

The second aspect is the internal impact on the public administration caused by the business transformation, resulting from an increased effectiveness and efficiency in the public administration’s processes.

Benefits realisation and performance measurement, the third aspect, refers to achieved excellence both in the business case transformation and in the delivery of services to the end users that lead to cost savings and benefits for the public.

These thematic focal points are highlighted in cases concerning efficiency, value-added, cost and time savings. Ael and ROS deliver Government services to citizens and business. The projects Fed-e-View and eGAMES, among the cases selected, provide examples of government assessment, measuring and evaluation systems, whereas “Implementing Benefits Realisation and Performance Management in the Public Sector” and TRAMER focus on the benefits realisation aspects.

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cAeL – An Integrated Solution for Content Management and Computer Assisted Training (Romania)

eLearning for all

AeL is an integrated learning and content management system which supports all those involved in the education process.

1,510 information technology laboratories have been set up in Romanian schools. 700,000 pupils and 62,000 teachers have access to the AeL learning plat form. AeL offers support for teaching and learning, evaluation and grading, content management, process management and monitoring, curriculum design and administration.

It is the backbone of the IT Based Educational System in Romania (SEI), which itself conforms to the EU’s eEurope++/eLearning strategy.

This project has the potential to improve the employment prospects for young people in Romania by introducing them to up-to-date information technology packages and supporting the development of computer literacy related skills. Teachers have also acquired computer literacy skills from its lifelong training programme.

SEI is aiming to provide all schools in Romania with a holistic solution for dealing with information technology in schools, through special projects designed both for administrative and educational purposes.

ContactMinistry of Education and ResearchPaloma Cecilia Petrescu+40 - (0)21 - 3143665 [email protected]

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ROS – Revenue Online Service(Ireland)

Making things easier for Irish business

ROS is an internationally recognised internet based facility which provides the 500,000 Irish businesses and their tax advisors with a free, secure, confidential and easy to use facility to conduct revenue related transactions 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

At the touch of a button ROS customers can access the latest information on their tax accounts, file returns and make payments for more than 20 different taxes and duties.

ROS has developed over the years on a phased basis using the maxim “Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast”. As a result, following a review in 2003 and upgrading of the original technical architecture, additional functionality has been added to better meet the needs and demands of the increasing number of customers. This modular approach has ensured that the service can always be improved and further developed.

In 2004 alone, over 1.1 million returns were filed on ROS with € 8.3 billion in payments. In addition 53% (157,218) of timely filed income tax returns and 79% of all new vehicle registrations were filed on ROS during the year. There were 2.1 million enquiries to the ROS customer information service in the same period.

The savings as a result of ROS have been considerable for both Revenue and our customers. The replacement of paper return forms by electronic methods has meant substantial savings on printing and postage. As ROS is a fully automated back-end integrated service staff resources have been moved from routine processing work to more rewarding and productive compliance and investigative work. Automated payment systems mean earlier bank payments for Revenue and speedier repayments for customers. Providing online access to Customer Information substantially reduces customer contacts for Revenue and saves time and money on phone calls and correspondence for customers.

ContactROS, Revenue Commissioners, IrelandSean Cosgrove+353 - (0)1 - 2771101 [email protected]

Conor Hegarty+353 - (0)1 - 2771164 [email protected]

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ceGAMES – eGovernment Assessment, Measuring and Evaluation System (Hungary)

Citizens comment on eGovernment development

User feedback is sought in this project which seeks to measure the performance of eGovernment. eGames is a virtual forum where registered users of this system can personally present comments and views to representatives of eGovernment services.

Members of the forum, over 87,000, are registered users, can assign scores to comments made by one another and to the contributions of the representatives of the eGovernment sector, and they can also create new topics for consultation.

Comments were made on 517 topics in 2004 and by mid-2005 a total of 178 themes had been discussed. Over half the participants actively assign scores when they are participating, and 70% contribute comments.

Expected benefits include enhanced democratic participation and a thorough discussion of any future plans and policy changes prior to the decision makers taking any final actions.

eGames also enables sociological analyses to assess the groups that are developing in the virtual space, through an analysis of the comments and other interactions that are recorded in the discussion fora.

ContactElectronic Government Centre of the Prime Minister’s OfficeZsolt Fábos+36 - (0)1 - 411 - 2578 [email protected]

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Fed-e-View – Tool for Measuring the Degree of eGovernment Development of Federal Administrations and Agencies (Belgium)

eGovernment back-office indicators

Fed-e-View provides a tool for giving a snapshot of the back office development and the use of eGovernment components within the federal Belgian administration. This refers mainly to eGovernment infrastructure, such as network, middleware and portals allowing exchange of information between departments, electronic identity cards and user management and ePayment modules and web services The services offered on websites – i.e. the “front office” are not evaluated neither is ICT performance.

This helps the Minister for e-government to plan ICT and eGovernment development in all federal departments (about 50 ministries and agencies) according to the global eGovernment strategy. The project uses a balanced scorecard approach which covers aspects relating to strategic, financial, organisational, people and technological perspectives (120 indicators, aggregated into 21 global indicators).

It provides an overview of the extent of computerisation within the federal administration, and particularly in the back office , and was a 5 month project involving 46 ICT departments and ICT managers. The cost of the project was about €50,000 .

This exercise is essential for defining a suitable strategy for future eGovernment developments and it helps to inform investment decisions. By providing a full picture of the progress in eGovernment implementation, it enables the Belgian federal government to reuse tried and tested methodology, infrastructure and applications, which also introduces economies of scale and enables interaction and integration between departments

The transferability of this project is twofold: the methodology is reusable, particularly in the back offices of government departments. Furthermore, the results of the measurements can be disseminated to allow comparison.

ContactStrategic cell of the Minister for eGovernmentChristine Mahieu+32 - (0)2 - 212 9216 [email protected]

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cImplementing Benefits Realisation and Performance Management in the Public Sector (United Kingdom)

Smart successful Scotland

Scottish Enterprise (SE), which is responsible for supporting business growth in Scotland, has implemented an ICT-based customer relationship management system (CRM) designed to meet both the Scottish Executive and UK Government’s objectives associated with economic development and eGovernment.

This system links up offices and representations from SE across the globe, using a CRM to effectively link customers and clients who have business investments with Scotland. It provides a coded electronic catalogue containing individual products and services available and provides the facility to track expenditure. Now 1800 users across 98 offices in 19 international locations from Beijing to Boston, and Sydney to Scotland are using this common system, which replaced 38 older legacy systems.

Government savings, thanks to this system, have reached approximately €9 million. It has also meant a 60% increase in face to face contact with customers. This has resulted in further cost benefits by reducing duplication, with an anticipated overall increase in productivity benefits of over €45 million.

By implementing the CRM system, SE has managed to increase productivity benefits, thereby achieving value for the public purse, and making a greater impact on the Scottish economy in a global context.

More choice has been delivered to clients of SE, especially in terms of how and when they can interact with the organisation. This has also allowed SE to publicise the range of services they offer relating to business development and growth.

ContactScottish EnterpriseIsobel Brown+44 - (0)141 - 2282180 [email protected]

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TRAMER – Traffic Insurance InformationCenter(Turkey)

Integrated transport insurance

TRAMER provides insurance companies, citizens, police and security agencies, the Undersecretary for Treasury at the Ministry of State, the Ministry of Health, and Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies, with single-point access to integrated and consistent insurance information on road vehicles.

Its aim includes the efficient provision of insurance information to service providers, the detection and prevention of fraud and uninsured vehicles, accurate billing policy and coherent and up-to-date management information.

The project is a partnership between government and the insurance sector; it is funded by the insurance companies, with contributions calculated as a percentage of their premiums.

At the end of 2003 traffic insurance premiums totalled €334 million, whereas the estimated lost income through fraud and other misdemeanours was €308 million . Results from 2004 show a 15% increase in insurance premiums now that they are properly assessed, and an increase in income of €116 million .

In the first year of this project, the percentage of uninsured vehicles in Turkey dropped from25% to 10% of the total number of registered vehicles. The aim is to reach 0.5% by the end of 2006.

There has been a reduction in the counterfeiting of insurance policies, as well as of vehicle owners holding multiple policies and claiming many times for an accident.

Insurance decisions can now be taken instantly, with a high degree of accuracy, ensuring that customers receive the best priced policy.

ContactTraffic Insurance Information Center – TRAMERMehmet Üst+90 - (0)216 - 5726932 - 100 [email protected]

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eEurope Awards – 2005


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Icon Key:

★ Finalists for the eEurope Awards for eGovernment – 2005

● Submissions granted a “good practice” label

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● eAMA – agricultural eServices for farmers and businesses eAMAAgrarmarkt Austria

Georg Schöppl+43 - (0)1- 33151 - 210 [email protected]

eAMA is the principal contact platform for farmers in Austria and plays an important role in the development of eGovernment in the agricultural sector.

★● Electronic notice board of the courts – Publications with legally binding force and services for citizens on the InternetCOURTPUBAustrian Federal Ministry ofJustice

Dr. Martin Schneider+43 - (0)1- 52152 - 2176 [email protected]

COURTPUB is a publication system with legally binding force, allowing interactive queries by citizens and companies as well as full-fledged interaction between the courts and external experts.

● Federal state of Styria: Civil protection, civil defense and administrative crisis management onlineCivil Protection OnlineFederal State of Styria,Department for civil protection and defense (FA7B) www.katastrophenschutz.steier

Dr. Kurt Kalcher+43 - (0)316 - 877 - 2218 [email protected]

This multi-platform-solution for disaster relief, including multi-option situational approaches for different target groups interlinks information for citizens and media, and civil protection plans.

★● The Austrian e-Law projectE-LAW/E-RECHT Austrian Parliament – Parliamentary Administration

Dr. Wolfgang Engeljehringer+ 43 - (0)1 - 40110 - 2719 wolfgang.engeljehringer@

The E-RECHT (electronic Law) project aims at creating one continuous electronic production channel from the invitation to comment on draft legislation to final announcement and publication on the internet.

● The Austrian e-Law projectE-LAW/ E-RECHT Federal Chancellery – IT- Department

Brigitte Barotanyi+43 - (0)1 - 53115 - 4222 [email protected]

E-RECHT (electronic Law) repre- sents a digital law making system, which allows the electronic involvement of all institutional stakeholders and interested parties during the lawmaking process - from the beginning until online publication of authenticated laws.

● The electronic file-system of the Austrian Federal Ministries ELAK im BundFederal Chancellery

Harald Müller+43 - (0)1 - 53115 - 4105 [email protected]

ELAK represents modernisation in the filing system of the Austrian Federal Ministeries by electronic automation, facilitating registration, processing and archiving of the files.

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★ ● Communit-e – Simplification of Tom Auwers Communit-e simplifies the the benefits and medical recognition application for

+32 - (0)2 - 5286306 [email protected]

application process for benefits and medical recognition inside the

disabled peopleCommunit-eDisabled Persons Directorate-

municipalities, in order to accurately and promptly process applications by disabled people.

General of the Federal PublicDepartment (Service PublicFédéral)

eGovernment application of theFSO

Karel Baeck+32 - (0)2 - 5154111

e-gofso allows citizens that are victims of a bankruptcy, their trade

eGofsoFonds Sluiting Ondernemingen(RVA)

[email protected] unions and unemployment services to follow up their file online.

Electronic voting in BelgiumE-votingFederal Public Service Home

Luc Vanneste+32 - (0)2 - 5182181 [email protected]

The use of this electronic voting system is based on a magnetic card and a voting machine with a light

Affairs – General DirectionInstitutions and Population

pen. It simplifies voting operations, counting of votes, and the publishing of electoral results.

Extended Process Re- engineering between Employers and Social Security

Frank Robben+32 - (0)2 - 7418402 [email protected]

EXPRESS collects information needed by the social security offices for the calculation of social security


contributions, salary and working time.

Crossroads Bank for Social Security

★ ● Fed-e-View – Tool for measuring the degree of eGovernment development of

Christine Mahieu+32 - (0)2 - 2129216 [email protected]

Fed-e-View represents a tool for measuring the degree of com- puterisation and back-office

federal administrations and agencies

eGovernment development by several federal administrations and

Fed-e-ViewStrategic cell of the Minister for eGovernment

agencies,in order to provide an overview of the use of ICT and eGovernment foundations.

FisconetGeneral Administration of Taxes

Federal Public Service Finance(formerly known as Ministry of

Fisconet is an electronic bilingual tax dat abase, accessible to all tax

and Tax Collection

Finance)+32 - (0)2 - 3364110

officers of the Federal PublicFinance Service and to all citizens,

[email protected] offering a wide range of docu- mentation on both taxes and tax related matters.

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Gathering data concerning the elections in a digital way ELECDIGDATA

Luc Vanneste+32 - (0)2 - 5182181 [email protected]

This data gathering system allows for elections to be prepared, carried out and published in an entirely

Federal Public Service HomeAffairs/General Direction of

electronic way. Through ELECDIG- DATA calculations of results and

Institutions and Population

reports by the electoral office are automatically checked and distributed to the media.

● GPZ: Globaal Premie Bert Janssens This web application tells a citizenZoeksysteem/ComprehensivePremium SearchsystemGPZ

+32 - (0)2 - 5530213 [email protected]

af ter fi ll ing in automatically generated question-lists, which local, provincial, regional and

AROHM (Administration ofRegional Planning, Housing and

federal (and in the future perhap sEuropean) support measurement s


he is entitled to (regarding his income and family composition). – The Belgian public transport information system

Francis Thys+32 - (0)81- 322758

The website allows citizens to do complex research of

Infotec.beSociété Régionale Wallonne duTransport (S.R.W.T.)

[email protected] timet ables and door-to-door- itineraries of all public transport services in Belgium.


Karim El Sayeh+32 - (0)2 - 5061382

Jobmanager is an online application that offers registered clients a place [email protected] to save their personal information, use high technology tools to man- age their selection and recruitmentprocess or job applications, and compare their personal data with theexisting data on the labour market.

Management of school Stéphane Jaumonet TRSFE is an online transportationtransportation (Belgium – Walloon region)

+32 - (0)81 - 773208 [email protected]

management system for over 15,000 registered users established

TRSFEMETDirection du Transport scolaire

by the W alloon Ministry for Equipment and Transport (MET). It simplifies and accelerates existing administrative processes, thereby improving communication betweenactors.

National register of natural Luc Vanneste The RRN is a data processingpersons – Pillar of the e- government

+32 - (0)2 - 5182181 [email protected]

system, which provides registration, registration and communication of

RRNGeneral Direction Institutions andPopulation

all information regarding the identification of citizens. With a unique ID number it allows a secure exchange of information among the public administrations.

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System of Integrated Treatment of Patrimonial Documentation STIPAD

Daniel De Brone+32 - (0)2 - 3363599 [email protected]

The project aims at reorganising patrimonial documentation (cadastre, registration, public

property and mortgage services) by computerising alpha-numeric andgraphic data within a patrimonial database (PATRIS).

★ ● Telemammography program in the Brussels Region

Sorin-Titus Ciocea+32 - (0)2 - 2821978

This breast cancer screening programme offers women aged

IRISMAMMOBrussels Region InformationCenter (BRIC)

[email protected] between 50 and 69 the opportunity of undergoing a mammography free of charge every two years. The technical quality of this examination is checked by a panel of specialisedradiologists.

The eID-project in Belgium: Luc Vanneste Belgian eID is intended to cope withGeneral introduction of the electronic identity card for all

+32 - (0)2 - 5182180 [email protected]

the demand for more secure identity documents and to ensure

Belgian citizensBelgian eIDFederal Public Service Home

eInteractivity between citizens, enterprises and administration.

Affairs – General DirectionIntitutions and


Effectiveness and transparency Krum Garkov The Bulgarian Tax Administrationof the Bulgarian TaxAdministration

+359 - (0)2 - 9859 - 3050 [email protected]

(BTA) has implemented electronic d a ta exchange and provided

E-services for taxpayers National Revenue Agency

electronic delivery of high-quality, economically effective and easily accessible services for itsbusinesses and citizens.

Electronic Gateway for Online Administrative Services in Stara Zagora

Rayna Todorova+359 - (0)42 - 613243 [email protected]

This eGovernment portal enables businesses and citizens in the Bulgarian region of Stara Zagora to

EGOASSZDistrict Administration Stara

receive copies of documents and submit online complaints, warnings,


applications, and suggestions.

Electronic Information System for Civil Registration and

Ventsislav Hristov+359 - (0)2 - 9865191

IS for CRAS are eServices provided by the Bulgarian Electronic

Administrative Services – BulgariaIS for CRAS

[email protected] Information System for Civil Registration and Administrative Services (CRAS). The system

Department of Civil Registration and Administrative Services,

stores personal data for allBulgarian citizens.

Ministry of Regional Development

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NSSI – Clients: Online declaration of insurance contributions at the National Social Security Institute of Republic of BulgariaNSSI – ClientsNational Social Security Institute

NSSI-Reports: Up-to-date insurance information for internal clients and digital certificate holders of the Bulgarian National Social Security InstituteNSSI-ReportsThe National Social

Public Procurement RegisterROPPublic Procurement

Up-to-date health insurance statusNSSI-HealthThe National Social SecurityInstitute

Marin Kaltchev+359 - (0)2 - 926 - 1500 [email protected]

Marin Kaltchev+359 - (0)2 - 926 - 1500 [email protected]

Marieta Popova+359 - (0)2 - 9407054 [email protected]

Marin Kaltchev+359 - (0)2 - 926 - 1500 [email protected]

NSSI allows online declaration ofinsurance contributions by employers and self-employed, andregistration of labour contract data including signing, changing and cancelling of contract s at the National Social Security Institute of Republic of Bulgaria.

The service provides a report with updated information on declared contributions, insurance payments, registered labour contracts , applications and transfer of money for the supplementary mandatory pension insurance.

The Public Procurement Register is a unified electronic database which cont ains information about all procedures for the award of public contracts.

This service includes the submission of updated reports on the health insurance status of all Bulgarian citizens under the Health Insurance Act and provides information on the periods not covered by health insurance contributions.


Croatian Customs Administration: Integrated customs online services CCAMinistry of Finance, CustomsDirectorate

Integrated residence cost billingIReCoBCity of Rijeka, IT Institute

Zlatica Tomasevic+385 - (0)1 - 6102377 [email protected]

Vanja Smokvina, Ma.Sc.+385 - (0)51 - 20 96 34 [email protected]

This IT-solution integrates workflow organisation within the Customs office and secure handling of critical document s in digital form, by est ablishing norms and a framework for digital document s that will be able to replace paper forms.

IReCoB is an online billing system, linking service providers, customers and municipalities via a concession company, which produces one bill, combining all payments for the living expenses in Rijeka instead of having several separate bills.

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ePUSA – electronic Portal for Václav Koudele The portal’s main purpose is toLocal Self Government ePUSA

+420 - (0)377 - 195 - 261 [email protected]

integrate access for storing and using contact det ails of muni-

Pilsen regional authority

cipalities, preventing the incon- veniences caused when both the regions and the central authoritiesrepeatedly request this information from the municipalities.

★ ● Public Administration PortalPAP

Jitka Novotna+420 - (0)2 - 21008522

PAP emphasises procedural and technological solutions for the public

Ministry of Informatics

[email protected] administration activity description database, involving a number oforganisational measures to set up and interconnect this database with other parts of the portal.

Usage of the transactional part Radka Polakova APIR is an the electronic gatewayof the Portal of Public Administration for sending Annual Pension Insurance

+42 - (0)2 - 5706 - 2023 [email protected]

for citizens and organisations, developing electronic public administration and providing a


s tandard interface for electronic communication with sta t e

Czech Social SecurityAdministration



Danish Register of Ulrik Roehl LER helps preventing accidenta lUnderground Cable OwnersLERNational Agency for Enterprise

+45 - 35 - 466339 [email protected]

damages to underground utility cables. This system lowers administration costs in the

and Construction

contracting sector and increases supply security. The immediatebeneficiaries are professional cable owners and contractors and the end-users of utilities.

● Digital Signatures in Denmark Glenn Leervad-Bjørn The digital signature was launchedDSDKThe Ministry of Science, Technology and The official

+45 - 33 - 955239 [email protected]

in order to meet the increasing demands of modernisation and development in the public sector,

Danish digital signature

and allow the secure exchange of confidential and sensitive data usingthe digital signature.

★ ● Electronic Invoicing in Denmark Thomas Fjeldberg EID transforms all systems andEIDAgency of Governmental

+45 - 33 - 956862 [email protected]

administrative processes from physical into digital handling of


invoices, credit notes and other transactions. This reform affects approximately 15 million invoices ayear, and is expected to save the public some 20 million annually.

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● Online Business Registration inDenmarkWEBREG

Torsten Grunwald+45 - 33 - 307613 [email protected]

Webreg, an online registration system, has gradually evolved to cover thousands of business

Danish Commerce andCompanies Agency

registrations. Webreg means the possibility to found a company or to change one of Denmark’s 520.000 businesses in a few minutes by help of a digital signature. – Danish portal Erik Møller Hansen (“Admissions”) is anfor Higher EducationOptagelse.dkMinistry of Education

+45 - 33 - 925761 [email protected]

educational portal, making it possible to apply to programmes of higher education by Internet, using a digital signature. The portal can also be used by 9th and 10th gradestudents seeking admission to youth education and training programmes.

★● The automated tax Keld Borup TASTSELV is the automated ta xadministrationTASTSELV(SKAT Central Customs and Tax

+45 - 72 - 373998 [email protected]

proces, with the least possible inconvenience to the citizens (“no touch strategy”), through which 97


percent of all data to the Danish citizens’ tax declarations are reported to the Central Customs and Tax Administration (CCTA).

The Public Information ServerOIS

Lars Misser+45 - 35 - 466536

OIS offers efficient and easy access for businesses, public authorities

Erhvervs & Byggestyrelsen(National Agency for Enterprise

[email protected] and private citizens to publicly compile property dat a through a

and Housing)

single port al on the Internet, and, at the same time, make data available to commercial distributors, sellingthe property data, thereby ensuring sound competition in the market forproperty data.

★● VIRK – The Danish Internet Katrine Ring Andreassen This public-private p artnershipPortal for the DanishCommerce Sector

+45 - 33 - 307736 [email protected]

between the Danish Commerce andComp anies Agency and the

VIRKDanish Commerce andCompanies Agency

company V irk A/S operates an internet portal delivering a number of fully digital solutions for the benefit of companies as well as of public administration.


M-teacher Karin Pihl M-teacher is a part of the m-City pro-mTTartu City Government

+372 - (0)7 - 361 - 421 [email protected]

ject in city of Tartu. Teachers have access to a special environment on the internet where they can easily send SMS messages to parents to make communication betweenschool and home more efficient and effective.

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Open Espoo – Finland Simo Reipas Open Espoo is a web service,Open EspooThe City of Espoo

+358 - (0)9 - 816 - 22265 [email protected]

fostering the participation of inhabitants and other interested parties in the development planning processes in the city of Espoo by providing access to the decisionmaking process and to official documents.

The .FI Domain Name System.FI ccTLD

Juhani Juselius+358 - (0)9 - 6966743

.FI ccTLD registry, operated by theFinnish Communications Regula-

Finnish CommunicationsRegulatory Authority

[email protected] tory Authority, enables citizens to apply for domain names which are


granted in a few minutes and paid for online.

Cybercantal territoires Vincent Descoeur This structural and territorial plan isCybercantal IIConseil General du Cantal

+33 - (0)4 - 71462090 [email protected]

dedicated to organising 27 public eAdministration desks with optional video-conference tools, to link local,regional and national eAdmini- stration services for citizens, and toadopt best practices of eAdministration.

eVote-CCI: An innovative, legally binding Internet Voting

Wanda Egger+33 - (0)1 - 40693723

With eVote-CCI, 340,000 entre- preneurs in five French cities could,

Solution for the FrenchChambers of commerce and

[email protected] for the first time, elect the members of the French Chambers of Com-

merce and Industry (CCI) through an Internet voting system.

★ ● FAST – Secure Exchange Christophe Vattier The key objective of FAST is toGatewayFASTCaisse des depots et consignation

+33 - (0)1 - 58507434 christophe.vattier@caissedes

secure the electronic exchange of documents passing between public administrations in Europe. For different purposes, European administrations exchange morethan 6 billion documents annually.

Maritime circulations Jean-Bernard Erhardt This information system gathersmonitoring and information services for the purpose of

+33 - (0)1 - 44498554 jean-bernard.erhardt@

information relating to maritime safety held by different actors

maritime safetyTRAFIC2000Direction of Maritimes Affairs (MRCC, ports, etc.), and auto- matically forwards them to the partners of the system, according to the needs and geographical specificities of each partner of thesystem.

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8, the official website for social declarations

Online change of address ADAE – Agency for the electronic administration

PRATICS: Better Internet Accessibility for all Citizens PRATICS/accueilpratics.htm

Signes en ligne: The FrenchSign language online ADAE – Agency for the electronic administration developmentA62

The RATP kiosks of information internet: E-services beyond transportURBAMRATP – Commercial Dep artment/ ADAE – Agence pour le Développement de l’Administration Electronique

Joëlle Vaucelle+33 - (0)1 - 5658585 [email protected]

Vivien Tran-Thien+33 - (0)1 - 42755249 [email protected]

Schéhérazade Boulariah+33 (0)3 - 83 - [email protected]

Céline Montagne+33 - (0)1 - 42755537 [email protected]

Danielle Gance+33 - (0)1 - 58764747 [email protected]

Esther Lanaspa+33 - (0)1 - [email protected]

net-enterprises is a business oriented service, of fered to companies and their trusted third parties (chartered accountants , specialised management units) by the social protection public and private institutions to fill out and pay their social declarations and contributions by Internet.

The service “Online change of address” provides the citizen with a single entry point to the public services when changing address.

This project facilitates the access to internet and to electronic admini- stration services for all, allowing disabled and literacy poor people and those in difficulties to enjoy equal opportunities and a higher degree of social inclusion.

This platform provides one-to-one visual interpretation services for deaf people in order to help them with their day-to-day proceedings in the context of administrative matters.

URBAM provides internet services, such as traffic information, mobile phone services, web mail, leisure time and tourist information, job offers and much more to 3.5 million customers daily, for a total of 35 million French and foreign users per year.

This web-portal allows the public services to publish their call for tenders, and for private enterprises to respond to these of fers electronically. By doing so, the site contributes to competition requirements in the public sector, in line with the recommendations of European Commission.

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Competence centre workflow Stefan Salz As a part of BundOnline, the com-management, processes and organisation of the Federal

+49 - (0)221 - 758 - 1547 [email protected]

petence centre “workflow manage- ment, processes and organisation”

Office of AdministrationCC VBPO of the BVAFederal Office of Administration

programme provides support in process analysis and optimisation as well as in introducing workflow and document management systems.

★ ● Electronic Journals LibraryEZB

Dr. Evelinde Hutzler+49 - (0)941 - 943 - 4411

The Electronic Journals Library is a cooperative library service for the

University Library of Regensburg

[email protected]

effective use of academic electronic journals. The University Library of

ezeit Regensburg provides the technical and organisational infrastructure for the EZB and is responsible for thefurther development of this service.

★ ● HamburgGateway Ministry of Finance

Dr. Ursula Dankert+49 - (0)40 - 42823 - 1725 [email protected]

HamburgGateway’s goal was to offer online services to its customers while using the existing applications,and to create an infrastructure that is the access point for all customersto all online services of the city and state of Hamburg.

Online-applications for the acknowledgement of disability

Harald Freiherr von Steinaecker+49 - (0)921 - 605 - 3234

This is the first online-application for acknowledgement as a disabled

The online applicationBayerisches


person in Germany. It works like an interactive interview asking only

Landesamt für Versorgung und Familienförderung www.schwerbehindertenantrag.

questions which are relevant to theindividual case. The online- application is available 24/7, secure and accessible to people with disabilities

Starter-Center Karlsruhe/One- Stop-Shop Trier: The short way

Brigitte Dorwarth-Walter+49 (0)721 1600 160

The Starter-Center and One-Stop- Shop allow simplified business

through licensing/ business start-up formalities


registration. A specially developed tool supports the registration with

Starter-Center Karlsruhe/One- Stop-Shop Trier Handwerkskammer Karlsruhe

the chamber and all other relevant public authorities and social security institutions.


★ ● Athena Network Dimitris Zafiriadis Athena is a network of the Municipality of Athens

+30 - (0)210 - 3722030 [email protected]

Municipality ofAthens that provides information and services to peoplethrough seven Citizens Service Centres (CSC – face to face services), one Immigrants ServiceCenter (ISC) and one Call Center, connected by a database.

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e-Trikala, the First Digital City in Greece: The implementation model for Municipal Area e-

Leo Anthopoulos+30 - (0)6932 - 100198 [email protected]

The Digital City offers a global virtual environment for public transactions and achieves the self-maturation ofGovernment environments

e-Trikalalocal communities regarding information and communication

Municipality of Trikala, Greece


The Holy Metropolis of Leros presentation of Historical

George Chryssoulis+30 - (0)22470 - 23211

This is the electronic registration, classification and preservation of

ArchivesHMOLHoly Metropolis of Leros

[email protected] the Archive of the Holy Metropolis of Leros, which includes births, christenings, weddings, divorces,burials etc. from the year 1800 until today.


Citizen GatewayCG

Zsolt Fábos+36 - (0)1 - 441 - 2578

The Citizen Gateway operated by the Government of Hungary

Electronic Government Centre of the Prime Minister’s Office

[email protected] provides entry for and ensures identification of citizens. The system enables citizens to establish secureconnections with organisations performing e-business transactionswith and for citizens.

★● eGAMES – eGovernment assessment, measuring and evaluation system

Zsolt Fábos+36 - (0)1 - 441 - 2578 [email protected]

The effects and imp acts of e- government actions and solutions are very difficult to measure. That

eGAMESElectronic Government Centre of

is in essence why eGames, a special dialogue panel, was created

the Prime Minister’s Office

to let citizens evaluate eGovern- ment programmes in Hungary.

Internet based public administration service-provider

Dr. László Erdélyi+36 - (0)1 - 299 - 7269

XR makes it possible for the customers and clerks managing the

systemXR SystemMinistry of Interior Central Data

[email protected] administrative procedures at the authority, to communicate with each other in an interactive way by

Processing, Registration andElection Office

electronic means. The logistic- supporting interface allows customers to book an appointment (date and time) at the document offices connected to the V irtualCustomer Service Desk.


My Gardabaer, an integrated Gudfinna B. Kristjánsdóttir With this solution the citizens ofcitizen portal and municipal case management system

+354 - (0)5 - 25 8523 [email protected]

Gardabaer can access a one-stop portal for all their dealings with the

My Gardabaer Gardabaer Municipality

municipality offices, where they can request information and services and get access to a completehistory of the handling and status of their case within the municipality.

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Open access fiber network to every household and building in Seltjarnarnes

Oskar J. Sandholt on behalf of the town mayor, Jonmundur Gudmarsson

The town of Seltjarnarnes, in collaboration with Reykjavik Energy,is laying fibre optic cable and

FTTH-SeltjarnarnesThe town of Seltjarnarnes

+354 - 5959 - 121 [email protected]

installing a services network. This will allow services accessible to both computers and televisions.

The Web Cargo Security Karl F. Gardarsson Information on cargo securitySystem of the Directorate ofCustoms in Reykjavik

+354 - (0)1 - 5600555 [email protected]

regarding export by vessels is kept in this centralised database. All

The Web Cargo SecuritySystemTollstjórinn i Reykjavík

parties, both from the administration and the private sector, responsible for cargo security have access to

the Web Cargo Security System, where all necessary tasks can becompleted and useful information be found.


DAFM – Department of Agriculture and Food Mobile DAFM

Declan O’ Riordan+353 - (0)1 - 6072990 [email protected]

This is a mobile system of delivering a solution which eliminates the inefficiencies of current processes,

Department of Agriculture andFood Ireland

while not inconveniencing the officers who currently carry out these essential tasks.

★ ● eCabinet Project of the Government of Ireland eCabinet Project

Gary Davis+353 - (0)1 - 6194089 [email protected]

eCabinet is an Irish Government initiative instigated by the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) and developed by

Department of the Taoiseach(Prime Minister)

his Department in co-operation with all Government departments. It modernises and transforms the way the Irish Government (Cabinet) consultation and decision-makingprocess operates.

★ ● Meath County Council – Communities Online Together Initiative

Michelle Galvin+353 - (0)46 - 9097318 [email protected]

The objective of Communities Online Together is to build and enhance community structures

COTMeath County Council

through the provision of ICT assisted facilities that both augment

and enhance existing communi- cation channels of community and voluntary groups or organisations.

★ ● Mobhaile – Extending the use of Tim Willoughby Mobhaile is an interactive serviceInformation and Communication Technologies Mobhaile

+353 - (0)1 - 6457000 [email protected]

developed by the Irish Local Government Computer Services Board to extend the use of

Local Government ComputerServices Board

information and communication technologies to all sectors of

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★● Revenue On-Line Service inIrelandROS

Margaret Whelan+353 - (0)1 - 2771101 [email protected]

The Revenue Online Service (ROS) is an internet-based eGovernment service facility which provides Irish

Revenue Commissioners, Ireland

business with a free, secure, confidential, and easy-to-use facilityto conduct their revenue related transactions 24 hours a day 365 days of the year.

● Single Payment Scheme Project Maurice Nolan The introduction of the SingleSPSDepartment of Agriculture andFood

+353 - (0)1 - 6072000 - 2133 [email protected]

Payment Scheme (SPS) radically changes the basis on which payments are made to farmers by de-coupling p ayment and production for over 13 schemes andconsolidates a range of scheme- based payments into one single payment.

● The National eLearning Project Pat Kenny The National eLearning Projectin IrelandThe Online Learning CentreHSE North Western Board

+353 - (0)87 - 2837406 [email protected]

provides an online training facility for all Health Care st af f, from management to administrative support and clinical disciplines. It makes available a range of onlinelearning support tools in addition to25 eLearning training courses.

★● The Public Services

Ger Coughlan+353 - (0)1 - 6141507

Ireland’s Framework for Trans- forming Delivery of Public Services,


[email protected] PSB, is an integrated set of s tandards, shared services, andcapabilities designed for trans- forming the delivery of services to the public and including a singlemechanism for access to public services.


Ability Passport of RegionePiemonte – A regional service

Michele Oberto Tarena+39 - (0)11 - 432 - 1523

PABI is a network system to simplify the access of disabled people to allnetwork for disabled citizens

PABIRegione Piemonte – Direzione

michele.obertot arena@regione.

services offered in the Piemonte region. The Ability Passport has created a central digital repository

29.4 – Assistenza extra ospedaliera

of the disability certifications inPiemonte.

Artificial Neural Network and Attilio Bianchi The objective of the project is toExpert System with a support information device for clinical-

+39 - (0)81 - 8891752 [email protected]

develop methodologies and algo- rithms for a system that uses Arti-

diagnostic management of patients with carcinoma breast A.N.N.E.S-B.C.

ficial Neural Networking to improve the interpretation of mammography, and to create a software that serves

Local Sanitary Agency Naples 3

the diagnostic integration for physicians.

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ASP-Protocol and Document Management System ProtocolloASP

Ing. Rosanna Alterisio+39 - (0)6 - 85264 - 413 [email protected]

This system does the IT manage- ment of the document life-cycle and an optical based data storage. It is

a service provided to public administrations for a monthly feethat helps to reduce paper based documents and document management.

● AtoB Piemonte – Online Roberto Grillanda The AtoB Piemonte project is theservices for businessesAtoB PiemonteProvincia di Torino

+39 - (0)11 - 861 - 2270 [email protected]

eGovernment scheme put forward by the eight provinces in the Piedmont region in order to develop

services addressed to the business world.

AtoC – Comune facileAtoC

Sandro Golzio+39 - (0)11 - 442 - 3235

Comune facile has created an innovative web-based system for

Città di Torino

[email protected] managing the rights and duties of citizens: from auto-certification topaying taxes and fines, from building permits to useful localinformation such as ground conditions and the traffic situation.

Borsa Lavoro del Piemonte(Piedmont Labour Exchange)

Mario Scollo+39 - (0)11 - 432 - 3470

This is a virtual meeting place which, in close connection with

BLP/PLERegione Piemonte – DirezioneRegionale Formazione

[email protected] local, regional and national bodies, guarantees the linking up of a vast network of employment centre

Professionale – Lavoro

service operators for cit izens looking for a job.

Borsa Lavoro Lombardia: Delivering integrated services

Luca Zoller+39 - (0)2 - 66743 - 236

BLL is an integrated-access system providing employment, training and

to citizens, business and enterprises


education services. It aims to create a transparent and seamless

BLLAgenzia Regionale per il Lavoro – Regione Lombardia

services model addressing citizens and companies, accessible over different channels (a web site, a call centre, an interactive TV service)and linking up public admini- strations acting in the labour market at different levels.

Business ProcessReengineeringAdozioni

Andrea Bertani+39 - (0)349 - 990038

BPR AI MS realises the operative integration of Juvenile Courts ,

Internazionali – Modello SiciliaBPR AI MSRegione Sicilia – Assessorato

[email protected] Social Services of Local Institutions, Health Agencies at the local and regional level through the use of

della famiglia, delle politiche sociali e delle autonomie locali

workflow management modules.

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★● Carta-IN: A credit card for e- learningCarta-IN

MariaAdinolfi+39 - (0)81 - 7966301 [email protected]

This is project focused on Internet and communication technology diffusion, which aims at improving

Regione Campania

quality in eLearning, acquiring ICTand language skills to reduce therisk of unemployment.

● Central Booking Unit (Centro Paola Di Napoli This appointment booking systemUnitario di Prenotazione) CBU (CUP)

+39 - (0)6 - 5054 - 3242 [email protected]

for all local offices allows tax-payers who have to make personal visit s

Revenue Agency

to the offices to book an appoint- ment with a tax officer, thus avoiding frustrating waits in queues at officecounters.

Contact Center of the Land Agency (Agenzia del Territorio) CCLA

Luca Montobbio+39 - (0)6 - 47775 - 211 [email protected]

Anyone who notes errors related to the cadastral description of their real estate, or Cartography and Public


Real Estate Registers can directly forward a request via Internet to

servizi/variazionicatasto/index.htm change such data through the LandAgency‘s Contact Centre.

Digital Signature of the Decrees issued by the President of the

Carlo Martone+39 - (0)40- 377 - 3551

Digit al Decrees FVG aims at replacing official paper documents

Autonomous Region of FriuliVenezia Giulia (Italy)

[email protected] with digital documents that have full legal value. This solution eliminates

Digital Decrees FVGRegione autonoma Friuli VeneziaGiulia

the space and time barriers hindering the circulation of administrative documents within a complex, scattered organisation.

Document Capture for the TaxLitigation ProcessDoCaTaLiP

Stefania Pompili+39 - (0)6 - 5026 - 7710 [email protected]

This project has eliminated the need for back office staff to carry out revisions or to search for missing

Ministry of Economy and Finance– Department of Fiscal Policy

tax information. Tax payers no longer have to spend hours queuing and get an immediate receipt with an official registration number over the web.

eAutoliquidazione: online Dr. Piero Giorgini This programme makes it easier forservices and offline products for self-payment of insurance premiums

+39 - (0)6 - 5487 - 4940 [email protected]

employers to pay premiums for their employees. It has simplified the system of self-p ayment for users


and INAIL through an online procedure., online public Diego Sossi is a public “vortal”services for e-participation and e-government

+39 - (0)372 - 418219 [email protected]

(vertical port al) developed to increase the dif fusion of

communication technologies, and to promote eParticip ation and eGovernment services to all thecitizens of the territory.

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★ ● eProcurementE-ProcRegione Piemonte – Direzione

Sergio Crescimanno+39 - (0)11 - 432 - 1358 [email protected]

The eProcurement project is geared to optimising expenditure by reducing costs and using simpler,

Organizzazione, Pianificazione, Sviluppo e Gestione delle Risorse

more rapid and transparent procedures, improving communi-


cations between Public Admini- stration and the business world (in particular SMEs), and generating afair market for SMEs as well as expanding supplier markets.

European regions UNDER way towards STANDard indicators

Chiara Mancini+39 - (0)51 - 639 - 7893

UNDERSTAND is a benchmarking initiative where regions define

for benchmarking information society

[email protected]

common indicators and carry out data collection for benchmarking.

UNDERSTANDRegione Emilia-Romagna

The areas of interest include citizens, firms, e-government, broadband supply.

Forum QCS – The portal of the Dr.ssa Paola De Cesare Forum QCS is a portal designed toMonitoring Committee in ItalyQCSMinistero Economia e Finanze

+39 - (0)6 - 4761 - 9919 [email protected]

enable users to find, share and publish information within business departments and throughout entire

Servizio Fondi StrutturaliComunitari

businesses.The portal was created as a structural funds service to enable more efficient organisation of information.

★ ● Fully Automated LogicalSystem Against Forgery &

Teresa Alvaro+39 - (0)6 - 5024 - 6519

FALSTAFF implement s a n information system for the fight

Fraud in the Italian CustomsInformation System AIDA

[email protected] against counterfeiting in the ItalianCustoms Information System

FALSTAFFItalian Customs Agency

(AIDA). The project involves the automation of over 400 customs offices throughout Italy, involving

italiano/falstaff/index.htm 9.000 internal users and 15.000 external users.

Implementation of online services for farms

Sergio Frabetti+39 - (0)51 - 284491

Agriservizi will implement ICTservices and a unique registry for

AgriserviziRegione Emilia-Romagna – Dept.

[email protected]

farms to allow them to present requests directly online to local,

of Agriculture Regional Information Systems

regional and national public administrations.


Italian InformativeAgricultural Maurizio Piomponi SIAN is the single, integratedSystem: the GeographicInformation System of AGEA

+39 - (0)6 - 49499575 [email protected]

information system in use by theItalian Ministry of Agriculture. It


includes services for fisheries, agrometeo, and food safety, helps farmers request aid and payments,supports the Forestry Service and enables GIS land management andcrop controls.

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● Italian National Business PortalINBPCNIPA

Elvira Filiaggi+39 - (0)6 - 8526 - 4384 [email protected]

This service consists of the electronic online compilation of the sickness certificates of workers by the family doctors and their direct submission to INPS (NationalSocial Security Institute). It also makes possible the creation of alarge historical dat a bank onepidemiology, which wil l be available to the medical communityand other interested institutions.

★● LEPIDA: The broadband private Gaudenzio Garavini The investment for LEPIDA isnetwork of the Emilia-RomagnaPublic Administration

+39 - (0)51 - 639 - 7617 [email protected]

shared by the public administration and private companies which make

LEPIDARegione Emilia-Romagna use of part of the infrastructure to provide broadband connectivity services to the private market.


Liguriainformasalute – Liguria informs on healthcare

Domenico Francesco Crupi+39 - (0)10 - 5485956

LIS is a healthcare port al and an access gate to institutional and

LISRegione Liguria – Assessorato

[email protected] specific content and services of- fered by both the Regional Authority

alla Salute – Dipartimento Salute e Servizi Sociali

and all healthcare providers within the regional territory.

Network of Regional Roberto Pizzicannella The RCCs are units established byCompetence Centres for eGovernment and the

+39 - (0)6 - 85264486 [email protected]

a joint initiative by the Ministry ofInnovation and Technology and the

Information SocietyRCCsCNIPA (National Center for IT in

Regions, active all over It aly to enable eGovernment innovation through training, information and

Public Administration)

technical assistance.

ODIS – The Italian “Man of health”-Project

Dott. Silvano Delzotto+39 - (0)431 - 409111

ODIS allows older tourists in this popular holiday destination to stay

ODISComune di Lignano Sabbiadoro

[email protected]

connected with doctors at home (in case a minor problem arises). Tourists can receive a check-up of v i ta l parameters (ECG, S pO2, Temperature) that can be seen froma distance in real time by the tourist’s doctor.

Online Customs and ExciseService – Self-Registration

Teresa Alvaro+39 - (0)6 - 5024 - 6519

The online customs and excise service allows various types of


[email protected] declaration forms to be sent direct to the Customs Agency, as an

Italian Customs Agency italiano/dcagp/istruzionischeda/

alternative to sending p a p e r documents or back-up discs.


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Online Filing of the Cadastre’sSingle Declaration FormDocfa online service

Angela Isidoro+39 - (0)6 - 47775 - 457 [email protected]

The service enables the online filing or updating of proposals pertaining to buildings, including declarations

Land Agency

about newly constructed buildings and changes to existing ones. TheLandAgency has simplified accessto and availability of services through this project.

★ ● Online registration of rent and Paola Di Napoli RRLC has been designed to allowleasing contractsRRLCRevenue Agency

+39 - (0)6 - 5054 - 3242 [email protected]

the online registration of rent and leasing contracts, the use of online procedures to carry out other tasks to be fulfilled after registering the contract, as well as the onlineregistration of Land rental contracts.

Over 60 Web Alessandro Battaglino The project aims to train about oneWoisComune di Torino

+39 - (0)11 - 442 - 3088 alessandro.batt aglino@comune.

thousand citizens aged 60 or over who are residents in Turin on how to use the Internet in order to access services for citizens, to surf the web and to use email.

Punto di Contatto INPS Daniela Romano The “Punto di Contatto INPS” is aINPS – Contact PointINPS

+39 - (0)6 - 5905 - 3233 [email protected]

point for supplying INPS services. The goal was to extend INPS front- office and to maximise the utilisation of e-services.

★ ● Regional Integrated HealthServices for the Continuity of

Gianni Maglione+39 - (0)432 - 549111

The objective of the SISRCR (Regional Integrated Health

Medical TreatmentSISRCRAgenzia Regionale della Sanità

[email protected] Services for the Continuity of Medical Treatment) is creating an integrated system for the Health Agency and the Health ServiceAuthorities of the Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

Regional plan of the activation Alberto Bernini SISCoTEL meets the needs ofof an information and communication system for the

+39 - (0)2 - 6765 - 4826 [email protected]

public administrations to guarantee better services, greater participation

local administrationsSISCoTELRegione Lombardia

of citizens in public choice and an equal and widespread system that eliminates every “digital divide” in online service in all regional territories.

Regione Campania Portal forCitizens and Civil Servants

Maria Adinolfi+39 - (0)81 - 7968400

The Portal connect s the city’s people with information to

Regione Campania PortalRegione Campania


encourage participation in the region’s life; affordable access strategies to address the “digita l divide” and further work on the telecommunications infrastructureare provided.

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● Senso@lternato – An interactive Council Bill system Senso@lternato

Franco Todini+39 - (0)75 - 5763214 [email protected]

“Senso@lternato” (meaning: two ways) is an interactive system that permits every citizen to be informed

Regione Umbria – Consiglio regionale

by e-mail about Council bills and offers. Citizens have the possibility t o pass comment s or make proposals directly to the Commissions that follow the billsonline.

Sickness certificates on-line and creation of an epidemiological data

Marco Zanotelli+39 - (0)6 - 5905 - 4194 [email protected]

This service consists of the electronic online compilation of sickness certificates of workers by


family doctors and their direct submission to INPS (National

INPS – National Social SecurityInstitute

Social Security Institute). It also enables the creation of a large historical dat a bank on epi- demiology, which will be available to the medical community and otherinterested institutions.

SIGLA: a flexible, portable and Maurizio Lancia SIGLA is the integrated planningreusable ERP system forResearch Management

+39 - (0)6 - 4993 - 3287 [email protected]

and financial accounting system developed by the Italian National

SIGLAConsiglio Nazionale delle

Research Council to support the financial resource management

Ricerche (Italian National Research Council)

process, from guideline and objective definition, to budget production and result verification.

SIL – Sardinia: Virtual Labour Roberto Neroni SIL – Sardinia integrates public andMarket for citizens and businessesSIL – Sardinia

+39 - (0)70 - 6065704 [email protected]

private players within the local labour market and provides power- ful and intuitive tools to manage the

Regione Aut. della Sardegna – Assessorato Lavoro, formazione

matching of job supply and demand and to turn time-consuming back

professionale, cooperazione e sicurezza

of fice activities into electronic information flows.

Single Regional Centre for Alessandra Poggiani This project enables the continuityHealth Services BookingRECUPLaziomatica S.p.A.

+39 - (0)6 - 51684887 [email protected]

of care to patient s through the mutual availability and sharing of information provided by general practitioners (GPs), hospitals and ambulatory specialists and by thevarious health care structures across the regional territory.

System for the online request of goods and services

Salvatore Tucci+39 - (0)6 - 6779 - 4185

SABS is a system for the request submission and delivery tracking of

SABSPresidenza del Consiglio deiMinistri

[email protected] goods and services. The system collects the request s made by users and forwards them to the operator.

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Telemedicine – Electronic Signature in Care Activities for Paper EliminationTeleMed-ESCAPETreviso Health Care Unit

The Centre for Economic and Fiscal Research and Documentation joins the Institute of Economics and Finance: an integrated solution CeRDEF &

The e-government systemCittadino+ Cittadino+Comune di Francavilla al mare

The Marche Region document flow management project FDRMRegione Marche – ServizioInformatica (Marche Region Government Authority – Informatics Service)

The role of telework in supporting the Cadastral updating systemItalian Land Agency’s databaseThe Italian Land Agency/Agenziadel Territorio

Web access within the Processo Civile Telematico (On Line Civil Trial)PCTwebAccessMinistero della Giustizia (Italian Ministry of Justice)

Roberto Rigoli/ Claudio Dario+39 - (0)422 - 32 - 2658 [email protected]

Giulia Ferrari+39 - (0)6 - 5801 - 4160 [email protected]

Cinzia Rossi+39 - (0)85 - 4920 - 251 [email protected].

Lucio Forastieri+39 - (0)71 - 806 - 3500 [email protected]

Augusto Piferi+39 - (0)6 - 47775 - [email protected]

Giulio Borsari+39 - (0)51 - [email protected]

The purpose of TeleMed ESCAPE is to eliminate the use of printed documents within the Health Care Unit. The project has developed a completely digital system to sign, transmit, extract/ deliver and store clinical documents, preserving the privacy and the security of healthcare data.

This is an integrated environment which processes and stores information, research and education materials in all aspects of economic and fiscal matters. This site allows public administration personnel, tax professionals and private citizens alike to access, dialogue with and cross link to all the economic and fiscal information data bases and services.

Cittadino+ provides the local Public Administration with tools able to supply online services to citizens, enterprises, and other public administrations. It has enabled the municipalities in the region to better serve the more advanced require- ments of their clients.

The FDRM aims at realising a system enabling every local public administration in the region to adopt a shared system of IT protocol and management of document flows in accordance with the national e- government strategy.

This telework initiative of the Italian Land Agency reorganises current information, eliminates paper back- logs, aligns information and the digitisation of real estate deeds, and retrieves missing Cadastral data.

PCTWeb access is an infrastructure for two-way data and document interchange and interoperability between external and internal users of the civil justice through a high- security PKI architecture using state-of-the-art technical standards.

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Web Site of the Cartographic Centre of the Calabria Region CCR Web SiteRegione Calabria Sistemi Informativi e Società dell’Informazione – Centro Cartografico

Dott. Tonino Caracciolo+39 - (0)968 - 444300 [email protected]

This website enables people in local and central government to use innovative methods and tools useful for the geographical information collection and analysis and management of topographic data bases.


Information system of the Lithuanian membership in the European UnionLINESISOffice of the Prime Minister

Siauliai Region InformationSystemAVA ISSiauliai County Administration

The Electronic Tax Declaration Project in Lithuania:A Successful Beginning of Interactive and Intelligent e- ServicesEDSState Tax Inspectorate under theMinistry of Finance of the Republic of

Edmundas Kazakevicius+370 - (0)5 - 2663 [email protected]

Jonas Beresnevicius+370 - (0)41 - [email protected]

Eidris Karevicius+370 - (0)5 - [email protected]

This project allows to present the coordinated and unanimous position of Lithuania in the EU institutions by allowing policy makers to share information and communicate easily.

The project has developed and implemented a modern regional information system that provides centralised eServices to the Siauliai County Administration and the region’ s municipalities. It also makes managing information on the regional website more convenient and operative, and enables multi lingual information and interactivity.

EDS allows tax declarations also to be filled in by hand, preventing the digital divide and maintaining a high level of integrity.


A new website for the NationalStatistics Office in MaltaNSO websiteMinistry for Investment, Industry &Information Technology

Claudio Grech+356 - [email protected]

The project consists of the design, development and implementation of an eGovernment service website for the National Statistics Office. NSO uses the website to collect data from the public for the completion of various surveys and to disseminate data to the public.

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Malta’s Electronic Identity e-IDMinistry for Investment, Industry &

Claudio Grech+356 - 21226808 [email protected]

The Government of Malta has introduced an e-ID system that allows every Maltese citizen and

Information Technology

business to have personalised and secure access to data and onlinegovernment services after having registered and authenticated themselves.

★ ● Online vehicle licence renewal Michael Gonzi eVERA is a web application eVERAMinistry for Investment, Industry & Information Technology

+356 - (0)21 - 226808 [email protected]

developed for the Malta Transport Authority (ADT), providing citizens with the facility to renew their road licences online, pay any out- standing contraventions, upgradethe road licence to a Valletta licence and check their next Vehicle Roadworthiness Test (VRT).

Passports online Claudio Grech The ePassports website providesePassportsMinistry for Investment, Industry & Information Technology

+356 - 21226808 [email protected]

the facility for Maltese citizens above the age of eighteen to apply for a passport and pay for it online. The system uses an electronic identity mechanism and thus guarantees security, confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of databeing exchanged.


★ ● Public eProcurement in Norway André Hoddevik This is a fully operational tool forehandel.noMinistry of Modernisation –eProcurement Secretariat

+47 - 22 - 249667 [email protected]

electronic public procurement.The electronic Marketplace is operated by a private e-procurement service provider, IBX AS. The main goal of the initiative has been to lower thethreshold for taking e-procurement in use, both for public sector entities and their suppliers.

The Digital Film Archive Ole A. Werring is a Video on Filmarkivet.noThe Norwegian Film Institute

+47 - 91 - 684994 [email protected]

Demand service for PC and IPTV. The service provides more than 200Norwegian feature films, short films,documentaries, old commercials and films of historical interest. Thereare also films for educational purposes and international films.

● The Norwegian TaxAdministration – The e-Service

Karl Olav Wroldsen+47 - 22 - 77162

In cooperation with three leading government agencies, the

InnovatorEr@Skattedirektoratet (The

[email protected]

Norwegian Tax Administration has developed a new internet portal to communicate with businesses and

Directorate of Taxes)

citizens with a common look-and- feel.


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★● Building up eGovernment Anna Dubielak The information system was builtreadiness in Polish Customs eReadiness of Polish Customs

+48 -(0)22 - 6945005 [email protected]

with a focus on overall cost and quality of customs dat a while

Ministry of Finance, Customs Policy Department

ensuring maximum dat a security. Polish Customs became an eGovernment leader in Polandsuccessfully implementing open s t andards for real business activities with millions of operations.

★● Complex Computer System Aleksandra Wiktorow KSI ZUS allows to settle over €30(KSI) for the Social InsuranceInstitution (ZUS) in Poland

+48 - (0)22 - 8400222 [email protected]

bn in accounts of approximately 20 m insured persons. ZUS, as the first

KSI ZUSSocial Insurance Institution

public institution in Poland, made it possible for the payers to use the public key infrastructure and submittheir documents by e-mail.

eSlupsk Project: Accelerated local economic and social development through access to

Andrzej Kaczmarczyk+48 - (0)59 - 8425540 [email protected]

The project demonstrates how investment in broadband connect- ivity can overcome economic diffi-

broadband for the Polish city ofSlupsk

culties locally. It works to signi- ficantly improve the quality of

eSlupskSlupsk City Council

education, allow fast access to information, facilitate access to public services, improve local businesses’ access to the market and promote the City of Slupsk.

European Document Exchange Tomasz Nowakowski The system EWD–P communicatesSystem – PolandEWD-POffice of the Committee for

+48 - (0)22 - 4554554 [email protected].

official Polish positions towards draft EU legislation, strategic papers, programmes, etc. including

European Integration

positions for working groups andCouncil meetings. It was implemented to provide a central repository of electronic records of Polish government positions.

● National Bank of Poland Economic Education Portal Using up-to date eLearning Economic Education PortalNBPortalNational Bank of Poland - (0)22 - 653 - 28 - 42 [email protected]

technology, the portal provides best possible and reliable educational content in the areas of general economics, applied economics andEuropean integration. The threegeneral target groups are: student s, teachers and academics, all citizens.

The “Virtual Capital” Warsaw Dariusz Nowak-Nova The Virtual Capital is a modern,eGovernment Portal City of Warsaw

+48 - (0)22 - 6567624 [email protected]

interactive portal, providing the Warsaw citizens with the services of similar quality to those providedby the private sector.

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The Regional E-AdministrationSystem Malopolska Gateway e-ASMGMarshal’s Office of the

S³awomir Kopec+48 - (0)12 - 6303 - 515 [email protected]

The Regional E-Administration System provides access to the virtual document transfer system along with the electronic signatureinfrastructure which can be integrated with local document circulation systems. This allows administrative tasks to be done online by citizens and businesses.


Electronic University, VirtualCampus e-UUMIC – Information and Knowledge Society Agency

e-Procurement Pilot- ProjectsPilot-Projects UMIC – Agência para aSociedade do Menu/Projectos/ Administracao_Central

European Social Fund Integrated Information System ESFIISInstitute for the Management of the European Social Fund (IMESF)

Portuguese Citizen PortalCitizen PortalKnowledge Society Agency (UMIC)

SGIQ – Quality Administration and Information System of the Town Hall of Porto Moniz (CMPM)SGIQTown Hall (Municipio de PortoMoniz)

João Castro+351 - (0)21 - 3918400 - 23 [email protected]

Nuno Santos+351 - (0)21 - 39184 - [email protected]

Luis Matos Costa+351 - (0)21 - 3591600 [email protected]

Matilde Cardoso+35 - (0)1 - 213 918 [email protected]

Municipio de Porto Moniz+351 - (0)291 - [email protected]

e-U creates wireless academic networks, provides relevant content and services to students and teachers and prompts computer and internet usage. The initiative revolves around wireless networks,laptop diffusion, and online academic contents and services.

Pilot-projects for electronic public purchasing will modernise public purchasing – including organisation rationalisation, procedures de- bureaucratisation and differentiated public purchasing policy definitions by categories of goods & services.

ESFIIS is an integrated information system set up to deliver solid monitoring and control mech- anisms, provide physical and fin- ancial performance indicators and aid in decision reports. It facilitates access to the system by bene- ficiaries, diminishes bureaucracy, speeds up management and prevents repetition.

The portal allows the citizens and enterprises to fulfil their obligations and the use of their rights, in a simplified and convenient manner through easy, organised access toinformation. The Citizen Porta l displays 760 online public services from 120 PublicAgencies in a multi- channel structure.

SGIQ is a documental admini- stration system based on back- office reorganisation and an adapted workflow to improve the administration, confidence and transparency of processes through QualityAdministration.

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The Public EmploymentMarketplaceBEP

Dr.ª Maria Ermelinda Carrachás+351 - (0)21 - 3915300 [email protected]

The Public Employment Market- place portal and database enables civil servants to request a change

Direcção-Geral da AdministraçãoPública

of function or location, their profiles being matched with job openings from across government. It is also accessible to the public for government jobs open to externalcompetition.


★● AeL – An integrated solution for Paloma Cecilia Petrescu AEL is an integrated learning andcontent management and computer assisted training

+40 - (0)21 - 31436659 [email protected]

content management system developed by SIVECO Romania SA

AeLMinistry of Education andResearch

aimed to support professors/ tutors, students, content editors, admini- strative staff and other st in the learning process.

★● Extended Electronic System forPublic Acquisitions

Bogdan Furnica+90 - (0)21 - 3032923

The Electronic System for PublicAcquisitions is an eGovernment

SEAPGeneral Inspectorate for

[email protected] project initiated by the RomanianGovernment within the European

Communications and InformationTechnology

eGovernment framework. It repre- sents an information technology infrastructure which enables Romanian public institutions to procure goods and services througha web-based front end.

Multimodal Network System – System for containerized freight management in multimodal

Gabriela Rodica Hrin, PhD Eng. Math.+40 - (0)21 - 2240736 - 196

MNS is a modern, integrated, interactive and intelligent system dedicated to the provision of


[email protected] electronic services for multimodal transport of containerised goods at

ICI – National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics

the European level and to the monitoring of the container positions and integrity.

National Electronic System and e-government portalSEN

Adrian Balmes+40 - (0)21 - 3032900 [email protected]

SEN is a unique access point for citizens and companies to electronic services provided by the Romanian

Government. The infrastructure of fers an open communicationst andard, a unique routing system for any type of document andincludes a new porta l f o radministrative forms.

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SIVADOC: document management and collaboration platformSIVADOCBucharest

Ioana Raicu+40 - (0)21- 305 55 00 [email protected]

SIVADOC provides a common platform for connecting people, processes and information, irrespective of the organisation’s field of activity, in order to speed up the document circuit, improve information access and also protect against unauthorised access.


E-employment on the e- government portal of the Republic of SloveniaE-employmentMinistry of Public Administration of the Republic of

Electronic submission of annual reports of business entitiesAnnual reportsAgency of the Republic ofSlovenia for Public Legal Records and Related

e-servingCISMinistry of Public Administration

e-VEM: one stop shop and StatePortal for businesses e-VEMMinistry of public

Implementation of the Intrastat Information System in Slovenia Intrastat SloveniaStatistical Office of the Republic

Information System for Centres of Social WorkISCSW/ISCSDMinistry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs

Maja Zupancic+386 - (0)1 - 478 [email protected]

Marjan Babic+386 - (0)1 - 4774 - 235 [email protected]

Tatjana M. Zupan+386 - (0)1 - 478 - 8601 [email protected]

Teja Batagelj+386 - (0)1 - 4788593 [email protected]

Frida Braunsberger+386 - (0)1 - 2340690 [email protected]

Mirjana Kregar+386 - (0)1 - 478 - [email protected]

The eEmployment project collects employment offers and enables searches in the database with the help of different communication channels (Internet, WAP). Thanks to advanced search options the user searches not only within this database but also in databases of all employment providers that have access to the system.

This web service allows the submission of annual report data in electronic form. The dat a a r e verified using mathematical and logical controls at the time of entry so the users of the application can eliminate the errors as they go along.

This eService gives citizens the opportunity to fully communicate with the state from home through multiple channels.

e-VEM provides suitable inform- ation support to people who want to found a business, enabling them to start business operations in the shortest time possible.Applications can be submitted through multiple entry points.

Information System Intrastat provides the largest share of the incorporated providers of statistical information that are liable to report and for the smallest non-response. It has achieved a high level of electronic declaration of statistics.

This single CSW information system has enabled the supervision of the social centre system as a whole as well as its component modules, and it

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automatically flags claimants who are already in the system.

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Real Estate Market Register Surveying and mapping authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Martin Smodiš+386 - (0)1 - 478 - 4800 [email protected]

This project enables real estate agencies to use the state inform- ation infrastructure for transactions and enables the state to acquire data required for decision-makingprocedures in prep aring different strategic policies.

★● eDavki (eTaxes)Ministry of Finance – Tax

Andja Komšo+386 - (0)1 - 478 - 2883

The Slovenia eTax system is a com- plete business solution combiningAdministration

[email protected] a web portal with back of fice

integration and the highest level of security. New efficiencies werecreated for the Tax Administration by speeding up the processing oftax returns, cutting down on paper, reducing errors due to data re-entry and improving employee pro-ductivity.


● Andalusian Living Will Register Enrique González Fernández RVA-ALWR provides citizens with(Registro de Voluntades VitalesAnticipadas de Andalucía)

+34 - (0)95 - 5006349 isabelm.escalona.sspa@

information regarding their right to set down in writing their living will

RVA-ALWRConsejería de Salud and it enables doctors to consult the content of living wills through a unique and centralised register linked to the Electronic Health Record.

Application of the new Carlos Gomez Arruche This eLearning system is designedinformation and communication technologies to the training activities in the Spanish

+34 - (0)91 - 514 28 17 [email protected]

to deliver a Human Resources Management course on the corporate network of the Spanish

Guardia CivilE-learning System

Guardia Civil.

Ministry of Home Affairs. Guardia Civil (Direccion General de la Guardia Civil)

Bizkaibai – The tax processing system of the Autonomous Council of Biscay

Jose Maria Iruarrizaga Artaraz+(34) - (0)94 - 4067900 [email protected]

This telematic tax processing system facilitates the citizen’ s compliance with the tax obligations

BizkaibaiDepartment of Finance (Regional

of the territory. It is a system that is easy to use, secure and efficient.All

Government of Bizkaia)

tax documentation models are made available, free of charge, for the taxpayer on the website of theCouncil of Biscay.

Bizkaimedia – the new digital press room promoted by the Regional Government of Biscay

Koldo Mediavilla+34 - (0)94 - 4067808 [email protected]

This project provides all citizens with the daily information from the Regional Government through the

BizkaimediaGeneral Deputy Department of the

Internet. This service is free of charge and aids total transparency.

Regional Government of Bizkaia

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Bizkaimove: Traffic information through short messages to mobiles (SMS)

Eusebio Melero Beascoechea+34 - (0)94 - 4067024 [email protected]

This programme aids rational car use amongst citizens, placing at their disposal, through SMS

BizkaimovePublic Works and Transport

messages, up-to-date information about traffic conditions on our roads,

Department of the Regional Government of Biscay

so that they can make an informed decision whether or not to take the car.

Electronic democracy and Víctor García Segador This electronic voting systemcitizen participation of theMadrid Council eDCP

+34 - (0)91 - 4802000 [email protected]

enables the possibilities offered by eDemocracy to be explored. Two electronic survey initiatives have

Madrid Council – CitizensParticipation General Direction

taken place and have been well received by citizens, the press, technicians and politicians.

Electronic elections and Carlos Gomez Arruche This eVoting system has enabledimplementation of digital signature in the guardia civil

+34 - (0)91 - 5142817 [email protected]

the development of elections viaInternet. The development of a

Ministry of Home Affairs, Guardia Civil (Direccion General de la Guardia Civil)

computer application that supported the elections through the establish- ment of 250 voting centres with 550 electronic polls and the distribution of the new professional ID cardswere also included in the pro- gramme.

European Association ofRegional Observatories

Jorge Villar Guijarro+34 - (0)924 - 0146 - 0

E-PRIDE is a web-based holistic observatory aiming at the creation


[email protected] of a network of regional observ- atories across Europe, using com- mon tools for data collection and dissemination.

Generalitat en Red:eGovernment in the Valencian

Carolina Marco Bellver+34 - (0)96 - 1961043

This project interconnects 350 administrative procedures making

RegionGENREDGeneralitat Valenciana

[email protected] up the interactive services catalogue from electronic presentation of signed forms and

documents to remote inbound and outbound registration.

Implementation of a ElectronicBidder Register

Economy Department+34 - (0)848 - 422977

This system provides a new service to the enterprises that want to make

e-TENDERSNavarra Government

[email protected] business with the public administration. It reduces the time and cost for enterprises that want to participate in public tenders and makes it easier for the civil servantswho must make the decisions.

★ ● Promoting civic attitudes in Barcelona through a customer service request platform

Jose Ramon Rodriguez+34 - (0)93 - 2918486 [email protected]

IRIS BCN is promoting civic atti- tudes in Barcelona by implementing an innovative “Claims and Sug-

IRIS BCNAjuntament de Barcelona

gestions” customer service request platform.

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★● Konekta Zaitez Ciudadan@ KZC@Basque Country Government

Begoña Gutierrez Lizarralde+34 - (0)945 - 018522 [email protected]

KZC@ is a project framed in the “Plan de Euskadi en la Sociedad de la Información” (PESI) and included in the “Internet para todos” pro- gramme, whose aim is to makeaware of and to promote the use of the information and communication technologies in the Basque society.

Modernisation and Quality Plan Montserrat Oliveras Ballarín This service simplifies, modernises,of the Palma de MallorcaTownhallPalma townhall

+34 - (0)971 - 466 900 [email protected]

and speeds up searching. It has raised the accessibility across all existing channels (either in person,

Institut Municipal d’Informàtica(Ajuntament de Palma de

by telephone, or telematic chan- nels).


● New Enterprise InformationCentre and Enterprise Creation

María Callejón Fornieles+34 - (0)91 - 5450829

The New Enterprise – CIRCEproject is an initiative which aims to

Network (CIRCE) CIRCESME Policy Directorate General

[email protected] alleviate the currently existing problems concerning the creation of comp anies, reducing and sim- plifying the administrative burdens by, among other measures, co-ordinating between public services and creating a single point ofcontact for enterprises.

● Online process of the Electrical Arantxa Arbelaitz Guelbenzu The Project facilitates the processInstallationAuthorizationEIA

+34 - (0)945 - 018204 [email protected]

of the Electrical Inst allation Autho- risation under the responsibility of

Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism

the Department of Industry, Com- merce and Tourism, for electrical installers.

● PISTA Administración Local: Jose Maria Museros Recatala The project, mainly addressed toeGovernment Platform for small and medium municipalities PISTA LOCAL

+34 - (0)91 - 3462278 [email protected]

city councils of small and medium authorities, has the purpose of providing them with a set of

Ministerio de Industria, Turismo yComercio – Sec. Estado de

common interest tools that allows them to offer, at least, all basics

Telecom. y para la Soc. Información

eEurope eGovernment services.

● The Public Administration Marta Almela The Public Administration Electro-Electronic Contracting PlatformPECAPLocalret Consortium

+34 - (0)93 - 4861430 [email protected]

nic Contracting Platform is an inter- net portal whose purpose is to improve operational efficiency and productivity in the management of public contracting. The tool is speci-fically designed for eProcurement.

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Udalnet: Municipal extranetUdalnetMunicipal Relations and Town

Juan Francisco Sierra-SesumagaIbarretxe+34 - (0)94 - 406 85 65

Udalnet is the municipal extranet portal of the Regional Government of Biscay, providing assistance and

Planning of the RegionalGovernment of Bizkaia

juan.francisco.sierra- [email protected]

guidance in legal, economic and technical matters for all local entities.

★ ● Virtual Office of Cadastre Fernando Serrano The Virtual Office of Cadastre hasOVCGeneral Directorate of Cadastre

+34 - (0)91 - 5836880 [email protected]

the objective of making cadastral information available to citizens and administrations, as well as facili- tating the update of this information on the part of collaborating agents.

Website of the Parliament of Aitor Soloeta Eraso The website of the General Gernika-Bizkaia Website of the General AssembliesParliament of

+34 - (0)94 - 4066700 aitor.soloet [email protected]

Assemblies provides compre- hensive information about the Insti- tution: history, objectives, admini-

stration, composition (buildings, museums, the tree of Gernika,virtual visits, etc.) in a clear way to any interested person.


Company Registration eService in Sweden

Daniel Sjöberg+46 - (0)60 - 184003

This project makes it easier to start a business and perform the Bolagsverket

[email protected] necessary register changes as the company grows or changes. is onesingle place for the whole procedure of registration.

Customs Internet Declaration: Swedish Customs eKey and

Mats Wicktor+46 - (0)8 - 4050140

The Virtual Customs Office is a unique service option for customers

The Virtual Customs OfficeCID

[email protected] based on modern technology, increased quality and efficiency. It

Swedish Customs

encompasses smart mobile- solutions with a high degree of scalability and includes more than100 different eServices, all for businesses to use online for free. – A PublicPrivate Partnership

Anders Lundstrom+46 - (0)8 - 783 - 9844

With, Swedish citizens have the possibility to get

[email protected] personalised information regarding both state pension and occupationalpension. It is also possible to perform different simulations ofretirement ages and make combined pensions forecasts.

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VISAM – Virtual MeetingVISAM-VMThe Swedish National Tax Board

Margaretha Hesse+46 - (0)31 - 673522 [email protected]

This intergovernmental project uses advanced communication tech- nology which facilitates an instant- aneous connection between PCs, allowing face-to-face communi-cation between public admini- strations and citizens over the Internet. In four places throughoutSweden terminals are available to everyone.


★● The Geneva Internet VotingApplication

Michel Chevallier+41 - (0)22 - 327 - 2049

The State of Geneva, under guid- ance from the Swiss Confederation,

GIVAState of Geneva

[email protected] has developed an internet voting application in order to provide cititens with a new development ofremote voting.

The Swiss Electronic Government Barometer Swiss E-Gov Barometer

Prof. Dr. Kuno Schedler+41 - (0)71 - 224 - 2525 [email protected]

The E-Gov Barometer defines questions that measure the current s tate of development in Swiss

Univerity of St. Gallen

eGovernment. It has evolved into an instrument that is used for strategicevaluation in Switzerland and serves as an information source forthe national, regional and local decision-making bodies.


★● Controls on Import and Export ofAgricultural GoodsCLIENT

Ir. G. F. C. Heijink+31 - (0)70 - 378 - 4272 [email protected]

It is the combination of a community and a redesign of the enforcement and monitoring process for products

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature andFood Quality (LNV)

of animal and veget able origin which provides for a reduction of the administrative burden.

Digital Building Permits Archive Ingrid Ensing This case provides free (digital)– City of NijmegenCity of Nijmegen

+31 - (0)24 - 329 - 3421 [email protected]

inspection of all the building permissions connected to all the

buildings in Nijmegen (including construction drawings, building licenses and working plans). It alsoprovides the possibility of ordering copies of these documents.

★● Kadaster-on-line: direct access to land-registry products via

Gertie Dullens+31 - (0)55 - 5285217

Kadaster-on-line promotes legal certainty in transactions involving


[email protected] registered properties. By making this information available to the


public, Kadaster provides clarity about the ownership of registered properties and related charac-teristics. Some 45,000 users among12,000 clients use Kadaster-on-lineto consult up-to-date real estate information that is crucial for their own work processes.

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★ ● Mijn IB-Groep – Portal for study loans and grantsMijn IB-Groep

Jan Kouijzer+31 - (0)50 - 599 - 8392 [email protected]

This is a net-banking portal with a unique security facility. In order to guarantee a sufficient level of

[email protected] security, yet maintain user- friendliness for the target groups(mostly students aged 18-24), Mijn IB Groep opted to send log-in access codes by text message(sms).

● One stop shop: Digital self- support for customers of RDW RDW

Herriët Heersink+31 - (0)79 - 345 - 8238 [email protected]

The main tasks for the RDW (a Dutch governmental organisation) are registration and type-testing of vehicles, as well as the registration of driver’s licenses.

★ ● Webrichtlijnen – Web Guidelines for E-

Raph de Rooij+31 - (0)70 - 8887850

The Web Guidelines focus on websites, as these are the media

government in the NetherlandsWebrichtlijnen (Web Guidelines)

[email protected] through which information and services are being made available.

ICTU – Advies

The guidelines are a generic set of technical requirements that enables a wide range of users to success-fully gain access to information and services from the government.

★ ● RIES – Rijnland Internet Simon Bouwman In addition to the casting of votesElection System: A fully transparent election system RIES

+31 - (0)71 - 3063357 [email protected]

through the Internet, all voters have the opportunity to verify the counting of their votes in the final outcome

Hoogheemraadschap vanRijnland

and to validate the election results. In spite of its sophisticated design, the Internet election system RIES allows more than 99% of all voters to use the system without anychange to their existing PC andInternet environment.

● SVB for Life – Social InsuranceBank

Ronald Jongeneel+31 - (0)20 - 6565 - 835

4Life o ffers a wide choice of channels for contacts between the

4LifeSociale Verzekeringbank

[email protected] Sociale Verzekeringsbank and its customers, by safe use of digita l services via the Internet based on the authenticating mechanism of DigiD. These services are accessible for people with visual or motor disabilities.

● The Dutch Taxonomy ProjectNTP

H.J.M. van Burg+31 - (0)70 - 342 8000

The Dutch Taxonomy Project intends to reduce administrative

Ministry of Finance

[email protected] burdens through the standardisation of financial information. This mustresult in a yearly reduction of 350 mill ion for businesses in the Netherlands.

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Webstandards and webguidelines of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport inThe Netherlands Webstandards and webguidelinesMinistry of Health, Welfare

G. C. Berkouwer+31 - (0)70 - 340 - 6676 [email protected]

This website is fully accessible for people and for machines (e.g. search-spiders) in order to meet the needs of older users, younger users and users with disabilities. Also, the structured approach means cheaper hosting-cost s, better quality assurance, ‘forward’ comp atibility and ‘exchangeable’ content.


Bag-Kur PharmacyAutomationSystemBEOSBag-Kur General Directorate

Central Population ManagementSystemMERNISMinistry of Internal Affairs –General Directorate of Registry and

Daily Electronic Supervision of the Individual Pension System DESIPSUndersecretariat of Treasury,Directorate General of Insurance, Department for Private Pensions

Electronic Individual Pension Intermediaries Examination Systeme-BEASUndersecretariat of Treasury, Directorate General of Insurance,Department for Private Pensions

Health Expenditures Supervision Project HESPPension Fund Of

Abidin Erdogan+90 - (0)312 - [email protected]

Dr. Ahmet Sarican+90 - (0)312 - 3971709 [email protected]

Mehmet Hobek, Uluc Icoz+90 - (0)312 - [email protected]

Mehmet Hobek+90 - (0)312 - 2046419 [email protected]

Emekli Sandigi Genel Mudurlugu+90 - (0)312 - [email protected]

This system is an online prescription process that connects Bag-Kur with pharmacies.

MERNIS transfers all population identification information to an electronic environment and permits immediate updates and changes made in the identification inform- ation from 923 district centers in a secure way, using the unique ID numbers for every Turkish citizen.

This is an example of a self- regulated eGovernance system. The specific objectives and functions of daily electronic supervision are to monitor theactivities of pension comp aniesdaily, to coordinate transactions, tosafe keep information, to inform the public and particip a n ts and to generate statistics.

e-BEAS is an electronic exam- ination system for professional pen- sion intermediaries who promote, market and sell individual pension products.

This programme performs the monitoring of health expenditures. With this project, the process of purchasing health services has become easier for our members, saving money by preventing losses and unnecessary resource allocation.

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Mobile Electronic SystemIntegrationMOBESE

Basri Aktepe+90 - (0)312 - 4126775 [email protected]

MOBESE is a city command control center composed of several depart- mental subsystems. With the use of

Turkish National Police

MOBESE mobile computers in police cars, it is easier to deploymobile teams.

National Judicial Network Ali Kaya NJNPhas established an electronicProjectNJNP

+90 -(0)312 - 2126595 - 144 [email protected]

network covering all Courts, Offices of Public Prosecutors and Law

Ministry of Justice, Turkey

Enforcement Offices together with the Central organisation of the Ministry of Justice. The project’smain objective is the realisation of an information system to create aneffective and less bureaucratic justice system.

Public Disclosure ProjectPDP

Ufku Kandemir+90 - (0)312 - 2928605

The aim of this project is to collect and disclose financial statements,

Capital Markets Board of Turkey

[email protected] balance sheets and special circumstances of public companies and intermediaries via Internetthrough secure technologies.

TCDD: Turkish Railway T icketSales and Seat Reservation

Hasan Emin+90 - (0)312 - 3090515 - 4717

This programme’s aim is to sell railway tickets more rapidly, easily

SystemTCDD Reservation SystemTCDD (Turkish Railway)

[email protected] and effectively. Users can getinformation about time tables, prices, and reservations by using this application which is available on intranet and the Internet.

The Ministry of NationalEducation Information and

Hasan Basri Ulas+90 - (0)312 - 4131185

This information management sys- tem run by the Ministry of National

Communication SystemMEBBIS (MoNE-ICS)

[email protected] Education aims at providing secure services to monitor educational

Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Educational Technologies

institutions and students’ reports.

★ ● TRAMER – Traffic InsuranceInformation CenterTraffic Insurance Information

Mehmet Üst+90 - (0)216 - 5726932 - 120 [email protected]

TRAMER enforces the integrity and uniformity of traffic insurance and ensures the prevention of insurance

Center –

frauds, enhancement of trust and confidence in the insurance system,the determination of the motor vehicle owners that have not had their vehicles insured, the accuracyof policy billing and other relevant issues by collecting information ina database and updating the data- base daily providing different levels of reports to related authorities.

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Turkish Catastrophe InsurancePoolTCIP

Hüseyin Yunak+90 - (0)212 - 231 79 09 [email protected]

The TCIP, a compulsory insurance system, uses technology that allows real time online policy sales,

Millli Reasürans T.A.S.

premium booking, claim advice etc. through the Internet together with acall centre and a disaster recovery centre.


360 Degrees of Change: e- enabling an Economic DevelopmentAgency

Isobel Brown+44 - (0)141 - 2282180 [email protected]

This system replaces many legacy ICT systems to ensure all staff can access one single source of

360 CRMScottish Enterprise

customer intelligence in order to enable improved Scottish Enterprise’s performance (including international offices), providing transparency, accountability andcompetitive advantage.

★● Benefit ExpressBESTHalton Borough Council

Peter McCann+44 - (0)151 - 4717430 [email protected]

One of this project’s key priorities is to offer a mobile office service using technology that enables the processing of claims directly from citizens’ homes, involving the useof a vehicle as a mobile office and visitors equipped with the technology and equipment to process claims in the customers home.

Broadband East Sussex Sally Meecham This case enables social andBESEast Sussex County Council

+44 - (0)7795 - 237344 sally.meecham@east

economic advancement in East Sussex through accelerated broadband service availability. It is

broadband a project set up to grow demand for broadband services, acceleratet ake-up and use and develop benefit s for businesses, in education and for citizens.

★● Careers Wales Online Paul Messer CWO is a bilingual, all age web-CWOCareers Wales Association

+44 - (0)2920 - 854880 paul.messer@careerswales

application designed to enhance the client’s self awareness and career aspirations. Including an all–age e-portfolio it allows the user to create, upload and download key personaland careers related documents.

Cymru Ar-lein – Online for a Jim Cowan Cymru Ar-lein employs an em-better Wales: The InformationAge Strategic Framework for

+44 - (0)2920 - 826570 [email protected]

powerment model which utilises technology to effect partnership,

WalesCymru Ar-leinWelsh Assembly Government

communication, and dialogue between public bodies in Wales, and between cit izens and government to make better use ofICT resources.

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Delivering Efficiency: Leading Cross-Sector Change in Public Services

Julian Bowery+44 - (0)207 - 944 4218 [email protected]

This study galvanises regional leadership around a road map to deliver “better services for less” to

e-Government-StudyOffice of the Deputy Prime

local citizens and businesses, leveraging eGovernment as an


enabler for transformation and agreeing a shared route for regional delivery of eGovernment relatedefficiency projects.

★ ● e@SY Connects Digital Interactive Television Service e@SY Connects TV

Gary Simpson+44 - (0)1709 - 591214 [email protected]

e@SY Connects TV is at the fore- front of digital Interactive TV exploitation for government within

e@SY Connects

Europe. It provides the citizens ofSouth Yorkshire, particularly thosein greatest need, with direct access to information and interactive services related to important eventsin their lives.

★ ● Eastserve Eastserve

Athol Few+44 - (0)161 - 231 - 9580 [email protected]

The project has provided PCs, basic ICT training, community help and support, access to online servicesand local information and low cost wireless broadband internet accesswhere previously these did not exist.

e-Citizen national project on take up and marketing e- government

Norman Mellor+44 - (0)1603 - [email protected]

e-Citizen is a project that analyses which local eGovernment services different groups of people are

e-CitizenNorwich City Council

interested in accessing via electronic channels, and the best way to persuade them to do so in order to optimise take up.

★ ● eProcurementScotl@nd ePS

Ian Burdon+44 - (0)131 - 244 - 3493

The Scottish Executive’s eProcure- ment Scotl@nd (ePS) service is

The Scottish Executive

[email protected] enabling the entire Scottish public sector, including central govern- ment, local authorities and theNational Health Service, to win the cost savings and efficiencies ofeProcurement.

★ ● Implementing Benefits Isobel Brown This case presents the deploymentRealisation and PerformanceManagement in the Public

+44 - (0)141 - 2282180 [email protected]

of a single CRM system across the whole business (including 19

SectorScottish Enterprise

international offices and 67 external delivery locations). The system would replace 38 legacy systemsthat would permit 24/7 access regardless of location, allowing staffto enter and review customer intelligence, whether office based or working remotely.

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Introduction of a food safety management system into the Scottish catering sector prior to

Pauline Wilkinson+44 - (0)1224 - 285140 pauline.wilkinson@foodstandards.

This system involves a Scotland- wide partnership between a central government agency, local

legislative change eCookSafe authorities, food businesses and a specialist multi-disciplined design

Food Standards Agency Scotland

company to deliver food safety benefits on a considerable scale.

● learndirect scotland –A Citizens Learning Network

Robert Doyle+44 - (0)141 - 285 - 6050

As the national gateway to learning, and including a unique model for

Skillnetlearndirect scotland

[email protected] eLearning infrastructural capacity, learndirect scotland is a driving force in connecting individuals,businesses, public sector and voluntary organisations with theskills they need, while retaining technology, innovation and partnership at the core.

★● Leicestershire CareOnLine Ian Retson Leicestershire CareOnLine tacklesLCOLLeicestershire County Council, Social Services

+44 - (0)116 - 265 - 7352 [email protected]

head-on the digital inclusion of some of the hardest to reach groups such as older people, disabled people and carers. The number of people in Leicestershire over 65,disabled or working as unpaid carers is over 100,000 – and rising.

Local eGovernment NationalProjects Benefits Study

Martin Scarfe+44 - (0)44 - 1268 - 770218

This study utilised examples of real, practical implemen tations the

Local eGov NP BenefitsLondon Borough of Newham

[email protected] studies built up a picture of real tangible benefits of adopting various e-technologies. The information gained was used to calculate financial savings, service improve-ments and intangible benefit s.

★● Local e-Gov – The National Strategy for Local e- Government in England

Dr. Peter Blair+44 - (0)20 - 79444417 [email protected]

Local e-Gov, the Office of the Depu- ty Prime Minister ’s (ODPM) Nation- al Strategy for Local e-GovernmentLocal e-Gov

Office of the Deputy Primeset s out a vision, implementation framework and model for local


eGovernment designed to trans- form the quality of services and the organisations that deliver them.

Planning Portal Adam Telford The Planning Portal provides a one-Planning

+44 - (0)117 - 3728403 adam.telford@planningportal.

stop planning resource that encom- passes guidance and information for both the citizen and professional.It delivers of ficial content in a clear and easy to underst and manner,and provides the facility to make electronic planning applications.

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Romsey Extra’s deployment of The Local Channel first tier eGovernment community portal

Councillor Rod Simp son+44 - (0)1794 - 368009 [email protected]

The Local Channel gives com- munities an Internet portal which allows citizens, businesses, and first

Romsey Extra + TLCeGovernment

tier local government a single space in which they can meet and discuss

Romsey Extra Parish Council romseyextra

their common important local issues through a free core template to be used locally.

★ ● Scottish Parliament ePetitioner Dr. James Johnston The ePetitioning model adopted issystemSPESScottish Parliament

+44 - (0)131 - 3485186 james.johnston@scottish.

unique in that it is open to any citizen to raise and sign an ePetition, or to add comments to an online dis-www.epetitions.scottish.

parliament.ukcussion if they wish. The ePetition- ing management process is seam-lessly integrated with procedures for handling paper petitions, which citizens can choose to use insteadof or in conjunction with e-petitions.

State Pension forecast e- service, formerly known as Real Time Pension Forecasting

Brendan Harrison+44 - (0)113 - 2327777 [email protected]

RTPF has delivered a new inter- active state pension forecasting eService for UK citizens as an

RTPFUK Department for Work and

addition to the existing paper based mechanisms. It offers a service in

Pensions https://secure.thepensionservice.

which citizens can make an online request for a state pension forecast and to receive an electronic version in real-time.

Suffolk County Council and MidSuffolk District Council Public/

Philip Willis+44 - (0)1442 - 294004

This programme works to improve customer access and service

Private Sector Partnership with BT – Customer Service Direct Limited

[email protected] delivery. This fully integrated partnership between two tiers of local government is unique, up and

CSDCustomer Service Direct Ltd

running, and fully in line with theGershon agenda – to generate efficiencies and release resources to the front line.

Teachers’ TVDepartment for Education and

Richard Graham+44 - (0)20 - 7925 - 6933

Teachers’ TV is a unique broadcast and broadband TV service design-Skills

[email protected] ed to help raise educational

standards in England. It does this by providing an attractive, high-quality, trusted and valued source of information, ideas, good practiceand resources for the English teachers.

● The Compensation RecoveryUnit Electronic Business Links

Paul Fazakerley+44 - (0)191 - 2252142

This system provides a fully automated end to end service with

with the Insurance IndustryCRU e-linksCompensation Recovery Unit,

[email protected] the Claims Underwriting Exchange Anti Fraud (CUE PI) database, which is used by almost 50% of the

Dept. for Work and Pensions

insurance industry throughout theUK.

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★● The Dept. for Work and Pensions Great Britain/ Dept. of Health Great Britain Road

Paul Fazakerley+44 - (0)191 - 2252142 [email protected]

Through a pioneering example of cross government working, utilising an innovative solution, an originally

Traffic Act (RTA) AutomationProject

high volume clerical processing operation dealing annually with

The DWP/DoH RTA AutomationProjectCompensation Recovery Unit,

350,000 forms (equating to 700,000 transactions) has been automated over the Government Secure

Department for Work andPensions

Intranet (GSI).

● The e-enablement of the VOSA Bill Buckley This innovative eService has trans-GB operator licensing serviceVOSA (an agency of the Dept.

+44 - (0)113 - 254 3213 [email protected]

formed the regulatory service for theUK commercial vehicle operator

for Transport)VOSA Operator Self Service

industry . 110,000 businesses,450,000 vehicles, 50% of all goods vehicle transactions and 79% of

onlineservices/onlineservices.htm passenger vehicle transactions were processed online in Feb 2005,far exceeding the first year target of20%.

Turning ‘Braveheart’into ‘BladeRunner’ – how the Broadband

Wayne Oxley+44 - (0)141 - 228 2988

The promotion campaign Broad- band for Scotland demonstrates

for Scotland campaign tookScotland into the 21st

[email protected] how a web based service promoted through an integrated advertising

centuryBroadband for Scotland Scottish Enterprise

and marketing campaign took Scotland from a position of weakness in broadband adoption tothe nation’s future economic prosperity and competitiveness.

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eEurope Awards – 2005

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Exhibiting submissions (by theme and topic)

Theme 1: The Right Environment

The right environment for eGovernment can be identified at any level of public service. We have identified several distinct categories which relate to specific areas of service delivery. We have also identified cases that relate primarily to infrastructure.

INFRASTRUCTUTRE• LEPIDA – The broadband private network for Emilia-Romagna

Public Administration (Italy) 6• KZC@ – Konekta Zaitez Ciudadan@ (Spain) 7

FRAMEWORKS FOR MODERNISATION• Local e-gov – The National Strategy for Local eGovernment in

England (United Kingdom) 8• – The Public Service Broker (Ireland) 9

STANDARDS AND METHODOLOGIES• Webrichtlijnen – Web guidelines for eGovernment in the

Netherlands (the Netherlands) 10• FAST – Secure Exchange Gateway (France) 11

GOVERNMENT SERVICES• eDavki (eTaxes) (Slovenia) 12• RRLC – Online Registration of Rent and Leasing Contracts (Italy) 13• BEST – Benefits Express (United Kingdom)• KSI ZUS – Complex Computer System (KSI) for the Social

Insurance Institution (ZUS) in Poland (Poland)


15• PAP – Public Administration Portal (Czech Republic)• IRISMAMMO – Telemammography Programme in the Brussels

Region (Belgium)



GOVERNMENT TO BUSINESS• FALSTAFF – Fully Automated Logical System Against Forgery

and Fraud in the Italian Customs Information System AIDA (Italy) 18• CLIENT (the Netherlands) 19

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• eCabinet Project of the Government of Ireland (Ireland) 28• E-LAW – The Austrian E-LAW Project (Austria) 29• The DWP/DoH RTA Automation Project (United Kingdom) 30

CHANGE MANAGEMENT• EID – Electronic Invoicing in Denmark (Denmark) 31• – Public eProcurement in Norway (Norway) 32• eProcurement (Italy) 33

MULTIBLE CITIZEN SERVICE AND TRAINING TOOLS• Communit-e – Simplification of the benefits and

medical recognition application for disabled people (Belgium)


Readiness of Polish Customs (Poland) 35

ORGANISATION OF SERVICE• SEAP – Extended Electronic System for Public Acquisitions

(Romania) 20• ePS – eProcurement Scotl@nd (United Kingdom) 21

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT• Carta-IN (Italy) 22• Eastserve (United Kingdom) 23

Theme 2: Government Readiness

High level Reorganisation of the government (complete government modernisation) acts as the umbrella inter-ministerial activities and re- organisation then follows activities relating to reorganisation at departmental levels.


• eReadiness of Polish Customs – Building up eGovernment

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Theme 3: Service Use

The service examples are extensive and cover not only service areas but also methods of delivery. There is a good spread of service type, from those delivered by government at the highest possible level to those delivered at the grass roots community level.

eGOVERNMENT PORTALS FOR CITIZENS AND BUSINESS• HamburgGateway (Germany) 40• VIRK – The Danish Internet Portal for the Danish Commerce

Sector (Denmark) 41

LOCAL CITY INTERFACE• Athena Network (Greece) 42• IRIS BCN – Promoting Civic Attitudes in Barcelona through a

Customer Service Request Platform (Spain) 43

MULTI SERVICE DELIVERY MECHANISMS• SISRCR – Regional Integrated Health Service for the Continuity

of Medical Treatment (Italy) 44• TASTSELV.DK – The Automated Tax Administration (Denmark) 45• eVERA – Online Vehicle Licence Renewal (Malta) 46• CWO – Careers Wales Online (United Kingdom)• Mijn IB-Groep – Portal for Study Loans and Grants

(the Netherlands)



FISCAL MANAGEMENT• Kadaster-on-line (the Netherlands) 49• OVC – Virtual Office of Cadastre (Spain) 50

NATIONAL AND LOCAL eDEMOCRACY• SPEC – Scottish Parlieament ePertitioner System

(United Kingdom) 51• GIVA – The Geneva Internet Voting Application (Switzerland)• RIES – Rijnland Internet Election System: Fully Transparent

Election System (the Netherlands)



COMMUNITY SERVICE DELIVERY AND INCLUSION• COT – Meath County Council – Communities Online Together

Initiative (Ireland) 54• e@SYConnects TV – e@SY Connects Digital Interactive

Television Service (United Kingdom) 55

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Computer Assisted Training (Romania) 64• ROS – Revenue Online Service (Ireland) 65


System (Hungary)66

Development of Federal Administrations and Agencies (Belgium) 67

• LCOL – Leicestershire CareOnLine (United Kingdom) 56• Mobhaile – Extending the Use of Information and Communication

Technologies (Ireland) 57

INFORMATION DISTRIBUTIONS• COURTPUB – Electronic notice board of the courts – publication

with legally binding force and services for citizens on the internet(Austria) 58

• EZB – Electronic Journals Library (Germany) 59

Theme 4: Impact

This theme is harder to order just because the projects have been entered based on “impact” and not focussing on what they are about. We have however identified some discrete categories:

GOVERNMENT SERVICES TO CITIZENS AND BUSINESS• AeL – An Integrated Solution for Content Management and

• Fed-e-View – Tool for Measuring the Degree of eGovernment

BENEFIT REALISATION• Implementing Benefits Realisation and Performance Management

in the Public Sector (United Kingdom) 68• TRAMER – Traffic Insurance Information Centre (Turkey) 69

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Exhibiting submissions (in alphabetical order)

• AeL – An Integrated Solution for Content Management andComputer Assisted Training (Romania) 64

• Athena Network (Greece) 42• BEST – Benefits Express (United Kingdom) 14• Carta-IN (Italy) 22• CLIENT (the Netherlands) 19• Communit-e – Simplification of the benefits and medical

recognition application for disabled people (Belgium) 34• COT – Meath County Council – Communities Online Together

Initiative (Ireland) 54• COURTPUB – Electronic notice board of the courts – publication

with legally binding force and services for citizens on the internet(Austria) 58

• CWO – Careers Wales Online (United Kingdom) 47• e@SYConnects TV – e@SY Connects Digital Interactive

Television Service (United Kingdom) 55• Eastserve (United Kingdom) 23• eCabinet Project of the Government of Ireland (Ireland) 28• eDavki (eTaxes) (Slovenia) 12• eGAMES – eGovernment Assessment, Measuring and Evaluation

System (Hungary) 66• – Public eProcurement in Norway (Norway) 32• EID – Electronic Invoicing in Denmark (Denmark) 31• E-LAW – The Austrian E-LAW Project (Austria) 29• eProcurement (Italy) 33• ePS – eProcurement Scotl@nd (United Kingdom) 21• eReadiness of Polish Customs – Building up eGovernment

Readiness of Polish Customs (Poland) 35• eVERA – Online Vehicle Licence Renewal (Malta) 46• EZB – Electronic Journals Library (Germany) 59• FALSTAFF – Fully Automated Logical System Against Forgery

and Fraud in the Italian Customs Information System AIDA (Italy) 18• FAST – Secure Exchange Gateway (France) 11• Fed-e-View – Tool for Measuring the Degree of eGovernment

Development of Federal Administrations and Agencies (Belgium) 67• GIVA – The Geneva Internet Voting Application (Switzerland) 52• HamburgGateway (Germany) 40• Implementing Benefits Realisation and Performance Management

in the Public Sector (United Kingdom) 68

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• IRIS BCN – Promoting Civic Attitudes in Barcelona through aCustomer Service Request Platform (Spain) 43

• IRISMAMMO – Telemammography Programme in the BrusselsRegion (Belgium) 17

• Kadaster-on-line (the Netherlands) 49• KSI ZUS – Complex Computer System (KSI) for the Social

Insurance Institution (ZUS) in Poland (Poland) 15• KZC@ – Konekta Zaitez Ciudadan@ (Spain) 7• LCOL – Leicestershire CareOnLine (United Kingdom) 56• LEPIDA – The broadband private network for Emilia-Romagna

Public Administration (Italy) 6• Local e-gov – The National Strategy for Local eGovernment in

England (United Kingdom) 8• Mijn IB-Groep – Portal for Study Loans and Grants

(the Netherlands) 48• Mobhaile – Extending the Use of Information and Communication

Technologies (Ireland) 57• OVC – Virtual Office of Cadastre (Spain) 50• PAP – Public Administration Portal (Czech Republic) 16• – The Public Service Broker (Ireland) 9• RIES – Rijnland Internet Election System: Fully Transparent

Election System (the Netherlands) 53• ROS – Revenue Online Service (Ireland) 65• RRLC – Online Registration of Rent and Leasing Contracts (Italy) 13• SEAP – Extended Electronic System for Public Acquisitions

(Romania) 20• SISRCR – Regional Integrated Health Service for the Continuity

of Medical Treatment (Italy) 44• SPEC – Scottish Parlieament ePertitioner System

(United Kingdom) 51• TASTSELV.DK – The Automated Tax Administration (Denmark) 45• The DWP/DoH RTA Automation Project (United Kingdom) 30• TRAMER – Traffic Insurance Information Centre (Turkey) 69• VIRK – The Danish Internet Portal for the Danish Commerce

Sector (Denmark) 41• Webrichtlijnen – Web guidelines for eGovernment in the

Netherlands (the Netherlands) 10