Got a New Job-here are some resources

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  • 8/9/2019 Got a New Job-here are some resources


    Check out what support is available

  • 8/9/2019 Got a New Job-here are some resources


    The current rates since 1 October 2009 are:

    ` 5.80 - the main rate for workers aged 22 and


    ` 4.83 - the 18-21 rate` 3.57 - the 16-17 rate for workers above school

    leaving age but under 18

    ` If you are of compulsory school age you are not

    entitled to the NMW. Some of your otheremployment rights are also different.

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    For confidential help and advice on theNMW call 0800 917 2368

    ` Most workers in the UK over compulsoryschool leaving age are legally entitled tobe paid at least the NMW andall employers have to pay it to you if youare entitled to it. It makes no difference:

    ` if you are paid weekly or monthly, bycheque, in cash or in another way

    ` if you work full time, part time or anyother working pattern

    ` if you work at your employers ownpremises or elsewhere

    ` what size your employer is

    ` where you work in the UK

    People notentitledtothe National

    Minimum Wage

    ` Self-employed

    ` Volunteers

    ` Voluntary workers

    ` Workexperience

    ` Certain apprentices

    ` Companydirectors

    ` Certain governmentschemes atpre-apprenticeshiplevel

    ` Governmentemploymentprogrammes

    ` Living in youremployershousehold

    ` Workforfriends and neighbours

    ` Membersofthe armedforces` Prisoners

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    ` You can claim Job Grant if you take up full-timework (at least 16 hours a week) and you expectthe work to last for at least five weeks. Youmust also have been claiming one of thefollowing benefits for at least 26 weeks beforestarting your new job:

    ` Jobseeker's Allowance


    Income Support` Employment and Support Allowance

    ` Incapacity Benefit

    ` Severe Disablement Allowance

    ` Jobcentre Plus/New Deal Allowance paymentswhere the allowance is based on Jobseeker's

    Allowance, Income Support, Incapacity Benefit,or Severe Disablement Allowance

    ` Employment Zone payments where the

    allowance is based on Jobseeker's Allowance` You may also get Job Grant if your partner or

    civil partner starts working at least 24 hours aweek, and as a result - your benefit stops.

    How muchdoyou get?

    ` The amount of Job Grant you will get dependson your circumstances:

    ` 100 for single people and couples and civilpartnerships without children

    ` 250 for lone parents and couples and civilpartnerships with children

    Effecton benefitsortax credits

    ` Job Grant is tax-free and doesn't reduce otherbenefits or tax credits you may be entitled toonce you start work.

    ` If you qualify for the Job Grant you'll also beeligible for Extended Council Tax Benefit andExtended Housing Benefit.

    How to claim

    ` You'll automatically get Job Grant so long asyou're eligible.You just need to make sure you

    tell your Jobcentre Plus Office that you'restarting work. You'll be paid in the same way asyou were paid benefits.

    ` Job Grant replaced Back to Work Bonus andLone Parent's Benefit Run-on for new claimsfrom 25 October 2004.

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    ` FiftyPlus In-work Training Grant

    ` Helppaying fortraining ifyourereturning to workat 50 plus

    ` Started a new job after being out of work for a while?The Fifty Plus In-work Training Grant could come inhandy if you need to update your skills to help you getstarted or to boost your prospects in your new job.

    ` Depending on your circumstances, you may be able touse the grant to help with:

    ` bringing your trade qualifications or industry knowledgeup to date

    ` improving your computer skills

    ` brushing up on other skills you need for work

    Doyou qualifyfortheFiftyPlus In-work Training Grant?

    You could be eligible for the grant if you:

    ` are currently working (including self-employment)

    ` have previously claimed at least one benefit from the listbelow, continuously for at least 26 weeks

    ` are no longer claiming any of these benefits, and wereaged 50 or over when you stopped claiming

    ` Youll need to apply for the grant no longer than 52weeks after you stop getting the relevant benefit.

    ` Benefitsthat qualifyforthe grantThe benefits that can qualify you for the grant are:

    ` Jobseekers Allowance

    ` Incapacity Benefit

    ` Employment and Support Allowance

    ` Income Support

    ` Severe Disablement Allowance

    ` Pension Credit

    ` Bereavement Allowance

    ` Carers Allowance` Jobcentre Plus Allowance Payments

    ` Auto Credits

    ` National Insurance Credits

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    All employees have an employment contract withtheir employer, although it might not be inwriting. If you dont have a written employmentcontract, your contract would haveautomatically been created when you started towork for your employer. Employment contracts

    ` An employment contract, or contract of employment, isan agreement between an employer and an employeewhich sets out their employment rights, responsibilitiesand duties. These are called the terms' of the contract.

    ` Your employment contract doesnt have to be in writing.However, you are entitled to a written statement of yourmain employment terms within two months of startingwork.

    ` The employment contract is made as soon as you

    accept a job offer. If you start work it will show that youaccepted the job on the terms offered by the employer,even if you dont know what they are. Having a writtencontract could cut out disputes with your employer at alater date, and will help you understand youremployment rights.

    ` You and your employer are bound to the employmentcontract until it ends (usually by giving notice) or untilthe terms are changed (usually in an agreementbetween you and your employer).

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    If you were getting help with yourhousing costs while you wereout of work, you may carry ongetting this. This is if you haveclaimed income-basedJobseeker'sAllowance,

    income-relatedEmploymentandSupportAllowanceorIncomeSupportforatleast26 weeks continuouslybeforestarting work. Youmay then continue to get thefollowing benefits for up to four


    ` Extended Payment of HousingBenefit

    ` Extended Payment of CouncilTax Benefit

    ` Mortgage Interest Run On

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    If you're on a low wage and yourhousing costs are below a certainlevel, you may continue to getHousing Benefit and Council TaxBenefit after this time


    Housing BenefitWhoiseligible

    You may get Housing Benefit if you pay rent and yourincome and capital (savings and investments) are belowa certain level. You could qualify if you are out of work,or in work and earning a wage.


    ` You can't usually get Housing Benefit if:

    ` you have savings of over 16,000, unless you are aged60 or over and getting the 'guarantee credit' of PensionCredit

    ` you live in the home of a close relative

    ` you're a full-time student (unless you're disabled or havechildren)

    ` you're an asylum seeker or are sponsored to be in theUK

    ` Otherrestrictions

    ` If you live with a partner or civil partner only one of youcan get Housing Benefit.

    ` If you're single and aged under 25 you can only getHousing Benefit for bed-sit accommodation or one roomin shared accommodation.

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    ` A tax credit is a payment that you receiveregularly. Despite the name, it isn't acredit against your tax bill. Nine out often families with children are eligible forChild Tax Credit.

    ` If you're working more than 16 hours aweek and you're on a low income, youmay be able to get Working Tax Credit

    too.` Tax credits may also be able to help with

    the costs of your childcare if you:

    ` work for at least 16 hours per week

    ` worked more than 16 hours per weekbefore going on adoption, maternity,paternity or sick leave

    You can order a tax credits claim pack fromthe Tax Credit Helpline on 0845 3003900

    ` Its a good idea to have your NationalInsurance number handy before you call.You can find this on:

    ` your P60 certificate from your employer


    your PAY

    E (Pay AsYou Earn) CodingNotice or a letter from the Tax Credit


    ` your payslip from work

    ` any letter from the Department for Workand Pensions (DWP) or Jobcentre Plusand in Northern Ireland, the SocialSecurity office

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    Whoshould claim?

    ` If you live with someone as a coupleyou must make a joint tax creditsclaim - you cant decide to claim as asingle person. Youll have to put downinformation about both of you on theclaim form and you'll shareresponsibility for making sure that thisinformation is correct.

    There are a number of different TaxCredits

    and here is a claim form

    TAX CREDIT Claim form

    When to claim

    ` Make a claim for tax credits as soon as youthink you qualify. If you wait to claim you couldlose money because tax credits can normallyonly be backdated up to three months from thedate the Tax Credit Office get your claim form.For example, if you have a baby on 12 Junebut the Tax Credit Office do not get your claimform until 12 October, they will only backdate

    your payments to 12 July.` Sometimes it might be worth making a claim

    even if you think your income is too high to getany money at the moment. You might want todo this if you expect your income to go downlater in the year, perhaps because ofredundancy.

    ` Likewise, you should let the Tax CreditOffice know if you make a claim for a sickness

    or disability benefit that would mean you getextra tax credits payments. If you are later toldthat you are entitled to the benefit, your extratax credits payments will be backdated to theearliest possible date.

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    The Tax Credit Office can usually onlybackdate your claim for a period of up tothree months before the date you makethe claim

    Ifyou've comeoffbenefits

    ` If you've stopped claiming benefitsbecause you've started a new job, orbecause you now work more than 16hours a week, the Tax Credit Office maybackdate your tax credits payments tothe date your benefits stopped, if youclaim within three months.

    Ifyou wantsomeoneto acton yourbehalffortax credits

    Who can acton yourbehalf?

    ` There are various types of people ororganisations that can act on your behalf.They are often known as intermediaries,and people frequently use them on ashort-term basis to deal with a particularissue.

    ` Intermediaries can include:

    ` voluntary organisations such as theCitizens Advice Bureau

    ` a friend or relative

    ` someone who explains things to you ifyou have difficulty understandingEnglish, for example an interpreter, whomight also be a friend or relative

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    Usethebenefits adviserto...

    ` check which benefits you may be able to get

    ` get an estimate of the benefits, tax credits orpension that may be available

    ` compare estimates if your situation changes

    ` save your answers for up to seven days

    ` download/print results for reference

    ` Benefits adviseris notsuitableforeveryone

    ` If you are in one of the following groups, pleasechoose from the options below for more usefulinformation:

    ` A prisoner

    ` A non-UK national

    ` A student

    ` Under 18 years old

    ` Permanently in residential care of a nursinghome

    To answerallthe questionsyou will needinformation about...

    ` savings

    ` earnings eg pay slips

    ` benefit/pension details

    ` outgoings, eg Council Tax, rent/mortgage,childcare payments

    ` if you rent a property from a private landlord,

    your Local Housing Allowance rate

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