Gospel Unplugged: Volume one; Issue Two



The second Issue of Volume One

Transcript of Gospel Unplugged: Volume one; Issue Two

Hey everyone! I would like to thank everyone that came out to our very first Gospel Unplugged featuring Danielle Lewis. It was great to see all of you there and the support was wonderful. God was glorified as we came to encourage each other, also by Danielle’s music. I would like to thank Danielle Lewis and her management for giving us the opportunity to host her album release, and for taking the opportunity to be our first artist. In listening to her album her sound

is truly one that is pure and I know that it is going to change the world.

Special thanks to Okema and the people of XI Magazine, videographer Andrew Johnson, Lisa and the staff at Crash Mansion, our tremendous host Courtney Bradley, and all who played an important role in making this happen. Last and most important, I would love to thank the staff that God has placed in Gospel Unplugged. Bianca, Celeste, Farah, Mackie, and Sam. Without you guys all

the things that were accomplished could have not taken place. God has so much instore for your lives, thank you!!

Please keep on the lookout for us. We are getting ready for the summer and many great things will take place. Please continue to keep us in prayer and follow us on Twitter and FaceBook so you can stay connected as we Unplug to go higher in God.

-Terrence C. Charles

-Terrence C. Charles

Brydge Media Collective is one of the newest company’s created to meet the needs of the non-traditional gospel artist. BMC uses publicity and events to get the attention of diverse audiences. The founder and president of BMC, Gabby Cudjoe, has always had a passion for music and used her experience as an intern in various outlets, as well as her vast knowledge received from New York University, to create the flagship event.

We were privileged to go to the Turnstyle Sunday’s event (BMC’s monthly flagship event) that took place on March 28th. The event was absolutely spectacular. The three main artists were A-Minor Productions, Travis Malloy, and CMO:

three non-traditional gospel artists who took the stage by storm!

C-Mo, a gospel singer from Virginia was the first to take the mic. Immediately, the crowd was bumping from the smooth flow of the music. However, C-Mo really got his audiences attention when he sang his song, an original, “Liberation”. The song is his testimony about being set free from what people thought about him.

Next to the stage was A-Minor Musik Group who literally had people to their feet while they were feasting on the delicious food provided by Gospel Uptown and jamming to the sounds of the live band. Linny Smith took the mic and began singing a jazz-filled, worshipful arrangement

of the classic worship song “There is None Like You”, followed by Danielle Lewis who wowed the audience with an original song, entitled “More Of You” from her album that is scheduled to release on April 18th, 2010. Then Linny came back to the mic and the crowd went wild as they ended their set with a high-energy praise song that encouraged the audience to exalt the Lord’s name on high! As A-Minor Musik left the stage, the crowd continued to give an exuberant praise, singing “high! High!” Worship exuded from every note sang and every key played! Be on the lookout for amazing music from A-Minor Musik Group as their album drops on June 29th!

Lastly, Travis Malloy hit the stage with a dynamic sound! Traveling all the way from Pennsylvania, Travis had the audience hype, as they shouted praises to God and sang “I got favor” along with the talented artist. There was a genuine joy and excitement in Travis’ eyes throughout the entire time.

If missed this event, be encouraged in the fact that this occurs every month! Therefore, there will be plenty of occasions for you to go to Gospel Uptown and encourage the ministry of new artists and Brydge Media Collective!

For more information about Turnstyle Sunday’s feel free to contact Brydge Media Collective at 917.284.0118.

By Celeste Rimple

On March 25th, fans rallied and packed out Saunders Studios in Fort Greene Brooklyn for the release and debut of Gospel Sensation Jovita Sheppard and Manna’s new single “Running.”

This single release

party stirred up a recipe of tasteful live music with an edgy versatile alternative rock band that gave us a mixture of

Rock, Jazz and a pinch of classic and contemporary Gospel. Alternative Gospel sensation Jovita Sheppard & Manna, along w/ upcoming Gospel artists stirred up an edgy yet tasteful recipe for fans with performances by Gospel rapper Blessed, new and upcoming Gospel princess “Binky” and a ravishing performance by Gospel rapper You-Tube. The evening ended with a

dynamic Rock Righteous performance by Jovita Sheppard, as she sang her new single “Running”.

Gospel Unplugged met

up with Jovita before the show to chat and share with you the five most important things about Jovita, how did the new single “Running” come about and what we can expect to hear from Jovita & Manna in the future.

Gospel Unplugged Exclusive



Connect to Jovita Sheppard

by Farah Louis

GU: Jovita, tell us a little about yourself, who is Jovita Sheppard?

JS: I was raised in Brooklyn, New York. I’m an Alternative Christian artist and I embrace all genres of music from Jazz, Rock, Pop and traditional Gospel, and I embody them. We’re anointed to produce a sound so unique.

GU: When you say “we”, who do you mean?

JS: Well, I don’t come alone, I have been blessed to have group called Manna. We have an edgy composition, embodying all genres and Manna consists of six great singers and a five piece band. Manna brings down a sound from Heaven.

GU: Manna sounds powerful, so how did you choose the band members, what was the process?

JS: We definitely had some members come and go, but when finding Manna, I was in a search for people that have a heart for God but play skillfully and amazing singers and they are

amazing. Our band is not the biggest and baddest but we’re anointed and that’s what matters.

GU: Amazing, so you’ve been singing for a while, how long have you been singing?

JS: I’ve been singing since the age of two years-old. I attended Pilgrim church in Brooklyn and sang their all my life, as a child instead of playing outside, my grandfather used to have us up in the house singing and learning three-part harmony and that’s what led me to be the singer I am today.

GU: How did you know you were called to be a Christian Singer?

JS: You know you’re called to something when you see your fruit, and I’ve watched and when we go into a place like a club to minister and see peoples lives change and freed it’s that fruit that lets us know that we’re called.

GU: So “Running” is a unique and eclectic single, what inspired you to write it?

JS: Running is very commercial, yet crossing a generation not being taped into and giving the message of Christ, but a conversational piece and it’s a testimony, my personal testimony, leading others to run to the cross.

GU: We know you travel a lot, so what are your favorite places to sing?

JS: We’ve sang in Texas, Virginia and several other places but we’re always singing in New York but our favorite spots to sing in New York is St. Marks in Brooklyn and Allen AME is always a delight to sing their.

GU: Any inspiring remarks for your fans or aspiring Gospel artists?

JS: For aspiring artists, make sure you are called and this is what God is calling you to do this, stay focused and remain humble because God exalts the humble.

Jovita Sheppard Interview



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