GOSPEL NEWS - St. Charles and Dover United Methodist …scdmethodist.com/clientimages/55715/gospel...

GOSPEL NEWS The Newsletter for the St. Charles United Methodist and Dover Community Churches September 2017 Pastor: Rev. Heather E. Klason Church Office: 824 Church Avenue, St. Charles, MN Telephone: 507-932-4966 (O), 507-932-4931 (H), 320-290-7460 (Pastor’s cell) Email: Church: [email protected] Pastor: [email protected] Website: hp://www.scdmethodist.com Summer Joint Worship 9:00 am at Dover Community Church Encounter the Spirit—Live Expectantly Annual conference is a time when Minnesotans all over the state, clergy and laity, come together to look at OUR church. By church, I mean churches all over the Minnesota conference. We revisit our shared vision of these gospel imperatives: The Great Commandment, Grow in love of God and neighbor Matthew 22:37-40 The Great Commission, Reach new people Matthew 28:19-20 The Great Proclamation, Heal a broken world Luke 4:16-21 The conference slogan was “Encounter the Spirit—Live Expectantly” as the new church in the book of Acts lived. Conference is organized to provide our churches with reports, teaching sessions, legislation, and of course worship. Reports this year shared good news—new church starts, new ways to worship, new people, new answered calls to ministry and mission. Churches, ministries, and missions that are “ Encountering the Spirit and Living Expectantly” in our conference were recognized and awards were given. We are a church with a great heart for mission. Despite the good news, we are also the #1 conference in decline. That remains an important focus of clergy, staff, and laity. What we need to do as a church to grow continues to be an imperative. Growth strategies that were successful were shared as were ideas for growth. Also included in this discussion was what hasn’t worked well for growth. The teaching part of the conference was led by Junius Dotson, general secretary of Discipleship Ministries. He taught on that devilish E word...EVANGELISM, the “how and “why”. He reminded us we need to know our WHY. When we know our WHY, our WHAT we do will be clear. We will be walking toward purpose, and be more impactful. The first church expected the Holy Spirit, we need to live expectantly so we can encounter the Spirit also. Legislation this year was routine budget and business. All adopted, not a lot of heated discussion on any legislation. Worship is probably the best part of conference. We opened with worship led by Bishop Ough. This year we had our worship service in the same place we had our meals and our sessions...a new way to worship. The second day we hear Bishop’s Episcopal address during worship. Some of his address reminded us that the first church had no celebrity, no wealth, no power, and maybe not the best and brightest. In the evening we have Celebration of Life Ministry. This includes memorials for those who have died, recognition of retirees, and ordination and commissioning. It’s such a moving service and we certainly feel the Holy Spirit during this service. The last day we open again with worship. This time a conference preacher preaches. At the close of conference we have our last worship service. We are sent out to encounter the spirit and live expectantly! Peggy Carlson

Transcript of GOSPEL NEWS - St. Charles and Dover United Methodist …scdmethodist.com/clientimages/55715/gospel...


The Newsletter for the St. Charles United Methodist and

Dover Community Churches

September 2017

Pastor: Rev. Heather E. Klason

Church Office: 824 Church Avenue, St. Charles, MN

Telephone: 507-932-4966 (O), 507-932-4931 (H), 320-290-7460 (Pastor’s cell)

Email: Church: [email protected] Pastor: [email protected]

Website: http://www.scdmethodist.com

Summer Joint Worship 9:00 am at Dover Community Church

Encounter the Spirit—Live Expectantly

Annual conference is a time when Minnesotans all over the state, clergy and laity, come together

to look at OUR church. By church, I mean churches all over the Minnesota conference. We

revisit our shared vision of these gospel imperatives:

The Great Commandment, Grow in love of God and neighbor

Matthew 22:37-40

The Great Commission, Reach new people

Matthew 28:19-20

The Great Proclamation, Heal a broken world

Luke 4:16-21

The conference slogan was “Encounter the Spirit—Live Expectantly” as the new church in the book of Acts lived. Conference is organized to provide our churches with reports, teaching sessions, legislation, and of course worship.

Reports this year shared good news—new church starts, new ways to worship, new people, new answered calls to ministry and mission. Churches, ministries, and missions that are “Encountering the Spirit and Living Expectantly” in our conference were recognized and awards were given. We are a church with a great heart for mission. Despite the good news, we are also the #1 conference in decline. That remains an important focus of clergy, staff, and laity. What we need to do as a church to grow continues to be an imperative. Growth strategies that were successful were shared as were ideas for growth. Also included in this discussion was what hasn’t worked well for growth.

The teaching part of the conference was led by Junius Dotson, general secretary of Discipleship Ministries. He taught on that devilish E word...EVANGELISM, the “how and “why”. He reminded us we need to know our WHY. When we know our WHY, our WHAT we do will be clear. We will be walking toward purpose, and be more impactful. The first church expected the Holy Spirit, we need to live expectantly so we can encounter the Spirit also.

Legislation this year was routine budget and business. All adopted, not a lot of heated discussion on any legislation.

Worship is probably the best part of conference. We opened with worship led by Bishop Ough. This year we had our worship service in the same place we had our meals and our sessions...a new way to worship. The second day we hear Bishop’s Episcopal address during worship. Some of his address reminded us that the first church had no celebrity, no wealth, no power, and maybe not the best and brightest. In the evening we have Celebration of Life Ministry. This includes memorials for those who have died, recognition of retirees, and ordination and commissioning. It’s such a moving service and we certainly feel the Holy Spirit during this service. The last day we open again with worship. This time a conference preacher preaches. At the close of conference we have our last worship service. We are sent out to encounter the spirit and live expectantly!

Peggy Carlson

1From the Pulpit – Season of Creation

September 3 – Forest Sunday

Acts 17:22–28

The Holy Spirit led Paul to share Jesus’ message with others. While travelling in Greece, Paul proclaims God as creator of the world and everything in it. Paul references the creation story in Genesis 1 to remind us of our connection to God through all God’s creation. We can specifically think about the forests and trees that give us breath. Emphasizing that connection between God and all of nature, Paul explains that it’s through God “we live and move and have our being.”

This week, reflect on all of the ways you interact with God’s creation in your everyday life. Pay atten-tion to the simplest of interactions at home, work, or school – from the air you breathe, to the trees outside your window, to the food you eat. At each moment of recognition, say a short prayer of gratitude.

September 10 – Land Sunday Psalm 139:7–12

The writer of Psalm 139 declares that there is nowhere we can go to hide from God. God is with us at all times, in all places. One of the ways we are connected to God is through the land. The writer uses the landscape to explain God’s presence with us – above the land, below it, across the sea. Again, we are reminded how important our relationship with all creation is to our relationship with God. It’s a way to experience God’s presence, but also a way to break or do harm to our relationship with God. In how we treat the land around us, what messages are we sending God?

This week, listen to or read the news, paying special attention to stories that talk about land. For example, development, disputes, conservation, displacement, or issues related to borders, and cultural or national identity. Spend time praying for those who are caught in the middle of these news stories.

September 17 – Wilderness/Outback Sunday Romans 8:18–27

We’ve all experienced wilderness in our lives. Either a literal image, an experience in a physical place, or a spiritual experience where we feel separated from God. In Romans, Paul points to the Holy Spirit as our connection with God when we are in these wilderness places. The challenge for us today is to find union with God in both physical and spiritual experiences of wilderness – by caring for creation and caring for our spiritual lives. How might we let the wilderness renew us and deepen our connection with God?

This week, look at pictures of the wilderness or outback. Search online, at your local library, or pull out a photo album from a recent trip. Where do you see God in these places? Write your response in your journal.

In St Charles we will worship downstairs and dedicate the new space with the improvements

September 24 – River Sunday Revelation 22:1–5

Healing and renewal are the themes of this week’s focus scripture; these flow from God’s healing spirit and the river of life. Water is vital to sustaining life – all of creation depends on it. In John’s vision, the water of life quenches thirst, the tree of life provides nourishment, and its leaves heal the nations. This might sound contrary to the stories of pollution, hunger, and war that we see in the world. God’s examples of healing and renewal inspire us to be agents of hope and change today.

This week, visit a river, stream, or another waterway. Imagine God’s waters of healing and renewal

flowing over you and the places in creation that are hurting.


Sunday Schedule

Beginning September 3,2017

8:30 am Worship at St. Charles UMC

9:30 am Sunday School at SCUMC beginning Sept. 10

10:00 am Worship at Dover CC

10:15 am Sunday School at Dover CC beginning Sept. 10

Save the date

and save your

holiday treasures

for the

St. Charles UMW

Fall Event

November 4, 2017

St. Charles UMC Administrative Board Meeting

August 9, 2017

Members present: Allan Fagan, Teri and Jon Arnold, Troy Henry, Dianna Pulley, Sue Stefanich, Pastor Heather. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Allan Fagan. Finance:

Profit and Loss reports for January through June 2017 were distributed. The total budgeted for the year is $84,395.06 Total income $46,009.25

Used thus far.36,405.89 expenses 42,519.60 Remaining funds $47,989.17 net income $ 3,489.65

This does not include flooring costs. Apportionments are not fully paid. Sue distributed the monthly giving comparison. With 33 giving units over $100, the giving for Jan. – June 2017 is $37,315.00. After discussion, it was decided that envelopes with options for giving ( 1 Turkey Dinner) or ( 2 General fund)

will be sent USPS to all with the September newsletter. Trustees:

Jon has tiled the closet floors. Thank you Jon. The new flooring is finished except for the edging which is backordered. The weed trimmer is replaced. The parsonage floor flooded during the recent rain. Several people worked to repair the damage. Thanks

again. The snow blower is being replaced. Church cleaning day for St. Charles UMC is Saturday August 12, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.

Education: Jon plans to have a meeting of parents and concerned people on August 16 or August 21.

UMW SC/D UMW will host the District Mini-Mission on August 16 The SC/D UMW Fall Event is being planned for November 4, 2017

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Dianna Pulley

St. Charles/Dover UMC Joint Administrative Council Minutes

August 9, 2017

Members Present: Troy Henry, Allan Fagan, Dianna Pulley, Sue Stefanich, Casey Flury, Geri Ihrke, Jenny Mitchell, Jon and Teri Arnold, Pastor Heather.

Pastor Heather led a meditation and prayer.

Pastor Heather distributed a Ministry MAP.

Members met in groups of their church members to try the Ministry Map process.

The joint mission projects were discussed.

It was decided that the parish would do two mission projects each year beginning in the Spring of 2018.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Dianna Pulley

St. Charles/Dover United Methodist Women Meeting

August 2, 2017

Members Present: Dianna Pulley, Joan Hoff, Gail Keller,

Myra McKay, Linda Ferguson, Pastor Heather, Jan Behrens,

Sue Stefanich, Teri Arnold and , Carol Mueske

Lesson: The women who follow Jesus. Given by Dianna Pulley

Dessert provided by Teri Arnold

Meeting called to order at 1:30. Minutes reviewed and approved,

Treasure report

Old business:

Aug 10 our church serves kids lunch. Myra, Linda and a volunteer from Dover will make unfrosted cup-cakes. Volunteers will decorate that morning.

August 16th SCUMC will host River Valley District Mini Mission. Expect about 50 registrations plus 10 walk-ins. Need about 8 tables set up. Gail will decorate. Teri and Joan will be at Registration/money table. Fee is $10 per person. Sharon Anderson will provide music. We will need 3 people to take up offering: Teri +2. Need someone at the Lift/elevator. Jon Arnold and one other person for curbside help. Menu will include Punch/nuts/mints by Sue. Turkey supreme made by Alice, Sue and Dianna. Tossed Salad, vegetables, buns, pickles., lemonade, milk, coffee, water. Dianna will get groceries. Apple Crisp made by Teri, Gail, Myra and Carol in 9x12 pans. Meal served by Gail, My-

ra. Clean up crew to be determined.

Thank you to the Nielson family for Wheel Chair at our front entrance.

New Business:

Cleaning day Saturday, Aug. 12 at the church.

Coming up:

Fall Bizarre: Nov. 4, 2017 Ladies Day out. We asked, is it worth it and reviewed income/expense. We decided it was and will plan to do again this year.

We need to plan a time or way to honor Sharon Anderson for her years providing music. We discuss nominating her for Amazing Women.

May Breakfast: need ideas for entertainment.

Sept. 16th is the district annual Fall UMW gathering/retreat 8:45-3 pm in Rochester at Evangelical Meth-odist Church.

Next meeting Sept. 6th at 1 pm. Linda will be Host. Teri will provide lesson.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM. Carol Mueske Secretary

Congratulations to these members

who exhibited at the Fairs:

Riley Ferden

Tanner Pulley Teigen Henry

Andrew Boelter Grace Boelter

Will Boelter Addrianna EllsAworth

Lynlee Boelter

Anna Ferden

Each month our church delivers “Meals on Wheels” to seniors and others who are homebound.

Thank you to Lee and Peggy Carlson for taking charge of this mission.

If you would like help others by delivering meals, please call the Carlsons at (932-4016)

St. Charles

United Methodist Church

Annual Turkey Supper

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

4:30-7:00 P.M.


Turkey, Dressing Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Carrots, Cranberry Salad, Apple or Pumpkin Pie, Roll/Butter Coffee or Milk


$12 Adults $6 6 and under


Dine In or Take Out (At door or call ahead (507-932-4966)

Co-Chairs Peggy Dabelstein

Allan Fagan

Marion Decker

Marcie Dabelstein


Advertising: Allan Fagan

Poster: Rory Ellsworth

Greeters Pastor Heather Klason

Alice Dabelstein

Hostess/Seaters Teri Arnold

Cheryl Hinckley

Table Setting *Gail Keller

Barb Traxler

Irene Van Norman

Pastor Heather Klason

Ticket Sales Gail Keller

Barb Traxler

Joan Hoff (back door)

David Hinckley

Potatoes *Dianna Pulley

Lee Carlson

Cranberry Salad *Alice Dabelstein

Roy Holst

Dianna Pulley

Dressing *Janel Pearson


*Sue Stefanich

Deb Fagan


Dianna Pulley

Helen Tollefson

Rolls, Butter, Pour Milk Deb Reetz

Norma Stephens

Coffee Makers Teri Arnold

Jon Arnold

Coffee Servers *Jon Arnold

David Hinckley

Mark Roubinek

Tony Anderson

Willis Van Norman

Jason Koeppel

Food Servers

*Peggy Carlson

Stacey and Sage Snitker

Rory Ellsworth

Karin & Anna Ferden

Sunshine Pederson

Wait & Re-Set Tables Michelle Anderson & Eva

Abbie & Eva Disbrow

Addrianna Pederson

Jill Hutsell & Lilly

Holly Koeppel & Brynna

Teigen Henry

Jill and Kaylee Butson

Confirmation students

Dinners to Go *Marcie Dabelstein

Rick Dabelstein

Colter Dabelstein

Mary Tostenson

Troy Henry

Teri Henry

Kendra Henry

Riley Ferden

Clean Up 6:45 pm

*Allan Fagan

Doug & Riley Ferden

Jared Butson

Ken Decker

Lee Carlson

Noah Disbrow

Shawn Ryan

Steve Pearson

Sue Stefanich

David Pederson

Pickle Donation Dianna Pulley

Marcie Dabelstein

Milk (3 gallons each) Jared & Jill Butson

Don & Patti Zingler

Coffee donation Jon Arnold

Butter Donation (4 lbs) *Allan Fagan

Brett Decker

Cheryl Hinkley

Pastor Heather

Pie Cutter

*Marion Decker

Barb Traxler

Carol Mueske

Myra McKay

Please Note: Turkey Prep

will be done at the church

on Saturday, September

23 starting at 9 am. If you

are unable to come or can

only come later please

contact Al Fagan

Turkey Prep/Cutters *Allan Fagan

Deb Fagan

Dianna Pulley

Gary Klason

Jon Arnold

Kendra Henry

Lee Carlson

Marcie Dabelstein

Marion Decker

Roy Holst

Pat Stevens

Peggy Dabelstein

Rick Dabelstein

Mark Arnold

Apple or Pumpkin Pies

(2 pies each) *Barb Traxler*

Alice Dabelstein

Deb Reetz

Debbie Fagan

Gail Keller

Irene Van Norman

Janel Pearson

Jill Hutsell

Joan Hoff

Kathy Evans

Karin Ferden

*Marion Decker*

Christine Abel

Leola Hinckley

Linda Ferguson

Lindsay Ryan

Marion Evenson

Marilyn Christie

Mary Tostenson

Michelle Anderson

Myra McKay

Norma Stephens

Peggy Dabelstein

Rory Ellsworth

*Carol Mueske*

Shirley Johnson

Stacy Snitker

Sunshine Ellsworth-Pedersen

Sue Stefanich

Teri Arnold

Nancy Arnold

Teri Henry

Pastor Heather Klason

Peggy Carlson

Penny Ryan

If you want to purchase

pies, please contact Peggy

Dabelstein at 507-254-2014

by September 21st. Cost is

$8.00 per pie for a total of


If you have any questions ,

Please call Marion Decker

(507-932-3497) or Peggy

Dabelstein (507-254-2014)

Annual Turkey Supper

Please contact one of the star red names on your list if you cannot work or donate.

Please have your food donation to the church by 2:00 pm.

Workers, please park in the Bridal Shop parking lot in the gravel area only. If you find your name omitted from the list or you are unhappy with your assigned job, please let us know. We

would be happy to add you to an area of your choice!

A Big Thank You to All!

September Birthdays and Anniversaries

Please Remember these People

in Your Prayers Vicki Marquart

Terry Fix

Leola Hinckley

Julie Gettler

If you know of anyone in the hospital or in need of prayers, visits, or who would like communion brought to them, please contact Pastor Heather (320-290-7460).

1 Nick Bussell St. Charles

Ben Ihrke Dover

2 Gordon & Linda Ferguson St. Charles

3 Tammy Torres St. Charles

5 Roger Ihrke Dover

Louis & Shelly Wegman Dover

6 Brad & Sarah Biers Dover

7 Don & Jan Behrens St. Charles

Willis & Irene Van Norman St. Charles

8 Mike Bussell St. Charles

Leola Hinckley St. Charles

Tanner Ryan Pulley St. Charles

9 Courtney Dabelstein St. Charles

10 Bryndon Koeppel St. Charles

12 Rodney & Liane Hammel Dover

Miranda Ferson

13 Sheryl Brown Dover

Jarrod Sackreiter St. Charles

14 Marion Decker St. Charles

Troy Henry St. Charles

Wade & Jean Messerschmidt St. Charles

17 John Hart Dover

Wade Messerschmidt Dover

18 Noah Disbrow Dover

Abby Disbrow St. Charles

Addrianna Ellsworth St. Charles

21 Kristy Disbrow St. Charles

Isaac Kahn St. Charles

Jennifer Marshall Dover

22 Olivia Ihrke St. Charles

23 Breann Hart Dover

24 Vivian Hawk Dover

Bob Ryan St. Charles

Chad Myers St. Charles

28 Rick & Marcie Dabelstein Dover

St. Charles

A Thank you to all who remembered Dad (Leon) in your visits to the Care Center, your laughs and memories shared with him. He so loved to see your faces and hear your voices. Thank you for coming and celebrating his life with us. Your memories, thoughts and prayers are so appreciated.

Leon Sackreiter Family (Rory, Kerry, Lea, Kent, Kim, Kit and



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The U

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St. C

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Pastor: H

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Church phone: 507-932-4966

Pastor C

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Website: w








9 2



















8:30 am S


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Dover W

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Dover S


7:00 pm C



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8:30 am S



10 am D

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10:15 am D

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10:00 am



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10:00 am



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7:00 pm S


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4:30-7:00 SC






Articles for O



sletter due in office

No A

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10:00 am



Living Worship

1:00 pm U


8:30 am S



10 am D

over Worship


The Newsletter for the St. Charles United Methodist and

Dover Community Churches

September 2017

Pastor: Rev. Heather E. Klason

Church Office: 824 Church Avenue, St. Charles, MN

Telephone: 507-932-4966 (O), 507-932-4931 (H), 320-290-7460 (pastor’s cell)

Email: Church: [email protected] Pastor: [email protected]

Website: http://www.scdmethodist.com

Thank you

To everyone who helped with the

Summer Lunches for children.

September Worship Schedule

8:30 am Sunday Worship at St. Charles UMC

9:30 am Sunday School at SCUMC beginning Sept. 10

10:00 am Sunday Worship at Dover CC

10:15 am Sunday School at Dover CC beginning Sept 10.

Thank you

To all the people who helped host the UMW Mini Mission

Thank you

To the trustees and all who helped move things and get ready for the new floor to be laid.

Thank you

To the people who cleaned the church upstairs.

We look forward to worshipping in St. Charles again.