Gosfield Grapevine

Gosfield Grapevine Issue 76—December 2017 Gosfield Parish Council

Transcript of Gosfield Grapevine



Issue 76—December 2017

Gosfield Parish Council



New houses for Gosfield

I am writing this having just returned from a Planning Committee Meeting at

Braintree District Council where I spoke on behalf of the Parish Council against two

proposed developments in Gosfield. I did not believe I would be successful because

the District Council had recommended approval and that usually means they go

through. As it turned out our fears were realised and the plans were approved

The two plans are for 19 houses on the plot to the South of the Limes, and for 35

houses to the North of Meadway, 54 in total. The Meadway plans were with access

via Meadway rather than Hedingham Road.

To be fair to the District Council, they never envisaged much expansion in the

villages and concentrated their plans for development in the 3 towns of Witham,

Braintree and Halstead, but they have not got the numbers required by the Govern-

ment so have had to turn to villages like Gosfield, but it will affect us not least with

the pressure on the road system and other services. And this may not be the end.

Developers, sensing blood, are putting in more applications some of which the

District Council may have to accept.

In all this, the Parish Council representing the village has little say and we are at the

mercy of outside forces beyond our control. All we can do try to extract concessions

which will mitigate the impact of what is being decided. For example, I proposed

that the plans for The Limes site would include some off-road parking to reduce the

parking problem in the Limes road. Also, I proposed that construction traffic not be

allowed along Hall Drive and Meadway during school rush hours and this principle

was accepted. It will be bad enough at normal times with traffic from what will be in

effect a 100+ housing estate feeding into Hall drive in competition with traffic from

Gosfield Hall, the Golf Club and both St Margaret’s School and the County Primary

School, but it would be unimaginable if there is construction traffic at the same time.

One ray of light in the gloom is that the developers have offered the other half of the

field on the Meadway site to the village as a public amenity space and the Parish

Council have accepted the offer, so hopefully, the site cannot be expanded in the

future and we will have acquired a valuable piece of amenity land for the village.

Bob Waters (Chairman of the Parish Council)


Please see on page five a map of the proposed development area. Land top of Meadway This

map was presented to BDC planning committee and used as part of the decision making

process You will note the complete development area is inside land to be given to the parish

council. This guarantees this site cannot enlarge without the consent of the parish council,

[the will of the village] The parish council will eventually have the cost of the upkeep of this

land and hedges especially the responsibility to keep the hedge in Hedingham Road cut back,

to keep the pavement clear. Ed.

Plan No. *17/01066/OUT (APPROVED) Location Gosfield Applicant(s) Baylight

Ltd Proposed Development Outline application with all matters reserved except for

access for the erection of up to 35 dwellings - Access via Meadway, land to the West

of Hedingham Road.

DECISION: That, subject to the applicant entering into a suitable legal agreement

pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to

cover the following Heads of Terms:- -

Affordable Housing – 40% of units on site to be affordable housing, with a

final mix to be agreed at the reserved matters stage, but with 70/30% ratio of afforda-

ble rent over shared ownership. -

Open Space Contribution – A financial contribution towards allotments and

sports provision, based upon a formula set out in the Supplementary Planning

Document. The provision of public open space on the developable area, between the

development and listed building. The land on the Western part of the site (approx. 2.6

hectares) shall be public open space. Provision for ongoing arrangements for the

management and maintenance of all open space provided.

Education - A contribution towards primary school places and a second-

ary transport contribution in accordance with Essex County Council’s formula.

the Development Manager be authorised to grant planning permission for the above

development in accordance with the approved plans and the conditions and reasons

set out in the report, as amended below. Alternatively, in the event that a suitable

planning obligation is not agreed within three calendar months of the date of the

Planning Committee’s decision, the Development Manager be authorised to refuse

planning permission. Details of this planning application are contained in the Regis-

ter of Planning Applications.

The Committee approved this application subject to the additional, proposed site plan

Plan Ref: 255-PL-10_B being added to the list of Approved Plans.

Councillor Bob Waters, representing Gosfield Parish Council, attended the meeting

and spoke against this application.



Plan No. *17/00610/OUT (APPROVED) Location Gosfield Applicant(s) Marden Homes Ltd Proposed Development Outline planning application for up to 19 dwellings with associated access, parking, garaging, landscaping and amenity space, land South of The Limes.

DECISION: That, subject to the applicant entering into a suitable legal agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to cover the following Heads of Terms:- -

Affordable Housing – 40% of units on site to be affordable housing, with a final mix to be agreed at the reserved matters stage, but with 70/30% ratio of afforda-ble rent over shared ownership.

Open Space Contribution – A financial contribution towards open space, based upon a formula set out in the Supplementary Planning Document.

the Development Manager be authorised to grant planning permission for the above development in accordance with the approved plans and the conditions and reasons set out in the report. Alternatively, in the event that a suitable planning obligation is not agreed within three calendar months of the date of the Planning Committee’s de-cision, the Development Manager be authorised to refuse planning permission. De-tails of this planning application are contained in the Register of Planning Applica-tions.

Councillor Bob Waters, representing Gosfield Parish Council, attended the meeting and spoke against this application.

Braintree District Council Planning committee 5th December 2017


Proposed development of 40 no. new residential dwellings LOCATION: Former Oil Depot, Land West Of, Hedingham Road, Gosfield, Essex, CO9 1PN

Application REFUSED for the following reasons:- 1 The site is located in the countryside and falls outside of the defined village envelope as identified in the adopted Local Plan Review and adopted Core Strategy. The proposal introduces 40no. dwellings in the countryside where development is resisted unless it is sustainable and is located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities. Facilities and amenities are beyond reasonable and safe walking distance of the site and development in this location would undoubtedly place reliance upon travel by car.




18th December 2017—Pavilion—7.15pm

15th January 2018— Pavilion—7.15pm

19th February 2018—Pavilion—7.15pm

Email; [email protected]

[email protected]

Please note copy date for the next “Grapevine” 23rd January 2018

Joanne Beavis, Clerk to Gosfield Parish Council.

Easter Cottage, Park Hall Road, Gosfield, C09 1SQ.

Telephone: 01371 850710.

Email: [email protected]

The Parish Council would like to add their voice to the big thank you to

Ian Thurston and the speedwatch team for organizing the smiley Sid sign in

Hedingham Road. At the same time we would like to recognise the

generosity shown by all who contributed

Maurice Rowson Trust MDS Civil Engineering

G B Finch Gosfield School

Gosfield Hall Gosfield Lake Golf Club

Gosfield Parish Council Thank you.

The parish council would like to wish all parishioners and

advertisers in the Grapevine a

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Your support throughout the year whether sending content or

advertising is appreciated, without you this mag couldn't happen.


Minutes of Gosfield Parish Council meeting held on Monday 16th October 2017 at the Pavilion, the Playing Field, Church Road, Gosfield at 7.15pm.

Selected extracts

17/169. The Parish Council carefully considered the Braintree District Council planning

applications and unanimously agreed “No comment” on the following planning applications:

Planning No: 17/01752/FUL. 49 Greenfields. Replace extension, car port and re-position

the garage.

Planning No: 17/00316/TPOCON. Ryton, The Street. Tree works.

Planning No: 17/00305/TPOCON. 5 Park Cottages, The Street. Tree works.

Planning No: 17/00301/TPOCON. 2 The Firs, the Street. Tree works.

Planning No: 17/00300/TPOCON. 1 The Firs, the Street. Tree works.

17/170. Cllr. Strudwick thanked Ian Thurston for his work with Harry Bines and the Speed-

Watch Group in bringing forward the project to install a new Speed Activation Device at the

location of Hedingham Road, Gosfield. He said that the latest speed survey in this location of

the village highlighted that 70 per cent of cars exceeded the speed limit. He reported that a lot

of work had been carried out including finding external funders to support the project. Cllr.

Pawsey proposed that the Parish Council paid for the Speed Activation Device from the

Parish Council’s General Fund. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. Hough and unanimously

agreed. It was noted that the offers of grant funding from local businesses to support the

project would need to be invoiced. Cllr. Strudwick explained that the Speed Activation

Device would be located on the post at Hedingham Road and as part of the agreement by

Essex County Council to approve the project that remaining 3 metal posts, located in various

locations around the village, would continue to serve the other ‘rotating’ Speed Activation


17/172. The Parish Council agreed to make the following comments in line with a request from Braintree District Council to consult on the Public Open Spaces Action Plan. “A piece of land to be set aside (field side) of the Limes to increase the parking provision. This could be an extension to the Limes parking area or the creation of a new and additional parking area within the development plan of the proposed new scheme. The proposal to include the new wording in the Braintree District Council Public Open Spaces Action Plan was proposed by Cllr. Strudwick and seconded by the Chairman and the proposal was carried. Cllr. Gill and Cllr. Maragkakis abstained from voting.

17/180. Cllr. Gill reported that she had met with the Vicar of St. Catherine’s Church and that the date had been set for the Village Christmas Gathering at the Playing Field. She reported that further details would follow. She confirmed that the date had been set for Thursday 14 th December at 7.30pm.


Minutes of Gosfield Parish Council meeting held on Monday 18th September 2017 at the Pavilion, the Playing Field, Church Road, Gosfield at 7.15pm.

Selected extracts

17/151. Cllr. Joanne Beavis – County Councillor reported that she had completed a tour of the

Halstead Division and had reported all visible highways defects. She reported that she had

submitted a scheme to Essex County Council for a new replacement road island at the Street,

close to the junction with Hall Drive. She reported that the next meeting of the Braintree

Local Highways Panel was that week and that she was carefully considering highways

improves schemes within the Halstead Division. Cllr. John O’Reilly-Cicconi reported that

£750 of Braintree Cllr. Community Funding was available for Gosfield Parish Council to use

on village projects

17/154. Cllr. Pawsey proposed approve planning number: 17/01607/FUL. Former Cory Oil Depot. Proposed development of 40 new homes is accepted. She said that the proposed development is sustainable. She said that the proposed development had good access links to the village of Gosfield. She said that the proposed development site had been empty for years following its commercial existence. Cllr. Maragkakis added that the proposed development represented diversity in the types of homes being suggested. Cllr. Adams agreed that the proposed development would be a good opportunity for the village. Cllr. Strudwick said that the site was outside of the village envelope and that it would create a hamlet and that it was not sustainable. Cllr. Carter said that the proposed development may encourage public transport. Cllr Waters said that the site had no relation to the village of Gosfield and would create a new community. He said that it was not sustainable and would be detrimental to the village of Gosfield. Cllr. Pawsey’s proposal was seconded by Cllr. Maragkikis and agreed by Cllrs. Adams, Carter, Hough. Cllrs. Waters, Strudwick and Gill voted against the proposal. Cllr. Edwards abstained from voting.

17/162. It was noted that the Streetlight Brigade would need to meet to agree the streetlight

report before the autumn set in. It was noted that the Finance Committee would meet on the

26th October.

A parishioner reported that the footpath opposite the King’s Head leading into the Nature

Reserve would need to be cut back. The Nature Reserve Warden confirmed that he would

clear the footpath.

Cllr. Strudwick reported that the new pedestrian gate for the Children’s Play Area would need

to be placed on the October Parish Council agenda to agree the cost of the gate and proposed


A parishioner reported that the footpath at Russells Road and at the entrance to the Gosfield

Nature Reserve from Halstead road would need to be cleared.

Stephen Westover asked if a recent letter he had written to the Parish Council would be read out. The Chairman reported that the letter had been placed in the Parish Council’s correspondence folder for the information of all Cllrs. and copies were available on the table for interested parishioners.


Gosfield Yarnies

A knitting and crochet group

Maurice Rowson Hall

Wednesday mornings 10-12

£3 per person which includes tea / coffee and homemade cakes

New members very welcome

mother and toddler group Emma will be restarting the toddler group on 10th January 2018, after a year of it not being run. contact number 07872 916917.

Forthcoming events

4th December—Monday Cuppa Club—2pm Maurice Rowson Hall

7th December - Gosfield Senior Circle—Christmas Lunch

12th December— Gosfield W. I. —White Hart, Gt. Yeldham-Christmas lunch

14th December—Carol Service, Paying Field 6.30pm

18th December—Parish Council Meeting—7.15pm Pavilion

24th December– Gosfield Social Club–Christmas Eve Celebration, 7.30pm

8th January—Monday Cuppa Club—2pm Maurice Rowson Hall

9th January— Gosfield W I —Carol James The History of Teddy Bears– M R Hall


15th January—Parish Council Meeting—7.15pm Pavilion


Did you know we have a famous big band leader buried in St Catherine's Church ?

JACK HYLTON was a famous big band leader in the 1920s and through to the 1960s.

The story of Jack Hylton is that of one of the Great Britons. A classic rags to riches tale of the

son of a mill worker who ended his days as a wealthy, well regarded, well loved theatrical

impresario, dividing his time between his sold out theatres in London’s West End and his villa

in the south of France.

This would seem like a good yarn, but in between there was the small matter of the most

successful dance band in Britain, a band which recorded literally thousands of songs, toured

Europe extensively and brought fame and fortune not only to it’s leader but to many of it’s

sidemen, who became famous in their own right. ‘Jack Hylton And His Orchestra’ broke free

of the hotels and cabaret of most of the bands of the 1920’s and 1930’s and took his

amazingly successful band to the theatres, concert halls and opera houses which had

previously been reserved for the classical orchestras of the day. It was only when the

outbreak of World War II was about to force a compromise to the highest of standards (seven

key members were called up on the same day) that he decided to disband and look elsewhere

for his success.

But success at that level doesn’t happen overnight and this tale is preceded by the fascinating

story of a boy from Bolton in the 1890’s, from the humblest of beginnings, his father working

in a mill by day, and visiting the local pub by night. Jack tagged along and soon found out

what it felt like for an audience to applaud his performance as he sang with the local pianist.

He loved it. He went to the seaside to work in a Pierrot Troupe and from there travelled to the

bright lights of London to work as a pianist. When his band made their first record (this being

the birth of recorded music) he made sure his name was on it. It didn’t make him much

money, but it set him on the road to massive fame and fortune.

Skip forward through the thousands of records, concerts, radio performances, and millions of

miles travelled; Jack Hylton sets out to become the leading theatre producer in the West End,

and manages it. He is in control of the top theatres and discovering some of the biggest

names in show business for the subsequent forty years – Morecambe & Wise, Shirley Bassey

– they ought to be big enough names to understand his ability for spotting talent.

By the 1950’s Hylton was to spread his wings still further and was at the forefront of yet

another development in technology – independent television. Almost single handed he used

his skills and experience to create light entertainment on ITV almost as we know it today,

becoming a massive influence on the lives and careers of countless TV stars of the 50’s and

60’s. Hylton died in the 1960s, a happy and successful man.

But whilst Hylton was fearsome as an impresario and deal maker, both in the theatre and in

TV – a written contract meant nothing if he wanted to work with someone badly enough – he

was also generous to a fault and always first to help out nothing was too much for this most

charming of gentlemen those around him despite his punishing schedule. Hospital bills,

holidays, cars,.


There’s so much detail to fill in: he received the ‘Officer de L’Instruction Publique’ and the

‘Legion D’Honnuer’ from the French government, he worked with Igor Stravinsky and

played a dance band version of one of his works, he brought Duke Ellington and Coleman

Hawkins to the UK, he took a band to the USA, in spite of union strikes, he starred in films

with the band, he was awarded the Franz Lehar medal, was made a Freeman of the State of

Israel, he survived a serious car crash in the late 20’s which would see him sporting a scar on

his face for the rest of his life, he was a director of TWW Television, he partied with royalty

and almost fifty years after his death is still cited as someone who many in TV and theatre

“owe it all to”.

So that’s the story. A man who was born in the 1890’s in industrial Bolton, who discovered a love for performing, learnt to play the piano, moved to London to pursue a career in the pop music of the day, served in World War 1 as an entertainment officer, developed one of the most successful bands in popular music history, disbanded it at it’s zenith and then became one of the most successful theatrical producers of his or any other generation, as well as dabbling in ITV. He did all this whilst conducting the most outrageous and exciting private lives, which would put most modern celebrities to shame. You can find his grave by entering through the lych gate, follow the main path past the Church, and on the right hand side, next to the path about half way along, is this unimposing memorial to a great man and his wife.

Gosfield W.I.

At or meeting in November £52 was raised for ‘Children in Need’ from a well supported raffle and sales table.

December 12th we will be at the White Hart, Great Yeldham for our Christmas lunch.

Our first meeting in the New Year will be on January 9th at 2pm at the Mau-rice Rowson Hall. The speaker will be Carol James who will be speaking on ‘The History of Teddy Bears’. The competition will be ‘A Teddy Bear’.

All made very welcome at our meetings. Admission £1.50 (refunded if you join us later). Just turn up or ring 469359 for details or a lift.


Gosfield Post Office The Post Office operates from the Maurice Rowson Hall twice a week, opening times;

Wednesdays 2pm-5.30pm Fridays 9am-1pm Full postal service provided.


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Hello Gosfield!

Was astonished to realise the other day that this week I’ve been licensed to

St Catherine’s for a year – I love it, and in so many ways it feels I’ve been here for

ever, but what of all the things I meant to have done by now but haven’t? Oh dear.

This is a time of year when it’s easy to beat yourself up, though. Something to do

with cold, grey, short days and frosty nights making us glum, perhaps. And of course

Christmas is looming – yes, it’s wonderful and amazing and a miracle, but it’s a load

of work for everyone, often unbelievably costly, and if you aren’t constantly feasting/

drinking/receiving ridiculously expensive presents/surrounded by adoring, beautiful

people - well, you’re not a telly advert, are you?

For lots of people, the holiday can be difficult. Life is sometimes rough, for all sorts

of reasons families aren’t always able to be together, and the nights are long. For

anyone for whom Christmas is difficult, and for all those who would like a quiet

service, we’re holding a simple “Longest Night” service at St Catherine’s this year, at

8 p.m. on Wednesday 20 December, to acknowledge – well, whatever it is – and

simply to be together in the presence of God, who knows, understands and loves us.

Do come along if it might suit your mood.

We shall be doing lots of rejoicing and singing carols too, of course! I’ll list the

services below, and everyone (of all ages) is very welcome to come along to any or

all of them. And bring family and friends too!

Remember, you don’t need to be a saint or a convinced Christian to come to

St Catherine’s: that’s the joy of the CofE. We’re all work in progress! Come and see

what you reckon. There’s always someone who will help and can explain the whys

and wherefores if you want to know. And there’s something beyond words, beyond

“magical”, beyond what any telly advert can imagine, when we get together as

community, in our own Parish Church, to sing and rejoice and worship.

I do hope you will come along and join the shepherds and angels and wise men,

Mary and Joseph, St Catherine and all heaven as we together welcome the birth of

the Christ-child, who came to lead us into eternal life.

May it be a blessed and joyful Christmas, for you and those you love.

With prayers and blessings




Gosfield Foundation Community Interest Company.

Registered office: Easter Cottage. Park Hall Road. Gosfield. Registered in England

and Wales. 8880098. Limited by guarantee.

Members: Joanne Beavis (Director). Peter Simmons. Julia Allen.

3rd Annual Report – covers period to 28th February 2017.

Community Interest Companies were introduced by the Government in 2005 to offer a

new type of legal status to encourage people who want to establish ventures that benefit

their local communities rather than being driven by personal profit. Community Inter-

est Companies trade commercially but have clear social objectives that provide benefit

to the community.

The Foundation has given grants to projects in the village including the Girl Guides, the

Fete Committee and new football posts for the children. Our largest project continues

to be Gosfield Village Shop. The Village Shop has managed to retain a good number of

volunteers who ensure that the Village Shop enjoys long opening hours for the benefit of

Gosfield and surrounding communities. Huge thanks must go to all the volunteers who

give up their time on a regular basis to ensure the shop is run in such a professional

manner. I would also like to thank Peter Simmons and Julia Allen who have the respon-

sibility of making sure that the Foundation acts appropriately and in accordance with

the governance of the Companies House Community Interest Company Regulator.

The temporary planning permission granted for the shop will expire in the New Year.

The Foundation is working towards submitting a planning application to Braintree Dis-

trict Council to apply for a further 3 years temporary planning permission. We will

wait to hear from the District Council its views before commencing with a potential ap-

plication for a purpose built new building at the current site. At this point the Founda-

tion will commence with its Foundation Fighting Fund (fff) to raise money for a perma-

nent structure. In order for this to happen a consultation process will have to commence

with the Parish Council and the District Council.

Over the past three months the Village Shop has been subjected to two break-ins. Plans

are ongoing to provide additional security including: a new high-level gate which will

cover the front glass entrance of the shop, an alarm and additional lighting and security


The Foundation has almost doubled its net income during this reporting period from £48,000 to approximately £90,000 It employs two staff with a responsibility for main-taining high levels of stock variety. I hope that our current period continues to see steady growth and I personally thank everyone for their support of the Village Shop and the Gosfield Foundation in a variety of many different ways. Jo Beavis. Village Shop opening times: Monday – Friday 7am - 5pm. Saturday 8am – 5pm. Sunday 8am – noon.




Sudbury, Bus Station 09:00

Ballingdon, Kings Head 09:03

Bulmer Tye, Park Lane 09:07

Bulmer, Cross Roads 09:11

Gestingthorpe, Foundry

Corner 09:17

Wickham St Paul, The Vic-

tory 09:23

Pebmarsh, Bus Shelter 09:32

Pebmarsh, War Memorial 09:33

Little Maplestead, Corner 09:39

Great Maplestead, Church 09:45

Little Maplestead, Pump 09:51

Halstead, High Street 09:56

Halstead, High Street 09:37

Mondays to Satur-days

Halstead, High Street 07:35 10:00

Little Maplestead, Pump 07:40 10:05

Great Maplestead, Church 07:46 10:11

Little Maplestead, Cock 07:53 10:17

Pebmarsh, War Memorial 07:59 10:23


As some of you may have noticed after a year of perseverance, many conversations with Highways, numerous financial begging letters and a little angst the Speed Indicator Display Sign was finally installed on the Hedingham Road approach this month. Initial feedback on speed reduction has been very good and certainly recent Speedwatch checks show a marked reduction in excessive speeds.

The scheme was financially supported by a number of local companies, schools and organisations to whom we are extremely grateful and the small shortfall was filled by the Parish Council. The donors are not noted simply because at time of writing there was not time to gain permissions (but you all know who you are), apologies.

Hopefully you will all see a smiley green face with your speed on the sign as you approach from Hedingham and will be reminded to slow down if the face is a not so friendly frowning orange or red.

Speedwatch takes a break in December but if you are looking for a ‘local’ New Year’s resolution then give us a ring to join us in January!

Ian Thurston Tel: 01787 474858

Harry Bines Tel: 01787 475768

Gosfield Community Speedwatch Data

NB1: If you wish to volunteer please contact:-

Ian Thurston on 01787 474858 or Harry Bines on 01787 475768

* One or two 45 minute sessions per month are all that we ask of you.

* Several sessions were cancelled during October and November due to weather conditions.

Location & Speed Limit

October 2017



November 2017



Total Sessions


Church Road (30mph) 0 0 0

The Street (various – 30mph) 18 9 6

Halstead Road (30/40mph) 0 0 0

Braintree Road (40mph) 1 0 1

Total 19 9 7


Official ticket launch for the Essex Lottery

Charities and community groups around Essex are celebrating as tickets for the new Essex Lottery go on sale.

The Essex Lottery is an exciting weekly lottery set up by Essex County Council to support local charities and good causes in communities across Essex with their fundraising efforts. Tickets cost £1, of which 60p will go directly to good causes.

The first draw takes place on Saturday 25 November with a jackpot of £25,000 and guaranteed weekly prizes. Plus, anyone who buys a ticket for the first draw will also be in with a chance to win an iPad.

Buy your tickets on the website www.essexlottery.co.uk, or call 0300 302 32 32 to be in with a chance of winning something for yourself and supporting local good causes with their fundraising.

Players can select from over 95 registered causes they wish to support and benefit from the proceeds. There’s still time for good causes to register their interest with The Essex Lottery. You can do this via www.essexlottery.co.uk

St Catherine’s at Christmas

On the Playing Field:

Thursday 14th – Community Carol Service starting at 7.30 p.m.

(mulled wine etc. available from 6.30, and beacon lighting after the service)

At St Catherine’s:

Sunday 17th – Morning Praise at 10.30 a.m. as usual, and 9 Lessons & Carols at 6 p.m.

Wednesday 20th – “Longest Night” Service at 8 p.m.

Sunday 24th – No morning service, but Crib Service at 5 p.m. and Midnight Mass starting at

11 p.m.

Sunday 25th – Family Service (bring the kids and their toys) at 10.30 a.m., followed by a

short Communion Service.

(Sunday 31st – No local service. Team Service is at 10 a.m. at Great Maplestead Church.)


Afterthoughts Peace on Earth…

It’s funny how you sometimes become aware of a connection that has probably

always been there, but you just never noticed it before.

This happened to me at the Remembrance Service when we all say together ‘Let

there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me’, which echoed with the Christmas

message of ‘Peace on earth and goodwill to all men’.

It may not be the first connection you might make between the solemn and sombre

mood of Remembrance and the joy of Christmas, but peace is definitely a theme. I

couldn’t help also feeling there was an unspoken sense of irony that there are two

events quite close in the calendar – one of hope and expectation, and the other of

sadness and regret, but with deep appreciation.

The thing that stayed with me, however, was the phrase ‘..let it begin with me’.

We’re not all obviously in a position to affect the course of world events directly,

but we are all in a position to affect events around ourselves, and, as I have

mentioned before, anything and everything has to start somewhere, and it all starts

with individuals doing something or behaving in a certain way. In other words,

when we say ‘They’ should be doing something about ‘It’, maybe what we should

be saying is what can I do about it?

On a village level this could relate to everything - traffic, speeding, social care,

housing, community spirit and so on. On a national and international level there are

all sorts of organisations and bodies you could join that might support the things you

feel strongly about.

On either level, I can hear the grumbling voices from the back of the room saying

that it’s not worth it, one person can’t make a difference, nobody listens, what’s the


The point is that if you don’t do something about ‘it’, you could ask why should

anyone else?

Maybe this year, when we wish everyone a merry Christmas, a Happy New Year

and good will to all mankind, we could all add, under our breath to ourselves,… and

let it begin with me.

Happy Christmas!

Max Ford



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To find out more about hatches, matches and dispatches, plus much, much more.

Including a brief history of Gosfield, Baptism, Confirmation, services, photographs, Jesus.

More than anyone can read in a day, and interesting too.

Go to www.stcatherineschurchgosfield.org.uk

Or contact Reverend Rose Braisby on [email protected] or telephone 01245 361927.

Standard advert

Black and white

£6.00 for one edition

£25 for one year six


St Catherine’s 50/50 Club

Winners in;

September 2017 October 2017 November 2017

No 128 R. Gage No 21 M. Ford No 162 J. Lowe

No 15 W. Pasfield No 70 P.Dyson No 93 L. Carter

No 27 Mrs Beaumont No 18 J. Paterson No 59 R. Poulter

No 64 K. White No 120 M. Moth No 6 L. Kemp

Thank you to everyone who continues to support us each month for just £1.

To take part please contact any PCC member or ring 473505.


Gosfield Lawn Tennis


New members welcome of all

ages and standards

• Professional coaching

sessions available

• Adult membership

starts at only £30 for

the first year

For more information contact

our Secretary

Sheila Goldsmith on

01787 478519

or look at our web site


Keith Broyd

Established 1972

Painter & Decorator

General Repairs

Tel 01787 237496


North End Road

Lt. Yeldham



Monday ‘Cuppa’ Club

Afternoon Tea, Sandwiches, Cakes, &

Tea & Coffee all for just £1.00

Plus good conversation, quiz,

Raffle and entertainment….

1st Monday every month at 2pm

Maurice Rowson Hall, Gosfield


Please bring along a plate of food for a shared buffet


Gosfield in Bloom

Date for your diaries if you would like to attend the Gosfield in Bloom first meeting!

Wednesday 10th January - 8pm - Social Club

Please let me know if you are attending, it would be

helpful to know numbers.

Mandy Adams 273494



A ‘big’ thank you to Ian Thurston, a resident in the village and co-organiser of the Speedwatch Group

To those of you not aware of the situation, Ian conducted all of the research and development with various manufacturers of the Speed Indicating Devices (SIDS) to establish suitability and cost, liaised and communicated with Essex Highways to organise the speed data checks and authority to complete the installation (a lengthy and bureaucratic process).

In addition, he drove a self-funding process seeking donations/contributions from local companies, including the Maurice Rowson Trust and the Parish Council.

Yes, he did have the support of the Speedwatch Team and the Parish Council, but credit where credit’s due, his ‘Morse’ like endeavour to see the project come to fruition deserves a vote of thanks to all living within the village.

Well done Ian.

Harry Bines (Co – Organiser of the Speedwatch Group)

November 2017




Cllr Bob Waters 21 Meadway CO9 1TG 473863

Vice Chairman:

Cllr Tricia Edwards Home Farm House CO9 1RZ 472958

Cllr Mandy Adams 30 Greenfields CO9 1TR 273494

Cllr Laurence Carter 24 Greenfields CO9 1TR 472225

Cllr Isla Gill 30 Highlands CO9 1PH 473398

Cllr Carol Hough 13 Braintree Rd. CO9 1PR 477208

Cllr Thea Maragkakis 35 Greenfield CO9 1TR

Cllr Maggi Pawsey Tye Beams, The Street CO9 1TP 472967

Cllr Tony Strudwick 17 Park Cottages, The Street CO9 1TP 473444

Membership of the Parish Council’s Sub-Committees:

Nature Reserve Committee: Cllrs Adams, Hough and Carter

Playing Field Committee: Cllrs Hough, Pawsey and Strudwick

Footpaths Committee: Cllrs Adams, Carter and Hough

Finance Committee: Cllrs Carter, Edwards, Gill and Strudwick

Personnel Committee: Cllrs Edwards, Gill, and Strudwick

Appeals Committee: Cllrs Carter, and Gill

Children’s Play Area Committee: Cllrs Adams, Gill, Hough, and Pawsey

Planning Committee: Cllrs Edwards, Pawsey, Strudwick and Waters

Grapevine Editor: Cllr Strudwick

The following Councillors represent the Parish Council on outside bodies:

Essex Association of Local Councils: Cllrs Carter

Braintree Association of Local Councils: Cllrs Carter

Coffee Rooms Trust: Cllr Waters

Maurice Rowson Hall Management Committee: Cllr Gill

Rowson Perpetual Memorial Fund Cllrs Pawsey, Hough and Ford

Our Braintree District Councillor is:

Cllr John O’Reilly-Cicconi, The Old Vicarage, Sudbury Rd., Bulmer, Sudbury, Suffolk

CO10 7TA Tel: 01787 466030

Our Essex County Councillor is:

Cllr Joanne Beavis Easter Cottage, Park Hall Road, Gosfield, C09 1SQ.

Telephone: 07771984365. [email protected]

Our Member of Parliament is:

Mr James Cleverly MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

Email: [email protected]



Gosfield Community Primary School Jo Morgan— Head Teacher 472266

[email protected]

St. Margaret’s Preparatory School Principal 472134

[email protected]

Gosfield School Principal 474040

[email protected]

Sports Clubs

Gosfield Carpet Bowls Club Mr Paul M Nicklin 478269 [email protected]

Gosfield Cricket Club Sheila King - Secretary - 8 Chestnut



Gosfield Lake Golf Club Mr Tony O’Shea - Club Secretary 474747

Gosfield Juniors Football Club (run from

Holy Trinity Primary School in Halstead)

Mr Mark Wiskin 07930 990013

Gosfield United Football Club Mr Simon Fraser - Chairman 01206 211470

Gosfield Tennis Club Mrs Sheila Goldsmith - Secretary 478519

Gosfield Shindo-Ryu Karate Club Mr Robert Fagg – 3 Chestnut Ave 479842

Gosfield Lake Linda Turp – Office Manager 475043 [email protected]

Community Support and Safety

Police Community Support Officers for


PCSO John Thorne and

PC Jan Simpson

07974 442984 or 101

Community Agent Chivonne Claydon 07540 720603

Pubs and the Club!

The King’s Head

The Green Man

The Social Club Mr Colin Wild – Steward 476235

Groups, Societies and Committees

Toddler Group Emma 07872 916917

Gosfield Players Sharon Wood—Secretary 472858

Gosfield Rainbows & Guides Stacey Creak 07814 233219

Gosfield Brownies & Guides Gill Hillman-Crouch 478097 or 07801 265603

Gosfield Beavers Mark or Clair Page 478696

[email protected]

Gosfield Women's’ Institute Mrs Iris Jarvis 473505

Gosfield Senior Circle Mrs Joan Cornell-Tidings Hill 478235

Gosfield Twinning Association Bridget Waterer [email protected]

Gosfield Horticultural Society Rebecca Westover 477331

Gosfield Fete Committee Chris Flint 474573

Gosfield Playing Field Management Com-


Tom Abrahams 473345

Maurice Rowson Hall Mrs Amanda Degnan 274992 (for bookings

[email protected]

Rowson Perpetual Memorial Fund Mr David Jarvis – 33 Highlands 474562 [email protected]

St Catherine’s Church

Priest Revd. Rose Braisby 01245 361927

Church Wardens Mr Bob Waters – 21 Meadway

Mr Dave Patmore— 3 Nuns Meadow



Gosfield Mother’s Union, Prayer Group and

Edward Bear Club

Val Perry 01787 277676

Friends of St. Catherine’s Church Charlotte Bower 01787 582050

Councillors and Representatives

Gosfield Parish Councillors, Braintree District Councillor and Essex County Councillor – see details on opposite page

Parish Clerk Ms Joanne Beavis—Easter Cottage 01371 850710

Nature Reserve Warden Stephen Westover 477331

Passenger (Public) Transport Representative Mr Lawrence Carter –24 Greenfields 472225

Tree Warden Mr Lawrence Carter –24 Greenfields 472225

PCC Secretary David Dagnan 472291


This half page in colour

One edition £25.00

One year six editions £132.00

30 Printed by Paul Clark Printing Ltd, Suite 6, Enterprise House, Rippers Court, Sible Hedingham CO9 3PY