Google Redux: 2

ITGM 709 Porject One: Google Redux ONE Google Redux PROJECT


Final design and notes

Transcript of Google Redux: 2

ITGM 709 Porject One: Google Redux

ONEGoogle ReduxPrOjEct

ITGM 709 Porject One: Google Redux

ITGM 709 Porject One: Google Redux

The landing page for Google’s new interactive visual search will

be a generic “clean slate.” Upon the search of the keyword, the

information starts to fade in, starting at 12 o’clock going clockwise

for the graphical data (on the left), and from top to bottom for the

text links (on the right).

The tabs decending downward on the right side, represent the main

categories of the type of data that is generally searched.

The reason for the darker color for the background was choosen

because of long extensive searches that Google can be used for.

This helps the user’s eyes, by causing them less strain that was

originally brought upon by the harsh white.

Fig 1.1 Google Landing Page

Fig 1.2 Data Interactive Fade In

ITGM 709 Porject One: Google Redux

Fig 1.3 General Search Results Page: Links

The graphical data displayed in the circle and charts, is based off

of the keyword that was searched. The additional keywords words

that are represented are the other meta tags that were provided by

Google’s bots that have indexed the sites.

These meta tags and the keyword searched will be represented

by various sizes; the bigger the circle or bubble the more results

contained, and vice versa for smaller ones. However, all the

information will be related to one another, and represented by a

similar color just with different variations.

Fig 1.4 General Search Results Page: Images

ITGM 709 Porject One: Google Redux

Fig 1.5 Interaction of Visual Data: Links

Within the circular visual data, the user has the option of zooming

in and out, navigating from left to right, top to bottom, and also has

the ability to add and remove any of the bubbles. What this allows

for is a general “snap shot” of the information retrieved by Google.

It stops the unnecessary clicking through of several pages, in hopes

that Google might of returned what was being searched.

The original interface of Google is still represented on the right side

of the screen, and is also affected by interaction with the visual

data. So when a user zooms in it becomes more specific, when they

zoom out, more generic.

Fig 1.6 Interaction of Visual Data: Images

ITGM 709 Porject One: Google Redux

Fig 1.7 Google’s Original Interface: Images

The classic version of Google’s search is still present and available

for several reasons. The first is that is it is now paired with the visual

data search to help users refine it in a more timely manor, much

like the advanced search only more streamlined. The second reason

is that like with anything else, change is usually met with some

opposition. Many of the users, until they get the hang of controling

the visual results will more than likely opt for the classic version.

It is also that this version still provides a very detailed approach to

results, and allows the user to navigate right to the site.

ITGM 709 Porject One: Google Redux

Fig 1.8 Advance Search Drop Down: Classic

The advanced search feature is another way to refine the search. It

can be paired with both the visual or classical search techniques.

Instead of forcing the viewers to another page, the drop down

allows them to stay on their current page and watch the results

evolve with the new guidelines.

The advanced search will not work when the visual data is zoomed

in, because “zoom in” functions the same as the advanced search.

Fig 1.9 Advance Search Drop Down: Visual