Google Plus, What is It, and How to Use for Professional Services Firms

GOOGLE+ CONNECTIONS Bruce Jones | Bruce Jones Design Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171


Presentation give to the Social Media Subgroup for the Legal Marketing Association/New England. Presentation was focused on an introduction to Google+, what it is and how to use it for building professional services practices. Given by Bruce Jones of Bruce Jones Design Covered in the Presentation • What is Google+ • Connecting People, Places and Business • Why Use Google+ • What are the Parts of the Google+ Site • What are Circles and How to Use Them • Demonstrate the Almost Instant Indexing for Posts Dropped into Google+ to Your Connections in Your Circles • What is Authorship and AuthorRank and How to Set It Up • Basic Strategy for Using Google+ • A Connection Strategy to Build Out Your Presence on Google+ • Bruce's Basic Social Media Tips

Transcript of Google Plus, What is It, and How to Use for Professional Services Firms

  • 1. GOOGLE+ CONNECTIONS Bruce Jones | Bruce Jones Design Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171
  • 2. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 What is Google+ Social networking and an identity service Center of Googles properties such as YouTube, Gmail, Picassa An authorship tool that tries to associate web-content with its owner/creator along with trying to tie in the owners location
  • 3. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Connecting People, Places and Business Google+ highlights the new direction for search, moving away from Keywords Understanding identity and the social connections between people Google also looks for people who are the authorities in areas and push them up the rankings Matt Cutts, Google
  • 4. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Google+ | Why? Integration with Google Services, YouTube, Gmail, +1 Circles, Connections Control over Profile and Posts, Directed Posts Google Hangout, Hangout On-Air, gives you global reach, free Improved search, immediate indexing Authorship, Rel=author Google Places, Local Able to build your own custom community
  • 5. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Google+ | Parts Home Posts, Flipping the Card, Ripples Profile with Links and Info Connections Circles Streams Google Hangout, Hangout On-Air Communities Pages for Business
  • 6. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Google+ | Circles Connect with people you know and put them in specific groups or circles Circles are how you organize your connections Organize Circles by subject anyway you want Use Streams to watch a specific Circle Connect with people that you want to be in front of Follow, Listen, Comment, and Connect
  • 7. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Google+ | Search Everything you post in Google+ is immediately indexed by Google for people inside of your circles The task is to build out your world of circles so more people are connected Search Plus Your World
  • 8. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Google+ | Authorship Author Rank Your Name on Google+ Connect your Blog to your Google+ page
  • 9. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Google+ | Strategy Build out your circles and connect with people you want to be in front of Repost your web/blog content in Google+ for faster indexing Participate in the community built with your Circles, Social Media +1 Buttons on your sites, commenting and sharing Use #hashtags and +name to gain connections Use Google Hangout to talk to the world
  • 10. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Google+ | Connecting Strategy 1. Select people you need to be in-front of and put them into your circles, people will often follow you back. 2. Use Streams to follow and interact and contribute to their world. 3. Review their posts to determine how they communicate, what they are interested in, like and share their content, listen. 4. Where do they hang out, what do they post on. 5. Post content that relates to the people that you need to be connected to. 6. Contribute and Connect
  • 11. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Social Media | Tips Fill in all the boxes in your profiles, be consistent on all sites, pictures. Be on the platforms that are popular with your clients and connections Post content on a regular basis, cross link your content across platforms Participate in the communities, listen, make comments, and connect Build an email list, use free content to get sign-ups on your site. Give people clear channels to connect with you Social Media is for building fans, email lists are for building clients Power of video
  • 12. Bruce Jones | | 781.255.7171 Bruce Jones 781-255-7171