Google home and actions

Google Home & Actions

Transcript of Google home and actions

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Google Home & Actions

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Desenvolvedor fullstack do BLiP na Take

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“Hello Rafael. Jack is at your service. What you need?”

“Jack, can you present yourself to everybody ?”

“Hello everybody. My name is Jack. I was created by Rafael to help him presents some features of Google

Actions, Home and BLiP platform”

“hi Google: talk to Jack”

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Como criar uma ACTION ?

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Actions SDK1 Projeto no Actions

Google Developer Console

2 Action package


3 gActions CLI *

4 fullfilment em Javascript

(callback url)

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1 Agent

2 fullfilment em qualquer linguagem (callback url)

3 Publicar sua action para o diretório do Google


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Limitações e desafios

1 Adoção inicial dos usuários

2 Dificuldades em criar uma boa experiência

3 Ausência de um componente visual

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hands ON

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dúvidas ?críticas ou sugestões ?

[email protected]