Goodwin's theory

Goodwin also stated in his theory behind music videos that there are five key aspects that are used to contribute to a successful music video.

Transcript of Goodwin's theory

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Goodwin also stated in his theory behind music videos that there are five key aspects that are used to contribute to a successful music video.

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1st step: This is when you look into the music and interact it by looking at the verses/chorus

2nd step: Goodwin says this is ‘the voice within the song’ this is when the artists voice is recognised for this quality

3rd step: Goodwin states that this is the step where the artist is telling a story within their songs as therefore generates their reputation as a ‘storyteller’. This music video in this case is created to emphasise the lyrics and the story within the songs. For example, Adele is known to tell a story of heartbreak through many of her songs

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Goodwin stated that music videos should avoid the common narrative as their role is more to advertise than become a story. The artist therefore will become both a participant and narrator within to increase its authenticity for the audience. Lip synching and other actions featured in the video increase its sense of truth and therefore prevents the audience from disbelieving the narrative/performance.

An example of this would be Beyoncé's ‘Best Thing I Never Had’

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Goodwin identified that the star image is another key aspect within music videos. He believes that an iconic star image can increase the audiences awareness of the artist and therefore can show development of the star over time which will increase the audiences interest in their videos.An example of the effectiveness of establishing a star image of an artist is Elvis Presley. Despite the fact his death was approximately 30 years ago, his star image is still recognisable and conveys how successful his career was.