Good Words

अअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअ अअअअ अअअ, अअ अअअअ अअअ अअअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअअ; अअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअअ. अअ अअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअ अअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअअ अअअअअ अअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअ अअअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअअअ अअअ, अअ अअअ अअअअ अअअ. अअअअ अअअ अअ अअअ अअ अअअ अअअअ अअअअअ, अअ अअअ अअ अअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअअ अअ. अअअ अअ अअअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअ अअ अअअअ अअअ अअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअ Successful people don’t relax on chair. They Feel relaxed with their work. They sleep with their dreams and wake up with a Commitment अअअ अअअअअअअ अअ अअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअ अअअअ अअअ अअअ अअअ अअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअअअ अअ. अअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअ अअअ अअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअ अअअअ. अअअअअअ अअअअ अअअ अअअ अअअअ अअ अअअअ अअ अअअ अअअअ अअ अअअ अअअअअअ अअअअ


Motivational Lines collection

Transcript of Good Words

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Successful people dont relax on chair.They Feel relaxed with their work.They sleep with their dreams and wake up with a Commitment



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The first wealth is health.

Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise


Time is money.

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