Good Techniques for Everyday Life

There is never enough time in the day. E experienced the feeling of having more t than there is time for. Most people try t "make" or "find" time to get things done. isn't to hope to pull extra time out of no learn to use the time you do have more e Effective time management can be the key t a life with less stress. Try out some of time management tips and finally have a those errands done and still have some ti

Transcript of Good Techniques for Everyday Life

Page 1: Good Techniques for Everyday Life

There is never enough time in the day. Everyone has experienced the feeling of having more things to do than there is time for. Most people try their best to

"make" or "find" time to get things done. The real key isn't to hope to pull extra time out of nowhere, but to learn to use the time you do have more effectively. Effective time management can be the key to success and a life with less stress. Try out some of these great time management tips and finally have a way to get

those errands done and still have some time to relax.

Page 2: Good Techniques for Everyday Life

Especially on warmer days, a picnic can make for a great date. Pack up some of their favorite foods in a basket and head to a park, beach, or anywhere you feel

like eating! You can make the foods yourself or purchase them cheaply at a grocery store. The real magic of this date is all of the places you can go! Picnic downtown? Find some picnic tables or benches to eat in their favorite part of

town. Go to a beautiful park. Love the beach? Bring a blanket for a picnic in the sand.

Page 3: Good Techniques for Everyday Life

When you plan your day, plan your breaks as well. They are important for staying refreshed so scheduling them will make sure you take breaks as well as help make sure your breaks don't go on longer than necessary. The Pomodoro technique is a tried and true time management technique that works well for

this. The basic idea of the Pomodoro technique includes using a timer and working for 25 minutes and then take a five minute break. After 4 of the 30 minute sets, take a 30 minute break and start over. Use things breaks to get coffee, go to the restroom, check email, make quick phone calls, or just relax

before getting back to work.

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This one may sound expensive but it can be done for very little. Check out your local newspaper or classified ads. Many community centers, churches, and

senior centers offer free or inexpensive classes in art, cooking, foreign language, dance, and many other areas. Spend some time learning and bonding. Art

classes can be especially fun. Decide ahead of time to exchange your works of art after the class!

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Don't let your wallet keep you from having a great time with your date! There are so many other great dates you can plan on a budget. Site-seeing, local plays and musicals, shows by local bands, and more! Take some time and look around

and fun and interesting date ideas will start to show up everywhere you look without taking a huge hit to your cash.

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