Good Question Good Answer; bilingual edition

8/2/2019 Good Question Good Answer; bilingual edition 1/84 Good Question Good Answer Ven. S. Dhammika ဗဒ ဓမ ဆးေႏြ းခက္ မား ဒါက္တာေနႏၵာဘာသ (ကာလကတၱား) jrefrmbmomjyefqd konf aAm"dokc y&[dwausmif;wdkuf Bodhisukha Parahita Kyaung, Young Buddhist Student Literacy Mission Kathor, P.O. Badu-700128, P.S. Barasat, 24 Parganas (N) West Bengal, INDIA. Tel & Fax # 0091-33-25263417 E-mail # [email protected]

Transcript of Good Question Good Answer; bilingual edition

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Good QuestionGood Answer

Ven. S. Dhammika

ဗဒဓမေြဆးေႏြ းခက မား

ေဒါက တာေနႏၵ ာဘာသ (ကာလကတ ား)jrefrmbmomjyefqd konf

aAm"dokc y&[dwausmif;wd kufBodhisukha Parahita Kyaung,

Young Buddhist Student Literacy Mission

Kathor, P.O. Badu-700128,

P.S. Barasat, 24 Parganas (N)West Bengal, INDIA.

Tel & Fax # 0091-33-25263417

E-mail # [email protected]

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a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

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rmw dumbmomjyefol. trSmaus;Zl;wifv$med'gef;trSmpm

(acwfud k OD;aqmifOD;rnf  h Ak'<'\e) - 11? Ak'<0g'qd kwm bmvJ - 162? tajccH Ak'<0g' - 333? zefqif;&Sif t,ltqESif  h Ak'<0g' - 414? ig;yg;oDv - 505? wrvGef - 586? urRÏmef;bm0em - 747? u&k%mESif  h ynm - 828/ oufowfvGwf - 889? uHESif  h=urRm - 91

10? Ak'<bmom0ifaumif;wpfOD; - 96


Preface to Revised Edition

01. What is Buddhism - 1

02. Basic Buddhist Concepts - 10

03. Buddhism and the God-idea - 14

04. The Five Precepts - 19

05. Rebirth - 24

06. Meditation - 3307. Wisdom and Compassion - 38

08. Vegetarianinsm - 42

09. Good Luck and Fate - 4410. Becoming a Buddhist - 47

bmomjyefqk  dol. trSm

em;axmif / avhvmzwf &_r_a=umif   h A[kokw wd   k;yGm;.? A[kokwa=umif   h tajrmf tjrif / qif  jcif ok H ;oyfEk d ifpGrf ; (ynm) wd   k;yGm;.? ynmtajrmf tjrif a=umif   h tusKd ;ta=umif ;/ tqd   k;taumif ;ud   k ok H ; oyf a&G;cs,f Ed   kif ojzifh trSef w&m;ud   k em;vnf od  jrif cGif   h&.? trSef w&m;ud   k aumif;pGm od  jrif ayguf ajrmuf ygrS t"d yg,f  jynf   h0aom vl @tjzpf  Y avmutusKd ;/ oH o&mtusKd ; ESpf rsKd ;vk H ;wd   k @uk d vuf awG @usus  }ud  K;pm; &,lEd   kif  =urnf jzpf .? 

t&m&mwGif pl;prf;avhvm&jcif;Y aysmfyd kufaom vl @p&d kuf

tðrawa=umif  h vlonf ausmufacwfrSonf ,ae@tajctaeod k @wd kifatmif csDwufEd kifcjJ  hcif;jzpfonf? rodao;v#if ar;jref;jcif;jzif  h wu,froda=umif; &k  d;om;pGm0efcH&ma&mufonf? ajzqd kolESif  h ar;jref;olt=um; tjrifcsif; yGif  hvif;pGm zvS,f=u&mrSwpfqif  h tjyeftvSef em;vnfr_jzif  h tofdtjrif yGif  hvif; wd k;wufr_vnf;&S  dvmonf? &if;ES  D;aEG;axG;r_ tjynf  hjzif  h 0d kif;zG  J @jzpf&mrS &&S  donf    h &orsKd;ud k rnfonf  hacwfrDazsmfajzr_ESifhr# tpm;rxd k;Ed kifao;yg? pum;ajymjcif;a=umif  htvkyfysuf&onf  h tqif  hud k &_wfcsawmfrlcJ  haomfvnf; tjypfrJ  hta=umif;t&mjzpfrl "rRomup> mr*Fvmtjzpf tm;ay;I Ak'<ud k,fawmfwd kif OD;aqmif yg0ifaqG;aEG;awmfrlygao;onf?

Ak'<pmayxGef;um;aom jrefrmhvl @abmifwGif "rRpmzwfy&dowfonf rdvdENyOSm/ pG,fpk  HausmfxifESif  h owywduykp> mponh  f"rRa&; tar;tajz usrf;}uD;usrf;cd kifrsm;rSonf rsufarSmufacwfbmoma&;r*~Zif;/ pmapmifrsm;wGif yg0ifavh&S  donf  h bmom/ omoema&; aqG;aEG;ar;jref;csufrsm;ESif  htxd &if;ES  D;eD;pyf=u+yD;jzpfonf?,if;wk  d  @Y yg0ifonf  h tyd kiftEd kifajzqk  dcsufrsm;/ xufjrufonf    h awG;

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ac:yk  Hrsm;/ jy\emwpf&yfod  k@ csOf;uyfyk    H &_axmif  hrsm;onf Ak'<bmom0ifwk  d  @. pum;0d kif;wGifomru &ifxJESvk  H;xJYyg pG  JjrJae&m,lxm;+yD;vnf; jzpfonf? Ttðyoabm wd k;wufr_rsm;onf *EΠ0ifajrmufovk  db0qefonf  h twGufa=umif  hvnf; Tr#txd ae&m&aejcif;jzpfonf

[k qd kEd kifygonf? acwftqufqufwGif vl @b0. axmif  htoD;oD;wd k @rSay:xGufvmonf  h pl;prf;r_trsKd;rsKd;wk  d@ESif  h ,if;wk  d @tay:ajzqd k aqG;aEG;csufrsm;ud k rSwfwrf;wifjzpfojzif  h usrf;0if pmajrmufonf  h tqif  hod k @a&mufonf  htcgrS vltrsm;zwf&_cGif  h &=ujcif;jzpfonf? rSwfwrf;rwifvd kuf&I pmtjzpf rºuif;&pfaomfjim;vnf; cJ&mcJqpf ajzqd kcJ  h=u&aom/ v@ltusKd;ud k o,fyd k;Ed kifygvsuf aysmufcsufemcJ  h&aom tawG;tjrif &wemrsm;um; ra&rwGufEd kifatmifyif &S  dygvdrf  hOD;rnf? a,bk,stm;jzif  h pl;prf;wwfonf  hvlonf wpfcgwpf&HwGifrl tav;teufawG;ac:&onh  ftvkyfud k tysif;qk  H;aom owW0gvnf;jzpf.? txl;ojzif  h ,ae@acwfvd k ae&mwumY okwfokwfoGm;/ okwfokwfpm;&onf  h

acwfrsKd;wGif vlrsm;pk. acgif;xJY tajzrJ  h ar;cGef;rsm;ESif  h tvkyfrjzpfaom ajz&Sif;csufrsm;uom }uD;pk  d;aewwfygonf? rodwmud kar;raeEd kif/ r&S  dwmtwGuf ajy;v$m;&kef;uefae=u&onf? acgif;at;at;ESif  h awG;cGif  h/ ar;cGif  h&olu enf;yg;+yD; tcsdefr&vk    d@ aozd k @awmif rtm;vyfao;Iom touf&Sifae=u&onf  h vl @tzG  J@tpnf;}uD;rsKd; jzpfrSef;rodjzpfvmaeyg+yD?

trSefu ,ae@vd kacwfrsKd;rSm avmuDbufrSma&m/ avmukwW&mbufrSmyg awG;p&m/ ar;p&m/ aqG;aEG;ar;jref;p&mawG t&ifuxufyd kvmonf? bmomw&m;wk  dif; vd kvd konf 21 - &mpkacwfopfwGifpdefac:r_ topfrsm;ESif  h &ifqd k  fif=u&OD;rnfvnf;jzpfonf? acwf.awmif;qd kr_ESifh umva'o yk*~v tajctaersm;t&yg aemufxyfaqG;aEG; ar;jref;p&m tcsufrsm;onf Ak'<bmom avmuwGifvnf;trsm;tjym; ay:xGuf+yD; ay:xGufvmqJ jzpfovd k aemifwGifvnf;rsm;pGmyif ay:xGufvmzG,f&m &S  dygonf? ,if;ar;cGef;aygif;rsm;pGmtwGuf ajz&Sif;csuf rsm;pGmvnf; vd ktyfvmrnfom jzpfygonf?Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; trnfjzif  h ,ck rdrd jrefrmjyefqd k kvd kufonf  h

Good Question Good Answer pmtkyfi,fonf Tvd ktyfcsufrsm;ESif  htnD ay:xGufvmaom pmtkyfrsm;teuf wpftkyftygt0if jzpfygonf? Tpmtkyfi,fud k acwfopf rdvdENyOSmtjzpf uifyGef;wyfI rjzpfEd kifaomfjim;vnf; Ak'<w&m;awmf. rlveufeJuspfvspfr_tay: acwf

umvESif  htnD ay:xGufvmonf  hAk'<"rRqd kif&m ta&;ygaom cJ&mcJqpfar;jref;aqG;aEG;csufrsm;ESif  h ynm&Sif (0g) &[ef;awmfrsm;twGufrajymyavmufaomfvnf; vlomrefwd k @twGuf tajzrxGufEd kifonfhtcsuftvuf tawmfrsm;rsm; Tpmtkyfi,fxJwGifyg0ifygonf?

tqd kyg ar;cGef;rsm;ud k ajzqdk&mwGif rl&if;pmtkyf ðypkolq&mawmf t&Sif "rR    duonf Ed kifiHwumrS Ak'<bmom0ifrsm;/ Ak'<bmom0if r[kwfaomfvnf; Ak'<bmomud k txl;pdwfyg0ifpm;pGm avhvmaeolrsm; oabmayguf vufcHEd kifavmufatmif yd kifEd kifu|rf;usifpGm ajzqd kxm;onfud k awG @jrifEd kifygonf? Tajzqd kcsufrsm;onftvm;wl ar;vmEd kifonf  h/ ar;vnf; ar;zd k @&ef vd ktyfaeOD;rnf  h tcsuf

tvufrsm;pGmwd  k@ twGufvnf; vrf;cif;ay;xm;ovd k jzpfaeygonf?TuJ  hod  k@aom aumif;jcif;*k%f&nfwd k @a=umif  hvnf; Tpmtkyfi,fonfEd kifiHwumrS Ak'<bmom pmzwfy&dwfowfavmuwGif vlóuufrsm;I,ae@txd bmom&yfrsm;pGmjzifh jyefqd kxm;=u+yD;vnf; jzpfygonf?

rdrdtaeESif  h q&mawmf t&Sif"rR  dutm; vlud k,fwd kif &if;ES  D;odu|rf;zl;jcif; r&S  dao;aomfvnf; q&mawmf ðypkonf  h "rRa&;&mpmtk kyf wpfcsKd @ud k zwf&_jcif;jzif  h &if;ES  D;+yD;om;vd k jzpfaeygonf?q&mawmf. Encounters of Buddhism, Buddha Vcana,

Gemstones of the Good Dhamma ESif  h All About Buddhism

ponf  h pmtkyfrsm;tjyif Middle Land Middle Way - A Pilgrims'

Guide to the Buddha's India pmtkyfqd kv#if tdEN  d,ESif  h eDaygEd kifiHrsm;&S  dAk'<bmomqd kif&m t"du&ae&mawmfrsm; ord kif;a=umif;ESif  h ywfoufI aphpk  HpGmwifjyxm;yk  Hud k oabmusvSojzif  h rdrdwd k @ausmif;wd kufrS ðypkxkwfa0onfh “rZPsdra=u;rk  H” Ak'<ae&mawmfrsm;qd kif&m ord kif;tusOf;pmtkyfi,ftwGuf t"du rS  Djirf;cJ  h=uaom pmtkyfvnf;jzpfygonf?q&mawmf t&Sif"rR  duonf xif&Sm;onf  h usrf;ðyq&m/ pma&;q&m/

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wuUod kvfq&m wpfOD;jzpfonf  htjyif 4if;oDwif;ok  H;aexd kif&m =opa=w;vD;,m;Ed kifiH&S  d wuUod kvf toD;oD;ESif  h a&'D,d k/ wDAG  Dponf  hrD'D,mrsm;wGif Ak'<"rRtjyif tm&Swd kufqd k  fif&m bmoma&;w&m;awmfrsm;ud k a[majym yd k @csaeolvnf;jzpfonf? ,ckqd kv#if

tifwmeuf ay:wGifvnf; q&mawmf. pmtkyfrsm;ud kavhvmzwf&_cGifh &ae=uyg+yD?

ud   k,f vuf t*F gESif   h,S Of vmv#if pD ;yGm;OpPmud   k pGef  @v$wf &m.? touf ESif   h,S Of vmv#if  ud   k,fvuf t*F g/ pD ;yGm;OpPmwd   k @ud   kpGef  @v$wf &m.? "rRESif   h,S Of vmv#if um; touf uk d yif  pGef@v$wf &m.?(0d ok'< dr*f  ) 

vlom;wpfOD;twGuf b0wGifta&;ygqk  H;[k owfrSwfxd kufaom t&monf ud k,fpdwfESpfyg; usef;rmaysmf&$ifa&;/ w&m;ESif  htnD

usif  hok  H; aexd kifwwfa&;/ aemufqk  H;oHo&m0ÉfrS t+yD;owf vGwfajrmufa&;wd k @yif jzpf=uygonf? Tta&;t&mrsm;ud k aumif;pGmjznf  hqnf;ay;Ek  difonf  h (od k@r[kwf) wpfbuf wpfvrf;rS jznf  hqnf;axmufulay;Ed kifonf  h "rRta&; aqG;aEG; avhvmjcif;rsm;onfrjzpfrae vkyfaqmiftyfonf  h vl @tusKd;ðyvkyf&yf wpfckyif jzpfonf[k,H k=unfrdygonf?

"rR&oud k tjynf  ht0 &,lcHpm;Ed kif=uygap?

a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

atmufwd kbm 27 &uf/ 2002 ckESpf


Tpmtkyfi,f a&;om;xkwfa0Ed kifa&;twGuf e0urRvSL'gef;onf  h ppfawGðrd @/ jcaoFok  H;aumif aq;ayghvdyfud k,fpm;vS,f

OD;armif&S  D (uG,fvGef) ESifh ok"rRod*ô / oD[ok"rRod*ô bG  J @wHqdyfESpfxyf&a':rnGef@pdefrdom;pktm;vnf;aumif;/ pmrl=urf;ud k vd ktyfovd kjyifqifwnf;jzwf+yD; ed'gef;trSmpm a&;om; csD;ajrSmufay;onf  hto#ift&d,0Ho (emvENm) tm;vnf;aumif;/ Tpmtkyfjzpfajrmufa&;twGuf tptqk  H; yg0ifulnD vkyftm;ay;=uonfh OD;ÁaENmbmo/OD;paENm',ESif  h OD;ukov (aAm"dokc y&[dwausmif;/ umvuwWm;)/OD;eENu (emvENm w&kwfausmif;) ESif  h trSm;enf;Ed kifor# enf;atmift}udrf}udrf jyifqifzwf&_ay;onf  h OD;ud  kyg (&efukef) wk  d@tm;vnf;aumif;/ Tpmtkyfi,fud k a&G;cs,fbmomjyefqd k&ef t=uHay;=uaomOD;y¾dw (a&$bH komausmif;/ &efukef) ESif  h OD;awZdEN (ar,k0Hoausmif;/a&$jynfom/ &efukef) wd k@tm;vnf;aumif; txl;aus;Zl;wif&S  dyga=umif; rSwfwrf;wiftyfygonf?

a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

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acwfud kOD;aqmifOD;rnf  h Ak'<'\e

,ae@ owif;qufoG,fa&;enf;ynmacwfwGif wpfurBmvk  H;odrf;usKH;jcif; (Globalisation) [lI ay:vmonf? tmumoxJod k @ajcqef @Ed kif+yD;jzpfI urBmh rnfonf @ae&mYrqd k wpfpk  Hwpf&m jzpfyGm;ae

qJrSmyif wd kuf&d kufqufoG,f =um;jrifvd k  @&aeyg+yD? vl @aer_/ xd kifr_udpP&yfwd kif;wGif ody`  HwDxGifr_ wpfckr[kwf wpfckESif  h wpfenf;enf;tm;jzif  hrqufEG,fonf  h t&m[lI r&S  doavmufyif? vGefcJ  haomESpfaygif; 300cef  f  @u pwifcJ  J  honf    h ody`  H wd k;wufajymif;vJr_ jzpfpOfonf ,ae@acwftxd wpf[kefxdk;qufwd kuf ajy;v$m;vmcJ  honf? vuf&S  djzpfay: wd k;wufr_rsm;. tqif  hud k=unf @v#if tqk  H;pGeftxd a&mufae+yDvm;[kyif xifp&mjzpfaomfvnf; pifppf jrpfa&. tvsOfuJ  hod  k@ rdepfpuUef@ESifhtr# a&S;od k @csnf; 'vpyf csDwuf ajy;v$m;aejcif;omjzpfonf?

wDxGifqef;opfr_acwf. a&pD;onf xk  H;wrf;pOfvm ud k;uG,f,k  H=unfr_urf;yg;ud k yxr&d kufcwfonf? bmoma&; t,l0g' tawmfrsm;rsm;wd k@onf ody`  H'Dv_  dif;. &d kufcsufjyif;tm;a=umif  h +ydKuG  J =u&onf?wd k;wufonf  h tjrif&S  dolrsm;/ ynmwwf tv$mrsm;u ,if;wd k @ud kvufrcH=uawmhay? ,kwW  djyor_avmufwGifom vrf;qk  H;ae =uonf  ha&$&nfpdrf opPmw&m;rsKd;ESif  h ody`  Henf;rusaom pmtkyf}uD;qefonf  hbmomw&m;wd k@um; a&&SnfwGif ,d kifvJukef=uonf? Oyrmtjzpf

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4 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

onf 4if;awG @&S  d&r_rsKd;ud k tjcm;wpfOD;OD;u tvm;wl rawG @&S  dEd kif[krqd kovd k Ak'<w&m;awmfud k xd k;xGif; odjrifEd kifcGif  honf olwpfOD;wnf;

twGuf r[kwfa=umif; t}udrfrsm;pGm oufaoxlawmfrlcJ  hayonf?Tod k @v#if tcsuftvuf rsm;pGmwk  d  @Y wlnDeD;pyfaomfvnf;Ak'<0g'ESif  h ody`  Hud k wpfwef;pm;wnf; jzpfonf[lIum; rqk  dEd kifay?ody`  Hynmudk vufawG  @usus pl;pk  dufavhvmvd kufpm;r_a=umif  h vlom;onf yd krd kaumif;rGef+yD; oufawmif  houfom touf&Sifaexd kif vkyfud kifoGm;vmEd kif+yD; ,cif  h,cif acwfrsm;u tdyfrufxJwGifr# rjrifrufzl;ao;onf  h tH  H  H  hrcef;t&mrsm;ud kyif wDxGifok  H;pG  JvmEd  d  d kif+yDqd konfud k txl;ajymp&m rvd k  day? vlonf ig;xuf a&a=umif;om+yD;/ iSufxuftjrif  hysHEd kifojzifh vay:rSmyif ajcwif av#mufEdkifch  Jyg+yD? vl @yk k  HrSeftoduxk  H;wrf;pOfvm (yk  HpHus) todr#om jzpfaomfjim;vnf; ody`  Htodu

vufawG @ taxmuftxm;rsm;ud kom ,k  H=unfonf? ,ae@acwfwGifrlvufawG @rusor#ud k jiif;y,fvmcJ  h=uonf  h ody`  Hu0drsm; ud k,fwd kif  fuvufawG @rjrif&onf  ht&mud kyif ,kwW  d&S  dv#if vufcH&rnf[k qk  dvm=uyg+yD?

od k @&mwGif vl @pdwfud k xdef;csKyfEd kifpGrf; &S  dvmatmifum;ody`  Huvkyfray;Ed kif/ ud k,fusif  hw&m;yd kif;qd kif&mESif  h b0OD;wnfcsuf qd kif&mwd k @wGifvnf; ody`  Hu vlud kaumif;rGefwd k;wufvmatmif vkyfray;Ed kifao;acs? ody`  H. atmifjrifr_wk  d@onf tH  hrcef;[k qd kEkdifaomfjim;vnf; Ak'<0g'u tvG,fESif  h ðyvkyf/ ausmfjzwf/ atmifEd kifEd kifonf  h t&mrsm;wGif ody`  Htzd k@ tuef @towf&S  dqJyif jzpfygonf?

ody`  H. tm;enf;csufrsm;? ? ody`  Hqd kif&m todynm (A[kokw) ud krsufpd/ em;/ ESmacgif;/ v#m/ ud k,f [laom tm&k  HcHt*F grsm;rS wpfqif  h&&S  donf  h tm&k  Hodpdwfjzif  h abmifcwfxm;onf? tm&H kodxufomvGefonf  h wu,f  hjzpfwnf  fr_tqif  hod k  @um; ra&mufay? ody`  Henf;usopPmud k 'vpyfjzpfay:aeaom tm&k  Hodrsm;ud k ,kwdWenf;us oH k;oyfqifjcif

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 5

jcif;jzif  h wnfaqmufonf? xd k@a=umif  h ody`  Hod opPmonf wpfqif  hcHtrSefw&m;omjzpfonf? tcsdef. prf;oyfr_ud k cHEd kif&nf&S  dap&ef y"me

rðyay? xd k@a=umif  hvnf; Ttm;enf;csufud k oabmaygufxm;olody`  Hynm&Sif wpfOD;taejzif h oD0&Dwpfckud k xdk @xuf yd krd kaumif;rGefonf  htqif  hjzif  h tpm;xd k;Ed kifrnfqd  kygu rlvaumufcsufud k pGe@fv$wf&eftqifoif  h jzpfaeayonf?

ody`  Hynmonf tjyifavmuud kcsnf;om em;vnf&ef}udK;pm;+yD; vl.twGif;yd kif; (vl @pdwf) ud krl vk  H;0 vspfvsL&_xm;avonf?pdwfynmqd kif&m ody  Hbmom&yfuyif vl @pdwfv_yf&Sm;r_. tajccHta=umif;w&m;ESif  h ywfoufI Ed  _ufE_  dufc|wfc|wf &S  dvSonf r[kwfay?vlwpfOD; pdwf"gwfus+yD; twGif;pdwf upOf  huvsm;jzpfaeonf  h tajctaewGif ,ae@ ody`  Hu wpfpk  Hwpf&m ajzodrf  hay;Ed kifpGrf;yif r&S  dyg?

vl  @obm0 ywf0ef;usifqd kif&m vlr_aA' ody`  Hu aysmf&$ifr_ud k twd kif;twm wpfcktxd aqmif=uOf;ay;aumif; ay;Ek  difrnfjzpfaomfvnf;vlonf wd&dp> mefESifh rwlnDonf  htwGuf &kyfyd kif;qd kif&m aysmf&$if=unfEl;&r_ oufoufjzif   hum; aeIrjzpfEd kifay? ae@pOf awG @}uKHjzwfoef;ae&aom b0ay;tajctaetrsKd;rsKd;rS ay:xGufvmonfh pdwf"gwfn_  d;i,fr_/ pd k;&drfylyefr_rsm;ud k y,fazsmufEd kif&ef yH  hyd k;ulnDay;r_rsKd; vd ktyfayonf?

,ae@umvwGif vlrsm;pGmwd k @onf wpfpk  Hwpf&mud k pd k;&G  H  H @r_/pdwfrjidrfoufr_ESif  h rvk  HrvJjzpfr_ponf  h pdwfyd kif;tm;enf; csKd@,Gif;r_rsm;ud k cHpm;vsuf&S  d=uonf? ody`  Hu ,if;wk  d @twGuf xnf  hoGif;pOf;pm;&efysufuGufaeqJjzpfonf? om;&Jwd&dp> mefwpfaumifvd k pdwf&l;aygufaeol wpfOD;tm; pdwfxdef;csKyf&ef ody`  Hu oGefoifay;Ek  difpGrf;r&S  dyg?+yD;cJ  honf  h ESpf 30 - avmufuwnf;u ody`  HynmpGrf;yum;jzif    h zG  H@jzdK;+yD;tqif  ha&mufae+yD;jzpfonf  h wd kif;jynfrsm;wGif ,ae@wd kif t=urf;zufr_ESif  h tusif  hysufr_rsm;xlajymaeqJjzpfonf? Ttcsufu ody`  Hjzif  hvlud k yd krd kaumif;rGefol jzpfvmatmif rvkyfEd kifqd konf  h om"uyif

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6 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

jzpfonf? ody`  Hynmt& tpGrf;ukef wd k;wufonf  h tqif  hod k @a&muf&S  d+yD; ,if;. tusKd;aus;Zl; toD;tyGif  hrsm;ud kvnf; vlonf

tjynf  ht0 &,lcHpm;Ed kif+yD[k qd kEd kifaomf  fjim;vnf; tajccHtm;jzif  htwGif;yd kif;Y wpfpk k  Hwpf&m ajymif;vJr_ r&S  dol (vl @AmvmeH) tjzpfud komody`  Hu tarGtjzpf csefxm;&pfavonf?

pifppf ody`  Honf vl.ra&mif  h&JEd kifr_ESif  h tacsmifcd kvd kpdwfwd k @ud kom wd k;yGm;apygonf? vl @tod kuftjrKHwpfckvk  H;ESif  h vlwpfOD;csif;pDtwGufyg vk k  HjcKHa&;ud k aqmif&Gufay;&ef vpf[if;onf  h ody`  H. wm0efrJ  hr_a=umih  f tpkvd kuf tjyKHvd kuf aoa=uysufpD;&r_ uyfab;}uD;rsm;usa&mufEd kifajc&S  donfh urBmhvlom;rsm;tzd  k@ vk  HjcKHr_uif;rJ  hovd k cHpm;&r_rsKd;ud kyif jzpfay:apygonf?

jcKHIqd k&vsif vlom;onf t"dy` g,f jynf    h0aom b0ud k ody`  H

enf;jzif  h rwnfaqmufEd kif/ touf&Sif &yfwnfa&;twGuf ck  difrmonf  hOD;wnfcsufrsm;ud k ody`  Hu ray;pGrf;Edkifay? pifppf ody`  H[lonf obm0tm;jzif  h avmuDudpPoufoufomjzpf+yD; pdwfyd kif; +idrf;csrf;vGwfvyfa&; (avmukwW&m) tusKd;ryg0ifay? ody`  H.awG;ac:r_xJwGif tygt0ifjzpfonf  h &kyf0g'u &kyfyd kif;qd kif&m om,mcHpm;r_rsm;xuf jrif  hrm;onf  hpdwfyd kif;&nfrSef;csufrsm;ud  k y,fcsonf?

,if;. vufa&G;pif tawG;tjrifESif  h qufpyftrSefw&m;rsm;ud k qkyfud kif&if; ody`Honf ta&;ygqH k;aom jy\em&yfrsm;ud k vspfvsL &_+yD; tajzrJ  h ar;cGef;&yfrsm;pGmwd k @ud k csefxm;&pfcJ  hayonf? ,if;txJwGif vlcsif;wlygvsuf &kyfyd kif; pdwfyk  dif; t&nftaoG;csif; bma=umif  huGmjcm;&oenf;qd konf  h ar;cGef;rsKd;u ody`    H. tjrifrG  Jr_atmufwGiftajzaysmufvsuf &S  daeygvdrf  hOD;rnf?

t0dZ… mud k xd k;azmuf=unf  hjcif;? ? Ak'<ud k,fawmfwd kif yGm;rsm;awmfrltyfaom avmukwW&m pdwfonf tm&k  Hodtqif  hud k ausmfvGef+yD;qufpyftod pdEœ mr,e,frSvnf; vGefajrmufonf? qef@usifbuftm;

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 7

jzif  h vl@todpdwfonf pkpnf; &,lxm;+yD;jzpfonf  h ud k;uG,f,H k=unfr_/tawG;tac:/ tEkynm ponf    h oufqd kif&m tode,fy,frsm;xJwGif

om usufpm;onf? pdwfyom'twGuf todpdwf0dnmOfud k tm&k  HcHyom'&kyfrsm;rSwpfqifh pkaqmif;&&S  donf? rsufpdt=unf/ em;t=unf/ESmt=unf/ v#mt=unfESif  h ud k,ft=unf"gwfrsm;onf ta=umif;trsKd;rsKd;a=umif  h (xufjruf=unfvifr_) tqif  h tvGefedrf  hyg;onf?xd k @a=umif  h tuef @towfabmif usOf;usOf;xJY tm&k  Hodr#jzif    h avmuud k em;vnf&mwGif uajymif;ujyef jzpf=u&onf? ‘t0dZ… mud kxk  d;azmuf=unf  hjcif;’ trnf&S  d pmtkyfxJwGif jyifopfynm&Sif eDud kvmpfatmhzf qkqm (Nicholas of Cusa) u atmufygtwd kif; oH k;oyfjycJ  honf?

“tm&k  Hodr#wGifom tajccHaom u|Ef kyfwdk  @. armufrmvSonf  h todynm[lor#um; pifppf rodawGa0r_ t0dZ… momjzpfayonf? todynmrSef 0dZ… mud krl tm&H kodjzif  hr[kwfyJtm&H kode,fy,f. tjyifzufodk @xGufvsuf (xd k;xGif;odjzif  h)qifjcifoH k;oyfjcif;jzif  hom &&S  dEd kifayonf?”

“trSefw&m;um; u|Ef kyfwd  k@. tjyifyd kif; (0dOm%fig;yg;) Yrwnf/ twGif;yd kif; (raem0dOm%f) Yom &SmazGawG @&S  dEdkifonf? prf;oyfavhvmcsufjzif  h trSefw&m;ud k awG @&S  d&efrar#mfvif  hEd kif/ tvm;wl tm&k  Hod/ qifjcifodwd k k@jzif  hvnf;trSefw&m;ud k r&Ed kif? prf;oyfavhvmcsuf/ tm&k  Hod/ qifjcifod [lonf  h Tt&mrsm;tm;vH k;onf todynm A[kokw&&S  da&;twGufom taxmuftulðy ud&d,mwefqmyvmrsm; jzpf=uonf? trSefw&m;&&S  da&;twGuf r[kwf=u?trSefw&m;um; twGif;yd kif; raem0dOm%fY oabmaygufem;vnfr_rSom vm&rnf jzpfonf? usrf;pmtkyfrsm;onf

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8 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

tawG;ud k E_  d;qGay;jcif;jzif  h todynm A[kokwud kom&&S  dapEd kifonf? trSefw&m;twGufrl ,if;onf twGif;yd kif;Y

om jzpfwnfvsuf&S  donf  htwGuf oif  hrsufvH k;tpHkud k twGif;bufod  k@ vSnf  h&ayvdrf    hrnf? xd k @a=umif  h todynm A[kokw&SmazGjcif;ESif  h trSefw&m; &SmazGjcif;wd k  @um; wjcm;pDomjzpf=uonf?”

“pum;vH k;rsm;onf tm&H kig;yg;qd kaom tuef @towf&S  donf  hpdwfwd k  @. xkwfukefypPnf;r#om jzpf=uonf? u|Ef kyfwd k @.pdwfrsm;onf tm&k  Hod A[kokw&&d  Sa&;twGuf tm&H kig;yg;qd kif&m awG @}uKHxif[yfr_ay:wGifom rS  Dcd kae&ayonf? od k @jzpfI wpfcgwpf&HwGifrl tm&H kodud k pdwfcs ,H k=unfI rjzpfay?

vltawmfrsm;rsm; odjrifvdkufonf  h jzpf&yfwpfckudkyif xifjrifcsuf trsKd;rsKd; ay;aumif; ay;=uygvdrf  hrnf?”

avmuoabmt&rl vlwk  d  @onf rdrd wwfod vdrRma=umif;/A[kokw&S  da=umif; rsm;pGm 0if  hºum;avh&S  d=uonf? pifppf wu,frodolrsm;uom xd kod  k@ txifa&mufavh&S  d=u+yD; wu,fodolrsm;url abmifusOf;ajrmif;vGef;aom tode,fy,f. tjzpfud k oabmaygufonf  htwGuf rod[kyif 0efcHavh&S  d=uonf?

wpfcgu xif&Sm;onf  h ynm&SifwpfOD;u ,if;. aemufqk  H;vuf&mtjzpf pmtkyfwpftkyfa&;om;jyKpkonf? ol @pmtkyfxJwGifpmay&wemrsm;/ tawG;tjrifrsm; tm;vk  H; pkpnf;yg0ifonf[k ol,lqonf  h tqd kygpmtkyfuk  d ol @uJ  hod k @yifemrnf}uD;onf  h a&;abmfa&;buf ynm&SifwpfOD;tm; ok  H;oyfa0zefay;&ef awmif;yef+yD; oGm;jyonf? TwGif tqd kygyk*~Kdvfu puULwpf&Gufay:wGif olodwmawGa&m/rodwmawGa&m tukefa&;csjy&efajymojzif  h ynm&Sifq&m}uD;onftawG;eufeufjzif    h xd kifcsvd kufonf? tcsdefawGom vif  hoGm;onf  hwk  dif

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 9

olodonf  ht&m wpfpk  Hwpfckud kr# a&;Ir&Ed kifjzpfaeonf? xd k@aemufwGif'kwd,tar;ud k qufpOf;pm;=unf  honf? TwGifvnf; q&m}uD;onf

olrodaom rnfonf  ht&mud  kr# a&;csEd kifjcif;r&S  day? aemufqk  H;wGifynm&Sifq&m}uD;onf olodor# tukefvk  H;wk  d  @onf todrSef 0dZ…mr[kwfrlI rodr_ t0dZ… momjzpfa=umif; oabmaygufvmojzif    h rmeus+yD; vufajrSmuft&_  H;ay;oGm;onf?

TtcsufESif  h ywfoufI a&S;acwf [email protected] tbd"rRmq&m}uD; aqmhc&wW  dtm; olodwmbmvJ[kar;onf  htcg aqmhc&wW  du “igod wm wpf ckyJ &S d w,f / tJ 'gu ig[m bmrSrod bl; qdkwmygyJ ” [lI ajzqd kcJ  havonf?

ody`  He,fvGef Ak'<bmom? ? Ak'<0g'onf ody`  Hqd kif&m pdwfe,fy,fu

owfrSwfcsufxuf yd krd kus,f0ef;onf  h todynme,f&S  djcif;a=umif  hacwfopfof  dy`  Hxuf omvGefonf? tm&k  Hodjzifh &onf  hynmud ka&m/pdwfyd kif;ysKd;axmifr_jzif  h &onf  h ynmud kyg Ak'< 0g'u vufcHonf?tjyif;txef pl;pd kuf xm;tyfonf  h pdwfudk avhusif  h yGm;rsm;ay;jcif;jzif  havmukwW&m tawG @t}uHKrsm;ud k odjri fem;vnf qifjcifwwfvmonf? TuJ  hod k  @aom odjrifem;vnf qifjcifEd kifpGrf;rsKd;ud k prf;oyf zef¹yefjzif  h prf;oyfIjzpfap/ t%k=unf  h rSefajymif;jzif  h =unf  h&_Ijzpfapr&Ed kifay?

ody`  Hu &SmazGawG @&S  donf  h trSefw&m;onf qif  hyGm;trSefw&m; (ynwf) jzpfI ajymif;vJEd k kifonf? Ak'<uk  d,fawmfwd kif &SmazGawG @&S  dcJ  honf  h trSefw&m;um; aemufqk  H;tqif  hjzpfI rajymif;vJEd kif?tºuif;rJ  hopPmac: y&rwtrSefw&m;jzpfI umvESif  h tmumowd k @udkvd kufIvnf; ajymif;vJjcif;r&S  dawmhay? xd k @jyifvnf; odyH  . a&G;cs,ftrSefw&m;ESif  h Ak'<0g' rwlnDyk  HrSm - A k'<u 0g'a&;&mud k jzpfap/ ody`  H

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10 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

awG @&S  dcsufud kjzpfap/ wpfjcm; t&mwpfckckud k jzpfap/ rnfonfh t&mud krqd k w&m;ao zufwG,frxm;=uzd k@&efom a[m=um;awmfrlonf?

oabmw&m;rsm;. aemufud  k vd kufaernf  htpm; tm&k  HcHpm;r_rsm;ud k uif;+idrf;apvsuf/ avmbw%Smud k avsmhcs/ y,fpGef @vsuftjypfrJ  haom vltjzpfjzif  h rnfod k @rnfyk  H rSefuefpGm usif  hok  H;aexd kifoGm;&rnf qd konfudkom Ak'<u OD;pm;ay;I a[mn$efawmfrlcJ  hygonf?Tod k @v#if b0. t"dy g,ftppftrSefud k &SmazGawG @&S  dEd kifayonf?

Ak'<w&m;awmft& vufawG @usif  hok  H;r_onf txl;yif ta&;ygvSonf? avhvmoif,lr_ (y&d,wW  d) ud kom rsm;pGmaqmif+yD;/ vufawG @usif  hok  H;r_ (yËdywW  d) ud k vk  H;0a&Smifolonf [if;wpfcGufpmr# vufawG @csufjyKwfr_ r&S  dbJ csufjyKwfenf;usrf;wG  J}uD;xJrS csufenf;rsm;pGmwd k @ud k tvGwf&GwfjyEd kifolESif  hwlonf? vufawG  @rus pmawG@r#jzif  hum;

qmavmifrGwfodyfr_ud  k ajzazsmufIr&Ed kif? vufawG @usif  hok  H;r_onftodOm%f tvif;aygufa&;twGuf r&S  drjzpf ta&;ygonf  h a&S;ajy;vk  dtyfcsufjzpfonf? Zif*d k%f;uJ  hod k  @aom Ak'<bmom*d k%f;wpfcsKd@wGiftusif  hud k todxuf OD;pm;ay;xm;=uonf? Tr#txdyif tusif  honfta&;ygaomt&mjzpf.?

ody`    H. vkyfenf;vkyf[efu tjyifavmubufod  k@ OD;wnfonf? acwfopfody`  Hynm&Sifrsm;onf 4if;wd k @. wpfud k,fawmf aumif;pm;a&;twGuf obm0ywf0ef;usifESif    h o[Zmwjzpfa&;ud k vspfvsL&_vsuf obm0w&m;ESif  h o,HZmw t&if;tjrpfrsm;ud k tjrwfxkwfcs,fvS,f=uojzif  h urBmð*d[f=uD; Tr#txdnpfnrf;vm&jcif;jzpfonf?Ak'<0g'. vkyfenf;vkyf[efu twGif;buf (vl @pdwf/raem0dOm%f) od k @OD;wnfonf? twGif;pdwfwk  d;wuf zG  H @+zdK;a&;ud kom tm&k  Hpd kufonf?tajccHyd kif;wGif Ak'<0g'u ae@pOfb0Y }uHK&qk  H&onf  h jzpf&yftzk  HzkH/tajctaetrsKd;rsKd;wd k @ESif  h rnfod k@vd kufavsmnDaxGaexd kif&rnfud  k oGefoifay;onf? tqif  hjrif  hyd kif;wGif pdwf"gwf&if  husuf wd k;wufa&;

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 11

vufawG @avhusif  hr_rsm;jzif  h rdrdud k,fud krdrd atmifEdkifausmfvGefEd kifap&efvl.}udK;yrf;r_ud k tm;opfavmif;ay;onf?

Ak'<0g'Y y&rwfopPmw&m; jzpfaom edAŠmefud k ud k,fwdkifxd k;xGif;odjrifa&;od k  @ a&S;&_onf  h &kyfemrfobm0rsm;ud k pl;pk  duf&_jrifEd kifpGrf;aom 0dy\emorm"d ysKd;axmifa&; pHepftjynf  htpk  H&S  dayonf?vufawG @qef+yD; ody`  Henf;usaom TpHepfrSm pdwf. yuwdtajctaeESif  h v_yf&Sm;yk  Hrsm;ud k t&S  dud k t&S  dtwd kif; &_jrifok  H;oyf  fjcif;yif jzpfonf?a,m*Dyk*~Kdvfonf twGif;pdwfud k owd}uD;pGmjzif    h &_rSwf&mwGiftrSm;trSefud k csdefpuf&aomw&m;ol}uD;ESif  hwlonfxuf t&S  dud kt&S  dtwd kif; vufawG  @usus avhvmpl;pdkuf&aom ody`  Hynm&SifESif  hyd kIwlavonf?

bmom,Ofaus;r_rJ  h ody`  H? ? ud k,fusif  hw&m;‘pH’rsm; uif;rJ  hojzif  hvlom;xkwpf&yfvk  H;twGuf ody`  Honf tEœ &m,f&S  daom t&myifjzpfonf? ae&mwumwGif olrygvsif r+yD;ojzif  h bk&ifwpfql ozG,fjzpfvmonf  h puf,Eœ &m;ud k ody`  Hu wDxGifcJ  hjcif;jzpfonf? usnfqefESif  hAk  H;wd k  @um; urBmh uH=urRmud k tqk  H;tjzwfay;yd kifcGif  h &&S  dxm;=uonf  htm%m&Sifvlenf;pktwGuf ody`  H. vufaqmifrGefrsm; jzpf=uonf?tpGrf;xufvSonf  h nLuvD,m;vufeufrsm;/ tqdyf"gwfaiG @vufeufrsm;ESif  h yd k;rGm;/ "gwkZD0ponf  h vlowfvufeufrsKd;pk  Hwk  d@ud k xda&mufpGmowfjzwfEd kifa&;twGuf ody`  Hynmjzif  hyif txl; okawoejyK wDxGifxkwfvkyfxm;jcif;jzpfonf? vlom;trsm;pktzd k @rSm tqd kygvufeufrsKd;pk  Hwd k@ud k 4if;wd k @twGufyif ok  H;pG  J=uvdrf  hrnf qd konfud krS a&a&vnfvnfrod&&SmbJ &ifwxdwfxdwfESif    h (urBmysufuyfqd k;=uD;ud k) iH  H  H  hvif  hae=u&onf? ody`  Honf vlom;tm; ud k,fusif  hw&m;vrf;n$efcsuf ray;Ed kif&k  Hr#ru vl @&rRufrD;v#Hud kyif rD;&S  def yd kjyif;atmif avmifpmxd k;ay;vsuf&S  donf?

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12 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

ud k,fusif  hw&m;rJ  h ody`  Honf ysufpD;jcif; t"dy g,fudk  fomaqmif+yD; ,if;onf vlom;ud k,fwd kif &SmazGawG @&S  dcJ  honf  h raumif;qd k;0g;

aumif}uD; jzpfvmonf? xk  f  d @xufqd k;onfrSm tqd  kyg raumif;qd k;0g;aumif}uD;u vlxuf tm;oefvmjcif;yifjzpf.f? bmoma&; ,Ofaus;r_/ ud k,fusif  hoDv pm&dwWwd k @jzif  hom rxdef;csKyfEd kifcJ  haomf vlonfraumif;qd  d k;0g;. 0g;rsKdpm;aomufjcif;ud kcH&rnf? bmoma&;bufuvrf;nefEd kifr_ r&S  dv#if ody`  Hu urBm}uD;uf  d  k zsufqD;ypf&ef +cdrf;ajcmufaeav+yD? wpfck&S  donfrSm - od y` H u Ak'<bmomuJhod   k @aom bmoma&; rsKd ;ESif   h ,S Of wG J (yl;aygif ;aqmif &Guf  ) Ed   kifrnf qd   kygu vlwk d   @ &d yf  +rKH ajr0okef ud   k +id rf ;csrf ;/ vk H  +cKH r_wd   k @jzif   h aysmf &$if zG,f twd  +yD ;onfh od &Da*[m aecsif   hpzG,furBm tjzpf ajymif ;vJ ypf  I &Ed   kif ayonf ? 

&kyfyd kif;u wd k;wufvmavav pdwfyk  dif;u qkwf,kwfav

jzpfaeonf? od k@jzifh ,ae@ urBmhae&m tawmfrsm;rsm;wGif aemufqk  H;ay: &kyfyd kif;zG  H @+zdK;r_rsm;u emrfyd kif;qd kif&m wefzk  d;rsm;ud k v$rf;rd k;oGm;=uav+yD? ody`  HESifh bmoma&; yl;aygif;&ef ,ckumvrSmavmuf tylwjyif; vk  dtyfonf  h acwfrsKd; rnfonf  htcgurS r&d  ScJ  hzl;ay? ody`  Henf;rusonf  h bmoma&;u tuef;ESif  hwl+yD; bmoma&;rJ  h ody`  Hum;tusKd;ESif  h wlavonf?

Ak'<0g'. pGrf;aqmifEd kiftm;? ? Ak'<0g'Y ynm[lonf olwpfyg;'kuQud krdrd'kuQESifhrjcm; oabmxm;Ek  difjcif; (u&k%mw&m;) tay: tajccHonf? ody`  Hynmum; tEœ &m,f¹yrf;onfh c&D;qk  H; yef;wd kifqDod k @ wpf[kefxd k; tajy;ESifvsuf&S  donf? od  k@jzpfI Ak'<0g'enf;jzif  h acwfopfody`  H.OD;wnf&mvrf;a=umif; rSefuefatmif jyKjyifay;&rnf? TtwGuf Ak'<"rR. tcef;u¾onf tvGefta&;yg.? tem*gwfwGif awmufajymifvmOD;rnf  h vl @,Ofaus;r_}uD;wpf&yfud k wnfaqmuf&mwGif ody`  Hqd kif&mokawoeESif  h wDxGifr_tyd kif;Y pdwfyd kif;qd kif&mbufrS OD;aqmif vrf;nefr_ud k Ak'<0g'u ay;pGrf;Ed kiftm;&S  donf? avmavmqnfwGif tvGef

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 13

trif; Ed kifvSonf  h wDxGifqef  f  f;opfr_rsm;. u|efðyr_ud k cH,l&if; ar#mfvif  hcsufuif;rJ  hovd kjzpfvmaeonf  h ody`  Hqd kif&mwk  d;wufjzpfay:r_rsm;twGuf

oif  hawmfonf  h OD;aqmifr_ud k Ak'<0g'uay;Ed kifonf?tmvfbmwf td kifpwd kif;u Ak'<bmomtm; *k%fjyKajymqd k&mwGif “acwf opf ody H . vd   ktyf csufrsm;ud   k jznf   hqnf ;ay;Ed   kif onf   hwpf ckwnf ;aom bmomw&m;rSm Ak'<bmomyif jzpf &rnf ”  [kqd kcJ  honf? aemufqk  H;ay: ody`  HawG @&S  dr_rsm;ESif  h tH0ifcGifusjzpfap&eftwGuf Ak'<0g'tm; rnfonfh jyifqifp&mr# rvk  dtyfay? ody`  HESih  fody`  He,fvGef tajctae&yfrsm;yg tusKH;0if+yD;jzpfI Ak'<bmomtaejzif  hody`    H. a&S @arSmufY rnfod k  @r# tav#mhay;p&m rvd kyg? Ak'<bmomonfvl.tZÆwWESif  h vl@ywf0ef;usifY od k0Sufudef;atmif;vsuf&S  daeOD;rnf  hpGrf;tifrsm;ud k &SmazGazmfxkwf&ef vlud ktm;ay;tm;ajrSmuf ðy&if;

bmoma&;ESif  h ody`  Ht=um;wGif aygif;ul; wHwm;ozG,f jzpfaeayvdrf  hrnf?

tumvdu"rR? ? wpfcsKd @aomt&m0wK od k @r[kwf oabmw&m;wpfckonf acwfwpfacwftwGif;/ a'owpfck. abmiftwGif;Yom&Sifoefjzpfwnfwwfonf  h oabm&S  donf? od k@&mwGif rD;zd kacsmifok  H;ypPnf;rsm;teuf qm;. iefaomt&omonf rnfonf  ha'o/ rnfonf  h umvY rqk  dwnfjrJ.? ajymif;vJ ysufjy,foGm;jcif;r&S  day? wpfcsKd @aom t&mESif    h oabmw&m;wd k @onfvnf; qm;.oabm w&m;uJ  hod k @yif tcsdef tuef @towf a'oabmifrsm;ud k ausmfvGefEd kif =uonf?w*d k;/ [d k;rm;ESif  h &S  dwfpyD;,m;wk  d @uJ  hok    d@aom q&m}uD;rsm;. vuf&mwk  d @ud k vlrsKd;/ umvESif  h a'ora&G; cHpm; zwf&_I &Ed kifonf? ESpfaygif;2500 - ausmf =umvm+yD; jzpfonf  hwk  dif Ak'< a'oemawmfrsm;.tºuif;rJ  h opPmw&m;awmfrsm;onf vlowW0gwk  d  @. tusKd;ud k xda&mufpGm o,fyk  d;Ed kifqJyifjzpfonf? ,ae@acwfvlom;rsm;tm;vk  H;awG @}uKHcHpm;ae=u&onf  h qif;&J'kuQ taygif;. ta=umif; &if;Zmpfjrpfud k

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14 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

Ak'<onf  f xd kpOfuwnf;u twdtus axmufjyawmfrlcJ  h+yD;jzpfonf?yÉdpPorkyg'f a'oemawmft& tewW. tjzpfud k rodojzif  h

t&m&mud k ig/ igh[mponfjzif    h wG,fwm jrwfEd k; pG  Jvrf;rd=uonf  htwGuf 'kuQpuf0d kif;xJrS u|wfcGif  h vGwfcGif  h r&Ed kif jzpfae=ujcif;jzpfonf? tu,fIom igh[mtjzpfjfzif  h odrf;yd kuf pG  Jvrf;&atmifigqd konf  ht&mud k,fwd k kifu wu,fr&S  da=umif; aumif;pGm oabmayguf=urnfqd  kygu vlwpfOD;csif;pD. jy\emrsm;rSonf urBmht}uD;rm;qk  H;jy\em&yfrsm;txdud kyg tjynf  ht0ajz&Sif;Ed kif=urnfrSm aocsmayonf? twWpG  Jud k t+yD;owf r[kwfonf  hwk  dif tenf;i,f y,fazsmufEd kifv#ifyif rsm;pGm csrf;omcGif  h&=urnfjzpf.? Oyrm - ightwGuf/ ighwd kif;jynf twGuf/ ighbmom/ igh,Ofaus;r_twGufqd kaom txifpG  Jjzif  htjzpfonf;pGm wd kufyG  J0ifvsuf &S  d=uonf  h ,ae@acwfvlom;rsm;.&ifxJrS twWpG  Jud k ,ckxuf tenf;i,f av#mhcsypfvd kufonfESif    h vlud kvltjzpf ormorwfuspGm &_jrif vufcHvmEd kif=urnfjzpfygonf?xd ktcg -

cG  Jjcm;qufqHr_ae&mwGif wpfajy;nDðyrljcif;jzif  h-trkef;yGm;r_udk arwWmjzif  h-tðid;taw; tmCmwud k onf;cHcGifv$wfr_jzif  h-usOf;ajrmif;onf  h tjrifrsm;ud k oabmxm; }uD;r_jzif  h-xdyfwd kuf&ifqd kifr_ud k yl;aygif;aqmif&Gufr_jzif  h-

tpm;xk  d; ajymif;vJypf&ef rnfod k  @r# cufcJrnf r[kwfawmhay?avmavmqnfwGif urBmtES  H  @ qd k;0g;pGm &ifqd kifae=u&onf  h t=urf;zuf 0g'qd k;. "m;rd k  f; jcdrf;ajcmufcHae&csdef  frsKd;wGif Ak'<w&m; awmfrsm;.wefzd k;ud k odjrif+yD; azmfxkwfusif  hok  H;=uygrS pdwfcs&onf  h vk k k  HðcHr_tppftrSefud k &,lEd kif=uygvdrf  hrnf? ,ck a'gufwm eaENmbmo jrefrmjyefqk  dvd kufonf  h “Ak'<"rR aqG;aEG;csufrsm;”trnf&S    d Tpmtkyfi,fwGifAk'<w&m;awmf. wefzk  d;ESif  h ywfoufI tjrifus,faprnf  hf ar;ajzaqG;aEG;csufrsm; rsm;pGmyif yg0ifvsuf&S  da=umif; awG @&ygvdrf  h rnf?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 15

vlwpfOD;csif;pD. &ifxJwGif +idrf;csrf;rS wpfurBmvk  H;+idrf;csrf;a&;&rnf? vGefcJ  haomESpfaygif; 2500 - ausmfumvu

Ak'<a[mawmfrlcJ  honf    h tewW0g'/ arwWm/ u&k%mponf  havmuvrf;n$ef; w&m;awmfrsm;onf vl&S  dwk  dif; vl @jy\em&yfrsm;&S  daeOD;rnf    h aemifvmrnf  hacwftqufqufwGifyg xm0&a&S;ajy;tvif;rD;&_;wefaqmiftjzpf OD;aqmifr_ay;Ed kifOD;rnf omjzpfygownf;?

ေဒါက တာေနႏၵ ာဘာသ

rS  Djirf;Religion in a Scientific Age by Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda.

Gems of Buddhist Wisdom, Published in 1996 by the Buddhist

Missionary Society, Malaysia.

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Ak'<0g'qd kwm bmvJ

ar;? ? Ak'<0g'qd kwm bmygvdrf  h?ajz? ? Ak'<  duae+yD; Ak'<0g'qd kwJ  h a0g[m& jzpfvmwmyg? Ak'<  d - Ed k;

xjcif;vd k  @ t"dy g,f&avawmh Ak'<0g'qd kwm Edk;xjcif;'\eygyJ? od'<wa*gwrqd kwJ  h yk*~dKvfud k Ak'<vd k @yJ vlawGu todrsm;=uw,f? Ak'<[m oufawmf 36 ESpf t&G,frSm olud k,fwd kif Ed k;xcJ  holjzpf+yD;awmh 'D Ed k;xjcif;'\e (Ak'<0g') qd kwmud k a*gwrAk'<&J  @ ud k,fawmfwd kif jzwfoef;vmcJ  h&wJ  h b0tawG @t}uHKawGtay:rSm tajccH+yD;wnfaqmufxm;wmyJ jzpfygw,f? ,cktcg Ak'<0g'&J  @ oufwrf;u

ESpfaygif; 2500 ausmfvmyg+yD? wpfurBmvH k; twd kif;twmt& Ak'<bmom0if OD;a&[mvnf; oef;aygif; 300 ausmfcef  @ &S  daeygw,f?+yD;cJ  hwJ  h ESpf 100 cef @u txdawmh Ak'<bmom[m tm&S'\e tqif  havmufyJ us,fjyef@Ed kifcJ  hwmyg? tckacwfrSmawmh Oa&myESif  h tar&duwd k @rSmyg tvGefyJ us,fjyef@pGm vdkufpm;vmae=uyg+yD?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 17

ar;? ? 'Dvd kqd k&if Ak'<0g'[m “zDvd kqd kzD” (Philosophy)

tawG;tac: wpf&yfr#om jzpfygovm;?

ajz? ? zDvd kqd kzD qd kwm zDv (Philo) ESif  h qd kzD,m (Sophia) ud k aygif;xm;wmyg? zDvd ku arwWmvd  k@ t"dy g,fxGuf+yD; qd kzD,mu

yn mvd k  @ teuf&ygw,f? 'ga=umif  h zDvd kqdkzD qd kwm ynmESif  h ,SOfwJ  harwWm/ 'grSr[kwf arwWmESif  h ynmygyJ? t"dy g,fzGif  hyk  H ESpfrsdK;vH k;u Ak'<0g'ud k tjynf  ht0azmfnef;Ed kifygw,f? Ak'<0g'&J @ oGefoifcsufu &Sif;vif;wduspGm oabmayguf em;vnfapzd k@twGuf todOm%fynm&J @ tqif  hud k tpGrf;ukef jrSif  hwifzd  k@ óu;pm;&r,f/ owW0gawGtm;vH k;ud k rdwfaqG&if;csmawGvd k oabmxm;Ed kifatmif t=uifemw&m;ESif  h arwWmw&m;ud k wd k;jrSif  hyGm;rsm;ay;&r,fqd kwmyJ jzpfygw,f? 'ga=umif  h Ak'<0g'[mzDvd kqd kzD qd k&ifvnf; [kwfygw,f? zDvdkqd kzD rnfumrwWr#awmhr[kwfbl;/ tjrif  hrm;qH k; zDvdkqd kzDvd k @yJ qd k&ygvdrf  hr,f?

ar;? ? Ak'<qd kwm uaum b,folygvJ?ajz? ? bDpD 563 ckESpfrSm tdEN  d,ajrmufyk  dif;u bk&ih  frsKd;EG,fxJrSm

uav;i,fwpfOD; arG;zGm;oef @pifcJ  hygw,f? ol[m pnf;pdrfOpPmawG tv#Hy,f jynf  hpk  HpGmjzif  h Zdrfusus aexk  dif}uD;jyif;vmcJ  h&wmyg?'gayrJ  h ol[m aemufyk  dif;usawmh 'DavmuDpnf;pdrf&dyf+idrfawGESif  h vk  H+cKHpdwfcs&r_qk  dwmawG[m xm0pOf csrf;ajr@aysmf&$ifr_twGuf  f tmrcHcsufay;Ek  difwJ  h t&mawGr[kwfbl;qk  dwmuk  d odjrifoabmaygufvmcJ  hw,f?ywf0ef;usifrSm olawG@jrif}uKHqkHcJ  h&wJ  h qif;&Jðidjiif&r_'kuQpkawGuvnf;ol @uk  d tawmfyJwkefv_yfacsmufcsm;apcJ  hw,f? 'geJ @yJ ol[mb0&J  @ +idrf;r_ta=umif;cHw&m;uk  d &SmazGzk  d @qk  H;jzwfvd kufw,f? touf 29 ESpft&G,frSm rdef;rESif  huav;uk  d pGef @+yD;awmh tJ'Dacwf&J  @ xdyfwef;bmoma&;acgif;aqmif}uD;awGqDud k enf;cHoif,lzd k  @ csOf;uyfcJ  hw,f? tJ'D q&m}uD;awGuvnf; ol @uk  d zdzdpD;pD; oifjyay;=uygw,f? 'gayrJ  h tJ'D q&m

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18 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

}uD;awGxJrSmuk  d,fu b0'kuQawG[m bma=umif  hjzpfay:vm&w,f/tJ'D'kuQawGuk  d b,fvk  dvkyf+yD; ausmfv$m;Ek  difrnfqk  dwmuk  d wwfod em;

vnfol wpfa,mufrSryg0if=uygbl;? aemufqk  H; ajcmufESpf=umr#w&m;awGuk  d tywfwukwf }udK;pm; tm;xkwf+yD;wJ  haemufrSmawmhrodr_arm[awG tm;vH k;ud k y,fazsmufEd kifpGrf;wJ  h ^m%fawmf wpfrsdK;ud k olyd kifqd kifvmcJ  hygw,f? tJ'Duwnf;up+yD; ol @ud k Ak'< (Ed k;=um;+yD;ol)vd k @ ac:vm=uawmhwmygyJ? bk&m;tjzpfud k a&muf awmfrl+yD;wJ  haemufAk'<[m 45 ESpf=um touf&Sifaexd kifawmfrlcJ  hygw,f? 45 ESpfwmumvwd kifwd kif olxd k;xGif;odjrifawmfrlcJ  hwJh opPmw&m;awmfud k owW0ga0ae,sawGudk a[mnef;acícíwfawmfrl&if; tdEN  d,ajrmufyd kif; wpfcGifvH k;ud k c&D;a'opm&D vSnf  hvnfawmfrlcJ  hyg w,f?

Ak'<&J@ r[mu&k%mawmfESif  h onf;cHr_ cEœ    œ   Dw&m;awmfawGuawmh tH  h=o&avmufatmifud k }uD;rm;jrif  hjrwfvSygw,f? axmifcsDwJ  hvlawGud k wynf  hom;orD;awG jzpfvmatmif a[mnefoGefoifawmfrlcJ  hygw,f? oufawmf 80 t&G,frSm tdkrif;&if  ha&mfr_ESif    h emrusef;r_'kuQawGud k cHpm;awmfrl&ayrJ  h +idrf;csrf;pGmESif  hyJ y&dedAŠmefpH0ifawmfrlcJ  hygw,f?

ar;? ? rdef;rESif  h uav;ud k pGef @ypf+yD; awmxGufcJ  hwm qd kawmhAk'<rSm wm0efrJ  h&m ra&mufaybl;vm;?

ajz? ? Ak'<[m ol @rdom;pkud k tvG,fuav;ESif  h pGef @ypf&ufcJ  hwmawmh r[kwfygbl;? ol @taeESif  h aemufqH k; pGef @cG g rjzpfcifrSm

umv tawmf=um pd k;&drfylyef+yD; qkwfqkwfqd kif;qd kif; jzpfaecJ  h&wmyg?'gayrJ  h ola&G;cs,f qH k;jzwf&rSmu ol[m ol @rdom;pk wpfckwnf;twGufvm;/ wpfavmuvH k; twGufvm; qd kwmygyJ? ol @&J  @ }uD;jrwfvSwJ  h r[mu&k%m "gwfcHu wpfavmuvH k;twGuf ol@ud k,fol toH k;cs cHoGm;r,fqd kwJ  hvrf;ud kyJ aemufqH k; a&G;jzpfapcJ    hygw,f? ol @&J  @ tepfemcH pGef @v$wf &kef;uefcJ  hr_a=umif  hvnf; wpfavmuvk  H k; tusKd;rsm;

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 19

aewkef;ygyJ? ('ga=umif)h 'g[m wm0efrJ  h&m ra&mufwJ  htjyif r}uKHpzl;xl;uJ}uD;jrwfwJ  h pGef @v$wfr_ (r[my&dpPm*)1yJ jzpfygw,f?

ar;? ? Ak'<[m oufawmf xif&Sm; r&S  dawmhygbl;? y&dedAŠmefðyoGm;yg+yD/ 'Dawmh b,fvk  dvkyf+yD; Ak'<u vlawGuk  dtultnDay;Ed kifOD;rSmygvJ?

ajz? ? v#yfppf"gwfuk  d wDxGif az:xkwfcJ  hwJ  h zm&ma'; (Faraday)

uG,fvGefcJ  hyg+yD? ol az:xkwfcJ  hwJ  h v#yfppf"gwfuawmhtusKd;ðyaewkef;ygyJ? vl;0pfypP&Sm (LuisPasteur) qk  d&if a&m*g tawmfrsm;rsm;twGuf ukxk  H;awGuk  d az:xkwf csrSwfcJ  hygw,f? ol  @&J@ aq;ody`  HawG @&S  dcsufawGu toufaygif;rsm;pGmuk  d u,fwifaeqJygyJ? vD,k  dem'k  d'g yifcsD (Leonardo da Vinci) &J @ tEkynm ajrmufvSwJ  h zefwD;r_awGuvlawGuk  d &$ifjrL; wufºuwh  J &oawG ay;aewkef;ygyJ? olawmfpifawGESif  hol&Jaumif;awG[m vGefcJ  hwJ  h &mpkESpftawmf=um uwnf;u uG,fvGefcJ  h=u+yDjzpfayrJ  h  h olwk  d  @ zefwD;cJ  h=uwJ  h vkyf&yfawGESif  h atmifjrif jzpfxGef;r_awGud k rsKd;qufopfawG zwf&_ od&S  d&wJ  htcg yck  H;ajymif; qufcHzk    d@ pdwftm;awG xufoefapwkef;ygyJ? tvm;wl Ak'<[m oufawmf xif&Sm;r&S  dawmhayrJ  h ESpfaygif; 2500-ausmfvm+yD; jzpfonf @wdkif Ak'<&J @ vrf;n$efr_awGu vlawGuk  d tusKd;ðyqJygyJ? Ak'<&J@ pHerlemawGuvnf; vlawGuk  dtm;wufapwkef;ygyJ? Ak'<&J  @ E_wfuywfawmfawG[m vlawG&J  @ b0awGuk  d tqk  d;uae taumif;bufqDok  d @ ajymif;vJay;aeqJygyJ? y&dedAŠmefðy

1? orRmoarŠm"dqkyef tavmif;awmfrsm; vd kufemusif  h=uHtm;xkwf&onf  hyg&rDjznf  hjcif;qd kif&m pnf;rsOf;}uD;ig;csuf/ "ey&dpPm* - pGef @Ed kifcJvSpGmaomrif;pnf;pdrf/ &wem qif;jrif;ponfwd k @ud k pGef @jcif;/ t*Fy&dpPm* - ajcvufpaomud k,ft*gFtpdwftyd kif;wd k @ud k pGef @jcif;/ ykwWy&dpPm* - om;orD;wd k @ud k pGef @jcif;/b&d,y&dpPm* - r,m;ud k pGef @jcif;/ ZD0dw y&dpPm* - rdrdtoufud k pGef @jcif;?

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22 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

0g'awGud k azmfxkwf jyozd k @twGuf trSwfoauFw (Symbols) awGud ktoH k;jyKavh &S  d=uygw,f? wmtd kbmom (Taosim) rSm yËdyuQawG

t=um; nDn$wfr#wr_ud k trSwftom;jyKwJ  h ,if,ef;(Ying Yang)

ud k toH k;jyKygw,f? qdufcfbmom (Sikhism) rSm qd k&if pdwf0dnmOfuGef@jrL;v_yf&Sm;r_&J  @ oauFwtjzpf "m;&Snf (The sword) ud k tok  H;ðyygw,f? c&pf,mef bmomrSmawmh c&pfawmf&J  @ ouf&S  dwnf&S  dr_ud kxif[yfapzd k  @ ig;&kyf (The fish) ud kok  H;+yD;/ c&pfawmf&J@ tepfemcHpGef @v$wfr_ud k azmfusL;zd k @twGuf vuf0g;uyfwd kif =uufajc (The cross)

ud k toH k;jyKygw,f? Ak'<bmomrSmawmh Ak'<[m t&m&m tzufzufu+yD;jynf  hpH kwJ    h vlom;&J @ tjzpfud k az:jyzd k  @ twGuf Ak'<qif;wkawmfawGud ktok  H;jyKae=uwmyJ jzpfygw,f? Ak'< a'oemawmft& Ak'<qif;wkawmf[m vlom;&J  J  @ ta&;ygr_ud k xif[yfapwmvnf;yJ jzpfygw,f? Ak'<0g'[m vlud kom t"duxm;+yD;awmh zefqif;&Sifud k A[k  dðywJ  h 0g'rsdK;r[kwfygbl;? 'ga=umif  hvnf; +yD;jynf  hpH kr_ESif  h xd k;xGif;odjrifr_udk &SmazGwJ  htcg tjyifbuf Am[d& "rRawGxJrSm r&SmbJ ud k,f  hcE<mqd kwJ  h twGif;buf tZÆwWo¾mefrSmyJ &Sm&r,fqd kwJ @tcsufud kvnf; Ak'<&kyfyG g;awmfud k;uG,fr_u azmfnef;aewmjzpfygw,f? 'Dawmh Ak'<0g'DawG[m zefqif;&SifawG&J  @ ud k,fyGm;jzpfwJ  h (Idols) awGud k ud k;uG,f=uw,f qd kwmuawmh rrSefuefygbl;?

ar;? ? Ak'<bmom bk&m;ausmif;uefawGrSm Ak'<bmomawG[maiGpuULawGud k rD;&_  d @vd k&_  d @ESif  h xl;qef;wJ  h trlt&mawGtrsdK;rsdK; vkyfae=uwm awG @&ygw,f? bma=umifhygvJ?

ajz? ? oabmw&m;ud k em;rvnfwJ  h tcg t&m&m[m txl ;tqef;awGcsnf; jzpfaerSmygyJ? 'grsdK;awGud k txl;tqef;

vkyf+yD;y,fcsaerJ  htpm; 'gawG&J  @ twGif;oabm qd kvd kcsufud k em;vnfod&S  dvmatmifyJ }udK;pm;oif  hygw,f? wpfcgwpfcg wpfcsdK@aom Ak'<bmom0ifawG&J @ vkyf&yfawG[m Ak'<&J@ tqH k;trabmifud k ausmfvGef+yD;

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 23

awmh Ak'<0g'ESif    h rud kufnDwJ  hem;vnfr_vG  JrSm;wm/ vl+ydef;óuuf t,lonf;wmawGay:rSm tajccH+yD;vkyfae=uwmawG &S  dw,fqd kwm rSefyg

w,f? 'gayrJ  h 'Dvd krsdK; a&vd kufvG  Jae=uwmawG[m Ak'<bmom wpfckwnf;rSmom r[kwfygbl;? wpfjcm;bmomawG tm;vH k;rSmvnf;yJr=umc% awG@jrif&wwfwmygyJ? Ak'<uawmh tao;pdwf wdwdusus&Sif;vif; a[m=um;cJ  hwmygyJ? tjynf  ht0 em;rvnf&SmwJ    h wpfpH kwpfa,muf twGufa=umif  hawmh Ak'<tay: tjypfrzdk@avmufygbl;?'DtcsufESif  h ywfouf+yD; Ak'<ud k,fawmfwd kif a[mawmfrlxm;wm&S  dygw,f?

“a&m*ga0'emawGud k }udwfrS  dwf cHpm;ae&ol vlem wpfOD;onf rdrdteD;tyg;Yaq;q&m}uD; &S  dygvsuf aq;ukocH,lzd k@&ef tm;rxkwfbl;qd k&if TonfrSm aq;q&m}uD;&J @tjypfr[kwfay?

tvm;wl udavom a&m*gjzif    h zdpD;ES  dyfpufr_ '%fudk tvl;tvd  Srf  h cHae&ol wpfOD;onf Ak'<&J  @ ulnD az;rr_ud k &,lzd k@&efvH k @vrxkwfbl;qd k&if TonfrSm Ak'<. 0efwmr[kwfay?”1

Ak'<bmomud kjzpfap/ 'grSr[kwf wpfjcm;bmomw&m; wpfckckud k jzpfap [kwW  dywd   W wdwdyy vd kufemusif  haqmifjcif; r&S  dwJholawGutJ'D bmomw&m; tay:rSm rSm;w,frSefw,f qd k+yD; tqH k;tjzwfray;oif  hygbl;? Ak'<&J  @ rSefuefwJ  h w&m;awmfawGud k wwfodem;vnfcsif&if Ak'<pmay ydÉuwfawmfawGud k zwf&r,f/ Ak'<"rRESifh ywfowfvd k @uírf;usifwwfajrmufwJ  h yk*~KdvfawGqD csOf;uyf aqG;aEG;&r,f?

1? Zmwuedygw 28-9

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24 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

ar;? ? Ak'<0g'[m odyfaumif;w,f/ odyfrSefw,fqd k&if Ak'<bmomEd kifiH wpfcsdK@usawmh bmha=umif  h qif;&JwGif;eufae

=u&wmygvdrf  h?ajz? ? qif;&Jw,fqd kwm pD;ygG;a&; &_axmif  h wpfckwnf;u =unf  h+yD;ajymr,fqd k&ifawmh [kwfygw,f? Ak'<bmom Ed kifiH wpfcsdK@[m qif;&J=uygw,f? 'gayrJ  h qif;&Jw,fqd kwJ  h pum;[m b0t&nftaoG;b0wefzd k;edrf  hus qif;&JwmrsKd;ud k qd kvd kw,fqd k&ifawmh Ak'<bmomEd kifiHawG[m rqif;&JwJ  h tjyif yd kIawmifcsrf;om =uygao;w,f?qd kygawmh tar&du[m urBmrSm pD;yG  g;a&;t& csrf;om =uG,f0+yD;vufeufESif    h Ed kifiHa&; t&vnf; tiftm;}uD;Ed kifiH wpfck jzpfygw,f?'gayrJ  h urBmh'kp&k  duf txlajymqH k; Ed kifiHvnf; jzpfygw,f? oef;csDwJ  htar&duef ouf}uD; &G,ftd kawG[m olwd  k@ om;ajr;awG&J  @ vspfvsL&_/pGef @ypfjcif;cH&+yD;awmh bk  d;bGm;&dyfomawGrSm txD;usefr_ a0'emESif  huG,fvGefae=u&&Smygw,f? t=urf;zufr_ESif  h uav;tcGif  hta&; csKd;azgufr_awG[mvnf; t"du jynfwGif;a&; jy\emawG jzpfaeygw,f?tdrfaxmifa&;yd kif;rSm qd k&if pH kwG  J oH k;wG  Jv#if wpfwG  Jus E_ef;uuGm&Sif;r_ESif  h Zmwfodrf;ygw,f? npfnrf; &kyf&Sifvd k rsKd;awGuawmhaygrSaygygyJ? aiGa=u;t& csrf;om=uyg&J@/ b0wefzd k;t&awmh odyfqif;&J =uygw,f?

aemufOyrm ay;p&m wpfckuawmh pD;yG g;a&;t& aemufususef&pfwJ  h jrefrmEd kifiHygyJ? jrefrmhvli,f om;ajr;awGu rdbbd k;bGm;awGud k &k  daoav;pm;=uw,f? &mZ0wfjzpfyGm;r_E_ef;uvnf; wpfjcm;Ed kifiHawGESif  hpm&if odyfenf;yg;vSygw,f? uGm&Sif;jywfpJr_wd k@/ ud k,f  h[mud k,f tqH k;pD&ifr_wd k @ qd kwmawGu r=um;pzl; oavmufygyJ? t=urf;zufr_/ uav;tcGif  hta&; csKd;azmufr_ qd kwmawGuvnf; r&S  doavmufygyJ? npfnrf; &kyf&Sifvd k[mrsKd;awGESif  h umrr_qd kif&m vkyfief;xlaxmifcGif  h qd kwmawGuawmh &S  duk  d r&S  d=uygbl;? pD;ygG;a&;zufu acwf

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 25

aemufus ae&pfayrJ  h b0wefzd k;ESif  h ywfoufvd k @uawmh tar&duvd kEd kifiHrsKd;xuf trsm;}uD; jrif  hrm; omvGefvSygw,f?

'gayrJ  h pD;yG g;a&;&_axmif  h wpfckwnf;u =unf  h+yD;awmh Ak'<bmom0if Ed kifiHawGud k csrf;om/ qif;&J tqH k;tjzwf ay;vd k =uao;w,f qd k&ifawmh *syefEd kifiHud kyJ jy&ygvdrf    hrnf? ckacwf urBmrSm tcsrf;omqH k;ESif  h pD;yG  g;a&;t& twd k;wufqH k; Ed kifiHrsm; txJwGif *syefEd kifiHvnf; wpfEd kifiHtygt0if jzpfygw,f? tJ'DrSm vlOD;a& 93 &mcd kifE_ef;[mAk'<bmom0iftjzpf cH,lolawGyJ jzpf=uygw,f?

ar;? ? Ak'<bmom0ifawG jyKvkyfwJ  h ukod kvfjzpf vkyfief;awG/bmawG ta=umif; r=umc%qd kovd k r=um;od&wmu bmha=umif  hygvJ?

ajz? ? Ak'<bmom0ifawG taeESif  h olwd k @ jyKvkyfwJ  h ukod kvfjzpf vkyfief;awGtwGuf [dwf[efxkwf+yD; yyv$m;v$m; vkyfp&m

rvd kbl;vd k  @ cH,lxm;=uwJ  h twGufa=umif  h jzpf&ifjzpfEd kifygw,f? +yD;cJ  hwJ  hESpftawmf=umu *syefAk'<bmomacgif;aqmif eDcd k ed&0efEd k (Nikkho

 Nirwano) [m bmomaygif;pH k nDnGwfr_ wd k;jrSif  ha&; v_yf&Sm;r_twGufwefyJvwGefqk(Templeton Prize)ud k &&S  dcJ  hygw,f? tvm;wl r=umao;cifuyJ xd kif;&[ef;awmfwpfyg;ud k aq;ajcmuform;awGtay: ol @&J @tusKd;aqmifr_vkyf&yftwGuf =oZmt&S  deft0g}uD;vSwJ  h r*faq;aq;(Magsaysay Prize) qk csD;jrSif  hcJ  hygw,f? aemuf xd kif;&[ef;awmfwpfyg;jzpfwJ  h t&SifuEœ ,yd0wf (Ven. Kantayapiwat) ud kvnf;aus;vuf awmyd kif;awGu rdbrJ  h uav;oli,fawGud k ulnDapmif  ha&Smufay;r_ twGuf 1987 ckESpfrSm aemfa0Ed kifiH qd kif&m uav;i,frsm;+idrf;csrf;a&;qk (Norwegian Children's Prize) csD;jrSif  hcJ  hygao;w,f?

aemuf+yD; tdENd, qif;&Jom;vlxk}uD;twGuf taemufwd kif;Ak'<bmom0ifawGu vkyfaqmifay;wJ  h ukod kvfjzpf vkyfief;awG trsm;tjym; &S  dygao;w,f? tcrJ  h pmoifausmif;awG/ uav;apmif  ha&Smuf

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26 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

a&; ÏmeawG/ aq;ay;cef;awG/ wEd kifwyd kif &yfwnfEd kifa&; twGuftao;pm; pufr_vkyfief;awG xlaxmif ay;=uygw,f? Ak'<bmom0if

awG[mvnf; wpfjcm;bmom0ifawGvd kyJ olwpfyg;ud k ulnDapmif  ha&Smufjcif;[m bmoma&; usif  hpOfwpfck jzpfw,fvd k  @ cH,l=uygw,f?'gayrJ  h Ak'<bmom0ifawGu rdrdud k,fud k emrnf}uD;atmifawmhjzif  hrvkyfoif  h/ od kok  dodyfodyf uav;yJ vkyfoif  hw,fvd k @ ,lq=uwJ  h twGufa=umif  h Ak'<bmom0ifawG&J@ ukod kvfjzpf vkyfief;awG ta=umif; r=umc% r=um;=u&wmaerSmyg?

ar;? ? Ak'<bmomrSm *d k%f;uG  JawG bma=umif  h 'Davmuftxdrsm;rsm;pm;pm; uG  Jjym;ae&wmygvJ?

ajz? ? o=um;trsKd;tpm;awG trsKd;rsKd; &S  d=uovd kygyJ? o=um;ndK/o=um;jzL/ o=um;r_ef  @/ o=um;cJ/ o=um;&nf/ a&cJo=um; pH kvd k @ygyJ?'gayrJ  h 'Do=um;rsKd;tpm;awG tm;vH k;[m o=um;awGcsnf;jzpf+yD;awmhcsKd=uwmcsnf;ygyJ? vdk&if vd kovd k enf;vrf;rsKd;pH kESif  h toH k;ðyEd kifatmifvd k  @ yHkpH trsKd;rsKd;jzif  h xkwfvkyfxm;wmyJ jzpfygw,f? Ak'<bmomvnf;'Denf;vnf;aumif; twk  dif;ygyJ? ax&m0g' Ak'<bmom/ psefAk'<bmom/ysL;0g;vef; Ak'<bmom/ a,m*gpm&ESif  h 0ZD&m,me Ak'<bmom *d k%f;awGvnf; &S  dygw,f? 'gawG tm;vH k;[m Ak'<bmomawG jzpf+yD;awmh/vGwfajrmufr_qd kwJ  h tESpfom&csif; twlwlyJ jzpf=uygw,f? Ak'<bmom yH kpHawG tckavmuf axGjym; oGm;&wm[mvnf; tJ'D Ak'<bmom*d k%f; xGef;um;wnf&S  d&m a'o&J  @ ,Ofaus;r_aygif;pH kESif  h vd kufavsmnDaxG&S  datmifvd k @yJ jzpfygw,f? Ak'<bmom rsKd;qufopfawGESif  h

vd kufavsmnDaxG&S  dapzd k  @ Ak'<"rRud k acwftqufquf t}udrf}udrfteufzGif  h,lvmcJ  h=uygw,f? tjyifyef;tm;jzif  h Ak'<bmom trsKd;trnfawGpH katmif uG  Jjym;=uayrJ  hvkd @ tESpfom&uawmh opPmav;yg;ESifh r*~if&Spfyg;ygyJ? Ak'<bmom tygt0if wjcm;aom bmom}uD;awGrSmvnf;yJ*d k%f;aygif;rsm;pGm/ tawG;tac: tkyfpkaygif;rsm;pGm uG  Jjym;=uwmcsnf;

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 27

ygyJ? 'gayrJ  h Ak'<bmom pifðydif*d k%f;awG tcsif;csif; wd kufyG  Jqifwm/ &efapmifwmawG r&S  dcJ  h=uovd k tcsif;csif;rvd kvm;wJ  h/ trkef;ygG;wJ    h tðy

trlawGud kvnf; rjyocJ  h=uygbl;? tckacwfrSmqd k&if *d k%f;uG  Jtcsif;csif;awG&J @ ausmif;uefbk&m;awGqDud k tjyeftvSef 0ifxGufoGm;vm+yD;awmh twlwuG 0wfjyK=uwmrsKd;awGawmif &S  dvmyg+yD? 'Dvd krsKd;onf;cH cGif  hv$wfwm em;vnfpmemwmawG[m urBmrSmud k &Sm;&Sm;yg;yg;ygyJ?

ar;? ? Ak'<bmomwpfckwnf;uom jrif  hjrwfw,f/ rSefuefw,f qd kawmh wjcm;bmomawGtm;vk  H;[m rSm;,Gif;=uw,faygh?

ajz? ? Ak'<w&m;awmfud k em;vnf oabmaygufwJ  h b,fAk'<0g'DurSwjcm;bmomw&m;awG[m rSm;,Gif;=uw,fvd  k@ r,lq

ygbl;1? wjcm;bmomw&m;awGud k yGif  hyGif  hvif;vif; xdxdrdrd avhvmqef;ppfvd kwJ  h olwpfOD;taeESif  h tJonfvd krsKd; rawG;ac:oif  hygbl;? rwluG  Jjym;wJ  h wjcm;bmomw&m;awGud k qef;ppfavhvm&mrSm yxrqH k;odxm;&rnf  h tcsufu tJ'DbmomawGxJrSm trsm;tusK d;aqmifr_b,favmufyg0ifovJ qd kwmygyJ? vlom;&J @ rsufarSmuf taetxm;[m auseyfESpfodrf  havmufp&m r&S  dbl;2 vd k @yJ bmomw&m;awG tm;vk  H;u todtrSwf ðyxm;=u+yD;awmhvlom;&J  @ vuf&S  d taetxm;ud kjrSif  hwifcsifw,fqd k&if pdwfxm;ESif  h tusif  hp&k  dufawGud k ðyjyifajymif;vJ=uzd k  @ vdktyfw,fvk  d @vnf; tm;vk  H;uyJ ,k  H=unf=uygw,f? arwWm/u&k%m/ cEW  D/ apwem/ o'< gESif  h vl @usif  h0wfawG (*D[d0de,) awG yg0if

1? trSefud k trSeftwd kif; odjrifjcif;uom opPmjzpf+yD; rdrd t,l wpfckwnf;uomrSefuef+yD; wpfjcm;t,lawGtm;vH k; rSm;,Gif;=uonf[k ,ljcif;onf tpGef;a&mufrdp> mt,lwpfrsKd;om jzpfonf?2? 'kuQ  HawblruH 0ÃH - bk  HoH k;yg;Y jzpf&or# 'kuQe,fxJwGif tygt0ifcsnf;jzpfonf[k Ak'<bmomu ,lqonf?

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28 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

wJ  h ud k,fusif  h oduQmw&m;awGud k bmomwd kif; vd kvd kuyJ a[mnef;=u+yD;awmh 'Dw&m;awG&J  @ t=uGif;rJ  h jzpfwnfr_1 ud kvnf; vufcHxm;

=uygw,f? arwWm/ u&k%m pwJ  h 'D"rRa=umif;awGud k az:xkwf&Sif;vif;zd k @twGufawmh oufqd kif&m bmompum;awG/ tac:ta0: awGESif  h oauFwawGud k (eD;pyf&m ud k,fydkif[efawGESif  h) oH k;E_ef; az:jy=uygw,f? bmoma&;yËdyuQawG/ armufrmr_awGESif  h ud k,f  hig;ud k,fcsOfr_awG ay:aygufvm&w,f qd kwmuvnf; wpfzufowf usOf;ajrmif;pGm oH k;oyfaz:jy=uwJ  h tcgvd krsKd;awGrSmom jzpfwwf=uwmyg?

rwfcGufuav; wpfcGufud k 0d kif;=unf  hae=uwJ  h vlwpfpkud kyJpdwful;ESif  h rSef;q=unf  h=uygpd  k@? olwd k @txJrSm t*Fvdyf/ jyifopf/ w&kwfESif  h tif'd keD;&Sm;vlrsKd; wpfOD;pDwd k@ yg0if=uygw,f? t*FvdyfvlrsKd;u ajymvd kufw,f “'grwfcGufuav;aygh” wJ  h? jyifopfu 'gud  k y,fcs+yD; tajzay;vd kufw,f “r[kwfao;bl;av/ 'gu wpfaq (Tasse) yJ[m”wJ  h?w&kwfuvnf; ol @xifjrifcsufud k az:xkwfw,f “rif;wd k@awG ajym=uwm rSm;w,f/ 'gu aytd (Pei) yg”wJ    h? tif'd keD;&Sm;u tm;vH k;ud k[movkyf+yD; ajymcsvd kufw,f “rif;wd k @awG awmfawmf t˜ =uygvm;/'gu u0ef (Cawan) yJav” wJ  h?

tJ'DrSm t*Fvdyfu tbd"mefpmtkyf}uD; qG  JzGif  h+yD; “'DrSmuíefawmf oufaojyEd kifygw,f/ 'g[m cGufuav; (Cup) yJwJ  h/uíefawmf  htbd"mefu 'Dvd kyJ qd kw,fAs” vd k  @ axmufjyw,f? “'gqd kcifAsm; tbd"mefu trSm;}uD;yJ jzpfvdrf  hr,f/ bmjyKvd k@vnf;qd kawmhuíefawmf  h tbd"mefu 'gud k wpfaq (Tasse) vd k @yJ aoaocsmcsm &Sif;jyxm;w,fav” vd k @ jyifopfu jyefajymw,f? w&kwfu olwd k  @ ESpfOD;vH k;ud k avSmifvdkuf+yD;awmh “uíefawmf  h tbd"mefu cifAsm;wd k @&J @tbd"mefawGxuf ESpfaygif; axmifcsD+yD; a&S;usw,f/ 'ga=umif  huíefawmf  h tbd"mefuyJ trSefjzpf&r,f/ +yD;awmh w&kwfpum;ajymwJ  h

3? t=uGif;rJ  h jzpfwnfr_ (Form of Absolute)

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 29

olu urBmrSm vlOD;a& trsm;qH k;rd k @vd  k@ 'g[m aytd (Pei) yJ jzpfud kjzpf&r,f” wJ    h? tJ'Dvdk 0k  dif;zG  J  @ jiif;cH k ae=uwkef;rSmyJ Ak'<bmom0if

wpfOD;a&mufvm+yD; cGufuav;xJu t&nfud k aomufcsvd kufw,f?+yD;awmhrS “'gud k cifAsm;wd  k@u cGufyJac:ac:/ wpfaqyJ qd kqd k/ aytdvd k @yJajymajym/ u0efvd k @yJ oH k;ok  H; 'DcGufuav;&J  @ &nf&G,fcsufuawmhvlawG toH k;tpG  J jyKzdk @ygyJ? tjiif;yGm;r_ud k &yf+yD; aomufyJ aomufoH k;awmfrl=uyg? cdkuf&efyGm;r_ud k z,f&Sm;+yD; a&qmr_ud k jznf  hodyfawmfrl=uygvd k  @ ajymjyw,f? 'g[m wpfjcm;bmomawG tay:rSm xm;&S  dwJ  hAk'<bmom&J @ oabmxm;ygyJ?

ar;? ? Ak'<bmom[m ody`  Henf;vrf;aum usyg&J @vm;?ajz? ? 'Dtar;ud k rajzcif ody`  Hqd kwJ  h a0g[m&udk t"dy`g,fzGif  hqd k&if

yd kaumif;ygvdrf  hrnf? tbd"meftzGif  ht& ody`  Hqd  kwm pHepfwus avhvm pl;prf;&muae &&S  dtyfwJ  h twwfynm todynmyJ jzpfygw,f? pHepfwusqd k&mrSm a,bk,s obm0 ed,mr oabmw&m;awGud k az:xkwf+yD;/ wu,f ppfrSefwJ  h tcsuftvufawGud k vufawG @usus &_jrif prf;oyfr_awGud k tm;ud k;jyKwJ  h pHepfyJ jzpfygw,f? tJ'Dvd kpHepftwGif; oGif;,lEd kifavmufwJ  h ynmESif  h twdtus aoaocsmcsmavhvm ppfaq; cHEd kifavmufwJ    h txufuqd kcJ  hwJ  h wwfodynmawG&J @qif  hyGm;ynm&yfawG tm;vH k;[m ody`  HyJ jzpfygw,f?

Ak'<bmomrSm 'DzGif  hqd kcsufESif  h rud kufnDvSwJ  h tawG;tjrift,ltqawGvnf; &S  daeygw,f? 'gayrJ  h Ak'<0g'&J  @ t"duuswJ  h '\euawmh opPmav;yg; w&m;awmf (The Four Noble Truths) yJ jzpf+yD;

'DopPmw&m;awmf&J  @ ‘pH’ awG[m ody`    Hynm zGif  hqd kcsufawGESif  h vH k;0ud kufnDvsuf&S  dygw,f? opPmav;yg; teuf yxrqHk; jzpfwJ  h 'kuQopPm[m &Sif;vif;jyoEd kifwJ   h tawG @t}uHKwpf&yfygyJ? 'kuQ]qif;&Jjcif; tppftrSef jzpfw,fqd kwmud k ud k,fawG  @ qH kpnf; jzwfoef;vd  k@ &Ed kifygw,f?wd kif;wmcsif  hwGufvd k @vnf; &Ed kifygw,f? 'kuQjzpf&jcif;&J @ yuwd

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30 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

ta=umif;&if;cH jzpfwJ  h w%Smork',ud k 'kwd,ajrmuf t&d,opPmrSmazmfjy+yD; 'gud kvnf; yxr opPmESif  h tvm;wlyJ &Sif;vif; jyovdk @ &Ed kif

w,f? ud k,fwd kif qH kpnf; jzwfoef;vd k  @ &Ed kifw,f? wdkif;wmcsif  hwGufvd k @vnf; &Ed kifaumif;ygw,f? qef;jym;&_yfaxG;vSwJ  h/ 'grSr[kwf '¾m&DqefwJ  h (yl&m%fusrf;vm) a0g[m&awG oH k;+yD; ,kwWdjy &Sif;vif;zGif  hqd kzd k@óu;pm;wmrsKd; vH k;0ryg&S  dygbl;?

wwd,ajrmuf t&d,opPm&J @ t&uawmh 'kuQ&J @ csKyf+idrf;&m(edAŠmef) eda&m"opPmygyJ? 'kuQ&J  @ csKyf+idrf;&mjzpfwJ  h 'Dtqif  hud k wefcd k;&Sifud k c,vd  k@/ ,H k=unfvd k @/ 0wfðyqkawmif;vd k @ &,lEd kifwmrsKd; r[kwfbJ'kuQjzpfyG g;apwJh ta=umif;&if;ud k z,f&Sm;jcif;jzif  hom obm0uspGm &&S  dEd kifwm jzpfygw,f? 'g[m tvGefw&mrS &Sif;vif; odomvSwJ  h tcsufyg? pwkwajrmuf t&d,opPmuawmh 'kuQud k csKyf+idrf;apwJh vrf;pOfr*~opPmygyJ? 'kuQud k csKyf+idrf;apzdk @&ef bmud krS tm;ud k;ðyp&mrvd kyJ t*F g&Spfyg;&S  dwJ  h vrf;ud kom usif  h=uHtm;xkwfzd k  @ vd kygw,f? +yD;awmh tJ'Dtusif  hw&m;vrf;pOf&J@ vufawG @usr_ud k prf;oyf=unf  hzd k@vnf; Ak'<0g'uvrf;zGif  hay;xm;ygw,f? zefqif;&Sif tay: ,H k=unf trSDo[J ðyr_awGud k ody`  Hynmu ypfy,fovdk Ak'<0g'uvnf; vufoif  hrcHygbl;?+yD;awmh p=um0Vm&J @rlv (Origin) ESif  h jyÏmef;r_ (working) awGud kobm0ed,mr (Natural Law) t& Ak'<0g'u &Sif;vif;jyoygw,f?

'DtcsufawG tm;vH k;[m Ak'<0g'&J  @ wu,f  h ody`  Henf;vrf;uswJ  h tawG;tjrifawGyJ jzpf=uygw,f? wcg Ak'< taeESif  h vlawGud k tpOfojzif  h owday; E_  d;aqmfavh&S  dwJ  h tcsufwpfcku “E_  dufE_  dufcíwfcíwfavhvm pHkprf;r_ r&S  dyJ rsufuef;,k  H=unfr_ud k rðy=uvif  h/ wpfpH kwpf&mud k

vufcH ,H k=unftyfonf/ rcHtyfonfud k rqH k;jzwfrD ar;jref;em,l=u/avhvmppfaq;=u/ pl;prf; csif  hwGuf=u/ rdrdwd k  @. tawG @t}uHKay:Yomtm;ud k;ðy qH k;jzwf=u” qd kwmyJ jzpfygw,f? 'g[m Ak'<ud k,fwd kif&J@ody`  HqefwJ  h pdefac:oHyJ jzpfygw,f? Ak'<u atmufyguJ  hod k  @ rdef @awmfrlcJ  hygw,f?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 31

jrif&k  H =um;&k  Hr#jzif  h ok  d @r[kwf rd&d k;zvm xk  H;pHjzpfumr#jzif  hvufrcHavESif  h/ aumvm[va=umif  h od k @r[kwf usrf;pmxJY

vm&S  donf[lIvnf; vufrcHavESih  f/ wpfqif    hpum; =um;umr#jzif  h vnf;aumif;/ ta=umif;tusKd; qDavsmfr_ &S  dumr#jzif  hvnf;aumif; vufrcHavESif  h/ =uHpnfpdwful; rSef;qIvnf;aumif;/ olwyg;. pGrf;&nfud k txif}uD;Ivnf;aumif; vufrcHavESif  h/ igwd k @.q&mjzpfonf [lonf  htawG;ESif  hvnf; vufrcHavESif  h? Tt&maumif;onf/tjypfuif;onf/ ynm&S  drsm; csD;usL;onf ponfwd k@ud k rdrdud k,fwd kif odjrifI vufawG @usif  hok  H; qnf;yl;aomtcg edAŠmefod k @ a&S;&_ ðy.? xdkvrf;od k@ vd kufygav1?

'ga=umif  h Ak'<bmom[m ody`  HynmESif  h pGyfcíwfwl rud kufnDonf  hwd kif ody`Hoabm oufa&mufr_ tjynf    ht0 &S  dw,fvd k @awmhqd kEd kifygw,f? wpfjcm;bmomawGESif    h pm&ifb,fbmomxufrqd kAk'<bmomu yd k+yD;awmh ody`  Henf;usygw,f? 20 &mpkacwf&J@ ody`  Hu0dwpfOD;jzpfwJ  h tJvfbmwf td kif;pwd kif;ef (Albert Einstein) &J  @ Ak'<bmomESif  h ywfowfwJ  h atmufyg xkwfaz:ajymqd kcsufu 'Dtcsufud  k yk  drd kcd kifrmapygw,f?

“aemifwGif ay:xGef;vmrnf  h tem*gwfbmoma&; qd kwmp=um0Vmbmom (Cosmic Religion) yJ jzpf&ygvdrf  hr,f/ tJ'D

p=u0Vm bmomqd kwm wpfoD;yk*~vqefwJ  h bk&m;(Personal

God) tpG  Jabmifud k ausmfvGef&r,f/ w&m;ao 0g'pG  JESif  hw&m;aobmom&yfynm tpG  JawGvnf; uif;&Sif; &ygvdrf  h

1? t*F kwfxd k&f ygVdawmf 188

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32 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

r,f/ obm0ud ka&m "rRud kyg v$rf;ðcHrdwJ  h 'Dbmoma&;rsKd;[mt&m&mud k avhvmodjriftyfwJ  h tawG @t}uHKawG/ obm0

"rRESif  h qufpyfr_&S  d+yD; t"dy g,fvnf; jynf  h0wJ  h nDnGwf pkpnf;r_awGuae ppfxkwf&&S  dvmwJ  h bmoma&; todpdwftay: tajccHwJ  h bmoma&;rsKd; jzpf&ygvdrf  hr,f? Ak'<0g'[m'DtcsuftvufawGud k jznf  hqnf; ay;Ed kifwJ  h pGrf;&nf&S  dygw,f?tu,fI rsufarSmufacwf ody`  Hynm&J  @ vd ktyfcsufawGud kajz&Sif;ay;Ed kifwJ  h bmomwpfck &S  dw,fqd k&if tJ'Dbmom[mAk'<bmomyJ jzpf&ygvdrf  hr,f”?

tajccH Ak'<0g'

ar;? ? Ak'<&J @ t"duuswJ  h vrf;nefw&m;awmfawGuaumbmawGygvJ?

ajz? ? bD;0d kif;wpfck&J @ bD;acG (&drf;uGif;) ESif  h axmufwef;awG[myk  Hawmif;csufrrSm A[d kðy=uovd k Ak'< w&m;awmfawG

tm;vH k;[m jrif  hjrwfaom opPmw&m;av;yg;rSmyJ A[d kðy=uygw,f?-tJ'D opPm w&m;[m trsKd;tpm;tm;jzif  h av;rsKd; av;pm; &S  dwma=umif  h av;yg;vd k@ ajym&wmjzpfygw,f?

-tJ'Dw&m;ud k oabmayguf em;vnfol[m jrif  hjrwfol jzpfvmygw,f? tJ'ga=umif  h jrif  hjrwfaomvd k @ 0daooe ðy&wmyg?

-wu,f  h yuwd tjzpftwk  dif;yJ rSefuefwJ  h twGufa=umif  h trSefw&m;

(opPm) vd k @ ac:qd k&wm jzpfygw,f?

ar;? ? yxrqH k;aom t&d,opPmw&m;u bmygvJ?ajz? ? b0[m 'kuQ oufoufyJjzpfw,f qd kwJ  h tcsuf[m yxr

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34 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

t&d,opPmygyJ? b,fb0rSmyJjzpfjzpf/ b0wpfckckrSm&Sifoefaexd kifw,fqd k&if qif;&Jjcif; 'kuQqd kwmud k rvG  JraoG &ifqd kif&rSmygyJ?

'kuQwpfrsKd;r[kwf wpfrsKd;ud k rcHpm;&bJESif  hawmh b,fb0rSmyJ jzpfjzpf&Sifoefaexd kifvd k @ud k r&Ed kifaumif;ygbl;? rtDrom emrusef; jzpf&r_/xdcd kuf'%f&m&r_/ armyef;EGrf;e,fr_/ td krif; &if  ha&mfr_awG tjyif aemufqH k; aoa=u ysufpD;&r_pwJ  h &kyfyd kif;qd kif&m 'kuQpkawGESif  hwuG txD;usefjzpf&wm/ pdwf"gwf usqif;&wm/ pd k;&drf ylaqG;&wm/ pdwfpEd k;paemif  hrcsif  hr&J jzpf&wm/ a'gojzpf&wmawGvd krsKd; pdwfyd kif;qd kif&m 'kuQawGud kygb0rSm &Sifoefaexd kifol rSefor# awG @}uHKcHpm;ae=u&wmygyJ/

ar;? ? 'g[m tysufjrif 0g' tenf;i,f qef raebl;vm;?ajz? ? tysufjrif0g' (Pessimism) ud k tbd"mefrSm “jzpfp&m

&S  dwmawG[m bmyJjzpfjzpf tqd k; taeESif  hyJ jzpfay:vmvdrf  hrnfvd k  @ awG;xifwwfwJ  h tusif  h/ 'grSr[kwf tqd k;[m taumif;xuf tiftm;owW  d yd krd k }uD;rm;w,fvd k @ ,lqwJ  h ,H k=unfr_wpf&yf” vd k@zGif  hqd  kygw,f? Ak'<0g'[m 'D,lqyH k ESpfrsKd;vH k;ESif  h reD;pyfovd k aysmf&$ifcsrf;ajr@r_qd kwm &S  dw,f qd kwmudkvnf; rjiif;ygbl;? b0rSm b,folurSjiif;uG,fvd k  @ r&Ed kifavmufatmifud k rSefuef+yD; odomvSwJ  h pdwfyd kif;&kyfyd kif;qd kif&m 'kuQawGESif  h &ifqd kifqH kpnf;+yD;awmh ouf&Sifaexd kif=u&wmyJ jzpfw,fvd k  @ &k  d;&k  d;vG,fvG,fav;yJ Ak'<0g'u qd kygw,f? urBmhbmomw&m; trsm;pkawG&J  @ t"duuswJ  h tajccH oabmw&m;awG[m em;vnfzd k@awmif cufcJvSygw,f? 'grSr[kwf &Sif;vif; az:jyzd k@ud krjzpfEd kifavmufwJ  h '¾m&DawG/ ,k  H=unfcsuf oufoufawGyJ jzpf=u

ygw,f? Ak'<bmomrSmawmh b,folrS ra&SmifvG  JEd kifwJ  h tawG @t}uHK awGud  k tajcðy+yD; pwifw,f/ vlwk  dif; odxm;=uwJ  h/ vlwd kif;awG @}uHK jzwfoef;&wJ  h t&m ('kuQ) ESif  h pwifw,f? +yD;awmh 'D'kuQqd kwJh t&mud kyJ 'Dvlom;awGtm;vH k;u ausmfjzwfzd k @ }udK;pm;ae=uwmyg? tJ'Dvd k

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 35

vlwpfOD;csif;pDwd kif;ESif  h oufqd kif+yD; y"meuswJ  h 'kuQESif  h 'D'kuQud k b,fvd k z,f&Sm;ausmfvGefEd kifrSmvJ qd kwJ  h tcsufud kyJ wef;wef;rwfrwf pl;pl;

pd kufpd kuf a[mnefxm;wJ    h twGufa=umif  hrd k @vdk  @ Ak'<0g'onfomv#ifwu,fppfrSefwJ  h p=um0Vmbmom1 jzpfygw,f?

ar;? ? 'kwd,ajrmuf t&d,opPmw&m;awmfu bmygvJ?ajz? ? 'kwd, opPmuawmh txufu qd kcJ  hwJ  h 'kuQ[lor#[m

vd kvm; awmif  hwr_ w%Smork', ta=umif;cHa=umif  h jzpfw,f qd kwmygyJ? pdwfyd kif;qd kif&m 'kuQawGud k &_jrifoH k;oyf =unf  h&ifyJ'Dapwodu'kuQ2awG[m w%Sma=umif  h b,fenf;b,fyH k jzpfay:vm&w,f qd kwmudk odjrifzd k @ rcufvSygbl;? wpfpHkwpf&mud k wrf;wrf;pG  JjzpfaewJ  htcg &Edkifajcvnf; r&S  dbl;qd k&if pdwf"mwf[m xd k;usoGm;wwfw,f/ wpfpH kwpfa,muftay: ud k,fu jzpfapcsifovd krsKd;jzpfrvmwJhtcg (ud k,f  htvd kygrvmwJ  h tcgrSm) vnf; pdwfqif;&J&wmygyJ? wpfjcm;vlawGu ud k,f  hudk vd kvm;ESpfoufwm/ ck  HrifjrwfEd k; wefzd k;xm;awGud k cH,lvd kayrJ  h wu,f  hb0rSm tJonfvd krsKd;awG jzpfrvmwJ  htcgrSmawmh xdcd kufcHpm;=u&ygw,f? vd kvm;wyfrufwJ   h twd kif; wpfpH kwpf&mud k vuf0,fyd kifyd kif &&S  dwJ  h tcgrsKd;rSmawmif tcgcyfodrf;/ tjynf  ht0 aysmf&$if auseyfEd kifao;wm r[kwfygbl;? bmjyKvd k @vnf;qd kawmhtJ'D t&mud  k &&S  d+yD; odyfr=umcifrSmyJ 'gud k +iD;aiG @vm+yD; pdwf0ifpm;r_awG avsmhyg;oGm;wwfw,f? aemufxyf topftqef;awGud kyJwyfrufp ðyvmwwfw,f? 'gha=umif  h &k  d;&k  d;uav; awG;=unf  h&ifyJud k,fvd kcsifwJ  h t&mud k &&S  djcif;qd kwJ  h tcsufuawmif cd kifrmwJ  h aysmf&$if

csrf;ajr@r_/ pdwfcs&wJ  h auseyfESpfoufr_rsKd;ud k jznf  hpGrf;ray;Edkifygbl;?'g[m 'kwd, ork',opPm&J @ t"dy g,fyJ jzpfygw,f? 'Dawmh ud k,f

1? vlom;wpf&yfvH k; wpfajy;nD vufcHEd kifwJ  h bmom1? pdwfylavmifqif;&J&r_

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36 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

vd kcsifwJ  ht&mud k &,lEd kifa&; wpfckwnf;twGufcsnf; wpdkufrwfrwf&Sm=uHa&;xuf tJ'D vd kcsifr_ud kyJ xdef;csKyfzd k @ óu;pm;ayawmh? tJ'D vd kcsif

r_qd kwmuyJ vl&J  @ auseyfa&mif  h&Jr_ESif  h aysmf&$ifcsrf;ajr@r_awGud k avsmhyg;aysmufqH k;apwm jzpfygw,f?

ar;? ? 'Dvd kcsifr_ qENESif  h awmif  hwr_w%SmawGu b,fvd kvkyf+yD;&kyfydkif; um,du 'kuQawGud k jzpfyGm;apygovJ?

ajz? ? [d k[m+yD; 'D[m/ 'D[m+yD;awmh [d k[m ponfjzif  h b0oufwrf;ESif  htr# vd kcsifwufrufr_awGu txl;ojzif    h w%SmuowW0gwpfOD; arG;zGm; ay:aygufapavmufwJ  h owWdjynfh pGrf;tif wpf&yfud k qufwd kufjzpfapzd k @&ef zefwD;ay;ygw,f? 'Dvd kESif  h jyefvnf arG;zGm;vmawmh ud k,fcE<mqd kwmud k ydkifqd kif &&S  dvm=uwm jzpfygw,f? a&S @rSmaqG;aEG;cJ  hwJ  h twd kif;yJ cE<mtdrfud k &vmwm[m 'g%f&m temw&awG/a&m*gb, jzpfyGm;usa&mufr_awGud k rkcs &vG,fjzpfvG,fwJ    h cE<mjzpfygw,f? tvkyf'g%fa=umifhvnf;yJ yifyef; arm[d kuf+yD;awmh qif;&JEd kifw,f/ td krif;&if  ha&mfr_ '%fud kvnf; cHpm;&w,f/ aemufqH k;rSmawmhaojcif;w&m;ESif  h ed*H k;csKyf&wmygyJ? 'g[m b0opfawGud k jzpfapEd kifpGrf;wJ  h twGufa=umif  h vd kcsifr_ w%Smu um,du 'kuQawGudk jzpfyGm;apyH kjzpfygw,f?

ar;? ? [kwfyg+yD/ 'Dtwd kif;om qd k&if vd kvm;r_ud k &yfqd kif;vd kufwmESif  h wpfpH k wpf&mud k b,fawmhrSvnf; &p&mvrf;r&d  Sawmhygbl;? 'grSr[kwf atmifjrifr_ qd kwmvnf; b,f awmhrS

&S  d=uawmhrSm r[kwfawmhbl;aygh?ajz? ? [kwfygw,f? 'gayrJ  h 'Dae&mrSm Ak'<a[mawmfrlwmu

vd kcsifr_awG/ wyfrufr_awG/ ud k,f  hrSm &S  dESif  h+yD;om;ESif  h b,fawmhrS rwif;wdrfr_awG/ +yD;awmh yd kI yd kI yd kifqd kifvd kr_awGu 'kuQtaxGaxGud kyJ jzpfyGm;apygw,f? 'ga=umifh 'Dvd kcsifr_ umrdp> ENawG/

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 37

vd kvm;awmif  hwr_ umrw%SmawGud kawmh &yfqd kif; ypfoif  hw,fvd k @a[mawmfrlygw,f? Ak'<u vd ktyfr_1ESif  h vd kcsifr_2ud k cG  Jjcm;+yD; od=uzd k @/

+yD;awmh vd ktyfwm awGud k }udK;pm;&SmazG jznfhqnf;=uzd k@ESif  h vd kcsifwmawGud kawmh wpfpwpfp avsm@cs+yD; ðyjyifoGm;=uzd k @ qH k;rawmfrlyg w,f?vd ktyfcsufuk  d jznf  hqnf;ay;vd k  @ &Ed kifaumif;yg&J  @/ 'gayrJ  h vd kcsifwmusawmh tqH k;rJ  h acsmufwGif;vd kyJwJ  h? (b,fawmhrS jznf  hrjynf  h Ed kifygbl;)?

r&S  drjzpfwJ  h/ tajccHuswJ  h/ jznf  hqnf;ay;vd k @vnf; &Ed kifaumif;wJ  h vd ktyfcsufawGqdkwm &S  dwwfygw,f? tJ'gawGtwGufawmhóu;pm;=uzd  k@ oif  hygw,f? tJ'De,fy,fud k ausmfvGefwJ  h qmavmifrGwfodyfr_awG usawmh wpfpwpfp avsmhyg;oGm;atmifyJ }udK;pm;oif  h=uygw,f? vd k&if;ajym&&i f - b0&J  @ t"dy g,f/ b0&J  @ &nf&G,f&if;u bmwJ  hvJ? auseyf ESpfodrf  hr_&S  d+yD; aysmf&$ifcsrf;ajr@zd k @yJ r[kwfaybl;vm;?

ar;? ? aemifb0ESif  h ywfowfvd k@ pum;pyfrd+yDqd kawmh aemifb0&S  da=umif; ck  difvH kwJ  h taxmuf txm;awG bmawGaum&S  dygovm;?

ajz? ? &S  dygw,f? taxmuftxm;awG wpfyH k}uD;ygyJ? 'gayrJ  h'DudpPud k aemufrS us,fus,fjyef @jyef @ aqG;aEG;=u&atmif?

ar;? ? wwd,ajrmuf t&d,opPmu bmygvJ?ajz? ? wwd, opPmuawmh 'kuQud k ausmfvGefvd k @&Ed kifw,f/

'kuQud k ausmfvGef+yD;&if okc csrf;omud kvnf; &Ed kifw,fqd k

wJ  h tcsufygyJ? 'DopPm[m opPmav;yg;teuf ta&;tygqH k;vnf;jzpfygw,f? ta=umif;u 'DopPmt& - Ak'<u ppfrSefwJ  h oEW  dokc

1? tajctaewpfcktwGuf r&S  drjzpfvd ktyfr  _ (=Need)

2? tawmrowfEd kifonf  h qENEd kifiHod k @ vd kufr_ (=Want)

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38 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

(edAŠmefcsrf;om) ESifh auseyf ESpfoufr_qd kwmawG[m wu,f jzpfEd kifa=umif; tmrcHcsuf ay;xm;vd k@ygyJ?

b0rSm }uHK&qH k&wwfwJ    h cHpm;r_ umr*k%f tm&k  HawGud ktuef @towfrJ  h awmif  hwar#mfvif  hwmrsKd;awG r&S  dapyJ aysmf&$if csrf;ajr@pGm/ b0rSm 0ifvmwwfwJh tcuftcJawGud k a=umuf&G  H@pd k;&drfr_awG/remvd k trkef;yGm;r_awG/ pdk;&drfa'gyGwmawGESifh rwk  H @jyefyJ cE<  D0g'ESif  hwnfwnf+idrf+idrf }uH@}uH @ cH+yD;awmh tusKd;rJ  hvSwJ  h qmavmif rGwfodyfr_w%Smud k y,fpGef@+yD; ae@pOfb0rSm rarhravsmh aewwfxd kifwwf vmatmif avhvmusif  hoH k;oGm;r,f qd k&ifawmh b0rSm aysmfaysmf &$if&$ifvGwfvGwfvyfvyf&S  drSm trSefygyJ? tJ'DawmhrS b0[m jynf  hpH kwJ  ht"dy`g,fud k aqmifvdrf  hr,f? rdrd wpfOD;wnf;&J  @ wpfudk,faumif;qefwJ  hvd ktif qENawGud kcsnf; jznf  hqnf; ay;aezd k  @ odyftcsdef rvd kawmhwJ  htwGuf ud k,f  hywf0ef;usifu wu,f  h tultnD vd kolawGud k ulnDzd k@tcsdefawG yd k&vmr,f? 'Dtajctaeud k  fvnf; +idrf;csrf;r_ edAŠmef1 vd k @ac: wmygyJ? tvm;wlyJ pdwfyd kif;qd kif&m apwodu 'kuQawG tm;vH k;uaevGwfajrmufoGm;+yD qd k&ifawmh 'g[m wu,f  hedAŠmef tppf ygyJ?

ar;? ? edAŠmefqdkwmbmvJ? edAŠmef[m b,fae&mrSmwnf&S  dygovJ?

ajz? ? edAŠmefqdkwm umva'oawGESif  h rqd kifwJ  h/ umv a'ovGeftajctae wpf&yfyJ jzpfygw,f? 'gha=umif    h edAŠmefESif  h ywf

oufvd k  @ ajymqd k aqG;aEG;zd  k@ 'grSr[kwf pOf;pm; awG;q=unf  hzd k  @ qd kwmawmif tawmfav; cufcJygw,f? pum;vH k;awGESif  h awG;qr_awGqd kwm

umv a'o tajctaewpf&yfud k az:jyzdk  @ twGufavmufom vH kavmufygw,f? tcsdefumvESif    h roufqd kifvd k  @ umvvGef tajctaejzpfwJh edAŠmef[m a&G @avsmr_ oabm r&S  dygbl;? (ra&G @ravsmyJ

1? 'dÏ"rRedAŠme (rsufarSmuf b0 csrf;om) ud k qd kvd konf? (rm*¾d,okwf)

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 39

wnf+rJwJ    h oabm - tpPEœ yJ jzpfygw,f)? td krif;&if  ha&mfr_/ aoa=uysufpD;&r_awG r&S  dwJ  h oabm-tpPKwvnf; [kwfygw,f? 'Dvd kESif  h edAŠmefqd kwm xm0&oabm jzpfygw,f? a'oESif  h roufqd kifwJ    h twGufta=umif;w&m;vnf;uif;/ tyd kif;tjcm;vnf;uif;ygw,f? 'ga=umif  hedAŠmefqd  kwm twWvnf;r[kwf/ tewWvnf; r[kwfwJ  h/ uef@owfvd k @r&aumif;wJ  h teEœ oabmyJ jzpfygw,f? Ak'<uawmh edAŠmef[mtjrif  hjrwfqH k;aomcsrf;om r[moEœ   dokc jzpfa=umif; “edAŠmeH y&rHokcH2” vd k @ rdef@awmfrlcJ  hygw,f?

ar;? ? 'gayrJ  h tJonfvd krsKd; oabmud k aqmifwJ  h tajctaewpf&yf &S  dw,fqd kwJ  h taxmuftxm;aum &S  dygovm;?

ajz? ? 'Dvd k taxmuf txm;rsKd;awmh r&S  dygbl;? ok  d @aomf edAŠmef&S  dw,fqd kwmud k aumufcsuf csEd kifygw,f? umv a'o jyÏmef;wJ  htwd kif;tq wpf&yf&S  d+yD;/ vufawG @ rsufjrif 'dÏ"rRjzpfwJ  h 'DurBm}uD;rSmumv a'o jyÏmef;wmud k axmuf&if tJonfvd krsKd; umv a'orjyÏmef;wJ  h twd kif;tq taetxm;wpf&yfvnf; &S  drSmyJvd k@aumufcsufqG  Jvd k@ &ygw,f? 'ghtjyif edAŠmef&S  da=umif; taxmuftxm;tcd kiftrm rjyEd kifonf  hwd kifatmif edAŠmef&S  da=umif; a[mawmfrlcJ  hwJ  hAk'<jrGufqdkcsufpum;awmfawG &S  dygao;w,f? Ak'<u -

“rarG;zGm;awmhjcif;-tZmwd/ rjzpfay:awmhjcif;-tEky g'/rðyjyif rpD&if&jcif;-tocFw/ rpka0; raygif;qk  Hawmhjcif;-toEM  dp, jzpfaom wpfckaom "rRonf &S   d.? tu,fIomT tZmwd/ tEky  g'/ tocFwESif  h toEM    dp, oabmwd k @

onf r&S  d=ujim;tH  h/ arG;zGm;r_ Zmwd/ jzpfay:r_ Oyg'/ ðyjyifpD&ifr_ ocFw/ aygif;qH kpkpnf;r_ oEM  dp, wd k@rS vGwfajrmufjcif;0drkwW  d (edAŠmef) [lIvnf; r&S  dEd kifay&m? pifppfrlum; tZmwd/

1? "rRy' 204

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40 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

tEky`g'/ tocFw/ toEM    dp, wd k  @ (trSefwu,f) &S  d=uonfom jzpfaoma=umif  h Zmwd/ Oyg'/ ocFw ESif  h oEM  dp,wnf;[laom oHo&mrS vGwfajrmufjcif; 0drkwW  d (edAŠmef) ud kodjrif&&S  dEdkifonfomwnf;1” vd k @ rdef @awmf rlcJhygw,f?

edAŠmefudk ud k,fwd kif aygufajrmuf &&S  dvmwJ    h tcgrSomaumif;pGmem;vnf odjrifvmrSm jzpf+yD;/ edAŠmefr& rcsif; rSmawmh y"metvkyfjzpfwJ    h "rRa&; tm;xkwfr_ud kyJ qufvuf vkyfaqmif &ygvdrf  hr,f?

ar;? ? av;ckajrmuf t&d,opPmuaum bmygvdrf  h?ajz? ? av;ckajrmuf t&d,opPmuawmh 'kuQrS vGwfajrmuf&mod k @

OD;wnfwJ  h vrf;pOf jzpfygw,f? tJ'gud kyJ tcsuftvuft*F g&yf&Spfck yg0ifwJ  htwGuf tÏ*õ ur*fvdk  @ ac:wGif+yD;/ tJ'DtxJrSmorRm'dÏd-rSefuefpGm odjrifjcif;/ orRmouFy`-rSefuefpGm }uHpnfjcif;/orRm0gpm-rSefuefpGm ajymqd kjcif;/ orRmurREœ -rSefuefpGm jyKvkyfaqmif&Gufjcif;/ orRmtmZD0-rSefuefpGm toufarG;jcif;/ orRm0g,mr-rSefuefpGm tm;xkwfjcif;/ orRmowd-rSefuefpGm owd&S  djcif;/orRmorm"d-rSefuefpGm wnf=unfjcif;wd k  @ jzpfygw,f? Ak'<bmomusif  hpOfxJrSm tJ'D&Spfyg;[m t"dutm;jzif  h yg0if+yD;/ tJ'D usif  hpOf&Spfyg;ud kyJ jynf  hpH konfxuf jynf  hpH katmif }udK;pm; usif  haqmif&ygw,f?ynma&;/ uk  d,fusif  hpm&dwW/ vlr_a&;/ pD;yGm;a&;ESif  h pdwf"mwfa&;&m pwJ  hb0&J@ ta&;ygwJ  h rsufESmpm toD;oD;rSm r*~if&Spfyg;[m t"du ae&mu yg0ifaewmud  k awG @jrifEd kifygw,f? 'ga=umif    h vlwpfOD; aumif;rGefwJ  h

b0wnfaqmufzd k @ESif  h pdwf"gwf tqif  htwef; jrif  hrm;vmzd k  @ twGufvd ktyfwJ  h t&mawGtm;vH k;[m r*~if&Spfyg;xJrSm yg0ifaeygw,f?

2? O'geygVawmf - 80

zefqif;&Sif t,ltqESif  h Ak'<0g'

ar;? ? Ak'<bmom0ifawG[m zefqif;&Sif (God) bk&m;ocifud kvufcH=uygovm;?

ajz? ? vufrcH =uygbl;? 'DtwGuf ta=umif;tcsufawG

trsm;}uD;yJ &S  dygw,f? bmomud k;uG,fa&;ESif  h oufqd kifwJ  htawG;tac: (Religious Idea) awG/ txl;ojzif  h zefqif;&Sif t,ltq(The god idea) [m a=umuf&G  H @pd k;&drfjcif;uae+yD; pwif ay:aygufvmcJ  hwm jzpfw,fvd k  @ acwfopfvlr_a&; ynm&SifawG/ pdwfynm&SifawG,lq=uovd kyJ Ak'<uvnf; 'Dtwd kif; ,lqawmfrlcJ  hygw,f?

A[k  H a0 o&%H ,Ed   œ / yAŠwmed 0emedp/tm&mr&kuQapwsmed/ rEk\m b,wZ…   dwm2?

a=umufpdwfr$ef;aewJ  h vlawG[m olwd k @ txGÉftjrwfxm;wJ  h

awm/ awmif/ opfyif}uD;awGqD oGm;=uw,f? olwd  k@ ud k;uG,f&m apwDawGqD csOf;uyf=uw,f?

1? "rRy'- 188

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42 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

a&S;OD;vl[m ol @tzd k  @ &eftEœ &m,fawG 0d kif;aew,f qd kwmuk  dod&S  dcHpm;cJ  h&ygw,f? om;&Jwd&dp> mefawGud k a=umuf&w,f? tpma&pmrjynfhpH kr_/ xdcd kuf'%f&m&&S  dr_ESif  h a&m*gb,usa&mufr_ pwmawGud kawG;yl&w,f? rd k;}udK;ypfwm/ v#yfpD;vufwm/ rD;awmifaygufuG  JwmpwmawGvd k tpOfojzifh }uHK&wwfwJ  h obm0 tEœ&m,fawGud kvnf;a=umuf&G  H @cJ  h&wmygyJ? 'Dvd kESif  h vH k+cKHpdwfcs&r_ud k b,frSmrS &SmrawG @Ed kifjzpfaewJ  h a&S;OD;vl[m zefqif;&Sift,ltqud k awG;q,lcJ  hwmyJ jzpfygw,f? &nf&G,f&if;uawmh at;at;vlvl aevd k@&wJ  h tajctaersKd;rSm csrf;ajr@ aysmf&$ifapzdk  @/ tEœ &m,fESif  h &ifqd kif&wJ  htcg pGrf;tm;owW  dawGud k jznf  hqnf;ay;zdk @ESif  h uaomif;ueif; tajctaersKd;rSm oufom&m&apwJ  h ESpfodrf  hr_ay;zd k  @ twGufygyJ? ,ae@rsufarSmuf acwfrSmvnf;yJ vlawGqd kwm tusyftwnf; qd kufwJ  h tcgrsKd;rSmom yd k+yD;awmhbmoma&;orm;awG jzpfvmwwf=uwm awG @Ed kifygw,f? bk&m;wpfql'grSr[kwf bk&m;trsm;tjym; ud k;uG,fjcif;jzif  h b0ud k &ifqd kif&mrSm vd ktyfwJ  h tiftm;awGud k &&S  dvm=uw,f qd kwmvnf; =um;rdygvdrf  hrnf?vd ktyfwJ  htcg qkawmif;w,f/ awmif;wJ  htwd kif;vnf; jynf  hwJ  htwGuftJ'Dbk&m;ud kyJ txl;ðyud k;uG,f=uwmjzpfw,fqd kwJ  h &Sif;vif;csuf ay;wmud kvnf; =um;rdygvdrf  hr,f? 'D tcsuf awG tm;vH   k;u zefqif ;&Sif (Á\&ed rRme) 0g'[m a=umuf &G H  @jcif ;ESifh pd   k;&G H  @od rf i,f  jcif ;awGud   kwk H  @jyef wJhtaeESif   h ay:vmwmyJ jzpf w,f qd   kwJ   h Ak'<a'oemawmf &J  @tqk d trd ef  @ud   k axmuf cH csuf ay;ae=uovd   kygyJ ? 

Ak'<[m ta=umuf w&m;awGud   k em;vnf oabm ayguf vm atmif  }ud  K;pm;=uzd   k  @/ avmb&rRuf awGud   k avsmhcs=uzd   k @ESif   h b,f vd   krS

tajymif ;tvJ vkyfr&Ed   kifwmawGtwGuf  t&S d ud   kt&S d twd   kif ; wnf wnf  +id rf  +id rf owW d &S d &S d &if qd   kif wwf vmzd   k @ vlom;awGud   k oGef oif ay;awmf rlcJ   hygw,f? Ak'<[m vlom;awG&J   @ ta=umuf w&m;awGud   k obm0ruswJ   hrsuf uef ;,H   k =unf r_ESif   h tpm;rxd   k;cJ   hygbl;? ta=umif ;tusKd ; qD avsmf wJ   h

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 43

em;vnf oabmaygufr_ ynmESif   hom tpm;xd   k; ajzod rf   hay;awmf rlcJ   hygw,f? 

zefqif;&Sif (God) ud k Ak'< vufrcH&wJ  h 'kwd, ta=umif;w&m;uawmh 'Dt,ltqud k vufcHEk  difavmufwJ  h taxmuftxm;wpfpH kwpf&m r&S  dvd k @ygyJ? olwd k @awG&J @ usrf;pmawGxJrSmom zefqif;&Sif&J @a'oemawmfawGud k xnf  hoGif;odrf;qnf;xm;w,f/ olwd k@uyJ zefqif;&Sif&J  @ oabmobm0awGudk em;vnf oabmayguf=uwm jzpfw,f/olwd k @&J @ zefqif;&Sifuom trSefwu,f jzpfwnfvsuf &S  dw,f/ wpfjcm;bmomawGrSm usawmh zefqif;&Sif[m wu,f&S    dwm r[kwfbl; qd k+yD;ajymae=uwJ  h bmomawGuawmh wpfyHk wpfyif}uD;ygyJ? wpfcsKd @bmomawGu zefqif;&Sif[m tzd k"gwf (ykv†  dif) jzpfw,fvd  k@ qd k=uw,f? aemufwpfcsKd@u zefqif;&Sif[m tr"gwf (Áx  dvdif) jzpfw,fvd k  @ qd kjyefygw,f? aemufwpfcsKd@u zefqif;&Sif[m tzd kvnf; r[kwftrvnf; r[kwfwJ  h eykv†  difom jzpfw,fvd k  @ qd k=uygw,f? 'Dbmoma&;awG tm;vH k;[m olwd k  @bk&m; trSefwu,f&S  da=umif; cd kifvH kwJ  htaxmuftxm;awG wpfyH k}uD;&S  dw,fqd k+yD; auseyf tm;&ae=uayrJ  hwpfjcm;bmomawGrSmvnf;yJ oufqd kif&m bmomtvd kuf bk&m;ud k,fpD &S  d=ua=umif;jyowJ  h taxmuftxm;awG usawmh ysuf&,fðy=uygw,f? bmom trsKd;rsKd;awG[m ppfrSefwJh/ cd kifrm+yD; ta&;ygwJ  h/rjiif;omwJ  h taxmuftxm;qd kvd k  @ wpfpH kwpfckrS rawG@&S  d&ao;wmawmifrSyJ olwd k @awG&J@bk&m;awG trSefwu,f &S  d=uw,fqd kwmtwnfjzpfapzd k  @ óu;pm;&if; &mpk ESpfaygif;rsm;pGm tcsdefðzef;vmcJ  h=uao;wm qef;awmh rqef;vSygbl;? Ak'<0g'DawG taeESif  huawmh cd kifrm

wJ  h taxmuftxm; r&rcsif; zefqif;&Sif0g'ud k vufrcHEd kifygbl;?zefqif;&Sif 0g'ud k Ak'< vufrcH&wJ  h wwd, ta=umif;w&m;

uawmh 'Dvd krsKd; ,H k=unfr_awG[m rvd ktyfwJ  h twGufa=umif  hygyJ?wpfcsKd @uawmh p=um0Vm}uD;&J  @ tpud k &Sif;jyzd k @twGuf zefqif;&Sifbk&m; vd ktyfw,fvk  d @ tqd kðy=uw,f? 'gayrJh 'g[m ajymoavmuf

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44 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

trSefESif  h eD;pyfwmawmhjzif  h r[kwfygbl;? ody`  Hynmu p=um0Vm}uD;b,fvd k ay:xGef;cJ  hw,f qd kwmud k zefqif;&Sif0g'ESif  h vH k;0 qufpyfr_r&S  dyJ ausausvnfvnf &Sif;vif; az:jyxm;+yD;yg+yD? aysmf&$ifcsrf;ajr@+yD;t"dy`g,f&S  dwJ  h b0wpfck yd kifqd kifzd  k@ twGuf zefqif;&Siftay: ,Hk=unfr_&S  drS jzpfr,fvd  k@ qd kolawGvnf; &S  dygw,f? 'g[mvnf; 'Dtwd kif; r[kwfbl;qd kwm vlwd kif; odomEd kifwJ    h udpPyJjzpfygw,f? ajrmufrsm;pGmaomAk'<bmom0ifrsm;tjyif oef;ESif  hcsDwJ  h bk&m;rJ  h 0g'DawGESifh vGwfvyfpGmawG;ac:olawG tm;vH k;[m zefqif;&Siftay: ,H k=unfr_ r&S  d=uyJESif  hwefzd k;&S  d&S  d aysmfaysmf&$if&$ifESif  h b0t"dym,f jynf  h0pGmaexd kifvsuf &S  d=uygw,f? wpfcsKd @u'Dvd kvmao;w,f? tm;enf;wJ  hvlom;[m ol @[molulnDu,frzdk  @&m tif;tm;awmif  hwif;r_ r&S  dwJh twGuf bk&m;ocif&J @wefcd k;owW  d pGrf;tifawGtay: ,k  H=unf tm;xm;zd  k@ vd ktyfw,fwJ  h?'Dt,ltq[mvnf; obm0 rusvSygbl;? oH k;r&avmufatmifuk  d,fvuft*F  g roefpGrf;olawG/ }uD;rm;wJ  h taESmif  h t,Suft[ef@twm; jy\em&yfawGESif  h &ifqd kifae&olawG[m b,fbk&m;ud krS ,H k=unfcsufr&S  dbJESif  h olwd k  @ ud k,fyd kifpGrf;tif/ ud k,fyd kif &kef;uefv_yf&Sm;r_awG oufoufESif  hyJ tJ'Dt&mawGud k ajz&Sif;ausmfv$m; oGm;Ed kif=uw,fqd kwJ  h yk*~KdvfawG&J  @ jzpf&yfawGud kvnf; r=umc% =um;od=u&rSmyg?vlud k u,frapmifha&Smufay;zd k@twGuf zefqif;&Sif bk&m;[m vd ktyfw,fvd k  @ wpfcsKd@u qd kvmjyefao;w,f? 'DtawG;uawmh wuU  duqefwJ  h u,fwifjcif;t,ltq1 ud k vufcH,H k=unfxm;ol twGufomud kufnDrSmyg? Ak'<bmom0ifawGuawmh txufyg tqd kud k vufoif  hrcH=uygbl;? rdrd&J  @ pdwfxm;ud k jzLpifatmif vkyfzd k  @/ tuef @towfrJ  h

arwWmESif  h u&k%mw&m;awG wdk;yGm;apzd k @ESif  h tºuif;rJ    h jynfh0wJ  h ynmjrif  hrm;jynf  hpk  Hapzd k @&eftwGuf vlom;wd kif;rSm pGrf;tm;ud k,fpD yg&S  dvm

1? wuU  du0g' ] u,fwifjcif; tr_ud k vkyfaqmif&eftwGuf u,fwifwwfolu,fwif&Sifbk&m;&S  d&ef vd ktyfonfqd konf  h wuU  du t,ltq

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 45

=uw,fqd kwJ  h tcsufud k Ak'<[m ol @&J @ ud k,fawG @ tawG @tñuHESif  h ,SOf+yD;odjrifawmfrlcJ  hygw,f? Ak'<[m aumif;uifbH kawGqD a&mufaewJ   h tm&k  Hpd kufr_ (ar#mfvif  hcsuf) awGud k ESvk  H;om;awGqD ta&muf a&$ @ajymif;ay;awmf rlcJ  hygw,f2? vl[m rdrdud k,fud k rdrd em;vnf oabmaygufwJ  hynmjzif  homv#if }uHKqH kae=uwJ    h b0'kuQawG/ tcuftcJawGud  k ajz&Sif;Ed kifrSm jzpfw,fvd  k@ Ak'<u =uyfrwf vrf;nefawmfrlcJ  hwmyJ jzpfygw,f? (Ak'<[m vlom;ud k u,fwif&Sifwpfql taeESif  h u,fwifcJ  hwmrsKd; vH k;0r[kwfygbl;)?

ar;? ? zefqif;&Sifbk&m;om r&S  dcJ  h&k  d;rSef&if 'Dp=um0Vm}uD; b,fvdkay:xGef;vmwmygvdrf  h?

ajz? ? 'Dar;cGef;ud k tajzxkwfzd k @ }udK;pm;=uwJ  h '¾m&D yH kaqmifr_awG/ Zmwfvrf; ZmwfuGuf qifr_awGuawmh bmomwd kif;

vd kvd krSm &S  d=uwmygyJ? vlawG bmrSrnfrnf&& todOm%f rzGH @ +zdK;ao;wJ  h [d ka&S;a&S; acwfumvawGwkef;uawmh 'Dvd k '¾m&D yH kaqmifr_awG[m p=um0Vm}uD; (b,fvd kay:vmovJqdkwJ  h ar;cGef;twGuf) vH kavmufwJ  h tajzjzpfcJ  hygw,f? tckacwfvd k &lyaA'/ euQwWaA'/ blrdaA'pwJ  h o dy  HynmawG xGef;um;+yD;jzpfwJh 20 &mpk acwfrSmawmhjzif  hody`  HawG @&S  dcsufawGu tJ'D '¾m&DawGud k acszsuf z,fxkwfypfvd kufyg+yD? ody`    Hynmu zefqif;&Sif tawG;tac:tay: vH k;0 tajcrðyyJp=um0Vm}uD; pwifcJ  hyH kud k &Sif;jyxm;+yD;yg+yD?

ar;? ? p=um0Vm}uD; pwifyH kESif  h ywfowfvd k @ Ak'<uaum b,fvd k

rsm; rdef @=um;awmf rlcJhygao;ovJ?

1?zefqif;&Sif. aumif;uifbk  H rSaeI u,fwifr_tay: ,k  H=unfol tjzpfrSonfrdrd  d. pdwfxm; jzLpifr_tay: tajccHonf @ aumif;uH/ qd k;uHwk  d @. aumif;usKd;/qd k;jypftay:rSmom ,k  H=unftm;xm;avh&S  doltjzpf tjrifajymif;vJvmapjcif;?

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46 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

ajz? ? pdwf0ifpm;zd k@aumif;wmu p=um0Vm}uD; pwifyH kESif  hywfoufvd k  @ Ak'<&J @ &Sif;vif;csufawG[m ody`  HynmtjrifawG

ESif  h vH k;0eD;yg;avmuf ud kufnDaejcif;ygyJ? t*~nokwf1rSm p=um0VmESif  hywfoufvd k  @ Ak'<a[mawmfrlyH ku - “p=um0Vm}uD; ysufpD;oGm;w,f/+yD;awmh ra&wGufEd kifavmufwJ    h ESpfawG toacsF=um+yD;awmhrS tck&S  daewJ  h taetxm;rsKd; jzpfvmatmif wa&G @a&G @wjznf;jznf;csif; jyefvnf jzpfay:vmcJh&wmjzpfw,f? ueOD;owW0gtrsKd;tpm;awG[ma&rsufESmjyifay:rSm pwifjzpfwnfvmcJ  h=uw,f? wpfcg aemufxyfESpfawG toacsF=um+yD;awmhrS &d k;pif;wJ  h ouf&S  drsKd; b0uae+yD; trsKd;trnfpH k axGjym;wJ  h owW0gawG tqif  hud k wa&G @a&G @csif; csDwufvmcJ  h=uwmjzpfw,f? 'DjzpfpOfawGtm;vH k;[m tqH k;tprJ  h vnfywf+yD; obm0ta=umif;w&m;awGESif  htnD qufvuf jzpfysufvd k  @ ae=uwmyJ jzpfygw,f”wJ  h?

ar;? ? zefqif;&Sif xm0&bk&m;wnf&S  dr_twGuf taxmuftxm;wpfpH kwpf&m r&S  dbl;qd k&if qef;jym;wJ  h obm0vGefudpPawGtwGuf b,fvd k ,lqygovJ? odyg&ap?

ajz? ? qef;jym;wJ  h 'Dobm0vGef udpPawG[m zefqif;&Sif xm0&bk&m;ocifawG trSefwu,f wnf&S  dr_twGuf oufao

taxmuftxm;awGyJ jzpfw,fqd k+yD; ,H k=unfae=uolawG trsm;tjym; &S  dygw,f?

a&m*gukoaysmufuif;r_ jzpf&yfwpfck ta=umif; cef@rSef;ajym

qd kr_awG =um;&wwfygw,f? q&m0efawGqDuwduswJ  h axmufcHxGufqk  dcsufrsKd;usawmh b,fawmhrSr=um;&wwfygbl;? wpfpk  Hwpfa,mufud k ab;tEW&m,fuae qef;qef;jym;jym;u,fwifcJ  hw,fqd kwJ  h wpfqif  h

2? t*~nokwW - 'DCedum, - 27 ?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 47

pum;rsKd;ud k =um;&wwfyg&J  @/ tJ'Dta=umif;ESif  h ywfoufvd k  @ b,fvd kjzpfysufcJhw,fqd kwJ    h rsufjrifxkwfazmfajymqd kwmrsKd;ud kawmh r=um;&wwfygbl;? 0wfðyqkawmif;jcif;jzif  h emrusef;jzpfaeolwpfOD; usef;rmvmcJ  hw,f/ ud k,fvuft*F gawG oefpGrf;oGm;w,fqd kwJ  h aumvm[vajym=uwmawGvnf; =um;&wwfygw,f? tJ'DtwGuf "gwfrSef&d kufjywmud  k rjrifbl;ovd k q&m0ef olemðyawG&J  @ axmufcH ajymqd kwmrsKd;vnf; r=um;&wwfygbl;? tJ'Dvd k cef @rSef;ajymqd kr_awG/ wpfqif  hpum;awGESif  h aumvm[vawGud k cd kifvk  HwJ  h taxmuftxm;awGtjzpfESif  hawmh tpm;xk  d;ajymqk  dvd k @r&ygbl;? jzpf&yfqef;awGtwGufcd kifrmwJ  h taxmuftxm;qd kwmuvnf; r&S  doavmufygyJ? wpfcgwpfcg tJ'Dvd k &Sif;rjyEd kifwJ  ht&mawGjzpfysuf+yD; qef;qef;jym;jym;jzpf&yfawG ay:vmwwfwmuvnf; trSefyJjzpfygw,f? 'gayrJ  h tJ'DudpPrsKd;awGud k &Sif;rjyEd kifwm[m zefqif;&Sifbk&m;&S  da=umif;ud k oufaoxlwmr[kwfbJ vlom; awG&J  @ todOm%f rjynf @0r_ud kyJ oufaoxlwmjzpfygw,f?

acwfrDaq;0g;awG rxGef;um;ao;wJ  h/ a&m*gjzpfyGm; &jcif;&J @ta=umif;&if;ud kvnf; vlom;awG rodEd kifao;wJ  h [d ka&S;acwfumvawGqDu qk  d&if bk&m;ocifu 'grSr[kwf bk&m;ocifawGu(vlom;ud k) '%fcwfwJ  htaeESif  h a&m*gjzpfyGm;jcif;qd kwmud k csrSwfcJ  hwmjzpfw,fvd  k@ ,k  H=unfcJ  h=uygw,f? tckacwfrSmawmh a&m*gawGjzpf&wJ  hta=umif;w&m;awGud k vlawG odvm=u+yD;jzpfvd k  @ aexd kifraumif;jzpfvm&if oufqd kif&m aq;0g;awGud k rS  D0Jvd kuf=uwmyJjzpfygw,f?tckacwfvlawG a&m*gjzpf&wJhta=umif;&if;ud k oabmayguf=uovd kyJ

p=um0VmESifhywfoufvd  k@ vl@todOm%f wd k;wufjynf  h0vmwJ    h wpfae@rSm &Sif;rjyEk  difao;wJ  h obm0vGef jzpf&yfqef;awG&J  @ ta=umif;&if;rSefawGud kvnf; vlom;awGem;vnfEk  difpGrf;&S  dvmrSm trSefygyJ?

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48 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

ar;? ? xm0& bk&m;ocifrSm yH ko¾mefawmf &S  dw,fvd k @ wpfcsKd @u,k  H=unf=uw,f? 'g[m jzpfEd kifygovm;?

ajz? ? 'Dvd kawmhjzif  h r[kwfao;ygbl;? wacwfwkef;uurBm}uD;[mjym;csyfcsyfyJ jzpfw,fvd  k@ vlawG tm;vH k;avmufu xifjrif

,lqcJ  h=uzl;ygw,f? 'gayrJ  h 'Dtjrif[m vH k;0 rSm;,Gif;cJ  hygw,f? tawG;tac:wpf&yf&J  @ rSefuefr_/ rSm;,Gif;r_qd kwmud k tJ'D tawG;tac:ud kvufcHolOD;a& tenf;trsm;ud kvd kuf+yD; wd kif;wmqH k;jzwfvd k  @ r&ygbl;?ppfrSefwJ  h tcsuftvufawGud k pkpnf;+yD; pdppfoH k;oyfwJ  h enf;ESif  hom'DtawG;tac:[m rSefw,f rSm;w,fqd kwm ajymEd kifygvdrf  hr,f?

ar;? ? [kwfyg+yD/ zefqif;&Sif bk&m;ocifud k r,H k=unf/ vufrcH=ubl;qd k&if Ak'<bmomawG bmud  krsm; ,H k=unf=uygao;ovJ?

ajz? ? vlud kyJ ,H k=unfwJ  h twGuf zefqif;&Sifud k Ak'<bmomur,H kwmyg? “vl”/ vl @tjzpf (Human Being) [m wefzd k;

}uD;+yD;awmh ta&;vnf;ygw,f/ Ak'<qd kwJh tzufzufu jynf  hpH kwJhvlom;&J  @ tjzpfod k @wd kifatmif wd k;wufjrif  hrm;Ed kifwJ  hpGrf;tif vlrSm&S  dw,fvd k @ ,H k=unfw,f/ vlom;[m odrSm;awGa0r_ESif  h qifjcifwH kw&m;uif;rJ  hr_awG jzpfay:Ed kifao;w,fvd k @vnf; ,k  H=unfw,f/ Ak'<bmom0ifawG[m t&m&mwd kif;ud k t&S  dud kt&S  dtwd kif; &_jrifok  H;oyfavh &S  d=uygw,f? trkef;yGm;jcif;ud k arwWmESif  h/ pdwfqd k;jcif;ud k pdwf&Snfonf;cH r_ESif  h/trsufod k &efòi;xm;wwfjcif;ud  k oabmxm;}uD;r_ESif  h/ remvd k r&_pdrf  hwwfwmawGud  k oem;nSmwmwwfjcif;ESif  h tpm;xd k; ajymif;vJypf

&r,f/ Ak'<&J  @ pHerlemawGudk twk,l+yD; "rRrdwfaqGawG&J  @ ulnDyH  hyd k;r_/vrf;nefr_awGtwdkif; }udK;pm;oGm;=ur,fqd k&if vlwd kif; vlwd kif;[mtxufuqk  dcJ  hwJ    h tJ'D arwWm/ cEœ   D/ &ufa&mr_/ oem;=uifemr_pwJ  husif  hpOfawGud k usif  haqmifvd k  @ &Ek  difw,fqd  kwm Ak'<bmom0ifawGu,H k=unfygw,f?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 49

'Dae&mrSm Ak'<u rdef@awmfrlonfrSm-

“vlom;ud k olud k,fwd kifrSvG  Jvd  k@ b,folurS ru,fEd kifbl;?u,fq,fEd kifol u,frEd kifol&,fvd k  @ &S  dud kr&S  dbl;? vl[mvrf;ay:ajccs+yD; ud k,fwdkif av#mufoGm;zd k  @ vd ktyfw,f?Ak'<&SifawGuawmh olav#muf&rnf  h vrf;ud k &Sif;vif;nef;jyEd kif&H kygyJ1” wJ  h?

1? "rRy'- 165

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ar;? ? wpfjcm;bmomawGrSm oufqd kif&mbk&m;&J @ynwfawmfawGxJrSm vm&S  dwJ  htwdkif; trSm;trSefud k vufcHusif  hoH k; =uygw,f? Ak'<bmomu tJ'Dzefqif;&Sifbk&m; qd kwmud k

vufrcHbl;qd kawmh Ak'<bmom0ifawGtzd k@ trSm;trSefud kb,fvdk odjrifvufcH=uygovJ?

ajz? ? vdkvm;wyfrufr_ avmb/ pdwfqd k; cufxefr_a'goESif  hodrSm;awGa0r_ arm[awGtay: tajccH+yD; jzpfay:vmwJ  h ud k,f/

E_wf/ pdwfv_yf&Sm;r_(uHok  H;yg;) awG tm;vH k;[m edA  ŠmefESif  h a0;onfxufa0;apwJ  htwGuf qd k;0g;vSygw,f? &ufa&mpGm v–'gef; pGef@}uJr_ 'ge/tusKd;vd k jzLpifwJ  h arwWm/ usKd;a=umif; qifjcifwwfwJ  h ynmawGtay: tajccHwJ  h ud k,f/ E_wf/ pdwf vkyf&yfawG tm;vH k;[m edAŠmefoGm;&mvrf;a=umif;ud k ulnD&Sif;vif;ay;=uwJ  htwGuf aumif;jrwf rSefuef=uygw,f?

xm0&ocif zefqif;&Sifud kA[d kðywJ  h bmoma&;awGrSm trSm;trSef cG  Jjcm;odjrifa&;qd kwm tJ'D bk&m;awG&J  @ ynwfawmfawGxJrSmvmwJ  h pHawGESif  h nS  d+yD;awmhrSyJ rSm;w,f/ rSefw,fvdk  @ ,l&wm jzpfygw,f? vlud k A[d kðywJ  h Ak'<bmomvd k bmomrsKd;rSmawmh rdrdud k,fud k rd  frdeufeuf &_  dif;&_  dif; odjrifem;vnf wwfvmatmif tod^m%fyd kif;ud k

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 51

wpfqif  h+yD;wpfqif  h jrSif  hwifay;&ygw,f? 'Dvd k ud k,f  h[mud k,fodjrifoabmaygufr_tay:tajccHwJ  h ud k,fusif  hw&m;rsKd;uom ynwfawmfvmtrdef @twd kif;vd kufem&wJ  htusif  hrsKd;xuf yd k+yD;awmhcd kifrmvSygw,f?

'Dvd kESif  h Ak'<bmom0ifawG[m trSm;trSef a0zef cG  Jjcrf;+yD;od&S  dzd k  @ twGuf atmufyg tcsufoH k;csufud  k &_iJ  h+yD; vkyfaqmif=u&ygw,f? 'gawGuawmh -

(1) &nf&G,f&if; apwem (The Intention)

(2) tusKd;quf urRzv (The Effect)

(3) vkyfaqmifr_ urR (The Act) wd  k@ ygyJ? ('gawG[muHwpf&yf txajrmufatmif ðyvkyfjzpfwJ    h ae&mrSm yg0ifwJ  h tyd kif;awGygyJ)?

apwem/ tusKd;qufESif  h vkyf&yf/ 'DoH k;csufvH k;[m tJ'DuHud kðyvkyfol ud k,fwd kifESif  h oufqd kif+yD;/ tusKd;qufuawmh ðyvkyfol tjyif

(ywf0ef;usifu) wpfjcm;olawGESif  hyg qufpyfaeygw,f? (ywf0ef;usiftay:rSm vnf;yJ uHtusKd;ay;[m &d kufcwfwwfwJ  h oabmygbJ )?

tu,fI v–'gef;csifwm/ v_  dufvS  Jcifrifcsifwm/ todOm%fynmud k jrwfEd k;cH krifwmawGtay:tajccHwJ  h &nf&G,f&if;apwemuaumif;aew,fqd k&if - 'Dapwemu rdrda&m olwpfyg;yg yd kIyd kItwd kif;xuftvGef v–'gef;jzpfatmif/ rsufESmcsKdom ysLiS  g azmfa&GwwfvmatmifESif  h ynmOm%f todw&m;ud k yd krdkwefzd k;xm;wwfvmatmiftxd wGef;tm;ay;w,fqd k&if 'g[m tjynf  ht0 zG  H @òz;wm/aumif;jrwfwm/ oDvtusif  hESif  h jynf  hpH kwmawG jzpfvmwmygyJ?

'Dae&mrSm (E_  dif;,SOf pOf;pm;&rnf  h) rwluG  Jjym;wmav;awG &S  d

ygao;w,f? wpfcgwpf&HrSm ud k,fu apwemaumif;ESif  h vkyfaqmifvd kufwm jzpfayrJ  h rdrda&m olwpfyg;yg b,folrS tusKd;rxl;yJvnf; jzpfwwfygw,f? wpfcgwpf&Husawmh apwemu aumif;rGefvSwm r[kwfayrJ    h 'Dvkyf&yfu wpfjcm;olawGud k tusKd;ðy&if ðyaewwfygao;w,f?wpfcgwpfavrSmawmh apwemaumif;ESif  h aqmif&Gufjzpfwm ud k,fu

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52 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

awmh tusKd;&S  dyg&J@/ wpfyg;olawGtwGuf taESmif  ht,Suf jzpf&if jzpfaewwfygw,f? 'Dae&mrSm ud k,f&J  @ vkyf&yfurRxJrSm taumif;tqd k;a&m,Suf yg0ifaewmrsKd; jzpfaewwfygw,f? ('ga=umif  h vd k&if;ud kqd k&&if) apwemud ku qd k;aew,f/ tJ'Dapwemqd k;ESif  h aqmif&GufwJ  htwGuf rdrdESif  holwpfyg;b,fol @ud krS tusKd;rðybl;qd k&if - 'g[m pifppfqd k;wm/ rSm;,Gif;azgufjyefrrSefuefwmygyJ? apwemu aumif;aew,f/apwemaumif;ESif  h aqmif&GufwJ  htwGuf rdrda&m olwpfyg;yg tusKd;rsm;=uw,fqd k&if 'g[m pifppf tjynf  ht0 aumif;jrwfrSefuef+yD;razgufjyefwmygyJ?

ar;? ? 'gqd k Ak'<bmomrSm ud k,fusif  hqd kif&m usif  hxH k;wpf&yf&S  dygao;ovm;?

ajz? ? &S  dygw,f? ig;yg;oDv[m Ak'<bmom&J @ tajccH ud k,fusif  h

oDvygyJ?(1) ouf&S  dowW0gawGud k owfjzwfwm 'grSr[kwf

nSOf;qJES  dyfpufwmawGud k a&Smif&Sm;jcif;/(2) cd k;0Suf vdrfnmr_ rðyjcif;/(3) umr*k%fudpPawGrSm azgufjyefusL;vGefr_ rðyjcif;/(4) vdrfvnf ajymqd kr_ rðyjcif;/(5) t&ufESif  h rl;,pfaq;0g;rsm; roH k;pG  Jjcif;wd k@ygyJ?

ar;? ? 'gayrJ  h wpfcgwpfav owfjzwfr_[m vd ktyfw,f qd kwmaocsmygw,f? a&m*gawG jzpfyGm;apEd kifwJ  h yd k;r$m;awGud k

ES  drfeif; acszsuf&wmawG/ ud k,f  hud k owfawmhr,f wuJuJvkyfaewJ  h olud k ckcH&wmrsKd;awG vd ktyfvm&ifaumb,fvdkygvJ?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 53

ajz? ? 'Dvd kar;cGef;rsKd; ar;wJ  hvltzd k@awmh owfjzwfr_qd kwm vd ktyfaumif; vd ktyfrSm trSefygyJ? 'gayrJ  h 'Dyd k;r$m;awG/ rdrduk  d

owfawmhrnf  h wuJuJ vkyfaewJ  h yk*~KdvfawG&J@ udpPud kaum xnf  hrpOf;pm;awmhbl;vm;? rdrd[m touf&Sif aexd kif&wmud k jrwfEd k;ovd kyJolwd k @awG[mvnf; touf&Sif aexd kifvd k=uolawGcsnf;ygyJ? ul;pufa&m*gyd k;awGud  k ES  drfeif;acszsufzd  k@ qH k;jzwfvd kufwJ  htcg ol @&J @apwemxJrSm tqd k;ESif  htaumif; tm;+ydKifa&m,Suf+yD; yg0ifae=uw,f? 'Dvd kvkyfwm ud k,f  htwGufawmh aumif;yg&J @ tvkyfcH&ol tzd k @rSmawmh raumif;&k  d; trSefygyJ? 'ga=umif  h 'Dtaetxm;rsKd;rSm owfjzwfr_qd kwm vd ktyfaumif;vd ktyfrSm jzpfayrJ    h 'g[m pifppf aumif;wJ  hoabmawmh r[kwfygbl;?

ar;? ? Ak'<bmom0ifawG[m yk&GufqdwfESif  h =urf;yd k;awGud kawmif

odyfnSmwmavh &S  d=uw,f qd kwmuaum b,fvd kygvJ?ajz? ? Ak'<0g'DawG[m owW0gawGtm;vH k; tay:rSm cG  Jjcm;r_r&S  dyJ

wajy;nD wpfoabmwnf;xm;+yD; cH krifoem;wwfwJ  hu&k%m w&m;rsKd;ud k yGm;rsm;tm;xkwfavh &S  d=uygw,f? Ak'<0g'DawGuawmh 'DurBm}uD;uk  d ouf&S  doufrJ  h t&mawGtm;vk  H; wajy;nD pkaygif;jzpfwnfvsuf &S  d=uwJh urBmjzpfw,f/ t&m0wKawGESif  h owW0gawGtm;vH k;rSm ae&m (ud k,fyd kif&yfwnfcsuf) ESif  h tvkyf (ud k,fyd kifaqmif&Gufcsuf) ud k,fpD &S  d=uw,fvd k  @ &_jrif=uygw,f? obm0&J @[efcsufnD jzpfwnfr_ud k vlom;awGu wdrf;yg; ysufpD;apwmwd k @/azmufvS  Jazmufjyef jzpfapwmwd k  @ rvkyfrdcifrSm vlom;taeESif  h owd

}uD;pGm xm;oif  hw,fvd k @ cH,l=uygw,f? awmawmif a&ajr obm0ud kajrvSefzsufqD;+yD; ud k,f  hvd  kb jynf    h0a&; wpfckwnf;ud kom t"duxm;wJ  h/ jyefvnfysKd;axmifa&;qd kwmrsKd;ud k vk  H;0*&krxm;bJ obm0t&if; tjrpfawGud k Ed kifvd krif;xuf zsufvd kzsufqD;vkyf+yD; tºuif;rJ  hnSpfxkwf ok  H;pG  Jae=uwJ  h a'owcsKd @qDu tusif  hp&d kufqd k;awGud k

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54 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

=unf  hyg? (tJ'Da'oawGrSm) obm0u (vlud k) jyefvnfwGef;vSefvmyg+yD/ avxktv$m[mvnf; tqdyfoif  hvmaew,f/ jrpfa&awG[mnpfnrf;vmae=u+yD; aemufqH k;rSm jrpfa=umif;awG aumoGm;=uw,f/vSywJ  h owW0grsKd;aygif;rsm;pGmawG aysmufqH k;oGm;=uw,f/ awmawmifawG wd kufpm;ðyef;wD;vm+yD;/ &moDOwkawGvnf; ajymif;vJazmufjyefrrSefuefawmhygbl;? tu,fI vlawGuom 'Dvd krsKd; ES  drfeif;zsufqD;owfjzwfr_awGud k enf;enf;yg;yg; jzpfjzpf qifqifjcifjcif &S  d=ur,fqd k&if'Davmuf qdk;0g;wJ  h tajcrsKd;txd qd kufa&mufzG,f&m r&S  dygbl;?vlom;awGtm;vH k; ouf&S  davmuud k yd krd kwefzdk;xm;wwfwJ  h tusif  hwd k;yGm;vmatmif óu;pm;oif  h=uyg+yD? 'gu yg%mwdygw qd kwJ  h yxroduQmyk'f&J@ qd kvkdcsufygyJ?

ar;? ? wwd, oduQmyk'fu rSm;,Gif;azmufjym;wJ  h umrusL;vGef

wmrsKd; rðyvkyf&vd k @ qd kxm;w,f? rSm;,Gif;azmufjyefwJ  humrusL;vGefr_ qd kwmuaum b,fvd kygvJ?

ajz? ? vdrfvnfvSnf  hjzm; pnf;&H k;w,f/ umrudpP ta=umif;ðy+yD;aiGnSpfw,f/ 'grSr[kwf twif;tusyfðy+yD; wpfpH k

wpfa,mufud k umr qufqHw,fqd k&if 'gawG[m rSm;,Gif; azmufjyefwJ  h umrr_awGygyJ? tdrfaxmif&SifwpfOD; taeESif  huawmh ud k,f  h&J @tdrfaxmifzuftay: opPmapmif  hodyghr,fvdk  @ xm;&S  dcJ  hwJ  h uwdu0wfud kvnf; csKd;azmuf&ma&mufwJ  htwGuf  f wpfjcm;wpfa,mufESif  hazmufjym;w,fqd k&if rSm;,Gif;wJ  h umrr_ (umarokrdp> mpm&) ygyJ? 'g[m ud k,f  h&J @tdrfaxmif zuftay:rSm opPmr&S  d uwdrwnf&mvnf; a&mufygw,f?

vdifudpP qd kwm wu,fqd  k vlESpfOD;t=um; wu,fcspf=uwm/&if;ES  D;=uwmud k azmfaqmifwmyJ jzpfoifhygw,f? 'Dvd krsKd; wu,fwrf;cspfcif&if;ES  D;=uawmhrSvnf; pdwfcsrf;omr_ tjynf  ht0 &S  d=urSmjzpfygw,f?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 55

ar;? ? vufrxyf&ao;yJESif  h vdifudpP jzpfyGm;wmrsKd;uaumrSm;,Gif;wJ  h umrr_yJwJ  hvm;?

ajz? ? ESpfOD;om;t=um; tjyef tvSef oabmwlcspf=unf&if;ES  D;r_(trSef wu,f ,H k=unfpdwfcs&r_) &S  d=uw,f qd k&ifawmh

'g[m rSm;,Gif;wJ  htr_ r[kwfawmhygbl;? od k @ayrJ  hvnf; &kyfoabmt&vdifqufqHw,fqd kwm rsKd;yGm;apwwfwJ    h udpPjzpfw,fqdkwmud k rarhoif  hygbl;? vufrxyf&ao;yJESif  h trsKd;orD;wpfOD; ud k,f0ef &S  dvm+yDqd k&if odyfcufcufcJcJ ajz&Sif;&wJ  htjzpfrsKd; a&mufoGm;wwfygw,f?'ga=umif  h qifjcifajrmfjrifavh &S  dolawGuawmh vufrxyfrcsif; vdifudpPrðy=uwm taumif;qH k;yJvdk @ cH,l=uygw,f?

ar;? ? vdrfnm ajymqdkw,f qd kwmuaum b,fvd kygvJ? vdrfrajymyJ aevd k@aum jzpfEd kifajc &S  dyg&J @vm;?

ajz? ? wu,f  hud k rvdrf rnm r+zD;r+zef;yJESif  h aexd kifvd k @ud k rjzpfEd kifavmufwJ  h vl @r_tod kif;t0d kif;ESif  h vkyfief;cGifrsKd;rSm usifvnf

&w,fqd k&ifawmh tJonfavmuf xdwfvef @p&maumif;avmufatmifqd k;qd k;0g;0g; jcpm;aewJ    h taetxm;rsKd;ud k ajymif;vJ pGef@cG goif  hygw,f?tcuftcJawGESif  h }uHK&wJ  htcg twwfEdkifqH k; rSefrSefuefuef &k  d;&d k;om;om;ESif  h vufawG @usus ud kifwG,f ajz&Sif;avh&S  dol[m Ak'<0g'D/ Ak'<bmom0ifygyJ?

ar;? ? aumif;yg+yD/ t&ufaomufwmESif  h ywfoufvd k@ enf;enf;yg;yg;uav; aomufwmqd k&ifaum (ud k,fusif  hoDvudk)

odyfxdcd kufEd kifyghrvm;?ajz? ? vlawG t&ufaomuf=uw,fqd kwm t&omcHzd k @ twGuf

r[kwfygbl;? wpfa,mufwnf; aomufw,fqd k&ifwif;usyfwJ  h tajctaeawGuae w'*Ftm;jzif  h vGwfajrmufr_ &&S  dzd k@twGuf aomufwmjzpfw,f? trsm;ESif  haomufwmusawmh tJ'D

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56 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

vlawGESif   h wpfoabmwnf; jzpf+yD; vd kufavsmnDaxG jzpfapzd k  @ twGufaomuf=uwmyJ jzpfygw,f? t&ufqd kwm enf;enf;yg;yg;uav;aomufwmESif  hyJ todpdwfud k uwdrf;uyg; jzpfap+yD; owdvufvGwfjzpfwwfygw,f? trsm;tjym;aomufwmqd k&ifawmh vH k;0ysufpD;oGm;rSmygyJ?

ar;? ? rjzpfpavmufuav; aomufwmESif  hawmh oDv[m rysufpD;Ed kifbl;vd k@ xifygw,f? ysufEd kifygao;ovm;? aomufwmuvnf; wu,f  henf;enf;yg;yg; qd k&ifayghav?

ajz? ? ysufEd kifygw,f? 'Dtenf;tusOf;uav;ud kawmifraomuf& raeEd kifbl;qd k&if tJ'DoduQmyk'f aqmufwnfr_

ESif  h qH k;jzwfcsufcsr_[m rcd kifrmvd k @yJaygh? b,fvd kvJ cd kif&J @vm;?

ar;? ? ig;yg;oDv qd kwm wm;jrpfcsuf oufoufcsnf;yJvm;?bmawG rvkyf&/ b,f[mawG a&Smif&rnf qd kwmcsnf;yJzdajym+yD;awmh bmawG b,f[mawGawmhjzif  h vkyf&r,fqd kwm rsKd;uaum rygbl;wJ  hvm;?

ajz? ? ig;yg;oDv[m Ak'<bmom&J@ tajccH ud k,fusif  hw&m;ygyJ?ig;yg;oDv&J  @ tus,ft0ef;[m Tr#wGifom r[kwfao;yg

bl;? vl[m trltusif  hqd k;awGud k (ud k,fwdkif) odjrif+yD; tJ'gawGud k&yfqd kif; a&Smif=uOfjcif;jzif  h tpysKd;&ygr,f? 'Dtcsufu ig;yg;oDv[mbm twGufvnf; qd kwJ  h tajzygyJ? trltusif  hqd k;awGud k &yfqd kif;+yD;wJ  haemufrSmawmh trltusif  haumif;awGud k wd k;yGm;ðyvkyfzd  k@ pwifygawmh?

Oyrm jy&&if pum;ajymqd kr_ 0pDuH qd kygawmh rkom;ajymqd kwmud ka&Smif=uOfjcif;jzif  h pwif&ygr,f? tJ'Daemuf oif  hawmfwJ  h tcsdef(tajctae) rSm rSefaompum;ud k El;nh  HodrfarG @pGm ajymqd kwwfvmatmif avhusif  h,l&r,fvd k @ Ak'<u rdef@awmfrlcJ  hygw,f?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 57

“rkom;ajymqd kr_ud k a&Smif=uOfjcif;jzif  h opPmpum;ud k qd koljzpfvmw,f? tm;ud k;xd kufol/ ,H k=unfpdwfcs&ol/ rS  Dcd kxd kufoljzpfvmw,f? olrsm;awGud k xdcd kufepfemapEd kifwJ  h *k  H;acsmpum;ud k a&Smif=uOfjcif;jzif  h wnf=unfol jzpfvmw,f?olESpfOD;t=um; em;vnfr_ vG  JwmawG jzpfvmatmif 'Dpum;[d kajym/ [d kpum; 'DajymrsKd; rajymbl;? roif  hrwif  hjzpf+yD;uG  Jjym;aeolawGud k jyefvnf &if=um;aphay;+yD; rdwfaqGawG=um;rSmawmh yd krd kcd kifrmvmatmif aqmif&Gufay;avh &S  dw,f?nDnGwfat;csrf;r_ud kyJ =unfEl;ESpfouf jrwfEd k;ol jzpfw,f?ol @ajympum;awG&J  @ OD;wnfcsufuvnf; nDnGwfa&;ygyJ?=urf;wrf;&k  dif;jywJh pum;rsKd;uk  d a&Smif=uOfjcif;jzif  h ol@pum;awG[m tjypfuif;wJ  hpum;/ em;0ifcsKdwJ@pum;/ uef @uGufp&mr&S  dwJ    hpum;/ ESvHk;om;ud k &k  dufcwfapwJ  hpum;/ ,Ofaus;

zG,f&mwJ    hpum;/ vlrsm;pk oabmusavmufwJ@pum;awGjzpfvmwmygyJ? odrfzsif;wJ  hpum;awG  G  Gud k a&Smif=uOf+yD;awmhtcsdeftcgESif  hvd kufzufwJ    hpum;/ rSefuefwh  h  Jh  h  hpum;/ "rRESif  hpyfvsOf;wh  Jpum;/ Oya'o (usif  hpOf/ pnf;urf;/ vkyfenf;vkyf[ef) ESif  h pyfvsOf;wh  Jpum;/ ta&;yg+yD; wefzd k;&S  dwh  J pum;/tcgtcGif  hoif  h+yD; a=umif;uskk k kKd;qDavsmfwJ  h  h pum;/ vd k&if;uswJ  hpum;rsKd;awGud k ajymqd kavh&S  dol jzpfvmw,f1?”

1? rZP sdredum,-179

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ar;? ? vlom;[m b,fuae vmcJ  h+yD;awmh b,fqDud koGm;rSmygvJ?

ajz? ? 'Dtar;twGuf jzpfEd kifajcu oH k;rsKd;&S  dygw,f? zefqif;&Sifud k,H k=unfolawGuawmh - owW0gawGud k rzefqif;cifrSmvl[m ray:aygufao;yJ bk&m;ocif&J @/ bk&m;ocifawG&J @ zefqif;vd kwJ  hqENjzpfay:r_uaewqif  h vlay:aygufvmcJ  h&wm jzpfw,fwJ  h/ 'Dvd kESif  hol[m ouf&S  daexd kifoljzpfvm+yD; aexd kif&wh  J b0rSm bmud k,H k=unf+yD;bmawG aqmif&Gufw,fqdkwh  J tcsufay: rlwnfvsuf xm0&aumif;uifbk  H/ 'grSr[kwf xm0& i&Jbk  HqDud  d k oGm;rSmyJwJ  h? vlom;0g'DawGESifh ody`Hynm&SifawGuawmh obm0 ta=umif;w&m;awGa=umif  h vlowW0gawG ay:aygufvmcJ  h=uw,f/ ouf&Sifaexd kifw,f/aoqH k;w,f/ +yD;awmh tpaysmufoGm;awmhwmygyJwJ  h? Ak'<bmom

uawmh 'Daz:jycsuf ESpfrsKd;vH k;ud k vufrcHygbl;? yxr t,ltqu,H k=unfr_ESif  ha&m tusif  hp&d kufESif  hyg oufqd kifwJ  h ar;cGef;aygif;rsm;pGmud kay:xGufvmapygw,f? oef @pifrGef jrwfwJ  h bk&m;ociftaeESif  h trSefwu,fom owW0gawGud k zefwD;aewm jzpfw,fqd k&if a=umufp&maumif;avmufatmif yH kysufyef;ysufESif  h arG;zGm;vmolawG/ wpfcsKd@u

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 59

arG;csdefrwd kifrD aooGm;=uovd k/ wpfcsKd @usawmh vaphvd k @arG;vmwmawmif taoyJ arG;vmjyefw,f? 'gawGud k b,fvd kjzpfw,fqd kwm&Sif;jyzd k@awmifrSyJ cufcJvSygw,f? zefqif;&Sif0g' taeESif  h &Sif;jyzd  k@ cufvSwJ  h aemuftcsuf wpfckuawmh vlwpfOD;[m urBmay:rSm vl @oufwrf; ESpf 60-70 r# ouf&Snfaexd kif+yD; 'DumvtawmtwGif; olvkyfcJ  hwJ @raumif;wmawG twGuf i&JrSm xm0& 'kuQawGud k (rqH k;wrf;)cHpm;&awmhr,fqd kawmh 'g[m enf;enf;uav;rS w&m;&m usyH kray: ygbl;? 'Dvdk ESpf 60-70 r# umvtwGif; bk&m;w&m;ud k r,H k=unfcJ  h&k  HESif  h 'grSr[kwf tusif  huav; raumif;cJ  h&H kESif  hyJ xm0&'kuQawGud k(eif  haeatmif) rcHpm;xd kufao;ygbl;? tjyeftvSeftm;jzif  h vl @oufwrf; tESpf 60-70 r# umvtwGif; aumif;aumif;rGefrGef aexd kifcJ  h&H kr#uav;jzif  h aumif;uifbk  HrSm trw okcawGud k xm0& cHpm;&zd k @qd kwJ  htwGufvnf; yrm%enf;aew,f qd kwmygyJ?

'kwd, t,ltqu yxr,lqcsufxuf rsm;pGm yk  daumif;+yD;'DtcsufrSefuefa=umif; ody`    H taxmuftxm; wpfcsKd @vnf; &S  daeyg+yD?'gayrJ  h odyfta&;ygwJ  h ar;cGef;awGud kawmh ckxd tajz rxkwf Ed kifao;ygbl;? okwfyd k;ESif  h r rsKd;O qd kwJ  h uvmyfpnf; (cell) ESpfckwd k @&J  @ &d k;pif;wJ  haygif;pnf;r_uae b,fvd kvkyf+yD; tajccH&kyfw&m;[m tH  hrcef; &_yfaxG;ayGvDvSwJ  h todpdwfwpfcktqif  hESif  h jzpfay:vmcJ  h&wmygvJ? aemuf+yD;awmh tcktcg 0dnmOfta=umif;rsm;/ t=um;tjrifta=umif;rsm;ponfwdk @ud  k pepfwus avhvmwJ  h yg&qd kifud kvd k*sD (Parapsycology)

ud k ody`  Hynm&J  @ tpdwftyd kif;wpfcktjzpf todtrSwf ðyxm;+yDqd kawmh  hpdwfcsif; qufoG,fr_ w,fvDyoDvd k tajccHpdwf&J  @ oabmw&m;awG

ud kawmh &kyfEG,fwJ  h pdwf&J @yHko¾meftjzpfESif  h xnf  h oGif;ajymqd kzd k @uawmh cufwkef;ygyJ?

Ak'<bmomuawmh vl[m b,fuae vmcJ  h+yD; b,fqDud kqufoGm;OD;r,fqd kwm auseyfzG,f taumif;qH k; jzpfvmatmif &Sif;vif;jyozd k @ urf;vSrf;zdwfac:ygw,f? aowJ  h tcg (aocgeD;umvrSm)

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60 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

tckb0 jzpfysufawG @ñuHcJ  h&wJ  h tm;vk  H;aom ud kif;nGwfwdrf;,drf;r_awG/tóuufw&m;awG/ tpGrf;tpawG/ tusif  hp&d kufawGESifh twlwuGjzpfay:vmwJ  hpdwf1u yÉdoaE< rsKd;aphud k jyefvnf jzpfyGm;apygw,f?'Dvd kESif  h owW0g[m pwifyÉdoaE<wnf arGzGm;vm+yD;awmh rlvuygvmwJ  h tusif  hp&d kufawGua&m/ ywf0ef;usifu zefwD;wh  J yk*~v tajctaeawGt&yg b0qd kwm jzpfay:vd k @vmygw,f? ('DrSm zefqif;&Sifvk  H;0ryg0ifcJ  hbl;qd kwm owdcsyfyg)? rlvuygvmwJ  h yk*~vduoGifjyif[mud k,f  h[mud k,f pdwfyd kif;qd kif&mt& tajymif;tvJ jzpfatmif óu;yrf;r_awGa=umif  h ajymif;vJEd kifovd k ynma&;/ rdb (rdom;pk) ywf0ef;usif=oZmvrf;rd k;r_ESif    h vl @tzG  J @tpnf;pwJ  h jyifytajctaeawGa=umifhvnf;yJ ajymif;vJoGm; Ed kifygao;w,f? ao+yD;wJ  h aemufrSmawmh b0opfud kol @[mESif  hol wzef jzpfay:apjyefygw,f? 'Dvd kESif  h aovd kuf arG;vk  dufjzpfpOf[m odrSm;awGa0r_ t0dZ… mESif  h vk  dvm; wyfrufr_ w%Smqk  dwJ  h

rlvESpfjzma=umif  hjzpfwJ  h oHo&mvnfr_ r&yfrcsif; qufwd kuf jzpfysufaerSmyg? rlvESpfjzm &yfpJoGm;wJ  htcgrSmawmh xyfrH rarG;zGm;awmhbJedAŠmefqd kwJ  h tajctae wpf&yfud k &&S  d  dvmrSmjzpfygw,f? 'g[mAk'<bmomawG&J  @ aemufqH k; tEœ   dr &nfrSef;csufjzpf+yD; b0&J  @ OD;wnfcsufvnf;yJ jzpfygw,f?

ar;? ? pdwf[m cE<mudk,f wpfckuae aemufcE<mud k,f wpfckqDod k@b,fvdkvkyf+yD; a&mufoGm;wmygvJ?

ajz? ? 'gud k a&'D,dkvd  _if;wpfckvd k oabmxm;+yD; awG;=unf  hprf;yg?a&'D,d kvd  _if;qd kwm tpu pum;vH k;awG/ aw;*DwawG

r[kwfyJ vd  _if;trsKd;rsKd;uae xkwfv$if  hwJ  h toHv_  dif;j'yfpGrf;tifr#omjzpfygw,f? tJ'D vd  _if;ud k xkwfv$if  hvd kufwmESifh wòyifeuf v_  dif;[mtmumoxJ a&mufoGm;+yD;/ tJ'Duae wqif  h oHvd kuf"gwfESif  h qG  J,l

1? r&%moEMaZmpdwf

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 61

vd kufwJ  h tcg usawmh a&'D,d kpifwmu rlvxkwfv$if  hvd kufwJ  h aw;*DwawG pum;vH k;awG twd kif;yJ zrf;,lem;qifolawG =um;=u&ygw,f?'g[m pdwfoabmw&m;ESif  h wlnDaeygw,f? ao+yD;wJ  haemufrSmvnf;pdwfpGrf;tifawGud k yÉdoaE< rsKd;aphu vufcHqG  J,lvd kufwmyg? oaE<om;avmif;}uD;xGm;vmawmh tJ'DyÉdoaE<pdwf[m OD;aESmurSm A[k  dðyvm+yD; tJ'Duae wpfqif  h Oy"d &kyfopftaejzif  h jzpfvmawmhwmygyJ?

ar;? ? owW0gwpfOD;[m vlom;tjzpfESif  hcsnf; b0opfud k &wwfygovm;?

ajz? ? 'Dvd k r[kwfygbl;? owW0gwpfOD; oGm;jzpfEd kifwJ  h bkHÏmeawGutrsm;}uD;yJ &S  dygw,f? wpfcsKd @owW0gawG txufewfbH kawG

qDrSm jzpfEd kifovd k wpfcsKd @usawmh i&JrSm jzpfEd kifygw,f? wpfcsKd @vnf;qmavmifrGwfodyfaewJ  h +ydwWmb0rSm oGm;jzpfEd kifygao;w,f ponf

jzif  h trsm;tjym;ygyJ? ewfbH kewfeef;awGqd kwm wu,f  h ae&mÏmeawGr[kwfbJ El;nH  hodrfarG @wJ  h &kyfcE<mrsKd;ud kyJ yd kifqd kif=u+yD;awmh emrf w&m;taeESif  hom trsm;tm;jzif  h aysmf&$if=unfEl;zG,f ÁÏm&k  HawGud kyJcHpm;&olawG wnf&S  dwJ  @ tajctae wpf&yfr#om jzpfygw,f? wpfcsKd @aom bmomawGrSmusawmh xm0& wnf+rJwJ  h wu,f  hbk  HÏme wpfcktjzpf rSm;,Gif;pGm ,H k=unfxm;=uwJ  h tJ'DaumifuifbH krSm jzpfzdk @ta&;odyftm;pd kuf óu;yrf;=u&ygw,f? 'gayrJ  h 'g[m 'Dtwd kif; r[kwfbJrwnf+rJwwfwJ  h wjcm;t&mawG tm;vH k;vd kyJ aumif;uifbk  H(ewfbk  Hewfeef;) qd kwmawG[mvnf; xm0&r[kwf=uygbl;? tJ'DrSmoufwrf;aphvd k  @ pkaw&wJ@ owW0g wpfOD;taeESif  h vl @jynfrSmvnf;

jzpfEd kifygao;w,f? tvm;wlyJ/ i&Jbk  Hqd kwm[mvnf; wu,f  h ae&mÏmewpfck r[kwfbJ El;nH  hwJ  h &kyfcE<mrsKd;ud k yd kifqd kif=u+yD; emrfw&m;taeESif  hom t"dutm;jzif  h pdk;&drf qif;&Jr_ tedÏm&k  H oufoufud kyJcHpm;&olawG wnf&S  dwJ  h tajctae wpf&yfr#om jzpfygw,f?

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62 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

jydwWmbk  Hb0qd kwmvnf; tJ'Dvd kygyJ? El;nh  HwJ  h &kyfcE<mud k yd kifqd kif=uw,f? umv=umanmif;pGmyJ auseyfa&mif  h&Jr_ qd kwmrsKd; vH k;0r&S  dbJqmavmifrGwfodyfpGm cHpm;ae=u&ygw,f? qd kawm h - ewfbH k ewfeef;om;awG[m t"dutm;jzif  h aysmf&$if=unfEl;r_ud k cHpm;=u&ygw,f?i&JESif  h +ydwWmbk  Hom;awGu qif;&J'kuQawGud kyJ ae@w"l0 cHpm;=u&ygw,f? vlom;uawmh xH k;pHtwd kif; okc'kuQawG a&maESm cHpm;=u&wmyJ jzpfygw,f? 'ga=umif  h vl @b0 vl @bH kÏmeESif  h wpfjcm;wpfjcm;aombH kÏmeawG&J  @ t"du uGmjcm;csufuawmh &kyfcE<m zG  J @pnf;yH kESif  h cHpm;r_tawG @t}uHK t&nftaoG;awGygyJ?

ar;? ? b,fbH kÏmerSm oGm;jzpfr,f qd kwmud kaum b,fvd kvkyfqH k;jzwfygovJ?

ajz? ? b,fbk  HÏmerSmoGm;jzpfr,f/ b,fb0 taetxm;rsKd;ud k

yd kifqd kifr,f qd kwmtwGufawmh urR (aumif;r_/ raumif;r_awGud k txajrmufapwJ  h apwem&if;) [m ol @csnf;oufouf r[kwfayrJ  h ta&;tygqk  H; tcsufyJ jzpfygw,f? urRqd kwJ  h pum;vk  H;&J @t"dy`g,f  fu vkyf&yf (Action) jzpf+yD;/ tJ'D vkyf&yfawGud k txajrmufapwJ  h &nf&G,f (aphaqmf) csuf apwemud k nef;ygw,f? wenf;ajym&&if twdwfb0u b,fvd kawG;ac:cJ  hw,f/ vkyf&yfawGudk vkyfaqmif&mrSm b,fyk  Hb,fenf; vkyfud kifcJ  hw,fqd kwJ  htcsufu owW0gawGud ktrsm;}uD; cs,fvS,f+yD; tqk  H;tjzwfay;ygw,f? tvm;wlyJ tckvuf&S  db0rSm vlom;[m bmawGud k b,fvk  dawG;awmqk  H;jzwfw,f/bmawGtay: b,fvk  dðyrlaqmif&Gufw,fqd kwJ  h tcsufuyJ ol[m

tem*gwfrSm b,fbk  Hb0rSm b,fvd ktwef;tpm; oGm;jzpfr,fqd kwJ  hudpPud k ud kifwG,f zefwD;oGm;ygvdrf  hr,f?

odrfarG @El;nH @wJ  h pdwfxm;&S  dol/ oem;=uifemwwfol  lawG[mewfbk  Hewfb0awGESif    h csrf;omaysmf&$ifr_awGud  k cHpm;cGif  h&S  dwJ  h vl@b0rSmjzpfzd k@ tvm;tvm&S  dygw,f? pd k;&drfa=umif  h=ur_}uD;olawG/ pdwfxJ

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 63

roufromESif  h ylaqG;0rf;enf;+yD; rausrcsrf;Ek  difolawG/ 'grSr[kwf &ufpufvGef;wJ  h pdwfxm;p&d kuf&S  dolawGuawmh i&Jb0ESifh 'kuQyifv,fa0&wJ  hvl @qif;&J b0rsKd;ud k &wwfygw,f? wpk  Hw&mud k wrf;wrf;pG  JjzpfaewJ  h umrkyg'gef tm;}uD;olawG/ &ufpuf,kwfedrf  hwJh pdwfxm;&d  Sol/b,fawmhrS a&mif  h&Jwif;wdrfr_r&S  dwJ  h qEN&m* tm;}uD; olawGuawmhtcsdefESif  htr# qmavmifrGwfodyfae&wJ  h +ydwWmb0rsKd;/ vljzpf&ifawmifrSyJ awmif  hw&r_awG/ vd kbrjynh  fr_awGESif  h vH k;vnf vd kufae&wJh b0rsKd;uk  dyJ &wwfygw,f? pdwfyd kif;qd kif&m tusif  hp&d kufawG[m tckvuf&S  db0rSm pGrf;tm;aumif;&if aumif;oavmuf vmrnf  hb0rSmvnf;(tusKd;quf wpf&yftaeESif  h) qufvuf jzpfay:aeOD;rSmygyJ? 'gayrJ  hvlrsm;pkuawmh vl @tjzpfud k jyefvnf&&S  d=uwmyJ rsm;ygw,f?

ar;? ? 'gqd k&if vl&J @ uHw&m;ucsnf; vlud k tqH k;tjzwfay;wm

r[kwfbJ/ vluvnf;yJ uHw&m;ud k tajymif;tvJ jzpfatmif vkyfEd kifw,faygh?

ajz? ? odyfvkyfEd kifwmaygh? rSefuefwJ  h tm;xkwfr_ (orRm0g,mr)1

[m r*~if&Spfyg;teuf wpfcktygt0if jzpfae&wm'ga=umif  hyJaygh? pGrf;tifawG b,favmufyJ pd kufxkwf&xkwf&/ tusif  hp&d kufawG b,favmufyJ cd kifcd kif/ 'g[m rSefuefwJ  h tm;xkwfr_orRm0g,mrtay:rSmyJ wnfrS  Daeygw,f? 'gayrJ  h tcsKd @vlawGutwdwfu ygvmwJ  h raumif;wJ    h tusif  hp&d kufqd k;awG&J  h =oZmv$rf;rd k;r_atmufrSmyJ b0wpfav#mufvk  H; aexd kifoGm;=uw,f? 'gud k ajymif;vJypfzd  k@ róu;pm;bJESif  h 'Draumif;r_awGa=umif  h jzpf&wJ  h 0rf;enf;zG,f

tusKd;qufawG&J  h om;aumiftjzpf cHoGm;=uw,f? 'DvlawG[m tJ'DtysufqefwJ  h trltusifhawGud k rajymif;vJ rpGef @ypfrcsif; 'kuQyifv,f

1? orRm0g,mr ] rdrduH=urRmud k rdrdud k,fwd kif zefwD;vsuf taumif;qH k; jzpfatmiftm;xkwfr_

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64 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

a0ae=uOD;rSmyg? tJonfvd krsKd; pG  JuyfaewJ  h tusif  hqd k;awGqd kwmu=umav pGef @y,fzd k @ cufavygyJ?

Ak'<bmom0ifawGuawmh 'Dtaetxm;uk  d em;vnf=uw,f? 'ga=umif  h 0rf;enf;zG,f tusKd;qufawGud k jzpfay:apwJ  h pdwfxm;p&d kufqk  d;awGud  k xdef;csKyfzd  k@/ 0rf;omp&m/ &$ifvef;csrf;ajrhzG,f&mawGud kjzpfay:aprnf  h trltusif  haumif;awG wk  d;yGm;apzk    d@ tpOfojzif  h }udK;yrf;=uygw,f? ud   k,f r_ E_wfr_awGud     k rðyvkyf rajymqd   k jcif ;jzifh xd ef ;csKyf vd   k @&Ed   kif ovd   k raemuH &J   @ tusif   hp&k d   kuf  tpG J tvrf ;awGud   kvnf ; ðyjyif ajymif ;vJ vd   k  @ &Ed   kif ygw,f ? w&m;bm0em yGm;rsm; tm;xkwf r_[m raemuHud   k ðyjyif Edkif wJ   h enf ;vrf ;wpf ckygyJ? Ak'<0g'D awG&J   h b0pOf wpf ckvk H ;[m tjypf uif ;jzLpifwJ   hESvk H ;om;/ vGwf vyf wJ   h pd wf xm;rsKd ; xm;wwf atmif avhusif   h ysKd;axmif ,l&wmyJ  jzpf ygw,f ?  Oyrmtm;jzif  h onf;cHwwfwmESif  h oem;=uifemwwfwm[m +yD;cJ  hwJ  h

b0uwnf;u tjzpf  f  frsm;+yD;/ av;eufwJ  h tusif  hp&d kuf wpfckjzpfcJ  hr,fqd k&if tJ'Dp&d kuf&J @ obm0[m vuf&d  Sb0rSmvnf;yJ jyÏmef;vmrSmygyJ?vuf&S  db0rSmvnf; tJ'Dp&d kuf[m xyfrH+yD; yGm;rsm;OD;r,fqd k&ifawmhvmrnf  htem*gwf b0rSmvnf;yJ tJ'Dp&d kuf[m yd krd ktm;aumif;/ yd krd k+yD;awmh pG  J+rJ odomvmrSm rvG    JygyJ? 'g[m (oHo&mESif  h csD+yD;) a&&SnfpG  JuyfvmcJ  hwJ  h tusif  hp&d kufqd k;awGqd kwm =umav acszsufpGef @y,f&cufavyJqd kwJ  h &Sif;vif;odomEdkifwJ  h tcsufyJ jzpfygw,f?

onf;nnf;cHwwfol/ oem;nSmwmwwfolrsKd;ud k b,folurSawmf&k  HESif  h pdwfqd k;atmif rvkyfEd kifwJ  htwGuf tJ'DvdkvlrsKd;rSm tòi;taw;vnf; r&S  dawmhygbl;? 'Dvk  dvlrsKd;twGuf ol&J  h awG @ñuHjzwfoef;&

wmawG[mvnf; aysmf&$ifcsrf;ajr@p&mawGcsnf; jzpfaeygvdrf  hr,f?aemufwpfcsufu onf;nnf;cHEd kif&nf&S  d+yD;/ oem;nSmwm

wwfwJ  h p&d kufobm0[m yk*~KdvfwpfOD;twGuf t&ifb0uae tckvuf&S  db0xJud k tusif  hp&d kufwpfcktjzpf ygvmwmyJjzpfw,f qd kapOD;awmh/ 'gayrJ  h ol[m tckrsufarSmufb0rSm tJ'Dtusif  huav;ud k vspf

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 65

vsL&_xm;r,f/ yd krdk+yD;awmh &Sifoefcd kifrmvmatmif/ wd k;wufyGm;rsm;vmatmif wpk    Hw&m raqmif&Gufbl;qd k&if tJ'Daumif;wJ  htusif  hawGp&k  dufawG[m jznf;jznf;csif; ,kwfavsmhtm;aysmhvm+yD;awmh aemufb0rSm vk  H;0 aysmufysufuG,foGm;Ed kifygw,f? onf;nnf;cHwmwd k @/oem;nSmwmwwfwmwdk @qd kwmawG r&S  doavmuf tm;enf;acgif;yg;ol wpfOD;tzd k @rSmawmh 'Db0rSma&m aemifb0awGrSmyg tJ'Dta=umif;awGa=umif  h jzpfvmwJh 0rf;enf;zG,ftusKd;qufawGud k cH,l&if; ud k,f  hpdwfud k,frEd kifol/ a'goukrRm&/ &ufpufol}uD;rsKd; jzpfoGm;wwfygw,f? aemufqk  H;ajym&&if tckb0rSm ud k,f  hpdwfuav;rS ud k,frEd kifwm/ a'gotd k;jzpfae=uwmawG[m +yD;cJ  hwJ    h b0uae ygvmwJ    h pdwf&J  htusif  hp&k  dufqdk;vd k @yJ qd kygpd  k@? tJ'Dp&d kufaysmh p&d kufqd k;awG[m raumif  f;usKd;awGud kyJ ay;w,fqd kwm vufcH,k  H =unf+yD;awmh 'gawGud k ajymif;vJypfzd  k@ óu;pm;yg? tJ'D tysufpdwfawG&J  h ae&mrSm tðyoabmqefwJ  h

pdwfxm;aumif;awGESif  h tpm;xd k;ypfvd kufyg? óu;pm;r,fqd k&if wu,fvnf; jzpfEd kifwJh tJ'DpdwfnHhawGud k t+yD;wk  dif acszsufEd kifw,fqd k&ifawmh tJ'Dpdwfaysmh/ pdwf&l;awG&J  @ qd k;usKd;awGuae t+yD;wd kifvGwf  fuif;oGm;rSmygyJ? tu,fI tJ'Dp&k  dufqd k;awGud k tm;aysmhoGm;ap&H kavmufyJ wwfEd kifw,fqd k&ifawmh aemufb0rSmvnf;yJ 'gawG[m tm;enf;wJ  h yH kpHESif  h xGufay:vmtH k;rSmygyJ? aemufb0rSmvnf;yJay:vmwJ  h p&d kufqd k;awGud  k t+yD;wd kify,fowfzd k  @ qufvufóu;pm;oGm;r,fqd k&ifawmh vufusef p&d kufqd k;awG[m t+yD;wd kif csKyf+idrf;oGm;Ed kifwJ  htwGuf rESpfðrd @zG,f tusKd;qufawG tm;vH k;uae vH k;0 vGwfajrmufEd kifygao;w,f?

ar;? ? wrvGefb0ESif  h pyfvsOf;vd k @ trsm;}uD; aqG;aEG;cJ  h=uyg+yD?vlawG[m ao+yD;wJ  haemuf b0opfrSm jyefjzpf=ua=umif; cd kifvH kwJ  h taxmuftxm;aum &S  dygovm;?

ajz? ? wrvGefb0ESif  h ywfoufvd k @ Ak'<bmomawG&J @ t,ltqud k

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68 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

ajz? ? t,lonf;r_ (Superstition) qd kwmud k tbd"mefu= a=umif;usKd; qufEG,fr_ay:wGif tajcrcH/ 'dÏ"rR tajctaeawG

ud kvnf; y"merðybJ arSmftwwfwd k  @/ rsufvSnf  hwdk  @ qd kif&mawGrSmvd ktawG;pdwful; oufoufay:rSmom tajcðyawG;ac:wJ  h ,H k=unfr_vd k @zGif  hqd kygw,f? rm&fewf&S  da-umif;ESif  h ywfoufvd k @ ody`  Hynm&Sif wpfOD;OD;upl;pl;pd kufpd kuf avhvm+yD;a&;om; az:xkwfcsuf wpfckckud k xkwfjyEd kifr,fqd k&ifawmh rm&fewf,H k=unfr_[m t,lonf;r_ r[kwfawmhbl;vd k @vufcH&ygvdrf  hr,f? 'gayrJ  h rm&fewfESif  hywfoufvd k  @ tJ'Dvd k avhvm pl;prf;wJ  hokawoersKd;vkyf=uwm r=um;rdao;ygbl;? 'Dvd krsKd; udpPawGud k avhvmzd k @&efvnf; b,fody`Hynm&SifurS wul;wuðy+yD; 'kuQcHcsifrSm r[kwfygbl;? 'ga=umif  h rm&fewf&S  da=umif; taxmuftxm;r&S  dbl;vd k@yJ qd k&ygvdrf  hr,f? 'gayrJ  h aqG;aEG;cJ  h=u+yD;wJ  htwd kif;yJ wrvGefb0qd kwJ  h t&m[mtrSefwu,f jzpfysufvsuf&S  dw,fvd k  @ ,lq&wJ  h taxmuftxm;awmh

&S  dygw,f? 'gha=umif  h wrvGefb0qd kif&m ,k  H=unfr_[m jzpf&yfrSeftaxmuftxm; tenf;i,fay:rSm tajccHw,fqd k&ifyJ 'g[m t,lonf;r_vd k@ rqd kEd kifawmhygbl;?

ar;? ? aumif;yg+yD/ 'gqd k&if wrvGefb0ud k ,H k=unfvufcHwJ  hody`  Hynm&Sif wpfa,mufwavaum &S  dygao;ovm;?

ajz? ? &S  dygw,f? oluawmh 19 - &mpk +Adwdo# ynma&;pHepfESif  hody`  Hbmom&yfud  k rdwfqufay;cJ  hol aomrwfpf [wfpfav

(Thomas Huxley) yJ jzpfygw,f? ol[m 'g0if oD0&Dud k umuG,fajymqd kay;wJ  h yxrqHk;aom ody`  Hynm&Sifvnf; jzpf+yD;awmh vl0ifpm;udpP[m

rsm;pGm jzpfEd kifajc&S  dwJ  h t,ltq wpf&yfjzpfw,fvd k  @ ,H k=unfolvnf;jzpfygw,f? ol  @&J@ emrnfausmf pmtkyfwpftkyfjzpfwJ  h Evolution and

Ethics and other Essays pmtkyfxJrSm tckvd k a&;om;cJ  hygw,f?“,if;wd k  @. rl&if;usrf;pmrsm;xJwGif (rwluG  Jjym;pGmjzif  h)rnfod k @yif &S  dESif  hae=uonfjzpfap/ b0ul;ajymif;jcif; udpPY

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 69

um; jAm[R%0g'ESif  h Ak'<0g'tawG;tjrifrsm;rSm p=um0VmjzpfpOfrSonf vlom;jzpfpOf tygt0iftxd tusKd;t=umif;qufpyfr_&S  d&S    d ,kwW  dusus azmfjycsufrsm;ud  k pkpnf;xm;onf  ht"dy g,frsm;jzif  h wnfaqmufxm;=uavonf? r#r#ww&S  dvSonf  h Tazmfjycsufonf wpfjcm;aom bmomt,l0g'qd kif&m oD0&Drsm;xuf rsm;pGm qDavsmfr_&S    dygonf? aygh&$wfpGmawG;ac:oH k;oyfwwfolrsm;rSty tajccHvG  JrSm;aeonfh ,lqcsuf wpf&yftjzpf Tt,ludk rnfolurS ysuf&,fðyvdrf  hrnfr[kwfay? qif  huJ ajymif;vG  Jr_ jzpfpOf oD0&DuJ  hod k@yif T b0ul; '\eonfvnf; jzpf&yfrSef e,fy,fxJY tajcðyxm;avonf? tjiif;yGm;r_ud k nS  dE_  dif;jcif;jzif  h ajz&Sif;Ed kifovd kTb0ul;udpPYvnf; qif  huJajymif;vJr_ oD0&DuJ  hod k @yiftvm;wl tajz&Smr_rsKd;udk &,lEd kifygw,f?”

ody`  Hynm&Sif td kifpwk  dif;&JŒ rdwfaqGwpfOD;jzpfwJ    h emrnfausmfqd  G'fcsfvlrsKd; euQwWaA'ESif  h &lyaA'ynm&Sif ygarmuQ *lpw-zfpx&efbm-*f (Gustaf Stromberg) uvnf; wrvGefb0qd kif&m t,ltqwpf&yfud k atmufygtwd kif; az:xkwfa&;om;cJ  hygw,f?

“vlom;[m urBmajrjyifay:rSm aemufxyfwpf}udrf jyefvnf 0ifpm;vmEd kifw,f/ r0ifpm;Ed kifbl; qdkwJ  h tcsufay:rSmtjrifawGtrsKd;rsKd; uG  JvG  Jae=uygw,f? 1936-ckESpf rSmawmhtdEN  d,tpd k;& tm%myd kifawGu odyfpdwf0ifpm;zG,faumif;wJ  h udpPwpf&yfufd k tptqk  H; pl;prf;azmfxkwfcJ  h=uygw,f?

o#Eœ   Da'0D (Shanti Devi) qk  dwJ  h a'vD òrdŒolav;wpfOD;[molrud k tckb0rSm rarG;zGm;rD wpfESpfcefŒu a'vDuae rd kif500 uGma0;wJ  h rkwW&ma'orSm aemufqH k; jzpfysufcJ  hwJ  holr&J @twdwfb0a[mif;ud k rSefuefpGm azmfxkwfajymqd kEd kifcJhygw,f? tJ'D b0wkef;u olrcifyGef;ESif  h uav;&ŒJ emrnfawG/

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70 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

aexd kifcJ  hwJ  h tdrfyH kpHESif  h b0jzpfpOfawGud k ajymjycJ  hygw,f?pH kprf;a&;aumfrD&Sifu olrud k aqGa[mif; rsKd;a[mif;awGqDac:aqmifoGm;+yD; awGŒqH kay;awmh olr&JŒajym=um;csufawGtm;vH k;[m rSefuefa=umif; aqGrsKd;awGu 0efcH ajymqdkcJ  h=uygw,f? tdEN  d,u vlawGtwGufawmh vl0ifpm;udpPqd kwmtqef;tjym;vd kŒawmif r,lq=uygbl;? 'gayrJ  h tJ'Drdef;uav;&JŒ b0a[mif;u jzpf&yfrsm;pGmud k trSeftwd kif;rSwfrdaeao;wmud kawmh wth  Hw=o jzpf=u&ygw,f?(b0ul;ayrJ  h) rSwfOm%f[m rarhraysmufwJ  h obm0 &S  dw,fqd kwJ  h t,ltqud k 'Djzpf&yfESif  h wjcm;tvm;wl jzpf&yfawGucd kifrmatmif tm;jznf  hay;wJ    h om"uawGyJjzpfw,fvd k @,lqEd kifygw,f”?

xif&Sm;wJ  h +Adwdo# ody`  Hynm&SifwpfOD; jzpf+yD;awmh,leufpud k (UNESCO) tzG  J @}uD;&J  @ nef=um;a&;r–;csKyfvnf; jzpfwJ  hygarmuQ *sL;vD,ef[wfpfav (Prof. Julian Huxley) uvnf; wrvGefb0[m ody`  HtjrifESif  h vH k;0 wxyfwnf;usw,fvd k @ ,lqygw,f?

“txl;ðy xkwfvkyfxm;onf    h xkwfv$if  h ud&d,muwdusonf   h a=u;eef;wpfapmifud  k xkwfv$ifh ouJhok  d  @ aovGef+yD;aemuf wpfenf;enf;tm;jzif  h xkwfv$wftyfaom xm0&wnfjrJaom 0dnmOftwWabm qd konf  ht&mud k vufrcHEd kifp&m ta=umif; vH k;0r&S  dyg? óu;rJ  ha=u;eef;pmonf toGifopf

&kyfzG  J@pnf;r_wpfck tjzpfjzif  h vufcHpufud&d,mESifh qufoG,frdonf  h tcgwGifrSom (a=u;eef;pm tjzpfrSonf &k  d;&d k;)pmwpfapmif jyefjzpfoGm;onf qd kwmud k owdcsyf&rSm jzpfygw,f? xk  denf;twd kif;yJ owW0gwd k  @. odpdwf0dnmOf jzpfay: vmyk  HESif  h ywfoufI wpfenf;enf;tm;jzif  h &kyfuvmyf

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 71

taeESif  h jzpfay:rvmrcsif; awG;awmr_/ cHpm;r_[lIvnf;vH k;0 r&S  dEd kifay? u|Ef kyfwd k@. emrfcE<mrsm;onf trSefwu,fjzpfwnfvsuf &S  donf[lIyif pOf;pm;I r&Ed kifavmufatmifud k &kyfcE<mrsm;ay:wGifom rS  Dcd kae&ayonf? pifppf emrfcE<m[lonf cE<m pifppfr[kwfbJ jzpfwnfr_ oufoufomjzpfacsonf? (a=u;eef;pmud k &k  d;&d k;pm tjzpfjzif  h) v$  Jajymif;vufcH&,lonf  h pufod k  @ a&S;&_xkwfv$if  honf  h a=u;eef;pmwpfapmifuJ  hod k@yif (rdbavmif;rsm; jzpf=uonf  h) trsKd;om;trsKd;orD;wd k  @tm; tvm;wl qufoG,fr_ud k jzpfay:apaomxkwfv$if  hyk  H wpfrsKd;ud k u|Ef kyf pOf;pm;=unf  hrdayonf? od k @&mwGif vltrsm; jrifom odomonf  htwd kif; emruQE<mtm;vufcHonf  h ud&d,mpuftjzpf toH k;awmfcHrnfh tqd kygwpfpH kwpf&mESif  h qufoG,frdjcif;jzif  h todpdwf trSefwu,f

ay:xGef;rvmrcsif; p=um0VmtES  H  @ ysH@vGif  haernf  h toD;oD;aom erlem twWabmrsm;rSty aojcif;. aemufuG,f0,fbmrS r&S  day?

tar&duef pufr_enf;ynm&Sif [ife&Dazmh'f (Henry Ford) wd k  fŒvd kodyfvufawGŒqef+yD; urBmod ausmf=um;olawGuawmif wrvGefb0&J  h jzpfEd kifajc &S  dyH kawGud k awG@&S  dcJ  h=uygw,f?

wrvGefb0 t,ltq[m zefqif;&Sif0g' ( theistic idea)

ESif  haomfvnf;aumif;/ &kyf0g' (Materialistic idea) ESif  h aomfvnf;

aumif; rwlnDrlI aemifb0rSm vlom;&J  h wd k;wufa&;twGufxyfqif  h tcGif  htvrf; (Second chance) ay;xm;ygao;w,f? 'DtcsufawGa=umif  h azmh'f[m wrvGefb00g'udk pdwfyg0ifpm;cJ  hwm jzpfygw,f?olu tckvd kqdkcJ  hygw,f?

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72 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

“uíefawmf    h touf 26-ESpf t&G,frSm vl0ifpm; t,ltqud k vufcHjzpfcJ    hygw,f? 'Dvk  d vufcHzd k@twGuf bmoma&;t&S  deft0g v$rf;rdk;cH&wmrsKd; vH k;0 r&d  ScJ  hygbl;? vkyfief; tawGŒtñuHuawmif auseyfr_tjynfŒt0 ray;Ek  difcJ  hygbl;? rsufarSmuf b0uae pkpnf;jzwfoef;cJ  h&wJ  h tawGŒ tñuHawGud kaemifvmrnf  hb0rSm csok  H;vd  k@ r&Ed kifaumif;bl;qd k&if tvkyfqd kwmvnf; tv[\ygyJ? vl0ifpm;udpPud k awGŒ&S  d&wm[m p=um0Vm&JŒ jzpfpOfud k awGŒ&S  d&ovk  dygyJ? ud k,fh&J @ tawG;tac: tawG @t}uHKawGud k wd k;wufaumif;rGefvmatmifvkyfzd k  @&m tcGif  htvrf;&S  dao;w,fvd k  @ oabmaygufvd kufygw,f? tcsdefumvqd kwJ  h t&mrSm &Snfvsm;r_/ wd kawmif;r_qd kwJ  h tuef @towf r&S  dygbl;? ('ga=umif  hvnf;) u|efawmf[m tcsdefem&D vufwH&@J aus;u|efb0rS vGwfajrmufcJ  h&yg

w,f? yg&rD (xl;c|ef xufjrufr_) qd kwm[mvnf; tawG @tñuHwpf&yfygyJ? wpfcsKd @uawmh 'g[m (zefqif;&Sifay;tyfcsD;ajrSmufwJ  h) vuf aqmifyÀm/ 'grSr[kwf yifud k,fpGrf;&nfyJjzpfw,fvd kŒ xifjrif=uyk  H&ygw,f? pifppfrSmawmh 'g[mb0tqufqufuae ygvmwJh/ &if  husufwJ  h tawGŒtñuHawG&JŒ tusKd;qufyJjzpfygw,f? wpfcsKd @olawG[m wpfjcm;olawGxuf yg&rD&if  hoef=uavawmh ydkrd k+yD; todºu,f=uwmaygh? u |efawmf  htzd kŒawmh vl0ifpm;udpPawGŒ&S  dcsufud k tawmfav; =unfEl;ESpfodrf  hr_ jzpf&ygw,f? tckaqG;aEG;cJ  hwmawGESif  hpyfvsOf;vd kŒ rSwfwrf;rSwf&mawG &S  d=u&ifvnf; vlawG&JŒ

pdwfxJ oufom&mav; &=uavatmif pmtjzpfa&;=uprf;yg? u|efawmf  h taeESif  h &Snfvsm;/ &if  husufwJ  h b0tjrifESif  h,SOfwJ  h +idrf;csrf;r_&oud k wjcm;vlawGud kvnf; r#a0ay;vd kygw,f?”

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 73

'Dawmh - wrvGefb0qd kif&m Ak'<bmom a'oemawmfawGud kaxmufcHcsufay;wJ  h ody`  Htaxmuftxm;wcsKdŒ &S  duk  d&S  dygw,f? Ak'<bmom&J  @ wrvGefb00g'[m,kwW  dwefwJ  h tjrifjzpfwJ  htjyif/ zefqif;&Sif0g'ESif  h &kyf0g'awGu tajzray;Ed kifwJ  har;cGef;awGud k ajzqd kaewmyJ jzpfygw,f? tm;wufoa&mvnf; &S  dvSygw,f? xyfqif  h tcGif  htvrf;(Second Chance) r&S  d/ 'Db0rSm vkyfrdrSm;cJ  h+yD;wJ    h trSm;awGud k jyefjyifcGif  hr&/ 'Db0u &,lcJ  hwJ  ht&nftcsif;awG/ tpGrf;tpawGud k yk  drd kaumif;rGef wd k;wufatmif vkyfzd k@&efvnf; tajctaeray;awmhwJ  h b0oD0&DrsKd;xufqd k;wm b,frSm &S  dygOD;rSmvJ? Ak'<&J  @ tqd kt&awmh 'Db0rSmedAŠmef r&Ed kifao;bl;qd k&ifawmifrS aemufaemifb0awGrSm qufvufóu;pm;oGm;Ed kifwJ  h tcGifhtvrf;&S  dao;w,f? tckb0rSm vkyfrSm;rdxm;wmawGud k aemufb0rSm jyefvnfðyjyifcGif  h&Ed kifao;w,f? vkyfrSm;rdcJ  hor#awGxJu trSefoifcef;pmud k xkwf,lEd kifao;w,f? 'Db0rSmrvkyf

Ed kifcJ  h/ r&,lEk  difcJ  hwmawGud k vmrnf  hb0rSm vkyf,lvd k @&Ed kif ao;wmyJwJ  h?uJ - b,favmufaumif;wJ  h a'oemawmfygvJ?

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ar;? ? bm0em yGm;rsm;r_ qd kwmu b,fvd kygvJ?ajz? ? bm0em yGm;rsm;w,fqd kwm pdwf&J @ vkyfyH kud kifyH kawGud k tod

&S  d&S  dESif  h ajymif;vJypfzd  k@ óu;pm;wmyJ jzpfygw,f?

w&m;tm;xkwfr_ (Meditation) qd kwmud k ygVdbmomtm;jzif  h bm0emvd kŒac:+yD;/ wd k;yGm; atmifvkyfjcif;/ wd k;wufyGm;rsm;apjcif;vd kŒ t"dy`g,f&ygw,f?

ar;? ? w&m;tm;xkwfr_[m odyfta&;ygygovm;?ajz? ? [kwfygw,f? ta&;}uD;wJ  h udpPwpfckygyJ? b,favmufyJ

taumif;jzpfapcsifwJ  h qENxufoefygap/ ,cif  h,cifuvkyfenf;vkyf [efawG twd kif;yJ vkyfud kifqk  H;jzwfjzpfatmif wGef;yd k @aewJ  hqENw%Sm tpG  JawGud k ry,frvSefEdkifrcsif; b,ftajymif;tvJrS jzpfvmrSmr[kwfygbl; ? Oyrm - rdef;rtay: onf;cHcGif  hv$wfEd kifr_ acgif;yg;wJ  h vl

wpfOD;[m olŒ[mol oabmaygufvmwma=umif  h cktcsdefup+yD; ig[mud k,f  hrdef;rtay: onf;cHcGif  hv$wf+yD;awmh nSmnSmwmwmyJ qufqHawmhr,fvd kŒ yd kif;jzwfxm;w,fqd kygawmh/ 'gayrJh aemufwpfem&Davmuft=umrSmyJ ol[m rdef;rud k t&ifutwd kif; atmfaigufawmhwmygyJ?'Dvd kjzpf&wm[m owdvpfoGm;vd k @ jzpfygw,f? onf;cHwwf  favhr&S  dwJ  h

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 75

a'gou ol rodvd kufyJESif  hud k jzpfay:vmcJ  hwmjzpfw,f? w&m;bm0emtm;xkwfr_u tckvd kpG  JuyfaewJ    h pdwftpG  Jtvrf;awGud k y,fpGefŒ&mrSmvd ktyfwJ  h todpdwf"gwfESif  h pGrf;tifawG wk  d;wufjzpfay:vmatmif tul


ar;? ? urRÏmef;w&m; tm;xkwfwm[m tEœ &m,f &S  dEk  difw,fvd kŒ=um;zl;ygw,f? [kwfrSefygovm;?

ajz? ? touf&Sifzd kŒtwGuf qm;"gwf vd ktyfwm rSefayrJ  h qm;tav;csdef wpf uDvd k*&rfud k wpf}udrfwnf;ESif  h pm;ypfvd kuf

r,fqd k&ifawmh aoEd kifygw,f? tvm;wlyJ ,aeŒacwfrSm vlvlolol&yfwnfEd kifa&;twGuf armfawmfum;[m r&S  drjzpf vd ktyfvSygw,f? 'gayrJ  h ,mOfpnf;urf; rvd kufembl;/ 'grSr[kwf rl;aewkef; um;armif;r,fqd k&ifawmh um;qd kwm tEœ &m,f&S  dwJ  h ,Eœ &m;wpfck jzpfoGm;Edkifygw,f?

w&m;tm;xkwfr_qd kwmvnf; 'Denf;twk  dif;ygyJ? pdwf"gwf=uH @cd kifa&;twGuf w&m;bm0emyGm;rsm;tm;xkwfr_[m r&S  drjzpfvd ktyfvSygw,f?'gayrJ  h rd kufrJvG  JrSm;wJ  h enf;vrf;awGESif  hom tm;xkwfr,f qd k&ifawmhtcuftcJawGESif  h wd k;rSmygyJ? wcsKdŒvlawGrSm odrfi,fwJ  hpdwf/ ta=umif;rJ  h a=umufpdwfESif  h pdwfupOfŒuvsm;jzpfr_awGvd krsKd; tcuftcJawG&S  dwwf=uygw,f? w&m;tm;xkwfwm[m olwd k@awG&J  @ tcuftcJawGud kcsufjcif;vufiif; ukpm;ay;rSmyJvd k  @ ,lqxm;=uw,f/ olwd  k@ pwiftm;xkwf=uw,f/ wpfcgwpfcgrSmawmh olwd k  @awG[m yd krd kqd k;0g;wJ  h tcuftcJawGESif  h &ifqd kifwwf=u&ygw,f? udk,f @rSm 'Dvd ktcuftcJawGom &S  dcJ  hvd k @&S  d&if q&m0ef&J  @ tultnDud k t&if&,l+yD;awmhrS w&m;tm;xkwf

wmu yd kaumif;ygw,f? aemuf wcsKd @usawmh ud k,fwwfEd kifwmxufyd kyd k+yD;awmh tm;xkwf=uw,f? wjznf;jznf;csif; wqif  h+yD;wqif  h tm;xkwf&r,f@tpm; odyf}uD;rm;wJ  h pGrf;tifawG ok  H;ðzef;+yD; tcsdefawGt=um}uD; tm;xkwf=uavawm@ r=umcifrSmyJ ajcukefvufyrf;usoGm;wwf=uygw,f?

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76 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvwwWm;)

'gayrJ  h w&m;tm;xkwf&mrSm ñuH&wJ  h tcuftcJ trsm;pkuawmh om;yd kufaumif bm0em (Kangaroo Meditation) vd k  @ ac:&rnf  h[d kpyfpyf 'Dpyfpyf tm;xkwfenf;a=umif  h jzpf&wmrsm;ygw,f? wpfcsKd @

vlawGu q&mwpfOD;OD;qDoGm;enf;cH+yD; tJ'Dq&mhenf;uav;twd kif;vd kufvkyf=unf  hw,f? wpfcg pmtkyfxJrSm enf;emuav;wpfcsKd  @ zwf&wmESif  h 'Denf;uav;ud kvnf; prf;=unf  hjyefw,f? wpfywfcef  @ =umawmh emrnfausmfurRÏmemp&d, q&mwpfOD; olwd k @òr@uav;qDud k ºuvmwmESif  h tJ'Dq&m&J  @ enf;awGESif  h t&ifu &xm;+yD;om; enf;uav;awGud k aygif;pyfa&mar$+yD;awmh tm;xkwfzd k  @ vkyfjyefyga&m? 'Dvd kESif  hodyfr=umcifrSmyJ olwd k @&xm;wJ  h enf;awGu (tarbkwf csnfiifovd k)ajz&Sif; r&Ed kifavmufatmifud  k &_yfaxG;oGm;wwf=uygw,f? om;yd kufaumif ckefovd kyJ enf;wpfckuae aemufenf;wpfck/ q&mwpfOD;uaeaemufq&mwpfOD; ponfjzif    h tm;xkwf=uwm[m rSm;,Gif;vSygw,f?

pdwfyd kif;qd kif&m tcuftcJ wpfpH kwpf&mvnf;r&S  d/ obm0uswJh enf;rSefvrf;rSef twdkif;vnf; tm;xkwfwm jzpfw,f qd k&ifawmh w&m;bm0em yGm;rsm;tm;xkwfjcif;qd kwm[m rdrdud k,fwd kiftwGuf rdrdvkyfEdkifwJ  htaumif;qH k; tvkyfud k vkyfjzpfjcif; tppfygyJ?

ar;? ? urRÏmef; trsKd;tpm;u b,favmuf&S  dygovJ?ajz? ? urRÏmef;tm;xkwfol a,m*DwpfOD;csif;pD taeESif  h xl;uJ+yD;

&S  dwwfwJ  h tcuftcJawGud k ajz&Sif;ay;Ed kifatmif 'grSr[kwfwpfOD;csif;&J  @ oD;oef @pDjzpfwJ  h pdwftaetxm; (p&k  duf) tvd kuf wd k;wufr_&S  datmif pDpOfxm;wJ  h urRÏmef;trsKd;trnf tawmfrsm;rsm;ud k Ak'<

a[mawmfrlcJ  hygw,f? 'gayrJ  h toH k;trsm;qH k;ESif  htoH k;tusqH k; urRÏmef;awGuawmh tmemyge\wdESif  h arwWmbm0emwd k @yJ jzpf=uygw,f?

ar;? ? tmemyge\wdud k tm;xkwfvd kw,fqd k&if b,fvd ktm;xkwf&ygovJ?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 77

ajz? ? vG,fulwJ  h enf;tqif  huav;awGESif  h pwif&ygvdrfhr,f?'gawGuawmh tusOf;csKyfajym&&if yD (P) av;vH k;ygyJ?

Place - ae&m/ Posture - ud k,f[eftaetxm;/ Practice - vufawG @ tm;

xkwfavhusif  hyH kESif  h Problems - tcuftcJrsm; jzpf=uygw,f?(1) ae&m - w&m;tm;xkwfzd k @ oif  hawmfwJ  h ae&mrsKd; jzpfzd k @

vd ktyfygw,f? odyf+yD;awmhvnf; qlqlnHnH r&S  d(jzpfEd kif&if vHk;0eD;yg; wdwfqdwf+idrfoufwJ  h)/wpfjcm; taESmif  ht,Suf qd kwmvnf; r&S  dwJ  htcef;wpfcef;vd k ae&mrsKd;aygh?

(2) ud k,ftaetxm; - oufawmif  houfom &S  dwJ  hud k,ftae txm;ud k a&G;cs,f+yD; xdkif&ygw,f?(trsm;tm;jzif  hawmh) wifysOfacG+yD; xk  difwm[maumif;wJ  h taetxm;ygyJ? xd kifwJ  htcg acgif;tH k;vd k

tcif; xlxlwpfckay:rSm xd kifcsvd kufyg? a=umud kqef@+yD; ud k,fae rwfrwfxm;/ vufawGud kwifyv†ifacGay:rSm &G&Guav; cs+yD; rsufvH k;ud knSifompGm rS  dwfxm;yg? a=umud k rwfrwfqef @xkwfvd k@&avmufwJ  h ukvm;xk  difay:rSmvnf; xd kifr,fqd k&ifxk  difEd kifygw,f?

(3) vufawG @tm;xkwfyH k - ususee xd kif+yD;wJ  h aemufrSmawmh wu,f  htm;xkwfr_ pwifyg+yD? rsufvH k;uav;rS  dwf+yD;xd kifcsvd kufwmESif  h xGufav 0ifav&J @ v_yfcwfr_ay:rSmom pl;pd kufodrSwfvd k @ ae&ygr,f? touf±–&_  dufr_

ud k a&wGuf odrSwfvd k@ jzpfap/ 'grSr[kwf (touf ±ª±_  dufr_ud k vd kuf+yD; jzpfay:aewJ  h) 0rf;Ad kuf&J@ ydefr_ azgif;r_ud kjzpfap owdESif  h &_rSwf&ygr,f?

(4) tcuftcJ - pwiftm;xkwf+yDqd kwmESif  h twm;tqD;tcuftcJawGESif  hawmh awG@rSmygyJ? cE<mud k,ftES  H @

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78 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

[d kae&m onfae&mawGu ,m;,Hwm/ 'l;acgif;uanmif;ud kufvmwmrsKd;awG awG @&wwfygw,f? 'Dvd kjzpfvm+yDqd k&if v_yf&Sm;r_ wpfpH kwpf&mrðybJ

cE<mud k,fud k azmhazmhuav;xm;+yD; aeomatmifóu;pm;&if; toufudkyJ pl;pd kuf+yD; rSefrSef ±–±_  dufaeyg?pdwfxJrSm tawG;rsKd;pHk 0ifa&mufvmwwf+yD;touf±ªr_tay: pl;pd kufxm;wJ  h owduav;ysH @vGif  hxGufoGm;wwfygao;w,f? xGufav0ifavud kyJtm&k  Hpl;pd kuf ±ªrSwf&if; onf;nnf;cHwJ  h enf;ESifhomay:vmor# tcuftcJawGud k vGefajrmufEdkifygw,f?'Denf;twd kif; qufoGm;&ifawmh aemufqH k;rSmtawG;0ifa&mufr_uvnf;yJ avsmhyg;oGm;r,f/tm&H kpl;pd kufr_zufu yd krd ktm;aumif;vm+yD;awmh

pdwf&J @euf±_  dif;wJ  h +idrfoufat;csrf;r_ud k&&S  doGm;Ed kifygw,f?

ar;? ? w&m;tm;xkwf&mrSm b,favmuf=um=umtm;xkwfoif  hygovJ?

ajz? ? pwiftm;xkwfwJ  h yxrygwfrSm wpfae@ud k 15 - rdepf/aemuftygwfawGrSm wpfywf ig; rdepfpD tcsdefud k wd k;jrSif  h,l

+yD; 45- rdepfa&mufatmiftxd wd k;jrSif  htm;xkwfyg? ae@pOfyk  HrSeftm;xkwfjzpfwJ  h &ufowWygwf tenf;i,f t=umrSmyJ pl;pd kuftm; aumif;vmwm pwifawG @jrif&ygvdrfhr,f? tawG;ysH@vGif  hr_awG enf;onfxuf

enf;vm+yD; wu,f  h at;csrf;+idrfoufr_orm"d &Ed kifygw,f?

ar;? ? arwWmbm0em yGm;w,fqd kwmuaum b,fvdkygvJ? b,fvk  drsm; vufawG@ usif  haqmif&ygao;ovJ?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 79

ajz? ? tmemyge\wd urRÏmef;ESif  h tom;us+yD;awmh tJ'Dtmemyge\wdud kyJ yk  HrSeftm;jzif  h qufvuf yGm;rsm;tm;

xkwfae+yDqd k&if arwWmbm0emud kvnf; pwiftm;xkwfvd  k@ &yg+yD?

tmemyge\wd tm;xkwfvd k  @ +yD;qk  H;wJ  htcgwd kif; arwWmbm0emud kwpfygwf ESpf}udrf/ oH k;}udrfcef  @pD tm;xkwfoif  hygw,f? yxr taeESif  hrdrdud k,fud k rdrd tm&k  Hðy+yD;awmh tckvd k arwWmyGm;oif  hygw,f? ig[musef;rmaysmf&$ifygap/ +idrf;at;csrf;omygap/ tEœ &m,fuif;ygap/ ighESvk  H;om;Y trkef;w&m;uif;+yD; arwWmw&m;jzif  h &$rf;pd kjynf  hòz;ygap qd kwJ  hpum;rsKd;ud k ud k,f  h[mud k,f pdwfESif  h &Gwfqd k+yD;awmh yGm;rsm;&ygw,f?tJ'DaemufrSmawmh

- ud k,fu cspfESpfvk  dvm;tyfwJ  h (yD,) yk*~Kdvf/- rcspf rrkef;/ r&if;ES  D;wJ  h (rZÆ) yk*~Kdvf/- ud k,fESif  h trkef;yGm;aewJ  h &efol (a0&D) yk*~Kdvf awGuk  d

wpfrsKd;+yD; wpfrsKd; tpOftwd kif; wpfOD;csif;pD txufu qd kcJ  hwJ  h arwWmyGm;rsm;enf;twd kif; rdrdud k,fESif  h xyfwl yGm;rsm;&ygw,f?

ar;? ? 'Dvd k arwWm bm0em yGm;rsm;jcif;jzif  h b,fvd krsKd; tusKd;aus;Zl;awG &&S  dEd kifygao;ovJ?

ajz? ? arwWmbm0emudk rSefuefwJ  h pdwfxm;ESif  h yH krSefom yGm;rsm;r,fqd k&if odyf+yD;awmh tðyoabmaqmifwJ  h tvm;tvm

aumif;awGud k awG @jrif&rSmjzpfygw,f? (yxr taeESif  h) rdrd[m rsm;pGmcspfcifESpfvd kzG,faumif;ol/ tjypfuif;oltjzpf ud k,f  h[mud k,fxifjrifvmrSm jzpfygw,f? ud k,fu cspfESpfvd kvm;wJ  h yD,yk*~KdvfawG

tay:rSm xm;&S  dwJ  harwWm[mvnf; yd krd k+yD; jrif  hrm;wd k;yGm;vmwmud kjrifawG @&ygvdrf  hr,f    f? tjrifoabmxm;csif; rwd kufqd kifolawGESif  ha&m/ud k,fESif  h rywfoufbJ bmodbmom aeolawGESif  hyg &if;ES  D;cifrifvm+yD;awmh rdwfaqGjzpfvmwmud kvnf; ud k,fawG @}uHK&rSmjzpfygw,f?wpfcsKd @yk*~  dKvfawG tay:rSm ud k,fuxm;&S  dcJ  hwJ  h raumif;pdwf raumif;

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80 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

}uHawG 'grSr[kwf rcHcsifpdwf awG[mvnf; avsmhyg;oGm;+yD;awmhaemufqH k; tJ'Dvd k pdwfrsKd;awG vH k;0aysmufuG,foGm;wmud k awG @Ed kifygw,f? arwWmyGm;rsm;wJ  htcg ud k,fodxm;wJ  h aexd kifraumif;ol/

raysmfr&$ifEd kif jzpfaewJhol/ tcuftcJ &ifqdkifae&olawGud kvnf;xnf  hoGif;yGm;rsm;vd  k@ &Ed kifygao;w,f? +yD;awmh oufqdkif&m yk*~  dKvfawG&J  @ tajctaeawG ododomom wd k;wufaumif;rGefvmwmud kvnf;t}udrf}udrf awG@&OD;rSmyJ jzpfygw,f?

ar;? ? 'gu b,fvd k jzpfEd kifzG,f &d  SygovJ?ajz? ? xdkufxd kufwefwef wd k;wuf aumif;rGefvmwJ  htcg

pdwf[modyftm;aumif; xufjrufwJ    h vufeufud&d,mwpfck jzpfoGm;ygw,f? rdrd&J  @ pdwfpGrf;tifud k owdrl avhvm+yD; wpfjcm;yk*~  dKvfawGqD yd k@v$wfEd kifr,fqd k&if pdwf&J  @ pGrf;tm;[m tJ'Dyk*~  dKvfawG

tay: tusKd;oufa&mufr_&S  dEk  difygw,f? 'Dvd krsKd; ud k,fawG@jzpf&yfawGawmif }uKHaumif; }uHKzl;=urSmyg? vlawGjynf  husyfaewJ  h tcef;wpfckxJa&mufaewkef; wpfpH kwpfa,mufu ud k,f  hud k =unf  haew,fvd k  @ txifa&mufvmw,fqd kygawmh/ vSnf  hywfod kif;0d kif; =unf  hvd kufawmhrSaocsmoGm;w,f? [kwfyg&J @/ wpfpH kwpfa,mufu ud k,f  hud k p˜ aewmyJ? 'g[mwpfjcm; yk*~  dKvfwpfOD;&J  @ pdwfpGrf;tifud k uk  d,fu b,fvd k vufcHxdodvd  k@ &Ed kifw,fqd kwJ  h oabmjzpfygw,f? arwWmbm0em yGm;rsm;w,fqd kwmvnf; 'Dtwd kif;ygyJ? wpfjcm;yk*~  dKvfawG tay:xm;&S  dtyfwJ  htðyoabmpdwfawGud k arG;jrLw,f/ +yD;awmh 'gud k ud k,fu arwWmyGm;rnf  holawGqD wjznf;jznf;csif; yd k@v$wfw,f/ 'gygyJ?

ar;? ? w&m;tm;xkwfwwfatmif oifjyay;rnf  h q&mqd kwmaum vd ktyfygovm;?

ajz? ? q&m&,fvd k@ owfowfrSwfrSwf vd ktyfwmawmhjzif  h

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 81

r[kwfygbl;? w&m;tm;xkwfr_ESif  h &if;ES  D;u|rf;0if+yD;om; yk*~  dKvfawGqDu teD;uyfoifjyay;r_ud k &,lwmuawmh yd kaumif;wmaygh? wpfck qd k;wmu ud k,fbmvkyfaevd k  @ vkyfaerSef;awmif rodwJ  h &[ef  f;yk*~Kdvf/ vl

yk*~Kdvf  fwcsKd  @u olwd k @ud k,folwd k  @ urRÏmemp&d,tjzpf cH,lae=uwmawG awG @&S  daewmygyJ? 'ga=umif  h emrnf*k%fowif;aumif;+yD; r#r#wwok  H;oyf/ qk  H;jzwfwwfwJ  h q&mrsKd;/ Ak'<pmayt&mrSmvnf; u|rf;u|rf;usifusif&S  dvSwJ  h yk*~KdvfrsKd;ud k a&G;jzpfatmif óu;pm;zd k @ygyJ?

ar;? ? pdwfa&m*guk q&m0efawG/ pdwfynm&SifawGuawmifw&m;tm;xkwfr_uk  d us,fus,fjyef @jyef@ tok  H;csae=u+yDvd k@=um;&ygw,f? 'gaum [kwfygovm;?

ajz? ? [kwfygw,f? tcktcg w&m;tm;xkwfr_ud k xda&mufwJ  hpdwfukxk  H; wpf&yftjzpf vufcHvm=uyg+yD? ta=umajy

avsmh+yD; em;em;aeae oufawmif  h oufomjzpfapzd k @/ a=umufpG  Ja&m*g1awGud k y,fazsmufzd k  @/ ud k,f  h&J  htodpdwfud k jyef+yD;awmh aqmufwnfzd k @&ef (vd ktyfwJ  h) udpPawGrSm usef;rma&;vkyfom; (pdwfuk q&m0ef)rsm;pGmwd k  @[m w&m;tm;xkwfap+yD;ukwJ  h enf;ud k tok  H;ðyae=uyg+yD?vlom;&J  h pdwf"mwfyd kif;a&;&mrSm Ak'<&J  h Om%ftajrmf tjrifawmf[m[d k;a&S;a&S; acwfawGu tusKd;aqmifawmfrlcJ  hovd kyJ tckacwfrSmvnf; tusKd;ðyay;aewkef;ygyJ?

1? Phobias - wpH kw&mud k pG  Jvrf;+yD; tvGeftrif; a=umufwwfrkef;wwfonf  hpdwfa&m*grsm;? Oyrm - Hydrophobia a&a=umufwwfwJ  h acG;&l;jyefa&m*g?

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u&k%mESif  hynm

ar;? ? u&k%mESif  h ywfoufwJ  h ta=umif;t&mawG/ ynmESif  houfqd kifwJ  h tcsuftvufawGud k Ak'<bmom0ifawGqDur=umc% qd kovd k =um;&ygw,f? 'Da0g[m& ESpfvH k;&J @

t"dy` g,fubmygvJ?ajz? ? wpfcsKd @aom bmoma&; w&m;awGu oem;=uifemwwf

jcif; u&k%mESif  h tusKd;vd kcifrifr_ arwWmudk (odyftoGifwl+yD;) odyfta&;ygwJ  h pdwfyd kif;qd kif&m t&nftaoG;awGtjzpf vufcH,lqxm;=uyg&J @? 'gayrJ  h qifjcifawG;ac: odem;vnfr_qd kwJ    h ynmwd k;wufatmifawmh vrf;zGif  hray;=uygbl;? tusKd;oufa&mufr_uawmhodyfoem;nSmwmwwfol wpfOD;taeESif  h ol[m odyfpdwfxm; aumif;ayrJ  h &d k;t˜ol/ ynmenf;ol/ 'grSr[kwf todOm%fuif;rJ  hol tjzpfESif  hpcef;odrf;&wmygyJ?

ody`  Hynmvdk wpfjcm;aom awG;ac:ajrmfjrifr_ qd kif&m pHepf

awGuawmh u&k%mtygt0if tm;vH k;aom pdwf&J  @ tðytrl(apwoduf) awGud k xdef;csKyfxm;wJ  h tajctaersKd;rSmrSyJ ynmud ktaumif;qH k;tqif  h wd k;wufatmif vkyfEd kifr,fvd  k@ ,H k=unf=uygw,f?'Dt,ltqa=umif  h jzpfay:vm&wJ  h tusKd;qufuawmh ody`Hynm[mtusKd;ðyr_awGESifhtwl xd k;azmuf0ifa&muf ae&m,lvmw,f? tJ'D

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 83

tcgrSm ody`  Hqd kwm vlom;tusKd;ud k aqmif&ef twGufom jzpfw,f/vlud k xdef;csKyfjc,fvS,fzd k  @ r[kwfbl;qd kwmudkawmif arhoGm;=uw,f?tEkjrLAH k;ESif  h ppfrufa&;&m pwmawG wd k;wuf jzp fxGef;vmatmif ody`  H

u0dawGu olwd k  @&J@ pGrf;tm;awGud k b,favmuftxd tm;opfavmif;Ed kif=uOD;rSmygvdrf  h ? (txufu qd kcJ  h  JwJ  h) bmoma&;awGu a=umif;usKd;qifjcifr_ESif  h wwfodem;vnfr_awGud k arwWmESif  h ,H k=unfr_vd k w&m;awG&J @ tEœ &m,fawG tjzpf &_jrif=uygw,f? (olwd k  @ twGufawmh arwWmESif  h,H k=unfr_ o'<  guom t"duus+yD; ynmu 'Davmuf ta&;rygbl;)?ody`  Hynm &_axmifhu =unfh&ifawmh 'DarwWmESif  h ,H k=unfr_ qd kwmawG[m a=umif;usKd; qifjcifwwfr_ESif  h "rR"dÏmefusr_ twGuf t[ef @twm;awGyJvd  k@ jrif=uygw,f1? 'ga=umif  hvnf; ody`  Hynmzufu wd k;wufvmwmESif  htr# bmoma&;zufrSmawmh csKd@,Gif; qkwf,kwfvm&wm jzpfygw,f? (txufu qd kcJ  hwJ  h bmoma&;awGESif  h rwlnDwJ  h) Ak'<bmom

taeESif  huawmh u&k%ma&m ynmyg wd k;wuf&r,f/ tºuif;rJ  h r#r#ww&S  d+yD;/ +yD;jynf  hpk  HwJ  holrsKd; jzpf&r,fvd  k@ oGefoifay;ygw,f? t,ltqoufoufa=umif  hcsnf; r[kwfbJ b0tawG @tñuH tay:rSm tajccHwma=umif  hvnf; Ak'<bmom[m ody`  Hynm&J  @ apma=uma0zefr_ESif  h prf;oyfppfaq;r_awGud k pdefac:&JwJ  h bmomyJ jzpfygw,f?

ar;? ? Ak'<bmom w&m;awmft& ynmqd kwmuaumb,fvdkygvJ?

ajz? ? tjrif  hrm;qk  H;ynmqd kwm tm;vk  H;aom ocF g&w&m;awG[m pifppftm;jzif  h rjynf  hpk  Hr_ ('kuQ)/ tcd kuftwef @r#om

jzpf+yD; rcd kifjrJwJ  h (tedpP)/ tpk  d;&wmr[kwfwJ  h (tewW) oabmawGr#om jzpfw,fvd k  @ &_jrifwmjzpfygw,f? 'Dvd  kem;vnf oabmayguf&_jrifwm[m tºuif;rJ  h vGwfvyfr_yJ jzpf+yD;awmh edAŠmefvd k @ ac:qd k&wJ  h

1? bmoma&;ESif  h ody`  Hynmwd k @&J @ tpGef;wpfzufpD a&mufae=uyk  H jzpfygw,f?

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84 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

wu,f  hvk  HjcKH pdwfcs&r_/ wu,f    h aysmf&$ifcsrf;omr_qDud k OD;wnfaewmyJjzpfygw,f? 'gayrJ  h Ak'<ud k,fawmfwd kifu 'Dtjrif  hqk  H;ynmtqif  hESif  hpyfvsOf;+yD; odyfrsm;rsm;pm;pm; a[m¹rufawmf rrlcJ  hygbl;1? olrsm;awG

ajymwJ  htwd kif; vG,fvG,fuav;ESif  h ,k  H=unfw,fqk  d&ifvnf; 'g[mwu,f  hynmppfppf r[kwfao;ygbl;? ppfrSefwJ  h ynmqd kwmu rdrdud k,fud k rdrd wd kuf&d kuf odjrifem;vnfwmyJ jzpfygw,f? tJ'Dtqif  hrSmawmh ynm[m usOf;ajrmif;r_r&S  dbJ yGif  hvif;r_&S  dvmw,f/ w,loefqk  H;jzwfwmxuf ywf0ef;usifu tjrifawGud k xnf  hoGif;qk  H;jzwf  fwmrsKd;jzpfvmw,f/ ud k,f  htjriftxif usOf;usOf; uav;ud k zufwG,fqkwfud kif ae&wmxuf ud k,ftjrifESif  h rudkufnDwJ    h jzpfpOfjzpf&yfawGud kvnf; owdjyK pdppfok  H;oyfwwfvmw,f/ tay:,H tjrifESif  h wiful;qk  H;jzwfwm/ bufvd kufwmrsKd;awGxuf yd kjyD; "rR"dÏmefusus &_jrifwwfvmw,f? yxrqk  H; t}udrftjzpf ñuH&wJ  h 'grSr[kwf pdwfv_yf&Sm;zG,f

taumif;qk  H; t&mawGud k (rpOf;rpm;) vufcHwmrsKd;awGxuf tcsdef,l oH k;oyf+yD;awmhrS tjrifawG/ ,H k=unfcsufawGud k wnfaqmufwwfvmw,f? udk,f  ht,ltqESif  h wu,f  hjzpf&yfu wjcm;pD/ rud kufnDa=umif; odvm&wJ  h b,ftajctaersKd;rSmrqd k ud k,f  ht,ltqud kpGef @v$wfzd  k@ toif  h&S  dvmw,f? ðyEd kifcJwJ  h tckvd k qHk;jzwfr_awGud kðyEd kifpGrf;&S  dwJ  h yk*~  dKvfuom wu,f  hynm&S  doljzpf+yD;/ trSefw&m; (opPm)ud k em;vnfwJ  h tqif  hud k pifppf aygufajrmuf a&muf&S  dolvnf;

2 ? TY ynmtjym;ok  H;yg;&S  dyk  Hud k odxm;oif  h.? 1-okwr,ynm ] olwpfyg;xHrS=um;jrif /oif,ljcif;jzif  h &aomynm/2 - pdEWmr,ynm ] rdrduk  d,fwd kif=uHpnf

awG;ac:I&aomynm/ 3 - bm0emr,ynm ]bm0emyG g;rsm;r_jzif  homxk  d;xGif;odjrifI &Ed kifaomynm? a[majymjyo&k  H oufouf  fjzif  h r&Ed kifud k,fwd kifpd kufxkwfusif  h=uHjcif;jzif  hom aygufajrmufodjrifEd kifaomt&mjzpfITtjrif  hqk  H; bm0emr,ynm twGuf wd kuf&k  duf - eDwwenf;tm;jzif  h rsm;pGma[mawmfrrljcif;jzpfonf?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 85

jzpfygw,f? ajymwJ  htwd  d kif;vd kufem&wJ  h ,H k=unfr_oufouf enf;vrf;u bmrScufcufcJcJr&S  dygbl;? Ak'<&J  @ r*~ifvrf;pOfrSmawmh jywfom;&JwJ  h - owW  d/ xdef;odrf; atmif  htnf; onf;nnf;cHEd kif&nf&S  dr_ - cEœ    D/

ðyvG,fjyifvG,fr_ - rk'kESif    h tqif  hjrif  hwJ    h todOm%f - ynmawG & S  dzd k @vd ktyfvSygw,f?

ar;? ? 'Dtqif  h a&mufEd kifwJh olu r&S  doavmuf enf;yg;vdrf  hr,fvd k  @ xifygw,f? vltenf;i,fr#om usif  hoH k;vd k@&wJ  hbmomqd k&if Ak'<bmom&J  @ OD;wnfcsufu b,fvd kygvJ?

ajz? ? [kwfygw,f? vlawGtm;vH k;uawmhjzif  h Ak'<0g'ud k usif  hoH k;zd k @tckxd tqifoif  h rjzpf=uao;ygbl;? 'ga=umif  h vlawGtm;

vk  H; vd kufemusif  hok  H;Ed kifatmif/ cyfvG,fvG,fuav;ESif  h em;vnfEk  dif&if+yD;a&mqd k+yD; trSefw&m;tay: tajcrcHwJ  h bmoma&;rsKd;ud kom oif

=um;yk  d @csay;oif  hw,fqd k&ifawmh tJ'g[m odyf&,fp&maumif;rSmygyJ?Ak'<0g'&J  @ OD;wnfcsufu opPmodwJ  h tqif  hxd aygufajrmufzd k  @ygyJ? 'gayrJ  h'Db0'Dud k,f&J @ tjzpfESif  h tJ'Dtqif  hxd raygufa&mufEdkifao;&if awmifrSyJ vmrnf  hb0wpfckckrSm aygufajrmufodjrifEd kifzd k @twGuf tqifoif  h jzpfoGm;Ed kifygw,f? oif  hawmfwJ  h vrf;n$efr_awGud k &,lEd  d kifvk  d  @ rdrd&J  h todOm%f tqif  htwef;ud k jrSif  hwifEd kifolawG[mvnf; trsm;tjym;ygyJ?Ak'<0g'DawG[m wjcm;yk*~KdvfawGESif  h w&if;wES  D; +idrf;+idrf;csrf;csrf; "rRa&;&mawGud k ol @tjrif ud k,f @tjrif nS  dE_  dif;ES  D;aESmavh&S  d=uwm[mtJ'DtwGufa=umif  hygyJ? Ak'<u r[mu&k%mawmfESif  h ,SOf+yD; owW0g a0ae,sawGud k oGefoifay;awmfrlcJ  hwmyg? (jrwfAk'<usif  hxk  H; ESvk  H;rl=uwJ  h) Ak'<

0g'DawGuvnf; u&k%mw&m;ESif  hyJ "rRud k vufqif  hurf; jzef @csdvm=uwm jzpfygw,f?

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86 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

ar;? ? 'gqd k u&k%myGm;rsm;yH k ta=umif;qD a&mufyg+yD?Ak'<a'oemawmf tvd kus u&k%mw&m;qd kwmuaumb,fvdkygvJ?

ajz? ? vl@p&d kuf&J @ todOm%fyd kif; qd kif&mrSm ynmjyÏmef;ovd kyJcHpm;r_yd kif; qd kif&mrSmawmh u&k%mu jyÏmef;ygw,f?

u&k%m[m ynmvd kyJ vd kvm;tyfwJ  h vl@t&nftaoG; wpf&yfjzpfygw,f? u&k%m (Compassion) qd kwJ  h a0g[m&ud k Co + Passion qd kwJ  ha0g[m& ESpfvH k;ESif  h aygif;pyfxm;wmyg? Co - twlwuG + Passion -jyif;jywJ  h cHpm;r_vd k  @ t"dyg,f&+yD; Compassion - olwpfyg; 'kuQud k rdrd'kuQESif  hrjcm; wpfoabmwnf;xm; cHpm;jcif; ]u&k%m1 jzpfvmygw,f? wpfpH kwpfa,muf 'kuQa&mufaewmud k awG@&wJ  htcg ol @ae&mrSmud k,fomqd k&if b,favmufcHpm;&rSmvJqd kwJ  h ud k,fcsif;pmpdwfESif  htJ'Da0'emud k ajzazsmufay;zkd  @ 'grSr[kwf avsmhyg;oGm;apzd k  @ tm;xkwf

w,fqd k&if 'g[m u&k%mygyJ? 'Dawmh Ak'<bk&m;&SifrSm&S  dwJ    h t&nftaoG;awGvd kyJ rdrd. tusKd;ud  k r#a0ay;r_/ wpfyg;olawGudk tm;ay;ESpfodrf  hr_/ ud k,fcsif;pmr_/ a=umif  h=upd kuf+yD; apmif  ha&Smufwwfr_pwJ  haumif;jrwfwJ  h vl @t&nf taoG;awG[m u&k%mapwoduf&J  @ t*F g&yfawGyJjzpf=uygw,f?

u&k%mw&m; vufud kifxm;ol wpfOD;taeESif  h wjcm;olawGud kta&;w,lðy+yD; cspfcifwm[m ol @ud k,fol tav;xm;+yD; cspfcifwwfwmuae pwifw,fvd  k@ rSwf,lEd kifygw,f? ud k,f  h[mud k,f wu,fem;vnf oabmaygufcJ  hvd k @&S  d&if wpfjcm;olawGud kvnf; wu,fpmemem;vnfed kifrSmyg? rdrdtwGuf b,ft&m[m taumif;qH k;jzpfovJ

qd kwmud k od&S  dcJ  hvd k @&S  d&if wpfjcm;olawGtwGufvnf; bmtaumif;qH k;

1? y&'kauQ orawW om"leH reH twWem0d, ud&d,wDwd u&k%m(] olawmfaumif;wd k @. ESvk  H;om;Y olwyg;'kuQud k ud k,f  h'kuQESif  hrjcm;cHpm;apwwfonf  htwGufa=umif  h u&k%m[kac:onf?)

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 87

jzpfr,f qd kwmud k od&S  dEd kifrSm jzpfygw,f? ud k,f  htwGuf cHpm;ovd kyJolrsm; twGufvnf; pmemcHpm;Ed kifygw,f? 'ga=umif  h Ak'<0g't& wpfpH kwpfa,muf&J  @ pdwfyd kif;qd kif&m wd k;wufaumif;rGefa&;[m wpfjcm;olawG

&J  @ omr_emr_ud k &_iJ  hwwfr_ESif  h qufpyfjzpfay:wwfwmrsKd; jzpfw,fvd k @qd kygw,f? Ak'<&J@tckb0jzpfpOf(Ak'<0if)ud k =unf  h&ifyJ 'Dtcsuf[may:vGifvSygw,f? Ak'<[m ol @ud k,fusKd; (Ak'<wp&d,) twGuf ajcmufESpf=um=um óu;pm;usif  haqmifawmfrlcJ  h+yD;/ bk&m;tjzpf a&mufawmfrl+yD;wJ  haemuf b0wpfav#mufvHk;umvrSmawmh vlom;avmuwpfckvH k;&J @tusKd;oufouftwGufyJ pGrf;aqmifay;awmfrlcJ  hwmjzpfygw,f?

ar;? ? udk,f  htusKd; vkyfaqmifvd k @+yD;awmhrSyJ olrsm; tusKd;ud ktaumif;qH k; jzpfatmif aqmif&Gufay;Ed kifr,f qd kcJ  h&if'g[m wpfud k,faumif;qef&m ra&mufaybl;vm;?

ajz? ? trsm;tusKd;aqmifr_ qd kwmESif  h wpfud k,faumif;qefr_qd kwmud k wpfckESif  hwpfck[m qef @usifbuf jzpfw,fvd k @

csnf; &_jrifwwf=uygw,f? 'DudpPrSm Ak'<0g'uawmh rdrd&,f/ olwpfyg;&,fqd k+yD; wuG  Jwjym;pDtaeESif    h &_jrifraebJ wpfom;wnf; (wajy;tnD) tjzpf oabmxm;ygw,f? olwyg;ud k rdrdESif  hxyfwl wpfwef;wnf; wpfoabmwnf;xm;Ed kifvk  d @&S  d&if ud k,f  husKd; ud k,f  hpD;yGm;ud k wu,fwrf; aqmif&Gufw,fqd kwm[m wpfjcm;olawG&J  @ tusKd;pD;yGm;ud kaqmif&Guf&mvnf; a&mufwmygyJ? 'gurS u&k%mppf u&k%mrSef jzpf+yD; Ak'<a'oemawmfqd kwJ    h rud kÉfo&zlay:rSm u&k%mw&m;[m tvSyqH k;aom ausmufrsuf wpfyGif  hyJ jzpfygw,f?

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ar;? ? Ak'<bmom0ifwpfOD;[m oufowfvGwf pm;oif  hw,fr[kwfygvm;?

ajz? ? oufowfvGwfqd kwm rvd ktyfvSygbl;? Ak'<udk,fawmfwd kifu oufowfvGwfok  H;cJ  hwm r[kwfovd k ol @wynf  hom;awG

ud kvnf; oufowfvGwform;awG jzpf=uzd k  @ a[mnefawmfrrlcJ  hygbl;?tcktcgrSm Ak'<bmom0ifaumif;yDowJ  h oufowfrvGwfolawG renf;vSygbl;?

ar;? ? tom;ig;pm;w,f qd k&if owW0gwpfOD; aoqH k;&r_twGufpm;oH k;olrSm oG,f0dkufaomtm;jzif  h wm0ef&S  d&ma&mufygw,f? 'g[m yg%mwdygwqd kwJ  h yxroduQmyk'fud kcsKd;azmuf &maum rusaybl;vm;?

ajz? ? [kwfygw,f? tom;ig;pm;oH k;ol[m tJ'Dom;aumif aoqk  H;&r_twGuf oG,f0dkufaomenf;ESif  h wpfpdwfwpfyd kif;tm;

jzif  h wm0efruif;ygbl;? 'gayr J  h oufowfvGwfpm;&ifvnf; 'Dtwd kif;ygyJ? opfoD; opf&GufawGrSm tayguftyJ  h rygbJESif  h yef;uefxJ pdrf;zyfvwfqwfpGm a&muf&S  dvmEk  difatmif pd kufysKd;olu pd kufcif;awGxJyd k;owfaq; tqdyf &nfawG zsef;ay;&w,f? wpfcg vlawG ok  H;pG  Jae

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 89

=uwJ  h cg;ywfóu;wd  k@/ vufqG  Jtdwfwd k  @ vkyfzd k  @ om;a&awG/ qyfjymtqDxkwfvkyfa&;ESif  h wjcm; axmifcsDwJ  h tvm;wl xkwfukefjyKvkyfr_awGtwGuf wd&dp>   >   > mef awGud k owfjzwf=u&w,f? wpfenf;r[kwf

wpfenf; - wjcm;owW0g wpfOD;OD; aoa=u&r_ESif  h oG,f0d kufaomtm;jzif  h rqufpyfyJESif  hawmh touf&Sif &yfwnfzd k @qd kwm[m jzpfud krjzpfEk  difwJ  h udpPygyJ? 'g[m 'kuQopPm&J  @ o&kyfouef wpfckr#om jzpfygw,f? (avmurS rxGuf ajrmufEd kifao;or#) avmuDb0jzpfpOf[mokcrzuf 'kuQoufoufr#om jzpfygw,f? ig;yg;oDv yxroduQmyk'fud k aqmufwnf&mrSm owW0gawG aoqk  H;&r_twGuf ud k,f  htaeESif  hwd kuf&d kufwm0ef  fr&S  d&avatmif óu;pm;apmif  hxdef;zd k@yJ vd ktyfygw,f?

ar;? ? r[m,me Ak'<bmomawGuawmh tom;rpm;=uygbl;?ajz? ? 'g rrSefuefygbl;? w&kwf r[m,me Ak'<bmomawGu

oufowfvGwfpm;wmud ktxl;tav;xm;=uayrJ  h *syefESif  hwdAuf r[m,meawGuawmh bkef;=uD;a&m wum/ wumrawGygtom; pm;=uygw,f?

ar;? ? 'gayrJh Ak'<bmom0if wpfOD;qd k&ifawmh (bmyJjzpfjzpf)oufowfvGwf pm;oif  hw,fvd k @ ,lqrdygw,f?

ajz? ? yk*~Kdvf ESpfOD;&d  Sw,fqd kygawmh? wpfOD;u wu,f  h wdwdususoufowfvGwform;? 'gayrJ  h ol[m wpfud k,faumif;qef

w,f/ av;pm;p&mqd kvd k  @ bmrSvnf;r&S  dbl;/ aumufuspf,kwfrmw,f/aemuf wpfOD;u oufowfvGwform;awmh r[kwfbl;? 'gayrJ  h olu

wjcm;olawGud k nSmwmwwfw,f/ av;pm;zd k @vnf; aumif;w,f/ r#r#ww&S  d+yD; =uifemwwfw,f? uJ - 'Dvd komqd k&ifaum olwd k @ESpfOD;teuf b,folu yd k+yD;awmh Ak'<bmom0ifaumif; wpfOD;jzpfrSmygvJ?

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90 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

tar;yk*~Kdvf? ? ('Dvd komqd k&ifawmh) av;pm;avmufwJ  h*k%f&S  dol/oem;nSmwmwwf  folu yd kjyD;awmh Ak'<bmom0ifaumif; yDowmaygh?

tajzyk*~Kdvf? ? bma=umif  hygvdrf  h?

tar;yk*~Kdvf? ? 'Dvk  dyk*~KdvfrsKd;u pdwf"gwfa&;&m t& jrif  hrm;w,fqd kwmodomwJ  h twGufa=umif  hrd k @aygh?

tajzyk*~Kdvf? ? rSefygw,f? tom;rpm;wJ  h yk*~Kdvf[m pdwfxm;,kwfnH @ol jzpfEd kifao;ovd k/ tom;pm;ayrJ  h

pdwfxm;jzLpifjrif  hjrwfolvnf; jzpfEk  difygao;w,f? Ak'<a'oemawmft& ESvk  H;&nf oef @pifjrif  hrm;a&;uom t"dujzpf+yD;awmh/bmpm;w,f/ bmrpm;bl;qd kwJ  htcsufu ta&;rygvSygbl;? tom;vk  H;0rpm;a&;ud k tav;xm;=uoavmuf wpfud k,faumif;qefwm/

av;pm;avmufwJ  h *k%f&,fvdk  @ r&d  Satmifuk  d ,kwfnh    Hwm/ &ufpufwwfwm/ remvd k0efwd k usOf;ajrmif;wmawGusawmh tm&k  Hrpd kuf=uwJ  hAk'<bmom0ifawGvnf; trsm;tjym;ygyJ? wk  d;wufaumif;rGefvmatmif vkyfzk    d@&m rvG,fulvSwJ    h ESvk  H;om;awGud k vspfvsL&_xm;=u+yD;awmh bmrScufcufcJcJ r&S  dvSwJ  h tpm;taomufav;ud kyJ &r,f&Smae=uwmomjzpfygw,f? 'ga=umif  h tom;pm;ok  H;olyJjzpfjzpf/ tom;a&Smif=uOfolyJjzpfjzpf Ak'<0g't&qk  d&ifawmh pdwfxm;jrif  hjrwfa&;uomt"du ta&;t}uD;qk  H;vd k @ rSwf,loif  hygw,f?

uHESif  h=urRm

ar;? ? arSmftwwfwd k @/ aA'if/ ,=wmwd k @ESif  h ywfoufvd k@uaumAk'<u b,fvd krdef @=um;awmfrlcJ  hygovJ?

ajz? ? Ak'<u a&S;jzpf twyfa[mjcif;/ tumtuG,f vufzJ  G@aqmifjcif;/ ajr=uH (taqmufttk  HtwGuf ae&ma&G;ay;)

jcif;/ edrdwfzwfjcif;/ r*Fvm&S  dwJh tcsdeftcga&G;ay;jcif;pwmawG[m t,lonf;r_ oufoufr#om jzpfw,fvd k  @ owfrSwfawmf  frlygw,f? ol @&J @wynf  @ om0uawGud kvnf; 'D  Dvd kudpPrsKd;awGud k tavhtvmrðy=uzdk @twdtvif;yJ wm;jrpfawmfrlcJ    hygw,f? Ak'<u 'gawGud k twwfi,f(Low Arts) awGtjzpf a[mawmfrlcJ  hygw,f?

“TavmuY Trnfaom twwfi,frsKd; (atmufvrf  f;)wd k @ud k aqmif&Gufjcif;jzif  h toufarG;r_ðy=uwJ  h or%jAm[R%awGvnf; &S  d=uw,f? rSm;,Gif;wJ  h toufarG;r_awGjzpfwJ  h tJ'Dtwwfi,fqdkwmawGuawmh vuQ%m ta&;ta=umif;ud k =unf  h+yD; uHtqd k;taumif;ud k a[mjcif;/ edrdwfaumufjcif;/ tdyfrufzwfjcif;/ uHedrfholtm; uHaumif;atmifðyjyif (,=wmacs) ay;jcif;/ uHapmif  h ewforD;qDrSm qkawmif;ay;jcif;/ vmbfcHwh  J ajruGufa&G;ay;jcif; pwmawGygyJ?

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92 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

&[ef;a*gwruawmh 'Dvd krsKd; twwfi,fawGESif  h rSm;,Gif;pGmtoufarG;jcif;awGud k a&Smif=uOfawmfrlw,f?”1

ar;? ? Ak'<u 'Davmuf wdwdusus a[mxm;ygvsufESif  h vlawGu'gawGud k bmha=umif  h vd kufpm; ,k  H=unfae=uwmygvdrf  h?

ajz? ? 'DvlawG&J @ avmb}uD;r_/ a=umuftm;}uD;r_/ rodawGa0r_wk  d @a=umif  hygyJ? Ak'<w&m;awmfawGud k em;vnfoabmayguf

vmwmESif  h wpfòydifeufwnf; puULp/ owWKpuav;awG/ *gxmrEœ eftwd ktpuav;awGud k ,kH=unftm;xm;&wmESif  hpm&if rdrd&J  @ jzLpifwJ  hESvk  H;om;u ydkjyD;awmhawmif tumtuG,f ay;Ed kifao;w,fqd kwmvdyfywfvnfoGm;=urSmyg? 'Dvd koabmaygufoGm;olawG[m tJ'D *gxm/rEœ ef/ ,=wmpwmawGud  k tm;rud k;=uawmhygbl;? Ak'<a'oemawmfawGt&awmh/ ud k,fusif  hoDv&S  dwm/ oem;nSmwmwwfwm/ wwfod em;

vnfwm/ onf;cHwwfwm/ cGif  hv$wfwwfwm/ &ufa&mwwfwm/opPmapmif  hodwmpwJ  h wjcm;aumif;jrwfwJ  h *k%f&nfawG &S  dwmuyJvluk  d trSefwu,f tumtuG,fay;+yD;awmh wu,f  h tvm;tvmaumif;awGud k zefwD  f;ay;Ed  d kifpGrf;&S  dw,fvd k @qd kygw,f?

ar;? ? taqmifvufzG  J@awG[m wu,f pGrf;w,f/ rpGrf;bl;qd kwmodyg&ap?

ajz? ? taqmifvufzG  J@awG a&mif;cs+yD; toufarG;aewJ  h yk*~KdvfwpfOD;ESif  h todtu|rf; jzpfzl;ygw,f? olu ol @vufzG  J @awG

[m uHaumif;atmif/ tvm;tvmawG aumif;atmif pGrf;aqmifay;

Ed kifw,fvd k  @ qdkygw,f? +yD;awmh rif;[m eHygwfoH k;ckud k a&G;,lzd k  @ pGrf;aqmifEd kifvdrf  hr,fvd k @vnf; tmrcHygw,f? 'gayrJ  h pOf;pm;p&maumif;wmu olajymwJ  htwd kif;om trSefwu,f jzpfcJ  hvd k @&S  d&if ol ud k,fwd kif

1? 'DCedum,/ y- wG  J 9-12

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 93

usawmh bma=umif  h oef;ºu,folaÏ;wpfOD; jzpfrvm&wmvJ? ol @&J @vmbfac:vufzG  J@awGom wu,f tvkyfvkyfw,f/ pGrf;w,fqd k&ifol @taeESif  h bma=umif  h xDt}udrf}udrf rayguf&wmvJ? ol uHaumif;

wmqd kvd k  @ ol @arSmfvufzG  J@awGud k rd kufrJpGm 0,f,ltm;ay;ae=uwJ  hazmufonfawG &S  daeao;wm wpfckavmufyJ &S  dygw,f?

ar;? ? uJ-'gqd k&if/ uHa=umifh jzpfwm/ uHaumif;wm qd k+yD;ajymvd k @&Ed kifwJ  h t&mrsm; aum&S  dygao;ovm;?

ajz? ? uHaumif;jcif; (Luck) qd kwJ  h a0g[m&ud k “yk*~  dKvf wpfOD;wpfa,muftwGuf taumif;tqd k; bmyJjzpfjzpf jzpfor#

ta=umif;w&m;uawmh uHyJ/ 'g[m uHtvSnf  htajymif;a=umif  hjzpf&wm/ =urRmudk,fu n_d;vd k  @/ vef;vd k  @ jzpf&wmvd k@csnf;yJ worwfwnf; ,lqwJ  h,Hk=unfr_” vd k @ tbd"mefu zGif  hqd kygw,f?

Ak'<uawmh 'Dvd k uH,H k 0g'rsKd;ud k tjywftowf y,fcsawmfrlcJ  hw,f? t&m&mwd kif;rSm tJ'Dt&m jzpfysufzdk @&eftwGuf wduswJ  hta=umif;w&m;wpfck 'grSr[kwf ta=umif;w&m;awG trsm;tjym;&S  d+yD;awmh tJ'Dta=umif;w&m;ESif  h tusKd;w&m;[m qufpyfaewmyJ(ta=umif;uif;+yD; jzpfw,fqd kwmud k r&S  dbl;) vd k  @ rdef @awmfrlcJ  hygw,f?Oyrm ajym&&if - aexd kif raumif;/ rtDrom jzpfvmw,fqd k&if tJ'Dvd k jzpf&atmif vH kavmufwJ  h ta=umif;w&m;&S  dw,f? vl @cE<mud k,fESif  ha&m*gyd k;awG xdawG @r_&S  d&r,f/ a&m*gyd k;awG 0ifa&muf+yD; ajcukyf,lEd kifavmufatmif cE<mud k,f tm;enf;aewmjzpf&r,f? (tJ'DtajctaerSmaexk  difraumif;bl;qd kwmjzpfvmwmygyJ)? tJ'DjzpfpOfrSm a&m*gyd k;awG0if

a&mufvmr_/ cE<mud k,f tm;enf;aer_qd kwJ  h ta=umif;w&m;ESif  h aexd kifraumif;jzpfr_qdkwJ  h tusKd;w&m;wd k @t=um;rSm wduswJh qufpyfr_&S  daeygw,f? bma=umifhvJqd kawmh a&m*gyd k;awG[m cE<mud k,fxJ0ifa&mufvm+yD;aemuf rlvuwnf;u cE<mud k,fxJrSm &S  daewJ  h a&m*g

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94 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

+yD;pHepf t%kZD0&kyf (Cell) awGud k wd kufcd kufw,f/ 'Dwd kufyG  Ja=umif  h aexd kifraumif;jcif;qd kwm jzpfvm&jcif; jzpfw,fvd k @ odxm;vd k @ygyJ?

'gayrJ  h/ pma=umif; ao;ao;av;awG a&;xm;wJ  h puULp

av;awGud k 0wfqifwm (aqmifwm) ESif  hyJ csrf;omvmw,f/ pmar;yG  Jatmifw,fqd kwJ  h jzpfpOfESpfck t=um;rSmawmh b,fqufpyfr_ud krS &SmrawG @Ed kifbl;? Ak'<0g'&J  @ tqd kuawmh - ta=umif;w&m;wpfcku 'grSr[kwf ta=umif;w&m; trsm;tjym;u tusKd;w&m;wpfckud k jzpfay: apwmyJ jzpfw,f? uH&,f/ tcGif  htvrf;&,f qd kwmawGa=umif  hjzpfvmwm r[kwfbl;? uHaumif;w,f qd kwmud  k pdwfyg0ifpm;olawGuaiGawG/ pnf;pdrfOpPmawG wpfyHkwpfacgif;}uD; &,lEd kifa&; twGufcsnf;tpOfojzif  h vH k;yrf;ae=uw,f? Ak'<uawmh ESvk  H;om;ESif  h pdwf"gwfwd k;wufzd  k@uom yd kta&;}uD;a=umif; rdef@¹rufawmfrlcJhygw,f? Ak'<rdef @¹rufawmfrlwmu -

“E_wfr_ vufr_wd k @Y av;eufpGmoif,lI aumif;pGm u|rf;usifwwf  fajrmufjcif;/ aumif;pGmusif  f  haqmifjcif;/ aumif;rGefpGmajymqd k qufqHjcif;wd k @onf taumif;qk  H;aom }uD;yGm;a=umif; r*Fvmjzpfay.?”

“trdtbwd k  @tm; jyKpkvkyfau|;jcif;/ om;r,m;wd k @tm;csD;ajrSmufaxmufyH  hjcif;/ tjypfrJ  haom toufarG;jcif;wd k @onfvnf; }uD;yGm;a=umif; r*Fvmrnfay.?”

“ay;urf;csD;jrSif  hjcif;/ w&m;ojzif  husif  haqmifjcif;/ aqGrsKd;Omwdwd k  @tm; ulnDapmif  ha&Smufjcif;/ tjypfuif;rJ  haom tðytrlwd k@ud kom vkyfaqmifavh&d  Sjcif;wd k @onfvnf; }uD;yGm;a=umif; r*Fvmrnfay.?”

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 95

“raumif;r_wd k @rS uif;a0;atmif a&Smif=unfjcif;/ t&ufaopm aomufpm;r_wd k @Y tavhtx rjyKjcif;/ w&m;oabmwd k @Y rarhravsmhjcif;wd k@onfvnf; aumif;jrwfaom }uD;yGm;

a=umif; r*Fvmrnfay.?”

“olwxl;wd k  @Y &d kaoav;pm;or_jyKjcif;/ ud k,f  hud kudk,f ESdrh  fcspGm jyKrlwwfjcif;/ a&mif  h&JvG,fjcif;/ ol @aus;Zl;ud k odwwfjcif;/ tcgtm;avsmfpGm w&m;em,lavh&S  djcif;wd k @onf aumif;jrwfaom }uD;yGm;a=umif; r*Fvmwd k @aywnf;?1”

1? okwWedygw/ 216 - 265

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ar;? ? tck aqG;aEG;cJ  hwJ  h ta=umif;t&mawGtm;vk  H; pdwfyg 0ifpm;p&mawGcsnf;ygyJ? Ak'<bmom0ifaumif; wpfOD; b,fvd k

vkyf+yD; jzpfvmEk  difw,fqd kwmvnf; &Sif;vif;prf;ygOD;?ajz? ? Ak'<vufxufawmfwkef;u Oygvdqd kwJ  h yk*~KdvfwpfOD;&S  dcJ  hw,f?

(wpfae@rSm) bmomjcm;wpfOD;jzpfwJ  h tJ'Dyk*~Kdvf[m Ak'<ESif  h0g'csif; ,SOf+ydKiftEk  dif,l+yD; Ak'<tm; oluk  d;uG,fwJ  h bmom1ok  d  @ pnf;&k  H;oGwfoGif;&atmifqd k+yD; Ak'<txHawmfok  d  @ a&muf&S  dvmcJ  hygw,f? 'gayrJ  htJ'Dvd kaqG;aEG;+yD;wJ  haemufrSmawmh Ak'<tay: odyf=unfnd kav;pm;oGm;wma=umif  h csufcsif;yJ ol[m Ak'<om0u wpfOD;tjzpfcH,lzd k  @ qk  H;jzwfvd kufygw,f? Ak'<u -

“oif  hawmfwJ  h pk  Hprf;avhvmr_ud k ðyygOD;/ oif  hvk  dxif&Sm;wJ  h

yk*~KdvfwpfOD;tzdk  @ pl;prf;qifjcif+yD;rS qk  H;jzwfvkyfudkifoif  hw,f” vdk @rdef @ awmfrlvd kufw,f?

2? *sdef;bmom

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 97

“t&Sifa*gwr/ oif  havsmfwJ  h pl;prf;qifjcifr_udk jyKygOD;vd k@rdef@awmfrlwJ  h twGufa=umif  hvnf; tu|Ef kyf taeESif  h tvGef @tvGefrSyJ xyfavmif;I ESpfaxmif;tm;& jzpf&ygao;w,f?

wjcm;wjcm;aom bmom *k  d%f;q&m}uD;awGuawmhtu|Ef kyfvdkvlud kom wynfhtjzpf odrf;oGif;Ed kifr,fqd k&ifOygvd[m ighwd k @&J  @wynf@ jzpfvm+yD qd k+yD; wpf+rdK@vk  H;tES  H @aºu;a=umf=urSm rvG  JygyJ? 'gayrJ  h 'Dae&mrSmawmh t&Sifa*gwru oif  havsmfwJ  h pH kprf;qifjcifr_ud  k ðyOD;avmh/ oif  hvd kxif&Sm;oltzd k  @ pl;prf;qifjcifr_ðy+yD;awmhrS vkyfjcif;[maumif;w,fvd k  @ qd kazmf &ao;w,f2” vd k  @ Oygvdu av#mufxm;ygw,f?

Ak'<0g'rSm em;vnfr_ynm[m ta&;tygqH k;aom t&mygyJ?

'Dvd kem;vnfr_&atmif tcsdef apmif  hwefapmif  h&w,f? 'ga=umif  h pdwfapm+yD;awmh Ak'<bmomxJ r0ifvd kufygESif  hOD;? tcsdef,l+yD;awmh ar;cGef;awGxkwf/ tajz&Sm/ tjyefjyef tvSefvSef oHk;oyf+yD;awmhrS qH k;jzwfcsufcsyg?Ak'<uawmh wynf  haemufvd kuf rsm;wmavmufud k vk  dvm;awmfrrlygbl;?ola[mwJ  h w&m;a'oemawmfawG tay:rSm wu,f vufawG @ususav;av;eufeuf qifjcifor_ðy+yD;wJ  haemufrS em;vnf oabmaygufvd k@vk  dufemusif  haqmifwJ  h olrsKd;awGud kom vd kvm;awmfrlwm jzpfyg w,f?

ar;? ? 'Dvd krsKd; av;av;eufeuf pH kprf;qifjcif+yD;wJ  haemufAk'<w&m;awmf awGud k vufcHEd kifwm awG @&S  d&vk  d @ Ak'<

bmom0ifwpfOD; tjzpf cH,lvd kw,f qdk&ifaumb,fvdk vkyf&yghrvJ?

1? OygvdokwW----379

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98 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

ajz? ? 'gqd k&if - Ak'<bmom bkef;}uD;ausmif;wpfausmif;qDod k@ 'grSr[kwf Ak'<bmom tpkta0; wpfckqDod  k@ oGm;a&muf

qufoG,fyg/ olwd k @ESif  h tjrifcsif; zvS,fyg/ Ak'<a[m w&m;awmfawGud k

xyfavmif; oif,lyg/ tJ'g taumif;qH k;ygyJ? tm;vH k; tqifoif  hjzpf+yDqd kawmhrS o&%*k  HoH k;yg; aqmufwnfvd kufwmESifh yDjyifwJ  h  h Ak'<bmom0ifaumif; wpfOD; jzpfoGm;awmhwmygyJ?

ar;? ? o&%*k  H oH k;yg; qd kwmuaum bmawGygvJ?ajz? ? o&%*k  H (]ud k;uG,ftm;xm;p&m) qd kwmu vlawG pdwf

"mwfn_  d;i,f+yD; olwkd @vk  HðcHpdwfcs&r_&S  dzd k @ vd ktyfwJ  h tcgrsKd;rSmcsOf;uyfavh&S  d=uwJ  h t&mygyJ? 'Dtm;xm;p&m o&%*k  HawGqd kwmuawmh yH kpHtm;jzifh trsKd;pH kygyJ? vlawGqd kwm &$if&$ifysys r&S  dwJ  h tcgrsKd;rSmolwd k @&J  @ rdwfaqG taygif;toif;awGqDud k csOf;uyf=uw,f? pd k;&drfpdwf

wd k  @ a=umufpdwfwd k  @ r$ef;aewJ  h tcgrsKd;rSmqd k&if vG  JrSm;wJ  h ar#mfvif  hcsufawG/ ,k  H=unfr_awGqDud kawmif a&mufoGm;wwfao;wmyJ? aocgeD; usawmh xm0&aumif;uifbH kqd kwJ  h t&mrsKd;ud kawmif t,lpG  J+yD;awmhtm;ud k;oGm;Ed kifao;w,f? 'gayrJh Ak'<uawmh 'gawGtm;vH k;[m wu,f  hvufawG @usr_tay: tajccHwJ  h vH kðcHaEG;axG;r_rsKd;ud k ay;Ed kifpGrf;wJ    h t&mawG r[kwfao;a=umif; tckvd k rdef @awmfrlcJ  hygw,f?

“'gawG[m ppfrSefwJ  h/ jrif  hjrwfwJ  h tm;ud k;p&m (o&%)tppf awGr[kwf/ 'kuQtm;vH k;rS vGwfajrmufapwJ  h t&mawGvnf; r[kwf=u”?

“Ak'< "rRESif  h oHCmqd kwJ  h ud k;uG,fp&m oH k;rsKd;ud k ,k  H=unfud k;uG,fjcif;/ qif;&Jr_ 'kuQopPm/ 'kuQawGud k jzpfapwJ  hta=umif;cH ork',opPm/ 'kuQawGuae uif;a0;wJ  h'kuQcsKyf+idrf;&m eda&m"opPm/ tJ'D eda&m"&J@ ta=umif;cH

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 99

r*~if&Spfyg;qd kwJ  h r*~opPm/ 'DopPmav;yg;ud k odjrifem;vnfoabmaygufjcif;awGuom wu,fppfrSefwJ  h ud k;uG,fp&m/tjrif  hjrwfqH k;jzpfwJ  h tm;xm;p&m/ 'kuQqif;&JawG tm;vH k;

uae vGwfajrmufapwJ  h rS  Dcd kp&mtppf}uD; jzpfw,fvd k  @ a[mawmfrlcJ  hygw,f1?”

Ak'<ud k ud k;uG,fwm[m Ak'<ud k,fawmfwd kif odjrifawmf rlcJ  hwJ  hopPmOm%fawmfESif    h tzufzufu +yD;jynf  hpH kwJ  hvlom;&J  @ tjzpfud k Ak'<a&muf&S  dawmf  frlcJ  hovd k rdrduk  d,fwd kifvnf; &,lEd kifw,fqk  dwJ  h ,k  H=unfr_ud k jzpfapygw,f?

"rRud k ,H k=unfudk;uG,fwm[m r*~if&Spfyg; vrf;pOfay:rSm rdrdb0ud k wnfaqmufa&;/ opPmav;yg;ud k odjrifem;vnfa&;twGufyJjzpfygw,f?

oHCmud k ,H k=unfud k;uG,fwm[m r*~if&Spfyg; vrf;pOfud kvufawG  @ usif  haqmifawmf rlae=uwJ  h oHCmawmfawGtm;vH k;&J  @ txHrSyH  hyd k;/ aphaqmfay;r_ESif  h OD;aqmifvrf;nefr_ud k cH,lwmyJjzpfygw,f? 'Dvd ko&%*k  H oH k;yg;ud k cH,laqmufwnfvd kufwmESif  h Ak'<bmom aumif;wpfOD; jzpfvm+yD;awmh edAŠmefod k  @ a&S;&_wJ  h r*~ifvrf;ay:rSm yxrqH k;aomajcvSrf;wpfvSrf;ud k vSrf;csvd kufol jzpfoGm;ygw,f?

ar;? ? oifhb0rSmaum o&%*k  H oH k;yg;ud k pwifaqmufwnf+yD;uwnf;u b,fvd k tajymif;tvJawGrsm;&S  dygao;ovJ?

ajz? ? vGefcJ  hwJ  h 2500 ausmf twGif;rSm ra&wGufEd kifavmufatmif rsm;jym;wJ  h olawmfpifAk'<bmom0ifawG&J @ enf;vrf;twd kif; ygyJ? rdrdtaeESif  hvnf; Ak'<w&m;awmfawG[m -

1? "rRy' 189 - 192

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100 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

- cufcJ=urf;wrf;r_awG=um;rSm todw&m; tvif;a&mifud k aqmif=uOf;ay;w,f?

- t"d y g,fuif;rJ  hvSwJ  h b0ud k t"dy` g,fawGESif  h jznf  hay;w,f?- rdrdb0ud k OD;aqmif vrf;nefzk  d @ nSmwmwwfr_/ oem;=uifemwwfr_

pwJ  h ud k,fusif  hw&m;awGud k oGefoifay;w,f?- aemifvmrnf  hb0rSm pdwfxm;jzLpifr_ESif  h +yD;jynf  hpH kr_awGud k b,fvd k

&,lEd kifw,f qd kwmudkvnf; oGefoifay;ygw,f?

tdEN  d,&J  @ a&S;acwf uAsmq&m wpfOD;u Ak'<ta=umif;atmufygtwd kif; pyfqd kcJ  hygw,f?

“Ak'<ud k ud k;uG,fqnf;uyfjcif;/

Ak'<*k%fawmfud k csD;usL; zG  J@qd kjcif;/Ak'<ud k csD;ajrSmuf ylaZmfjcif;/Ak'<"rRud k vd kufemusif  hok  H;jcif;qd  kwm -orRm'dÏda&S;oGm;&S  dwJ  h ðyrlusif  haqmifjcif;ygyJ? ”

'DzG  J @qd kcsufwpfckvH k;ud k rdrd odyfoabmusygw,f?

ar;? ? u|efawmf  hud k olud k;uG,fwJ  h bmomod k @ ul;ajymif;zk  d @tjrJwrf; óu;pm; odrf;oGif;aewJ  h oli,fcsif;wpfOD;&S  dygw,f? ol @bmomw&m;ud k rdrdu vH k;0pdwf0ifpm;vd k@

r&wJ  h ta=umif; ajymjyayrJ  h ol @taeESif  h rdrdud krcG  JEd kifbl;jzpfaejyefw,f? tJ'g b,fvd k vkyf&yghrvJ?ajz? ? oifh taeESif  h yxrqH k; em;vnfxm;&rSmu 'Dvl[m

oif  h&J @ ppfrSefwJ  h rdwfaqGaumif;wpfOD; r[kwfbl;qd kwm

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 101

ygyJ? rdwfaqGaumif; wpfOD;omqd k&if oif[m bmyJjzpfaeae t&S  dud kt&S  dtwd kif; vufcHEd kif&r,f? +yD;awmh oif  hqENud k todtrSwfðy tav;xm;rSmyJ? rdrdtjrif ajym&&ifawmh 'Dyk*~  dKvf[m oif  hud k ol@bmomxJ

odrf;oGif;pnf;&H k;Ed kifa&;twGuf rdwfaqGa,mif aqmifxm;wJ  h rdwfaqGwk oufoufyJ jzpfygvdrfhr,f? oif  htay: olwd k  @&J@ qENud k twif;jyÏmef;zd k  @ óu;pm;olawG[m b,fawmhrS oif  h&J  @ ppfrSefwJ  h rdwfaqGaumif;awG jzpfrvmEd kifbl;qd kwm rSwf,lxm;oif  hygw,f?

ar;? ? 'gayrJ  h olu rdrdtm; olud k;uG,fwJ  h bmomud kolESif  htwlwuG yg0ifudk;uG,fapcsifwmyJjzpfw,fvd k@qd kaejyefygw,f?

ajz? ? rdrduk  d;uG,fwJ  J  h bmomw&m;ud k wpfjcm;olawGud k r#a0ay;jcif;[m rGefjrwfygw,f? 'gayrJ  h/ r#a0jcif; (Sharing) ESif  h

twif;jyÏmef;jcif; (Imposing) [m rwlnDbl  l;qd kwmud k oif  hrdwfaqGoabmaygufyk  H r&ygbl;? rdrdrSm yef;oD;wpfvk  H;&S  dw,fqd kygawmh/ tJ'Dyef;oD;&J @ wpfjcrf;ud k oifhud kr#ay;w,f? oifuvnf; vufcHw,f? 'g[mr#a0r_ygyJ? 'Dvk  dr[kwfbJ oifu u|Efkyfuk  d tckvd kajymvmw,fqdkygawmh- u|efawmfawmh enf;enf;pm;xm;+yD;yg+yD/ 'gayrJ  h 'Dyef;oD;jcrf;av;ud kawmh vufcHapcsifygw,fqd k+yD; vufrcHrcsif; twif; wd kufwGef;vmw,fqd k&if 'gud k r#a0jcif;vd  k@ ajymvd k @r&awmhygbl;?

oif  hrdwfaqGvd k vlpm;awGu r#a0r_wd k @/ arwWmwd k  @/ oabmxm;}uD;r_wd k @vd k pum;vk  H;vSvSawGud k wGifwGifok  H;+yD; olwd k@&J  h r&d k;om;r_ud k zk  H;uG,fzk  d  @ óu;pm;wwf=uw,f? 'gayrJ  h b,favmufyJ tajym

aumif;aumif;/ olwd k @&J  @ trlt&mawGu tcsKd;ajyrSm r[kwfovd kqd k;wmuawmh qd k;aerSmygyJ/ wud k,faumif;qefw,fqd kwmvnf;ay:vGifaerSmygyJ?

ar;? ? 'gqd k&if ol @ud k b,fvd kvkyf  f cG  JcGm&ygrvJ?

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102 a'gufwm eaENmbmo (umvuwWm;)

ajz? ? 'gu tvG,fuav;yg? yxr - oif  hud k,foif igbmvd kcsifwmvJ qd kwm ud k,h  fpdwfud kud k,f &Sif;&Sif;uav;xm;vd kuf

prf;yg? 'kwd, - pdwfxJrSm qk  H;jzwfxm;wJ  h twd kif; wd kwdk&Sif;&Sif;yJ ol @uk  d

ajymjyvd kufyg? wwd, - 'DudpP tay: rif;b,fvd k ,k  H=unfovJqd kwJ  htar;rsKd; ('grSr[kwf) rif;[m u|EfkyfESif  htwl awG @qkHyG  Jwufa&mufvd kwJ  hqEN bmha=umihf r&S  d&wmvJqd kwJ  h ar;cGef;rsKd; ol @bufu ar;vmwwfygw,f? 'Dvk  dom ar;vmcJ  h&if tpwkef;u qk  H;jzwfxm;wJ  h twk  dif;yJ&Sif;&Sif  f;vif;vif;/ ,Of,Ofaus;aus;ESif  h cyfwnfwnfav;yJ xyfajymjyvd kufyg?

“tckvd k oif  h&J  @ zdwfac:r_ twGuf aus;Zl;awmh wifygw,f/'gayrJ  h u|Ef kyftaeESif  h oif  h&J @qENESif  htnDawmh ryg0ifEd kifbl;?”“bma=umif  hygvJ”“'guawmh u|Ek  fyfudpP oufoufyJ/ u|Efkyf rvmcsifbl;?”

“'DawG @qkHyG  JrSm vlawmfvlaumif;awG awmfawmfrsm;rsm;wufa&muf=urSm?”“,k  Hawmh,k  Hygw,f? 'gayrJ  h vd kufrvkyfEkdifygbl;? 'gygyJ?”“u|Ek  fyfu oifhud k k tav;xm;vd k @ tckvk  d ac:wmyg?”“oifu tckvk    d tav;xm;az:&vd k  @ 0rf;omygw,f? 'gayrJ  h/u|Ekfyf ryg yg&apeJ@” tu,fI oif  hbufuom &Sif;&Sif;vif;vif;/ pdwf&Snf vuf&Snf/ wnh  fwnf  hrwfrwf xyfajym+yD;yg0ifaqG;aEG;zd k  @ jiif;vd kuf&if aemufqk  H;rSmawmh ol@bufuvufav#mhoGm;rSmyg? 'Dvd kvkyf&wm[m enf;enf;awmhrsufESmylp&maumif;ygw,f? 'gayrJ  h wpfjcm;olawG tay:rSm

rdrd&J@ ,k  H=unfcsufawG/ qENawGud k twif;wk  dufwGef; jyÏmef;ay;vd k @r&aumif;bl;qd kwm vlawGodxm;zd  k@ txl;yJta&;}uD;vSygw,f?

Ak'<"rRaqG;aEG;csufrsm; 103

ar;? ? Ak'<bmom0ifawG taeESif  huaum wpfjcm;bmom0ifawGud k rdrdwk  d @&J @ Ak'<"rRud k r#a0 oif  hygovm;?

ajz? ? [kwfygw,f? r#a0oif  hwmygyJ? Ak'<bmom0if trsm;pk[m

r#a0wmESif  h twif;wd kufwGef;jyÏmef;wm rwlbl;qd kwmud kaumif;aumif;oabm ayguf=uw,fvk    d@ xifygw,f? Ak'<0g'qd kif&mta=umif;t&mawGud k vlawGu ar;=uw,fqd k&if ajymomajymyg?rar;&ifawmif ajymwef ajym&rSmygyJ? wu,fvd k @ vlawG&J @ tajymtqd ktok  H;tE_ef;awG/ tðytrlawGu aqG;aEG;csuftay: vufoif @rcHbl;qd kwm tcsufjyae&ifawmh olwk  d @qENud kyJ OD;pm;ay;yg?

aemufwpfcsuf owdcsyf&rSmu "rRa&;&mawGud k today;jzef@a0&mrSm a[majymjyor_enf;ESif  h jzef @a0wmxuf vufawG  @ usif  hok  H;r_enf;ESif  h jzef  @a0wmu yd krd k  dxda&mufw,fqd kwmygyJ? "rRta=umif;oGefoifjyo&mrSm- tpOfojzif  h "rR"dÏmefusus/ nSifnSifomom/

pdwf&Snfvuf&Snf/ tav;teuf w&d kwao&d  Sygap? "rRtvif;[mud k,f&J @tajymtqd kESif  h aqmif&Gufðyrlor#aom vkyf&yfawG&J@ a&S;ajy;taeESif  h vif;vufawmufyEk  difygap? oifa&m u|Ek  fyfyg "rRa&;&mawGud kaumif;pGm wwfod+yD;/ tjynf  @t0 usif  hokH;r,f/ wpfjcm;olawGud kvnf;apwemt&k  d;cH oufoufjzif    h jzef@a0ay;r,fqd k&if tm;vk  H;twGuftuskKd;xl; teEœ ud k rvG  Jwrf;&,lEd kif=urSmyJ jzpfygw,f?

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 Preface to Revised Edition

This book was first written in 1987 in response to theincreasing interest in Buddhism amongst

Singaporeans. To my surprise and delight, it has

turned out to be very successful. The Buddha

Dhamma Mandala Society, Singapore, alone has

 printed 30,000 copies and it has been translated into

several languages including Tamil, Chinese and

 Nepali. Requests to for copies have come from as far 

away as Australia, Argentina and the Seychelle

Islands. In July this year, I visited a remote hermitagehigh in the Himalayas in Ladakh only to discover that

the abbot had not only read Good Question, GoodAnswer but greatly appreciated it. All this had

convinced me that this little book's

style and contents has filled an important need and

that revision and enlargement would enhance its

value. Hence this new edition. Those wishing to

reprint "Good Question, Good Answer" or translate it

may do so without writing for permission. However,

we would appreciate it if you send us two copies and

let us know how many copies have been printed.

Ven. S. Dhammika

Singapore 1991


What is Buddhism?-ooOoo-

QUESTION: What is Buddhism?

ANSWER: The name Buddhism comes from the word 'budhi'

which means 'to wake up' and thus Buddhism is the philosophyof awakening. This philosophy has its origins in the experience

of the man Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha, who was

himself awakened at the age of 35. Buddhism is now 2,500 yearsold and has about 300 million followers worldwide. Until a

hundred years ago Buddhism was mainly an Asian philosophy

 but increasingly it is gaining adherents in Europe, Australia andAmerica.

QUESTION: So Buddhism is just a philosophy?

ANSWER: The word philosophy comes from two words 'philo'

which means 'love' and 'sophia' which means 'wisdom'. So

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  philosophy is the love of wisdom or love and wisdom, both

meanings describe Buddhism perfectly. Buddhism teaches that

2 What is Buddhism?

we should try to develop our intellectual capacity to the fullest so

that we can understand clearly. It also teaches us to develop love

and kindness so that we can be like a true friend to all beings. SoBuddhism is a philosophy but not just a philosophy. It is the

supreme philosophy.

QUESTION: Who was the Buddha?

ANSWER: In the year 563 B.C. a baby was born into a royal

family in northern India. He grew up in wealth and luxury but

eventually found that worldly comforts and security do notguarantee happiness. He was deeply moved by the suffering hesaw all around and resolved to find the key to human happiness.

When he was 29 he left his wife and child and set off to sit at the

feet of the great religious teachers of the day to learn from them.

They taught him much but none really knew the cause of humansuffering and how it could be overcome. Eventually, after sixyears study and meditation he had an experience in which all

ignorance fell away and he suddenly understood.

From that day onwards, he was called the Buddha, the AwakenedOne. He lived for another 45 years in which time he travelled all

over the northern India teaching others what he had discovered.His compassion and patience were legendary and he had

thousands of followers. In his eightieth year, old and sick, but

still happy and at peace, he finally died.

QUESTION: Wasn't it irresponsible for the Buddha to walk 

out on his wife and child?ANSWER: It couldn't have been an easy thing for the Buddha

to leave his family. He must have worried and hesitated for a

long time before he finally left. But he had a choice, dedicating

himself to his family or dedicating himself to the whole world. In

the end, his great compassion made him give himself to the

whole world. And the whole world still benefits from his

What is Buddhism? 3

sacrifice. This was not irresponsible. It was perhaps the most

significant sacrifice ever made.

QUESTION: The Buddha is dead so how can he help us?

ANSWER: Faraday, who discovered electricity, is dead, but

what he discovered still helps us. Luis Pasteur who discoveredthe cures for so many diseases is dead, but his medical

discoveries still save lives. Leonardo da Vinci who created

masterpieces of art is dead, but what he created can still uplift

and give joy. Noble men and heroes may have been dead for centuries but when we read of their deeds and achievements, wecan still be inspired to act as they did. Yes, the Buddha is dead

 but 2500 years later his teachings still help people, his example

still inspires people, his words still change lives. Only a Buddha

could have such power centuries after his death.

QUESTION: Was the Buddha a god?

ANSWER: No, he was not. He did not claim that he was a god,

the child of a god or even the messenger from a god. He was aman who perfected himself and taught that if we follow his

example, we could perfect ourselves also.

QUESTION: If the Buddha is not a god, then why do people

worship him?

ANSWER: There are different types of worship. When someone

worships a god, they praise him or her, making offerings and ask 

for favours, believing that the god will hear their praise, receive

their offerings and answer their prayers. Buddhists do notindulge in this kind of worship. The other kind of worship is

when we show respect to someone or something we admire.

When a teacher walks into a room we stand up, when we meet a

dignitary we shake hands,when the national anthem is played wesalute. These are all gestures of respect and worship and indicate

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our admiration for persons and things. This is the type of worship

Buddhist practise. A statue of the Buddha with its hands restedgently in its lap and its compassionate smile reminds us to strive

4 What is Buddhism

to develop peace and love within ourselves. The perfume of 

incense reminds us of the pervading influence of virtue, the lampreminds us of light of knowledge and the flowers which soon

fade and die, reminds us of impermanence. When we bow, weexpress our gratitude to the Buddha for what his teachings have

given us. This is the nature of Buddhist worship.

QUESTION: But I have heard people say that Buddhists

worship idols.

ANSWER: Such statements only reflect the misunderstandingof the persons who make them. The dictionary defines an idol as"an image or statue worshipped as a god". As we have seen,

Buddhist do not believe that the Buddha was a god, so how could

they possibly believe that a piece of wood or metal is a god? All

religions use symbols to express various concepts. In Taoism, theying-yang is used to symbolise the harmony between opposites.In Sikhism, the sword is used to symbolise spiritual struggle. In

Christianity, the fish is used to symbolise his sacrifice. And in

Buddhism, the statue of the Buddha also reminds us of thehuman dimension in Buddhist teaching, the fact that Buddhism is

man-centred, not god-centred, that we must look within notwithout to find perfection and understanding. So to say that

Buddhist worship idols is not correct.

QUESTION: Why do people burn paper money and do all

kinds of strange things in Buddhist temples?

ANSWER: Many things seem strange to us when we don't

understand them. Rather than dismiss such things as strange, weshould strive to find their meaning. However, it is true that

Buddhist practice sometimes has its origin in popular superstition

and misunderstanding rather than the teaching of the Buddha.

And such misunderstandings are not found in Buddhism alone, but arise in all religions from time to time. The Buddha taught

with clarity and in detail and if some fail to understand fully, the

Buddha cannot be blamed.There is a saying:

What is Buddhism? 5

  If a man suffering from a disease does not seek treatment even when there is a physician at hand, it isnot the fault of the physician. In the same way, if a man

is oppressed and tormented by the disease of 

defilements but does not seek the help of the Buddha,that is not the Buddha's fault. -- JN 28-9

 Nor should Buddhism or any religion be judged by those whodon't practise it properly. If you wish to know the true teachings

of Buddhism, read the Buddha's words or speak to those who

understand them properly.

QUESTION: If Buddhism is so good why are some Buddhist

countries poor?

ANSWER: If by poor you mean economically poor, then it is

true that some Buddhist countries are poor. But if by poor youmean a poor quality of life, then perhaps some Buddhist

countries are quite rich. America, for example, is aneconomically rich and powerful country but the crime rate is one

of the highest in the world, millions of old people are neglected

  by their children and die of loneliness in old people's homes,domestic violence and child abuse are major problems. One in

three marriages end in divorce, pornography is easily available.Rich in terms of money but perhaps poor in terms of the quality

of life. Now if you look at some traditional Buddhist countries

you find a very different situation. Parents are honoured andrespected by their children, the crime rates are relatively low,

divorce and suicide are rare and traditional values like

gentleness, generosity, hospitality to strangers, tolerance andrespect for others are still strong. Economically backward, but perhaps a higher quality of life than a country like America. But

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even if we judge Buddhist countries in terms of economics alone,

one of the wealthiest and most economically dynamic countriesin the world today is Japan where 93% of the population callthemselves Buddhist.

6 What is Buddhism?

QUESTION: Why is it that you don't often hear of charitable work being done by Buddhists?

ANSWER: Perhaps it is because Buddhists don't feel the needto boast about the good they do. Several years ago the Japanese

Buddhist leader Nikkho Nirwano received the Templeton Prizefor his work in promoting inter-religious harmony. Likewise a

Thai Buddhist monk was recently awarded the prestigious

Magsaysay Prize for his excellent work among drug addicts. In

1987 another Thai monk, Ven.Kantayapiwat was awarded the  Norwegian Children's Peace Prize for his many years work helping homeless children in rural areas. And what about the

large scale social work being done among the poor in India by

the Western Buddhist Order? They have built schools, child

minding-centres, dispensaries and small scale industries for self-sufficiency. Buddhist see help given to others as an expression of their religious practice just as other religions do but they believe

that it should be done quietly and without self-promotion. Thus

you don't hear so much about their charitable work.

QUESTION: Why are there so many different types of 


ANSWER: There are many different types of sugar: brown

sugar, white sugar, rock sugar, syrup and icing sugar but it is allsugar and it all tastes sweet. It is produced in different forms so

that it can be used in different ways. Buddhism is the same: there

is Theravada Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism,

Yogacara Buddhism and Vajrayana Buddhism but it is allBuddhism and it all has the same taste - the taste of freedom.

Buddhism has evolved into different forms so that it can be

relevant to the different cultures in which it exists. It has been

reinterpreted over the centuries so that it can remain relevant toeach new generation. Outwardly, the types of Buddhism may

seem very different but at the centre of all of them is the Four 

  Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. All major religions,Buddhism included, have split into schools and sects. But thedifferent sects of Buddhism have never gone to war with each

What is Buddhism? 7

other and to this day, they go to each other's temples and worshiptogether. Such tolerance and understanding is certainly rare.

QUESTION: You certainly think highly of Buddhism. I

suppose you think your religion is right and all the others are


ANSWER:   No Buddhist who understands the Buddha's

teaching thinks that other religions are wrong. No one who, has

made a genuine effort to examine other religions with an openmind could think like that either. The first thing you notice whenyou study the different religions is just' how much they have in

common. All religions acknowledge that man's present state is

unsatisfactory. All believe that a change of attitude and

 behaviours is needed if man's situation is to improve. All teachan ethics that includes love, kindness, patience, generosity andsocial responsibility and all accept the existence of some form of 


They use different languages, different names and different

symbols to describe and explain these things; and it is only whenthey narrowmindedly cling to their one way of seeing things that

religious intolerance, pride and selfrighteousness arise.

Imagine an Englishman, a Frenchman, a Chinese and an

Indonesian all looking at a cup. The Englishman says, "That's a

cup ". The Frenchman answers, "No it's not. It's a tasse ". The

Chinese comments, You're both wrong. It's a pet ". And the

Indonesian laughs at the others and says "What fools you are. It's

a cawan ." The Englishman gets a dictionary and shows it to

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the others saying, "I can prove that it is a cup . My dictionary

says so". "Then your dictionary is wrong", says the Frenchman

"because my dictionary clearly says it is a tasse ". The Chinese

scoffs at them. "My dictionary is thousands of years older than

yours, so my dictionary must be right. And besides, more people

speak Chinese than any other language, so it must be a pet ".

While they are squabbling and arguing with each other, a

8 What is Buddhism?

Buddhist comes up and drinks from the cup. After he has drunk,

he says to the others, "Whether you call it a cup , a tasse , a

pet or a cawan , the purpose of the cup is to be used. Stop

arguing and drink, stop squabbling and refresh your thirst". This

is the Buddhist attitude to other religions.

QUESTION: Is Buddhism scientific?ANSWER: Before we answer that question it would be best to

define the word 'science'. Science, according to the dictionary is:

"knowledge which can be made into a system, which dependsupon seeing and testing facts and stating general natural laws, a

 branch of such knowledge, anything that can be studied exactly".There are aspects of Buddhism that would not fit into this

definition but the central teachings of Buddhism, the Four Noble

Truths, most certainly would. Suffering, the First Noble Truth, isan experience that can be defined, experienced and measured.

The Second Noble Truth states that suffering has a natural cause,craving,which likewise can be defined, experienced and

measured. No attempted is made to explain suffering in terms of 

a metaphysical concept or myths. Suffering is ended, accordingto the Third Noble Truth, not by relying on upon a supreme

 being, by faith or by prayers but simply by removing its cause.

This is axiomatic. The Fourth Noble Truth, the way to endsuffering, once again, has nothing to do with metaphysics but

depends on behaving in specific ways. And once again behaviour 

is open to testing. Buddhism dispenses with the concept of asupreme being, as does science, and explains the origins andworkings of the universe in terms of natural law. All of this

certainly exhibits a scientific spirit. Once again, the Buddha's

constant advice that we should not blindly believe but rather 

question, examine, inquire and rely on our own experience, has adefinite scientific ring to it. He says:

"Do not go by revelation or tradition,do not goby rumour, or the sacred scriptures, do not go

What is Buddhism? 9

by hearsay or mere logic, do not go by bias

towards a notion or by another person's

 seeming ability and do not go by the idea 'He is

our teacher'. But when you yourself know that a thing is good, that it is not blameble, that it is  praised by the wise and when practised and 

observed that it leads to happiness, then follow

that thing."  So we could say that althoughBuddhism in not entirely scientific, it certainly

has a strong overtone and is certainly morescientific than any other religion. It is

significant that Albert Einstein, the greatest

scientist of the twentieth century said of Buddhism:

"The religion of the future will be a cosmicreligion. It should transcend a personal God 

and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering bothnatural and spiritual, it should be based on areligious sense arising from the experience of 

all things, natural and spiritual and ameaningful unity. Buddhism answers this

description. If there is any religion that would 

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cope with modern scientific needs, it would be




Basic Buddhist Concept-ooOoo-

QUESTION: What are the main teachings of the Buddha?

ANSWER: All of the many teachings of the Buddha centre on

the Four Noble Truths, just as the rim and spokes of a wheelcentres on the hub. They are called 'Four' because there are four of them. They are called 'Noble' because they ennoble one who

understands them and they are called 'Truths' because,

corresponding with reality, they are true.

QUESTION: What is the First Noble Truth?

ANSWER: The First Noble Truth is that life is suffering. Tolive, you must suffer. It is impossible to live without

experiencing some kind of suffering. We have to endure physicalsuffering like sickness, injury, tiredness, old age and eventually

death and we have to endure psychological suffering like

Basic Buddhist Concepts 11

loneliness, frustrations, fear, embarrassment, disappointment,

anger, etc.

QUESTION: Isn't this a bit pessimistic?ANSWER: The dictionary defines pessimism as 'the habit of thinking that whatever will happen will be bad,' 'or 'The belief 

that evil is more powerful than good.' Buddhism teaches neither 

of these ideas. Nor does it deny that happiness exists. It simplysays that to live is to experience physical and psychological

suffering which is a statement that is so obvious that it cannot bedenied. The central concept of most religions is a myth, a legend

or a belief that is difficult or impossible to verify. Buddhism

starts with an experience, an irrefutable fact, a thing that allknow, that all have experienced and that all are striving to

overcome. Thus Buddhism is truly a universal religion because it

goes right to the core of every individual human being's concern

with suffering and how to avoid it.

QUESTION: What is the Second Noble Truth?

ANSWER: The Second Noble Truth is that all suffering is

caused by craving. When we look at psychological suffering, it iseasy to see how it is caused by craving. When we want

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something but are unable to get it, we feel frustrated. When we

expect someone to live up to our expectation and they do not, wefeel let down and disappointed. When we want others to like usand they don't, we feel hurt. Even when we want something and

are able to get it, this does not often lead to happiness either 

 because it is not long before we feel bored with that thing, lose

interest in it and commence to want something else. Put simply,the Second Noble Truth says that getting what you want does not

guarantee happiness. Rather than constantly struggling to getwhat you want, try to modify your wanting. Wanting deprives us

of contentment and happiness.

QUESTION: But how does wanting and craving lead to

physical suffering?

12 Basic Buddhist Concepts

ANSWER: A lifetime wanting and craving for this and that and

especially the craving to continue to exist creates a powerful

energy that causes the individual to be reborn. When we are

reborn, we have a body and, as we said before, the body issusceptible to injury and disease; it can be exhausted by work; itages and eventually dies. Thus, craving leads to physical

suffering because it causes us to be reborn.

QUESTION: If we stop wanting altogether, we would never

achieve anything.

ANSWER: True. But what the Buddha says is that when our 

desires, our craving, our constant discontent with what we have

and our continual longing for more and more does cause ussuffering,then we should stop doing it. He asks us to make a

difference between what we need and what we want and to strive

for our needs and modify our wants. He tells us that our needs

can be fulfilled but that our wants are endless - a bottomless pit.There are needs that are essential, fundamental and can be

obtained and this we should work towards. Desires beyond this

should be gradually lessened. After all, what is the purpose of 

life? To get or be content and happy.

QUESTION: What or where is Nirvana?

ANSWER: It is a dimension transcending time and space andthus is difficult to talk about or even think about. Words andthoughts being only suited to describe the time-space dimension.

But because Nirvana is beyond time, there is no movement and

so no aging or dying. Thus Nirvana is eternal because it is

 beyond space, there is no causation, no boundary, no concept of self and not-self and thus Nirvana is infinite. The Buddha also

assures us that Nirvana is an experience of great happiness. Hesays:

"Nirvana is the highest happiness".

(Dhammapada 204 )

Basic Buddhist Concepts 13

QUESTION: But is there proof that such a dimension exist?

ANSWER:  No, there is not. But its existence can be inferred. If 

there is a dimension where time and space do operate and there is

such a dimension - the world we experience, then we can infer that there is a dimension where time and space do not operate - Nirvana. Again, even though we cannot prove Nirvana exists, we

have the Buddha's word that is does exist. He tells us:

"There is an unborn, a not-become, a not-made, a not-compounded. If there were not,

this unborn, not-made, not-compounded, therecould not be made any escape from what is

born, become, made, and compounded.Therefore is there made known an escape from

what is born, made, and compounded." -- Ud 


We will know it when we attain it. Until that time, we can


QUESTION: What is the Fourth Noble Truth?

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ANSWER: The Fourth Noble Truth is the Path leading to the

overcoming of suffering. This path is called the Noble EightfoldPath and consists of Perfect Understanding, Perfect Thought,Perfect Speech, Perfect Action, Perfect Livelihood, Perfect

Effort, Perfect Mindfulness, and Perfect Concentration. Buddhist

 practice consist of practising these eight things until they become

more complete. You will notice that the steps on the NobleEightfold Path cover every aspect of life: the intellectual, the

ethical and economic and the psychological and thereforecontains everything a person needs to lead a good life and to

develop spiritually.-ooOoo-


Buddhism and the God-idea-ooOoo-

QUESTION: Do Buddhist believe in god?

ANSWER:  No, we do not. There are several reasons for this.The Buddha, like modern sociologists and psychologists,  believed that religious ideas and especially the god idea have

their origin in fear. The Buddha says:

"Gripped by fear men go to the sacred mountains, sacred groves, sacred trees and shrines". - Dp 188

Primitive man found himself in a dangerous and hostile world,

the fear of wild animals, of not being able to find enough food, of injury or disease, and of natural phenomena like thunder,

lightning and volcanoes was constantly with him. Finding nosecurity, he created the idea of gods in order to give him comfort

Buddhism and the God-idea 15

in good times, courage in times of danger and consolation

whenthings went wrong. To this day, you will notice that people

 become more religious at times of crises, you will hear them saythat the belief in a god or gods gives them the strength they needto deal with life. You will hear them explain that they believe in

a particular god because they prayed in time of need and their 

  prayer was answered. All this seems to support the Buddha’steaching that the god-idea is a response to fear and frustration.The Buddha taught us to try to understand our fears, to lessen our 

desires and to calmly and courageously accept the things we

cannot change. He replaced fear, not with irrational belief but

with rational understanding.The second reason the Buddha did not believe in a god is because there does not seem to be any evidence to support this

idea. There are numerous religions, all claiming that they alone

have god’s words preserved in their holy book, that they aloneunderstand god’s nature, that their god exists and that the gods of 

other religions do not. Some claim that god is masculine, some

that she is feminine and others that it is neuter. They are allsatisfied that there is ample evidence to prove the existence of 

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their god but they laugh in disbelief at the evidence other 

religions use to prove the existence of another god. It is notsurprising that with so many different religions spending somany centuries trying to prove the existence of their gods that

still no real, concrete, substantial or irrefutable evidence has been

found. Buddhists suspend judgement until such evidence is

forthcoming.The third reason the Buddha did not believe in a god is that the

  belief is not necessary. Some claim that the belief in a god isnecessary in order to explain the origin on the universe. But this

is not so. Science has very convincingly explained how theuniverse came into being without having to introduce the god-

idea. Some claim that belief in god is necessary to have a happy,

meaningful life. Again we can see that this is not so. There are

millions of atheists and free-thinkers, not to mention manyBuddhists, who live useful, happy and meaningful lives without

16 Buddhism and the God-idea

  belief in a god. Some claim that belief in god’s power is

necessary because humans, being weak, do not have the strengthto help themselves. Once again, the evidence indicates theopposite. One often hears of people who have overcome great

disabilities and handicaps, enormous odds and difficulties,

through their own inner resources, through their own efforts andwithout belief in a god. Some claim that god is necessary in order 

to give man salvation. But this argument only holds good if youaccept the theological concept of salvation and Buddhists do not

accept such a concept. Based on his own experience, the Buddha

saw that each human being had the capacity to purify the mind,develop infinite love and compassion and perfect understanding.

He shifted attention from the heavens to the heart and

encouraged us to find solutions to our problems through self-


QUESTION: But if there are no gods how did the universe

get here?

ANSWER: All religions have myths and stories which attemptto answer this question. In ancient times, when many simply did

not know, such myths were adequate, but in the 20th century, in

the age of physics, astronomy and geology, such myths have  been superseded by scientific fact. Science has explained theorigin of the universe without recourse to the god-idea.

QUESTION:What does the Buddha say about the origin of 

the universe?

ANSWER: It is interesting that the Buddha’s explanation of the

origin of the universe corresponds very closely to the scientificview. In the Aganna Sutta, the Buddha described the universe

 being destroyed and then re-evolving into its present form over a period of countless millions of years. The first life formed on the

surface of the water and again, over countless millions of years,

evolved from simple into complex organisms. All these

 processes are without beginning or end, and are set in motion bynatural causes.

Buddhism and the God-idea 17

QUESTION: You say there is no evidence for the existence

of a god. But what about miracles?ANSWER: There are many who believe that miracles are proof of god’s existence. We hear wild claims that a healing has taken

 place but we never get an independent testimony from a medical

office or a surgeon. We hear second-hand reports that someonewas miraculously saved from disaster but we never get an eye-

witness account of what is supposed to have happened. We hear rumours that prayer straightened a diseased body or strengthened

a withered limb, but we never see X-rays or get comments from

doctors or nurses. Wild claims, second-hand reports and rumoursare no substitute for solid evidence and solid evidence of 

miracles is very rare.

However, sometimes unexplained things do happen, unexpected

events do occur. But our inability to explain such things does not prove the existence of gods. It only proves that our knowledge is

as yet incomplete. Before the development of modern medicine,

when people didn’t know what caused sickness people believed

that god or the gods sent diseases as a punishment. Now weknow what causes such things and when we get sick, we take

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medicine. In time when our knowledge of the world is more

complete, we will be able to understand what causes unexplained phenomena, just as we can now understand what causes disease.

QUESTION: But so many people believe in some form of 

god, it must be true.

ANSWER:  Not so. There was a time when everyone believedthat the world was flat, but they were all wrong. The number of 

  people who believe in an idea is no measure of the truth or falsehood of that idea. The only way we can tell whether an idea

is true or not is by looking at the facts and examining theevidence.

QUESTION: So if Buddhists don’t believe in gods, what do

you believe in?

18 Buddhism and the God-idea

ANSWER: We don’t believe in a god because we believe in

man. We believe that each human being is precious andimportant, that all have the potential to develop into a Buddha – a  perfected human being. We believe that human beings can

outgrow ignorance and irrationality and see things as they really

are. We believe that hatred, anger, spite and jealousy can bereplaced by love, patience, generosity and kindness. We believe

that all this is within the grasp of each person if they make theeffort, guided and supported by fellow Buddhists and inspired by

the example of the Buddha. As the Buddha says:

"No one saves us but ourselves,

No one can and no one may.

We ourselves must walk the path,

But Buddhas clearly show the way".

-- Dp 165 



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The Five Precepts-ooOoo-

QUESTION: Other religions derive their ideas of right and

wrong from the commandments of their god or gods. You

Buddhists don't believe in a god, so how do you know right

from wrong?

ANSWER: Any thoughts, speech or actions that are rooted in

greed, hatred and delusion and thus lead us away from Nirvanaare bad and any thoughts, speech or actions that are rooted ingiving, love and wisdom and thus help clear the way to Nirvana

are good.

To know what is right and wrong in god-centred religions, all

that is needed is to do as you are told. But in a man-centredreligion like Buddhism, to know what is right and wrong, youhave to develop a deep self-awareness and self understanding.

And ethics based on understanding are always stronger than

those that are a response to a command.

20 The Five Precepts

So to know what is right and wrong, the Buddhist looks at three

things - the intention, the effect the act will have upon oneself 

and the effect it will upon others. If the intention is good (rootedin giving, loving and wisdom), if it helps myself (helps me to be

more giving, more loving and wiser), then my deeds and actions

are wholesome, good and moral. Of course, there are many

variations of this. Sometimes I act with the best of intentions butthey may not benefit either myself or others. Sometimes myintentions are far from good, but my actions helps others

nonetheless. Sometimes I act out of good intentions and my acts

help me but perhaps cause some distress to others. In such cases,

my actions are mixed - a mixture of good and not-so-good. When

intentions are bad and the action helps neither myself nor others,such an action is bad. And when my intention is good and myaction benefits both myself and others, then the deed is wholly


QUESTION: So does Buddhism have a code of morality?

ANSWER: Yes it does. The five precepts are the basis of 

Buddhist morality. The first precept is to avoid killing or harming living beings. The second is to avoid stealing, the third

is to avoid sexual misconduct, the fourth is to avoid lying and thefifth is to avoid alcohol and other intoxicating drugs.

QUESTION: But surely it is good to kill sometimes. To kill

disease-spreading insects, for example, or someone who is

going to kill you?

ANSWER: It might be good for you. But what about that thing

or that person? They wish to live, just as you do. When you

decide to kill a disease-spreading insect, your intention is

  perhaps a mixture of self-concern (good) and revulsion (bad).The act will benefit yourself (good) but obviously it will not benefit that creature (bad). So at times it may be necessary to kill

 but it is never totally good.

The Five Precepts 21

QUESTION: You Buddhists are too concerned about ants

and bugs.

ANSWER: Buddhists strive to develop a compassion that is

undiscriminating and all-embracing. They see the world as a

unified whole where each thing and creature has its place and

function. They believe that before we destroy or upset nature'sdelicate balance, we should be very careful. Just look at those

cultures where emphasis is on exploiting nature to the full,

squeezing every last drop out of it without putting anything back,

conquering and subduing it. Nature has revolted. The very air is  becoming poisoned, the rivers are polluted and dead, so many

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 beautiful animal species are extinct, the slopes of the mountains

are barren and eroded. Even the climate is changing. If peoplewere a little less anxious to crush, destroy and kill, this terriblesituation may have not arisen. We should all strive to develop a

little more respect for life. And this is what the first precept is


QUESTION: The Third Precept says we should avoid sexual

misconduct. What is "sexual misconduct"?

ANSWER: If we use trickery, emotioal blackmail or force to

compel someone to have sex with us, then this is sexualmisconduct. Adultery is also a form of sexual misconduct

 because when we marry we promise our spouse that we will be

loyal to them. When we commit adultery we break that promise

and betray that trust. Sex should be an expression of love andintimicy between two people and when it is it contributes to our mental and emotional well-being.

QUESTION: Is sex before marriage a type of sexual

misconduct?ANSWER:  Not if there is love and mutual agreement betweentwo people. However, it should never be forgotten that the

  biological function of sex is to reproduce and if an unmarried

woman becomes pregnant it can cause a great deal of problems.

22 The Five Precepts

Many mature and thoughtful people think it is far better to leave

sex until after marriage.

QUESTION: But what about lying? Is it possible to live

without telling lies?

ANSWER: If it is really impossible to get by in society or   business without lying, such a shocking and corrupt state of 

affairs should be changed. The Buddhist is someone who

resolves to do something practical about the problem by trying to

 be more truthful and honest.

QUESTION: Well, what about alcohol? Surely a little drink 

doesn't hurt!

ANSWER: People don't drink for the taste. When they drink alone it is in order to seek release from tension and when they

drink socially, it is usually to conform. Even a small amount of 

alcohol distorts consciousness and disrupts self-awareness.

Taken in large quantities, its effects can be devastating.

QUESTION: Drinking a small amount wouldn't be really

breaking the precept, would it? It's only a small thing.

ANSWER: Yes, it is only a small thing and if you can't practiseeven a small thing, your commitment and resolution isn't very

strong, is it?

QUESTION: The five precepts are negative. They tell you

what not to do. They don't tell you what to do.

ANSWER: The Five Precepts are the basis of Buddhist

morality. They are not all of it. We start by recognizing our bad

  behaviour and striving to stop doing it. That is what the Five

Precepts are for. After we have stopped doing bad, we thencommence to do good. Take for example, speech. The Buddhasays we should start by refraining from telling lies. After that, we

should speak the truth, speak gently and politely and speak at the

right time. He says:

The Five Precepts 23

"Giving up false speech he becomes a speaker 

of truth, reliable, trustworthy, dependable, he

does not deceive the world. Giving upmalicious speech he does not repeat there what 

he has heard here what he has heard there in

order to cause variance between people. Hereconciles those who are divided and bringscloser together those who are already friends.

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  Harmony is his joy, harmony is his delight,

harmony is his love; it is the motive of his  speech. Giving up harsh speech his speech isblameless, pleasing to the ear, agreeable,

  going to the heart, urbane, liked by most.

Giving up idle chatter he speaks at the right time, what is correct to the point, about 

  Dhamma and about discipline. He speaks

words worth being treasured up, seasonable,reasonable, well defined and to the point ".




QUESTION: Where do beings come from and where are

they going?

ANSWER: There are three possible answers to this question.

Those who believe in a god or gods usually claim that before an

individual is created, he/she does not exist, then he/she comes

into being through the will of a god. He/she lives their life andthen, according to what they believe or do in their life, theyeither go to eternal heaven or hell. There are others, humanists

and scientists, who claim that the individual comes into being at

conception due to natural causes, lives and then at death, ceases

to exist. Buddhism does not accept either of these explanations.The first gives rise to many ethical problems If a good god reallycreates each of us, it is difficult to explain why so many people

are born with the most dreadful deformities, or why so many

children are miscarried just before birth or are still-born. Another  problem with the theistic explanation is that it seems very unjust

that a person should suffer eternal pain in hell for 60 or 70 years

Rebirth 25

of non-belief or immoral living. Likewise, 60 or 70 years of goodliving seems a very small outlay for eternal bliss in heaven. for 

what he/she did in those years on Earth The second explanation

is better than the first and has more scientific evidence to support

it but still leaves several important questions unanswered. Howcan a phenomenon so amazingly complex as consciousnessdevelop from the simple meeting of two cells, the sperm and the

egg? And now that parapsychology is a recognised branch of 

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science, phenomena like telepathy are increasingly difficult to fit

into the materialistic model of the mind.

QUESTION: How does the mind go from one body to


ANSWER: Think of it being like radio waves. The radio waves,

which are not made up of words and music but energy atdifferent frequencies, are transmitted, travel through space, and

attracted to and picked up by the receiver from where they are broadcast as words and music. It is the same with the mind. At

death, mental energy travels through space, is attracted to and picked up by the fertilised egg. As the embryo grows, it centres

itself in the brain from where it later broadcasts itself as the new


QUESTION: Is one always reborn as a human being?

ANSWER:  No, there are several realms in which one can be

reborn. Some people are reborn in heaven, some are reborn in

hell, some are reborn as hungry ghosts and so on. Heaven is not a

 place but a state of existence where one has a subtle body andwhere the mind experiences mainly pleasure. Some religionsstrive very hard to be reborn in a heavenly existence mistakenly

  believing it to be a permanent state. But it is not. Like all

conditioned states, heaven is impermanent and when one’s lifespan there is finished, one could well be reborn again as a

human. Hell, likewise, is not a place but a state of existencewhere one has a subtle body and where the mind experiences

mainly anxiety and distress. Being a hungry ghost, again, is a

26 Rebirth

state of existence where the body is subtle and where the mind is

continually plagued by longing and dissatisfaction.

So heavenly beings experience mainly pleasure, hell beings andghosts experience mainly pain and human beings experience

usually a mixture of both. So the main difference between the

human realm and other realms is the body type and the quality of 


Buddhism offers the most satisfactory explanation of where

 beings come from and where they are going. When we die, themind, with all the tendencies, preferences, abilities andcharacteristics that have been developed and conditioned in this

life, re-establishes itself in a fertilised egg. Thus the individual

grows, is re-born and develops a personality conditioned both by

the mental characteristics that have been carried over. And by thenew environment, the personality will change and be modified

  by conscious effort ;and conditioning factors like education,  parental influence and society and once again at death, re-

establishing itself in a new fertilised egg. This process of dyingand being reborn will continue until the conditions that cause it,

craving and ignorance, cease. When they do, instead of being

reborn, the mind attains a state called Nirvana and this is the

ultimate goal of Buddhism and the purpose of life.

QUESTION: What decides where we will be reborn?

ANSWER: The most important factor, but not the only one,

influencing where we will be reborn and what sort of life we

shall have, is karma. The word karma means action and refers toour intentional mental actions. In other words, what we are isdetermined very much by how we have thought and acted in the

 past. Likewise, how we think and act now will influence how we

will be in the future.The gentle, loving type of person tends to be reborn in a heaven

realm or as a human being who has a predominance of pleasantexperiences. The anxious, worried or extremely cruel type of 

  person tends to be reborn in a hell realm or as a human being

who has a predominance of painful experiences. The person who

Rebirth 27

develops obsessive craving, fierce longings, and burning

ambitions that can never be satisfied tends to be reborn as ahungry ghost or as a human being frustrated by longing and

wanting. Whatever mental habits are strongly developed in this

life will continue in the next life. Most people, however, are

reborn as human beings.

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QUESTION: So if our lives are determined by our karma,

can we change it?

ANSWER: Of course we can. That is why one of the steps onthe Eightfold Path is Right Effort. It depends on our sincerity,

how much energy we exert and how strong the habit is. But it is

true that some people singly go through life under the influence

of their past habits, without making an effort to change them andfalling victim to these unpleasant results. Such people will

continue to suffer unless they change their negative habits. Thelonger the negative habits remain, the more difficult they are to

change. The Buddhist understands this and takes advantage of each and every opportunity to break mental habits that have

unpleasant results and to develop mental habits that have

 pleasant and happy results. Meditation is one of the techniques

used to modify the habit patterns of the mind as does speaking or refraining to speak in certain ways, and acting or refraining to actin certain ways. The whole of the Buddhist life is a training to

 purify and free the mind. For example, if being patient and kind

was a pronounced part of your character in your last life, such

tendencies will re-emerge in the present life. If they arestrengthened and developed in the present life, they will re-emerge even stronger and more pronounced in the future life.

This is based upon the simple and observable fact that long

established habits tend to be difficult to break. Now, when you are patient and kind, it tends to happen that you

are not so easily ruffled by others, you don’t hold grudges, people like you and thus your experiences tends to be happier.

 Now, let us take another example. Let us say that you come into

life with a tendency to be patient and kind due to your mental

28 Rebirth

habits in the past life. But in the present life, you neglect to

strengthen and develop such tendencies. They would graduallyweaken and die out and perhaps be completely absent in the

future life. Patience and kindness being weak in this case, there is

a possibility that in either this life or in the next life, a short

temper, anger and cruelty could grow and develop, bringing withthem all the unpleasant experiences that such attitudes create. We

will take one last example. Let us say that due to your mental

habits in the last life, you came into the present life with thetendency to be short-tempered and angry, and you realise thatsuch habits only cause you unpleasantness and so you make an

effort to change them. You replace them with positive emotions.

If you are able to eliminate them completely, which is possible if 

you make an effort, you become free from the unpleasantnesscaused by being short tempered and angry. If you are only able to

weaken such tendencies, they would re-emerge in the next lifewhere with a bit more effort, they could be eliminated

completely and you could be free from their unpleasant effects.

QUESTION: You have talked a lot about rebirth but is

there any proof that we will be reborn when we die?

ANSWER:   Not only is there scientific evidence to supportBuddhist belief in rebirth, it is the only after-life theory that hasany evidence to support it. There is not a scrap of evidence to

  prove the existence of heaven and of course evidence of 

annihilation at death must be lacking. But during the last 30

years parapsychologists have been studying reports that some people have vivid memories of their former lives. For example,in England, a 5 year old girl said she could remember her other 

mother and father and she talked vividly about what sounded like

the events in the life of another person. Parapsychologists werecalled in and asked her hundreds of questions to which she gave

answers. She spoke of living in a particular village, in whatappeared to be Spain. She gave the name of the village, the name

of the street she lived in, her neighbours’ names and details about

her everyday life there. she also tearfully spoke of how she had

Rebirth 29

  been struck by a car and died of her injuries two days later.

When these details were checked, they were found to beaccurate. There was a village in Spain with the name the child

had given. There was a house of the type she had described in the

street she had named. What is more, it was found that a 23 year 

old woman living in the house had been killed in a car accidentfive years before.

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 Now how is it possible for a five year old living in England who

had never been to Spain to know all these details? And of course,this is not the only case of this type. Professor Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia’s Department of Psychology has

described dozens of cases of this type in his books. He is an

accredited scientist whose 25 year study of people who

remember former lives is very strong evidence for the Buddhist

teaching of rebirth. (See "Twenty Cases Suggestive 

of Reincarnation and Cases of Reincarnation 

Type", University Press of Virginia, Charlotteville,

USA, 1975) .

QUESTION: Some people might say that the socalled ability

to remember former lives is the work of devils.

ANSWER: You simply cannot dismiss everything that doesn'tfit into your belief as being the work of devils.

When cold, hard facts are produced to support an idea, you mustuse rational and logical arguments if you wish to counter them --not irrational and superstitious talk about devils.

QUESTION: You say that talk about devils is superstitious.

Isn't talk about rebirth a bit superstitious too?

ANSWER: The dictionary defines superstition as a belief which

is not based on reason or fact but on an association of ideas, as inmagic. If you can show me a careful study of the existence of devils written by a scientist I will concede that belief in devils is

not superstition. But I have never heard of any research into

devils; scientists simply wouldn’t bother to study such things, soI say there is no evidence for the existence of devils. But as we

have just seen, there is evidence which seems to suggest that30 Rebirth

rebirth does take place. So if belief in rebirth is based on at leastsome facts, it cannot be a superstition.

QUESTION: Well, have there ever been any scientists who

believe in rebirth?ANSWER: Yes. Thomas Huxley, who was responsible for 

having science introduced into the 19th century British school

system and who was the first scientist to defend Darwin’s

theories, believed that reincarnation was a very plausible idea. Inhis famous book "Evolution and Ethics and other Essays", he

says:" In the doctrine of transmigration, whatever its origin,

 Brahmanical and Buddhist speculation found, ready tohand, the means of constructing a plausible vindication

of the ways of the Cosmos to man....yet this plea of 

 justification is not less plausible than others; and none

but very hasty thinkers will reject it on the ground of inherent absurdity. Like the doctrine of evolution itself,that of transmigration has its roots in the world of 

reality; and it may claim such support as the great 

argument from analogy is capable of supplying ".

Then, Professor Gust Stromberg, the famous Swedishastronomer, physicist and friend of Einstein also found the idea

of rebirth appealing:

"Opinions differ whether human souls can bereincarnated on the earth or not. In 1936 a very

interesting case was thoroughly investigated and reported by the government authorities in India. A girl 

(Shanti Devi from Deli) could accurately describe her 

 previous life (at Muttra, five hundred miles from Deli)which ended about a year before her 'second birth'. She

 gave the name of her husband and child and described 

her home and life history. The investigating commission

brought her to her former relatives, who verified all her  statements. Among the people of India reincarnations

Rebirth 31

are regarded as commonplace; the astonishing thing for them in this case was the great number of facts the girl 

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ANSWER: You would follow this easy steps: the four Ps:

 place, posture, practice and problems. First, find a suitable place, perhaps a room that is not too noisy and where you are not likelyto be disturbed. Second, sit in a comfortable posture. A good

  posture is to sit with your legs folded, a pillow under your 

 buttocks, your back straight, the hands nestled in the lap and the

eyes closed. Alternatively, you can sit in a chair as long as youkeep your back straight.

 Next comes the actual practice itself. As you sit quietly with your eyes closed you focus your attention on the in and out movement

of the breath. This can be done by counting the breaths or watching the rise and fall of the abdomen. When this is done,

certain problems and difficulties will arise. You might

experience irritating itches on the body or discomfort in the

knees. If this happens, try to keep the body relaxed withoutmoving and keep focusing on the breath. You will probably havemany intruding thoughts coming into your mind and distracting

your attention from the breath. The only way you can deal with

this problem is to patiently keep returning your attention to the breath. If you keep doing this, eventually thoughts will weaken,

your concentration will become stronger and you will havemoments of deep mental calm and inner peace.

QUESTION: How long should I meditate for?

ANSWER: It is good to do meditation for 15 minutes every dayfor a week and then extend the time by 5 minutes each week until

you are meditating for 45 minutes. After a few weeks of regular 

daily meditation you will start to notice that your concentrationgets better, there are less thoughts, and you have moments of real

 peace and stillness.

36 Meditation

QUESTION: What about Loving Kindness Meditation?

How is that practised?

ANSWER: Once you are familiar with Mindfulness of 

Breathing and are practising it regularly you can start practisingLoving Kindness Meditation. It should be done two or threetimes each week after you have done Mindfulness of Breathing.

First, you turn your attention to yourself and say to yourself 

words like "May I be well and happy. May I be peaceful and

calm. May I be protected from dangers. May my mind be freefrom hatred. May my heart be filled with love. May I be well and

happy." Then one by one you think of a loved person, a neutral person, that is , someone you neither like nor dislike, and finally

a disliked person, wishing each of them well as you do so.

QUESTION: What is the benefit of doing this type of 


ANSWER: If you do Loving Kindness Meditation regularly andwith the right attitude, you will find very positive changes taking place within yourself. You will find that you are able to be more

accepting and forgiving towards yourself. You will find that the

feelings you have towards your loved ones will increase. Youwill find yourself making friends with people you used to be

indifferent and uncaring towards, and you will find the ill-will or resentment you have towards some people will lessen and

eventually be dissolved. Sometimes if you know of someone

who is sick, unhappy or encountering difficulties you can includethem in your meditation and very often you will find their 

situation improving.

QUESTION: How is that possible?

ANSWER: The mind, when properly developed, is a very powerful instrument. If we can learn to focus our mental energy

and project it towards others, it can have an effect upon them.

You may have had an experience like this. Perhaps you are in a

crowded room and you get this feeling that someone is watchingyou. You turn around and, sure enough, someone is staring at

Meditation 37

you. What has happened is that you have picked up that other  person’s mental energy. Loving Kindness Meditation is like that.

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We project positive mental energy towards and it gradually

transforms them.

QUESTION: Do I need a teacher to teach me meditation?

ANSWER: A teacher is not absolutely necessary but personal

guidance from someone who is familiar with mediation is

certainly helpful. Unfortunately, some monks and laymen setthemselves up as meditation teachers when they simply don’t

know what they are doing. Try to pick a teacher who has a goodreputation, a balanced personality and one who adheres closely

to the Buddha’s teachings.

QUESTION: I have heard that meditation is widely used

today by psychiatrists and psychologists. Is this true?

ANSWER: Yes, it is. Meditation is now accepted as having ahighly therapeutic effect upon the mind and is used by many  professional mental health workers to help induce relaxation,

overcome phobias and bring about self-awareness. The Buddha’s

insights into the human mind are helping people as much todayas they did in ancient times.



Wisdom and Compassion-ooOoo-

QUESTION: What do the terms wisdom and compassion

mean in Buddhism?

ANSWER: Some religions believe that compassion or love (the

two are very similar) is the most important spiritual quality butthey fail to develop any wisdom. The result is that you end up

 being a good-hearted fool, a very kind person but with little or nounderstanding. Other systems of thought, like science, believe

that wisdom can best be developed when all emotions, including

compassion, are kept out of the way. The outcome of this is thatscience has tended to become preoccupied with results and has

forgotten that science is to serve man, not to control anddominate him. How, otherwise could scientists have lent their 

skills to develop the nuclear bomb, germ warfare, and the like.Religion has always seen reason and wisdom as the enemy of 

emotions like love and faith. Science has always seen emotionsWisdom and Compassion 39

like love and faith as being enemies of reason and objectivity.And of course, as science progresses, religion declines.

Buddhism, on the other hand, teaches that to be a truly balanced

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and complete individual, you must develop both wisdom and

compassion. And because it is not dogmatic but based onexperience, Buddhism has nothing to fear from science.

QUESTION: So what, according to Buddhism, is wisdom?

ANSWER: The highest wisdom is seeing that in reality all

  phenomena are incomplete, impermanent, and not self. This

understanding is totally freeing and leads to the great securityand happiness which is called Nirvana. However, the Buddhadoesn’t speak too much about this level of wisdom. It is not

wisdom if we simply believe what we are told. True wisdom is todirectly see and understand for ourselves. At this level then,

wisdom is to keep an open mind rather than being closed-

minded, listening to other points of view rather than being

  bigoted; to carefully examine facts that contradict our beliefs,rather than burying our heads in the sand; to be objective rather than prejudiced and partisan; to take time about forming our 

opinions and beliefs rather than just accepting the first or most

emotional thing that is offered to us; and to always be ready tochange our beliefs when facts that contradict them are presented

to us. A person who does this is certainly wise and is certain toeventually arrive at true understanding. The path of just believing

what you are told is easy. The Buddhist path requires courage,

 patience, flexibility and intelligence.

QUESTION: What is the point of Buddhism if only a few

can practice it?

ANSWER: It is true that not everyone is ready for Buddhism

yet. But to say therefore that we should teach a religion that isfalse but easily understandable so everyone can practise it is

ridiculous. Buddhism aims at the truth and if not everyone has

the capacity to understand it yet, they perhaps will be ready for it

in their next life. However, there are many who, with just the40 Wisdom and Compassion

right words or encouragement, are able to increases their 

understanding. And it is for this reason that Buddhists gently andquietly strive to share the insights of Buddhism with others. The

Buddha taught us out of compassion and we teach others out of 


QUESTION: What, according to Buddhism, is compassion?

ANSWER: Just as wisdom covers the intellectual or 

comprehending side of our nature. Like wisdom, compassion is

uniquely human quality. Compassion is made up of two words.

'co' meaning together and 'passion' meaning a strong feeling. Andthis is what compassion is. When we see someone is in distressand we feel their pain as if it were our own, and strive to

eliminate or lessen their pain, then this is compassion. So all the best in human beings, all the Buddha-like qualities like sharing,

readiness to give comfort, sympathy, concern and caring - all are

manifestations of compassion. You will notice also that in the

compassionate person, care and love towards others has itsorigins in care and love for oneself. We can really understandothers when we really understand ourselves. We will know

what’s best for others when we know what’s best for ourselves.

We can feel for others when we feel for ourselves. So inBuddhism, ones own spiritual development blossoms quite

naturally into concern for the welfare of others. The Buddha’slife illustrates this very well. He spent six years struggling for his

own welfare, after which, he was able to be of benefit to the

whole of mankind.

QUESTION: Isn’t it selfish to say that we are best able to

help others after we have helped ourselves.

ANSWER: We usually see altruism, concern for others before

oneself, as being the opposite of selfishness, concern for oneself  before others,. Buddhism does no see it as either one or the other 

  but rather as a blending of the two. Genuine self-concern will

gradually mature into concern for others as one sees that others

are really the same as oneself. This is genuine compassion.Wisdom and Compassion 41

Compassion is the most beautiful jewel in the crown of the

Buddha’s teaching.-ooOoo-

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QUESTION: Buddhists should be vegetarians, shouldn’t


ANSWER:  Not necessarily. The Buddha was not a vegetarian.He did not teach his disciples to be vegetarians and even today,

there are many good Buddhists who are not vegetarians.

QUESTION: If you eat meat you are indirectly responsible

the death of a creature. Isn’t that breaking the first precept?

ANSWER: It is true that when you eat meat, you are indirectlyand partially responsible for killing a creature but the same is

true when you eat vegetables. The farmer has to spray his crop

with insecticides and poisons so that the vegetables arrive onyour dinner plates without holes in them. And once again,

animals have been used to provide the leather for your belt or handbag, oil for the soap you use and a thousand other products

Vegetarianism 43

as well. It is impossible to live without, in some way, being

indirectly responsible for the death of some other beings. This is

 just another example of the First Noble Truth, ordinary existenceis suffering and unsatisfactory. When you take the First Precept,

you try to avoid being directly responsible for killing beings.

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QUESTION: Mahayana Buddhists don’t eat meat ...

ANSWER: That is not correct. Mahayana Buddhism in Chinalaid great stress on being vegetarian but both the monks, laymen

and women of the Mahayana tradition in Japan and Tibet usually

eat meat.

QUESTION: But I still think that a Buddhist should be


ANSWER: If there was a man who was a very strict vegetarian

 but who was selfish, dishonest and mean, and another man whowas not a vegetarian but who was thoughtful of others, honest,

generous and kind, which of these two people would be the

 better Buddhist?

QUESTION: The person who was honest and kind.


QUESTION: Because such a person obviously has a good


ANSWER: Exactly. One who eats meat can have a pure heart

 just as one who does not eat meat can have an impure heart. Inthe Buddha’s teachings, the important thing is the quality of your 

heart, not the contents of your diet. Many Buddhists take great

care never to eat meat buy they are not concerned about beingselfish, dishonest, cruel or jealous. They change their diet which

is easy to do, while neglecting to change their hearts, which is adifficult thing to do. So whether you are a vegetarian or not,

remember that the purification of the mind is the most important

thing in Buddhism.-ooOoo-


Good Luck and Fate-ooOoo-

QUESTION: What did the Buddha teach about magic and

fortune telling?

ANSWER: The Buddha considered such practices as fortunetelling, wearing magic charms for protection, finding lucky sites

for buildings, prophesising and fixing lucky days to be uselesssuperstitions and he expressly forbade his disciples to practise

such things. He called all these things 'low arts'.

"Whereas some religious men, while living off food provided bythe faithful make their living by such low arts, such wrong meansof livelihood as palmistry, divining by signs, interpreting dreams,

  bringing about good or bad luck, picking the lucky site for a

  building, the monk Gotama refrains from such low arts, suchwrong means of livelihood".

Good Luck and Fate 45

QUESTION: Then why do people sometimes practise such

things and believe in them?

ANSWER: Because of greed, fear and ignorance. As soon as  people understand the Buddha’s teachings, they realise that a

 pure heart can protect them much better than bits of paper, bits of 

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metal and a few chanted words and they no longer rely on such

things. In the teachings of the Buddha, it is honesty, kindness,understanding, patience, forgiveness, generosity, loyalty andother good qualities that truly protect you and give you true


QUESTION: But some lucky charms do work, don’t they?

ANSWER: I know a person who makes a living selling luckycharms. He claims that his charms can give good luck, prosperityand he guarantees that you will be able to pick three numbers.

But if what he says is true then why isn’t he himself a multi-millionaire? If his lucky charms really work, then why doesn’t he

win the lottery week after week? The only luck he has is that

there are people silly enough to buy his magic charms.

QUESTION: Then is there such a thing as luck?

ANSWER: The dictionary defines luck as 'believing that

whatever happens, either good or bad, to a person in the course

of events is due to chance, fate or fortune'. The Buddha deniedthis belief completely. Everything that happens has a specific

cause or causes and there must be some relationships betweenthe cause and the effect. Becoming sick, for example, has

specific causes. One must come into contact with germs and

one’s body must be weak enough for the germs to establishthemselves. There is a definite relationship between the cause

(germs and a weakened body) and the effect (sickness) becausewe know that germs attack the organisms and give rise to

sickness. But no relationship can be found between wearing a

 piece of paper with words written on it and being rich or passingexaminations. Buddhism teaches that whatever happens does so

 because of a cause or causes and not due to luck, chance or fate.

46 Good Luck and Fate

People who are interested in luck are always trying to get

something,usually more money and wealth. The Buddha teaches

us that it is far more important to develop our hearts and minds.

He says:

 Being deeply learned and skilled; being well-

trained and using well-spoken words - this isthe best good luck. To support mother and  father, to cherish wife and child and to have a

 simple livelihood - this is the best good luck.


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Becoming a Buddhist-ooOoo-

QUESTION: What you say so far is very interesting to me.

How do I become a Buddhist?

ANSWER: Once there was a man called Upali. He was thefollower of another religion and he went to the Buddha in order 

to argue with him and try to convert him. But after talking to theBuddha, he was so impressed that he decided to become a

follower of the Buddha. But the Buddha said:

"Make a proper investigation first. Proper investigation is good for a well-known personlike yourself." 

"Now I am even more pleased and satisfied when the Lord says to me: 'Make a proper 

investigation first.' For if members of another 

48 Becoming a Buddhist

religion had secured me as a discipline they

would have paraded a banner all around the

town saying: 'Upali has joined our religion.' 

  But the Lord says to me: Make a proper 

investigation first. Proper investigation is good  for a well-known person like yourself." 

In Buddhism, understanding is the most important thing andunderstanding takes time. So do not impulsively rush into

Buddhism. Take your time, ask questions, consider carefully, and

then make your decision. The Buddha was not interested inhaving a large number of disciples. He was concerned that

  people should follow his teachings as a result of a carefulinvestigation and consideration of the facts.

QUESTION: If I have done this and find the Buddha's

teaching acceptable, what would I do then if I wanted to

become a Buddhist?

ANSWER: If would be best to join a good temple or Buddhist

group, support them, be supported by them and continue to learn

more about the Buddha's teachings. Then, when you are ready,you would formally become a Buddhist by taking the Three


QUESTION: What are the Three Refuges?

ANSWER: A refuge is a place where people go when they are

distressed or when they need safety and security. There are many

types of refuges. When people are unhappy, they take refugewith their friends, when they are worried and frightened, they

may take refuge in false hopes and beliefs. As they approachdeath, they might take refuge in the belief in an eternal heaven.

But, as the Buddha says, none of these are true refuges because

they do not give comfort and security based on reality.

Becoming a Buddhist 49

Truly these are not safe refuges,

not the refuge supreme.

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 Not the refuge whereby one is

 freed from all sorrow.

 But to take refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha

and to see with real understanding 

the Four Noble Truths,

Suffering, the cause of suffering,the transcending of suffering and 

the Noble Eightfold Path that leadsto the transcending of suffering,

This indeed is a safe refuge,

it is the refuge supreme. It is the refuge whereby one is

 freed from all suffering.

Dp 189-192

Taking Refuge in the Buddha is a confident acceptance of thefact that one can become fully enlightened of the fact that one

can become fully enlightened and perfected just as the Buddha

was. Taking Refuge in the Dhamma means understanding theFour Noble Truths and basing one's life on the Noble EightfoldPath. Taking Refuge in the Sangha means looking for support,

inspiration and guidance from all who walk the Noble Eightfold

Path. Doing this one becomes a Buddhist and thus takes the first

step on the path towards Nirvana.50 Becoming a Buddhist

QUESTION: What changes have taken place in your life

since you first took the three refuges?

ANSWER: Like countless millions of others over the last 2500

years, I have found that the Buddha's teachings have made senseout of a difficult world, they have given meaning to what was asenseless life, they have given me a humane and compassionate

ethics with which to lead my life and they have shown me how I

can attain a state of purity and perfection in the next life. A poet

in ancient India once wrote of the Buddha:

To go to him for refuge, to sing his praise, todo him honour and to abide in his Dhamma is

to act with understanding.

I agree with these words completely.

QUESTION: I have a friend who is always trying to convert

me to his religion. I am not really interested in his religion

and I have told him so but he won't leave me alone. What can

I do?

ANSWER: The first thing you must understand is that this

 person is not really your friend. A true friend accepts you as youare and respects your wishes. I suspect that this person is merely pretending to be your friend so he can convert you. When people

are trying to impose their will on you they are certainly not


QUESTION: But he says he wants to share his religion with


ANSWER: Sharing your religion with others is a good thing.

But I suggest that your friend doesn't know the difference  between sharing and imposing. If I have an apple, I offer youhalf and you accept my offer, then I have shared with you. But if 

you say to me "Thank you, but I have already eaten" and I keep

Becoming a Buddhist 51

insisting that you take half the apple until you finally give in tomy pressure, this can hardly be called sharing. People like your 

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'friend' try to disguise their bad behaviour by calling it 'sharing',

'love', or 'generosity', but by whatever name they call it, their  behaviour is still just rude, bad manners and selfish.

QUESTION: So how can I stop him?

ANSWER: It is simple. Firstly, be clear in your mind what you

want. Secondly, clearly and briefly tell him so. Thirdly, when he

asks you questions like "What is your belief on this matter?" or "Why don't you wish to come to the meeting with me?", clearly, politely and persistently repeat your first statement. "Thank you

for your invitation but I would rather not come"."Why not?"

"That is really my business. I would rather not come."

"But there will be many interesting people there."

"I am sure there will be but I would rather not come.""I am inviting you because I care about you.""I am glad you care about me but I would rather not come."

If you clearly, patiently and persistently repeat yourself and

refuse to allow him to get you involved in a discussion he willeventually give up. It is a shame that you have to do this, but it is

very important for people to learn that they cannot impose their  beliefs or wishes upon others.

QUESTION: Should Buddhists try to share the Dhamma

with others?

ANSWER: Yes, they should. And I think most Buddhistsunderstand the difference between sharing and imposing. If 

  people ask you about Buddhism, tell them. You can even tell

them about the Buddha's teachings without their asking. But if, by either their words or actions, they let you know that they are

not interested, accept that and respect their wishes. It is also

important to remember that you let people know about theDhamma far more effectively through your actions than through preaching to them. Show people the Dhamma by always being

52 Becoming a Buddhist

considerate, kind, tolerant, upright and honest. Let the Dhammashine forth through your speech and actions. If each of us, you

and I, know the Dhamma thoroughly, practise it fully and share it

generously with others, we can be of great benefit to ourselvesand others also.
