Good One Mattings Heavy-weight China Mattings, strictly...

TARIFF AC^ASSURED Good Effect of the White House Conference. ¦ CONFUSION CLEARED AWAY ] Agreement Satisfactory to Presi-j dent Will Be Reached. SPIRIT OF COMPROMISE ALIVE! Executive and the Legislative i Branches Brought Into Closer Harmony. Oat of the confusion of the tariff tit- nation, two propositions seem to stand ont as certainties now: First, that there will not be a dead¬ lock between the two houses, even thongh there should be a delay of a few days to whip the compromises into shape for general acceptance. Second, that the agreement thus to come about will be acceptable to the President and the bill will receive his signature and downright Indorsement. There will be no such fiasco as mark¬ ed the passage of the Wilson bill, it is prophesied; no replica of the "My Dear Catchings" letter, denouncing the tariff legislation as an act of perfidy and dis- honor. Efforts to Hasten Agreement. The effect upon republican senators ami ; representatives of last night's confer- enee at the White House was to stimu¬ late today the spirit of compromise among all factions and to hasten efforts to reach an agreement upon a tariff bill. The s:atement made by some of those in attendance at last night's meeting that no conference report will he brought in until its adoption by both Houses seems assured added to tlie zeal of the efforts of the workers for compromise. The dinner brought a thorough under¬ standing between President Taft ami the members of the conference committee as to what lie desires in tariff legislation and a demonstration that existing con¬ ditions render It unlikely that all the President's desires can be gratified. The outcome is that the conferees are left to do the best they can in the way of com¬ promise among the varying elements of the House and Senate. This outcome apparently was satisfac¬ tory to all concerned. It is declared to mean good feeling between the White House and the Capitol, a sympathetic understanding on the part of the Presi¬ dent of the difficulties confronting the conferees and fostering a general sp:rit of concession 011 all sides. The construction placed upon the out¬ come of the conference was that no ab¬ solute policy of free materials can be In¬ sisted upon, since the declaration was made by Senator Aldrlch that such a policy could not carry in the Senate, and the House leaders were not able to give positive assurance that it would command a majority in the House, owing to the aggressive attitude of republicans from western states. Friendly to Compromise. The further view prevailed today that executive demands are not to dominate the consideration of the tariff bill, but that on the contrary the President lends assent to the principle that all tariff leg¬ islation is a compromise, and he gives free rein to the conferees to work out the best kind of a bill they can. These considerations led during the day to increased activity among the oppo¬ nents of the downright free raw material policy. They are moving heaven and earth to keep some kind of a duty on hides and coal. OH and iron ore are vir¬ tually turned over to the advocates of free raw material. But a compromise od coal and a split of the reduction 011 hides are still among the possibilities of the situation. Lower Duty on Leather. One way In which free hides can be obtained, it is declared, is to reduce the duty on finished products of leather. It is confidently asserted that the leather manufacturers are getting ready to give assent to such reduction, if the parlia¬ mentary status can be arranged. There Is a difficulty there In this respect: the reduction demanded would be below the figures named in either House or Senate bill, and the conferees have no authority to go outside the limitations of their re¬ spective bills. It is suggested that a joint resolution might be passed authorizing the conferees to dro? below the lowest rates named In the bill. The objection te that plan is that it opens up possibility of further dis¬ cussion of the subject in the Senate. The opinion is held by some of the con¬ ferees that the subject of reducing the duties on leather below the minimum fig¬ ures now before the conferees can be opened up without resorting to a joint resolution They contend that there are precedents for such action, and that, fur¬ thermore. the placing of hides on the free list by the House gives an excuse for taking up The duties 011 related subjects. However, It Is admitted that if this is clone, the democrats will immediately de¬ mand free shoes. Not Bound Hard and Fast. Great satisfaction was expressed by both senators and representatives today- over the willingness of the President, as they understood it to be expressed in last night's conference, to stand by the conferees in their compromises and not t«» put out a ultimatum for absolute free raw material. This spirit is ex- pe< ted to bring a response in kind from the far western senators who have been rather stiff in the past few days in their resistance to free hides and lower duties on coal. Senator Borah of Idaho, who a few .lays ago was in a m<>od to oppose the President's wishes for free hides, has been brought around to the position of viewing with equanimity if not willing- ucss the proposed reduction, providing it can be accompanied by a lowering of the duty of finished products of the leather manufacturers. He was working today on a plan to bring about that compro¬ mise. Last Night's Discussion. Those attending the dinner last night were the Vice President, the Speaker of the House, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, Sena¬ tor Hale. Senator Aldrich. Senator Bur¬ rows. Senator Penrose, Senator Crane, Senator Boot. Representative Dalzell. Representative Payne, Representative McCall, Representative Boutell, Repre¬ sentative Calderhead. Representative Fordney, Representative Dwight and Capt. Butt. Capt. Butt withdrew when the tariff talk commenced. After dinner the President and guests retired to the portico. According to the l>est reports of what occurred at the after-dinner conference, the first discus¬ sion was whether a conference report which provided for free iron ore. hid<-s, oil and coal could be adopted In both houses. Senator Aldrlch gave It as his absolute opinion, based upon a canvass of the Senate, that such a report could not pass the Senate. Chairman Payne of the House commit¬ tee was reasonably sure that such a re¬ port could pas«s the House, but he cojld not speak with certainty, as he had not . .jtnvawod the House. The republican whip. Mr. I>wight. was unable to furnish tiBures showing an absolute majority for tree raw material. li is saitl that the President, appar¬ ently realizing that the time was un- propitious to press for a rU-cision on the subject of free raw materials, refrained from demand for further details of the situation in 'lie House and Senate. The discussion then t«>ok up the customs court the corporation tax and other fea- ** "<»« ut the conference. I | Remnants Floor Oilcloth, <j| | 35c and 40c Grades, for = = A lot of "mill lengths" of Heavy-weight Floor Oilcloth, in j 4-4. 6-4 and 8-4 widths, on sale tomorrow at a fraction of regular j pricc. j Lengths from one to five yards. Heavy burlap back and j varnish surface. Jn light and dark colorings, showing large and i small designs. | Plenty of one pattern to cover a large size room, hall or ves- I tibule. jij Regular 35c and 40c grades tomorrow at 15c yard. 25c and 30c Mattings, 40-yard Rolls, at = =- One of the most remarkable sales of Mattings held this sum¬ mer. 18 "sample" rolls of Extra Heavy-weight Seamless China Mattings, strictly reversible kind, also Japanese Mattings in j handsome carpet designs, close-woven, firm, even-edge grades, ]j in colorings of red. blue and green Only one pattern of a kind. Sold regularly at 25c and 30c a yard. Sal* price, $5.08 for 40-yard rolls. ECONOMIES INVITE YOU HERE TOMORROW, i Sharp, Decisive Reductions on Dresses, $ Satin Duchesse cutaway style: $4.98 3 Rich Black ('oats; semi-fitting trimmed with folds of bengaline silk: sizes 38. 40 and 42. Sold regularly for $12.00. Reduced to 2 Imported Cream V"olor Serge Suits, with black hair line stripes: trimmed with collar and cuffs of black bengaline silk: /f» « '"ft /ThO sizes :{« and Re- II Z, VCS duced from $24.50 to.*^ 3 Linen Automobile Dusters; double-breasted style; sizes 36, 38 and 40. Regular price. $6.00. Reduced to :t Rich Black Satin Duchesse Skirts; trimmed with self-covered button molds: medium size waists; 41. 42 and 43 inches long. Regular prices. $15.00 and $16.00. Re¬ duced to Women's Stylish Irish Linene and Racket Cloth Suits: plain and semi-fitting styles: in white, light blue, tan: sizes up to 42. Reduced from $t?.!>8 to $2.98 $4.75 Irish Linene s: plain and white, light $2.00 Small lot of Women's Fine Qual¬ ity Lingerie Princess Dresses: elaborately trimmed with imported laces and embroidery panels; colors of light blue and lav¬ ender. Values worth from $1200 to $14.00 for $5.98 Remnant lot of Women's and Miss¬ es Dresses, including one-piece lin¬ gerie and plain percale and linenes; all neatly trimmed. <rt» ^ /r>0 Values worth from ^iLVS $8.00 to $10.00 for Remnant lot of Women's Walking Skirts, of invisible stripe serges, shadow stripe and fancy plaids. Trimmed with tailored folds. Odd sizes and colors. Left from lines that sold for $5.00 and $6.00. Re¬ duced to $1.98 8 Satin Foulard Princess Dresses, with lace yokes; colors of French blue, navy and old rose, with white figures and stripes. Sizes from 34 lo 40. Sold regular¬ ly at $12.50. Reduced to $3.98 40 5 Women's Gray Che».k Mannish Cloth Skirts, strictly tailored; 3!) and 41 inches long. Regular price, S6.JJ8. Reduced to $2.6^ Lot of Women's Satin Messaline Princess Dresses, in rose, pink, elec¬ tric blue, champagne and taupe; sizes 36. 38 and 40. Left from a line that sold for $15.00. Re¬ duced to JUST WATCH and see if our prediction doesn't come true, tisat sooner or later they will copy our Saturday Morning Sales, but won't imitate us in the early Saturday closing movement. WE CLOSE SATl'RDAYS AT 6 O'CLOCK. If you ap¬ prove of this do all your shop¬ ping on Saturdays before 6 o'clock and none after that hour. $6.98 b «= Our Entire Stock off Refrigerators Vd> Off H ^s> 11 Rich Satin Foulard Princess Dresses; handsomely trimmed. Va¬ rious shades. Sizes 34. 36 and 38 only. Re¬ duced from $20.0<>, $25.00 and $27.50 to >. $8.65 35 Women's and Misses' Imported Cloth Suits, including serges, soliels, worsteds and satin-str.ipe prunellas. All plain tailored models, in shades of catawba, blue, olive green, reseda, navy blue and brown. Sizes up to 40. Values /*» ? /ThQ worth up to $25.00; lilk and Cotton Wash (Gfood. Unreserved Choice of All Remnants and Short Lengths of Finest Im¬ ported Fabrics Sold at 39c & 50c a yd. NECKWEAR, t Silk Chiffon Ruchlng, white <y and colors; neck length . «5C Embroidered Linen Collars, all sizes; worth 10c each; for 25c Mull Ties, with em¬ broidered ends Ascot Ties, in assorted colors: regularly 25c: to- Jl *51/ ~ morrow... " &/&" Silk Veiling, hiack and colors. Yard lengths, worth 25c yard, for , Women's White Hemstitch¬ ed Border . Handkerchiefs, each Men's White and Colored <|» Border Handkerchiefs 25e Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs % Women's Pure Linen Handkor A chiefs, worth 10c each; for <5HSMSw3MSH2H8HevtSK2K?K2kSkSkJkJkJjv* T n 0c 5c mc s-Mc 11254c 5c To lighten our stock of Refrigerators we offer The en¬ tire stock at a straight-out-and-out reduction of 33 per cent. This means that you come tomorrow and select any Re¬ frigerator in the store and deduct one-third from the mark¬ ed pricc. These are the famed Ranney Refrigerators. tnad~ o" hardwood, with galvanized iron lining. ball-bearing ca.-iers and removable waste pipe. Complete with all up-to-date improvements. VKjundt ice $10.65 }*2 pounds ice -$11.98 1<M» te? Xo. 5 Lap'and. 65 pounds ice capacity. Regu¬ lar price, $15.08. Reduced to No. 6 Lapland. S2 pounds ice capacity. Regular price. $17.08. duced to.... Xo. S Lapland. capacity. Regular price. SIO-IM*. Re¬ duced to Xo. 22 Lapland, capacitv. Regular pi ke. $24.W. Re¬ duced to No. 23 Lapland, 115 pounds. Reg¬ ular price. *25.»R Reduced to 305 Monitor, 65 pounds ice capacity. Regular price. $14.!>8. Re*- duced to puunds $13.32 135 pounds Ice $16.65 , ire cana<-i|p $17.32 .98 'J1'? Monitor. 82 capacity. Regular price, $15.08. Re¬ duced |o Mascot, ice capacity 75 pounds. R e g u I a r price, $14.OS. Reduced to Radium. 5o pounds it>. Regular price. $15.08. Re¬ duced to $10.65 r 75 pounds. $9.98 ( ice i>ac- $10.65 nds ice capac- $11.98 Radium. K5 pound* ic* capac¬ ity. R e g u 1 a price. $17.'.»K. Re¬ duced to Apartment House rounds ice capac- ity. Regular price. $24.4t». Reduced to Stj le, 160 $15.00 Wc arc bent fore stock-taking. upon clearing up all the remnants of High-class Silk and W ash Goods be- With that end in view we offer choice of our entire stock of remnants of fin¬ est grade imported silk and cotton wash fabrics at a fraction ©f regular cost. The collection includes: Brocaded Japonica Silks. Embroidered Silk Pongee. Seco Wash Silks. Tola Wash Silks. American Habutai Silks. Plain Silk Warp Pongee. Satin Stripe Novelty Silks. Oriental Silks. Satin Prunellas. Satin Bengalines. Imported Poplins. Silk Mercerized Rep. 36-inch Colored Dress Linen. Mercerized Pongee Linen. t 4* fx> ? 'i* r T v i V v T S All are in desirable lengths. Choice of a wide range of popular colors. Wash Fabrics sold as high as 39c and 50c a yard, offered at I2><c. Ramie. Linen. Aero Suiting. Kilmarnock Choice of Silk and Cotton REMNANTS OF WASH OF WASH GOODS, including Ramie. Linen. Suitings, French Linen-finish Suitings, Cannon Cloth, Simla Silks, Silk Organdy, Arnold's Superfine Or¬ gandies, Imported Voiles, French Lawn. Tissue Foulards, St. Gall Batiste, India Linon, Nainsook. Madras, Longcloth. Pongee Brilliante, Linene Suitings, Pique. Lingerie Batiste and many other desirable white colored wash materials. Regular prices, 15c and 19c a yard. Remnant price £ v ¥ % «"» X REMNANT LOT OF WHITE INDIA LINON, 30 and 36 in. wide; lengths range from 2 to 10 yards. Nice, sheer quality sold regularly at 10c a yard. Excellent grade for waists and SuinmeV dresses. Remnant price, yard .# #. jfe. .A. aft. ^ A A Ine Or- _ -S) / rss 7<^4c ;. Men's 4-ply Linen Collars At 55c a Half Dozen. The unusual interest manifested in this sale of Men's FOL'R- PLY LINEN COLLARS at 55c a half dozen shows how appre¬ ciative Washington men are of the chance to save money. Men planning vacation trips, as well as stay-at-honies. will see the wisdom of securing a supply of these 4-plv Linen Collars while they mav be bought at such a lftw price. * These are four-ply LIN KM COLLARS and arc equal in ma¬ terial. workmanship and finish to any 15c collars on the market. Made especially for us by one of the largest collar manufacturers in the COUEvIery Collar guaranteed 4-ply linen, and STRICTLY PERFECT. Choice of all the newest and most desirable shapes in turn-down styles All regular sizes in each style. Put up in sealed boxes of half a doaen each, which insures their being clean and in good condition. Siaes 14 to 18%. They will be sold by the 'half dozen. No restriction as to the number of half dozens you may buy, but we cannot break the boxes Come tomorrow and ppt your siiHi'6 of thest? 4-ply Linen Collars wtiiJ© tncj may be bought so cheaply. 55c half dozen. fc fc % % % % fA % % % % % % % % % % % % % fc % fc 1fc k fc fc % % fc % % '* k %b V % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Men' T <v & Sold at $10, $12 and $15, Choice. $5.00 We are bent upon disposing of tlje small lots and ends of lines, and to accompl sh a quick clearance we have marked these Men's Two-piece Summer Suits at the astonishingly low price of FIVE DOLLARS EACH. The lot consists of fancy worsteds, cheviots, tropica! worst¬ eds, cassimeres and cravenetted mohairs, also all-wooi grxy serges. Three-button sack style; half, quarter and skeleton lined. Trousers finished with cuff bottoms and belt loop' Sizes 34 to 42 in the lot. Just think of buying suits formerly sold at $10, $12 and $15 for $5. 22 Men's High-grade Hand-tailored Suits, of finest quality materials, in neat dressy patterns. One and two of each kind. Val- tl '"D ues worth 120.00 and II $25.00. Reduced to ^ Small lot of Young Men's Three- piece Long Pasta Suits; mostly all dark colors; single and double breast¬ ed styles; sizes in the lot from 15 to 19 years. Values < worth up to $10.00. Reduced to 75 pairs of Men's Fine Quality Trousers, of worsted and French flannels, in a large variety of pat¬ terns: sizes in the worsted from 30 to 36 inches and in the flannel from 34 to 42. Values worth $4.00 and $5.00. duced to 15 Men's Two-piece Suits, of good quality materials, in grays and checks; slightly soiled by water; well made and finished; odd sizes. ill).ik). Reduced to., Lot of Men's Fine Quality Straw Hats, in soft and yacht styles; of split, sennit and Milan ^ a straws. Regular $200, $2.50 y and $3.00 values for r'-$2.19 ece Suits, of good in grays and . led by water; well nd finished; odd -rt 0 0 Regular price, ^][ '$4.25 Infants' Underwear, Choice at 25c. Worth Up to qoc. Lot of Infants' "Sam- pie"' garments, consisting of All-wool Shirts and Bands and Silk Bands, on sale tomorrow at the lowest price ever named for such qualities. Shirts are high necks, long and short sleeves, finished with silk crochet around neck and down front, trimmed with pearl buttons. Bands are all wool and silk. Regular prices up to 90c a garment. Sale price, 25c each. -oOo- "Seconds" of Wom¬ en's Lisle Vests, low neck and sleeveless, finished with silk tape In neck and arms. The famous Otis make. The imperfections are sl.ght, and do not hurt them in the least. » Regular price, 50c. Tomorrow at misi* oOo Boys' Balbriggan Un¬ derwear, shirts, witn high neck and long or short sleeves. Ankle and knee draw¬ ers. Regular price, 50c a garment. Special at... fFriday Footwear Clearance.! Lot of Boys' White Canvas Ox- 500 pairs of Children's Tan Leath- ? Suits. in Russian belted and M 48c Lot of Boys' White Canvas fords, sizes 4, 4»4. 5, 5»,£, 04, 10 and 12. Regular price, $1.25 pair. Reduced to. Small lot of Misses' and Children's White Canvas Ankle-strap Pumps and Lace Oxfords; sizes up to 2. Remnant price, pair Women's White Canvas Ankle- Strap Pumps, Two-eyelet Sailor Ties and Three-eyelet Gibson Ties; leath¬ er and covered heels; sizes 2% to 5. Values worth $1.25 and $1.50 pair. Reduced to Lot of Misses' and Children's High- grade Tan Calf Barefoot Sandals; slz^s 6 to 8, 8% to 2. Reg- ? ^ ular $1.00 and $1.25 values. (n)*U/C Reduced to v Odd lot of Women's Patent Colonial Pumps and Blucher Oxfords; odd sizes. Values worth up to $2.50 pair. Re¬ duced to $1. $1.00 500 pairs of Children's Tan Leath¬ er Barefoot Sandals; sizes "2^7 5 to 8. Remnant price. jf ^ pair Women's Tan Calf and Kid Blu¬ cher Oxfords and Strap Pumps; welts and turns; odd sizes; B to D widths. Reduced to Lot of Women's Oxford Ties, An- kle-strap Pumps. Sailor Tics and Co¬ lonial Blucher Oxfords, of tan calf and kid, gray suede, tan suede, pat¬ ent colt, patent kid, from 2% to ??%; P. widths. Valu s worth $2.50, $3.<»0 and $3.50 pair. Reduced to Whitemores, Howard's. Brown's and Eagle Brand Shoe Paste; large- size J4-pound boxes. Regular price, 10c box. Remnant price Women's Black and White Bath¬ ing Slippers; cork-filled *m. * soles; all sizes. Remnant price, pair... $1.69 etc.; odd sizes C, D and E $1.95 Y 4? f 4' I t $1.00 6c Waists amid Wrappers. Lot of Men's Cutaway Coats, of genuine English black clay worsted, left from suits; ao sizes 33, 34, 46 and 50 only. Choice ^ in plain 59c Muslin Wear. Laces aod Embroideries. 2%c Remnants of Embroidery, Edg¬ ings and Insertings; assorted widths. Sold rt gularly at 5c yard. Remnant price Remnant lot of Swiss and Nain¬ sook Embroideries, Edgings and Insertings; wide widths. Worth 10c and 12Vfcc yard. Reduced to Swiss Embroidery Medallions, for J, trimming wrflsts, etc.; & large variety of pat- « ^ / & terns. Worth 10c each. 11 JjAj £ «& Remnant price /ii v Heavy German Torchon Lace, X Edgings and Insertings; suitable for t r I m m ing underwear, etc. Worth 5c yard. Remnant price Lot of Gingham and ' White Aprons; extra wide and full; long strings. Regular price, 19c each. Reduced to 1254c 12 Waists of fancy colored nets and taffeta silks; old sizes <rh Worth $4 00 and $5.00. jl Remnant price Odd lot of Lingerie Waists, pin-tucked yoke and em¬ broidery - trimmed styles. Sold regularly at .$1.00 and $1.50. Reduced t% Remnant lot of Mendel's Wrappers, of percale, in checks, small figures and polka dot effects. Sizes :;4, 30 and 44 only. Worth / '(fT $1.50. Reduced to X Chiffon Waists, richly braided with soutache braid; light blue and white. Sizes 30, 38 and '0. Sold regularly at S 10.00. One day at. $2.98 $2.69 s, handsome- $3.98 2 Mescaline Silk Waists, in cream color: beautifully trimmed: size 38. Left from a line that sold at $5.98. Reduced to 2 Black Chiffon Waists, handsome¬ ly trimmed; size 38. Worth $*.50. Remnant price 2 Waists, of ecru color all-over net: beautifully trimmed Sizes 3*5 and and to One Imported BIa« k Chiffon Waist, trimmed with embroidered lilet bands. Size 3S. Re¬ duced from $2T1.00 to ? ¥ ? ? Y X f Y Y <e> £ A | $ Y X X f > X $1.48 $1.49 42. Worth $5.i*» 4? fl /nvO $0 0f». Reduced ^ 1 *VO !| $4.75 <:u> & Boys* Percale and Madras Wash Suits, in Russian belted and sailer blouse styles. All made with bloom* er pants; all good serviceable color. Sizes 2^i to 0 years. Remnant price, three suits for 42 Children's Broad Brim Straw Sailor Hats. Worth $1 and $1.50. Reduced to Bojs Wash Suits, the well known Mother's Friend brand. All ciC extra, fine quality, in white and colore. All sizes, from 2% to 6 years, but not of each color and pattern Values worth up to $3.50. Reduced to Boys* Fancy Cassimere Double- breasted Suits, light patterns only. Straight and knickerbocker pants. Odd sizes. Values worth up to $:t.50. Re- "duced to Boys' Navy Blue Pure Worsted Serge Suits, double-breasted style and junior snapes. Straight knee or knickerbocker pants. One and two o:' each kind. Small fizes only. Values worth up to duced to.. Boys' Gray Base Ball Suits, sizes 12 and 14 years only. Sold regularly at Remnant, price Boys' Faney Cassimere and Melton Straight Knee Pants; 4. «, 10. 12. 14 and _ years. Regular price. 50c u pair. Remnant price . Boys' Blue Denim Brownie Over¬ alls; sizes 13 to 1<» years ^ ^ only. Regular price. 25c 1 U/* pair. Reduced to * ** Children's One-piece Jersey Bathing Suits, in navy ulue and garnet. Sizes 2 and 3 years only. Regular $1.<I0 value. Reduced to Hoys' Country Straw Hats "Values $2.98 69c Blue frizes * 49c 5c 2/4c Women's Muslin Nainsook Gowns ers. Corset Cov Combination Garments; with lace and ruffles. Sold regularly up to $1.00 each. Reduced to and White Duck Eton Caps. Each .' ns,"' Skirts?'UDraw- |t 'fe'fr'g'<3"gHgt4"8-<S><S."§¦.'a°'d pa^teVnsT'^sizes'^Ki rers, Chemises and V 0 jp»v n 'i! and oniy.__ Reg trimmed 55c Remnants off Domestics, Percales, Cottons and Sheets. and Regular .>c. Rem- L C "Women's Wearables. \ Remnant lot of Corsets, Including 1 ^ "C. B.," "W. B.,'' "P. N." and many j t other styles; odd sizes; t long and short styles. Val- 4 v ues worth up to fl.00 pair. i i Remnant price ^ J Small lot of Women's Combing J ( Jackets, of good quality white lawn, J! > with pink and blue trim- a ] mings. Regular price, 39c JLr'iC. each. Reduced to Small lot of Long Kimonos, of ba¬ tiste and lawn; made with belt and yoke; odd sizes. ? Regular price, $1.00. Rem- nant price Small lot of Faney Crepe Kimonos, finished with satin bor¬ ders and shirred shoul- «i iOlQ ders. Regular price, M ^/£& Reduced to ^ w 25 Silk Petticoats, of good quality taffeta silk; made with shirred and tucked ruffles; colors include blue, brown, gray and black- and-white check. Reg¬ ular price, $5.00. Rem¬ nant price TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES. 2 High-grade Veneered Trunks; full riveted: size 40 inches. Worth $22.50. ^ U). VO Reduced to ^ One Trunk: full riv¬ eted; size inches. Worth $18.50. duced to 2 Fine Patent Tray Trunks; linen lined; size 30 inches. Worth to.. 2 Strongly Made Trunks; canvas covered; deep tray; size 20 inches. Worth $2.98. Reduced to 2 Strongly Made Trunks; fiber bound; brass trimmed; size JK.'AS. Reduced to.. On^ Fine Quality Trunk, with com¬ partments; patent oiled duck covered. Worth $22.00 duced to 4 Karetol Suit Cases; very durable. Worth $2.50. For Lot of Japanese Matting Suit Cases; assorted sizes; leather corners and handle. Worth up to $2.00. For 5 Good Quaiity Leath¬ er Suit Cases. Worth $t.50. For 3 Cowhide Suit Ciises; linen lined. Worth For ¦z Rattan Suit Cases; straps all around; leather corners; size 24 inches. Worth }4.50. Remnant price.. Lot of Muslin Corset Covers, with lace front of cluny lace inserting and ribbon; sizes 36 to 42. Regular price, 5l)c each. Remnant price Small lot of Women's and Chil¬ dren's Sunbonnets and Sun Hats, of plain percale; lace trimmed. R e g u 1 a price, 25c each. duced to. 29c "-J2^cl 38-lnch Percales, Cotton Voiles. Dress Ginghams. Apron Ginghams, Suitings, Domet Flannel. Canton Flannel. American Prints, Plain Chambray, Corded Ma- a dras. etc. Regular 8c and 10c values. One day at... /O 36-inch Unbleached Cotton, a heavy close-woven quality; in good useful lengths. Reg¬ ularly 10c yard. One day. i"7?4c i8«c 45x36 Bleached Pillow Cases, hand torn and Ironed; made from mil' lengths of the best known cottons. Regular price, 12^c each; Remnant price 25 dozen 81xHo Welded Sheets; large double-bed size; mill seconds; hand torn and Ironed; made from heavy, close-woven cotton. Worth 59c each. Remnant price. and to at 25c Knlck* 25c $11.98 Tray Trunks; linen size 36 inches. <nvQ $12.00. Reduced inks; canvas $1.98 runks; fiber id; brass trimmed; <£» / a <*> 38 inches. Worth PoHiinOil tO. ty Trunk, with corn- tent He-$13.49 $1.39 k / ^ ularly lOc yard. One day.. xwmnam pnte «£ Small lot of Colored Lawn Petti- ^ jats, with ruffles. « / T A A SSSt..15c...'.*ch:.. 1234c | Gloye Bargains. silk Gloves, In black; Juvenile Wear. Lot of Infants' Long and Short White Slips, trimmed with embroid¬ ery. iace and inserting; also White Petticoats, Long French Dresses and guimpes; all slightly soiled from handling. Values worth $1.00 each. Reduced to $2.39 Small lot of Cloth, Pique and Pon¬ gee Reefers, neatly trim¬ med: odd sizes. Values worth up to $2.50. Re¬ duced to 98c $2.39 » $2.98 i; straps all $2.98 Nottingham Laces, 15c a Strip, Clearance of a lot of manufac¬ turer's "sample strips" of Scotch and Nottingham Laces in white, ecru and red. 1 and ll* yards long, 36 to 50 inches wide. Suitable for sash curtains, scarfs and draperies. - Sold regularly at 25c and 50c a yard. Sale price, 15c each. (Fourth Floor, t T Girls' White Dresses, of Persian lawn; made with bretelles over the shoulders, of lace and inserting; odd sizes anu slightly soiled. ^ /Th Sold regularly at $1.49. iCTtMU I rg Ultii ly Remnant price. Children's Percale Dreses. White § Petticoats and Ruffle-trimmed Draw- y t ers. Regular price. ^ rr / I, 25c each. Remnant 11 JL |J Or» full 12-button length u $1.00 Silk Gloves, black and evening shades. . Full 16-button lengths. Remnant price, 25c "Silk Mitts and Glo>{e Tops; e . white and cream color. Pair Matting Mats at 3c Each. "Sample lengths" of Japanese and China Mattings, in checks, stripes, plaids and carpet designs, in all col¬ ors, on sale tomorrow at 3c each. Size, 18x36 Inches.useful for mats about the house. (Fourth Floor.) .2H§Kjw$»<|*§>«3K5H?'49H$KSHJ"8M8MSM$KlKsKiMSK3KSM3K£> Art Department. Stamped Scarfs, with hemstitch¬ ed borders; assorted pat- 8c f » * T i T v- Remnants of Draperies,. 6/^c. I Sold Up to iqc Yard. Remnants of Draperies culled from regular stock, comprising Yard-wide Silkolines, Madras, Burlap. Cretonne, Curtain Swiss and Imitation Furni¬ ture Linen, In lengths from 2 to 8 yards. Materials suitable for curtains, dra¬ peries, scarfs, table, cushion and fur¬ niture covers. Regular prices. V-'^c to 19c a yard. Sale price, 6^fcc yard. Household Linens. 85 dozen Ail-linen Full Bleached Irish Table Napkins; assorted pat¬ terns: 16-inch sizes. Regu¬ lar 98c value. Remnant price, dozen T < prices, 50c nant price Boys' White Bloomer erbocker Pants; sizes 4 1<"> years. Sold regularly 50c pair. Reduced to. Boys' and Children's Tam-o'-Shan- ter Hats, of linen, pique, duck madras and other wash materials. Regular 25c and 50c values. Reduced to Boys- Sailor Blouses, of washable materials, left from suits, each Boys' Straight ^ Knee Pants, of madras, linen and chambray. Sizes 3 and 4 years only. Regular prices, 25c. 39c and 50c pair. Reduced to Boys' Russian Belted and Sailor Blouses: well made and good quality materials; some are slightly imperfect. Each 15c 25c 8c 50c f t * t <"> Window Shades at I2yic Each. A remnant lot of about 15 dozen Opaque Cloth Window 8hades, in white and ecru; 3o inches wide and 2 yards long. Mounted on good strong spring rollers. These are manufacturer's "jiec- onds" of regular 25c shades, which we offer tomorrow at 12Mtc each. T I Towels. price Lot of Children's Mull Caps, Hats, with button crowns, and Straw Bonnets. Regu¬ lar price, 5<>c each. Rem¬ nant price Linen Scarfs and slightly mussed. Wash 10c terns German Shams: Each Four-and-one-half-yard pieces Pillow Ribbon; all colors. Sold regularly at 35c piece. Remnant price 11 Sc of 19c 75 dozen Hemmed Iiuck in all white and red bor¬ ders: generous sizes. Reg¬ ular 10c value. Reduced to. 5 pieces of Hy-inch Cream German Linen Table Damask, extra heavy quality, free from dressing. Regular 50c value. One day at t *1* Y «s> ? 29c I Enameled Ware, 19c. tt Lot of Enameled Ware, one and three pieces of each kind. Some are slightly chipped from bfing handled. The lot includes pre¬ serving kettles, teapots, covered saucepans, coffee pots, dishpans, milkpans, colanders, pitchers, etc., etc. Values worth up to ?5c each for 19c. % % % % fc % % % % fc % fc % k fc fc r* % 'A '* % % % % * '* % % % % % % fc % % % % i % % % % % % % % '* % % % % % % % k V, % % % % % % % % % % fc % % * «r ar if it ir ir ** »r «r ir «r je n" it ime- «r r $r ** tr «r $r n' «r if ie «r ar ar «r sr ir «r ar arar if it it if if af ar af af if if if if «f if if if «f if if K af if if if jt jtj* jt jt £ j# jt & jjt S £ Jl, 0

Transcript of Good One Mattings Heavy-weight China Mattings, strictly...

Page 1: Good One Mattings Heavy-weight China Mattings, strictly · TARIFF AC^ASSURED Good Effect of the White House Conference. ¦

TARIFF AC^ASSUREDGood Effect of the White

House Conference.¦


Agreement Satisfactory to Presi-jdent Will Be Reached.


Executive and the Legislativei

Branches Brought Into Closer


Oat of the confusion of the tariff tit-

nation, two propositions seem to stand

ont as certainties now:

First, that there will not be a dead¬

lock between the two houses, even

thongh there should be a delay of a few

days to whip the compromises into

shape for general acceptance.Second, that the agreement thus to

come about will be acceptable to the

President and the bill will receive his

signature and downright Indorsement.There will be no such fiasco as mark¬

ed the passage of the Wilson bill, it is

prophesied; no replica of the "My Dear

Catchings" letter, denouncing the tarifflegislation as an act of perfidy and dis-


Efforts to Hasten Agreement.The effect upon republican senators ami ;

representatives of last night's confer-enee at the White House was to stimu¬late today the spirit of compromise amongall factions and to hasten efforts to reachan agreement upon a tariff bill. Thes:atement made by some of those inattendance at last night's meeting thatno conference report will he brought inuntil its adoption by both Houses seems

assured added to tlie zeal of the effortsof the workers for compromise.The dinner brought a thorough under¬

standing between President Taft ami themembers of the conference committee asto what lie desires in tariff legislationand a demonstration that existing con¬ditions render It unlikely that all thePresident's desires can be gratified. Theoutcome is that the conferees are left todo the best they can in the way of com¬promise among the varying elements ofthe House and Senate.This outcome apparently was satisfac¬

tory to all concerned. It is declared tomean good feeling between the WhiteHouse and the Capitol, a sympatheticunderstanding on the part of the Presi¬dent of the difficulties confronting theconferees and fostering a general sp:ritof concession 011 all sides.The construction placed upon the out¬

come of the conference was that no ab¬solute policy of free materials can be In¬sisted upon, since the declaration wasmade by Senator Aldrlch that such a

policy could not carry in the Senate, andthe House leaders were not able to givepositive assurance that it would commanda majority in the House, owing to theaggressive attitude of republicans fromwestern states.

Friendly to Compromise.The further view prevailed today that

executive demands are not to dominatethe consideration of the tariff bill, butthat on the contrary the President lendsassent to the principle that all tariff leg¬islation is a compromise, and he givesfree rein to the conferees to work out thebest kind of a bill they can.

These considerations led during the dayto increased activity among the oppo¬nents of the downright free raw materialpolicy. They are moving heaven andearth to keep some kind of a duty onhides and coal. OH and iron ore are vir¬tually turned over to the advocates offree raw material. But a compromise odcoal and a split of the reduction 011 hidesare still among the possibilities of thesituation.

Lower Duty on Leather.One way In which free hides can be

obtained, it is declared, is to reduce theduty on finished products of leather. Itis confidently asserted that the leathermanufacturers are getting ready to giveassent to such reduction, if the parlia¬mentary status can be arranged. ThereIs a difficulty there In this respect: thereduction demanded would be below thefigures named in either House or Senatebill, and the conferees have no authorityto go outside the limitations of their re¬spective bills.

It is suggested that a joint resolutionmight be passed authorizing the confereesto dro? below the lowest rates named Inthe bill. The objection te that plan isthat it opens up possibility of further dis¬cussion of the subject in the Senate.The opinion is held by some of the con¬

ferees that the subject of reducing theduties on leather below the minimum fig¬ures now before the conferees can beopened up without resorting to a jointresolution They contend that there areprecedents for such action, and that, fur¬thermore. the placing of hides on the freelist by the House gives an excuse fortaking up The duties 011 related subjects.However, It Is admitted that if this isclone, the democrats will immediately de¬mand free shoes.

Not Bound Hard and Fast.Great satisfaction was expressed by

both senators and representatives today-over the willingness of the President, as

they understood it to be expressed inlast night's conference, to stand by theconferees in their compromises and nott«» put out a ultimatum for absolutefree raw material. This spirit is ex-pe< ted to bring a response in kind fromthe far western senators who have beenrather stiff in the past few days in theirresistance to free hides and lower dutieson coal.Senator Borah of Idaho, who a few

.lays ago was in a m<>od to oppose thePresident's wishes for free hides, hasbeen brought around to the position ofviewing with equanimity if not willing-ucss the proposed reduction, providing itcan be accompanied by a lowering of theduty of finished products of the leathermanufacturers. He was working todayon a plan to bring about that compro¬mise.

Last Night's Discussion.Those attending the dinner last night

were the Vice President, the Speakerof the House, the Secretary of theTreasury, the Attorney General, Sena¬tor Hale. Senator Aldrich. Senator Bur¬rows. Senator Penrose, Senator Crane,Senator Boot. Representative Dalzell.Representative Payne, RepresentativeMcCall, Representative Boutell, Repre¬sentative Calderhead. RepresentativeFordney, Representative Dwight andCapt. Butt. Capt. Butt withdrew whenthe tariff talk commenced.

After dinner the President and guestsretired to the portico. According to thel>est reports of what occurred at theafter-dinner conference, the first discus¬sion was whether a conference reportwhich provided for free iron ore. hid<-s,oil and coal could be adopted In bothhouses. Senator Aldrlch gave It as hisabsolute opinion, based upon a canvassof the Senate, that such a report couldnot pass the Senate.Chairman Payne of the House commit¬

tee was reasonably sure that such a re¬port could pas«s the House, but he cojldnot speak with certainty, as he had not. .jtnvawod the House. The republicanwhip. Mr. I>wight. was unable to furnishtiBures showing an absolute majority fortree raw material.

li is saitl that the President, appar¬ently realizing that the time was un-propitious to press for a rU-cision on thesubject of free raw materials, refrainedfrom demand for further details of thesituation in 'lie House and Senate. Thediscussion then t«>ok up the customscourt the corporation tax and other fea-** "<»« ut the conference.


| Remnants Floor Oilcloth, <j|| 35c and 40c Grades, for = =

A lot of "mill lengths" of Heavy-weight Floor Oilcloth, inj 4-4. 6-4 and 8-4 widths, on sale tomorrow at a fraction of regularj pricc.j Lengths from one to five yards. Heavy burlap back andj varnish surface. Jn light and dark colorings, showing large andi small designs.| Plenty of one pattern to cover a large size room, hall or ves-I tibule.

jij Regular 35c and 40c grades tomorrow at 15c yard.

25c and 30c Mattings,40-yard Rolls, at = = -

One of the most remarkable sales of Mattings held this sum¬mer.

18 "sample" rolls of Extra Heavy-weight Seamless ChinaMattings, strictly reversible kind, also Japanese Mattings in

j handsome carpet designs, close-woven, firm, even-edge grades,]j in colorings of red. blue and green

Only one pattern of a kind. Sold regularly at 25c and 30c a yard. Sal*price, $5.08 for 40-yard rolls.

ECONOMIES INVITE YOU HERE TOMORROW, iSharp, Decisive Reductions on


Satin Duchessecutaway style:


3 Rich Black('oats; semi-fittingtrimmed with folds ofbengaline silk: sizes38. 40 and 42. Soldregularly for $12.00.Reduced to2 Imported Cream V"olor Serge

Suits, with black hair line stripes:trimmed with collar and cuffs ofblack bengaline silk: /f» « '"ft /ThOsizes :{« and Re- J® II Z, VCSduced from $24.50 to.*^3 Linen Automobile Dusters;

double-breasted style;sizes 36, 38 and 40.Regular price. $6.00.Reduced to

:t Rich Black Satin DuchesseSkirts; trimmed with self-coveredbutton molds: medium size waists;41. 42 and 43 incheslong. Regular prices.$15.00 and $16.00. Re¬duced to

Women's Stylish Irish Lineneand Racket Cloth Suits: plain andsemi-fitting styles: in white, lightblue, tan: sizes up to42. Reduced from $t?.!>8to


$4.75Irish Linenes: plain andwhite, light


Small lot of Women's Fine Qual¬ity Lingerie Princess Dresses:elaborately trimmed with importedlaces and embroidery panels; colorsof light blue and lav¬ender. Values worthfrom $1200 to $14.00for $5.98Remnant lot of Women's and Miss¬

es Dresses, including one-piece lin¬gerie and plain percale and linenes;all neatly trimmed. <rt»^ /r>0Values worth from ^iLVS$8.00 to $10.00 for

Remnant lot of Women's WalkingSkirts, of invisible stripe serges,shadow stripe and fancy plaids.Trimmed with tailored folds. Oddsizes and colors. Leftfrom lines that soldfor $5.00 and $6.00. Re¬duced to $1.988 Satin Foulard Princess Dresses,

with lace yokes; colors of Frenchblue, navy and old rose, with whitefigures and stripes. Sizes from 34lo 40. Sold regular¬ly at $12.50. Reducedto $3.98

405 Women's Gray Che».k Mannish

Cloth Skirts, strictly tailored; 3!)and 41 inches long.Regular price, S6.JJ8.Reduced to $2.6^Lot of Women's Satin Messaline

Princess Dresses, in rose, pink, elec¬tric blue, champagne and taupe;sizes 36. 38 and 40.Left from a line thatsold for $15.00. Re¬duced to

JUST WATCHand see if our predictiondoesn't come true, tisat sooneror later they will copy our

Saturday Morning Sales, butwon't imitate us in the earlySaturday closing movement.WE CLOSE SATl'RDAYS

AT 6 O'CLOCK. If you ap¬prove of this do all your shop¬ping on Saturdays before 6o'clock and none after that hour.

$6.98 b «=

Our Entire Stock off

Refrigerators Vd> OffH


11 Rich Satin Foulard PrincessDresses; handsomely trimmed. Va¬rious shades. Sizes 34.36 and 38 only. Re¬duced from $20.0<>,$25.00 and $27.50 to

>. $8.6535 Women's and Misses' Imported

Cloth Suits, including serges, soliels,worsteds and satin-str.ipe prunellas.All plain tailored models, in shadesof catawba, blue, olive green,reseda, navy blue and brown.Sizes up to 40. Values /*» ? /ThQworth up to $25.00;

lilk and Cotton Wash (Gfood.Unreserved Choice of All Remnantsand Short Lengths of Finest Im¬ported Fabrics Sold at39c& 50c a yd.

NECKWEAR, tSilk Chiffon Ruchlng, white <y

and colors; neck length .«5C

Embroidered Linen Collars,all sizes; worth 10c each; for25c Mull Ties, with em¬

broidered endsAscot Ties, in assorted

colors: regularly 25c: to- Jl *51/ ~

morrow... " &/&"Silk Veiling, hiack and colors.

Yard lengths, worth 25c yard,for ,

Women's White Hemstitch¬ed Border . Handkerchiefs,eachMen's White and Colored

<|» Border Handkerchiefs25e Swiss Embroidered

Handkerchiefs% Women's Pure Linen HandkorA chiefs, worth 10c each; for

<5HSMSw3MSH2H8HevtSK2K?K2kSkSkJkJkJjv* C«T

n 0c




To lighten our stock of Refrigerators we offer The en¬tire stock at a straight-out-and-out reduction of 33 per cent.This means that you come tomorrow and select any Re¬frigerator in the store and deduct one-third from the mark¬ed pricc.

These are the famed Ranney Refrigerators. tnad~ o" hardwood, withgalvanized iron lining. ball-bearing ca.-iers and removable waste pipe.Complete with all up-to-date improvements.

VKjundt ice

$10.65}*2 pounds ice

-$11.981<M» te?

Xo. 5 Lap'and. 65 pounds icecapacity. Regu¬lar price, $15.08.Reduced toNo. 6 Lapland. S2 pounds ice

capacity. Regularprice. $17.08.duced to....Xo. S Lapland.

capacity. Regularprice. SIO-IM*. Re¬duced toXo. 22 Lapland,

capacitv. Regularpi ke. $24.W. Re¬duced toNo. 23 Lapland,

115 pounds. Reg¬ular price. *25.»RReduced to305 Monitor, 65 pounds ice

capacity. Regularprice. $14.!>8. Re*-duced to


$13.32135 pounds Ice

$16.65, ire cana<-i|p$17.32


'J1'? Monitor. 82capacity. Regularprice, $15.08. Re¬duced |o

Mascot, ice capacity 75 pounds.R e g u I a r price,$14.OS. Reducedto

Radium. 5o poundsit>. Regularprice. $15.08. Re¬duced to

$10.65r 75 pounds.

$9.98( ice c« i>ac-

$10.65nds ice capac-

$11.98Radium. K5 pound* ic* capac¬

ity. R e g u 1 aprice. $17.'.»K. Re¬duced to

Apartment Houserounds ice capac-ity. Regular price.$24.4t». Reducedto

Stj le, 160


Wc arc bentfore stock-taking.

upon clearing up all the remnants of High-class Silk and W ash Goods be-With that end in view we offer choice of our entire stock of remnants of fin¬

est grade imported silk and cotton wash fabrics at a fraction ©f regular cost.The collection includes:

Brocaded Japonica Silks.Embroidered Silk Pongee.Seco Wash Silks.Tola Wash Silks.American Habutai Silks.

Plain Silk Warp Pongee.Satin Stripe Novelty Silks.Oriental Silks.Satin Prunellas.Satin Bengalines.

Imported Poplins.Silk Mercerized Rep.36-inch Colored Dress Linen.Mercerized Pongee Linen.






All are in desirable lengths.Choice of a wide range of popular colors.

Wash Fabrics sold as high as 39c and 50c a yard, offered at I2><c.Ramie. Linen. Aero Suiting. Kilmarnock

Choice of Silk and CottonREMNANTS OF WASHOF WASH GOODS, including Ramie. Linen.

Suitings, French Linen-finish Suitings, Cannon Cloth, Simla Silks, Silk Organdy, Arnold's Superfine Or¬gandies, Imported Voiles, French Lawn. Tissue Foulards, St. Gall Batiste, India Linon, Nainsook. Madras,Longcloth. Pongee Brilliante, Linene Suitings, Pique. Lingerie Batiste and many other desirable whitecolored wash materials. Regular prices, 15c and 19c a yard. Remnant price


REMNANT LOT OF WHITE INDIA LINON, 30 and 36 in. wide; lengthsrange from 2 to 10 yards. Nice, sheer quality sold regularly at 10c a yard. Excellent grade for waists andSuinmeV dresses. Remnant price, yard

.# #. jfe. .A. aft. ^A A

Ine Or- _ -S) / <»

rss 7<^4c ;.

Men's 4-ply Linen CollarsAt 55c a Half Dozen.

The unusual interest manifested in this sale of Men's FOL'R-PLY LINEN COLLARS at 55c a half dozen shows how appre¬ciative Washington men are of the chance to save money.

Men planning vacation trips, as well as stay-at-honies. willsee the wisdom of securing a supply of these 4-plv Linen Collarswhile they mav be bought at such a lftw price.


These are four-ply LINKM COLLARS and arc equal in ma¬

terial. workmanship and finish to any 15c collars on the market.

Made especially for us by one of the largest collar manufacturers in the

COUEvIery Collar guaranteed 4-ply linen, and STRICTLY PERFECT.Choice of all the newest and most desirable shapes in turn-down stylesAll regular sizes in each style. Put up in sealed boxes of half a doaen each,

which insures their being clean and in good condition. Siaes 14 to 18%.They will be sold by the 'half dozen. No restriction as to the number of half

dozens you may buy, but we cannot break the boxesCome tomorrow and ppt your siiHi'6 of thest? 4-ply Linen Collars wtiiJ© tncj

may be bought so cheaply. 55c half dozen.









Men' T<v&

Sold at $10, $12 and $15,

Choice. $5.00We are bent upon disposing of tlje small lots and ends of

lines, and to accompl sh a quick clearance we have marked theseMen's Two-piece Summer Suits at the astonishingly low priceof FIVE DOLLARS EACH.

The lot consists of fancy worsteds, cheviots, tropica! worst¬eds, cassimeres and cravenetted mohairs, also all-wooi grxyserges.

Three-button sack style; half, quarter and skeleton lined. Trousers finishedwith cuff bottoms and belt loop'

Sizes 34 to 42 in the lot.Just think of buying suits formerly sold at $10, $12 and $15 for $5.

22 Men's High-grade Hand-tailoredSuits, of finest quality materials, inneat dressy patterns. One and twoof each kind. Val- tl '"Dues worth 120.00 and II$25.00. Reduced to ^

Small lot of Young Men's Three-piece Long Pasta Suits; mostly alldark colors; single and double breast¬ed styles; sizes in the lot from 15to 19 years. Values <worth up to $10.00.Reduced to

75 pairs of Men's Fine QualityTrousers, of worsted and Frenchflannels, in a large variety of pat¬terns: sizes in the worsted from 30to 36 inches and in the flannel from34 to 42. Values worth$4.00 and $5.00.duced to15 Men's Two-piece Suits, of good

quality materials, in grays andchecks; slightly soiled by water; wellmade and finished; oddsizes.ill).ik). Reduced to.,Lot of Men's Fine Quality Straw

Hats, in soft and yacht styles; ofsplit, sennit and Milan ^ a

straws. Regular $200, $2.50 yand $3.00 values for

r'-$2.19ece Suits, of good

in grays and. led by water; well

nd finished; odd -rt 00Regular price, ^][ '$4.25

Infants' Underwear,Choice at 25c.Worth Up to qoc.Lot of Infants' "Sam-

pie"' garments, consisting ofAll-wool Shirts and Bands andSilk Bands, on sale tomorrow atthe lowest price ever named forsuch qualities.Shirts are high necks, long

and short sleeves, finished withsilk crochet around neck anddown front, trimmed with pearlbuttons.Bands are all wool and silk.Regular prices up to 90c a

garment.Sale price, 25c each.


"Seconds" of Wom¬en's Lisle Vests, low neck andsleeveless, finished with silk tapeIn neck and arms. The famousOtis make. The imperfectionsare sl.ght, and do not hurtthem in the least. »

Regular price, 50c.Tomorrow at misi*


Boys' Balbriggan Un¬derwear, shirts, witn high neckand long or short sleeves.Ankle and knee draw¬ers. Regular price, 50ca garment. Special at...

fFriday Footwear Clearance.!Lot of Boys' White Canvas Ox- 500 pairs of Children's Tan Leath- ? Suits. in Russian belted and M


Lot of Boys' White Canvasfords, sizes 4, 4»4. 5, 5»,£,04, 10 and 12. Regularprice, $1.25 pair. Reduced to.Small lot of Misses' and Children's

White Canvas Ankle-strap Pumpsand Lace Oxfords; sizesup to 2. Remnant price,pairWomen's White Canvas Ankle-

Strap Pumps, Two-eyelet Sailor Tiesand Three-eyelet Gibson Ties; leath¬er and covered heels; sizes 2% to5. Values worth$1.25 and $1.50 pair.Reduced toLot of Misses' and Children's High-grade Tan Calf Barefoot Sandals;slz^s 6 to 8, 8% to 2. Reg- ?^ular $1.00 and $1.25 values. (n)*U/CReduced to v

Odd lot of Women's Patent ColonialPumps and Blucher Oxfords; oddsizes. Values worthup to $2.50 pair. Re¬duced to



500 pairs of Children's Tan Leath¬er Barefoot Sandals; sizes "2^75 to 8. Remnant price. jf ^pairWomen's Tan Calf and Kid Blu¬

cher Oxfords and Strap Pumps;welts and turns; oddsizes; B to D widths.Reduced toLot of Women's Oxford Ties, An-

kle-strap Pumps. Sailor Tics and Co¬lonial Blucher Oxfords, of tan calfand kid, gray suede, tan suede, pat¬ent colt, patent kid,from 2% to ??%; P.widths. Valu s worth$2.50, $3.<»0 and $3.50pair. Reduced toWhitemores, Howard's. Brown's

and Eagle Brand Shoe Paste; large-size J4-pound boxes. Regularprice, 10c box. RemnantpriceWomen's Black and White Bath¬

ing Slippers; cork-filled *m. *

soles; all sizes. Remnantprice, pair...


etc.; odd sizesC, D and E






Waists amid Wrappers.

Lot of Men's Cutaway Coats, ofgenuine English black clayworsted, left from suits; aosizes 33, 34, 46 and 50 only.Choice ^

in plain

59cMuslin Wear.

Laces aod Embroideries.2%c

Remnants of Embroidery, Edg¬ings and Insertings; assortedwidths. Sold rt gularlyat 5c yard. RemnantpriceRemnant lot of Swiss and Nain¬

sook Embroideries, Edgingsand Insertings; wide widths.Worth 10c and 12Vfcc yard.Reduced to

Swiss Embroidery Medallions, for J,trimming wrflsts, etc.; &large variety of pat- « ^ / &terns. Worth 10c each. 11 JjAj£ «&Remnant price /ii vHeavy German Torchon Lace, X

Edgings and Insertings; suitable fort r I m m ing underwear,etc. Worth 5c yard.Remnant price

Lot of Gingham and ' WhiteAprons; extra wideand full; long strings.Regular price, 19ceach. Reduced to 1254c

12 Waists of fancy colored nets andtaffeta silks; old sizes <rhWorth $4 00 and $5.00. jlRemnant priceOdd lot of Lingerie Waists,

pin-tucked yoke and em¬

broidery - trimmed styles.Sold regularly at .$1.00 and$1.50. Reduced t%Remnant lot of Mendel's Wrappers,

of percale, in checks, small figuresand polka dot effects. Sizes:;4, 30 and 44 only. Worth / '(fT$1.50. Reduced to

X Chiffon Waists, richly braidedwith soutache braid; light blue andwhite. Sizes 30, 38 and'0. Sold regularly atS 10.00. One day at. $2.98

$2.69s, handsome-


2 Mescaline Silk Waists, in creamcolor: beautifully trimmed: size 38.Left from a line thatsold at $5.98. Reducedto2 Black Chiffon Waists, handsome¬

ly trimmed; size 38.Worth $*.50. Remnantprice2 Waists, of ecru color all-over

net: beautifully trimmed Sizes 3*5andandtoOne Imported BIa« k Chiffon Waist,

trimmed with embroidered liletbands. Size 3S. Re¬duced from $2T1.00to




£A|$YXXf >X



42. Worth $5.i*» 4? fl /nvO$0 0f». Reduced ^ 1 *VO !|



Boys* Percale and Madras WashSuits, in Russian belted and sailerblouse styles. All made with bloom*er pants; all good serviceable color.Sizes 2^i to 0 years.Remnant price, threesuits for42 Children's Broad Brim

Straw Sailor Hats. Worth$1 and $1.50. Reduced toBojs Wash Suits, the well known

Mother's Friend brand. All ciC extra,fine quality, in white and colore.All sizes, from 2% to 6 years, butnot of each color andpattern Values worthup to $3.50. Reduced toBoys* Fancy Cassimere Double-

breasted Suits, light patterns only.Straight and knickerbocker pants.Odd sizes. Valuesworth up to $:t.50. Re-"duced to

Boys' Navy Blue Pure WorstedSerge Suits, double-breasted styleand junior snapes. Straight knee orknickerbocker pants. One and twoo:' each kind. Smallfizes only. Valuesworth up toduced to..Boys' Gray Base Ball Suits, sizes

12 and 14 years only.Sold regularly at, priceBoys' Faney Cassimere and

Melton Straight Knee Pants;4. «, 10. 12. 14 and 1« _

years. Regular price. 50c upair. Remnant price .

Boys' Blue Denim Brownie Over¬alls; sizes 13 to 1<» years ^ ^only. Regular price. 25c 1 U/*pair. Reduced to * **

Children's One-piece Jersey BathingSuits, in navy ulue andgarnet. Sizes 2 and 3 yearsonly. Regular $1.<I0 value.Reduced toHoys' Country Straw Hats

"Values $2.9869c





Women's MuslinNainsook Gownsers. Corset CovCombination Garments;with lace and ruffles. Soldregularly up to $1.00 each.Reduced to

and White Duck Eton Caps.Each .'

ns,"' Skirts?'UDraw-|t'fe'fr'g'<3"gHgt4"8-<S><S."§¦.'a°'dpa^teVnsT'^sizes'^Kirers, Chemises and V0 jp»v n'i! and oniy.__Reg


55c Remnants off Domestics, Percales,Cottons and Sheets.


.>c. Rem-


"Women's Wearables. \Remnant lot of Corsets, Including 1

^ "C. B.," "W. B.,'' "P. N." and many jt other styles; odd sizes;t long and short styles. Val- 4v ues worth up to fl.00 pair. ii Remnant price ^J Small lot of Women's Combing J( Jackets, of good quality white lawn, J!> with pink and blue trim- a ]

mings. Regular price, 39c JLr'iC.each. Reduced toSmall lot of Long Kimonos, of ba¬

tiste and lawn; made withbelt and yoke; odd sizes. ?Regular price, $1.00. Rem-nant priceSmall lot of Faney Crepe Kimonos,

finished with satin bor¬ders and shirred shoul- «i iOlQders. Regular price, M ^/£&

Reduced to ^w

25 Silk Petticoats, of good qualitytaffeta silk; made with shirred andtucked ruffles; colors include blue,brown, gray and black-and-white check. Reg¬ular price, $5.00. Rem¬nant price


2 High-grade Veneered Trunks;full riveted: size 40inches. Worth $22.50. ^ U).VOReduced to^

One Trunk: full riv¬eted; size inches.Worth $18.50.duced to

2 Fine Patent Tray Trunks; linenlined; size 30 inches.Worthto..2 Strongly Made Trunks; canvas

covered; deep tray;size 20 inches. Worth$2.98. Reduced to

2 Strongly Made Trunks; fiberbound; brass trimmed;sizeJK.'AS. Reduced to..On^ Fine Quality Trunk, with com¬

partments; patentoiled duck covered.Worth $22.00duced to4 Karetol Suit Cases;

very durable. Worth$2.50. ForLot of Japanese Matting Suit

Cases; assorted sizes;leather corners and handle.Worth up to $2.00. For5 Good Quaiity Leath¬

er Suit Cases. Worth$t.50. For3 Cowhide Suit Ciises;

linen lined. WorthFor

¦z Rattan Suit Cases; straps allaround; leather corners;size 24 inches. Worth}4.50. Remnant price..

Lot of Muslin Corset Covers, withlace front of cluny lace insertingand ribbon; sizes 36 to 42.Regular price, 5l)c each.Remnant priceSmall lot of Women's and Chil¬

dren's Sunbonnets and Sun Hats, ofplain percale; lacetrimmed. R e g u 1 aprice, 25c each.duced to.



38-lnch Percales, Cotton Voiles.Dress Ginghams. Apron Ginghams,Suitings, Domet Flannel. CantonFlannel. American Prints, PlainChambray, Corded Ma- a

dras. etc. Regular 8c and10c values. One day at... /O36-inch Unbleached Cotton, a heavy

close-woven quality; ingood useful lengths. Reg¬ularly 10c yard. One day.i"7?4c

i8«c45x36 Bleached Pillow Cases, hand

torn and Ironed; made from mil'lengths of the best knowncottons. Regular price,12^c each; Remnant price25 dozen 81xHo Welded Sheets;

large double-bed size; mill seconds;hand torn and Ironed; madefrom heavy, close-wovencotton. Worth 59c each.Remnant price.




h£ $11.98Tray Trunks; linen

size 36 inches. <nvQ$12.00. Reduced

inks; canvas

$1.98runks; fiber

id; brass trimmed; <£» / a <*>38 inches. Worth

PoHiinOil tO.ty Trunk, with corn-tent


k/ ^ ularly lOc yard. One day.. xwmnam pnte«£Small lot of Colored Lawn Petti- ^jats, with ruffles. « / TA A

SSSt..15c...'.*ch:.. 1234c | Gloye Gloves, In black;

Juvenile Wear.Lot of Infants' Long and Short

White Slips, trimmed with embroid¬ery. iace and inserting; also WhitePetticoats, Long French Dresses andguimpes; all slightly soiledfrom handling. Valuesworth $1.00 each. Reducedto

$2.39Small lot of Cloth, Pique and Pon¬

gee Reefers, neatly trim¬med: odd sizes. Valuesworth up to $2.50. Re¬duced to 98c

$2.39» $2.98

i; straps all


Nottingham Laces,15c a Strip,

Clearance of a lot of manufac¬turer's "sample strips" of Scotchand Nottingham Laces in white, ecruand red.

1 and ll* yards long, 36 to 50inches wide.Suitable for sash curtains, scarfs

and draperies. -

Sold regularly at 25c and 50c a

yard. Sale price, 15c each.(Fourth Floor, t


Girls' White Dresses, of Persianlawn; made with bretelles over theshoulders, of lace and inserting; oddsizes anu slightly soiled. ^ /ThSold regularly at $1.49.iCTtMU I rg Ultii lyRemnant price.Children's Percale Dreses. White §

Petticoats and Ruffle-trimmed Draw- yt ers. Regular price. ^ rr /I, 25c each. Remnant 11 JL

|J Or»full 12-button length u

$1.00 Silk Gloves, black and eveningshades. .

Full 16-buttonlengths. Remnant price,

25c "Silk Mitts and Glo>{e Tops; e.white and cream color. Pair

Matting Matsat 3c Each.

"Sample lengths" of Japanese andChina Mattings, in checks, stripes,plaids and carpet designs, in all col¬ors, on sale tomorrow at 3c each.

Size, 18x36 Inches.useful for matsabout the house. (Fourth Floor.)


Art Department.Stamped Scarfs, with hemstitch¬

ed borders; assorted pat- 8c


Remnants of

Draperies,. 6/^c.I Sold Up to iqc Yard.

Remnants of Draperies culled fromregular stock, comprising Yard-wideSilkolines, Madras, Burlap. Cretonne,Curtain Swiss and Imitation Furni¬ture Linen, In lengths from 2 to 8yards.Materials suitable for curtains, dra¬

peries, scarfs, table, cushion and fur¬niture covers.Regular prices. V-'^c to 19c a yard.

Sale price, 6^fcc yard.

Household Linens.85 dozen Ail-linen Full Bleached

Irish Table Napkins; assorted pat¬terns: 16-inch sizes. Regu¬lar 98c value. Remnantprice, dozen


prices, 50cnant priceBoys' White Bloomer

erbocker Pants; sizes 41<"> years. Sold regularly50c pair. Reduced to.Boys' and Children's Tam-o'-Shan-

ter Hats, of linen, pique, duckmadras and other washmaterials. Regular 25c and50c values. Reduced toBoys- Sailor Blouses, of

washable materials, leftfrom suits, eachBoys' Straight ^ Knee Pants, of

madras, linen and chambray. Sizes3 and 4 years only. Regularprices, 25c. 39c and 50c pair.Reduced toBoys' Russian Belted and Sailor

Blouses: well made andgood quality materials;some are slightly imperfect.Each




Window Shadesat I2yic Each.

A remnant lot of about 15 dozenOpaque Cloth Window 8hades, inwhite and ecru; 3o inches wide and2 yards long. Mounted on goodstrong spring rollers.These are manufacturer's "jiec-

onds" of regular 25c shades, whichwe offer tomorrow at 12Mtc each.



priceLot of Children's Mull Caps,

Hats, with button crowns,and Straw Bonnets. Regu¬lar price, 5<>c each. Rem¬nant price

Linen Scarfs andslightly mussed.




Shams:EachFour-and-one-half-yard pieces

Pillow Ribbon; all colors.Sold regularly at 35c piece.Remnant price

11 Scof


75 dozen Hemmed Iiuckin all white and red bor¬ders: generous sizes. Reg¬ular 10c value. Reduced to.

5 pieces of Hy-inch Cream GermanLinen Table Damask, extraheavy quality, free fromdressing. Regular 50cvalue. One day at


?29c I

Enameled Ware,19c. tt

Lot of Enameled Ware, one andthree pieces of each kind.Some are slightly chipped from

bfing handled. The lot includes pre¬serving kettles, teapots, coveredsaucepans, coffee pots, dishpans,milkpans, colanders, pitchers, etc.,etc. Values worth up to ?5c eachfor 19c.













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