Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the...

There have been many disturbing things happening in the world over the past several weeks and no doubt there are many more distressing bits of news to come. It is the nature of what we have to deal with in our world. Evil is sometimes our own creation when we choose to turn away from God. Other times we wrestle with what Paul called “principalities and powers.” The gun violence recently in Chicago, the high incidence of human traf- ficking in our own county, wars and rumors of war, terrorism threats … is it any wonder that people around the world are turning to the World Cup soccer matches for diversion? So do we just turn off the news? Paul writes to the church at Rome stating what some have called the “true marks of a Christian.” 9 Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; 10 love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing hon- or. 11 Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Re- joice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in har- mony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the low- ly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. 18 If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 No, “if your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on their heads.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. {Romans 12: 9-21 (NRSV)} Inside this issue: Session Highlights 2 Debt Reduction 3 Mission 4 Youth Corner 5 Upcoming Events 6 Prayers for … 9 VBC 10 Kids Page 11 SUMMER 2014 Providence Presbyterian Church Good News continued on page 7

Transcript of Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the...

Page 1: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

There have been many disturbing things happening in the world over the

past several weeks and no doubt there are many more distressing bits of

news to come. It is the nature of what we have to deal with in our world.

Evil is sometimes our own creation when we choose to turn away from

God. Other times we wrestle with what Paul called “principalities and


The gun violence recently in Chicago, the high incidence of human traf-

ficking in our own county, wars and rumors of war, terrorism threats …

is it any wonder that people around the world are turning to the World

Cup soccer matches for diversion?

So do we just turn off the news?

Paul writes to the church at Rome stating what some have called the

“true marks of a Christian.”

9 Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; 10 love

one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing hon-

or. 11 Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in

hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. 13 Contribute to the

needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Re-

joice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in har-

mony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the low-

ly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. 17 Do not repay anyone evil

for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. 18 If it is

possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved,

never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is

written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 No, “if

your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them

something to drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on

their heads.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with

good. {Romans 12: 9-21 (NRSV)}

Inside this issue:

Session Highlights 2

Debt Reduction 3

Mission 4

Youth Corner 5

Upcoming Events 6

Prayers for … 9

VBC 10

Kids Page 11


Providence Presbyterian Church

Good News

continued on page 7

Page 2: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

Page 2 Good News Summer 2014

Session Highlights The June 10 meeting of the Providence

Session opened with a devotional on the

mission work of Paul and Barnabas as

related in Acts 14:26-28: “From there they

sailed back to Antioch, where they had been

commended to the grace of God for the work

that they had completed. When they ar-

rived, they called the church together and

related all that God had done with them, and

how he had opened a door of faith for the

Gentiles. And they stayed there with the dis-

ciples for some time.”

Reporting his plans to travel from June

13 to June 20 to attend the Presbyterian

Church USA’s 221st General Assembly

in Detroit, The Rev. Dr. Michael P.

Burns said that proposals regarding

same-gender marriage and policy on

Middle East issues would be on the

agenda and would likely generate me-

dia attention.

Responding to a question about how the

Middle East issues relate to the church,

The Rev. Dr. Burns described the Pres-

byterian church’s tradition of active en-

gagement on social issues. This history

dates back to John Calvin’s teachings

that the church, though separate from

the state, should hold the state accounta-

ble as part of its witness. General As-

semblies often take up controversial is-

sues of the day. Although such ques-

tions can test the harmony within the

church, they also remind us of the im-

portance of prayerfully considering how

we witness our faith to the world.

The Rev. Mary Rodgers reported on her

recent attendance at a worship confer-

ence along with our Music Leader and

Technology Coordinator, Rick Thiele.

The sessions regarding contemporary

worship were particularly useful, and

offered many good insights that provide

material for potential innovations in

contemporary worship at Providence.

Several ruling elders provided progress

reports on the goals and objectives pro-

jects they are leading based on the out-

comes of the February leadership re-

treat. These projects include increasing

discipleship, organizing an intergenera-

tional mission trip, building connections

between our two styles of worship, and

reducing our debt so that we can con-

centrate our energy on the mission of

the church. There are a number of cross-

cutting themes in the projects that offer

potential to use ongoing activities and

new initiatives to strengthen further the

spirit of service at Providence while

building stronger connections within

our congregation.

Finally, ruling elder Kevin Burel

reported that the Communications &

Growth Committee has established a

new mailbox for receiving digital

photos of activities at Providence:

[email protected]. This

mailbox will help the church maintain

archives of its history in the digital era.

Those who participate in activities with

Providence will be encouraged to send

in any memorable photos that will help

maintain connections across the genera-

tions. Perhaps these photos will become

part of the 100th anniversary celebration!

The Session will not meet during July

and August; the next scheduled meeting

is September 9.

Page 3: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

Page 3

Debt Reduction Campaign

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet?

Have you ever been in the front seat of a moving vehicle when younger voices

from the back seat ask repeatedly “Are We There Yet?” The “there” in this

question typically refers to Grandma’s house, or Disney World, or some other

eagerly anticipated destination. Eager to get there, the questioner seeks a posi-

tive response.

Lately the question “Are We There Yet?” has been asked about our Debt Reduc-

tion Campaign by church members also seeking a positive response. The

“there” in their question, however, is 100% member participation to maximize

the impact of the generous pledge-matching gift made by one of our member

families. The questioners realize the uniqueness of this opportunity and under-

stand the importance of working to reduce our debt together as a church family,

with each family contributing according to its capability.

This gracious and generous gift reflects gratitude for what the donors have

been given by God in their lives and recognizes God’s life-changing work here

at Providence—making a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters near

and far.

The gift also is a challenge that encourages all of us to step up and contribute

according to our own capability. No amount is too small to be helpful, and if we

all participate and do our part it will make it even sweeter when we ultimately

gather to celebrate the burning of our mortgage, knowing that all of us have

played a part.

So, “Are We There Yet?” No, but every additional individual pledge we

receive gets us a step closer to 100% member participation and to ensuring

this exciting opportunity will be fully maximized and brought to fruition. If

you have already made your pledge—thank you!—but if you have not yet

done so, please prayerfully consider joining others in our church family in this

worthwhile effort.

And may God bless us, individually and as a church family, as we move

forward to continue God’s work in this place.

Allan Jones

Chair, 2014 Debt Reduction Campaign

Page 4: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

Page 4 Good News Summer 2014


Hunger Does not Take a Vacation!

Yes, as the nursery rhyme says, the cupboard is bare! The Providence Food

Pantry needs your help. These are some of the non-perishable food items we

need: canned fruit, canned meat (beef stew, tuna, Spam, etc.), dried beans (all

kinds, especially red ones), canned vegetables, cereal, soup, peanut butter, jam

or jelly, dried pasta and spaghetti sauce.

School is out and many of the families coming to use our Food Pantry include

children who receive school breakfasts and lunch. Bring what you can!


Providence is part of the Fairfax FISH (For Immediate Sympathetic Help)

network to bring emergency and basic needs to our neighbors. We have the

opportunity to serve as Duty Captains on a rotating schedule. Our present

team of four needs a few more members to receive calls and arrange for the

needed help to be offered. It requires only a half day now and then—from the

comfort of your own home using your telephone. Additional team members

will help when someone is on vacation or has a calendar conflict. More team

members will enable more time between duty days and more flexibility.

Ed Armstrong is the Fairfax FISH representative for Providence and he

needs to hear from you! If you have a half day now and then to support this

special and very important ministry in the local community, please call him at

703-978-1050 for more information. Full training will be provided before your

first half-day duty.

Please take a moment to read through Matthew 25, and then get involved. Put

your faith in action!

Spotlight on Mission

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Page 5

Ah, summer! Time for pool relaxation, family vacations, summer jobs, and

memorable camping trips! Since everyone's going a thousand directions once

school gets out, here is everything you need to know about what's happening

with the youth from until the end of August!

June: Our summer began with a Summer Fun Week which ran from Monday,

June 30 through Thursday, July 3. During this youth-planned week of fun and

bonding, we made cookies, tie dyed t-shirts, went to the movies (a double-

header!) and ate lots of ice cream.

July: July has three straight weeks of summer camps! July 13-19 is Montreat

Youth Conference, July 20-26 is Youth Summit, and July 28-31 is Vacation Bible

Camp! There are lots of youth helping out with VBC; I hope you’re one of them!

August: The second full week of August, the 12-14 is 3 Days of Mission! Each

day has a half day of mission and a half day of fun fellowship. In the past we’ve

harvested corn, organized food closets, played with children, done crafts with

the elderly, made lunches for the homeless, gone bowling, watched movies, hit

the water park or just played at the park! The sign-up sheet will be up soon!

Then, on August 30, beginning at 7pm is the event everyone has been waiting

for: The Kickoff Unlock! We’re not locked in, we’re not locked out, but 24 hours

we’re wide awake! Painting the Youth Lounge walls, doing mission projects,

playing broomball or laser tag or scavenger hunts, eating breakfast at 4am ... the

fun never stops! This is a super fun night of bonding; you don’t want to miss it!

And that’s our summer! I hope in the weeks between fun youth events you get

rest and warmth enough to make up for the Polar Vortex and The School Year

That Went On Forever! I can’t wait to hang out with your carefree summer


Happy Summer!

Mary Ellen Moss

Page 6: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

Page 6 Good News Summer 2014

Upcoming Events

PRESBYTERIANS CROSSING THE ROAD “Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World”

We have been working with Presbyterian colleagues in our immediate area to

support “Arise@GMU” Campus Ministry’s invitation to hear Brian D. McLaren

speak at George Mason University. McLaren is a Christian pastor and author of

many books. He is coming to speak at George Mason University on Wednes-

day, October 15th from 9:30am - 3pm. (For details see the flyer on page 8.)

Our group “Presbyterians Crossing the Road” will be holding our own events

as well to coincide with McLaren’s speaking engagement. The topic of the lec-

tures deal with his book, Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and Mohammed Cross

the Road? : Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World. We too will be reading his

book and providing opportunity for reflection and study.

Our local group is in the process of finishing our own study guide to the book

to facilitate discussions at our various churches. In the fall, many colleagues

from Fairfax Presbyterian, Burke Presbyterian, Christ Presbyterian and Provi-

dence Presbyterian will be reading and discussing this book.

We are also working to coordinate a few interfaith activities. We will keep you


BREAKING FAST with members of the Institute of Islamic-Turkish Studies

On Monday, July 21st at 8:00 pm.

Imam Bilal Ankaya of the Institute for Islamic-Turkish Studies has again

extended an invitation to members and friends of Providence Presbyterian

Church to join them breaking fast during Ramadan. Two years ago, several

members of Providence joined in as we broke bread together, shared our faith

stories and asked each other questions about our traditions.

Please plan to arrive at 8:00 pm. We will first be offered a small tour of their

mosque and institute. They will offer some basic information about Ramadan,

about their beliefs, and their congregation. They will be happy to answer any

questions presented; please feel free to ask.

Page 7: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

Page 7

After the tour and small presentation, their members will be participating in

the evening prayer. Our group is welcome to observe or wait at the tables set

up, as you desire. Immediately after the prayer we will break the fast together,

with a delicious traditional Turkish meal. They will have several members sit-

ting with you at your tables who will be happy to talk about Turkey, Islam, or

any other topic.

If you are interested in joining me—The Rev. Dr. Burns—with other members

of Providence, please sign up by sending an email to our Communications

Coordinator, Kathy Knorr ([email protected]) or calling the church

office (ext. 1001). If you have any questions please feel free to call Dr. Burns at

ext. 1003.

STOP HUNGER NOW with a Jewish Congregation

Rev. Mary and Rev. Dr. Mick have been in conversation with a local Rabbi

for the past few months about working together on a joint project with Stop

Hunger Now. Look for details in the near future. It will be another time to

work together with interfaith colleagues and friends.

This is a passage that keeps me going when the days are difficult. If you are

feeling a bit overwhelmed by the evil in the world, do not let it overcome you,

instead overcome evil with good.

Seize the day and do something good with your time, money or talent. We

can make a difference. You can begin by reading the Upcoming Events. As

Paul said in Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through him who strength-

ens me.”


Mick The Rev. Dr. Michael P. Burns, Pastor [email protected]

continued from page 1

Page 8: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

Page 8 Good News Summer 2014

Upcoming Events

Page 9: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

Page 9

Prayers for …

Deployed Overseas

Rachel Jankowski, Peace Corps, daughter of Ron & Lynn Jankowski

SGT Shaun Johnston, USA, husband of Caroline Leyden Johnston

CAPT Max Foti, USMC, friend of Jane & Bill Millward

& family

LTJG Eric Reddig, USN, son of Jane Reddig

LT Andrew Tom, USN, nephew of Roger & Laura Baker

Continuing Care

Garnet McCall, mother of Bruce McCall

Ann Kulp

Bill Sapp, brother of Walter Sapp

Kitty Snead, mother of Ned Snead

Shirley Strang

Dear Friends at Providence,

Thank you for your continued prayer support for our 9-year-old great niece Emily

who is now recovering at home after leaving Duke University where she received a

bone marrow transplant for AML leukemia. She has worked hard throughout this

process and is SO happy to be home with her family. We continue to be optimistic

for her complete recovery and share with you her theme slogan throughout this

effort: “Go Team Emily and ROAR!”


Allan and Nancy Jones

Page 10: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

Page 10 Good News Summer 2014

Vacation Bible Camp

“You are the God who works

wonders.” (Psalm 77:14)

It’s almost that time of year!

VBC at Providence will be

July 28th-August 1



Mini FAQs

Have you registered?

Camp is open to children from ages 4 through rising 6th grade.

The cost is $30/child, maximum of $70 per family, if paid by July 20th , or

$35/child, maximum of $75 per family, if paid after July 20th.

Registration forms are available at the church or online at Providence

Children’s Ministry webpage (


Do we need volunteers?


Come one, come all! Whether you can volunteer during the week of

camp, or have time before or after, we need you! And we love our

YOUTH volunteers! Childcare is provided for children of volunteers!

Specifically, we need help in the following areas.

Crafts (all materials and planning provided)

Shepherds (guides for children during the week of camp)


Other questions?

Contact Shannon at [email protected] or Maria Burel.

Page 11: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

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Page 11

Page 12: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · jects they are leading based on the out-comes of the February leadership re-treat. These projects include increasing discipleship, organizing

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Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Litt le River Turnpike Fairfax, VA 22031 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

W o r s h i p

T r a d i t i o n a l , 1 0 : 0 0 , S a n c t u a r y

C o n t e m p o r a r y , 1 1 : 1 5 , T a y l o r H a l l

S u n d a y S c h o o l w i l l r e s u m e S e p t e m b e r 1 4

C o m m u n i o n :

F i rs t S u n d a y s

C o n t e m p l a t i v e P ra y e r M o n d a y s a t 7 : 3 0 p m

J u l y 2 1 A u g u s t 1 8

V a c a t i o n B i b l e C a m p J u l y 2 8 - A u g u s t 1

( for up-to-date information see

P ro v i d e n c e P re s b y t e r i a n C h u rc h

9 0 1 9 L i t t l e R i v e r T u rn p i k e

F a i r f a x , V A 2 2 0 3 1

7 0 3 - 9 7 8 - 3 9 3 4 O f f i c e

w w w . p r o v i d e n c e c h u rc h . o rg

The Rev. Dr. Michael P. Burns, Pastor

The Rev. Mary E. Rodgers, Associate Pastor

Mary El len Moss, Director of Youth Ministry

Shannon Somers, Director of Chi ldren’s Ministry,

Lee Faber, Faci l i t ies Manager

Joe Moss, F inancia l Manager

Kathy Knorr , Communicat ions Coordinator

Terry Stoneberg, Director of Music

Jane Kaye, Organist

Rick Thiele, Music Leader & Tech. Coordinator

Gene Kaye, Providence Singers

Caleb McClay, Chi ldren’s Choir Director

Richard Mudd, Sexton

Good News Edi tor : Kathy Knorr

Summer 2014






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