Good Health Matters-Volume 04%2c Issue 03%28Sept-2014%29

We would love to receive your feedback on our issues and the kind of articles you would like to see in future ones. So do write in to us at [email protected]. Good Health Matters Health Newsletter Volume 4, Issue 03 1 © 2014 Aon Global Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Should you gain weight? You first must talk to your doctor as weight gain is a slow and steady process. Steroids are harmful and can cause long term side effects. Your diet should be high in protein which helps in building muscles and gaining weight. This newsletter brings you few tips on how to gain weight. Kidney stone is the most shared health problem in India. The common reason for stone formation is an inadequate intake of water. This newsletter helps you understand the symptoms and causes of kidney stone. We hope you find the articles in this newsletter both interesting and beneficial. Wish you a healthy month ahead. Happy reading! What to eat to gain weight? How to Gain Weight? In order to gain weight, you need to consume more calories every day. You need the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats. If your body mass index is less than 18.5, you are underweight. To gain weight you need to consume calories frequently on a daily basis, like healthy foods and the right type of exercise. Individuals are Underweight for numerous reasons such as genes, eating disorders, chronic diseases etc. Hence making them prone to heart failures, osteoporosis, fertility problems, and cancers. …continues on the next page



Transcript of Good Health Matters-Volume 04%2c Issue 03%28Sept-2014%29

Page 1: Good Health Matters-Volume 04%2c Issue 03%28Sept-2014%29

We would love to receive your feedback on our issues and the kind of articles you would like to see in future ones. So do write in to us at [email protected].

Good Health Matters

Health Newsletter

Volume 4, Issue 03

1 © 2014 Aon Global Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Should you gain weight?

You first must talk to your doctor as weight gain is a slow and steady process. Steroids are harmful and can cause long term side effects. Your diet should be high in protein which helps in building muscles and gaining weight. This newsletter brings you few tips on how to gain weight. Kidney stone is the most shared health problem in India. The common reason for stone formation is an inadequate intake of water. This newsletter helps you understand the symptoms and causes of kidney stone. We hope you find the articles in this newsletter both interesting and beneficial.

Wish you a healthy month ahead.

Happy reading!

What to eat to gain weight?

How to Gain Weight?

In order to gain weight, you need to consume more calories every day. You need the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

If your body mass index is less than 18.5, you are underweight. To gain weight you need to consume calories frequently on a daily basis, like healthy foods and the right type of exercise. Individuals are Underweight for numerous reasons such as genes, eating disorders, chronic diseases etc. Hence making them prone to heart failures, osteoporosis, fertility problems, and cancers.

…continues on the next page

Page 2: Good Health Matters-Volume 04%2c Issue 03%28Sept-2014%29

Good Health Matters

2 © 2014 Aon Global Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

What to eat to gain weight? Eat high calorie, high protein diet.

Eat good protein rich foods like lean meats, fish, poultry, egg white, nuts, seeds, pulses and legumes.

Eat healthy carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Eat five to six small balanced meals a day rather than eating three large meals.

Protein powder and nutritional supplement drinks can be added.

You can mix protein powder to the milk or can be blended with juices to improve the taste.

Avoid caffeine and nicotine.

Keep a record of calorie intake each day. Try to increase calories intake by checking the record and continue to increase calorie intake until you gain weight.

Eat bananas and 2 fresh anjeer daily. You can have banana or chickoo milkshakes.

Have eggs for breakfast. Custard is good for putting on weight.

Include finger millet (ragi) in the diet, it is very rich source of iron, calcium etc.

Drink at least 2 glasses of milk, replace tea with milk.

Take dark chocolates. Dark chocolates have antioxidants.

Eat starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn more often.

Drink a lot of fluids that supply nutrients and calories like milk, fresh fruit juice and energy drinks.

Snack a lot: Consume a lot of high-calorie snacks (not junk foods) such as cheese sticks, milk shakes, muffins, dried fruits, yoghurts.

Eat healthy fats like omega-3 essential fatty acids sources like salmon and walnuts.

Exercises are also important for healthy

weight gain. Resistance training exercises such as lifting weights will help to increase the muscle size.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” - Buddha (c. 563 BC to 483 BC)

Page 3: Good Health Matters-Volume 04%2c Issue 03%28Sept-2014%29

Good Health Matters

What Causes Kidney Stones?

© 2014 Aon Global Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Question 1: Which disease is caused by “Plasmodium” and often transmitted by mosquitoes?

(a) Typhoid

(b) Malaria

(c) Aids

Question 2: Amnesia is related to

a) Loss of memory

b) Loss of voice

c) Loss of taste

Question 3: What is infarction?

a) Heart attack

b) Cell death

Question 4: Upper number of your blood pressure

reading is called

a) Diastolic blood pressure

b) Myocardial blood pressure

c) Systolic blood pressure

Find answers on the last page.

Stones are formed in the kidneys due to the continued deposition of certain substances that are normally found in urine. Urine has a good mechanism to prevent such deposits, but sometimes these defenses fail. A kidney stone may be as tiny as a grain of sand or as big as a pearl. Eight out of ten are less than 2 centimeters in width while few are as big as a golf ball.


Drinking too little water and too much coffee, tea or aerated drinks

Repeated bouts of urinary tract infection (UTI) Indiscriminate use of calcium supplements Hyperparathyroidism (a hormone disorder upsetting

calcium metabolism) Being a male Family history of a rare type of stone (cysteine stones)

Added factors that increase your risk of developing stones are:

Symptoms of Stones

A stone may remain in the kidney or travel down the urinary tract. It doesn’t cause symptoms while in the kidney and is only found during tests done for other reasons. A small one can pass in urine easily while fairly large one can get stuck and cause you a great deal of pain. Stones anywhere in the urinary tract can cause: Blood in urine. Blood on a routine urine test is often

because of a stone. Repeated urinary tract infections (UTIs) Here’s more detail on what you can expect from stones at different points in the urinary tract.

Stones in the kidney

Generally cause no noticeable symptoms Sometimes a deep flank pain may occur

Stones in the ureter

May cause the severe pain that stones are so infamous for (renal colic). It’s a sharp pain that starts suddenly and goes

World Heart Day 2014

Heart disease and stroke are the world’s leading cause of death, claiming 17.1 million lives each year. This could be avoided if the main risk factors, tobacco, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, are controlled.

On World Heart Day, we call on everyone to take responsibility for their own heart health!

Page 4: Good Health Matters-Volume 04%2c Issue 03%28Sept-2014%29

Good Health Matters

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Easy prevention of flu - Wash your hands frequently to reduce the spread of flu.

Easy way to delay ageing - Load up on carrots! Vitamin A can prevent premature ageing changes on your skin.

Sleep Easy - Count back from 100 and concentrate on your breathing while closing your eyes. It calms your mind and relieves stress.

General Health Tips

Eggs are high in cholesterol - Eggs are nutritious but high in cholesterol (213 mg per yolk). Watch how many you take as daily cholesterol intake should not exceed 300mg.

4 © 2014 Aon Global Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Quiz Answers

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C

Prevent diabetes - Research shows that keeping weight in check, being active and eating a healthy diet can prevent most cases of type 2 diabetes.

Soda with no nutritional benefits - Soda is a common source of extra calories with no nutritional benefits. Have water in place of soda as far as possible.

Eating at home is better for your wallet and waistline - Eating at home can actually save you a lot of money and calories.

Manage your asthma better- Stress management therapies like deep breathing, guided imagery and biofeedback may help you control your asthma better.

Beans nutrition - Dark colored beans such as black beans and kidney beans are a good source of iron.