Good Choice Bad Choice Adventure StoryType your answers ... · Web viewShow him or her how you do...

Good Choice Bad Choice Adventure Story Type your answers below each question with ideas for your adventure story. Then type your story on separate paper. Add dialogue, descriptions of places, weather details, and characters' thoughts to make your story interesting and exciting! 1. Who is the main character? 2. Who are the other characters? 3. What does the main character want to do? 4. What will happen to the main character? What is stopping the main character from getting what he or she wants? 5. Your character must make a choice between two or more actions. This is called a decision point in the story. What are the choices? What does your character think might happen with each choice? 6. What are the results of the choice that has a good ending? Summarize what happens.

Transcript of Good Choice Bad Choice Adventure StoryType your answers ... · Web viewShow him or her how you do...

(Good Choice Bad Choice Adventure Story)Type your answers below each question with ideas for your adventure story. Then type your story on separate paper. Add dialogue, descriptions of places, weather details, and characters' thoughts to make your story interesting and exciting!

1. Who is the main character?

2. Who are the other characters?

3. What does the main character want to do?

4. What will happen to the main character? What is stopping the main character from getting what he or she wants?

5. Your character must make a choice between two or more actions. This is called a decision point in the story. What are the choices? What does your character think might happen with each choice?

6. What are the results of the choice that has a good ending? Summarize what happens.

7. What are the results of the choice that has a bad ending? Summarize what happens.

KAPOW Level 3 (worksheet for "Good Choice, Bad Choice" activity, p. 130)Lesson 8139

Your nameDate _

Three Wishes

PART 1: Divide into groups and imagine you have just released a magical genie from a lamp. Read the genie’s letter to you below with instructions for making wishes.

(Great and Wonderful People! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so grateful to all of you! Your group has just released me from this cramped prison where I have been held for a thousand years! As a reward, I will grant your group three wishes, as long as you do not...wish for more wisheswish for every wish you have ever made to come truewish for three wishes for everyone in the groupAs a magical genie, I am extremely powerful, but even I do not have the power to make world peace, change the past, or travel into the future. I am a good genie, so do not ask me to destroy anything or anyone. I like to grant wishes that are good for everyone! How about wishing for things that will benefit your school or community? Remember, everyone in the group must agree on the three wishes or the whole deal is off! Wish carefully!Sincerely,The Magical Genie of the Lamp)

.. --., - --· . ·•- -· - ·- -- -- ·- - ·

PPart 2: In your group, decide together on your three wishes. Type them below.




140KAPOW Level 3Lesson 8 (worksheet for the Warm- up activity p. 131)

Your name Date _

Lost Island Vacation Fact Sheet

Congratulations! You and your group have just won a free, fabulous camping trip to the beautiful Lost Island!

► Slide down our lovely waterfalls into our bubbling, warm ponds.

► Eat bananas right off the trees!

► See unusual birds and monkeys!

► Swing from the trees on hanging vines!

► Sleep under the stars!

► Explore our tropical paradise for three glorious days and nights.

(Information about Lost IslandDays - Warm, sunny, average temperature 85° (F)Evenings - Heavy rainNights - Damp, rainy, average temperature 60° (F)Wildlife - Many delightful birds, monkeys, butterflies, poisonous snakes, frogs, blood-sucking mosquitoesFood - Plenty of fruit on the trees, but that's it! No restaurants!No supermarkets! No convenience stores!Water - Lots of water, but don't drink it unless you boil it.Better yet, bring bottled water!(continued on next page))Use the following information to help you decide what to bring on your vacation. Your group's suitcase cannot weigh more than forty pounds (640 ounces).

KAPOW Level 3 (worksheet for "Lost Island Vacation" activity, p. 132)Lesson 8141


Your name _

Here is what you can bring:


1 pound (16 ounces) each

· TENT, sleeps six

13 pounds (208 ounces) each


3 pounds (48 ounces) each


1 pound, 4 ounces (20 ounces) each


¼ pound (4 ounces) each


1 pound (16 ounces) each


2 pounds (32 ounces) each


4 pounds, 8 ounces (72 ounces) each pair


½ pound (8 ounces) each


10 pounds (160 ounces) each


1 pound (16 ounces) each


2 ½ pounds (40 ounces) each


1 ½ pounds (24 ounces) each


3 pounds, 3 ounces (51 ounces) each


1 pound (16 ounces) each


¼ pound (4 ounces) each

· ROPE (50 feet long, 1/8 inch thick)

1 pound 4 ounces (20 ounces) each

16 ounces= 1 pound

In your group, decide what to pick. Type your answers in the space below. Remember that your group's suitcase cannot weigh more than 40 pounds. You can use this space to do your math as well.

142KAPOW Level 3Lesson 8 (worksheet for "Lost Island Vacation" activity, p. 132)

(New Product Idea)

Complete this worksheet to help you brainstorm an idea for a new product. Type your answers below each question.

1. What is your product’s name?

2. Describe your new product. Include its size, shape, and what it’s made of.

3. What is the product for? What does it do?

4. How does it work?

5. Who needs this product? Who will use it?

KAPOW Level 3 (worksheet for "Design a New Product" activity, p. 132)Lesson 8143

(Party Planner IdeasPART 1)

Your party for 20 people has a budget of $100.00. Use this price information to figure the cost of your party. Do your math on a separate sheet.

Food & SuppliesPlaces & Activities

1 large pizza, 8 slices:

$7.00 each

Hot dogs and buns for 12 people: $12.00

Large bottle of soda for 10 people: $2.00

6 cans of soda: $2.50 Cups: $1.50 for 50 Plates: $2.25 for 50

Pretzels, 1 bag =

10 servings: $1.00

Chips, one bag =

8 servings: $2.00

Popcorn, 1 bag =

8 servings: $.50 Cupcakes: 6 for $3.00

Ice cream: $.50 each person

Cake baking: ingredients cost

$4.00 to make one cake that will serve 20

Gym and equipment: $30.00 for one hour Park: Free

Field for baseball, soccer, or football: free Skating rink: $40.00 for one hour Someone's house: Free

Snowy hill for sledding party (winter): Free Bowling: $3.00 each person

Playing CDs or radio: Free Hiring a DJ: $50 an hour

Video rental: $3.00 each movie

Video arcade: $.50 per game (each person can play 10 games in one hour)

Movies: $5.00 each person

Public swimming pool: $1.00 each person Public dance: $1.00 each person Amusement park: $12.00 each person Beach: $5.00 parking per car

Apple picking party: (autumn) $2.00 each person

BE CREATIVE! You do not have to choose from this list. If you can think of other places, food or activities, just find out what the cost is. Then decide if you can include them in your party.(Continued on next page)

44 KAPOW Level 3Lesson 8 (worksheet for "Party Time!" activity, p. 134)

Your name


Type your answers below each question to plan

your party for 20 people.

1. Where will you have the party? Write the venue name and the cost of the place.

If free, write 0:

2. What will you eat and drink at the party? Describe the food and drink(s) you will have,

how much it will cost for each person, and how much the total food/drink cost will be for 20 people.

Food and Drink Items:

Cost per person:

Total cost for 20 people:

3. What will you do at the party? Describe the activity you will all do, and write how much it will

cost in total for 20 people.


Total cost:

4. Will you have to buy any other items? If so, write them here and list the cost for them in total.


Total cost:

5. Add all the costs together. Did you spend $100.00 or less?



KAPOW Level 3 (worksheet for "Party Time!" activity, p. 134)Lesson 8145

Your name Date _

Letter Home

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Your child has completed the KAPOW program about the world of work. Ask your child to share with you the program worksheets and projects, which he or she may have collected in a special briefcase or folder.

We encourage you to find opportunities at home to help make your child aware of the world of work. Here are a few ideas for activities you might do.

► Discuss your early work experiences, for example summer jobs, babysitting, or

doing chores for neighbors.

► Take your child to work with you. Show him or her how you do your job and explain some other jobs at your workplace.

► Point out jobs your child can do at home (setting the table, putting clothes and

toys away), in the neighborhood (caring for pets), or at school {helping with a fund-raising activity).

► Encourage your child to see activities he or she can do now that may lead to

work later. For example, a child who takes a part in school plays may become a lighting director or a costume designer; a child who is a good swimmer may help a swimming instructor demonstrate strokes now and later take a course to become a lifeguard.

For the final KAPOW project, your child has completed a letter about favorite

(Thank you for your participation and support.)

46 KAPOW Level 3



Your name Date _

Student KAPOW Letter

Dear(family member),

These were my favorite activities in the KAPOW program and why I liked them:


2 .


This is a job I would like to do when I grow up and why:

.;;. .....

-- ;:- --.



', _,

(student signature)


· KAPOW Level 3 (My Kapow Letter Home) Lesson 8 ·147