Good-Bye April Moon Sans Introduction 1

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  • 8/9/2019 Good-Bye April Moon Sans Introduction 1


    Good-Bye April MoonBurt Goldman

    Copyright, Rancho Mirage CA 1998

    60,000 words


    Jogging north along Pacific Coast Highway, in Santa Monica, Alex Fredericks

    caught the heel of his right foot in a crack in the pavement shooting a bolt of pain up his

    leg. Hopping about for a moment he sat on the ground and rubbed his ankle praying the

    pain would subside. The last time he twisted an ankle hed limped for two weeks; that

    wouldnt do at all, not with what was going on at April Moon.

    Two weeks and he would be out of a job. It hadnt seemed possible the day

    before but his position as executive sales trainer was in jeopardy. If he couldnt run he

    was finished. Larry Sapper, the new head of April Moon would see to that.

    Sprains were funny; sometimes they were worse than a break, and at other times

    they left almost as soon as they appeared. This time he was lucky, after massaging his

    ankle for five minutes he stood up and tested itthe pain had disappeared. He sighed

    heavily and smiled. Standing, he tested the foot by turning it back and forth a few times.

    Seemed to be all right. He took a few gingerly steps to assure himself, and was soon

    jogging again, pain free and deep in thought.

    Alex had been the leader in the sales department of the April Moon Plumbing

    Supply Company for three years. Hed started in a territory that had never produced

    much and in one year had quadrupled sales. Charles Sapper, founder and head of the

    company, knew a good thing when he saw it and bumped Alex up to executive status as

    head of sales training. Larry Sapper, only son of the founder, argued with his father

    saying the man was worth his weight in gold in the field, why bring him in to executivestaff so he can sit behind a desk? Charley slowly and carefully explained to his only son

    that if Alex could teach others to do what he had been doing hed be worth his weight in

    platinum. By his reckoning, Alex multiplied was better than Alex alone.

    Alex remained the sales trainer and eventually, as sales grew, Larry Sapper who

    had warmed a bit to Alex, came to compliment the decision. He thought so much of the

    move that he ultimately believed he himself had thought of it and loved to throw his

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    arm around the neck of Alex Fredericks and loudly proclaim, This is my protg. The

    smartest move I ever made was bringing him in from the field.

    When Charles Sapper heard this proclamation, he smiled cynically and thought.

    Why trouble the boy? He knows it was a smart move, thats enough.

    But Charles Sapper himself was in trouble, the worse kind of trouble, the kind of

    trouble you feel when your doctor gives you news that crashes the world around yourfeet and bounces your stomach onto the floor. News that ends goals, finishes thoughts of

    success, and tosses the day, along with hopes of happiness, right out the window.

    For Charles P. Sapper, chairman of the board of the April Moon Plumbing

    Company, was dying and there were not many good days; his magnificent home in

    Beverly Hills, money and position notwithstanding. Even his pride and joy, a small

    garden, with meticulously placed gray stones in a river of pure white pebbles, alongside

    a small meandering stream fed by a gushing waterfall, failed to give him joy.

    All these things were as nothing to Charley Sapper. He was involved with

    dying; wondering if it would be the end, or the beginning. The beauty of his

    surroundings and the caring no longer were important to him, they simply meant morefor him to lose when he left this world. Charley Sapper was frightened. Actually, he

    was scared out of his wits. He did not want to leave what he had, to go into the

    unknown, or worse, oblivion. But all the business acumen, accumulated over a lifetime

    of battling competitors, was as nothing when the Reaper beckoned.

    It had been a good life, all things considered. Had he to do it all over again there

    would have been few changes; he wasnt even sure whether or not he wanted to hang

    around any longer. After getting the bad news from his doctor, and turning April Moon

    over to his son, he had lost interest in everything. His old business life was overhe was

    absorbed with the business of dying. Three more months, the doctors had said. Six if he

    was lucky, two if he were not; but the general consensus was at the least, three moremonths of life. Charley walked around in a state of shock; sort of a permanent daze

    since turning both authority and keys over to his son. There was nothing in life that

    interested him any more. He would not even answer the phone and when alone in the

    house, should the instrument would begin its intrusive jangle, Charley would sit, quietly

    staring at it until it stopped ringing.

    The only person he had any desire at all to speak to was his friend and most

    valued employee Jack Belson. Jack had been with him from the beginning and Charley

    valued his wisdom. Belson seemed be one of those rare individuals in whose company

    virtually everyone felt comfortable.Everyone that is with the exception of Larry Sapper. Larry had hated Jack ever

    since he was a youngster. Jack had often gone with young Sapper to the zoo when

    Charley was too busy, or too involved with other things. Jack could always be relied on.

    He loved the boy during those pre-teen years. That love quickly turned sour when

    Charley brought Larry into the company. Larry had something bad to say about

    everyone. He was the type who, by demeaning others, felt himself grow. His sharpest

    arrows were saved for Jack Belson, the man his father trusted, and relied on. Larry

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    wanted that trust and reliance, but unfortunately he couldnt be trusted, and he couldnt

    be relied on.

    But now, Charleys energy had been so depleted that he didnt believe that even

    Jack could get him out of the doldrums. It had been a month since he had gotten the

    news, two weeks since hed turned April Moon over to Larry. The dramatic events of

    that day held no interest for him and when he thought about the ending of his businesscareer it was without a jot of interest. He did recall that Larry seemed surprised when

    he was told the news.

    You wont be there? You wont bug me with advice? His son had said to the

    man who had turned a one man, one secretary office into a major supply house with six

    hundred and forty two employees, and a yearly sales volume of forty two million

    dollars; a man who sat in front of his son defeated, shaking his head in the negative.

    The news had come as a shock to young Sapper, he knew that his father was ill

    but figured it would be years before he actually stepped down. Well now, he thought,

    this is a gold nugget in front of me. Finally, I get to show how stupid the old man is. If

    I cant double the income inside of three years Ill eat the business.The following morning Larry moved into the big office. Making himself

    comfortable he put his feet up on the desk, buzzed for his fathers secretary and studied

    his manicured nails. She entered apprehensively, a frown on her face, not being used to

    anyone but Charles Sapper himself behind the desk.

    Yes sir. Anything I can do for you Mr. Sapper? She asked.

    Yeah, you can lose about a hundred pounds and get a new face, thats what you

    can do. Larry said with a smirk.

    Shirley Tepper flushed and turned away, walking back to her desk outside the

    big office. Larry called out to her.

    Come on back Tepper, Im sorry. Come on, come on. Larry yelled infrustration, Get the hell back in here, Ive got some things for you to do.

    Mrs. Tepper walked, back wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, and sat

    down at her chair in front of the desk. She looked at him with hate flashing from her

    face, defiant and waiting.

    Larry broke the quiet, Come on take it easy, cant you take a joke?

    It wasnt funny Mr. Sapper, it was cruel.

    Well lets forget it anyhow. You heard that Im taking over the company; that

    Im number one from now on? Im running the whole show.

    Mrs. Tepper nodded. I heard. Everyone in the company heard.

    Good. Good. All right. First thing I want to do is call a meeting of the executivestaff for tomorrow at two oclock. Tell everyone its going to be at least a three hour sit

    so they can clear their desks for the whole afternoon.

    Larry gave more instructions to Shirley Tepper and all the while was thinking

    about the fact that his father could have left him a secretary who didnt look like an old

    crow. Well he would take care of that as well. What a shock they would have when he

    turned some of his ideas loose. Hed shake them up all right.

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    It was the next afternoon that Larry Sapper released his bomb. None of you

    people are pulling your weight. Youre all doing a lousy job. he told them. But not to

    worry, Ive figured it all out and youre not to blame. Theres a reason youre

    incompetent. Looking around the room and noting the glares and the shocked faces he

    quickly added, Dont worry gang, its not your fault. Its my old mans. A clown-like

    smile came over his face as his eyebrows lifted and the corners of his mouth pulled up.His voice raised a notch as though he was revealing a great truth to them. He put you

    all in the wrong places. You people all have the wrong jobs.

    Larry continued telling them that from now on it was the survival of the fittest

    and he was going to let the strongest people get the first crack at whatever job they felt

    that they could do best. Just like nature does, whoever was the strongest must be the


    The crowded meeting room was filled with incredulous people who were aghast

    at the suggestions that followed. At first amused by what they considered a rather

    tasteless joke, the amusement quickly turned to astonishment when they realized their

    new employer was serious. More than a few of them thought about other employmentpossibilities.

    Two of the executive staff quit on the spot, with one of them telling Larry to take

    his ideas along with his job and stick it where the sun dont shine. That outburst caused

    a bit of a flurry and after the sound of the door slamming had died away Larry looked at

    the crowd with a grim smile and said, Anyone else want to leave? You can do it now.

    But no one else did. Then he laid out his plan for the Great Race.

    They would run in Brentwood, along the San Vicente strip and over the four

    Japanese half-moon bridges, a quarter of a mile from marker to marker and a quarter of

    a mile back. The winner gets the opportunity to choose any job in the company fromPresident on down. Larry to remain Chief Executive Officer. Whoever comes in second

    chooses whatever job is still available and so on right on down the line. The first ten

    finishers would get the same salary their predecessors had received, plus ten percent

    extra as an added incentive.

    As they left, Alex, who jogged two miles every day, said to Linda Gale. You

    know its crazy but it makes kind of a maniacal kind of sense. The strongest in the

    highest paying jobs.

    Linda looked at him in disgust, You only say that because you have a chance to

    win. By your reasoning a gorilla or a horse should run the company. Not bad Alex, you

    might just get from sales manager to president in one jump.Alex nodded with a grin, Yes, I do believe youre right Linda, I do believe

    youre right.

    Later that day, Alex, called into Larrys office, still incredulous, asked Tell me

    something Larry, if I win the race, do you mean it about any job in the company?

    Larry was sucking on a heroic sized cigar, it fit him like a saddle fit a pig but he

    felt more in charge when he had one clenched in his teeth and it was rapidly becoming a

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    Alex was again baffled, he was sure he heard the word correctly, but then again

    it didnt make a whole lot of sense. He asked in a highly questioning tone, his voice

    rising with the word, Oatmeal?

    Larry, agitated, jumped up, walked around the desk and paced the floor, too

    nervous to sit, Thats where my best ideas come from Alex. When I really need to think,

    I have a bowl of oatmeal and I stick in my spoon and stir; and then I stare at it andthings come to me.

    Alex took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his forehead. He wasnt

    sweating but he felt that he had to do something to get his mind working. He was

    thinking furiously how not to antagonize the man who could do so much for him if he

    could only stay on his good side. What kind of things? Alex asked apprehensively.

    Oh all kind of things. For instance the day after my father turned over the

    company to me I sat down for breakfast and naturally I had to have oatmeal on an

    occasion like that one. I was staring at the butter melting into the mush when suddenly

    it came to me, but it didnt come like butter melting into hot oatmeal.

    Alex was looking straight into Larrys eyes as he paused, It didnt? Alex asked.No it didnt. Larry broke into a beatific smile, his eyes moved upwards until

    they focused on a spot on the ceiling as he continued. It was more like the sun coming

    in from between two clouds. His eyes went back to Alex. Yes, thats what it was like.

    It was a revelation. Suddenly, I knew. Tears came into my eyes Alex. Yessir I cried like a

    baby and there it was, I saw the whole thing laid out in my mind. It was so precise that

    for the first time in my life I really felt that I was going to be in charge. That I was going

    to contribute something. That I was going to be somebody.

    Nodding his head up and down furiously Larry continued, Thats when the

    idea of the Great Race came to me.

    His smile broadened into a beaming light on his face. He sat up straight and halfclosed his eyes saying, Youve got to admit its the most original idea any president of

    any company has had in a hundred years.

    Alexs chest heaved as he sighed, Its original all right. Well boss, if you had an

    experience like that, Ive got to go along with it. You tell me what you want me to do

    and Ill do it. I must say Larry, and please dont take this the wrong way, but I thought

    all the responsibility had kind of gone to your head. I thought maybe you were going

    nuts or something.

    Larry stiffened; his face reddened and got very hard, but before he could

    respond Alex quickly continued, It sounds as though you kind of got a message from a

    higher intelligence.Once again Larry jumped up, the chair flew back, he yelled, scaring Alex so that

    his whole body jerked up as well, Thats it! Thats exactly what it was it was; a


    His eyes opened wide and he tilted his head a bit as he continued, I knew I

    picked the right man when I chose you Alex, I knew it. Youre the perfect one to be my

    right arm. Only you recognized my experience for what it was.

    It was a message from God.

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    Jack Belson was worried. He was in terrible shape and to make matters worse, he

    had almost been a partner of Charley Sapper. The day was still clear in Jacks mind. It

    was the evening when Charley had come to the Belson household to speak with Jack. He

    had an important business proposition to put to him, was the way Charles Sapper had

    stated it. Jack was just out of college, where he majored in accounting, and was looking

    to land a job with Feathers and Lobo, a firm handling some of the biggest accounts in

    town. It looked like he was going to make it too.Charles Sapper was Jacks professor in economics at Los Angeles City College.

    Jack Belson was his favorite student and they had many after hours discussions on the

    economy of the country, philosophy, politics, and what Jack was going to do with his

    life on graduation. Jack looked forward to working at a high level accounting firm and

    Professor Sapper told Jack he would make some recommendations on graduation. But

    things changed. Charles Sapper decided to go into business if only he could raise the

    start-up funding. His first thought was to bring in his number one economics pupil and

    one day he found himself in a heated discussion with Jacks mother. It was a pivotal day

    in Jacks life. One of those incidents that has a great effect on the future.

    Jack would never forget that meeting, especially what Charley had said to hismother. If only he hadnt put it the way that he did, Jack might have taken him up on it

    and he would have been a partner, and all this would never had come to be. But he put

    the proposition in the wrong way and Jack had refused. Many times he had thought, if

    only I could go back in time and change those words.

    He could hear Charley talking to his mother even now. Mrs. Belson, this is an

    opportunity for your son that may never come along again as long as he lives. Its a once

    in a life time opportunity.

    So why talk to me? Talk to my son. was her response.

    Im talking to you because only you can handle the economic part of the

    arrangement.You mean you need money? Jacks mother had asked knowing well the


    Charley had been running a finger up and down the handle of his coffee cup. He

    picked it up slowly and sipped as he stared at her over the rim. It was done in a sort of

    slow motion the way that Jack remembered it. He recalled Charley finally putting the

    cup down and saying. Eighteen thousand dollars.

    The figure hung in the air. It was a fortune at the time. She laughed.

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    Even Jack had smiled, but Charley didnt laugh. He brought out figures and

    spoke of what could be, and what better way to invest your money than in your sons

    future. And then he said the words that upset Jacks mother and that was that.

    Dont you want to see your son a success?

    Mrs. Belson had looked at Charles P. Sapper incredulously. She shook her head

    from side to side saying with a cynical half smile on her face. It always riles me whensomeone brings up a statement of fact that they know has to be answered in the

    affirmative. A fact that has nothing whatever to do with the matter at hand, and if you

    answer either way you are wrong. If I say yes I want my son to be a success than you

    take that to mean the only means to that end is with what you have been offering. If I

    say no I dont, than Im a bad mother. Mr. Sapper, I resent that.

    I was walking by a market this morning and a woman held out a can for me to

    put money in. She asked something very similar. She asked me if I would like to help

    the three and the four year old starving children of the world. Mr. Sapper I do want to

    help the poor hungry children wherever they might be but for the life of me I couldnt

    see how my putting any money in her can was going to do that. I think Im intelligentenough not to have to feel guilty about not doing it.

    What she yelled as I walked away really got to me; Dont you want to help a

    starving child? she said. I resent her and people like her and I resent you asking me

    whether or not I want to see my son a success. I do want to see him a success, and I do

    want to help hungry children, but I will do it my way. And that does not include

    handing my lifes savings over to you.

    Jack could very clearly see Charley leaving the small apartment. Somehow

    Charley had raised the money and it was rough going for a while. Charley Sapper

    worked long and hard. He worked ten years before April Moon became even a

    semblance of what it was to ultimately be. When Charley called Jack and offered him thecomptrollers job Jack often thought it was to show him what he had lost. But Jack had

    never been bothered it turned out the way that it had. His life was all right. He wasnt


    Jacks mother had died soon after the incident with Sapper and being an only son

    he had received her entire inheritance. Eighteen thousand dollars. No wonder shed

    turned him down, it was every cent she had in the world. Jack had put the money in the

    bank and there it had been ever since, drawing a modest interest, slowly growing, just

    like Jack Belson. Feathers and Lobo lasted a year. Jack left to start his own company.

    But that wasnt it either. The feeling of something more was pervasive. Jack wasbeginning to mistrust his intuition although he had felt it a powerful force within him.

    Most things came to him later in life than other people but whatever it was he felt was

    coming had better come soon. Maybe his destiny was to be with Charlie Sapper. A year

    after he opened the door to Jack Belson and Company he received an offer from Charles

    Sapper and breathing a sigh of relief, closed the door to JB&C forever and joined the

    April Moon Company.

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    He had taken the job gladly and felt that hed found his niche in life. He took his

    salary and budgeted himself carefully. A dollar for this, ten for thatgroceries, cleaning,

    the movies, and an occasional date. There was work, there was food, there was

    television, and on Sunday there were long walks, and that was Jack Belsons life. Now

    this bizarre race of Larry Sappers threatened to destroy the comfortable routine.


    Jack often strolled along the wide sidewalk between Venice Beach and Ocean Park.

    He walked early in the morning as the skaters, bicyclists, small shops, and tourists were

    not yet there. Later the strand would look more like Times Square at noon than the

    empty beach it was at five a.m. He should have seen the trash can but he was staring at

    the sky and shouting. Slamming into the big container, over he went landing on his

    backside right smack on the sidewalk. The crash should have awakened the

    neighborhoodbut it didnt. There wasnt anyone around. The shops were all locked

    and shuttered with not even a coffee cubicle open to stir up the day. A few dogs stopped

    sniffing around for a snack when he fell. Butafter hearing him curse and watching himbrush his clothes off, they figured there was no threat, and back they went, noses

    skimming the pavement.

    Jack looked up at the sky againsquintingbut there was nothing there, unless

    you counted a few clouds. Cupping his hands over his mouth he yelled once again.

    Where are you?

    No answernot that he really expected onehed been yelling for twenty minutes

    and the only sound was the surf. Jack was on the edge of a breakdown. Screaming to the

    heavens for God and expecting Him to answer was a clue to his condition. But thats

    how he felt that morning. All he got for his trouble was the ocean breeze fanning his

    nose.He walked over to a closed shop. There was a big sign that proclaimed, The finest

    hamburgers on the Strand. There was the faint aroma of burnt meat and onions that

    hung around the place like a blanket. He cupped his hands around his eyes and

    clamped them on the window to see inside. Nothing. It was hours till opening.

    There he was, at Venice beach, making a damn fool of himself. If anyone he knew

    were to wander by, the whole world would know that Jack Belson, chief accountant and

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    administrator of the April Moon Plumbing Supply Company, was off his rocker. The

    chances were slim to none that anyone he knew would be at the beach that time of day,

    but still you never know.

    People at April Moon looked up to him, and most of his co-workers liked him but

    he wanted more. He knew that so far as his life went, he just did not have enough.

    The nutty race thing that Larry came up with was the last straw. Jacks thoughtsrepeated through his mind over and over again. If anyone ever needed proof that the

    world was crazy that was it. The great race. What a laugh, this fool comes up with an

    idea that would make an apprentice idiot shudder.

    Jack felt a pull to smell some sea air, and there he wasat the beach, yelling at the

    clouds, trying to get God to talk to him.

    His head felt like a balloon, it was a strange feeling, like it was swollen. He reached

    up feeling his forehead with the back of a hand. It felt normal. But there was something.

    He could hear the waves pounding on the shore and each crash seemed to burst into his


    Frustrated, he cupped his hands over his lips and yelled again in the direction of theclouds, Where are you?

    He didnt expect an answer but then the sky lit up as though a bulb had flashed and

    he heard a voice. A soft voice that seemed to come from both in front, and behind.

    It said, I hear you. What do you want?

    He looked around but there was nothing. The only thing in sight was the dogs

    snuffling around a few garbage cans. Some kid fooling around, he thought. But there

    were no kids around. But the voice wasnt a kids voice, it wasnt like any voice. But it

    was a voice. He couldnt explain. It was a voice but it sounded like a cross between the

    waves crashing on the beach and distant thunder. But soft.

    He walked over to one of the garbage cans and lifted the cover. Nope. Nothinginside but trash. He muttered under my breath, Who said that?

    No one could have heard but all of a sudden the voice came back, this time it

    sounded like thunder right overheadlike a giant leaned over him and was speaking

    with his mouth an inch from the top of his head.

    I did.

    Jack jumped a foot in the air and strained his neck when it twisted looking for

    whoever. Come on. Quit your fooling. Who are you? And where are you?

    He was putting up a brave front but inside he was custard pudding.

    Waves crashed on the shore, a few squawking seagulls wheeled overhead, and a

    truck stopping to pick up garbage were the only sounds. Nothing elseuntil... Youshould know who I am Jack Belson, youve been yelling at me for the past hour.

    Where are you? Jack asked.

    You ask where I am. Picture a fish asking where the water is.

    He looked out towards the ocean, You mean youre in the ocean?

    Thats not quite what I meant; but yes, you might say that. I am in the water. Then

    again Im also in the sky, the earth, the air, and in you. I am infinite and therefore I am in

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    all the finite things that you are aware of and I am in all the finite things that you are not

    aware of as well. What is it that you want?

    Hallucination? Nervous breakdown? Was he going mad? He fooled around a bit

    with LSD once in the sixties and thought he was going crazy then too. It really spooked

    him. Was this a flashback?

    There he was talking to a cloud, getting a response, and speaking back. The racefinally got to him. It was bizarre but it was also kind of fun hearing a voice that you

    know is your imagination. He figured if this was what it was like to go crazy he would

    at least enjoy the experience. Jack figured the stress of his job finally got to him.

    He answered loudly, Mr. Voice in my head, you want to know what I want? What

    I want to know is this. Are you God?

    Time moved on. Three waves crashed on the shore before the voice spoke again.

    The answer took him by surprise. What is God?

    Come on now. What do you mean Whats God? God is God. The Master of the

    Universe, The all, The Creator, All that Is, and a million other names. Thats who. God.

    The strange sounding voice, now more of a boom mixed with the wave actionanswered. Yes. To the extent of your limited knowledge and understanding. I am.

    You are?


    Now what? Still feeling like he was breaking down, even though he had no idea

    what a breakdown felt like, this had to be one. Not knowing what else to do, he went

    along with it. Shaking his head with the strangeness of the thing he muttered, Son of a


    The response came immediately. Well I dont know; its been such a long time. I do

    not know if there was anyone before me or not.

    Come on voice in my head, who are you?The voice continued, I simply Am that I Am.

    Jack sat down on one of the benches that lined the beach. It was still early in the

    morning. A few hardy souls had begun to drift onto the sand, none of them were close

    enough to hear him but he spoke softly all the same. Whats that? What do you mean

    when you say, I Am that I Am?

    Just say that I am he to whom you have been addressing your remarks. Jack, I do

    not care to spent the entire day in this somewhat simplistic conversation, just what is it

    you want of me?

    What do I want?

    Youve been yelling for me half the morning havent youWell yes, but I didnt think you were going to answer.

    If you didnt think I would answer, why did you call?

    The question made sense. Its really you? He asked.

    Yes it really is me. Now then, what is it you want?

    It was beginning to feel real after all, maybe hed found the Genie in a bottle. What

    did he want? There were a hundred things he wanted, but the big thing was the race.

    I want to win a race.

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    A race?

    A special race. My company, or rather I should say the place I work was just taken

    over by a new owner. A real bastard, a no good asshole son of a bitch

    Now Jack, remember, you are all my children.

    Oh yea. Well some of these children of yours play funny games. Ill tell you

    something. I work for a wholesale plumbing supply company. The April MoonPlumbing Company. Ive been the head bookkeeper for twenty two years come next

    month and they are trying to get rid of menot only me, all the old timers. The only

    reason they havent is because of the new fair employment practice law. With this law in

    place nobody can be fired unless they are totally incompetent and Im very good at my

    joband most of the other old timers are as well.

    So anyway, the son of the owner, a no good yellow bellied. Sorry, I forgot.

    The son of the owner, a nice looking aggressive young man about twenty two years old

    just took over the company. Just like that, his father decided to hand over the whole

    shebang to this kid whos still wet behind the ears and every place else. Right off the bat

    he decides that he is going to change all the department heads, and he is going to do itfair and square. Those were his exact words, fair and square.

    So this young man does something that he thinks will get around the fair

    employment law. The sad part is, he might be right.

    He figures that if everyone in the organization qualifies for the job in the same

    manner that would do it. What he is going to do is have a race. Whoever wins the race

    gets whatever job he wants, and the person who comes in second gets the next job, and

    so on down the line. So he comes up with an insane idea for a run, a half of a mile long.

    Doesnt sound like much does it? Well thats not all, there are four bridges that you have

    to go over twice; once going and another time coming back because the race is going to

    be run on a street thats a quarter of a mile long with four bridged cross streets.Still doesnt sound like much does it? Well it gets better. The bridges are made

    of wood, and theyre Japanese style, each bridge is so steep that theyre made up of

    steps. Thats right steps, every bridge has fourteen steps going up and fourteen more on

    the other side coming down. So you not only have to run but you have to climb steps

    while youre running. I figured out how many.

    Ha, every one in the company figured it out by now, it totals one hundred and

    twelve steps to the half way point and another hundred and twelve on the way back,

    and thats in addition to the quarter mile run. How about that for a loony idea? I bet you

    havent heard anything to equal that one since Hannibal asked for help to get his

    elephants over the mountain.Look at me. Im fifty pounds overweight; and my energy for running left me

    fifteen years ago. I ask you; how am I going to win a race against a bunch of young

    studs? Any one of them would love to get my job. Half a mile run; even without steps;

    what chance do I have? I get out of breath when I walk around the block. God, Im

    telling you; even the janitor is going to beat me and when he does, Im going to wind up

    mopping the spit off the toilet walls; right under the dont spit on the floor sign.

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    Jack looked up at the brighter and brighter looking sky and asked, So tell me

    Master of the Universe, do you think you can help me?

    The voice rumbled clearly, I will help you to help you.

    Youll help me to help me? he asked, not understanding. Jack thought he was

    having a nervous breakdown. He was just going along with everything, like he was in a

    hypnotic trance. He argued. He thought the whole thing was him going crazy.Riddles. I dont know why you always talk in riddles. Every time I read your

    book I read riddles. Why cant you just say that youll help me?

    The voiced boomed, I will suggest. You will act.

    Well, thats a little better anyway. O.K. Whats the first suggestion?

    The morning quiet was broken by early signs of life on the street. A youngster

    sped by on roller-skates and a group of teen-agers clacked by on skateboards. Soon the

    beach was filled with people on bicycles, rollerblades and joggers. Jack stood patiently

    near the garbage can, waiting. A busboy from the nearby hamburger stand dumped in a

    load of trash, eyes suspiciously wandering over to where Jack stood.Minutes passed; more people appeared on the beach. Jack waited patiently.

    More time went by and he looked around impatiently. Once again he addressed the

    cloud; this time-mindful of the people all about-he whispered loudly. Whats the first


    Nothing. No sound, no voice, no suggestion, no nothing. He felt frustrated and

    in a sudden fit of pique screamed out. So what suggestion do you have for me? And

    then once again, I said - what - is - your - suggestion? Im waiting.

    A tall, dark, gangling youth in a tank top, with chains of jewelry hanging from

    his neck, tattoos showing from shoulder to wrist with a face full of piercings, walked

    over to Jack and said, Hey man; I got a suggestion for you. Get your ass off the beach.Youre crazy, you know that?

    Jack stared at the young man for a long moment, thought of a few apt responses,

    decided it wasnt worth getting into a confrontation, and walked off. It was early and he

    was getting hungry. He decided to stop somewhere for breakfast. The incidents of the

    morning were fresh in his mind as he slowly walked towards his car. He knew that

    stress could do strange things to a person and wondered whether he was in the first

    stages of something serious. Settling into the seat of his automobile he turned on the

    radio and listened to four commercial messages before the music began.

    Each commercial, he realized was a suggestion. One told him of all the

    headaches in the country and suggested a cure for, another that certain foods wouldupset his stomach, the third reminded him about the decrepit furniture in his house and

    the fourth was that of an excited announcer who was saying that unless he purchased

    new linings immediately his brakes were going to fail at any moment. Suggestions,

    nothing but suggestions. But each one, he realized, caused him to think about the

    message. Maybe he was going to get an upset stomach if he had fried eggs, and maybe

    he should have his brakes checked. For sure his furniture could use reupholstering. He

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    thought about the many suggestions he heard from all the various sources during the


    He stopped at the first coffee shop he came to and sat at the counter. The

    waitress ambled over with a steaming pot in one hand, a cup in the other, motioned to

    the cup with her forehead and asked, Coffee?

    Jack nodded and spoke, And a couple of eggs over medium with whole wheattoast.

    Our fresh smoked bacon is extra good this morning. How about a couple of

    nice thick crunchy slices to go with the eggs? she asked.

    The image of crisp, smoke flavored bacon appeared in Jacks mind and he

    salivated, swallowing hard. He smelled the meat spitzing and sizzling on the grill. Jack,

    always conscious of his weight, seldom ate bacon, but the suggestion opened the idea to

    him and the delicious aroma drifting into his nose, along with the thought of the smoke

    taste and crunch of crispy bacon was too much for him. Gimme a double order and Ill

    have some home fries with it too. Im hungry as a horse.

    Jack finished his satisfying meal and drove off thinking, Now why did I eat allthat? All I wanted was of eggs and coffee.

    Riding towards the April Moon Plumbing Company, he patiently waited for the

    indigestion that was certain to begin at any moment. He thought of one of the

    commercials he had seen recently on television and patted his jacket pocket to make sure

    his packet of antacid was handy. It was; he was ready for the attack.

    A small bubble formed deep in his throat, it worked its way up and he belched

    as the bitterly hot, sourness floated up though his esophagus to the back of his tongue.

    He flipped a couple of tablets into his mouth, chewed and swallowed. He belched again

    but the gagging bitterness was gone. Smiling, he congratulated himself on the foresight

    to carry antacids in the car.He thought back on the morning and said aloud. Boy if it were only true. If

    only I had my own personal pipeline to heaven. What a trip that would be. He

    laughed. It sure would be nice, real nice if I could talk to God whenever I wanted to.

    What would you say? Boomed the now familiar voice. Jack jumped up, his

    knees hit the steering wheel causing him to cry out. Ow! What? What? What was that?

    Who said that?

    Jack reached for the radio; it was off. He looked out of the window of his car but

    no other vehicles were near enough for him to hear people talking. Who said that? He


    Jack, Jack, how could you forget so soon? It has been only a short while sinceour chat.

    Jacks hands tightened around the steering wheel. His eyes opened wide as he

    replied, You mean I didnt imagine this morning? It was real? But why did you stop

    talking to me? I mean you said you were going to make some suggestions to help me

    and then, nothing. You just disappeared. Well you didnt really disappear, since you

    werent there in the first placeI think.

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    Jack looked from one side of the car to the other and then up and out of the

    windshield, not knowing where to direct his eyes he finally looked at the horn button, it

    didnt seem to matter; the voice was everywhere. He asked questioningly, Did you


    Jack, I was, am, and always will be with you. I have already made one

    suggestion to you.Jack was quizzical. You did? When? I dont remember you making any


    I suggested that you leave the beach.

    Jack thought rapidly, his brows furrowing as he did so. You suggested I leave

    the beach? That wasnt you, that was some snotty kid with a bandoleer of gold chains

    around his neck and hoops in his nose. He clenched his lips together and thrust his

    head forward, You mean that kid was you?

    Not exactly, I just gave him the idea. You didnt want to be late for work this

    morning did you? You hadnt had your breakfast yet.

    Jack thought about breakfast, Did you suggest that I eat the bacon also?No, that was not my suggestion. That one you got elsewhere.

    Jack threw up his hands and quickly grabbed at the wheel as the car swerved.

    Annoyed, he asked, Then how am I supposed to know when a suggestion comes from

    you or from some other source? Why cant you just talk to me the way you are doing

    now so Ill know its you?

    If I do that it will hinder your growth.

    My growth? Jack asked quizzically, You mean Im going to get taller?

    Not that type of growth Jack. Im referring to spiritual growth.

    I dont understand ...God? By the way, what do I call you? I mean, do I call you

    Lord, or God or Master or what?Why dont you call me Max.

    Max? That seems disrespectful; why Max?

    We are too far apart. It is impossible for you to get even a glimmering of what I

    am. I am further from you than an ant is from an astronaut strolling on the moon. If

    you call me Max it will give you a sense of yourself, if not of me. Think of the name as a

    diminutive of Maximum if you will.

    The voice rang through the car vibrating the very structure of the vehicle as it

    continued. Your spiritual growth brings you ever closer to me. It is necessary for you

    to continue this growth. For me to give you absolute instruction would be to retard this

    growth. You would have no choices to make, you would know absolutely what to doand what not to do.

    Jack muttered under his breath, Sounds good to me.

    The voice within his head continued; I have set certain immutable laws down in

    the universe. The rules of the game, so to speak. One of these rules is cause and effect.

    As I am The Law, and therefore above it, I have made it difficult, even for myself, to

    break these rules. You will recognize causes, and the resulting effects and by so doing

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    will begin to instigate your own, desired cause. You must have absolute freedom of

    choice for spiritual growth.

    Jack Belson was feeling more humbled by the second as the voice rumbled on. A

    feeling of constriction was developing in his throat and he felt a small lump almost as

    though he wanted to cry. Something was happening that he did not understand but he

    felt elated; enthralled. At that moment, the race was of no consequence; he drove slowly,listening carefully. Every word hammered into his consciousness. Every sentence was

    there waiting for him as though he had suddenly developed an eidetic memory. And

    more than anything else he was wanting to remember every word, every syllable.

    When you sit with friends to play a game of cards it would be a foolish,

    incomprehensible game if you did not know or understand the rules. Any game wherein

    one of the players did not know the rules would be a game for infants. Imagine a game

    where not a single player knew the rules. It would result in a Babel of confusion.

    Life, as you know it, is a game with certain rules. Most of the human race is

    unfamiliar with those rules.

    Jack Belson, heed my words. You have asked for help from me. As much as Igive you I give you now. I give you the rules of life.

    Jack was driving so slowly that he was afraid of getting a ticket. He pulled over

    to the side of the street and parked. A light sweat had broken out over his entire body.

    He closed his eyes and allowed the words of Max to carve into his memory bank.

    Rule number one. You may call it, Mentalism. I have created the universe in

    my imagination. I have peopled that universe with my imagination. The universe is my

    mental creation, all is my infinite thought. Your reality is mental.

    Rule number two. Correspondence. The correspondence of one rule to another,

    of one thing to another, of one dimension to another. As it is on one plane so it will beon the other. As it is on the physical, so it will be on the mental, as it is on the mental, so

    it will be on the spiritual. As it is below, so it will be above. As it is above, so it will be


    Rule number three. Polarity. All things that are of the same nature will differ

    by degree. What is tall is also short, what is hot is also cold, what is east is also west,

    what is dark is also light, what is bad is also good, what is sharp is also dull.

    Rule number four. Motion. Universal things have a universal movement. All

    things, physical, mental, and spiritual are in constant and never-ending motion. Each

    thing has a frequency, a vibration that has a specific and definite manifestation on each

    plane of existence. When a frequency is changed the manifestation is changed as well.Rule number five. Rhythm. All is cyclical. All things have their own time, their

    own rhythm. All things are born, grow, peak, deteriorate, and die. To be born is to die,

    to die is to be born. So I have decreed.

    Rule number six. Cause and effect. For every thing that happens there is a

    cause. For every cause there will be an effect. Coincidence, accident, and chaos are the

    effects of unrecognized cause.

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    Rule number seven. Gender. Masculine and feminine properties reside in all

    things. The masculine is the outgoing, the giving, the instigative. The feminine is the

    inflow, the receptive, the creative.

    Those are the rules Jack Belson; hear and heed.

    Jack recalled everything, the words had been chiseled in his mind. I hear Max,but Im not sure I understand. How can I use the rules? Are they supposed to help


    The voice boomed again through the car. Know them for now. That is enough.

    Understanding will come as you grow. I will be with you for a while to help you to

    understand. Usage through your actions must come entirely from yourself.

    Jack was speaking quietly now. His gruff demeanor humbled by what he was

    experiencing. This was real, he thought. But then again, did a madman know he was


    No! This was not insanity. Somehow he had been chosen to hear the word of

    God. He accepted that.Will you make more suggestions?

    Suggestions will be made. You must choose the ones that are of benefit to your


    But how will I know when its you?

    Sometimes, you will be certain. Other times you will not. Your mind is now as

    filled with past suggestions as a pasture is with grass. Suggestions act as a suddenly

    braked car would on an ice slickened road in some cases, as cold acts upon honey in

    others. You will always be influenced by past suggestions; accept that. Many people

    will wish to introduce ideas for you to act on, some will be of benefit and some will not.

    As you grow in your understanding of the rules I have laid out for you, you will act onthe correct suggestions.

    Let your thoughts be at ease. I will always be with you, even though it seems as

    though I now leave you.

    Jack Belson had a feeling of great loss with a strong emotion of love and

    adoration mixed in. His emotions were running wild and he cried out in an agony of

    longing, Wait Max, dont go yet. Please. Tell me why there is so much injustice in life?

    Think now about the rule of Polarity. If pleasure and satisfaction are part of the

    human experience than you must be confronted with the options of suffering and pain.

    In a world without pain, there can be no pleasure. If there were no betrayal and

    desertion then loyalty would not be possible. As you love truth Jack, then the possibilityof falsehood must exist. Without an environment exposing you to hardship and

    disappointment courage would be impossible. Without insecurity, uncertainty, and

    suspicion there could be no such thing as hope.

    Jack nodded in understanding. What about faith?

    To exhibit faith mankind must find itself in a position to know less than can be

    believed. Do you have faith in my existence Jack?

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    I do. Even though I doubt myself right about now, I do have faith that you


    But you need no faith. The booming voice declared as the air vibrated with the


    You are talking to me therefore you know I exist. Faith is not required. When

    you knew less of me, did you have faith in my existence?I believed you existed yes. I did know less about you than I could actually

    believe, but I still believed. I suppose thats faith. If I hadnt had at least some, I guess I

    wouldnt have been yelling for you like I did. I should say that I really didnt have faith

    that you would appear. As a matter of fact I felt certain you wouldnt.

    I had faith you existed but not that you would come to me specifically. Im still

    a bit skeptical. Im not certain whether Im talking to you or if Im having some kind of a

    hallucinatory experience. I do wish you would stay with me for a little while longer. I

    dont care about the race, just dont leave yet.

    The voice answered, gentle as a mothers breath cooling her infants fevered brow,

    Jack, you will be late for work. That is enough for today.The voice continued, but now sounding as though it came from a distance, a very

    great distance. Be at ease Jack, I will always be with you. I promise that we will speak

    again. In the meanwhile, remember the rules of the game.

    What about the golden rule? Jack asked.

    The rule that reigns above all others is to love me. Understand that love is

    seeing and sensing and feeling and knowing no negatives. None. Nor should you seek

    to develop a love for me based on fear, or guilt, or because you want something. To

    qualify that love is to diminish it. Simply love me, and in doing so you will develop a

    sense of love for your fellow creatures. That is the true golden rule.

    The voice was gone. Jack, feeling confused and mystified, head light as a balloon,stared into space as he silently, and thoughtfully drove to his parking space at the lot of

    the April Moon Plumbing Supply Company.


    Jack Belson sat quietly in his car contemplating his hallucination. The voice hehad thought he heard faded into the deep interior of his mind. Once again he wondered

    if he had imagined it. But then he thought of the seven rules. He had never had ideas

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    like those before, and he could not recall reading about the things hed heard. They had

    to have come from outside him. He sighed, and accepted the fact that he had just spoken

    with a higher intelligence. Hed heard of people who funneled or channeled

    intelligences from another dimension; was that what had happened? Another thought

    occurred to him and he looked around the car, not really expecting to see anyone but

    hoping anyway. He looked up; somehow up seemed to be the right direction, but onsecond thought it really didnt matter. Radio waves permeated the world, a radio

    would play in any corner of a room, the waves were everywhere. Wouldnt God be at

    least as permeating as a radio broadcast?

    He was parked in his regular slot at the April Moon Plumbing Company. Jacks

    hands gripped the wheel tightly as though his touch would stimulate a response.

    Staring at the windshield he whispered in a loud tone, How do I get in touch with


    He sat for five more minutes; there was no answer. Finally he shrugged

    sorrowfully and walked up the steps thoughtfully. He didnt know if the events of the

    morning had relieved him of a burden or installed one. Ah well, time will tell, timewould definitely tell. For the first time in his life he thought about the implication of his

    thoughts. He considered the seven rules. What about time? Wasnt that a rule of life?

    What was time? Was it a thing? Should he think about it?

    Thoughts raced through his mind. I should have asked Him about time, and

    light, and gravity, and sound, and failures and successes, and health, and religions, and

    diet, yes, I should have asked Him what the best food for me to eat was, I should have

    asked Him?

    A thousand questions filled Jacks mind. By the time he reached his office his

    mind was a muddle. So many things to think about. So much to examine.

    A neatly stacked pile of work lay on his desk. He paid no attention to the massof paper. Instead he picked up a pencil and began to doodle as he thought about time.

    Vibrations mean that everything moves, Polarity means that all things have an opposite,

    Cause and effect; he slammed the pencil down. Whats time? Is time moving? Time

    isnt moving, were moving. How can I control time? Let me see now, what was that

    about the rules of the game? If I want to control time, and if motion is involved than to

    control time I must control motion. But how can I control motion?

    For the first time in a long while, Jack Belson thought about things hed never

    given any consideration to before.

    Let me see now. Time doesnt move, its a unit of measurement, we move, we

    change. If time doesnt move, it would be like a car driving past a row of trees; to theperson in the car it would seem as though the trees were moving. Actually what would

    be happening for the one in the car is change. The view would change. Is time change?

    Can there be any time without change?

    Jack pictured the world before man, before animals, before, plant life. He thought

    of the world as a globe, with no movement, stationary. He saw that time could not exist

    under a static condition. But there has always been change, and therefore, there has

    always been time. Or, has there?

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    Perhaps there is no time for God. Time does not exist for God. God himself, is

    perfect. To be perfect is to be unchanging. Without change there can not be a time

    element. Therefore for God, time does not exist. But everything else changes. The

    universe can never reach perfection because then there would be no change and time

    would stop. There can only be everlasting, eternal change. And in an infinity of changes

    then everything must eventually exist. And if there is no time for God then everythingexists now. Wars and peace, terrorists and pacifists, whatever could be thought, would

    be for an infinite being.

    Caroming bombs of understanding exploded through Jacks mind. Thoughts that

    would have been impossible to him the day before. That more than anything else caused

    him to accept the fact that something spiritual had indeed happened to him that


    Doodles appeared under the active pencil of Jack Belson as he mused. The race

    is certainly change. It consists of motion. If I complete the race before its run than Ive

    controlled time. Let me see. The race is over and Ive won. Thats it. The race is over.

    Let me see that, let me sense that.A sudden thought burst through his mind, The race was a metaphor. That

    being the case he would have to read it as such. And if that were in fact the case then he

    would have to read into it something of great import.

    Jack thought with deep concentration. His body relaxed as his mind left it. He

    visualized the race, saw himself winning. He had won. It was over. Raising his head he

    smiled as he thought of what he had imagined. The race had been won by him. It was

    over. He could control time, mentally. But how to fix it in the physical world? Should

    he even try? If the race were a metaphor than surely part of it would have to hold the

    fact that Jack Belson would do his best, but whatever happened, he would read into it, a

    positive energy.Thoughts poured through his mind in a torrent. He had created a mental image

    of himself winning the race. Therefore, according to the rule of motion, he had indeed

    won the race. Mentally. But the rule of correspondence states that as it is on one plane so

    it must be on another. And suddenly he saw. There must be other universes, other

    dimensions, that run alongside our ownparallel to it. In one of those dimensions his

    thoughts created him winning. Every thought would then manifest in another

    dimension. These parallel dimensions would be infinite therefore in one of them God is

    indeed speaking to me. If it is infinite then every thought, of every person, would

    manifest in a parallel dimension.

    Suddenly Jack changed, he understood. When a person looked at a thing, aperson, or an event, they would view that event from their perspective. The viewing

    would change the event in every case but the change would register in other dimensions

    just as changes in this dimension would be affected by viewing in other dimensions.

    So many things had cleared up in Jacks mind, his intelligence seemed to have

    soared as well as his creative thinking. Considering his weight Jack came to the

    conclusion that he had to rid himself of fifty five pounds. The answer seemed to be so

    obvious he wondered why he hadnt thought of it before.

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    More ideas came. There were two separate but distinctive dimensions, one was

    the physical and the other was the mental; if there was to be movement, or change in

    one than there had to be the opposite or non movement or change in the other. Yes, he

    thought, when I want to think, then I must be as still as is possible on the physical

    plane. Does that mean then that the opposite is true as well, that when I want to be

    physically active that I must be as inactive as I can be on the mental plane?Mulling the idea over while batting his pencil on the table he realized that he had

    been doing exactly the opposite. When he was physically active he was always thinking

    about what he was doing, about what he had done, or about what he was about to do.

    When he was mentally active he always had a doodle to draw, a pencil to bang on the

    table, or a foot to tap on the floor. He thought about the opposite of physical activity

    and the word meditation came to him.

    Jack Belson knew next to nothing about meditation; hed occasionally read

    something about it and he knew one or two people who went in for that sort of thing but

    he himself knew nothing at all about it. The name Kenneth Grant came to him, Yes,

    Kenny, he meditates all the time. Jack thought.He flipped through his address book and found the number he was looking for.

    After a brief phone conversation Jack had made a luncheon appointment for that very

    day with Mr. Kenneth Grant of the Woodstock Hardware Company.

    All Grant knew was that the head bookkeeper of April Moon Plumbing wanted

    to talk to him. Grant put the phone down and thought briefly about the rather strange

    call, he didnt owe any money to April Moon, and couldnt imagine what was up. But

    his curiosity got the better of him and he agreed to meet Jack Belson for lunch.

    The restaurant was in Santa Monica and convenient to them both. Grantwondered all through lunch why he had been called as Belson spoke in turn of baseball,

    the weather, and the high price of automobiles, until finally Kenneth asked, Jack,

    whats this all about? I know you didnt ask me here to tell me that the Dodgers are in

    second place.

    Belson put his coffee cup down and decided to tell outright what was on his

    mind. Kenny, you once said that you meditated a lot. I just wondered if you would

    tell me how you do it.

    Kenneth Grant looked at his luncheon partner in amazement. If he had been

    offered a thousand guesses as to the point of this meeting, meditation would not even

    have been on the list. It was so far from what he had expected that he responded with ahard swallow and a rather insipid sounding, What?

    Meditation, Jack repeated, I would like to know if you could tell me how you

    do it.

    Kenneth leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, Meditation?

    You asked me here to talk about meditation?

    Jack nodded, looking a bit sheepish. The foolish feeling left quickly when he

    heard Kenneth ask. What do you want to know about it?

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    Now that it was out and he wasnt being laughed at, indeed it seemed that

    Kenneth was taking him seriously Jack leaned forward and asked intently, I want to

    know how to do it. Do you take some kind of a drug or something or what? I know you

    have to close your eyes but do you have to cross your legs in that funny posture? Do you

    think about anything particular?

    Kenneth laughed, Drugs? You really dont know the first thing about it do you?Well lets see. Meditation. He stared up at the ceiling as though the words he was

    looking for were emblazoned there and then suddenly he looked intently at Jack Belson

    and asked. Say, what do you want to know about meditation for anyhow?

    Jack simply shrugged and replied, I guess its because I heard that it was good

    for stress and Ive been under a lot of that lately. I mean a lot of it.

    You are referring to the great race? Kenneth responded.

    With a cynical snort through his nostrils Jack nodded, You heard about that did

    you? I guess everyone in the business knows about the stupid thing.

    Knows about it? Say, my office is already taking bets on whos going to win

    and the second, third and fourth placers. Youd think it was the Superbowl. I have totell you Jack. Theres a lot of money that says you wont even get the day janitors job.

    Jack cut him off, I know, I know, I heard. Larry is saying that hes going to

    create a new job after the race to prove that he has a certain sense of loyalty to the old

    timers. Meaning me of course. Hes saying that anyone who calls him heartless is

    misinformed because he is going to keep everyone on the payroll; even whoever comes

    in last.

    What job did he create?

    Jack looked at his luncheon companion sadly, his glance slowly going from his

    coffee cup to Kenneths eyes as with a cold stare he answered, Toilet manager. He is

    going to allow the person who comes in last to manage the toilet. That will be his onlyfunction, cleaning and supplying the toilets; at the minimum wage of course.

    So you want to learn to meditate because you think youre going to come in last

    and youre going through a lot of stress?

    Yeah, something like that.

    Tell me Jack, if you do come in last would you do it? Would you take the toilet

    job? I understand that if you quit, you lose your pension. You have, what is it six, seven

    years to go?

    Four. Four more years and I can retire from the company with fifteen hundred

    and eighty dollars a month coming in for the rest of my life. Thats the way it was set

    up. If I quit a day before my retirement date I get ziltch.Kenneth frowned as he asked, I didnt know that. Is there anyone else that close

    to a pension?

    Three others. Shirley Tepper, Claude Hoskins, and John Bagnow. Tepper

    wont even finish the race, what with her limp and weight and all. Claude might do

    something, hes a jogger, but hes sixty four and doesnt think his heart would stand the

    strain of the competition. John Bagnow, well he and I are probably going to be neck and

    neck, or maybe I should say belly to belly competing for last place.

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    Shirley. Tepper? You mean even the women are part of this insanity.

    Sure. Larry has to keep it legal, if the men run the women run.

    But thats crazy Jack. Shirley must weigh three hundred pounds. And isnt one

    of her legs shorter than the other or something like that?

    Yeah, but that dont cut no ice with Larry Sapper. Hes going to be fair so she

    gets to start at the three quarters mark. Can you just picture her waddling along fromone side to the other panting over the finish line? Her heart is likely to attack her just for

    walking too fast.

    Kenneth Grant shook his head slowly as he pictured the overweight and aged

    group bumping towards the finish line in a competition for jobs that few of them

    wanted. What he had previously laughed at, along with the rest of his office, was

    suddenly seen in a different light and the unfairness of it all changed his viewpoint..

    What do all these people have to say about the race Jack? You know Ive been

    looking at it like it was a big joke but I dont think its funny to you or Mrs. Tepper or the

    other two you mentioned.

    Some joke. No its not funny to us. Were all pretty sick about it, especiallyShirley. You couldnt know this but shes been taking care of an older sister whos

    confined to a wheelchair. April Moon isnt the greatest job in the world, but for Shirley

    its the only job. Where on earth is a fifty six year old, overweight, crippled up secretary

    going to find a job nowadays? Shes been with the company as long as I have; I even

    have a suspicion that she was a lot of help to Charlie Sapper in building up April Moon.

    Its not funny Ken, not even a little bit.

    Were getting together tomorrow night to talk over the situation and Im going

    to try and get them to relax a little bit. Thats when I thought about this meditation


    Do you think you could help us a little? Just tell me what to do; Ill take care ofthe rest.

    Kenneth nodded, Sure Ill help. Its pretty simple; heres all you have to do.

    This is the simplest form of meditation; I call it first stage meditation.

    First stage, does that mean theres more than one?

    Yes, basically there are three stages of meditation. Stage one is for relaxing and

    stress removal. Stage two is a deeper relaxation that uses stage one as a jumping off

    place, this is where you do your programming for simple things. Stage three is the

    deepest state of all. I use it for health, energy, and a greater state of awareness.

    Jacks eyebrows bunched together, Programming? He questioned.

    Ill tell you about that later Jack, first things first.So how do you get to stage one?

    Simple. You close your eyes, take a deep breath, let it out slowly; and youre


    Thats it?

    Kenneth nodded. Basically yes, thats about it.

    There must be more to it than that, thats the way I relax. You telling me

    meditation is like relaxing?

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    After a few seconds, Kenneth answered with somewhat of a twinkle in his eye

    and a smile on his face, Jack; meditation is relaxing.

    But Jack was not amused as he answered, Im serious Kenny. You just

    described relaxing. I want to learn how to meditate.

    O. K., let me describe it another way. Or better yet, you do it right now.

    Do what? Jack asked in a suspicious tone of voice.Meditate. You can do it right now. You O.K. with that?

    You mean right here in the restaurant. Jack looked around the place, it was

    past the lunch rush. The room was almost empty. Waiters were nowhere to be seen and

    the tables nearby were unoccupied. He nodded and continued, All right, Im game if

    you are. Lets see what you can do.

    Kenneth leaned over the table resting his chin on his hands and said. Close

    your eyes. Now think about the number three. Just that. It doesnt matter if you see it

    clearly or barely at all, just pretend that you see a number three. If you want you can see

    three sticks, or three lights, or three baseballs; or the number three. Anything that

    represents three. You got that Jack?Jack leaned back in his chair, relaxed, eyes closed. Yeah, I got it. Im looking at

    a three.

    No. Dont look at a three. If youre looking that means that youre trying to use

    your eyes. Dont look at it, think at it. Think about the number three.

    All right Im thinking about a number three.

    Good, Kenneth said. Now take a deep breath and let it out. Exhale slowly,

    and while youre letting your breath out, think about the number three, three times.

    Jacks chest heaved as he took in a breath saying at the same time, What do you

    mean three times. Do I think about its flashing or something?

    If you want. You can see it flashing, or you can say to yourself, three, three,three, as you let your breath out. You cant do it wrong however you do it. Whatever

    way you see the three represented is all right.

    Jacks breath blew out of his nostrils until his head was quiet, and with his eyes

    still closed he asked, So now what?

    O. K., thats good. Now do the same thing with the number two except think

    about it twice and the second time you think about it, think that the two is lower in

    volume than you heard it the first time. Take a deep breath and mentally repeat and

    visualize the number two, two times. And when you do that, you do the same thing

    with the number one, except you think about the number one, one time and when you

    mentally say it, say it so low that you can barely hear it. Relax Jack; Ill be quiet whileyou do it. Just motion to me, or say something when youre finished.

    Jack Belson concentrated on the breathing and the numbers. He thought about

    the numbers, concentrated on the flow of breath and without realizing it; hed stopped

    thinking about the race. His earlier conversation with the voice, the April Moon

    Company, everything that bothered him was gone from his mind. For the first time in

    days he was relaxed as he thought about the number one and concentrated on his

    breathing. He nodded and grunted that he was through with the counting.

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    Kenneths voice was low and soothing as he spoke softly, moving his face

    towards Jack. Think about what we just had for lunch. Pausing for a moment he

    added, Now think about what you had for lunch yesterday. Then think about what

    you had for dinner last night.

    He watched Jack carefully; now sitting calmly with his hands on the table, eyes

    closed, and the tension gone from his face. After a moment or two had passed Kennethcontinued. Now let your thoughts go to some happy time in your past. Anytime. It

    could be last week, or a month ago, a year ago, or twenty or thirty years ago. Let your

    thoughts take you there and think about that happy time.

    Thirty seconds passed and a slight smile appeared on Jacks face. He sighed

    deeply and the smile broadened. Kenneth took a deep breath and leaned back in his

    chair thoughtfully. He looked at his watch. It was time to go back to the office but he

    felt this was important. He motioned to a waiter and pointed to his cup. The cup was

    filled and he sipped the coffee quietly, not speaking, not moving at all except to

    occasionally bring the cup to his lips, and to silently put it back on the tablecloth.

    Every now and again a sigh was heard from his luncheon host across the table.The waiter came by and filled Kenneth Grants cup again; and later still, once more. He

    looked quizzically at the man, sitting up straight in his chair, hands on the table, eyes

    closed, with a blissful smile on his face and jerked a thumb in his direction. Kenneth

    shook his head no, and the waiter left puzzled.

    Finally there was a deep, loud sigh from Jack and his eyes opened. He was calm

    and rested. He smiled at Kenneth saying, That was nice. I see what they talk about.

    That was meditation?

    That was meditation. Kenneth responded.

    Boy oh boy that was a pleasant couple of minutes.

    Couple of minutes? Kenneth responded, eyebrows arched in question.You mean it wasnt that long? Jack asked.

    You were just meditating Kenneth looked at his watch, for a trifle over

    forty six minutes.

    Jack was startled. What! I dont believe you. He said looking at his own wrist

    and noting the time. He stared at his watch for a long moment. Jesus, I cant believe it.

    Almost an hour. And the first time out. Ken is this normal?

    Its not unusual Jack. At any rate, that was first stage meditation. Tell you

    what, come over my house tonight and Ill tell you a little bit about Alpha and second

    stage meditation.

    Whats Alpha?Tonight Jack, tonight. Kenneth said looking at his watch again, Its getting

    late and Ive got to get back to the office.

    Jack Belson did not accomplish much work that day. The pile of papers

    remained the same, the doodles grew, and there was a good deal of pacing from one end

    of the small office to the other. With hands clasped behind him, deep in thought, Jack

    paced. Four steps forward, turn, and four steps back all the rest of that afternoon

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    Some time later in Kenneth Grants apartment, Jack Belson was sitting in a

    comfortable armchair listening intently to what his newfound mentor was saying. All

    right Jack, here it is, the Alpha link. Just listen to what Im saying and accept it for now,

    if you interrupt me every time you hear something new well never get through. Take it

    for what its worth and use it; youll find that what Im about to teach you is effective.Jack nodded in understanding, Youre the boss Ken, go ahead, Im all ears.

    Kenneth decided to keep it as simple as possible so that Jack Belson would

    understand it all. O. K., here it is. First of all, the brain produces electromagnetic

    energy; this energy can be measured by the use of an electroencephalograph; what you

    probably know as an EEG machine.

    Brain energy is different when youre sleeping then it is when youre awake and

    relaxed. Your brain has a different pattern when you are actively thinking, when you are

    emotional, and when you are excited. There are four basic patterns that are produced by

    the brain during these various activities.

    These are Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. There is also a fifth known as Gammawave production, which is a higher form of Beta, that involves the amplitude of the

    wave and has a lot to do with driving the brain but Im going to keep it simple for now.

    Well discuss Gamma waves another time. Beta is the awake state; the other three are

    sleep states. When your brain is producing fourteen cycles of energy per second or

    more, you are normally awake and aware, fourteen cycles and up is known as the Beta

    state. You are now in the Beta state Jack, as youre alert and listening. In all probability,

    if you were to be hooked up to an EEG it would show twenty one cycles per second of

    brain wave activity or thereabouts.

    As you relax your brain wave energy slows down. When you sleep, your brain

    waves would show ten cycles during a light sleep, six cycles per second during a deepersleep, and two cycles per second during your deepest sleep. From 1/2 cycle to four

    cycles per second you would be in delta, from four to seven cycles per second, theta; and

    from seven to fourteen cycles per second alpha. Anything above that would be the beta,

    or awake state.

    Now then, notice I said alpha was a light stage of sleep. The trick in meditation

    is to produce the alpha activity but remain awake and aware. When you can do that,

    you are meditating. When youre meditating youre relaxed, and when youre relaxed

    you cannot be stressful.

    Its like a sound, healthy, diet, Jack. Moderation is the key to everything. If you

    feel that eggs, or ice cream is bad for you, instead of cutting them out of your life eatthem, but in moderation. Say once a month. If you do not have an egg for a month and

    you like them, just imagine the enjoyment, the taste treat youll have when you do dive

    into a couple of them. And two eggs a month cant hurt anyone. Neither can a gooey,

    chocolate, banana split oozing with strawberries and whipped cream. Not if you eat one

    a month.

    When you meditate a couple of times a day, you are doing the same thing to the

    stress in your life. Youre moderating it. You cant be stressful and relaxed at the same

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    time so during the time that you meditate youve taken stress out of your life.

    Meditation allows you to cope. Thats one of the principles of polarity.

    Jack looked curiously at his friend and asked, Polarity?

    Yes, its a universal principle. Ill tell you about it another time, first things first.

    Lets get back to meditation.

    Alpha is the key. When you slow your brain activity down to ten cycles asecond you are in alpha. You are going to be doing that with a meditation technique.

    Well start with first stage meditation but your ultimate goal should be conscious

    thought while producing Alpha activity. After that, we may get into the production of

    Gamma waves but that is for a higher inspirational consciousness.

    Jack looked at Kenneth, his feelings were mixed. Wondering if all this was one of

    those suggestions. He was shocked at Kenneths use of the word polarity. It was the

    second time he had heard it expressed in as many days. He stared hard into Kens eyes

    and questioned, Where did you come from Mr. Kenneth Grant?

    Kenneth was puzzled for a moment. What do you mean?

    I know you for maybe ten, twelve years. Youve always been a customer of thecompany, and now all of a sudden youre you are, ah,

    Kenneth finished the sentence, Enlightening you?

    Jack jumped at the words, Yes, yes, thats it, enlightening me. Thats what I

    want to know. Where did you learn all this, and mainly; why? Why are you doing it?

    Its been said, Kenneth replied, that when the student is ready, the teacher


    A cold chill went up the spine of Jack Belson at those words. He closed his eyes

    for a second and concentrated, mentally throwing his thoughts out, sending them

    through the void of his mind, Thank you. He thought, in a loud, rolling mental

    whisper.From somewhere; out there, he thought he heard something. Although if you

    were to press him to describe out there, he could not have told you. But he did believe,

    that for the faintest flicker of a moment; he had heard, in the dim, vast distance, a hollow

    sounding response that sounded very much like, Youre welcome. But he was never

    quite sure about that.

    Kenneth Grant was very thoughtful as he headed back to his office. He thought

    about the words he spoke to Jack, When the student is ready the teacher appears. A

    chill went through him as he turned the aphorism around. When the teacher is available

    the student appears. He wondered if this was what he had been waiting for these manyyears. He was an Adept, burrowed deep within the business world, waiting for he knew

    not what. Was this it? Kenneth went into deep meditation that evening and spent the

    entire night pondering the mission of the Adepts, and his personal goals.

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    He was relaxed and at ease in his favorite chair, an overstuffed settee, with a

    spring peeking through and a tear in the back upholstery. A lump of cotton batting had

    worked its way down and was pressing against his right side. He had neglected to

    remove the newspaper placed on the seat the night before and was sitting on it while he


    Oblivious to the batting, the spring, the occasional crinkle of paper as he stirred

    to change his position, he sat as Kenneth had instructed, back straight, feet relaxed on

    the floor, the thumb of each hand touching the middle finger, forming a circle, and his

    arms resting on the arms of the chair. Hed been sitting for twenty two minutes but wasunaware of the passage of time. His mind had soared to a place beyond the senses and

    had separated from his body. If he were to think about it his body would feel a low,

    dull, throbbing vibration as though encased in a bale of wool. He was as satisfied as he

    could ever remember being, with his head growing lighter as each passing moment

    seemed to grow and encompass the entire world.

    Jack had gone to the meditative state to think about his position in the race.

    Should he enter it and make a fool of himself? Or should he salvage a small measure of

    his remaining pride and resign from the company? As he considered the problem his

    thoughts went to Shirley Tepper and his friends in the office. If he left he would feel like

    a deserter. But then again, why should he take the responsibility of their problems uponhimself? Just who was he responsible for? This was the question he kept asking as he

    relaxed. Jack Belson. Jack Belson. His name thundered through his consciousness and

    using it as a mantra he soared further, repeating his own name with the subconscious

    knowledge that his responsibility was to the owner of that name and that alone.

    Then the name disappeared. The feeling of the body was gone. His mind was

    one with the universe. All problems dissolved as he grew more involved with his

    surprising capacity to experience the novel feeling he was undergoing. Time had no

    meaning and if he were to be asked he honestly could not tell whether a moment or an

    hour had passed. Dimly, from the far reaches of his consciousness, he heard a clanging

    that summoned him back. Slowly and reluctantly he returned until he once again couldfeel his shoulders, his hands, his body, legs and feet, the sofa and the newspaper. He

    sighed, pushed himself up from his seat, and walked over to answer the door.

    Where have you been Jack? Weve been ringing your bell for five minutes.

    Shirley Tepper said as she limped into the living room.

    John Bagnow, following close behind, peered around the room as though he

    were seeking someone, Yeah, you know thats not the most hospitable hallway in town

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    Jack, two of your neighbors gave us dirty looks. I think they thought we were going to

    rob you or something. Looking through the cabinet he continued, Hey you got

    something cold to drink, I got thirsty on the way here.

    Make that two of whatever you bring, Claude Hoskins called out from behind

    the group as he settled into a couch.

    Soon they were all comfortable and when the incidental conversation dwindledto an expectant silence, Shirley asked in a quizzical manner, Well, whos going to


    Start? Asked Claude.

    Claude, we didnt come here for apple juice and cokes. Remember? Shirley

    offered, Were here to see whether or not there is some way we can save our jobs. So

    someone come up with an idea.

    There was a long pause. Each was reluctant to begin. They all had reasons for

    fear. Shirley Tepper thought about her age, her infirmities, a sister who needed support.

    And then for the flash of an instant a picture of a bag lady came to her minds eye; she

    shuddered and looked about expectantly.Claude Hoskins thought about his father. The man had been successful and

    affluent until a faltering economy had caused him to lose his major account. Bankruptcy

    followed and his loses caused him to age prematurely. Hed become an

    uncommunicative recluse, living in squalor, until he died a broken, lonely man. Claude

    could easily see himself in the same position.

    He worked for April Moon Plumbing supply as manager of the hardware

    department and although the pay was not excessive, it was enough. He had thought

    that the security that went with the job more than compensated for the meager check he

    received at the end of every two week period. He had learned to live within his means

    and was satisfied.Less than a year to retirement and now this stupid race comes along. He spoke

    first. As long as what we do doesnt effect my retirement Ill go along with anything

    you all come up with. You know Ill be sixty five in ten months.

    Well youll be all right, John Bagnow stated, you may even wind up with a

    better job. You been jogging for what, about ten years now? Man you may even win the

    stupid thing. John laughed, How about that Claude, when youre the General

    Manager, you going to re hire us all and give us better jobs?

    Johns laugh belied his feelings on the matter of the Great Race, he was

    frightened. Possibly more so than any of them there. At thirty nine he may have been the

    youngest member of the group, but he had now worked for April Moon eighteen years.He had been one of those lost souls as a youth; his father had deserted the family

    when John was only two months old. John had been brought up by a mother who had a

    problem with alcohol and men. After one particularly bad year, when John was

    fourteen, she had been assaulted, and hospitalized. His mother had come out of her sick

    bed and begged the man who put her there to take her back; that was too much even for

    John and he was on his own from that moment on. John left shortly after.

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    Unschooled, barely able to read, tending to overweight, with a faceful of red, pus

    filled pimples he had found it impossible to find any type of regular employment. At the

    age of twenty one he was in that limbo area many poor souls find themselves in

    drifting through life waiting for the moment when they can step off the world to end

    their miserable existence.

    One day while rummaging through a trash bin in the back of a small hardwarestore he was approached by a man who offered to buy him a sandwich and would

    throw in a five dollar bill if he would take all the material in the bin and lay it carefully

    on the floor of the alleyway. It seemed that someone had misplaced a valuable wrench

    and it was thought that it might have found its way to the trash. Now this was a job that

    was made for young John Bagnow and he went through the garbage with relish. He was

    actually getting paid to look through trash. He did the job so well, and found the

    missing wrench to boot, t