Golden Key Teachings - November 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 Golden Key Teachings - November 2010


    Newsletter November 2010

    The 11th

    Ray of Deity and the Respective Energies

    Color: Peach - Salmon

    Spiritual Education, Spiritual Formation, Enthusiasm, Joy, Happiness, Self Assurance,

    Self Confident Planning, Self confident Choices of Objectives and Goals, Team Work,

    Official Network Activities,

    To understand this energy ray we need to look at life in general and focus on what we

    experience as global family as well as it needs to look deep inside to make a balance of old

    ways and new ways of understanding. This kind of understanding we only can find in our

    hearts and our souls because within those holy spaces we do not need to be someone we do

    not feel we are - we just can be who and what we are without being judged from anybody. We

    just can let go and be and isnt that a wonderful feeling? A moment of true rest, of true peaceand of inner joy - we all have such moments in our lives and why we cannot just maintain that

    wonderful feeling 24 hours of the day? The first question we have to ask us is why is it that

    way it is? - Why we cannot just live life and be happy without all kind of turmoil,

    frustrations and inner chaos that reflect into our world? What is the cause? What connection

    did we loose to have lost the ability to be happy 24 hours a day? Most of us can find millions

    of reasons in the world we live but all those whys will just make a long list without giving

    us any reason. The basic question is: What is happiness and how we define it for us, for our

    family, for our community, country and the world? In our rational minds we find our reasons

    very quick like having a good job, making enough money, living in an own home, traveling

    the world, have a new car, many friends and many wishes more related to the physical realm.

    Those who have experienced disease might just wish to be healthy again and most of men do

    not know what they have until they lost it.

    We even can see that also so called famous persons who have all one can dream of are at the

    border of frustrations, committing suicide - like for example Romy Schneider? Why are so

    many of famous people are falling into a big hole? Shouldnt they be happy for all the

    glamour and privileges they have? They should have a living out of worries. Stars and famous

    people can have what they want and all what millions of people are dreaming to have without

    being happy? Just remember Lady DI the princess of the hearts a royal member and one of the

    richest and unhappiest people in our world. The answer is that having all is just one side of

    life and our existence and when we do not know how to fill up the non physical realm with

    inner richness we fall into an inner void and depression. All people who take drugs of anykind, drinking excessively alcohol, having eating habits that are unhealthy and many pattern

    more are feeling in a kind of void and they do not know how to fill that void. Just imagine all

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    those youngsters and run-away children who prefer to live in the streets instead of their own

    homes! They are all sitting in an inner void, mis-understood, not loved and as they do not see

    a way out they begin to live in self destructive manners - they dont care anymore about

    themselves neither about anybody and even not about live as holy gift. They just want to

    forget the pain and frustrations.

    Where is the joy of life? Where can we find it and why dont we just have it? Why parents,

    teachers, psychologists and authorities do not see and know what is happening as the answer

    is so simple again: To have physical belongings we have to work for, often very hard and that

    is one side of our lifes joy. To experience the second part of inner joy we also have to work

    for because it just does not happen like a free gift, we have to create it and therefore we need

    spiritual education and formation equal as we need professional education and formation to

    make a living. As our educational structures only give values to the physical part of life we

    lost the spiritual realm within our selves and that creates emptiness, stress, depression and

    pattern of unconscious excessive behaviors, frustrations and at the end a kind of void that is

    not defined. To be a happy person both realms have to be in balance and when we look in our

    world plenty of disasters, diseases, wars and abuse of all kind we have to consider thatsomething is out of balance on a global scale. Ruling people that are out of inner balance will

    never be able to create a peaceful world; neither ego pattern do, nor pattern of suppression of

    some ethnic groups does. All comes back like a boomerang and that hurts all of us.

    Everybody can see it and the many whys should give us the opportunity to think about these

    global phenomena just as individuals. Most of people lost the spiritual abilities and one of

    them is to see the real causes without gilt or judgements because there are tones of reasons

    mixed up building the inner chaos, disease and frustrations. Mostly it is a combination of

    many aspects of our lives. Spiritual Education is the Golden key back to the Self, to Peace,

    Happiness and Joy. Spiritual Education is equal as Self-education as we all have an individual


    Spiritual Education is the shift from the ego and pure rational mind to the higher state of mind

    - inner growth -self education- self development - divine curiosity - who am I- where do I

    come from, what happens after life, what before life are the engine for searching answers that

    are not written in our educational books, neither we can study it - we have to seek the answers

    within our selves. It is not enough to just read books because we are all different in genealogy,

    talents, individual stories, structures and missions - so there only can be guidance to the souls

    level, to the heart and to bring the pattern of separation back into union and oneness. On that

    way we touch base and only when we are ready to travel through the dark sides of our lives

    looking at the chaos within > self - created by many different factors sometimes accumulated

    during many lifetimes, with the will of solution and healing can give us the results everybodyis longing for. To find true happiness we can begin a journey back to our own eternal divine

    truth - to the point within our soul where we can encounter innocence and purity, our dignity,

    our real strength and all those beautiful vibrations that have the power to guide us the way

    back into wholeness and holiness. These spiritual doorways are always open to enter and the

    many doors can be opened when we wish it at any times we decide to go for it and to make it


    It needs work and self-commitment and many times courage as our true and pure self is

    covered by so many layers of energies that are hiding our true being, The journey is also an

    adventure because we learn about powers we own and we learn how they work and how to

    expand our abilities. Everything changes when we become whole beings because on that waywe learn that we all have many values and we learn how to handle people that judge us by

    their ego mind without even knowing who we truly are, beacuase they also do not know who

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    they really are. We learn how to focus on the real values of life and just take the physical

    belongings as gifts that we have the honor to have without depending o them on an emotional

    level. We learn how to go for our life dreams drawn to by the center of our heart - we learn

    how to choose what the best is for us instead to focus on who I might appear to be for the

    opinion of others. We learn how to open our hearts and how to handle the fine line of limits

    where we wish something that serves our ego instead the best of our life. Example: onemember of a family with high reputation of academic members have a child that would like

    to be a baker - everybody can imagine what wave of horror that creates within the own

    family and the respective child would be judged as the black sheep of the family and

    abnormal. Vice versa if there is a child dreaming to be an academic being born in an un-

    academic family. They would say that it is crazy to even think about and do whatever that

    the child lets go that crazy idea. We create false values and classify people and we have to

    learn that every individual has individual talents even when those talents do not fit into long

    family traditions. Spiritual education is needed to understand why those things are happening,

    what they make us unhappy and how to handle them. It is a very small border where we need

    to understand what we think is good for others and what the respective person is felling being

    the best for the self. Where is the truth and the rightful thing to do? Spiritual education leadsus back to deeper insights and to a very different kind of perception in respect of what we

    wish for us and others. We learn a different kind of how to make wishes - constructive wishes

    for the best of all without wanting to get at any price what we imagine for others. These are

    Golden Keys of happiness and inner joy and we learn that all daily events in our lives are

    tools of learning and a training to come to deeper understanding. Life appears in different

    colors, clear colors and lighter energies and we learn how to have fun from inside out that

    expands and creates a platform of new abilities.

    Self-Responsibility: As we see it always comes to the same center point which is the journey

    back to our heart and each ray is giving us a different aspect of this one way we can walk.

    Why the word can? It is because we can decide if we do it or not. Nobody obligates us to

    analyse our lives, to do something to understand life at a deeper level. It is up to us and our

    very individual decision. Yes we can, we have opportunities and we are free to define what

    we want and that is the gift of free choice we have been given from God to chose our own

    experiences, might they be good or not, conscious or unconscious and this is the moment to

    define the word Self-Responsibility, Self-Education and Self-Development.

    Self formation means to wake up to the point that we can see that we have to change when we

    want to change our lives - the focus goes on us and not on others - to seek guidance and to

    care about the personal growth, personal healing and feel valid enough to take measures and

    to act - shift the way of thinking to reach new levels of understanding through ownexperiences on that way - responsibility is a tremendous key to a joyful life. Responsibility

    means to stop relaying on self-excuses when we hear our heart crying for help and the mind

    says - oh no, that is too expensive, that is too difficult, that is impossible. Self-responsibility

    starts with the will to clear any kind of situation we do not feel good about in our lives. It

    begins with being responsible of our own body. Scan our habits. There is a cosmic law -

    called the habit of attraction - what we think we get and when we think we are not worthy or

    not talented we are the creator of what we will get out of that kind of thoughts. If others tell

    you that you are not talented and you feel that you are and you do not believe in yourself you

    give your power away on opinions of others and you give self-responsibility away. Others

    notice the emptiness and fears and begin their mobbing games.

    Self-Responsibility also has to do with our life style - are we eating what we really need to

    maintain our body healthy? Food is a real important key for self-responsibility and self-

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    education. Most of people in Germany for example are eating too fat over years and that goes

    on the arteries with consequences we all know. 85% of all cardiac infarctions are originates to

    the mal function of the intestine and arteriosclerosis originated by a inappropriate nutrition.

    Spiritual Self-education begins at the very basic habits in our lives. We take care of all

    physical things like a car because a car is expensive. A body we got for nothing - the earth we

    are living on we got as free gift to experience so when we only have rational educationwithout spiritual education we abuse all the free gifts as it is for free and we can do with it

    what we want without being responsible. What is broken is not worth to be repaired - we

    throw it away and so we do with people. Those who do not serve or those who are different

    are falling out of families, communities being pushed into an outsider position. That habit is

    heartless and it creates disease of any kind. When we create negative habits why others should

    pay for our irresponsibility? Self-responsibility is very vast. Spiritual education is needed to

    find a holistic understanding that all is linked together. It is never too late to begin to learn.

    Life is a school of learning and there are uncountable lessons we get to for our heart and mind

    until we find the key of real balance within; the key of inner joy that makes us really happy. It

    depends just on the will of self-control and we get few after few a new consciousness with

    increasing self-assurance that gives us the security to be on the own right path to happiness

    The next focus point is happiness in relationships. If 2 people find together as one, they often

    think that they belong each other. This is a pattern from their rational mind. This wanting

    pattern is often related to jalousie - jalousie is a basic pattern of mis-trust and insecurity

    creating indifferences and pattern of control. Control and mistrust makes un-free and lead to

    rebellion with the result of divorce and each of them says from the other side that he or she

    made them unhappy. They start judging each other and everybody want to have right. These

    pattern are running through the industrial and so called high evolved societies all over the

    world and when we look at the statistics of divorces we should start to have a deeper look to

    find the causes and reasons why it is the way it is. What is wrong? Why people cant just stay

    as happy as they were at their wedding day? The answer again is quiet simple. It is missing

    spiritual education and missing training of self-education. Spiritual education and training

    teaches us to focus on deeper levels of life, on permanent values instead on ephemeral or

    transitory ones which are such as young looking, beautiful body shape, monetary values,

    profession, social status and much more. On our journey many challenges are coming along

    and without spiritual education those challenges are often knocking people over. They seek

    guilt and enter in frustration and depression because thing do not work out as they have

    imagined. Why didnt it work out? They did not learn how to take the right choices for true

    and permanent lasting partnership and awakening to reality if often very hart. The key is not

    to focus on how bad others are but on what do I have to learn from that situation. Feel

    the difference of that key sentence! When we do that in any aspects of our lives we gainspiritual consciousness that guides us to solution as we focus on what we have to learn we

    will find our own pattern that are not in harmony with what we desire for us. We took the

    wrong choice and we then can let go with deeper understanding and comprehension without

    judgements. Just letting go and forgive the Self and the others involved. Missing

    communication on a deeper level is part of many destructive patterns. Spiritual education and

    self-development are teaching us new ways of peaceful communication and we learn that all

    the situations that cross our ways somehow are tools for us to learn to understand life and love

    at a higher level. We will be able to recognize the partner for a long lasting relationship

    because we then know that we choose to be with somebody a lifelong together as one without

    the need or the wish to own the other half side like we own a car.

    Being in love with somebody that really matches as soul mates has no description and only

    those who are experiencing this tremendous oneness can feel how that is. Everybody is

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    longing for such kind of union that unites hearts souls, body and mind. It is a total match on

    all levels and is a real blessing creating joy of life every moment. Missing spiritual education

    does not give us the real insights to create a happy life and therefore are most of people

    seeking happiness where they cannot find it. We cannot relay on others to feel happiness or

    only feel happy when others do what we wish them to do? Why so many people need to hear

    every day from their partner I love you and when they don t hear it one day they feel notloved anymore. Do you still love me? Should love not be so strong that there is no need to

    pronounce it? - But just being able to feel it? Many people in this world are confused in

    loving each other and wanting each other. To want somebody and then have this person is no

    guarantees that it holds a life long. The wanting pattern comes from the rational mind and it is

    ready to throw away when it does not want anymore; true love comes only out of the heart,

    feels safe and secure and feels the other one from heart to heart. They form a team with same

    rights and obligations and they help each other through life challenges and focus on peaceful

    solutions - one for all and all for one.

    True partnership is a team and therefore teamwork is another aspect of the 11th

    ray. When we

    read the different aspect of one ray just in one line we might think in the first moment thatthey dont match. What spiritual education has to do with teamwork and network? And

    reading through the lines we find out that yes, there is a link and those links are important and

    a part of spiritual education. Many people reject the expression spiritual education as they

    think that this means meditation beginning a way out of reality. The confusion is that spiritual

    consciousness is much more as meditating. It is the application of eternal life wisdom that

    brings us back to wholeness and to a holistic understanding of the sense of life and our life

    mission. It reveals the secrets of our true self and the connection to the cosmos and eternity. It

    belongs to us like the second leg. We cannot walk with one leg only and when we continue

    excluding the spiritual truth of life we will not go anywhere further, not as individuals neither

    as global family. We need to remember how to link again to our true inner recourses and how

    to recreate true happiness and joy as individuals and as teams. As teams we can make a

    difference. As a team we feel free and with free will we stick together in complicity and a

    kind of brother/sisterhood that transmits us safety, understanding, truth, commitment on a

    deeper level as a rational interest.

    There is a speech saying that a handful of people can change the world and when I just think

    in this beautiful network I got with all of you and everybody would decide to make the

    changes within to interlink with the true life powers of the self and to re-create life in a

    different way , in harmony between spirit and matter, then we all can say, yes we are a team, a

    world family helping to change the world and we understand that self-education is the key to

    world peace, to fair distribution, to a caring world for all species, the key to abundance,happiness and joy of life. Networks will focus on constructive pattern and yes we can .. we

    are all part of that process on the way to the Golden Era of Peace and we have it in our own

    hands to take responsibility for us and our world taking our individual space within the whole

    of the matrix of the new spiral of evolution. That new spiral of evolution only can be

    experienced when we find out how to integrate us into the process, how to bring us in with

    our talents and skills and how to live with respect in trust, honesty, transparency, love and

    peace within and with ourselves as key to live it in relationship with others. We are birthing

    this new world through our own evolutionary process. As the vibrations consist in new

    frequencies with higher speed all life has to adapt to the new energies in order to integrate.

    We all have the values within and need to reveal them for ourselves. We are the center of our

    lives and in the new spiral of evolution it is the heart center that matches completely with thenew or old (eternal) teachings. We are rebirthing our entire beings and so we return to eternal

    birthrights and powers we forgot that they even exist. We are the portal to all what we desire

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    in our hearts. When we hear what our heart tells us, we eat what the body needs, we focus on

    inner values and work to manifest them in what we do. We think in a different way and fears

    have no space in our minds. We begin to understand how to step out of any kind of abuse or

    mis-use and life begins to radiate for us and others. Once we realize how to work on ourselves

    day after day we have no more time to focus on what others think or do, we are occupied in

    joyful self-development that knows to integrate those who wish to be part and just let go thosewho decide to step away. New ways bring new opportunities, knew knowledge, new friends

    and new experiences. A holistic way of life (spirit and matter in harmony) offers blessings

    and miracles every day and we learn to appreciate every moment knowing that it is a gift we

    are honoring as divine beings in action on earth. We learn how to share, how to find divine

    happiness and how to sing our inner song of joy.

    It seems to be difficult as there are so many different aspects on only each one of the rays, but

    I tell you that it is very easy, it just takes one decision and to hold on to it, to focus on the goal

    and to begin walking step by step. Nobody is alone on this way as we always find somebody

    who guides us to the next step of learning. It just happens. - also for you. There is a very

    good example how a lady got rid of her paralyses in only 2 month after seeking 3 years. Wecome back to simplicity and all is easier as it seems. If you want to know how it happened,

    here is a direct link to the case:

    I wish you a wonderful 11th

    month 2010, with plenty of joy and of spiritual insights guiding

    you to what your heart desires. Celebrate your life and BE HAPPY.

    Blessings from all realms of life

    Regina E.H.Ariel - free subscription - free e-mail Teachings, books, Life code

    analyses, Life coaching, Healing Sessions, Healing Power Products from the Rainforest and

    general info Secret Cures (Cancer) - healing products: info e-book: The Key to the Universal Sacred Heart and

    Miraculous Healings Monthly Angel Teaching - Angel Art, Spiritual Art, Digital

    Art, Mystic Art, Visionary Art, Angels, Fractals, Flames, Hearts, etc : November Gallery - each order helps to help others in need direct contact > direct messageFace-book: Regina E.H.Ariel - the power of spirit -