Golden Key Teachings - "And Death is no more"

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  • 8/6/2019 Golden Key Teachings - "And Death is no more"


    Golden key Teachings - April 2011

    The Heart to Heart Wisdom of the 4th Ray of Deity

    .And Death is no more

    April is the month with a lot of multi-dimensional energetic motions on our planet due to

    Eastern Time dealing with the cross, death and resurrection and the Jewish Passah

    Celebration. Further we have the Earth Day, creating energies in honor for Nature and all life,

    for the cycles of life and eternal renovation. All those festivities are based on the deeper sense

    of life and death and how we have been foretold for long time: death is just an illusion and

    will be no more.. This year something special happened: On Easter Saturday the famous

    Indian Master SAI BABA left his body to re-enter the eternal realm and to cross the lines just

    the time when Jesus that coincidence????. I think it is a good moment to

    have some deeper insight of life and death.

    What does that mean - death is no more?

    Today in our momentum state of evolution we already know that all what exist in any form

    of expression on earth and in a physical body or form is made of energy. That is scientifically

    proven no matter if a part of mankind does believe it or not, it just IS the way it IS and does

    not depend on any kind of believe system we are born with or educated in. Everything is

    made of atoms and atoms are energy, nothing else. Energy IS light, in consequence everything

    is made of light no matter if we know and see it or not. When we go further we will find out

    that even things looking dirty to us in reality are made of light as they are made of atoms. So

    why cant we see the light? And why some things are looking horrible to us? Why some

    people decide to be mean or bad when they are made of light too? What is it that makes

    people forget what they are in reality? Digging even deeper we will find out that life energy isvibration - divine vibration - LOVE. Love energy only can be generated by the HEART =

    Center of Live and engine of life creating the Life Impulses we need in order to experience a

    body and everything we can sense. All that is comes from the ONE HEART CENTER or

    center of creation = Center of Light = GOD (with many names)

    The Golden Key is the word and the essence of FREQUENCY leads us to deeper


    Energy expresses through vibrations and frequencies we can experience, feeling, seeing,

    sensing, etc. There are uncountable life expressions and we perceive them through all our

    senses depending on our own frequency rate. Some frequencies are slow motion, some more

    accelerated and some very accelerated. Even different materials have different vibrations. The

    scale is immense and that is happening with human life too. There are people with a very low

    vibration and others with a very accelerated one.

  • 8/6/2019 Golden Key Teachings - "And Death is no more"


    The question is how can we know what kind of vibration we have?

    Vibrations are energy waves and not fix at all. It depends on what we create in any moment as

    energies through our thoughts, feelings, words, expressions and actions. It is the sum of what

    we produce on total scale from second to second. As life is vibration itself on evolutionary

    never ending path we can get trained how to feel our vibration and work on rising it up.Sadness for example lowers the vibration - happiness pulls it up and so our vibration changes

    from second to second which can be seen with the aura photography. With the vibrational

    shift the colors in our energy field are changing too - it is just a matter of discovery and

    guidance until one person can continue to work on the self with confidence and uprising

    wisdom. At the beginning guidance is important because lots of frequencies are coming in

    once we start our self discovery process.

    As higher the frequency as less imbalances and disease can stay within the body. During the

    process of self discovery under guidance we find out what exactly lowers our own pattern,

    what blocks we have to work on to get a free energy flow within our body structure. That does

    not function from one second to the next because we have to clear pattern that are not inalignment with our real life purpose as just one example.

    Persons who found their original life vibration are entering the high vibration frequencies and

    as result sleeping abilities reveal we never would have thought that we have them. Those

    abilities are still called divine gifts as pre-cognition, as telepathic skills, as clairvoyance,

    clairaudience, as the self healing powers and much more. WE ALL HAVE THESE

    ABILITIES the difference is just in most people they are dormant and need to be awakened to

    become available to them and others already have them.

    As energies are running in motions we always can shift and change our energy levels. That

    depends on our own will and readiness to work for it. We have to bring ourselves into a new

    state of believing, of thinking, of acting, of loving and to learn how to become conscious of

    what our own energy is doing with us in every moment. It is a way and wonderful glorious

    journey with so many gifts that it is difficult to describe it. Everybody has his/her own eternal

    gifts waiting inside to become alive again.

    Masters have mastered the wisdom and knowledge of and about the own life frequencies in

    relation to the eternal life power and to the universal vibrations. Heightening our vibrations

    we reach a state of oneness so we can experience the world and all there is as one live

    vibration as we are all made of atoms we are adding our vibration to the whole of there is and

    when we change our own frequencies we are changing the world, even the universe becausenothing can be outside of the whole there is.

    So no matter if we are in a body or not, nothing can die as it is made of atoms and atoms are

    invisible - we just change the form of experience and our spirit, soul, love and life power keep

    intact once we leave the body. The body has a time frame of functioning as it is made of

    energy too it has to go back to its original form to clear and to shine as light again. So every

    single part of us keeps going as energy waves and that is the secret how and why people with

    a higher frequency can see Ghosts or beings without a body as they are vibrating in light


    There are light beings and those who are stuck. The second kind are people that do not believein a life after death or have been kicked out of their body unexpectedly by an accident and

    do not understand what is going on, those who are residing in the earthly realm to help stuck

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    souls to find the way home= to the light which takes some time and education, there are

    others who do not want to leave because they see their family suffering too much or they wish

    to communicate somehow to ask for forgiveness. There are many different reasons that can

    hold a being back in the earthly realm once left the body behind. But life continues in the

    invisible realm and death does not exist. Death becomes an illusion. It is a pity that some

    religions are not teaching the truth about that fact yet as Jesus himself has given proof of it.What there is true and possible for one single being has to be true for all of us as we all are

    coming out of the same origin - the light ruled by cosmic laws and there are no exceptions -

    we are all the light of the One. Dont all the Masters teach that we are all brothers and sisters?

    Dealing with grief is a matter of tradition and education too. The western world is dressing in

    black as a sign of sadness and loss, of separation, despair and suffering. That lowers our

    vibration and hinders the relatives to enter in the realm of joy and connection. This way of

    celebration really originates in our education. In India people are wearing white cloth as a

    sign of joy that the earth traveler has found the way back home to the light and they are happy

    with the person that has left the body. Their tradition does not teach a determinative death

    and they know the difference. They know that life is eternal and that there are wheels of lifeand cycles of life and incarnation as well as the native Indians are teaching. They cry tears of

    happiness and the vibration rises up as we experience oneness. The western tradition creates

    sadness lowering the vibrations - often reaching in depression cutting any possibility of

    contact form as the vibration do not match communication is not possible and the

    consequence is the feeling of separation and an end of life.

    But Life IS ETERNAL and becomes visible in our 4 yearly seasons - spring - summer -

    autumn and winter. Nature teaches us the life cycles and we are part of nature so it is the same

    for us. That fact gives hope and the glory of a way that admits changes and restoration, so

    what ever we are going through that lowers our vibrations in our daily stress situations we can

    rise up again and learn to hold the light for ourselves and the world

    The vibration of our SELF depends on US

    In relation of Others: We affect others through our vibrations as we are ONE field of energy

    In relation to the world: We affect the world as all energy fields are united in One Global

    energy field composed by all creature producing energy waves

    In relation to the environment: As our body is made of atoms of the 4 elements we are part

    of Nature and belong to Mother Nature and Mother Earth (= bound atoms by magnetism) as

    well as we are part of the free flying unbound atoms ( life power, love power, happiness, joy,

    prayers, the fire of enthusiasm, etc)

    Earth matters are seeming death material but they are alive as you and me just vibrating inlower frequencies bound within the object or thing. Everything we create can be brought back

    into its original state = atoms then it is not visible for our physical eyes anymore - but even so

    called dead thing have an aura ( lightly grey blue) that gives proof that there is a vibration,

    where there is vibration there is life, there is light , there is energy > love.

    So we define the environment on our frequency level - WOW! - We heighten our vibration

    we rise in consciousness of oneness and begin to protect, we lower our vibration by

    negligence we affect our environment as we do not care for anything and destroy

    Hidden Key and truth: we are producing the world through our frequencies and that is

    what we experience in the world and as world which is OUR world as we are the

    creators adding our vibrations into the whole of existence.

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    Lets have a look at the vibration I India. At the end of this newsletter you will find a link to

    the last way of Master SAI BABA and the way India is celebrating the day. He touched

    millions of hearts as well as Jesus did and the global awakening process is accelerating every

    time one world wide loved and known person is going home. It brings people together from

    all parts of the world sharing one event and one love. It opens hearts and minds and many

    hear the inner call to listen to their own heart once they have experienced how it feels to bepart of such global oneness. It brings deeper way of understanding and lots more of conscious

    levels as there have been before.

    This Easter Weekend a huge global portal has been opened for all life on earth due to the

    resurrection of both masters at the same time - they brought east and west together in one light

    in one love and in one power of ascension. The Jewish Passah Celebration is spread out

    around the world, Christians are spread out throughout the world and Sai Baba was known

    around the world. Both Masters opened and anchored a new vortex for mankind to integrate

    into that high vibration and to join into the realm of eternal life. The Vortex is a huge as the

    entire planet is placed within - that created a global energy and vibrational shift opening the

    portal for the mass awakening expected for this year. Two newer ways with the old way builda trinity power and it is a glorious moment we are living in as there is much going on

    throughout all dimensions. The NEW World, The OLD World and the OTHER World

    joined in one lifting the globe into a new realm of truth. We also can see it as alignment from

    the Old Testament - the New Testament and the Present Time. A total Alignment always

    gives opportunities of quantum leaps. This is a quantum leap of eternal power because the

    teachings are always the same just the comprehension of mankind rises up until a point of

    mass illumination. This powerful alignment gives us new increasing cosmic powers to be

    integrated for further evolution and we can be happy to be part of the process. As soon as we

    are able to integrate we become porters and messengers of change, of oneness and eternal

    love that burry death as a power of separation. We are the ones to create unity between the

    realms and death will be no more..

    I had my own and personal experience just some weeks ago I would like to share with you.

    My mother passed away after a difficult and inhuman cross-way she went through. She had a

    brave heart and never complained about her sufferings and permanent pain.

    As she finally left the body after having a real quiet moment I was lucky to be present and to

    hold her in my arms as she left the body. I always had the gift to communicate with the

    other realm and a friend of mine sees the other side of life. I had to advise the doctor and

    emergency team while she came into the bedroom. She told me then: Your mother was

    standing beside there body with a huge smile on her face telling her that she has no pain

    anymore and that she is happy wishing for me that we both friends might continuing workingtogether for a long time, as we do it now. While I held her I my arms helping her to let go I

    could perceive my Grandmother, her mother and one of the Masters that is with us all the

    time. I told her to not stay in this realm and to go to the light ( she always thought she has to

    protect me no matter what age, lol) and I left to arrange the legal steps to do. Many friends

    appeared without having been called from anybody - they just sensed it and passed by for

    some reason. So I was not alone in a foreign country with different modalities and rules. The

    Angels have sent them and all was easy. In Latin America burial is 24 hours after leaving the

    body and that is very quick. We had a sort religious service at home with her friends saying

    good bye and then we left to the peace garden to give her body a rest while she already left

    to the light. Her wish was to wear white and clear colors as she was a person creating

    happiness a part of her pain and all friends came in clear colors. All were sad but also happyas finally she is without any pain. So where is death????

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    Death is an illusion and in our times the realms are growing together so death loses the

    horror, fears can get buried and joy of liberation can replace the old fearful way and

    grief. What there is left is pure and strong love beyond anything - the heart connection

    keeps intact and that is what matters. Even when there is a separation between two

    bodies life continues, love continues and the connection keeps vibrating. Love never ends

    and life never ends. It is eternal and so it is.

    Learn about how to heighten your vibration, how to feel frequencies, how to create the energy

    that heals you from inside out, how to apply the platform for change, how to ride the waves of

    our challenging time and stay in harmony, how to discover your true and eternal self and how

    to rise consciousness until the light you are shines with full power

    The Gold and Wisdom of the 4th ray of deity is the vibration of clarity and the wisdom of

    eternity we find within that clarity once we enter the heart center, living a life from heart to

    heart like the masters are teaching us

    Enjoy the video link BABA India

    You will find a seal on his glass shrine: non violence, love, oneness, world peace,

    consciousness and that is the power of Jesus too and it was NO coincidence that he left his

    body last Saturday night - this was planned from the higher realms to create the global vortex

    of love and light so the planet can ascend with all life in, on and around it.

    Have a blessed and glorious time

    In One Love and One Light

    Regina E.H.Ariel


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