god's galactic grandparents

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Transcript of god's galactic grandparents

  • 8/14/2019 god's galactic grandparents



    The unlverse began with a swelLlng bulge/protuberance. Fr ict lon gavea nud.gerp roJec t ion in to s lunberous ex is tence wl th a s t reak o f sparkedI ieh t /en l igh tenraen t / s ta tl c -e tec t r i ca l shock awaken ing s ta te o f l nac t i v l t y :

    gaJ_axy leepers long vr l thout energet ic novemento fhe d.ei ty generat ions awokvia thei r roul t lPlYlng nature"I . Generat lon One; Hasolyhea, yawning open-aouthed enld chaos ln the vol i l

    chasa. or gape area sentient wlnd. blowlng spark, bunped. nto gape-openplpl l - Ia Hictus, /Hlsfus=her-ne-o the resul - t lng protruslon.

    Hasolyhea-sensate-galact ic-archtype and"Hlctus/Eiatussher-ne-o theprotrud. lng opening, thrust f orward, bi r thed. three ent l t ies:

    (A) Gala*earth/TeIos/TeI tus/Gaea'GE( B) Eu/Xubus d,arkening baze/ snadowy/d.usky/twlLleht/eloanlng( c ) Nox/wyx Darkness,/nlght-t lne pltch-black

    Hlctus/Elatus ment loned.as otd Sather Tlme"fL Generat ion Two: GaiaoearthfTelos/ fet tus/Gaea=GE, vlgorous funct loning

    sensoriaL gFowth spurt , e1d.est , netes wl th Eu/EuUus trgood, wel l Longbod.yn of the gloamlng-nebul-ous tlne to blrtb:

    (A) O'ranus/Uranus=Ifeaven, sk' expanse surround'lng earth=Gata/G(B) Pontus/Sea*waters that ;ehovahr s angels d'o not take contro

    Gaia=earth/Telos cal led' l ' {other EarthA' fother Natureo

  • 8/14/2019 god's galactic grandparents


    ?ARTIITS/faytor z/z/z/

    Generat lon Three: Gala=earth. lTeLos/Tel lus, /Gaea=GE mates w"l th forcefulv l ta l l ty Quranus/UTanus=Heaven surrounding space from-one-end-tothe-other-beginning, abounding her earth.Gala. They had f3 Tl tanch l l d ren : ( l ) Cronus /Xronus who ru led . h is s ib l i ng l f ron t {oun tOthrys , (A) Oceanus , 13 ) Coeus , (4 ) Cr ius , (5 ) Hyper ion , (6 ) Iape(? ) The ia , (8 ) Rhea a l so ca l l ed . Ops wed Kronus /Kronos /C tonus herbrother, (9 ) ' Themls, ( I0); l , l tneroosyne(11) ?hoebe (Lz) Tethys an(13) D ione"

    V. Generat ion I 'our: Kronus/Cronus weds Rhea/0ps, hls sister" They haves lx q1-ymp lan h iLdren : (1 ) Eeus , (2 ) Pos id .on , (3 ) I {ades ,( l+ ) Hes t ia , ( 5 ) Hera a lso ca I Ied . Cybet l /S tby l and (6 ) Demeter ,who had twins: Rornu!-usand. Remes who found.ed.Rome by legend."

    Zeus=V{ H V H rules his slb l ings at t r fount 0Lym.pus. Gai-a=Earthf }convinces Kronus to ki t l Uranus who ls snxother ing her f rom hlghheaven rul th al t the sky surrounding earth; hersel f Gala neansearth. Thls murder infur iates moral Eeus=y/d n V E, the r-th roned-brea the-o f - I l f e de t t y , who bat t l es a l l - the T l tans a tThessa ly ( f , eus de fea ts h is fa ther Kronus and unc les as weI I asauntE in thel r d.eaths), Eeus avenged'hls grand' father Uranus/0uranus/ou-ra-n-us=Heavent s f l I la l mr: rder Zeus/Jehovah d'ecld 'to reslde high ln the heavens where uranus, hls grand"fathertl ived. instead. of on earth=Gala. Then, Gala=earth, /Te1os, /Tel lus/Gaea=GE ls d.riven d.eep underground", trod.d.en beneath by all thewars/ t r l tu lat lons above her earthen bod'y.

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    S PAP.ENTS/TaYI-or ) /3/3/

    t r ,Toral urpi tude, or tack of i t , got Just lce be done by Jehovah hinsel f

    n an angry f i t : A f f la tus neg icpersonaL power not ye t renaned Holy Ghos t .

    he wrong-d.olng did not go unpunishec even for god'dessGala-earth"Gala ,J,;as oth grand.nother anC great-grand.mother to Jehovah. Gala wed'

    er son lTranus and had I) t l tan chi ldren by uranus. Gala also mated'heribt lng Eu/Eubus to have Uranus and ?ontus/Sea=rTnterso Hasolyhea and'

    a re Jehovah t g rea t -g rea t -g rand 'paren ts " A I I t hese ent i t lesI ived. Iong in ad.vance ecord.ed. ime of the angelsr s nlne orders pr ior to theenrarging/expand. lng/extend. ing universe wlth l ts f l rst sent ient belngs rur lngthe starry skyways.

    Thls sent ient-being l ineage reveals four generat icns ahead' of Jehovah'Thus, eueen T,arta of rroy crty state r4g5 B.co knew her faral ry based god'heafolk l ,ore weI I about her own herl tageo Even mortal Babylonts Nlmrod. and' hlsnother/wlfe Serniramls slnpty patterened. thelr behavior upon/after thelrreverend.ed,Baal-Je-ho-vlcf s fanl ly l l fe story hieh in the sky l -and'scape{as d . id .Hawal ian roya) - t y t i r - l r . ?oo ts wed s l s te rs ln the i r p redecessor Po}ynesian btr thr lght c lv l l lzat ion) '

  • 8/14/2019 god's galactic grandparents



    \r)-tl nshin hei memThiscornbinations our toollo connecf o healin!! nergg.

    p i q) t t t J x3N nbbuiin uby bto rbr 1!11I]?!1 l'M -l:t t\a t - , t btt ynil rxb rbx \iiItll\\ irbn \ i f ']bl b;tp t1\? tb: rxbrUt ::b T1lN ttt"l i1N1) fl'1r NN!1 ilntilt !trr EY't\ rix :ln ?r: rtnb t\\rilrn brpy rry bxo nbt bt trll rrf rf rfI t r t t Il'lEl

    Jrrt tAr I r } ' J nri NiI F t r q tt t J t tr\\!1 t!'1 1;11

    r\\?l ri! !1ilt 5fl] .1yll \\'l;1 bnt t.rtri- . t - aE'1?l rri:l rl-r Il - - , l'tN-1 r=t\ ytN pr?l ' , 1q + \q- l l ) I

    The 72 Names refers to a formula of 72combinations of Hebrew letters. It is also knowuas the 72 Namesof God. Mosesused this formulato paft the Red Sea. The 72 Names have thepo\ /er to overcotne the laws of natllre.
