God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

What We Believe Series God’s Creation of the Universe, Angels and Man

Transcript of God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

Page 1: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

What We Believe Series

God’s Creation of the Universe, Angels

and Man

Page 2: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

”As long as every question is answered

by the word “God,” scientific inquiry is

simply impossible”

Robert Ingersoll

Page 3: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

”Every great advance in natural

knowledge has involved the absolute

rejection of authority”

Thomas Huxley

Page 4: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

”But how do we test this supposed religious

sense? We would have to already know that

God exists before we could find that the

religious sense was reliable in detecting him.

This is because a test would consist of

discovering whether God was in fact near when

a theist sensed His presence. And to know this

we would have to have some independent

means of knowing that God exists.”

B C Johnson

Page 5: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

”Religion needs science to keep it away

from superstition and keep it close to

reality, to protect it from creationism, which

at the end of the day is a kind of paganism -

it's turning God into a nature god.”

Brother Consolmagno

Page 6: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

Inerrancy of the Bible

So What? Does what you believe about Creation matter?

Origin of Sin

Definition of Marriage

Page 7: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven

against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of

men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the

truth. For what can be known about God is plain to

them, because God has shown it to them. For his

invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and

divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever

since the creation of the world, in the things that

have been made. So they are without excuse.

Romans 1:18-20

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4. God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

Page 9: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.1 We believe that God created the universe, and

everything in it, out of nothing, in six literal, 24-hour

days by the Word of His power. Having no deficiency

in Himself, nor moved by any incompleteness in His

joyful self-sufficiency, God was pleased in creation

to display His glory for the everlasting joy of the

redeemed, from every tribe and tongue and people

and nation.

Page 10: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.1 We believe that God created the universe, and

everything in it, out of nothing, in six literal, 24-hour

days by the Word of His power. Having no deficiency

in Himself, nor moved by any incompleteness in His

joyful self-sufficiency, God was pleased in creation

to display His glory for the everlasting joy of the

redeemed, from every tribe and tongue and people

and nation.

Page 11: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.1 We believe that God created the universe, and

everything in it, out of nothing, in six literal, 24-hour

days by the Word of His power. Having no deficiency

in Himself, nor moved by any incompleteness in His

joyful self-sufficiency, God was pleased in creation

to display His glory for the everlasting joy of the

redeemed, from every tribe and tongue and people

and nation.

Page 12: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.1 We believe that God created the universe, and

everything in it, out of nothing, in six literal, 24-hour

days by the Word of His power. Having no deficiency

in Himself, nor moved by any incompleteness in His

joyful self-sufficiency, God was pleased in creation

to display His glory for the everlasting joy of the

redeemed, from every tribe and tongue and people

and nation.

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4.2 We believe that God directly created Adam from

the dust of the ground and Eve from his side. We

believe that Adam and Eve were the historical

parents of the entire human race; that they were

created male and female equally in the image of

God, without sin, to multiply and take dominion over

the earth; that they were created to glorify their

Maker, Ruler, Provider, and Friend by trusting His

all-sufficient goodness, enjoying His personal

fellowship, and obeying His all-wise counsel; and

that, in God's love and wisdom, they were appointed

differing and complementary roles in marriage as a

type of Christ and the church. God instituted

marriage as the covenant commitment between one

man and one woman.

Page 14: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.2 We believe that God directly created Adam from

the dust of the ground and Eve from his side. We

believe that Adam and Eve were the historical

parents of the entire human race; that they were

created male and female equally in the image of

God, without sin, to multiply and take dominion over

the earth; that they were created to glorify their

Maker, Ruler, Provider, and Friend by trusting His

all-sufficient goodness, enjoying His personal

fellowship, and obeying His all-wise counsel; and

that, in God's love and wisdom, they were appointed

differing and complementary roles in marriage as a

type of Christ and the church. God instituted

marriage as the covenant commitment between one

man and one woman.

Page 15: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.2 We believe that God directly created Adam from

the dust of the ground and Eve from his side. We

believe that Adam and Eve were the historical

parents of the entire human race; that they were

created male and female equally in the image of

God, without sin, to multiply and take dominion over

the earth; that they were created to glorify their

Maker, Ruler, Provider, and Friend by trusting His

all-sufficient goodness, enjoying His personal

fellowship, and obeying His all-wise counsel; and

that, in God's love and wisdom, they were appointed

differing and complementary roles in marriage as a

type of Christ and the church. God instituted

marriage as the covenant commitment between one

man and one woman.

Page 16: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.2 We believe that God directly created Adam from

the dust of the ground and Eve from his side. We

believe that Adam and Eve were the historical

parents of the entire human race; that they were

created male and female equally in the image of

God, without sin, to multiply and take dominion over

the earth; that they were created to glorify their

Maker, Ruler, Provider, and Friend by trusting His

all-sufficient goodness, enjoying His personal

fellowship, and obeying His all-wise counsel; and

that, in God's love and wisdom, they were appointed

differing and complementary roles in marriage as a

type of Christ and the church. God instituted

marriage as the covenant commitment between one

man and one woman.

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4.3 We believe that God created angels to serve and

worship Him. We believe that Satan is an angel who,

though created good, soon rebelled against God and

took a third of the angels with him in his fall. We

believe that Satan introduced sin into the human

race by his temptation of Eve and that he currently

controls the world system, blinds the minds of all

unbelievers, and seeks the destruction of

humankind through constant warfare. We believe

that Satan and all the fallen angels were decisively,

though not yet finally, conquered through the death

and resurrection of Jesus, and that they will be

eternally judged in the lake of fire.

Page 18: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.3 We believe that God created angels to serve and

worship Him. We believe that Satan is an angel who,

though created good, soon rebelled against God and

took a third of the angels with him in his fall. We

believe that Satan introduced sin into the human

race by his temptation of Eve and that he currently

controls the world system, blinds the minds of all

unbelievers, and seeks the destruction of

humankind through constant warfare. We believe

that Satan and all the fallen angels were decisively,

though not yet finally, conquered through the death

and resurrection of Jesus, and that they will be

eternally judged in the lake of fire.

Page 19: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.3 We believe that God created angels to serve and

worship Him. We believe that Satan is an angel who,

though created good, soon rebelled against God and

took a third of the angels with him in his fall. We

believe that Satan introduced sin into the human

race by his temptation of Eve and that he currently

controls the world system, blinds the minds of all

unbelievers, and seeks the destruction of

humankind through constant warfare. We believe

that Satan and all the fallen angels were decisively,

though not yet finally, conquered through the death

and resurrection of Jesus, and that they will be

eternally judged in the lake of fire.

Page 20: God's Creation of the Universe, Angels, and Man

4.3 We believe that God created angels to serve and

worship Him. We believe that Satan is an angel who,

though created good, soon rebelled against God and

took a third of the angels with him in his fall. We

believe that Satan introduced sin into the human

race by his temptation of Eve and that he currently

controls the world system, blinds the minds of all

unbelievers, and seeks the destruction of

humankind through constant warfare. We believe

that Satan and all the fallen angels were decisively,

though not yet finally, conquered through the death

and resurrection of Jesus, and that they will be

eternally judged in the lake of fire.