God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,...

God’s Covenant with Abraham God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Genesis 5 - 11 Thursday, June 16, 2022 Thursday, June 16, 2022

Transcript of God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,...

Page 1: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

God’s Covenant with AbrahamGod’s Covenant with Abraham

Genesis 5 - 11Genesis 5 - 11

Wednesday, April 19, 2023Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Page 2: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

1.1. God called Abram and promised him:God called Abram and promised him:

a. Land.

b. To become a great nation.

c. A great name to become a universal blessing.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 3: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

2. 2. After leaving Ur, Abram, his wife, nephew Lot, and After leaving Ur, Abram, his wife, nephew Lot, and possessions, travel to:possessions, travel to:

a. Haran.

b. Canaan.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

2. 2. After leaving Ur, Abram, his wife, nephew Lot, and After leaving Ur, Abram, his wife, nephew Lot, and possessions, travel to:possessions, travel to:

c. Egypt to escape a famine.

c. Back to Canaan.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 5: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

3.3. In Canaan, Abram and Lot go their separate ways.In Canaan, Abram and Lot go their separate ways.

a. Lot takes the land of Jordan.

b. Lot is abducted by warlord kings.

c. Abram defeats the warlords and rescues Lot.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 6: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

4. After his victory, Abram meets Melchizedek Genesis. 4. After his victory, Abram meets Melchizedek Genesis. Melchizedek:Melchizedek:

a. Is the priest/king of Salem.

b. Offers bread and wine to Abram.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 7: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

4. After his victory, Abram meets Melchizedek Genesis. 4. After his victory, Abram meets Melchizedek Genesis. Melchizedek:Melchizedek:

c. Blesses Abram.

c. Receives a tithe from Abram.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 8: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

5. In the covenant of Genesis 15:5. In the covenant of Genesis 15:

a. God swears an oath promising Abram and his descendants land.

b. Animals are ritually killed.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 9: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

5. In the covenant of Genesis 15:5. In the covenant of Genesis 15:

c. Abram is concerned with his lack of offspring.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 10: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

6. Abram conceives Ishmael through Hagar, Sarai’s 6. Abram conceives Ishmael through Hagar, Sarai’s maidservant. Ishmael:maidservant. Ishmael:

a. Is the father of the Arabs.

b. Is not the son God promised Abram.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 11: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

7. In the covenant of Genesis 17:7. In the covenant of Genesis 17:

a. God renames ‘Abram’ ‘Abraham’, father of a multitude.

b. God promises Abraham to make him a father of a host of nations.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 12: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

7. In the covenant of Genesis 17:7. In the covenant of Genesis 17:

c. The covenant sign is circumcision.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 13: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

8. Three visitors tell Abraham that his son will be born 8. Three visitors tell Abraham that his son will be born within a year.within a year.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 14: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

9. Isaac (9. Isaac (he laughs) is born when Abraham was 100.he laughs) is born when Abraham was 100.

a. Tension marks the relationship between Ishmael and Isaac.

b. Abraham sends Ishmael and Hagar away.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 15: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

10. In the covenant of Genesis 22.10. In the covenant of Genesis 22.

a. God tests Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac.

b. This sacrifice was at Mt. Moriah.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 16: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

10. In the covenant of Genesis 22.10. In the covenant of Genesis 22.

c. Isaac was old enough to carry the wood.

d. Aged Abraham binds Isaac.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 17: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

10. In the covenant of Genesis 22.10. In the covenant of Genesis 22.

e. God stops Abraham, and a ram takes Isaac’s place.

f. God swears to bless all nations through Abraham.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 18: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

11. In summary, we have seen in Genesis 12-22 that:11. In summary, we have seen in Genesis 12-22 that:

a. God called Abraham to leave everything and follow Him completely.

b. God’s covenant with Abraham extends to all peoples.

c. Through the obedience of faith, Abraham was righteous.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 19: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

11. In summary, we have seen in Genesis 12-22 that:11. In summary, we have seen in Genesis 12-22 that:

d. God continues His plan of Salvation by establishing His covenant with Abraham. The characteristics of God’s covenant with Abraham are:

i. Mediator (the person as the representative of God’s covenant): Abraham.

ii. Form (the size of the covenant): Tribe.

iii. Sign (the action or symbol of the covenant): Circumcision.

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 20: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

God’s Threefold Blessings to Abraham Genesis 12:2-3God’s Threefold Blessings to Abraham Genesis 12:2-3

Promises Covenants Fulfillment

Nationhood Genesis 15 Moses

Name (Dynasty) Genesis 17 David

Worldwide Blessing Genesis 22 Jesus

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

Page 21: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

God’s Covenants Throughout Salvation History

AdamCovenant Mediator

Covenant Role

Covenant Form

Covenant Sign

1. Husband

2. Marriage

3. Sabbath

From Dr. Scott Hahn, A Father Who Keeps His Promises


4. Father

5. Household

6. Rainbow


7. Chieftain

8. Tribe

9. Circumcision

Page 22: God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 5 - 11 Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12, 2015Saturday, September 12,

Session 4: God’s Covenant with AbrahamSession 4: God’s Covenant with Abraham

April 19, 2023April 19, 2023

For Discussion:For Discussion:

a. God’s call to Abraham meant he had to leave everything behind and start a new life. Has God ever asked you to make a new start in your life?

b. Abraham and Sarah had to wait many years for God to fulfill His promise of a son to them. What makes waiting for God to act so hard?

c. Abraham stumbled a few times in the same weakness: lying about his wife. Yet God did not give up on him. Why do you think God is often more patient with us than we are with ourselves?