God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we...


Transcript of God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we...

Page 1: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life
Page 2: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

God- Obedience

Law of Conformity to the

Inner Blueprint

Page 3: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

70.022 I AM God-Free!

Om Mani Padme Hum AUM

Obedient to holy will, true blue in every way,

I stand with Saint Germain and Portia, always in the fray.

Their word is my command for I am at their beck and call

As freedom’s legions guard me through each victory standing tall.

God-free I AM. I AM God-free, my higher Self to be.

God-free I AM. I AM God-free, a blazing sun to be!

I wield the sacred sword and spear intone each holy sound,

His golden-jeweled breast plate wear, pure radiance all around.

The good Lord is my Shepherd; I shall never want nor fear.

His angel armies guard me; I can feel their presence here.

God-free I AM. I AM God-free, my higher Self to be.

God-free I AM. I AM God-free, a blazing sun to be!

I’m stalwart, brave, courageous, and each test I meet with joy.

I leap at every challenge so God’s love I may employ.

For I believe in miracles as I’m attuned and pure.

Through humble service, holiness, my victory is sure!

God-free I AM. I AM God-free, my higher Self to be.

God-free I AM. I AM God-free, a blazing sun to be!

Statue of George Washington by Thomas

Crawford in Richmond, Virginia.

Page 4: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

The four o’clock line is sponsored by Godfre, also known as

God Obedience, and the seven mighty Elohim who train

lifestreams in the conformity to the inner blueprint. This

line gives us the opportunity for absolute oneness with

God by obedience to his laws.

Taurus is a sign of love. It is by love that we precipitate

determination, and it is actually a determination within

the soul of a child to conform to the law of the inner being.

There is great security in the Law of God. One is protected

from all returning karma when one is on the right side of

divine Law and human law – loving these laws, loving the

will of God more than anything else in life and not

hesitating. We can say this, but when we come to a test of

something we want more than anything in this world and

God says no, are we going to love him still? That is a test

we all must face.

from Predicting Your Future Understand the Cycles of the Cosmic Clock by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Page 5: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

Definition of Obedience:

Dutifully complying with the commands, orders, or instructions

of one in authority

Page 6: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

System II: God-qualities and the Cosmic Clock: “the 12 within the 12”












Great Divine Director


God-power CrownSaint Germain



Seat of the Soul




Solar Plexus

El Morya




Serapis Bey

Cancer God-harmony

Base of the Spine

Goddess of Liberty



Seat of the Soul

Lord Lanto



Solar Plexus

Mighty Victory







Third Eye

Lord Maitreya




Source: Predict Your Future

By Elizabeth Clare Prophet,

Summit University Press, 2004








Third Eye

Page 7: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life


Chakras Petals Ray/color

*Wisdom Crown Chakra 972 yellowVision Third-eye Chakra 96 green*Power Throat Chakra 16 blue*Love Heart Chakra 12 pink

Secondary heart chamber 8 peach

Peace Solar plexus chakra 10 purple and gold

Freedom Seat of the Soul Chakra 6 violet

Purity Base of the spine chakra 4 white

*the three-fold flame

Source: The Human Aura, How to Activate and Energize your Aura and Chakras, Kuthumi and Dwal Khul,

Summit University Press, 1971

System I: God-qualities and the Chakras

Page 8: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

from The Masters and Their Retreatsby Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s

ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life is essential to

individual victory and to the completion of the cosmic

timetable for the golden age. Each act of disobedience sets

back the plans of the Brotherhood for the victory of the

planet, a victory for which each person is individually and

collectively responsible.

The second great lesson we learn from Godfre is that it is not

until we cast down the idol of the human consciousness that

we begin the trek up the mountain of our initiations. The

rejection of the human ego and consciousness should be

made each time it attempts to assert itself. Godfre won his

freedom through obedience to the law of Being. He teaches

us to ascend moment by moment by raising our thoughts and

feelings, our energies and actions. The ascension is the goal

of life not only for the few, but for the many.

Page 9: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

Beloved Godfre

David C. Lewis, July 13, 2009

How Far You Go, How High You Ascend is Your Free Will Choice

Be Aware, Be Alert, Be Alpha in Action During This Cycle

Blessed hearts, obedience to holy purpose, your

higher purpose, is the need of the hour for every

heartfriend to consider. And this alignment with

Source, as the truing of your soul with Spirit, is such a

magnanimous occurrence that when you fully

understand the flame of obedience, not to just human

institutions, laws or rituals, but truly to that Divine

Presence which honors all, which knows all, which

loves all then, blessed hearts, you will understand

why I took this name and why I am so enfired by this

flame that it is my love and desire to impress this

great divine energy upon all life in the matter planes.

Page 10: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

You see, it is natural in the heaven world

to be obedient to the divine impulses, for

we vibrate at a certain frequency of light

that sustains us in that God-power,

wisdom and love always. And without that

stream of attentiveness that is the focus

upon God and only God, we could not live

as immortal beings, blessed hearts.

So, I come to magnify light within your

chakras, your entire being as you are

willing and able to receive [it], call it forth,

amplify it and then, through obedience to

the holy will of the Holy One, sustain it in

your beings.

Page 11: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

If you would be God-free as I am

know that that freedom comes with a

price: sacrifice unto the Allness, surrender

to the Oneness, service to the Allness and

selflessness in all things as your initiations

flow and as you truly know that it is only

by God’s grace that life is sustained within

the body temple, that all tests are not

only passed, but aced!

For, blessed ones, one definition of an

adept is that that one seeks not only a

passing grade, but an “A” on every test.

Therefore, study the “A” of Alpha as the

point of initiation of all that is, of all that

was and ever shall be. For in the beginning

and in the ending the “A” of Alpha

remains. And even in the name Omega

the final letter, as that “A”, signifies the

return to the Father of All.

Page 12: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

When you simply stand and proclaim in the I AM name the fullness of who

you are, the entire universe of God-radiance wraps itself around you and

once more you live in that divine reality and may go forth the victorious

one to accomplish your goals, your mission and all that you came here to


General George Washington and a Committee of Congress at Valley Forge, Winter 1777-78. Copy of

engraving after W. H. Powell, published 1866.

Page 13: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

Beloved Godfre

David C. Lewis , November 9, 2006

When you are obedient to the law of your own being and place yourself

in proximity to that magnificent God-Presence of which I spoke as a

messenger time and time again, then you have full access to the

indomitable spirit of Victory that abides within your very aura. Therefore,

blessed ones, it is incumbent upon you to place yourself daily in that

situation where you will not only speak the Word of God but you will be

the Word of God in all manifestations of Being-ness.

Page 14: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

I am a determined master. And though few of you continue to call to me

because you think that obedience is somehow the surrender of something that

you would rather not give up, I say that true surrender to the law of your own

being, blessed ones, is the surest and safest path to your Godhood.

I am God-free because I determined that there was nothing else but pure,

unadulterated freedom within my Presence that was [worth striving for as] the

goal for my life. And I pray this day that you will also make it your goal to once

and for all be God-free where you are!

Page 15: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

Beloved Godfre

David Christopher Lewis

September 17, 2007

Reliance on God and the Spirit of Freedom

Take the Torch that I Offer Today

Begin a New Level of the Expression of Your

Inner Buddha Nature

Servitors of the Spirit,

In the Presence of God-Love, I come. In the radiance of

the morning light, I emanate the flame of God-Obedience

to all who would increase the ruby fires of the heart of

God within. And in God-Gratitude and God-Vision, I

complete the squaring of the circle of the accelerated

love fires of the ruby cross in the earth for the full

flowering of the mission of Sanat Kumara to save sentient

life here.

Page 16: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

I am Godfre, and this moniker was bestowed upon me by God

through the initiatic process that I was privileged to progress

through with Saint Germain as my teacher and guiding light.

And this day I come to be that beacon of light for some among

mankind who would understand the nature of the mission of

America to be that ensign of freedom to the world.

Page 17: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

Blessed ones, the entire purpose of the teaching that Saint Germain gave me

of relying solely upon the mighty I AM Presence was so that all who would

have the victory over the lesser self could have that intense focus of a directed

love to God that is required as one moves up the ladder of initiation. When

one becomes distracted from meditation upon the First Cause, who is God,

then all manner of diversions may occur and the soul may be taken far afield

from its purpose and mission. Thus it was important to give mankind this

teaching in order to bring them back to first principles—namely, to love the

Lord God with all of one’s heart, soul, mind and spirit.

Page 18: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

Reliance on God means that you are no longer reliant upon the human,

with all of its frailties of consciousness, its lack, and are no longer abiding

in the lowly domain of living for the self in self-gratification. Think of

living to gratify and to glorify God, blessed ones, through the sacred labor

of your heart, head and hands. Only in deference to the Almighty may

you know surcease from all struggle, all sense of sin, sickness and the

death spirals that are rampant upon the Earth.

Das Paradiesgärtlein, Szene: Maria im beschlossenen Garten mit

Heiligen,circa 1410

Page 19: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

Cosmic reliance upon the masters of wisdom ascended and the spirit of freedom

inherent within the cosmos itself has kept many a disciple tethered to the reality

of a true life and not one of harboring the anxieties of the flesh. Fortuitous and

propitious occurrences in your life are the result of setting the sail of your

intention to love and serve God. And these have occurred often in past

embodiments and now come to full fruition in your world whereby you make

them real through works and through the love sacrifices that true disciples

always engage in.

Scenes from the Life of Joachim, Giotto, c. 1305

Page 20: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

Blessed ones, it takes a certain virya to begin to

move into new fields of awareness of the mastery

of the frequencies of the crystal rays and of the

energies of higher healing modalities, where you

rely solely on the Presence and your focused

connectivity with your God Self to be the

instrument for the conveyance of whatever God

would do through you.

And yet the joy of being that representative of

the Spirit where you are is truly stupendous and

worth all the time invested by you.

The serendipity and the seeming miraculous

manifestations that begin to occur in your world

are a result of your loving adoration to your

Presence and your focus on God, because God

cannot help but support, uphold and deliver his

light to every son and daughter who truly loves

and expresses that love through devotional work

and heartreach.

Page 21: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

So, take the torch that I offer today to begin a

new level of the expression of your own inner

Buddha nature, your own gifts and talents.

And make real in your world all that you have

envisioned as possible, for we are here to

empower that vision with our radiance and

cosmic support, blessed hearts.

I am Godfre, and I am pleased to see the

advances that you are making. I will continue,

as your spiritual general, to prod you and to

give you direction and guidance as you call

upon Lotus and me and especially when you

call upon your own beloved God Presence for

all that you require.

May the light of freedom blaze across this

land and cast its divine radiance over each

one until all are truly God-free. I thank you.

Page 22: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life

God- Obedience

Law of Conformity to the

Inner Blueprint

Page 23: God- Obedience - Hearts Center · by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet From Godfre, we learn that unfailing obedience to one’s ascended guru and to the Great Law of Life