
By Angad Singh


goal setting by edwin lock is significant and plays an important role in improving performance of employees after goal setting

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Goal Setting

By Angad Singh

Most people aim at nothing in life and hit it with amazing accuracy !!A man was travelling and stopped at an intersection. He asked the elderly man, Where does this road take me? The elderly person asked, Where do you want to go? The man replied, I dont know. The elderly person said, Then takes any road. What difference does it make? How true. When we dont know where is going, any road will take us there.Learning ObjectiveTo understand the importance of Goals in life and to know how to set them. To know the reasons why people are unable to achieve the Goals. Use SWOT techniques to effectively introspect and set goals. AgendaDefining Goal setting.Why dont most people set GoalsImportance of Goals setting. Why Goals fail.Guidelines for setting Goals Types of GoalsTime to set your Goal Why dont more people set goals?A pessimistic attitude Always seeing the pitfalls rather than the possibilities

Fear of failure What if I dont make it? People feel subconsciously that if they dont set goals and if they dont make it, then they havent failed. But they are failures to begin with.

A lack of ambition This is a result of our value system and lack of desire to live a fulfilled life. Our limited thinking prevents us from progress. There was a fisherman who, every time he caught a big fish, would throw it back into the river, keeping only the smaller ones. A man watching this unusual behavior asked the fisherman why he was doing this. The fisherman replied, Because I have a small frying pan. Most people never make it in life because they are carrying a small frying pan. That is limited thinking.

A fear of rejection If I dont make it, what will other people says?Procrastination Someday, I will set my goals. This tie in with a lack of ambition.Low self-esteem Because a person is not internally driven and has no inspiration.Ignorance of the important of goals Nobody taught them and they never learned the importance of goal-setting.A lack of knowledge about goal-setting People dont know the mechanics of setting goals. They need a step-by-step guide so that they can follow a system.

Why dont more people set goals?

Why set Goals ?

1. You take control of your life2. You focus on the important things3. You will make good decisions4. You can finish the task efficiently5. You will be self-confident and enthusiastic6. You will make progress7. You are closer to successMeaningless Goals A farmer had a dog who used to sit by the roadside waiting for vehicles to come around. As soon as one came he would run down the road, barking and trying to overtake it.

One day a neighbor asked the farmer "Do you think your dog is ever going to catch a car?"

The farmer replied, "That is not what bothers me. What bothers me is what he would do if he ever caught one."

:: Moral of the Story ::

Many people in life behave like that dog who is pursuing meaningless goals.

First set Meaningful and Realistic goal and then work to achieve GOAL.

Why Goals FailThe goal was not written down.Rewards for achieving the goals were not given. The goal was unrealistic or not specific enough.The goal is not really believable or little commitment exists.Keep changing or switching goals with the weather The person who set the goal has not told anyone else for added accountability, help and support.The goal was not incorporated into a realistic plan that includes measurements, timelines and resources. Video StoryDo you have a Goal ??

I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way I hope it never will.

StoryHe wanted to be the greatest bodybuilder in the world which meant winning the title of Mr Olympia he became the youngest ever Mr Olympia at the age of 23 (hes won the title seven times).He wanted financial success. He was a millionaire by the age of 30 thanks to successful business investments and ventures (this was before Hollywood!).He wanted to become a successful Hollywood actor (44+ movies).He wanted success in politics hes the current governor of California and the husband of 26 years to Maria Shriver (related to the Kennedy family).

What Happens when Arnold Schwarzenegger Puts His Mind on Something?

Im going to be the number-one box-office star in all of Hollywood.

The Schwarzenegger formula ??Create a vision of who you want to beTake out a clean sheet of paper, write down a description of yourself 10 years in the future. Who are you? What does your life look like? What are you doing? Where? Who is around you? Allow yourself to imagine a future in which failure is impossible, and there are no limits.

Live into that pictureLets say that youve articulated a 5 or 10-year vision. Given this scenario, work backwards.What will have had to have happened for this to be true in 10 years?What will you have had to learn?What skills will you have had to develop?What auditions will you have had to take?Who will you have had to meet and develop relationships with?Are any of these stepping stones any more improbable than what Schwarzenegger has achieved?As if it were already trueIf a young boy from a small village in Austria can become a 7-time Mr. Olympia, a huge box office star, and governor of the most populous state in the country, might your dreams be more realistic than you think?Goal Setting Guidelines1.Your goal must be conceivable. You must be able to imagine, conceptualize and understand the goal or desired result. Top athletes practice visualizing step-by-step actual success in their sports competition. By visualizing your success in great detail, you are conditioning your mind and preparing yourself to achieve your desired success. 2.Make your goal believable. Your goal should be consistent with your personal values system, and you must believe you can reach the goal. It is critically important that you believe in yourself. You must see yourself with the goal in hand. 3.Your goal must be achievable. You must have the mental and physical capacity to reach the goal. It would, however, be important for your goal to cause you to stretch beyond normal self-imposed limits. You will find a goal that causes you to stretch and grow will be the goal that gives you the most satisfaction. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself to go beyond old limits!

4.Make your goal measurable. Deciding to do better than last year or to be happy gives you no standard by which you can measure progress. Be sure to relate your goal to quantity, percentage increases, dollar volume, time or distance. This will allow you to measure your progress. 5.Your goal should be controllable. This means you must be able to achieve the goal yourself, or gain the willing cooperation of others to reach the goal. This emphasizes the importance of building team spirit. If you can have no control over the outcome of an event, it's not realistic to set a goal in this area. It would be like gambling in Las Vegas. Without a proven system that beats the odds, lack of control will lead to frustration - and cost you a lot of money! 6.Be sure you have singleness of purpose. Make sure your goal is not in conflict with other areas of your life. For instance, if you decide to travel extensively in your business or work 80 to 90 hours per week, this will interfere with your personal or family relationships. The travel and long hours could lead to poor health or family discord. Some goals become mutually exclusive and create conflict with other goals. Goal Setting GuidelinesTask Imagine your self from 10 years from now. Write down all you can see.

Types of Goals


SMARTS Specific. For example, I want to lose weight. This is wishful thinking. It becomes a goal when I pin myself down to I will lose 10 pounds in 90 days.M Must be measurable. If we cannot measure it, we cannot accomplish it. Measurement is a way of monitoring our progress. For example, 10 pounds/90 days are measurement.A Must be achievable. Achievable means that it should be out of reach enough to be challenging but it should not be out of sight, otherwise it becomes heartening.R Realistic. A person who wants to lose 50 pounds in 30 days is being unrealistic.T Time-bound. There should be a starting date and a finishing date.

