Goal Setting Webinar | Fluid Advertising

Goal Setting Webinar Jump start your marketing efforts for 2016.

Transcript of Goal Setting Webinar | Fluid Advertising

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Goal Setting WebinarJ u m p s t a r t y o u r m a r ke t i n g e ff o r t s f o r 2 0 1 6 .

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Dustin Cederholm

Digital Conversion Manger, Fluid

Dan Griffiths


Phil Case

Managing Director/Partner, Fluid

Dustin Cederholm has been engaged in conversion optimization professionally for more than 7 years. His experience has helped companies as small as 25 employees with less than $1 million revenue and as large as 2,500 employees with >$1 billion revenue. He uses advanced CRO techniques to turn client’s site traffic into revenue.

Phil leads Fluid in its quest to become the most innovative and cutting-edge advertising agency, emphasizing brand strategy and creativity. His strengths include identifying problems and opportunities for businesses and developing cost-effective solutions that are in concert with bottom-line business objectives.

@Dustin Cederholm @GetFluid

Dan is the Director of Strategic Planning at Tanner, LLC. He is currently on the executive board of the Utah Association of CPAs. In 2011, he was recognized as the Outstanding CPA in Business and Management. In 2013, he became Utah’s elected member of the American Institute of CPAs Governing Counciland was appointed to serve on ah State Board of Education.


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Today’s Webinar Goals

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Let’s set our webinar goals

What we’re going to do – “business goals” (features)

• Define goal setting• Re-define goal setting• Goal setting tips for management• Goal setting tips for tasks• Creating goal setting templates

What we’re going to do – “reality goals” (benefits)

• Teach our audience a new way to define goal setting• Give you 3 goal setting hacks to use immediately • Show you a real example of Fluid’s goal setting template for webinar

marketing so you don’t have to make one yourself

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The Definition of Goal Setting is...

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The Mainstream Definition of Goal Setting

The definition of goal setting is the process of identifying something that you want to accomplish and establishing measurable goals and timeframes.

- yourdictionary.com

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The Alternative Definition of Goal Setting

An alternative definition of goal setting is the analysis of a journey* towards a specific desire, the mapping of the process** necessary to achieve that desire, and the achievement*** of that desire.

- Fluid Advertising

*Journey acknowledges the fact that one must physically move from one place to another **Process recognizes each individual step in the process more granularly than milestones*** Achievement identifies the expectation of success. What we will do versus what we want to do

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Goal Setting For Managers

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“If they don’t WEIGH IN, then they won’t BUY IN.” - Pat Lencioni

Goal Setting by Committee

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Companies that have a quarterly goal setting rhythm are…

“3.5X more likely to

be in the top quartile of their


Establish a Frequent Goal Setting Rhythm

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Goal Setting For Tasks

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Life Comes with Instructions


Believe it or not, life come with instructions.

Image source: http://www.sliptalk.com/lego-creations/

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3 Goal Setting Hacks to Start Today!

1. G e t a w a y f r o m b u s i n e s s j a r g o n a n d u s e r e l a t a b l e g o a l s t h a t t o u c h t h e e m o t i o n a l / h u m a n a s p e c t o f w h y w e s e t g o a l s

2. E s t a b l i s h a g o a l s e t t i n g r h y t h m a n d s e t y o u r s c h e d u l e t o i t . C r e a t e o n e c a l e n d a r e v e n t w i t h m u l t i p l e a l e r t s 2 4 - 4 8 h o u r s b e f o r e e a c h m i l e s t o n e s h o u l d b e h i t

3. D o n ’ t b e a f r a i d t o c h e a t . B r e a k o u t a p r o c e s s i n t o e x a c t s t e p s a n d c r e a t e a t e m p l a t e f o r r e p e t i t i v e t a s k s

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Goal Setting Template: Webinar Execution

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Goal Setting Process Example: Webinar Execution Strategy

The Issue:Fluid’s email program running inconsistently and lacking quality

The Goal:Hit monthly email calendar deliverables and provide subscribers higher quality content

The Journey:Transition a temporary workforce to full time status and go from responsive content delivery to proactive content driver

The Process:Team meeting to discuss minute details of monthly calendar and establish asset deliverables template

The Achievement:Improved email deliverability, improved engagement, reduced error

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The Issue

Business Goals• Process tasks forgotten, completed near deployment date• Delivering on 60% of webinar content calendar• Missed follow-up deadlines• Registrants not attending • Email engagement below company goals

Reality Goals• Subscribers unable to plan when next email communication will come

although they chose to receive it• Webinar attendees making first contact post event for follow-up

materials• Internal team confidence lowered due to low execution pace due to

unclear process steps

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The Achievement

Business Goals:• Completed all 17 tasks 15 days ahead of schedule • Completed follow-up tasks 21 days faster• Completed 100% of webinar distribution calendar• Increased webinar attendance 50%• Decreased email opt-out rate 300%

Reality Goals• Improved quality of work through improved understanding of process

and engagement goals• Team attitude moved from confusion to excitement• Self achievement led to greater results on other campaigns

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IN SUMMARY1. M a ke g o a l s r e a l - a s i f r e a l h u m a n s w e r e t r y i n g t o

a c h i e v e t h e m2. E m b r a c e r a d i c a l t r a n s p a r e n c y3. U s e y o u r h a c k s :

1. G e t a w a y f r o m b u s i n e s s j a r g o n a n d u s e r e l a t a b l e g o a l s t h a t t o u c h t h e e m o t i o n a l / h u m a n a s p e c t o f w h y w e s e t g o a l s

2. E s t a b l i s h a g o a l s e t t i n g r h y t h m a n d s e t y o u r s c h e d u l e t o i t . C r e a t e o n e c a l e n d a r e v e n t w i t h m u l t i p l e a l e r t s 2 4 - 4 8 h o u r s b e f o r e e a c h m i l e s t o n e s h o u l d b e h i t

3. D o n ’ t b e a f r a i d t o c h e a t . B r e a k o u t a p r o c e s s i n t o e x a c t s t e p s a n d c r e a t e a t e m p l a t e f o r r e p e t i t i v e t a s k s

4. Tr a i n i n g g o e s a l o n g w a y. I n v e s t n o w t o s a v e l a t e r

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