GO 60 second tips to Great Presentations

Sheena Walker BA

Transcript of GO 60 second tips to Great Presentations

Sheena Walker BA


Be yourself find your voice be passionate connect with ease share your beliefs and


60 Second Presenter

Step 1: You The Presenter

60 Second Learning:

Be more self aware The 60 seconds Presenter learn the key elements of an authentic speaker

Step 2: Love Your Audience

Paint a portrait of your audience. Gather information to engage

60 Second Learning:

Step 3: Design Your Message

60 Second Learning:

First, write a 25-word happy ending that summarises what you want your audience to think, feel and do at the end of your presentation. 

Step 4: Create Your Connection

Level 1 Hold Attention Level 2 Interact

Level 3  Engage  

60 Second Learning:

Step 5: Deliver With Style

60 Second Learning:

6 essential tips to use your voice powerfully. Maximise your message with 6 non verbal tips. The dos and don’ts of

slideshow presenting.

Step 6: Manage All Interruptions

The Five Golden Rules of managing interruptions. 

60 Second Learning:

Step 7: Master The Q&A

60 Second Learning:

How to open a Q&A session. The 4A Method

Step 8: Finish On Time

Practice Practice Practice for every presentation. Prepare key topics . Adapt to last minute changes.

60 Second Learning:

Show Up & Speak Up

Sheena Walker www.pitchperfectguru.co
