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AD 2013 HOME MISSIONS EMPHASIS (Week of Prayer) Theme: Breaking New Frontiers: Reaching Families for Christ Text:: Acts 16:25-34 Suggested Date: March - May, 2013



Transcript of Gmb_homemissions Check to Delete Later

AD 2013


(Week of Prayer)


Breaking New Frontiers:

Reaching Families for Christ


Acts 16:25-34

Suggested Date:

March - May, 2013

Table of Contents

Foreword...................................................................................................... Introduction................................................................................................. Sunday:Breaking New Frontiers: Reaching Families for Christ..... Monday: Reaching the Family through Culture on the Ngara and Guffanti Home Mission Fields ..............

Tuesday:Reaching the Family through Culture on the Okigwe/Orlu and Dukawa Home Mission Fields....Wednesday:Reaching the Family through Culture on the

Ilaje-Apoi Mission Field and Praying to break the

yokes of Cultures on Families........................................2013 Mission Goals.......................................................................................Fields, Missionaries and Phone Numbers......................................................Appreciation to all Mission Stakeholders......................................................Commitment to God.......................................................................................FOREWORD


Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved you and your household. Acts 16:31.This years Home Missions Emphasis (Week of Prayer), in accordance with the Convention theme, centres on reaching the unreached families and the need for Christian families to reach out. It is for this reason that the fields in consideration are portrayed from the cultural angle, with light shed on what the practice is in a typical family life of a particular people. Reached families should reach unreached families thereby reaching unreached peoples all over the nation.

In the year 2013, the following fields are our key emphasis: Ngara, Guffanti, Okigwe/Orlu, Dukawa and Ilaje/Apoi; not neglecting the various other mission fields across the States. Carefully read through the entire booklet, there are discoveries about the five fields including their needs, testimonies, prayer concerns and challenges. As you pray, God will empower and do His work, families will be reached and whole generations will be saved.

We are grateful to the Coordinator, Frontier Missions Home, Revd. Noah Adedokun, and his team of editors, prayer band, printers and all those who assisted to make this timely production possible. May God continue to use your families for world evangelization.

We encourage you to observe the Home Missions Emphasis (Week of Prayer) between March and May 2013. Please send your offerings and donations to Global Missions Boards Zenith Account number 6011412743. Notify us as soon as you make your lodgment so we can send your receipt.

Thankfully yours,

S. Ogoh. Enyi


Global Missions Board,

Nigerian Baptist Convention.


Family is the back-bone of every society. Family is Gods initiative, as it is written, that at the beginning God created them male and female and said, for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. (Matthew 19:4-5). God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and increase in number (Gen. 1:28). God had wonderful fellowship with the first human family in the cool of each day until sin severed the relationship. Man fell from glory to grass, since then families have been living in great agony, under the wicked, brutal and crafty master called Satan.

The unreached families of the world are those led away by the deceit of Satan, traditions and false religions. The god of this world has enslaved them. They are far away from God Almighty. Some long to fellowship with the true God but do not know how to approach Him. They need someone to guide them to God through the message of the gospel as Apostle Paul did in Philippi (Acts 16:25-34) where he preached to the household of the jailer and they were converted. They must not remain in darkness forever. The unreached families are like a widow broken with grief sitting so lonely in their mourning. Though created in the image and likeness of God, they are now slaves to the enemy of truth and righteousness because they do not know the true God. The unreached families still sob day and night; tears run down their cheeks. They cry aloud for anyone who cares but they do not have a helper. The Church that is purposefully left on earth to love, care, deliver and nurture families unto God is now too busy, too tired and too noisy to hear and respond to the cry of the lost families. Yet, there is no other agency in the world that is charged with the responsibility of going to look for the lost where they are other than the Church; under the headship of Christ.

You might ask; why me? Why must I go now? Or why must I respond to the cry of the lost families? It is not wrong to ask questions of this nature. But you should know that the expectation of unreached families is more on us who are Christians. They are waiting to experience freedom, liberty, salvation and deliverance from the powers of darkness (Satan) through their faith in Christ. The unreached families do not have rest because there is no peace or rest for the wicked (Isa.32:17; 48:22).They are afflicted with hard labour, poor, without food, without good health and are filled with distress. They are great people with great intelligence but do not know the way to the Church in order to worship the great God. They cannot feast on the abundance of Gods riches that is made available for those who believe. They cannot be partakers of Gods nature as they do not know Him nor believe in Him. They cannot become fellow citizens of heaven without someone showing them the way and leading them to light and life in Christ Jesus.

The Christian mission is part of Gods sovereign activity in the realm of redemption. From first to last the Christian mission is Gods mission, not mans. It is based on the love of God. Its mandate was enunciated by the Son of God. Its rationale is explained in the Word of God. Nowhere is the sovereignty of God more clearly seen than in the Christian mission. The call is to reach families and set them free from the bondage of sin in Christ power. Please, join the team of witnessing families.


We want to express our profound gratitude and appreciation to all our mission supporters for their contributions towards breaking new frontiers in different places. We also want to thank individuals, Churches, Associations and Conferences that have been supporting the missionaries, pastors, indigenes on the fields and the Global Missions Board at large.

We magnify the Lord Almighty for the Convention President, Revd. Dr Samson O. Ayokunle, for his supports for mission; and the Global Missions Board Director, Rev. Stevens O. Enyi, who not only laboured but also gave technical advice and prayers. Also, I thank Rev. Solomon Olaniran, Pastor Tope Olatidoye & Rev. Toyin Aderinola for their wisdom and commitment in compiling and packaging this report. Special thanks to Sister Toyin Adegbilero who edited the script. We bless God for Mrs. Amadi Caroline, Pastor Mrs. Esther Adedokun and our translators both in Yoruba and Hausa, for the typesetting and arrangement.

May the good Lord who gave us the responsibility of reaching families for Christ, bless and reward our labour of love. Amen

Remain blessed.

Yours in Christ Jesus,Adedokun, Noah Adetayo




Organ Prelude: Jesus shall Reign

God calls us to worship through:

His word in Matthew 11:28 30

We respond to Gods word through:

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Praise and Worship

Intercessory prayer for missions/Missionaries.

Announcements Tithes and Offerings

God speaks to us through:

The Scriptures Acts 16:25-34

The Choir

His Servant

We Respond to God Through:

Prayer of commitment

Hymn of commitment: To the work to the work

Mission offering

We depart to reach families through:

Intercessory prayer for the lost families.

Closing prayer and Benediction

Hymn of Missions: Hark the voice of Jesus calling

Sunday March 10, 2013Topic: Breaking New Frontiers: Reaching Families for Christ Text: ACTS 16:12-34

IntroductionThe frontiers of testifying about the reign of God in Jesus Christ that offers His holistic salvation to individual households (families) are the earliest frontiers where Jesus sent His followers to operate (cf. Luke 8:38-39). The Early Church heeded the injunction and proclaimed the Gospel of the reign of God in Christ that offers the holistic salvation to these frontiers of households (families) as seen in the case of the ministry of Paul in Philippi (cf. Acts 16:12-34). The Church in the course of history forgot about these earliest frontiers of families and focused on individual persons. The shift from biblical and earliest frontiers of focusing the Gospel on families has not helped Christians and churches to expedite the realization of global evangelization. Therefore, all we contemporary Christians and churches should stand as one body to revisit and break the abandoned frontiers of households (families) as our new frontiers. We can follow the model of Paul in Acts 16:12-34 to identify (i) practical love, (ii) deliverance ministry, (iii) joyful worship, and (iv) discipleship as general biblical principles. These are principles we are to employ for reaching families for the reign of God in Christ Jesus that offers the holistic salvation.

I. Practical Love vv. 12-15. Paul and his companions showed practical love to Lydia and other women who were seekers of God by going to the river side to sit down with them in their prayer meeting. The felt-need of these women was spiritual in nature for they were seeking to experience God. The felt-need of the keeper of the prison was the security of the prisoners in his care. Paul and his companions ministered to this effect and rescued him from committing suicide. Here the Christian witnesses identified with their spiritual and emotional needs before they opened up for the Gospel proclamation. Jesus was always showing practical love by having and doing deeds of compassion for all His prospects before ministering the Gospel to them (cf. Matt 9:35-38). We should follow the model as current churches and Christians by showing practical love to our prospects through ministering to their physical, emotional, spiritual, social, financial, educational needs. We are to do all these out of love and compassion for all persons. We should pray to God to use the efforts to open the hearts of our prospects to receive the Gospel of Gods reign in Christ that leads to the holistic salvation.

II. Deliverance Ministry vv. 16-18. Paul discovered that there was a need for deliverance and so administered it. The occasion was when a demon-possessed girl joined in the prayer meeting where Paul and his companion were carrying out the Gospel ministry. She was prophesying under the influence of a demon but on the pretext of prophesying by the Holy Spirit to praise the ministry of Paul and his companions. Paul uttered the authoritative word of God to deliver the girl. Nearly all families in the local churches need to enjoy deliverance from all forms of demon-oppression and obsession. Some members of Christian families who are yet to repent and put obedient-faith in Jesus Christ for Gods reign that offers holistic salvation may even need deliverance from demon-possession. The good news is that all truths concerning Jesus Christ such as His sacrificial death, blood, words, burial, resurrection, appearance, ascension, intercession on the right hand of the Father, the Holy Spirit and Fire, authority and power of Christ, eternal enthronement and reign of God offer deliverance to the victims. You only need to perceive pictorially the realities of the mentioned concepts and put unwavering obedient-faith in God in Christ to perform the deliverance through your spoken words. It is the duty of every church to teach all her members how to administer self-deliverance on themselves in order to enjoy holistic salvation of God in Christ always.

III. Joyful Worship vv. 19-26. Paul and his companions knew that the lives of Christians should be characterized with unceasing joyful worship to God in Christ in all favorable and unfavorable occasions. They practiced this joyful worship in an unfavorable event when the master of the delivered girl dragged them to the authorities and magistrates in Philippi to torture and imprison them. Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns joyfully when the miracle of earthquake that broke loose their chains and opened the doors of their prison occurred. All Christians and Christian families should know that God commands them to worship Him always with joy, gladness, and cheerful feasting and celebration (cf. Deut 28:47; Zech 8:19). Our churches and homes as Christians are to be characterized all the time with the worship of God full of joy, gladness, and cheerful feasting and celebration of the presence and glory of God. This brings to the true worshippers abundance of all good things and the greatest joy ever.

IV. Discipleship vv. 14-15, 27-34. Paul and his companions endeavored to disciple the whole family of Lydia and the family of the prison keeper. They commenced discipleship with the Gospel proclamation that demands positive response of repentance and obedient-faith in Jesus Christ from the prospects. They proceeded to admit them into the New Community of God called the Church through water immersion (Baptism). They then started with them life-long learning at the feet of Christ which is in line with Christs injunction to teach disciples all the words of God (Matt 28:20; 4:4). We, the present churches and Christians, need to start reaching entire prospective families with the stated step by step discipleship for all of them to enjoy the reign of God in Jesus that affords them all the holistic salvation.

Conclusion We, the current Churches and Christians, should determine to make once-abandoned frontiers of families to be our new focused frontiers until we realize the goal of world evangelization. We should endeavor to follow biblical principles of practical love, deliverance, joyful worship, and discipleship for reaching our prospective families that serve as our new frontiers. Those who are yet to experience the reign of God in Christ can take the first step of discipleship to repent and put obedient-faith in the crucified but risen Jesus Christ who establishes Gods reign that offers holistic salvation. Those who are weak and lack passion for practical love, deliverance, joyful worship, and consistent discipleship can re-dedicate their lives to God in Jesus and His task of global evangelism. Let all of us continue to pray for Gods participation through the anointing of the Holy Spirit as we evangelize families always until we realize the goal of global evangelization.



The Ngara Home Mission Field was established in 2003. The field is located in Yobe state and covers 17(seventeen) Local Government Areas. The catchment ethnic groups in The Ngara Home Mission Field are: Fulani, Kanuri/Manga, Kare-Kare, Bolewa, Ngizum, Bade, Hausa, Ngamo and Shuwa. This mission field was pioneered by Rev. and Mrs. Galadima. Equally, Rev. and Mrs Giwa served there. Rev. and Mrs John Matthew are the present missionaries on The Ngara Home Mission Field.

Culture In The Ngara Home Mission FieldThe culture of the ethnic group in The Ngara Home Mission Field is predominantly Kanuri/Manga. This is due to the influence and predominance of Islam following the 11th century Jihad. However, Islam is practised alongside Traditional religious beliefs.

The religion of Islam and family identity based on Islam are held as important social values. The household ( or compound family) is the basic and most important social institution and it is the centre of economic and religious life. Authority is vested in the head of the household who takes all major and vital decisions concerning all other family members. This means that gerontocracy (government by the elders) is the style of government or political administration in this culture. Other very important social customs and norms that are observed in this culture include prohibition of public preaching of other religious faith or an open discussion of Islamic faith. Also, it is a taboo for members of the opposite sex to talk or to be found discussing together. Women must be in the company of other women when men are found with them. It is also prohibited to directly discuss matters of religion or faith without having first built a cordial relationship.

Suggested Methods

Building good relationships in the neighbourhood through hospitality, caring for the sick and the poor as well as being exemplary family models is one of the ways through which people can be reached through the culture. Specialized ministry for social needs is also one of the ways through which the family can be reached on The Ngara Home Mission field. This can be done through professional services like medicine, engineering, veterinary and agricultural extension services. Bi-vocational services are generally very useful here. Costume Evangelism: dressing plays a very important role in social identity and relations. Clothes that are regarded as Islamic are very welcome. Hence, costume evangelism can be used to reach the families. Some of these clothes can also be donated to those in need in this area.Needsi. Prayers

ii. Training of indigenes

iii. Medical services for social ministries

iv. Mobility: 4 Wheel vehicles is needed because Government has banned motor bikes here.

v. Bore Hole to provide good drinking water.Testimony1. We thank God for answered prayers in Bishara Potiskum. A new pastor has resumed


2. Thank God for granting us access to teach adult education among Dubal youths

as a means to reach them.Prayer Points1. Pray for the fields outstanding projects and needs; for Gods provision.2. Pray for the new pastors on The Field at Bishara that God will be with them and give them wisdom to lead and teach Gods word among the Karekare people of Potiskum

3. Pray for the Baptist Churches in Yobe; for Gods power and strength to advance.

4. Pray that God will open more doors for Gospel outreach and evangelism on the field.

Challenges i. Insecurity

ii. Lack of good drinking water

iii. Insufficient food for field workers

iv. Pending projects on the field

v. Buni-Yadi Baptist Church burnt down completely in the month of Nov.2012.


The Guffanti Home Mission Field was founded on June 27, 2010 at First Baptist Church, Kainji, New Bussa. The mission field is located in Niger state and is made up of The Kambari people who reside in two local governments: Angwa and Gallah Local Government Areas. Rev. and Mrs A. Kunga pioneered the field and have since been serving there. About forty-two churches have been established on The Guffanti Home Mission Field. There are four (4) pastors and twenty-four (24) leaders in these churches. In addition, there are two (2) schools on The Home Mission field at Salama and Dorowa. Evangelistic crusades have been carried out in these areas of The Guffanti Home Mission Field.

Culture on the Guffanti Home Mission FieldThe Kambari people make up the majority of the populace on this field. The strongest and basic unit of The Kambari culture is the family, which is a close bond between the extended and the nuclear family. Patriarchal authority (that is leadership by the oldest male) is upheld in the extended Kambari family which governs smaller nuclear families that constitute it. The Patriarchal head of The Extended Kambari family is seen as the only and final authority in all matters that has to do with the family whether in making choices for other members or even saying anything about the family. This head is usually The Grandfather or where he is deceased, the oldest surviving male. Therefore, in decisions such as marriage, the women have no choice or say but are to accept whatever marital arrangement is decided for them. This cultural heritage of patriarchy i.e. total authority by the oldest male is strictly upheld as well as other customs such as polygamy, divorce and the drinking of the cultural beverage, a type of local gin. Farming is the main occupation of The Kambari but it has assumed a nomadic pattern as the use of cultural farming tools and poor farming practices make soil vulnerable to wind and water erosion. Hence, the farmers move from place to place in search of better agricultural land.Suggested Methods

The patriarchal order of The Kambari family means that the target for witnessing must be the elders. Usually, once the elders are won to Christ, they will most likely influence every member of the family to accept Christ. Specialized ministry in agriculture can also be an effective way of reaching the people; helping them to learn how to conserve the soil and using new tools and other agricultural tools like fertilizers and improved varieties. This will help them to become more settled and have time to listen to the gospel. Demonstration farms can be effective in reaching them as well as improving their economic base and security.

Needsi. Prayers

ii. A 4 Wheel Vehicle

iii. Clinic

iv. Funds for building a classroom block

v. A school teacher

Prayer Points1. Pray that God will raise men and women of like mind to work and minister in the churches planted among these people.2. Ask God to stop all activities of the spirit of immorality, animism, Islam and others on the field.

3. Ask God to bless the missionaries with good health.

4. Pray for grace for the missionaries to faithfully discharge their duties among these people groups.Tuesday


The Okigwe-Orlu Home Mission Field was established in 2004. It was once part of the old Awka/Onitsha/Okigwe field. It is located in Imo State and was pioneered by Rev. and Mrs T.O Nwazechukwu, after which Rev and Rev. (Mrs) Yinka Bamigbala continued there between 2008 and 2010. Presently, Rev. Isaac Atilade Opayinka serves on the field. There are about fourteen (14) churches on this field and they are served by twelve (12) pastors and two (2) leaders. Eleven (11) of these pastors are indigenes from The Okigwe-Orlu Home Mission Field. These churches are located at Orlu and Nkwerre. Seventeen (17) associations exist at the church at Orlu and twenty-eight (28) associations at Nkwerre. There are further areas of mission opportunity among The Hausa community, Abia State University community as well as The Ihube and Amuro communities.

Culture on the Okigwe-Orlu Home Mission FieldSocial organization in Okigwe-Orlu Home Mission field revolves around the culture of the caste system. The caste-system which classifies members of The Igbo society into two: The Osu and The Diala determines many things in the society like marriage, leadership and other institutions of the society. The institution of marriage on this field is heavily influenced by the culture of heavy dowry payment which in turn influences economic activities and pursuits. Market trading is the most predominant economic activity and the four market days in Igbo land: Eke, Afor, Orie and Nkpor are widely and strictly observed.

Suggested Methods

Building relationship through friendship: Creating a friendly atmosphere will allow the gospel to be shared and to reach those who are castigated by the community.

Organizing social meetings with refreshments such as breakfast services for those who are poor will allow access to these group(s) of people physically and spiritually.

Being practical in the demonstration of what is preached will help get rid of the Osu and Diala caste system segregation. This can be modeled in the community and in The Church.

Poverty alleviation programmes can be used to reach families. This can be done through the provision of material items, needs e.t.c.

Needsi. Prayersii. Projector

iii. A Laptop computer

iv. A 4 wheel drive vehicle (Hilux)

v. A pastor for the newly planted church.

Testimony1. We thank God for the family of Mr Nkemakolam of Owere-biri, Orlu. He donated a portion of his family land to Global Missions Board (NBC) through Bethel Baptist Church, Orlu.

2. Thank God for the opportunity given to Global Missions Board to organize a crusade and plant a model church in Owerri township in 2012REACHING THE FAMILY THROUGH CULTURE ON THE DUKAWA HOME MISSION FIELD

The Dukawa Home Mission Field was established in the year 2003. It was created out of The Kamuku Home Mission Field. The Mission Field is located in Niger and Kebbi states. The people groups on this mission field are The Dukawas, The Dakarkaris and The Kembaris. They reside in five local government areas namely Rijau, Zuru, Danko/Wasagu, Sakaba LGAs. These people groups are of the same culture family and they share some similarities such as having Hausa as their official language. The total population of The Dukawa Home Mission Field is about 550,000. The mission field was pioneered by Rev. and Pastor Mrs Adedokun and is presently served by Rev. and Rev. Mrs Yusuff D. Demeh since June 1, 2003. There are twenty-one (21) churches in The Dukawa Home Mission Field.

Significant projects on The Dukawa Home Field include one nursery and primary school which has about 40 pupils and is funded by The Global Missions Board. There is also a clinic (under construction) being sponsored by Mr and Mrs Bode Idowu as well as A Mission House (under construction) being sponsored by Ajayi Dahunsi Memorial Church, Mushin, Lagos.

Culture on the Dukawa Home Mission FieldThe culture in this home mission field is very uniform. Dukanchi, the indigenous Dukawa language is widely spoken as well as Hausa which serves as the official language. The predominant occupations practised are farming and cattle rearing engaged in by both men and women. Farm crops cultivated include guinea corn, millet, maize, groundnut, rice and pepper. Farming is the main stay of the economy and determines a lot of social activities and ceremonies. For example, marriage and burial ceremonies are usually held after the farming seasons after everyone returns home from the farm. Traditional religion which comprises of animistic practices called Mnjil is found in this culture. Indigenous precepts which are derived from the practice of this animist religion include a strong sense of Heritage and the forcible passing on of the traditional religion to the younger ones. For example, the first-born child is usually regarded as deity and is not regarded as a legitimate child of the parents they are born to. Elders also fear that if they refuse to pass the family religion to the younger ones, the gods will punish them. The father is also regarded as the sole authority in The Dukawa culture and they exert a lot of control on every area of family life and choices. For instance, the father of a girl determines the religion of his in-laws. In this sense, The Dukawa culture can be said to be strongly patrilineal. There also exists among this people group a strong tradition of age-groups. Marriage is usually arranged by families from a young age and the family of the bride-to-be is usually the one to determine the demands and responsibility of the husband-to-be as in-laws. The husbands serve the fathers-in-law compulsorily for seven years, a practice called Gomo. The husband is also responsible for catering for his wifes family when she goes on a compulsory maternity leave to her own family house to give birth to children. Traditional practices are held in very high regard and taboos are observed during religious rituals including restriction of movement.

Suggested Methods

Family Enrichment Programme/Hospitality: Having a model spiritually healthy Christian home is one of the ways to reach the family on The Dukawa Home Mission Field. This can be carried out when churches are invited especially during the dry seasons for programmes that will enrich the families. Hospitality should be received and shared during such programmes.

Adult education (which is very possible during the dry season when farming activities are suspended) is also one of the ways to reach the family. During this period, a lot of social engagements and events are very welcome and presenting adult education programmes will attract entire families as well.

Social Ministry is also one of the ways to reach the family on The Dukawa Home Mission Field, especially meeting the family in their areas of need whether spiritually or physically. Items like household provision will meet a social ministry need among families.

Training of Indigenes for service among families on this field is also a very useful strategy. Reaching families by providing vocational training can also be used as an avenue for witnessing the gospel and discipleship.

Needsi. Prayers

ii. Hausa Bibles and Hymn Books.

iii. Completion of our health centre.

iv. Completion of projects on the field .e.g. Mission House, Pastorium and Classroom.

v. Sponsoring pastors on the field.

vi. Adoption of churches.

Testimony1. An insane woman was delivered by the power of God through the missionary.Prayer Points1. Protection for the missionary couple and pastors on the field.2. Free course for the Gospel of Christ to be preached without hindrance.

3. Gods provision.

4. Opportunity for ministry.



The Ilaje-Apoi Home Mission field is located in Ondo state of Nigeria. This field was created in the year 2005 out of the Arogbo Home Mission field. This field is divided into two divisions. Division A covers Ilaje South-East and Ilaje North-West. There are about 65(sixty-five) towns and villages with about 11(eleven) Baptist churches in this area. Division B covers Apoi Central, Apoi East and Apoi West. There are about nine towns and villages in this division with 4(four) Baptist churches. The Ilaje-Apoi Home Mission field was pioneered by Revd. and Mrs G.M. Ogunsemore, after which Revd and Mrs Saturday Obateru served on the field. They were followed by Pastor and Mrs Sunday Abolaji. Presently, Revd. and Mrs S.O.A Akanbi are the missionaries on this field. They are resident in Okitipupa. Significant development on this Mission Field include a Nursery and Primary School at Oroto which has at least a population of seventy(70) pupils and another newly established one at Ilowo. Skills acquisition and vocational empowerment scheme for young girls and women have been implemented on this field. The skills acquisition and vocational empowerment scheme was supported by Ikate Baptist Church, Lagos State. Culture in the Ilaje-Apoi Home Mission FieldThis mission field is dominated by The Ilaje and Apoi tribes. These two tribes share a common language (the original language of The Apoi is presently spoken by a minority who are elders) although the Ilaje people originate from The Yoruba Tribe and The Apoi trace their origin to The Ijaws in Delta. The common language i.e. Yoruba, shared by The Ilaje and The Apoi people also makes their cultural practices and customs uniform. Indigenous traditional beliefs and practices are prevalent on this mission field. Ayelala is regarded as the god of the land among The Ilaje people and Oborowe is the deity venerated among The Apoi people. The Imole deity is reverred by both The Ilaje and The Apoi. Beliefs and practices associated with the above listed deities are widespread among the people on this Mission field and are strongly esteemed than belief and worship of the true God. There is strong antagonism from these traditional religions among The Ilaje-Apoi although it can be said that there is a significant Christian presence reflected in the variety of church denominations.The polygamous marriage system is the cultural norm on this field as it is regarded as a curse for a man to marry one wife. The system of polygamy practised in Ilaje-Apoi culture is so extensive that a man marries so many wives that such women are forced to continue living with their parents after such marriages. Having many children from this multi-polygamy is very desirable as such wives and children are seen as valuable tools of labour for farming and fishing; the major occupations practised in this culture. Due to the polygamous marriage system practiced in this culture, families do not often live together in one place. There are many children not accounted for and early teenage pregnancy is very common. There is a custom of paying bride price when marriage is to be contracted but very few fulfill this practice. Certain kinship customs are strictly adhered to such as the prohibition of the burial of the corpse of a married woman in any other place than in her family as well as honouring the wishes of a dead person to be buried on sacred spots in their family houses. Gerontocracy i.e. headship of the family and community by the elderly is practised by The Ilaje-Apoi people. Suggested Methods Organizing family and community visits through friendship with the elders in such families and communities is one of the ways through which the family can be reached on The Ilaje-Apoi Mission field. Social ministry which meets the observed needs of the people is also very effective. Such needs can include provision of pipe borne water, schools and clinics. Rehabilitation programmes can also be organized to assist many young persons who are jobless and are involved and/or trapped in vices such as theft, drug trafficking, kidnapping, human slaughter e.t.c often due to poor or lack of parental care, absence of educational opportunities and general communal backwardness. Home-based bible study can also be useful in reaching the family who are usually large in number and sometimes dispersed around different locations. Such Home-based bible study programmes can be organized on an age group basis or by sex groups.

Needsi. 4(four) motorcycles for The Pastors

ii. Four-wheel drive vehicle for The Missionary

iii. 1(one) Megaphone amplifier for outreaches

iv. 60(sixty) plastic chairs for the 3(three) newly planted churches

v. Assistance for the newly planted churches to pay their pastors salary

vi. Building of auditoriums of worship for the newly planted churches.

vii. Sponsorship of 2(two) pastors in Theological schools

viii. Establishment of a mini hospital at Igbokoda to take care of the interior areas of the

Riverine areas that lack access to good medical care.

TestimonyA Pastor, Pastor Fajinmi Olabayo Matthew, was the target of a plot by a committee of witches in this area because of his effective service to the Lord. Their plan to distract and overcome him through the seduction of women failed. They also dispatched a top level officer in their camp to attack him but the said officer, disguised as a bird, was struck by the power of God, fell down, confessed openly and died.Prayer Points1. Prayers for victory over principalities and powers2. Deliverance of the people of the Ilaje-Apoi land from the stronghold of the worship of deities such as Ayelala, Oborowe, Imole.

3. Prayer for the establishment of Pastors in the word of God and His continued upholding strength.PRAYING TO BREAK THE YOKES OF CULTURES ON FAMILIES

The Christian Ministry to the family is all the clearly seen in the many homes and families that Jesus Christ touched during his physical walk on earth. Indeed, the place of the family was established in His divine work, because he was born to one and He made it a clear goal affirming the family as most glorified when the will of God was exalted and executed in any Home or family of persons ( Luke 8:19-22).

The Messianic manifesto of Isaiah 61:1 - to preach good tidings unto the meek, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound - is everywhere in the Gospels, impacting, transforming and bringing relief and joy to homes and families (Matthew 8:14, Matthew 9:23, Luke 10:5, Luke 10:38).

In the spirit of the Great Commission of our Messiah who has established the family universal by his precious sacrifice and redemptive power in Heaven and on Earth, we are called to reach out to families and homes upon whom the power of Christ is ever hovering and present to undo all that sin, Satan and the world has destroyed and maligned. These conditions and yokes include slavery, domestic, conflict, satanic traditions and false religions. The family, the Sacred Home, established by God to carry out His Eternal purpose on earth is in dire need of His salvation, deliverance and redemption. We are called to be His instruments of intercession and supplication to usher in the glorious manifestation of His kingdom over the families of the Earth (Zec. 12:10-13:1-2).

Prayer Time:1. Appreciate God in songs and worship for His great love for the entire Human race (John 3:16) and for His divine purpose to redeem families all over the world (Psalms 22:27).

2. Glorify God for families that have been transformed and established by the gospel and pray that God will keep upholding these families, whether in our churches, the mission fields and around the world in His grace and for His glory (Matthew 5:16).

3. Praise God for His victory over all powers, deception, strongholds and forces of bondage/oppression that contend with the Divine will of God for families (Psalms 68:6, Nahum 3:3-5, Isaiah 49:25) in our communities, in nations and countries of the world including those that are on various mission fields.

4. Let us ask God to specifically raise up families Himself, who will be models of His Kingdom( Acts 21:9, Isa 8:18, Gen 28:14, Job 42:13-16, 2 Timothy 1:5), battle axes to recover lost lands and souls ( Genesis 14:14-16, Isaiah 58:12) and keepers of the word of His testimony and faith (Jeremiah 35:2-18, Ezekiel 44:15-16).

5. Entreat the mercies of God for the fullness of His blessing over all families that make up our churches, mission fields, communities, nations and countries ( Psalms 144:3-15).

6. Bring all families that we have put forward and commended to God to the fountain of the life and blood of Jesus Christ that He will perfect all things concerning them ( 1 Thessalonians 5:23).

7. Praise and worship God because He cares for families.


We are prayerfully trusting God for a more fruitful mission thrust as He burdens and leads men to actualize the following:

1.Mobility: The purchase of 4 wheel drives for our Missionaries on Guffanti, Kamuku, Bassa, Ngara and Okigwe fields.


Adoption of Missionaries, Pastors and Churches. You may contact us for details, through the phone numbers projected in the booklet.


Adoption of Missionaries, Pastors and their Children for training

Theological training for indigenes (N150,000 per session)


Completion of mission houses in Billiri, Kamuku and Ogba/Egbema by the grace of God.

Note: We pray that these and more will become testimonies come next year, God willing, in Jesus' name. For further information, you can call any of these numbers 08034404498, 08035151115, 07030637949, 08027723984, 08159990501.

Fields, Missionaries and Phone Numbers

State Fields Missionary Phone Number

1. Abia

Umuahia Pastor & Mrs. Ezekiel Amusan080628439292. Adamawa Gyenye Rev. & Mrs. Shada


3. Akwa IbomAkwa IbomRev. & Mrs. Ekpeyong


4. Anambra

Awka/Onitsha Rev. & Mrs. J. Ige

080603345205. Benue

Igede --------------- -----------6.


Pastor & Mrs. Akintayo


(Mission Pastor) 7. Cross RiversIkom

Rev. & Mrs. R. Ify

080375145888. Delta


Pastor & Mrs. E. Orogun


9. Imo

Okigwe/OrluPastor & Mrs. I. Opayinka


10. Kebbi


Rev. Yusuf Demeh (Contact person) 0708783316511.

KyengawaPastor & Mrs. Oluwagbemi08035617391 12. Kogi


Rev. & Mrs. B. Okunlola

0803328071413. Niger


Rev. & Mrs. A. Kunga

0806553107214. Kamuku Pastor & Mrs. S. Lanza



Rev. & Mrs. J. Elewode

0703212701216. OndoIlaje

Rev. & Mrs. S. Akanbi


17. RiversEtche

Pastor & Sis. S. Ikwekwa


Ogba EgbemaPastor & Mrs. C. Oyelakin

0803413037519. Taraba


Rev. & Mrs. Ishaya D. Tiyari 0703926750520. Yobe

NgaraRev. John Mattew (Contact person)08035077355Appreciation to all Mission Stakeholders

Blessed be God who daily loads us with benefits, even the Lord God of our salvation. We thank God for all the Individuals, Organizations, Churches, Associations, Conferences and Mission friends outside the walls of the Convention; for releasing their time, gifts, resources and lives to do missions for Kingdom Growth.

To those who visited and prayed for the fields; sent recharge cards and letters to the Missionaries; adopted Churches; Pastors and indigenes to be trained both at school and in different vocation centres; sent Christmas and new year gifts to the Missionaries; trained Missionary children in schools and mobilized others for missions, we say thank you.

We also appreciate those who funded missions through their constant cash donations, mission foundations and endowment funds. We pray that the God of missions will reward your labour of love in abundance; and may the year be a year of bountiful harvest and decorations by the Lord for you all, in Jesus' name. Keep on exhibiting this passion of Christ for missions and you will never be found wanting in Jesus' name. Read Isaiah 58:11 and 60:5.

Thank you and God Bless you.


What commitment(s) do you want to make to God having read this booklet and observed the mission week in your Church? Kindly tick one or more of the boxes below and pray to God to help you to be faithful to it (them):

Pray for the Missionaries and Pastors on the fields.

Pray for the fields for great harvest of the Lord.

Visit the fields as led by the Lord this year.

Support missions in cash and kind

Train an indigene in our missions schools or theological institutions

Donate any strong vehicle or motorcycle this year for missions

Write letters or send texts through phones, e-mails to missionaries

Buy and send recharge cards to missionaries on the fields.

Mobilize people to do any of the above.God bless you.