GM Grazings - Girl Guides of Canada · Include Guiding on your resume. Employers connect important...

GM Grazings GM Grazings GM2016 Newsletter, Volume 6 July 14, 2016 1 Happy National Hot Dog Day! Contents Today’s Weather ............................................... 1 Today’s Happenings ....................................... 1 Contents ............................................................. 1 Mosaic Phonebook Fundraiser ................... 1 Thank You, GM2016! ....................................... 2 Back Pack Trail ................................................... 2 A Visit to the Kitchen ...................................... 2 Memonic Moment .......................................... 3 My Day................................................................. 3 Q&A with the Communications Team...... 4 Bunnyhugs......................................................... 4 Today’s Happenings Program Int’l: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines & Sri Lanka Cda: British Columbia Artist in Residence: Shannon Farquhar, Sculptor, Sylvan Lake International Night Today’s Weather 18° 10° Mosaic Phonebook Fundraiser Pathnders from Regina, SK let their ngers do the walking on the road to GM2016. Like all patrols at camp, the patrol of six at Glacier Peak sold cookies to raise travel funds, but this group also delivered phone books— 6,000 of them. Each girl averaged 800 - 1,100 phone books delivered throughout the city of Regina to businesses, homes, apartments, nursing homes and the university, and they were paid for each book delivered. “I did the university,” said Chloe Smith, “and we have a big university.” They also delivered yers as a fundraiser, which they did door- to-door, carrying the yers in backpacks. “It wasn’t as heavy a bag as I had to carry for Guiding Mosaic, but it was heavy,” said Kaitlin Zastrow. After all of this manual labor, the Regina patrol was happy to see Camp Woods wasn’t too spread out and was easily accessible. This patrol came to camp with a specic Saskatchewan crest for trading which has helped them to meet people from places they had never met people from before; - places like South Africa, Australia, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Nunavut. J Kim Penney GM2016 Journalist Front (L-R): Strummer Bailey, Ella Colvin, and Amanda Baardseth. Back (L-R): Sherry Thompson, Emily Hubick, Kiana Lipinski, Kaitlin Zastrow, Sarah Sweet, Chloe Smith and Marie Luciuk.

Transcript of GM Grazings - Girl Guides of Canada · Include Guiding on your resume. Employers connect important...

Page 1: GM Grazings - Girl Guides of Canada · Include Guiding on your resume. Employers connect important values such as work ethic, demand, ... Kiana Lipinski, Kaitlin Zastrow, Sarah Sweet,

GM GrazingsGM GrazingsGM2016 Newsletter, Volume 6 July 14, 2016


Happy National Hot Dog Day!

ContentsToday’s Weather ...............................................1Today’s Happenings .......................................1Contents .............................................................1Mosaic Phonebook Fundraiser ...................1Thank You, GM2016! .......................................2Back Pack Trail ...................................................2A Visit to the Kitchen ......................................2Memonic Moment ..........................................3My Day.................................................................3Q&A with the Communications Team ......4Bunnyhugs .........................................................4

Today’s HappeningsProgramInt’l: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines & Sri LankaCda: British ColumbiaArtist in Residence: Shannon Farquhar, Sculptor, Sylvan LakeInternational Night

Today’s Weather


Mosaic Phonebook FundraiserPathfinders from Regina, SK let their fingers do the walking on the road to GM2016.

Like all patrols at camp, the patrol of six at Glacier Peak sold cookies to raise travel funds, but this group also delivered phone books— 6,000 of them.

Each girl averaged 800 - 1,100 phone books delivered throughout the city of Regina to businesses, homes, apartments, nursing homes and the university, and they were paid for each book delivered.

“I did the university,” said Chloe Smith, “and we have a big university.”

They also delivered flyers as a fundraiser, which they did door-

to-door, carrying the flyers in backpacks.

“It wasn’t as heavy a bag as I had to carry for Guiding Mosaic, but it was heavy,” said Kaitlin Zastrow.

After all of this manual labor, the Regina patrol was happy to see Camp Woods wasn’t too spread out and was easily accessible.

This patrol came to camp with a specific Saskatchewan crest for trading which has helped them to meet people from places they had never met people from before; - places like South Africa, Australia, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Nunavut. J

Kim Penney GM2016 Journalist

Q&A with the Communications TeamOn Monday morning, some Ranger Media Arts program participants paid a visit to the Communications trailer. There, they had a chat with PR and Media heads Carrie and Laurie. While there, the Rangers observed and asked some questions to gain a better understanding of what goes on behind the scenes at GM2016.

Question: What is in the Communications trailer?

Answer: Public Relations heads Carrie and Laurie work in the trailer.

Q: What does your job entail?

A: As Carrie and Laurie head public relations and camp media, they are responsible for attracting media to camp and working with them while on site. They are also in charge of creating media advisories, which are write-ups that are sent out to the public about 2 days in advance, sharing information about camp.

At this point in the interview, a reporter from French CBC Radio called, requesting an interview about camp life. A challenge that was brought to light was that a fluent French-speaking girl was needed fast. In order for the interview to be taped (easier than doing it live), it had to be recorded by mid-day.

Q: Is monitoring the GM2016 social media accounts part of your job?

A: Carrie and Laurie run the GM2016 Flickr account. The rest of the social media accounts are monitored by another team.

Q: Why do you use Flickr?

A: Flickr is a media that displays

photos that are “more professional.” The main purpose of the GM2016 Flickr account is to highlight samples of these photos for the media to pick up on when they want to bring GM2016 to the public eye. Carrie and Laurie also shared that when posting photos, a PR group must think of what sells pictures and stories to newspapers. From many years of experience, they shared that news groups tend to prefer featuring action shots, as well as photos with people in them.

Q: How many photos would be typically sent for a media release?

A: It depends on the content you’re sharing. For example, on a recent media release, three different photos were sent to local media, but different groups chose to feature different photos.

Q: What would be an example of a recent GM2016 media release?

A: The most recent story produced from the GM2016 PR team was an explanation of opening ceremonies and all the events surrounding it. This, again, is to pique interest within the media about GM.

Q: What kind of hours do you work?

A: Hours for a PR person are long, late, and odd. Carrie and Laurie shared with us that yesterday was an 18-hour day for them due to news groups contacting them about GM2016, which can become quite stressful.

Tip from Carrie and Laurie: Always look after yourself, no matter what field you are in. Set aside a time every day to check in with yourself and do something that you want to do.

Q: If we’re all inside camp, why is it important to spread the word about GM2016 in the outside world?

A: Obviously, promoting GM2016 is also an opportunity to promote Girl Guides, and the amazing things happening inside GM2016. Courageous girls are pushing personal boundaries, proving that girls can indeed do anything they put their mind to.

Tip from Carrie and Laurie: Include Guiding on your resume. Employers connect important values such as work ethic, demand, and respect with Guiding.

We thank Carrie and Laurie from the PR Team for giving us insight into their role at camp. If you see these ladies around camp, be sure to say hi and thank them for helping to make GM2016 great! J

Caitlin Harte, NL03 Ranger Media Arts

Front (L-R): Strummer Bailey, Ella Colvin, and Amanda Baardseth. Back (L-R): Sherry Thompson, Emily Hubick, Kiana Lipinski, Kaitlin Zastrow, Sarah

Sweet, Chloe Smith and Marie Luciuk.

BunnyhugsThis camp is an awesome camp. Today I learned something new. The thing I learned was that no one really calls hoodies “bunnyhugs”, and that it is a word that just Saskatchewan people use. What most people out of Saskatchewan call it is a hoodie or sweater. But I call it a bunnyhug. This experience was amazing.J

Kyanna Zoller Makwa Ridge

“What do you call an empty jar of Cheez Whiz?”

Cheez Was!

Ashly N. Smith, 48th AB Patrol, Mount Cardinal

Page 2: GM Grazings - Girl Guides of Canada · Include Guiding on your resume. Employers connect important values such as work ethic, demand, ... Kiana Lipinski, Kaitlin Zastrow, Sarah Sweet,

2 3

Family Reunion at GMYou just have to spend a minute talking with cousins Sydney Pedersen of Calgary, AB and Rebecca Todd of Greenwood, NS to tell how excited they are to be together at GM2016.

The two girls haven’t seen each other in six years, and live on opposite ends of the country. They each signed on to Guiding Mosaic without knowing the other would be attending, and as luck should have it, they were assigned the same village—Jackpine.

“It’s crazy. I didn’t expect that,” said Sydney.

They talk over one another in their excitement to get their story out, and tell how Sydney arrived on site fi rst, and kept checking for Rebecca’s arrival.

“When I saw her I recognized her hair and yelled, Rebecca, and we started to run towards each other,” said Sydney. “Rebecca called out my name, and started running towards me.”

“We almost both cried,” said Rebecca.

But their story doesn’t end there. Rebecca’s mother, Megan Todd,

and her sister, Ainsley Todd, are also attending GM 2016— Megan as Core Crew and Ainsley at Totem Tower.

“I hit the family jackpot,” said Sydney, who celebrated her 14th birthday at camp. While Rebecca’s birthday isn’t at camp, it is on Thinking Day!

It’s been a diff erent birthday,

“but I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” said Sydney, which sends the two “traders” into giggles.

Neither girl is looking forward to the end of camp and having to part ways.

“Saying good-bye is going to be the hardest thing ever,” said Sydney. “There’s going to be tears.” J

Kim PenneyGM2016 Journalist

Rebecca Todd and Sydney Pedersen are cousins reunited at GM2016.

A Visit to the KitchenWe were fortunate enough to have a tour of the kitchen, led by Manager Robert, with Food Services head, Liz.

While seeking out Liz to ask a few questions, we were invited on a tour of the place where the magic (food) happens.

Our tour started out in the cold storage trailer, where all frozen foods are stored. Robert explained that the trailer (which seemed very full to us) was in fact quite empty, and that a new shipment would be arriving the next morning. The cooler was stocked with fresh fruit, taters, chicken, and more. The purpose of this trailer is to keep food cool before being used.

Next, we entered the pantry trailer, where any food that does not need to be kept cold is stored. This includes Rice Krispie squares, plates, cutlery, and cereals. We learned that 1000 plates and 250 pieces of cutlery come in each box, which disappears very quickly when you are feeding over 2700 mouths each day!

The next stop on our tour was kitchen trailer 1. Here, the fabulous chefs were busy preparing the meat for that night’s meal. The kitchen trailer includes HUGE ovens as well as walk-in fridges. The trailer was practically a sauna, but it sure smelled like heaven!

Kitchen 2 was up next. Vegetables were being prepared here, and it was almost identical to kitchen 1.

Though we couldn’t visit due to concern of cross-contamination,

we were told that the third kitchen was solely for preparing special meals for those with allergies, gluten intolerances, and vegetarians.

Next, we visited the mini-freezer, where the food for that day is stored so it is out and ready to go when needed, yet still being kept cold.

The preparation tent was up next. Inside, the chefs were busy pre-paring platters and bottling juice to be served for the night’s meal.

The fi nal stop was the dishwasher trailers. Fully equipped with sinks, special machines, and hose-style faucets, this is where all dishes used in preparation are washed and put away in their proper trailer.

After taking this tour, we realized just how lucky we are to have such amazing people preparing such delicious meals for us, as well as how fortunate we are to have this food to eat.

Thank you not just to Robert and Liz for the awesome tour, but to the wonderful kitchen staff who work very hard to keep us full on our Great Canadian Adventure! J

Lillian Blain and Caitlin Harte, NL03 Ranger Media Arts

“Congratulations on your 13th National/International camp, and welcome to all international campers! I am confi dent your time spent together will be a valuable, fun, and memorable experience. As a young immigrant

to Canada, Brownies and Girl Guides were important for my sense of belonging as I integrated into new culture, schools, language, and friendships. The local Brownie pack at my school in Vancouver Quadra welcomed me with open arms, just as they do for so many girls today. I applaud the Guiding leaders for your volunteer work

supporting the personal and social development of young people, and I wish each of the leaders and campers all the best for Guiding Mosaic 2016! “ - Joyce Murray, MP Vancouver Quadra

Mnemonic MomentA mnemonic is a memory aid like an abbreviation, rhyme or mental image that helps you remember. Can’t spell Saskatchewan? Use this memonic.













My DayRainy, cold, dreary, yuck!Spirituality, smudging, drumming, singing!Shower time!Knots, twists, whips clips!Day done.

Kathleen Dolan, Roche Bonhomme

Thank You, GM2016!As a Guider in the trenches with the girls every day, I hope that one day they realize how lucky they have been to participate in such an amazing event as GM2016. As Guiders we keep them happy, warm and fed. We teach them and encourage them; we try to help them become beautiful young women. As this thought crosses my mind, I laugh and realize that after many years with Guiding it has done the same for me… growing through mid-life. I hope Guiding helps me to be all I can and “guides” me to a beautiful sunset! J

Niki Smith, 48th AB PatrolMount Cardinal

Back Pack TrailErin Eacott, leader with the 2nd Edmonton Guide unit, took a group of campers backpacking in the Lake Louise area. They spent 4 days/3 nights in the wilderness of the Rockies on the Skoki trail.

Erin, an experienced wilderness camper, immensely enjoyed sharing the beautiful mountain views with the girls and seeing “the girls challenging themselves and doing new things.” J

Edith Cuerrier, GM2016 Photographer

Page 3: GM Grazings - Girl Guides of Canada · Include Guiding on your resume. Employers connect important values such as work ethic, demand, ... Kiana Lipinski, Kaitlin Zastrow, Sarah Sweet,

2 3

Family Reunion at GMYou just have to spend a minute talking with cousins Sydney Pedersen of Calgary, AB and Rebecca Todd of Greenwood, NS to tell how excited they are to be together at GM2016.

The two girls haven’t seen each other in six years, and live on opposite ends of the country. They each signed on to Guiding Mosaic without knowing the other would be attending, and as luck should have it, they were assigned the same village—Jackpine.

“It’s crazy. I didn’t expect that,” said Sydney.

They talk over one another in their excitement to get their story out, and tell how Sydney arrived on site fi rst, and kept checking for Rebecca’s arrival.

“When I saw her I recognized her hair and yelled, Rebecca, and we started to run towards each other,” said Sydney. “Rebecca called out my name, and started running towards me.”

“We almost both cried,” said Rebecca.

But their story doesn’t end there. Rebecca’s mother, Megan Todd,

and her sister, Ainsley Todd, are also attending GM 2016— Megan as Core Crew and Ainsley at Totem Tower.

“I hit the family jackpot,” said Sydney, who celebrated her 14th birthday at camp. While Rebecca’s birthday isn’t at camp, it is on Thinking Day!

It’s been a diff erent birthday,

“but I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” said Sydney, which sends the two “traders” into giggles.

Neither girl is looking forward to the end of camp and having to part ways.

“Saying good-bye is going to be the hardest thing ever,” said Sydney. “There’s going to be tears.” J

Kim PenneyGM2016 Journalist

Rebecca Todd and Sydney Pedersen are cousins reunited at GM2016.

A Visit to the KitchenWe were fortunate enough to have a tour of the kitchen, led by Manager Robert, with Food Services head, Liz.

While seeking out Liz to ask a few questions, we were invited on a tour of the place where the magic (food) happens.

Our tour started out in the cold storage trailer, where all frozen foods are stored. Robert explained that the trailer (which seemed very full to us) was in fact quite empty, and that a new shipment would be arriving the next morning. The cooler was stocked with fresh fruit, taters, chicken, and more. The purpose of this trailer is to keep food cool before being used.

Next, we entered the pantry trailer, where any food that does not need to be kept cold is stored. This includes Rice Krispie squares, plates, cutlery, and cereals. We learned that 1000 plates and 250 pieces of cutlery come in each box, which disappears very quickly when you are feeding over 2700 mouths each day!

The next stop on our tour was kitchen trailer 1. Here, the fabulous chefs were busy preparing the meat for that night’s meal. The kitchen trailer includes HUGE ovens as well as walk-in fridges. The trailer was practically a sauna, but it sure smelled like heaven!

Kitchen 2 was up next. Vegetables were being prepared here, and it was almost identical to kitchen 1.

Though we couldn’t visit due to concern of cross-contamination,

we were told that the third kitchen was solely for preparing special meals for those with allergies, gluten intolerances, and vegetarians.

Next, we visited the mini-freezer, where the food for that day is stored so it is out and ready to go when needed, yet still being kept cold.

The preparation tent was up next. Inside, the chefs were busy pre-paring platters and bottling juice to be served for the night’s meal.

The fi nal stop was the dishwasher trailers. Fully equipped with sinks, special machines, and hose-style faucets, this is where all dishes used in preparation are washed and put away in their proper trailer.

After taking this tour, we realized just how lucky we are to have such amazing people preparing such delicious meals for us, as well as how fortunate we are to have this food to eat.

Thank you not just to Robert and Liz for the awesome tour, but to the wonderful kitchen staff who work very hard to keep us full on our Great Canadian Adventure! J

Lillian Blain and Caitlin Harte, NL03 Ranger Media Arts

“Congratulations on your 13th National/International camp, and welcome to all international campers! I am confi dent your time spent together will be a valuable, fun, and memorable experience. As a young immigrant

to Canada, Brownies and Girl Guides were important for my sense of belonging as I integrated into new culture, schools, language, and friendships. The local Brownie pack at my school in Vancouver Quadra welcomed me with open arms, just as they do for so many girls today. I applaud the Guiding leaders for your volunteer work

supporting the personal and social development of young people, and I wish each of the leaders and campers all the best for Guiding Mosaic 2016! “ - Joyce Murray, MP Vancouver Quadra

Mnemonic MomentA mnemonic is a memory aid like an abbreviation, rhyme or mental image that helps you remember. Can’t spell Saskatchewan? Use this memonic.













My DayRainy, cold, dreary, yuck!Spirituality, smudging, drumming, singing!Shower time!Knots, twists, whips clips!Day done.

Kathleen Dolan, Roche Bonhomme

Thank You, GM2016!As a Guider in the trenches with the girls every day, I hope that one day they realize how lucky they have been to participate in such an amazing event as GM2016. As Guiders we keep them happy, warm and fed. We teach them and encourage them; we try to help them become beautiful young women. As this thought crosses my mind, I laugh and realize that after many years with Guiding it has done the same for me… growing through mid-life. I hope Guiding helps me to be all I can and “guides” me to a beautiful sunset! J

Niki Smith, 48th AB PatrolMount Cardinal

Back Pack TrailErin Eacott, leader with the 2nd Edmonton Guide unit, took a group of campers backpacking in the Lake Louise area. They spent 4 days/3 nights in the wilderness of the Rockies on the Skoki trail.

Erin, an experienced wilderness camper, immensely enjoyed sharing the beautiful mountain views with the girls and seeing “the girls challenging themselves and doing new things.” J

Edith Cuerrier, GM2016 Photographer

Page 4: GM Grazings - Girl Guides of Canada · Include Guiding on your resume. Employers connect important values such as work ethic, demand, ... Kiana Lipinski, Kaitlin Zastrow, Sarah Sweet,

GM GrazingsGM GrazingsGM2016 Newsletter, Volume 6 July 14, 2016


Happy National Hot Dog Day!

ContentsToday’s Weather ...............................................1Today’s Happenings .......................................1Contents .............................................................1Mosaic Phonebook Fundraiser ...................1Thank You, GM2016! .......................................2Back Pack Trail ...................................................2A Visit to the Kitchen ......................................2Memonic Moment ..........................................3My Day.................................................................3Q&A with the Communications Team ......4Bunnyhugs .........................................................4

Today’s HappeningsProgramInt’l: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines & Sri LankaCda: British ColumbiaArtist in Residence: Shannon Farquhar, Sculptor, Sylvan LakeInternational Night

Today’s Weather


Mosaic Phonebook FundraiserPathfinders from Regina, SK let their fingers do the walking on the road to GM2016.

Like all patrols at camp, the patrol of six at Glacier Peak sold cookies to raise travel funds, but this group also delivered phone books— 6,000 of them.

Each girl averaged 800 - 1,100 phone books delivered throughout the city of Regina to businesses, homes, apartments, nursing homes and the university, and they were paid for each book delivered.

“I did the university,” said Chloe Smith, “and we have a big university.”

They also delivered flyers as a fundraiser, which they did door-

to-door, carrying the flyers in backpacks.

“It wasn’t as heavy a bag as I had to carry for Guiding Mosaic, but it was heavy,” said Kaitlin Zastrow.

After all of this manual labor, the Regina patrol was happy to see Camp Woods wasn’t too spread out and was easily accessible.

This patrol came to camp with a specific Saskatchewan crest for trading which has helped them to meet people from places they had never met people from before; - places like South Africa, Australia, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Nunavut. J

Kim Penney GM2016 Journalist

Q&A with the Communications TeamOn Monday morning, some Ranger Media Arts program participants paid a visit to the Communications trailer. There, they had a chat with PR and Media heads Carrie and Laurie. While there, the Rangers observed and asked some questions to gain a better understanding of what goes on behind the scenes at GM2016.

Question: What is in the Communications trailer?

Answer: Public Relations heads Carrie and Laurie work in the trailer.

Q: What does your job entail?

A: As Carrie and Laurie head public relations and camp media, they are responsible for attracting media to camp and working with them while on site. They are also in charge of creating media advisories, which are write-ups that are sent out to the public about 2 days in advance, sharing information about camp.

At this point in the interview, a reporter from French CBC Radio called, requesting an interview about camp life. A challenge that was brought to light was that a fluent French-speaking girl was needed fast. In order for the interview to be taped (easier than doing it live), it had to be recorded by mid-day.

Q: Is monitoring the GM2016 social media accounts part of your job?

A: Carrie and Laurie run the GM2016 Flickr account. The rest of the social media accounts are monitored by another team.

Q: Why do you use Flickr?

A: Flickr is a media that displays

photos that are “more professional.” The main purpose of the GM2016 Flickr account is to highlight samples of these photos for the media to pick up on when they want to bring GM2016 to the public eye. Carrie and Laurie also shared that when posting photos, a PR group must think of what sells pictures and stories to newspapers. From many years of experience, they shared that news groups tend to prefer featuring action shots, as well as photos with people in them.

Q: How many photos would be typically sent for a media release?

A: It depends on the content you’re sharing. For example, on a recent media release, three different photos were sent to local media, but different groups chose to feature different photos.

Q: What would be an example of a recent GM2016 media release?

A: The most recent story produced from the GM2016 PR team was an explanation of opening ceremonies and all the events surrounding it. This, again, is to pique interest within the media about GM.

Q: What kind of hours do you work?

A: Hours for a PR person are long, late, and odd. Carrie and Laurie shared with us that yesterday was an 18-hour day for them due to news groups contacting them about GM2016, which can become quite stressful.

Tip from Carrie and Laurie: Always look after yourself, no matter what field you are in. Set aside a time every day to check in with yourself and do something that you want to do.

Q: If we’re all inside camp, why is it important to spread the word about GM2016 in the outside world?

A: Obviously, promoting GM2016 is also an opportunity to promote Girl Guides, and the amazing things happening inside GM2016. Courageous girls are pushing personal boundaries, proving that girls can indeed do anything they put their mind to.

Tip from Carrie and Laurie: Include Guiding on your resume. Employers connect important values such as work ethic, demand, and respect with Guiding.

We thank Carrie and Laurie from the PR Team for giving us insight into their role at camp. If you see these ladies around camp, be sure to say hi and thank them for helping to make GM2016 great! J

Caitlin Harte, NL03 Ranger Media Arts

Front (L-R): Strummer Bailey, Ella Colvin, and Amanda Baardseth. Back (L-R): Sherry Thompson, Emily Hubick, Kiana Lipinski, Kaitlin Zastrow, Sarah

Sweet, Chloe Smith and Marie Luciuk.

BunnyhugsThis camp is an awesome camp. Today I learned something new. The thing I learned was that no one really calls hoodies “bunnyhugs”, and that it is a word that just Saskatchewan people use. What most people out of Saskatchewan call it is a hoodie or sweater. But I call it a bunnyhug. This experience was amazing.J

Kyanna Zoller Makwa Ridge

“What do you call an empty jar of Cheez Whiz?”

Cheez Was!

Ashly N. Smith, 48th AB Patrol, Mount Cardinal