Glyn Moody TAFTA/TTIP talk at re:publica 14

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Transcript of Glyn Moody TAFTA/TTIP talk at re:publica 14

transatlantic trade & investment partnership

glyn moody

transatlantic trade

EU+USone half world's GDP

one third of world trade flows

EUUS trade 500bn (2012)

trade agreement to reduce costs

tariffsunder 3%

TTIP is not a traditional trade agreement (except in its lack of transparency)

non-tariff barriers (NTBs)

different regulations in EU, UShealth, safety, environment, labour, financial

EU bans on GMOs, chlorine washing for chickens, hormones in beef; greater data protection

for citizens welfare enhancing

cultural expressions

for TTIP: "trade irritants"

tackling NTBs

levelling down - EU says no

levelling up - US says no

mutual recognitionchemicals in cosmetics1300 ingredients banned in EU

11 ingredients banned in US

1289 chemicals banned in EU could be used in US products sold here

(future) convergence

regulatory council

"living agreement" - De Gucht

"Horizontal Chapter on Regulatory Coherence"

"impact assessment/cost benefit analysis on proposed regulatory measures covered by this Chapter, should assess impacts on international and in particular transatlantic trade"

dilute/block legislation at a very early stage

investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS)

basic idea is to protect investors from arbitrary government actions or weak court systems in developing countries

achieved by allowing companies to take action directly against governments

using specialist external tribunals3 lawyers, meeting in secret

ISDS (1)

over 500 cases (since 1987)Ecuador - oil contract ($1.77bn)

Germany - phasing out nuclear power (3.7bn; Energy Charter)

Canada fracking ban ($250m)

Canada - Eli Lilly patents ($500m)

Australia, Uruguay adding warnings to cigarette packs ($2bn)

2013 saw 57 more; Czech Rep. (7), Spain (6), Croatia (2), Hungary (2), Slovakia (2), Greece (1)

ISDS (2)

EU - fracking, GMOs, pesticide bans; labour laws; software patents etc

14,400 US companies with 50,800 European subsidiariesISDS a ticking trade time-bomb

even European Commission trying to "improve" ISDS

chilling effect on future policyCanada's experience under NAFTA

do we need ISDS?

"US investment in the EU is 3 times higher than in all of Asia"

"EU investment in US is around 8 times the amount of EU investment in India and China together."

US invested 1.3 trillion in EU

EU invested 1.4 trillion in US

no problem to solve; no need

insurance (World Bank)ISDS = socialisation of risk

TTIP benefits (1)

Bertelsmann Stiftung (June 2013)"The leveling of the barriers with the USA thus leads to a decline in trade that came about as a result of preferential treatment of intra-European trade flow"

intra-EU exports fall by 25%-41%

drop by 650bn/year

TTIP would hollow out the EU economically

TTIP benefits (2)

Centre for Economic Policy Research (March 2013)for European Commission

tariffs only: extra EU GDP of 24bn - 0.1% of GDP

ambitious comprehensive: 50% of "actionable" NTB removed

extra EU GDP of 119bn - 0.48%

extra 90bn for US GDP, extra 100bn for rest of world

TTIP benefits (3)

"ambitious comprehensive" forecast gives extra 0.48%

in *2027* - 0.48% is cumulative GDP boost over 10 years

GDP growth is measured year-on-year - how much GDP goes up *in a year* (UK 2013: 1.7%)

on average, extra GDP growth per year resulting from TTIP will be O.05%

TTIP costs

OFSE report (31 March 2014)for GUE/NGL (Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left)

forgone tariffs - 30bn

labour adjustment costs - 10bn

forgone tax income and social security contributions - 7bn

ISDS - billions of Euros

social costs of regulatory changehealth costs, ecosystem costs, amenity loss, cultural loss

is it worth it?

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