Glossar English Arabic

zIMF Glossary WEB – April 2013 – English‐Arabic Page 1 The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF. English Arabic 100 percent reserve banking narrow banking صيرفةكاملة الياطياتحت ا الضيقة الصيرفة16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP 16 تغير بشأنطارية ا المتحدةمم اتفاقية ا فيطراف ل عشرادس الس المؤتمرلمناخ ا1977 Decision on Surveillance over Exchange Rate Policies 1977 Surveillance Decision عام قرار١٩٧٧ بالرقابة المعني عام قرار١٩٧٧ الصرف سعر سياسات على بالرقابة المعني1995 ESA ESA 1995 European system of accounts 1995 لعاملحسابات لوروبي النظام ا١٩٩٥ 2007 Decision on Bilateral Surveillance عام قرار2007 لثنائية ا بالرقابة المعني21st Century Initiative [WB] والعشرينلحادي ا القرن مبادرة21st Century Strategy [OECD] Strategy 21 S-21 والعشرينلحادي ا القرن استراتيجية75th percentile method لخامس اني المئي طريقة والسبعينa few يل قل عددa number of [IMF] من عدد

Transcript of Glossar English Arabic

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page1The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    100 percent reserve banking narrow banking

    16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP 16

    1977 Decision on Surveillance over Exchange Rate Policies 1977 Surveillance Decision

    1995 ESA ESA 1995 European system of accounts 1995

    2007 Decision on Bilateral Surveillance


    21st Century Initiative [WB]

    21st Century Strategy [OECD] Strategy 21 S-21

    75th percentile method

    a few

    a number of [IMF]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page2The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    AAA bank

    AAA debtor

    AAA rating triple-A rating


    abate, to


    ABCP Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility AMLF


    above face value [securities] above par above par value at a premium

    above par value

    above the line

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page3The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    above-the-line item [budget] above-the-line entry

    absentee rate

    absolute advantage

    absolute exchange rate

    absolute poverty

    absolute value

    absolutely converging


    absorbed company [enterprises]

    absorbing company [enterprises] surviving company


    absorption approach to the balance of trade absorption approach

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page4The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    absorptive capacity absorption capacity

    abstract number

    abstract of title

    Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic Development ADFAED

    Abu Dhabi Securities Market ADSM

    abuse of law

    abuse of power

    academic qualifications

    Accelerated Access Initiative [World Bank]

    accelerated and shared growth initiative [South Africa] ASGI-SA

    accelerated cost recovery system ACRS

    accelerated purchase

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page5The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    accelerated rate of depreciation accelerated depreciation

    acceleration clause

    accelerator principle accelerator

    acceptance credit

    acceptance house

    acceptance limit [SDR designation]

    ) (

    acceptance of membership [BL]

    acceptance of SDRs

    acceptance sampling

    access limit [IMF]

    access policy and access limits [IMF]

  • 6egaP cibarAhsilgnE3102lirpABEWyrassolGFMIz .FMI eht fo noissimrep nettirw roirp tuohtiw mrof yna ni detanimessid eb ton yam niereh atad ehT

    cibarA hsilgnE

    ycilop ssecca ]FMI[

    ytilicaf a ot ssecca ]FMI[

    tekram eht ot ssecca

    ytilibissecca ]FAQD[

    ( )

    yrtnuoc noissecca

    ycilop level-ssecca

    egamad latnedicca ]5MPB[

    [ 3991 - ]

    ot deen ,etadommocca


    gnitadommocca ]POB[

    [ 3991 - ]

    llib noitadommocca


  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page7The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    accommodative monetary policy accommodating policy accommodating stance accommodation easy monetary policy monetary accommodation

    Accord Implementation Group AIG

    account mandate [banking]

    accountability [GFSM]

    Accountant [IMF-FIN]

    Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions [FSIG] AAOIFI

    accounting basis

    accounting concept

    accounting conventions [GDDS]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page8The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    accounting cross exchange rate

    accounting currency

    accounting date [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    accounting equation balance sheet equation accounting identity

    Accounting Office Court of Accounts

    accounting period

    accounting practices accounting methods accounting procedures

    accounting rate book rate

    accounting standards accounting principles accounting rules

    accounting system

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page9The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    accounting unit accounting entity

    accounts and departments [IMF]

    Accounts and Financial Reports Division

    accounts of the IMF in member countries IMF accounts in member countries

    Accounts Payable Unit [FIN/AX/AP]

    accounts payable payables

    accounts receivable

    Accra Agenda for Action AAA Triple A

    accrual basis

    accrual basis accounting accrual accounting

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page10The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    accruals [accounting]

    accrued annual leave [IMF-HRD]

    accrued charges [IMF]

    accrued expenses [accounting]

    accrued income accrued revenue accrued asset

    accrued interest

    accrued interest receivable

    accrued sick leave [IMF-HRD]

    accrued to the date of liquidation [AA]

    accruing liabilities

    accumulated depreciation accrued depreciation

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page11The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    accumulation account

    accumulation flows

    accumulation of arrears

    accumulation of external arrears

    accuracy and reliability [DQAF]

    acid rain

    acid-test ratio [USA] quick asset ratio quick ratio cash ratio [corporations] absolute liquid ratio

    ACP-EEC Convention (between the African, Caribbean, and Pacific States and the European Economic Community) Lom Convention

    acquaintance mission [IMF] exploratory mission

    acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS


  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page12The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    acquired rights clause grandfather clause

    acquiring bank

    acquis communautaire


    acquisition approach [CPI; GFSM 2001; MFSM 2000] acquisition approach to interest expense

    acquisition cost

    acquisition of non-produced, nonfinancial assets [BPM5, SNA]

    ] - 1993 [

    acquisition of SDRs [IMF]


    ) ()Acropolypse(

    across-the-board ex-post sequestration

    across-the-board protectionist measures

    act of consent [IMF quotas]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page13The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    act of God natural disaster


    Acting ... [IMF]


    action of the Fund relating to restrictions [AA]

    ] -1993 [

    Action Program for Development

    actionable subsidy


    activation review [CCL]

    active account

    active claim

    active investor

    active labor market programs [World Bank] ALMPs

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page14The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    active management

    active money

    activist policy discretionary policy active policy

    activity ratio

    activity report [IMF]

    actual exchange rate

    actual final consumption

    actual GNP

    actual income

    actual interest yield effective yield

    actual rate of return

    actual revenues/expenditures



  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page15The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    actuarial deficit

    actuarial reserve [insurance]

    actuarial valuation actuary's valuation

    Ad Hoc Committee on International Terrorism

    Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System [UN]

    Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices [UNCTAD]

    ad hoc quota boosters

    ad hoc quota increase

    ad hoc request [IMF quotas]

    ad referendum

    ) (

    ad valorem royalty AVR

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page16The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    ad valorem tariff

    ad valorem [taxation]

    adaptable program loan [IBRD] APL

    Adaptation Fund

    adaptive efficiency

    adaptive expectations

    adaptive research


    additive operation [mathematics]


    add-on account [retirement pensions]

    adequacy of financing

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page17The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    adequacy of reserves reserves adequacy

    adequacy of the Fund's financial resources

    adequate safeguards [IMF]

    adjoint matrix

    adjustable exchange rate

    adjustable rate mortgage ARM adjustable-mortgage loan AML variable-rate mortgage VRM

    adjustable rate floating interest rate floating rate variable rate variable-rate interest

    adjusted overall fiscal balance [GFSM 2001]

    adjustment equation

    adjustment fatigue

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page18The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    adjustment of charges [IMF]

    adjustment of quotas [IMF]

    adjustment of the peg

    adjustment path

    adjustment process

    adjustment program [IMF]

    adjustment to cash basis [IFS] adjustment to cash

    adjustment transaction [GFS 1986]

    adjustment with growth

    Administered Account - country [IMF - contribution from a country]

    ) (

    Administered Account for Selected Fund Activities - Japan [IMF]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page19The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Administered Account [IMF]

    administered price controlled price administrative price

    administration of control [AREAER]

    administration of liquidation [AA]

    ] -1993 [

    administration of restrictions [IMF]

    administration order [UK]

    administrative action

    Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director [IMF-OED]

    Administrative Assistant [IMF]

    administrative budget [IMF]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page20The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Administrative Circular [IMF document series; AC/...] AC

    Administrative Committee on Coordination [UN] ACC

    Administrative Division [INS/AV]

    Administrative Expenditures and Control Division [FIN/AX] AECD

    administrative expenses [IMF] administrative costs

    administrative fees and charges [GFS 1986]

    administrative law

    Administrative Law Unit [IMF-LEG]

    administrative machinery

    Administrative Officer [IMF] AO

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page21The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Administrative Payments Section [FIN/AX/AP]

    administrative receiver [insolvency, UK] receiver

    administrative receivership [insolvency, UK]

    Administrative Services Division

    Administrative Services [TGS/D]

    Administrative Tribunal [IMF]

    administrator [insolvency, UK]

    ADR ADS American depositary receipt [USA] American depositary share


    advance deposit import deposit

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page22The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    advance mission [IMF]

    advance payment

    advance payment bond

    advance redemption advance repayment

    advance release calendar ARC

    advanced country

    advancement of women

    adverse feedback loop negative feedback loop

    adverse option [audit] adverse opinion adverse audit opinion

    adverse selection [banking; insurance]

    advertising, market research, and public opinion polling [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page23The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Advisor on Diversity, Senior [IMF-HRD]

    Advisor on Work Practices [IMF-OMD]

    Advisor to the Executive Director [IMF-OED]

    Advisor [IMF]

    Advisor, Senior [IMF]

    Advisory Committee on Risk Management ACRM

    Advisory Group on Sub-Saharan Africa AGSA

    advisory opinion

    advisory report [IMF]

    advocacy role [IMF, capital account liberalization]


  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page24The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    affiliated enterprise affiliate

    affirmative action

    affirmative covenant positive covenant

    affluence test means test

    affluent society

    Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund [IBRD]

    Afghanistan The Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan

    Africa Action Plan [G-8] G8 Africa Action Plan Kananaskis Africa Action Plan

    Africa Capacity Building Initiative [IMF]

    Africa Enterprise Fund [IBRD-IFC] AEF

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page25The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Africa Guarantee Facility AGF

    Africa Project Development Facility [AfDB-IFC-UNDP] APDF

    Africa Regional Division [MCM/R1]

    African Capacity Building Foundation ACBF

    African Capacity Building Fund

    African Capacity Building Initiative [IBRD-AfDB-UNDP] ACBI

    African Capacity Building Trust Fund [World Bank] Capacity Building Trust Fund [World Bank] CBTF

    African Caucus [IMF]

    ) ( ) (

    African Centre for Monetary Studies ACMS

    African Common Market

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page26The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    African Consultative Group ACG

    African countries of the franc zone African countries of the CFA zone

    African Cultural Institute ACI

    African Department [IMF] AFR

    African Development Bank AfDB ADB

    African Development Fund AfDF ADF

    African Development Report

    African Division [INS/AC]

    African Economic Policy Reform Program AEPRP

    African Economic Research Consortium AERC

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page27The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    African Enterprise Fund FEA

    African Export-Import Bank AFREXIMBANK

    African Financial Community [BCEAO] CFA

    African Forum and Network on Debt and Development AFRODAD

    African Groundnut Council AGC

    African Group I [IMF-IBRD] Africa Group I Constituency

    )1( )1(

    African Group II [IMF-IBRD] Africa Group II Constituency

    )2( )2(

    African Group [IMF-IBRD] Group of African Governors African Caucus

    African Growth and Opportunity Act [USA] AGOA

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page28The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    African Institute for Economic and Social Development

    African Institute for Economic Development and Planning [ECA] IDEP

    African Institute of Informatics

    African Management Services Company [World Bank] AMSCO

    African National Congress

    African peer review mechanism [NEPAD] APRM

    African Platform of Action [UN; World Conference on Women]

    African Regional Technical Assistance Center AFRITAC

    African Round Table

    African Trade Centre [ECA]

    African Union AU

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page29The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    African Virtual University AVU

    ) (

    African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States ACP Group ACP States

    Africa's Priority Programme for Economic Recovery, 1986-1990 [UN]


    Afro-Latin Seminar on International Trade Law and Policy [IBRD]


    after taxes

    age analysis (of accounts)



    agency bank

    agency bond agency debt

    agency debenture

    agency debt market

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page30The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    agency fee [capital market]

    Agency for Air Traffic Safety in Africa and Madagascar [Madagascar] ASECNA

    Agency for International Development [USA] AID USAID

    agency transaction [GFS 1986]

    Agenda 2010 [GER]


    Agenda 21 [UNCED] Environment and Development Agenda Program of Action for Sustainable Development [UN]

    Agenda and Procedures Committee [IMF] APC

    Agenda for Development

    agenda [IMF, Executive Board]


  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page31The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Agenda Executive Board Agenda [IMF document series]


    agent's fees [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [


    agglomeration economies

    agglomeration urban agglomeration

    agglomerative hierarchical methods

    aggregate calculated quota share

    aggregate data

    aggregate demand

    aggregate demand function

    aggregate poverty reduction

    aggregate real gross national product aggregate real GNP

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page32The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    aggregate supply

    aggregate supply function

    aggregate time series

    aggregating body [EITI, Mining Reporting Guidelines]


    aggregation bias

    aggregation point sampling

    aggregation, degree of

    aggregator bank bad bank

    aggressive investor

    aggressive tax planning

    aging of the population aging population

    agreed higher limit [IMF, access policy]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page33The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    agreed minute [Paris Club]


    agreement in principle [debt restructuring]

    Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures [WTO] ASCM

    Agreement on the European Economic Area [EU] EEA Agreement

    agreement, use by [SDR]

    agribusiness agroindustries

    agricultural crops crops

    Agricultural Development Bank AgBank

    agricultural exporter

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page34The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    agricultural extension services agricultural extension extension services

    agricultural sector adjustment credit ASAC

    agricultural sector adjustment project ASAP

    agricultural, mining, and on-site processing [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting [GFSM; GFSY]

    aid effectiveness

    aid flows

    Aid for Trade

    aid fragmentation

    aid missions and services [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    aid-by-trade concept

    aid-dependence syndrome

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page35The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    aide-mmoire [IMF]

    air transport [GFSM; BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [


    ] - 1993 [

    aircraft insurance [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    airport fees [BPM5, SNA]

    ] - 1993 [


    alien registration requirements [AA]

    ] -1993 [

    alleviation of poverty

    Alliance for Progress [USA] AP

    Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo

    all-inclusive concept


  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page36The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic


    allocation cartel


    allocation mechanism

    allocation of SDRs SDR allocation

    allocations and allotments [GFS 1986]

    allocative efficiency of resources Pareto efficiency Pareto optimal Pareto optimality Paretian optimality

    allocative key

    allotted number of votes [IMF]

    allowance for loan and lease loss ALLL

    all-purpose credit

    alternative measure of variability

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page37The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    alternative minimum tax [USA]

    alternative recipient system

    alternative scenario [WEO]

    alternative sources of energy

    Alternative-A Mortgage [USA] ALT-A Mortgage

    Amanah deposit [Islamic banking]

    amended Articles of Agreement [IMF] Articles of Agreement as amended

    amendment (to the Articles of Agreement) [IMF]

    ) (

    amendment [SNA93]

    ] -1993 [

    American Bar Association [USA] ABA

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page38The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Recovery Act

    American Stock Exchange Amex the Curb

    American-style option [securities market] American option

    AML ROSC module

    AML supervisory principles


    ) (

    amortization abroad [GFSY]

    amortization profile

    amortization schedule

    amount of access [IMF]

    ) (

    amount outstanding

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page39The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    amount payable forthwith

    An Agenda for Peace : Preventive Diplomacy, Peace Making and Peace Keeping


    Analysis and Control Section

    Analysis and Control Unit

    analytic framework analytical framework

    Analytical and Advisory Activities AAA

    analytical and advisory services program [[WB]]

    Analytical Framework for Financial Stability Analysis [IMF]

    anchor currency

    anchor unit [IBRD]

    anchor [monetary policy]

    anchored inflation expectations

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page40The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    ancillary departmental enterprise

    ] - 1989 [

    ancillary meetings [IMF-IBRD Annual Meetings]

    ancillary services

    Andean Common Market ANCOM

    Andean Development Corporation ADC

    Andean Group

    anecdotal evidence

    Anglophone Africa Division/Area AA AFR1


    animals for breeding, show or racing [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    animals for racing [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    animals for show [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page41The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    annual arrangement [ESAF, PRGF]

    Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics [World Bank] ABCDE

    Annual Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [World Bank] ABCD-LAC

    annual leave [IMF-HRD]

    Annual Meetings (of the Boards of Governors) of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank [IMF-World Bank] Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors Annual Meetings

    annual overlap technique

    Annual Report of the Executive Board [IMF] Annual Report

    Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions [IMF; publication not translated] AREAER ARER

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page42The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Annual Report on Portfolio Performance [IBRD] ARPP



    annuity insurance

    antedated check

    anticipated growth rate

    anticipatory purchase

    ] [

    anticompetitive practices

    anticyclical reserve fund

    anticyclical tax

    antidumping duty

    antimode [statistics]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page43The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    anti-money laundering measure

    anti-money laundering AML

    anti-money laundering/combating the financing of terrorism AML/CFT

    antiseptic wipe

    anti-surge provisions anti-surge mechanism anti-surge measure

    antiviral drug

    apex institution

    apparent consumption

    Appeals Board [NATO]

    Appellate Body [WTO]

    applicant country [EU]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page44The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    application for membership [IMF]

    appointed Executive Director [IMF]

    apportionment of appropriations [USA]

    apportionment of credit apportionment of a loan


    ) (

    appropriate market rate [debt] AMR

    appropriate technology


    appropriation ceiling

    appropriation-in-aid [budget]

    approximate cash basis [GFS 1986]

    ] - 1989 [

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page45The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Arab accounting dinar [AMF] AAD

    Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development AAAID

    Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa ABEDA BADEA

    Arab Centre for Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands [League of Arab States] ACSAD


    Arab Common Market ACM

    Arab Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism

    Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization ALECSO

    Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development AFESD

    Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization AIDMO

    Arab Industrial Development Organization AIDO

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page46The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Arab League

    Arab Maghreb Union AMU

    Arab Monetary Fund AMF

    Arab Organization for Agricultural Development AOAD

    Arab Organization for Human Rights AOHR

    Arab Planning Institute API

    Arab Tourism Federation ATU

    Arab Tourism Organization ATU

    Arab Tourism Union ATU

    Arab-African International Bank

    Arab-African Union

    Arabian light

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page47The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Arabic and Russian Division [TGS/LB]


    Arabic Section [TGS]

    Arab-led syndicated Euroloan

    Arab-to-Arab Eurolending



    arbitrage condition

    arbitrager arbitrageur

    arbitrary value [tax assessment, statistics]

    arbitration clause

    arbitrator [AA]

    arc elasticity

    architectural, engineering, and other technical services

    ] - 1993 [

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    English Arabic

    Archives and Electronic Records Unit [SEC/RC/AR/AE]

    Archives and Records Management Section [TGS/DI/AR]

    Archives and Records Section


    area department [IMF]

    area sampling

    argument [mathematics]

    arithmetic mean mean

    arithmetical average arithmetic average [CPI]

    Arms Control and Disarmament Agency [UN] ACDA

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    English Arabic

    arm's length pricing principle arm's length price

    arm's length [trade]

    Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles [GATT] Multifibre Arrangement



    arrears clearance [post-conflict assistance]

    arrears country [IMF] country with payment arrears

    Arrow-Debreu model


    Art/Drafting Unit [TGS/DG/GR/AD]

    Article IV

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    English Arabic

    Article IV consultation discussions [IMF] consultation discussions

    Article IV consultations [IMF]

    Article VIII country [IMF]

    Article VIII obligations [IMF]

    Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund [IMF] Articles of Agreement Fund Agreement Articles of the Fund

    artificial person legal entity corporation corporate body

    artisanal industry cottage industry

    Arusha Declaration

    as amended

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    English Arabic

    as needed [ESAF; HIPC] on an as needed basis [HIPC initiative]

    as relevant [GDDS]



    ASEAN-4 countries

    Asia and Pacific Department [IMF] APD

    Asia and Pacific Regional Division [MCM/R2]

    Asia Division/Area 1 [MFD/AI/AP] APD1

    / )1(

    Asia Division/Area 2 [MFD/AI/AP] APD2

    / )(

    Asian Bond Fund

    Asian Bond Market Initiative ABMI

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page52The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Asian Clearing Union ACU

    Asian Currency Unit ACU

    Asian Development Bank AsDB ADB

    Asian Development Fund ADF

    Asian Division [INS/AN]

    Asian dollar

    Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning AIEDP

    Asian noodle bowl

    Asian Productivity Organization APO

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page53The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum APEC APEC Council APEC Forum Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council Asia-Pacific Economic Forum

    assessment letter [IMF] comfort letter assessment statement

    assessment mission [IMF-IBRD]

    Assessment of Financial Sector Supervision and Regulation AFSSR

    assessment roll [taxation] assessment list

    assessment [SNA93]

    assessor [taxation]


  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page54The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    asset allocation portfolio allocation

    asset class

    asset encumbrance

    asset holdings

    asset liability management ALM

    asset operation

    asset preference

    asset price bubble bubble asset bubble

    asset quality

    asset recovery

    asset stripping

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page55The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    asset swap

    asset-backed commercial paper ABCP

    asset-backed securities index ABX

    asset-backed securities ABS

    asset-holding entity

    assets outstanding [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [


    Assistant to the Director [IMF]

    Assistant to the Secretary [IMF-SEC]

    Associate [IMF]

    associated borrowing arrangement [IMF, GAB] associated agreement

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    English Arabic

    associated enterprise associate associated company

    associated group [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    association agreement [EC]

    Association for Financial Markets in Europe AFME

    Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in AfricaAAASA

    Association of African Central Banks AACB

    Association of African Development Finance Institutions AADFI

    Association of Bank Supervisory Agencies in Latin America

    Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific ADFIAP

    Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries APEF

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page57The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Association of National Numbering Agencies [Brussels, Belgium] ANNA S.C.

    Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries ANRPC

    Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN


    assume debt

    assumed mean


    assumption of debt debt assumption

    assumption of normality normality assumption

    assurances of integrity [GDDS]

    assured payment system [securities settlement systems]

    assured use [SDR]

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    English Arabic

    asymmetric exchange rate intervention asymmetrical intervention asymmetric intervention


    asymptotic expansion

    asymptotic properties large sample properties

    asymptotic theory

    asymptotically efficient estimate

    at the border [measures, effects, etc.] border [measures, effects, etc.]

    ( ( ( (

    Atlantic Division [WHD/AT]

    atomistic competitor



    Attali Commission for the Liberation of French Growth Attali Commission

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    English Arabic

    attendance list

    at-the-money option

    attribution of production


    attrition rate

    auction bid form

    auction price [economics]

    auction rate [exchange rates]

    auction sale auction

    auction-rate security ARS

    Audio/Visual Services Unit [TGS/DF/FO/AV]

    audiovisual and related services [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

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    English Arabic


    audit committee

    audit firm rotation

    audit office auditing department

    audit opinion

    audit partner rotation

    Audit Principal, Senior [IMF-OIA]

    audit testing [USA]

    audit trail

    audited financial statements

    auditing standard audit standard

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page61The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Auditor [IMF-OIA]

    Auditor, Senior [IMF-OIA]

    augmentation of resources [IMF]

    ) (

    augmented balance

    augmented resources [IMF] augmented Fund resources

    austerity program


    Australia East Timor Rural Development Program AETRDP

    authority to allocate special drawing rights

    authorization date

    ] - 1993 [

    authorization budget authorization

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page62The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    authorized bank [exchange market]

    authorized capital

    autocorrelation serial correlation

    Automated Clearing House ACH

    automated standard application for payments ASAP

    Automated System for Customs Data [UNCTAD] ASYCUDA Automated System for Customs Data and Management Automated System for Customs Data Acquisition, Control and Management [UNCTAD]

    automated teller machine [banking] ATM

    automatic budgetary stabilizer

    automatic data processing ADP

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page63The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    automatic stabilizer built-in stabilizer

    Automatic Transfer Services Account [USA] ATS Account

    autonomous consumption

    autonomous investment

    autonomous variable


    autoregressive model

    autoregressive process

    auxiliary measures

    auxiliary services

    availability fee

    availability payment

    available central government [GFS 1986]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page64The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    available-for-sale financial asset available for sale asset available for sale AFS


    average daily balance

    average effective tax rate AETR

    average percentage change [CPI]


    Average Petroleum Spot Prices [IMF, WEO] APSP Average Petroleum Spot Price

    average price change [CPI]

    average-inflation country

    averaging provision reserve requirement averaging

    avian flu pandemic

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page65The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    avian influenza avian flu bird flu

    avoidance of cross-conditionality [IMF]

    awaiting clearance [AA]

    ] -1993 [

    award system [Australia]

    award [procurement]



    baby boom

    ) (

    baby boomer

    back donor

    back office

    backcast backcasting


  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page66The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    background paper

    backline services [IBRD]

    backloaded stimulus package

    back-loading [IMF]

    backstopping facilities

    backstopping [IMF technical assistance]

    backtest [bank supervision] backtesting

    back-to-back credit back-to-back loan

    back-to-back guarantee

    back-to-back missions [IMF]

  • 76egaP cibarAhsilgnE3102lirpABEWyrassolGFMIz .FMI eht fo noissimrep nettirw roirp tuohtiw mrof yna ni detanimessid eb ton yam niereh atad ehT

    cibarA hsilgnE

    troper eciffo-ot-kcab OTB troper ruoh-thgie-ytrof feirbed ]FMI[


    enil pu-kcab

    egaknil drawkcab ]yrtsudni[

    gnitfihs drawkcab


    snoitatcepxe gnikool-drawkcab

    noitaxedni gnikool-drawkcab

    tessa dab

    naol dab tbed dab ]gnitnuocca[

    seef egaggab

    [ 3991 - ]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page68The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    bail in

    ) (

    bail out rescue

    bailout rescue

    ) (

    Baker initiative Baker plan Program for Sustained Growth

    balance of payments analysis

    Balance of Payments and External Debt Division I, II [STA/A1, A2]

    ) ()(

    balance of payments assistance balance of payments support

    Balance of Payments Compilation Guide

    balance of payments constraint

    balance of payments deficit payments deficit

    balance of payments equilibrium

    balance of payments financing

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page69The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    balance of payments flows

    balance of payments identity [BOP]

    Balance of Payments Manual - 5th edition BPM5

    - 1993

    Balance of Payments Manual [IMF] BPM

    balance of payments need [IMF]

    Balance of Payments Newsletter [IMF]

    balance of payments position payments position

    balance of payments report [BPM5]

    balance of payments statement [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook [IMF] BOPSY

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    English Arabic

    balance of payments statistics BOP statistics

    balance of payments surplus

    balance of payments test [IMF]

    Balance of Payments Textbook [IMF]

    balance of payments [IFS; SNA93]

    balance of risks

    balance of trade trade balance [IFS]

    balance on hand

    balance sheet account

    balance sheet accounting [SNA 93]

    balance sheet approach to financial crisis balance sheet approach

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page71The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    balance sheet basis, on a [BPM5]

    balance sheet channel broad credit channel

    balance sheet cleansing balance sheet clean-up

    balance sheet consolidation consolidation of balance sheets consolidated balance sheet

    balance sheet mismatch

    balance sheet revaluation [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    balance sheet value [SNA, BPM5]

    balance sheet vulnerabilities

    balance sheet general balance sheet statement of financial position statement of financial condition statement of condition statement of assets and liabilities balance sheet statement

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    English Arabic

    balance statement [SNA]

    ] - 1993 [

    balance [SNA93; accounting]

    Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act [USA] Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act

    - -

    balanced budget multiplier

    balanced budget neutral budget

    balanced distribution of holdings [IMF]

    balanced growth

    balanced half-samples BHS balanced repeated replication BRR

    balanced positions [IMF]

    balances due to banks abroad [GMBS]

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    English Arabic

    balance-sheet effect

    balancing item

    balancing statement [SNA]

    Balassa-Samuelson Effect


    Bali Action Plan

    Bali Roadmap

    balloon loan

    Baltic countries, Russia, and other countries of the former Soviet Union BRO

    Baltic Division

    Baltic states

    bandpass filter

    bank advisory committee [London Club] advisory committee steering committee

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    English Arabic

    Bank Al-Maghrib [Morocco]

    bank assessment

    bank balance sheet restructuring

    bank call

    ) (

    bank call report form bank report form report form [IFS]

    bank call report call report

    bank cash ratio

    bank debits

    bank draft [SNA93] banker's draft

    bank examination

    bank failure

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    English Arabic

    Bank for International Settlements BIS

    bank holding company [FSIG]

    bank insurance fund BIF

    bank liquidity ratio

    bank loan [GFS 1986] bank advances

    bank money

    bank money order

    bank note redemption [currency]

    Bank of Central African States BEAC

    bank of issue currency issuing agency

    bank prudential indicator

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    English Arabic

    bank reconciliation

    ) (

    bank resolution mechanism

    bank return

    bank run bank panic run on a bank run on deposits

    bank secrecy

    Bank Secrecy Act [U.S.] BSA Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act

    bank supervision banking supervision

    bank supervisors

    bank writedowns

    Bank/Fund Conferences Office [SEC/AI/BF] BFCO

    banker's acceptance bank acceptance

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    English Arabic

    bankers' bank

    bankers' deposit [central bank]

    bankers' reserves


    Bank-Fund AML assessment

    Bank-Fund Financial Sector Liaison Committee [IMF-WB] FSLC


    banking advisory group [IFC]

    banking authorities

    banking book

    banking soundness

    Banking Supervision and Regulation Division

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    English Arabic

    banking survey [GMBS; IFS]

    banklike institutions, other [GMBS]

    banknote migration

    banknote, uncirculated [BOP]

    ] - 1993 [

    banknotes and coins


    bankruptcy law

    banks in distress distressed banks

    bar chart bar graph

    bar [gold]

    bargaining position

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page79The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    bargaining power

    barrel(s) of oil equivalent BOE

    ) ( /

    barrier to entry [trade]


    barter economy

    base case lending scenario [World Bank, CAS]

    base effect

    base money monetary base reserve money central bank money high-powered money

    base page

    base period

    base year [statistics] reference year

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page80The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Basel Capital Accord [BIS]

    Basel capital adequacy ratio [MPI] capital adequacy rules

    Basel capital deductions [MPI]

    Basel capital [MPI]

    Basel Committee on Banking Supervision BCBS Basel Committee Cooke Committee

    Basel Concordat [BIS]

    Basel II [BIS]


    baseline feature [IMF]

    baseline projection

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page81The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    baseline scenario [IMF] reference scenario RS benchmark scenario trend scenario business-as-usual scenario BAU nonintervention scenario

    base-to-income elasticity

    base-weighted price index base-weighted index Laspeyres index [FSIG]

    base-year price



    basic balance [BPM5]

    basic foodstuffs staples

    basic needs poverty line

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page82The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    basic period [IMF]

    basic rate of charge [IMF]

    basic vote [IMF]


    basis of assessment

    basis of recording [GFSM 2001]

    basis of reporting

    basis point BPS

    basis risk

    basket of goods and services

    basket peg basket pegging composite peg

    batch transfer

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    English Arabic

    Bayesian estimator

    Bayesian Information Criterion BIC

    beachhead effect

    bear market [securities exchange] bearish market

    bear operator bear

    bearer bill bearer note

    bearer check check to bearer

    bearer instrument bearer paper bearer security

    before taxes pretax

    beggar-my-neighbor policy beggar-thy-neighbor policy

    behavior variable

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    English Arabic

    behavioral economics

    behavioral equation

    behavioral equilibrium exchange rate BEER

    behind the border [measures, effects, etc.] [trade]

    below the line [BPM5, GFS 1986]

    below-the-line item

    benchmark bond index [IMF]

    benchmark ratio [SDR allocation]

    benchmark survey

    / /

    benchmark [IMF, PRGF] performance benchmark


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    English Arabic

    benchmarking club

    benchmark-to-indicator ratio BI ratio

    beneficial owner

    beneficial ownership [securities settlement systems] beneficial owner beneficial interest holder beneficial interest

    benefit incidence analysis

    benefit principle of taxation

    benefit benefits

    Benefits Administration Section [HRD/SB/BA]

    Benefits Administration Unit [HRD/SB/BA/ ...]

    benefits in cash [BPM5] cash benefits

    ] - 1993 [

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page86The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Benelux Economic Union

    benevolent social planner

    benign neglect

    best case scenario optimistic scenario

    best critical region

    best estimate

    best estimator

    best practices BP

    best-fit curve best-fitting curve

    better case scenario

    better-policies scenario [WEO] best-policies scenario optimistic scenario

    bias [statistics]


  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page87The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    biased estimator

    biased sample

    biased [statistics]

    bicyclic procedure [IMF consultations] bi-cycle

    bid bond

    bid opening [procurement]

    bid price

    ) (

    bid security [procurement]

    bid up (prices)

    bid tender

    bid-ask spread [FSIG; MPI]

    ) (

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page88The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    bidder tenderer

    bid-offer spread [exchange rates]

    biennial consultation [IMF]

    biennial surveillance review BSR Biennial Review of Surveillance

    big bang reform big bang

    Big Mac index

    big-push theory

    ) (

    bilateral central rate [EMS]

    bilateral creditor [HIPC Initiative]

    bilateral deadline

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    English Arabic

    bilateral monopoly

    bilateral netting

    / /

    bilateral official creditors

    bilateral oligopoly

    bilateral Paris Club agreements [Paris Club]

    bilateral payments agreement [GMBS] bilateral payments arrangement

    bilateral statements [BPM5]

    bilateral surveillance [IMF] Article IV surveillance

    bilateral trade weight


  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page90The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    bill of exchange draft [IMF]

    bill of quantities

    bill of sale

    billion [IMF-IBRD; USA]

    billions of dollars $BN BNBN

    bills payable

    bimetallic standard bimetallism bi-metalism

    bimodal distribution

    Binary-Coded Decimal BCD


    binding agreement

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    English Arabic


    binomial distribution


    bipolar view

    bit binary digit

    bivariate distribution

    Black Economic Empowerment [South Africa] BEE

    black economy

    black market [SNA93]

    Black Scholes options pricing model


    black swan

    Blair Commission

    blank acceptance

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page92The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    blank check

    blank credit

    blank transfer

    blanket tax holiday

    blend country [IBRD-IDA]

    blended credits [USA]

    blended GDP variable

    blending of resources blending

    block grant [USA]

    blocked account [GMBS]

    BLS Library [IMF]

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    English Arabic

    blue chip gilt-edged security [GBR]

    blue sky law [USA]

    Board Briefing Informal Board Briefing

    Board Discussion

    Board document [IMF]

    board lot round lot

    Board of Executive Directors [WB] Board

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System [USA] Federal Reserve Board FRB

    Board of Governors [IMF]

    Board Operations Officer [IMF-SEC]

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    English Arabic

    board seminar

    bona fide


    Bond Clearing House [EC] EUROCLEAR

    bond coupon coupon

    bond holder

    bond issue

    bond market rally

    ) (

    bond market fixed-income market

    bond mutual fund

    bond portfolio holdings of bonds

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page95The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    bond seniority

    bond warrant debt warrant

    bond yield

    bond(, under) [customs]

    bonded debt bonded indebtedness

    bonded good

    bonded manufacturing warehouse

    bonded transportation company

    bond-equivalent yield BEY

    bonds and notes

    bonds and other securities [BPM5]

    bonds payable

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page96The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    bonds with optional maturity dates [BOP]

    bonus consideration [oil and gas]

    bonus interest rate

    bonus share bonus stock

    book building

    book of final entry [accounting]

    book of original entry [accounting]

    book profit

    book runner

    book enter

    book-entry security paperless security

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page97The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    book-entry system [securities settlement systems]


    bookkeeping [BPM5]

    books and records [accounting] accounting records accounting documents

    book-to-bill ratio



    boom-bust cycle boom and bust

    bootstrap resampling with replacement

    border barriers [trade]

    border tax adjustment

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page98The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    border trade

    border worker

    borderline case

    borrow short and lend long

    borrowed reserves

    Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts [IMF] BRSA

    borrowed resources [IMF]

    borrowing arrangement [IMF] borrowing agreement

    borrowing by authorities or other sectors on authorities' behalf [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    borrowing capacity

    borrowing ceiling

    borrowing for balance of payments support [BPM5]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page99The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    borrowing rate

    borrowing ratio [IMF borrowing]

    borrowing requirement

    borrowing space

    borrowing-quota ratio [IMF borrowing]


    bottleneck inflation

    bottom-up approach individual country approach


    bound tariff bound tariff rate bound rate

    bounded above

    bounded below

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    English Arabic

    bounded set

    bracket creep [taxation] bracket progression

    Brady bond [debt restructuring] Brady debt

    Brady Plan


    ] - 1993 [

    branchless banking mobile banking

    brass-plate company

    Brazil, Russia, India and China Club BRIC Club BRICs

    breakdown breaking out

    break-even inflation

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page101The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    break-even point

    Bretton Woods Committee BWC

    Bretton Woods Institutions BWI

    Bretton Woods system [exchange rates]


    Bribe Payers Index BPI

    bribery corruption

    bridge bank [Japan] public bridge bank bridge bank scheme bridge bank facility

    bridge table [statistics]

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    English Arabic


    briefing note

    briefing paper [IMF]

    broad financial market

    broadening of the tax base

    broadly defined money supply broad money money broadly

    broker stockbroker


    brokerage fee brokerage

    ] - 1993 [

    brokerage house brokerage firm brokerage company



  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page103The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    brokered funds brokered deposits

    brother-sister corporations sibling corporations sibling enterprises

    brownfield investment brown field investment

    Brussels Definition of Value BDV

    Brussels Office [IMF-EUR] EUO/BR

    brute force fiscal adjustment

    bubble economy

    budget appropriation process budget appropriation appropriation budgetary appropriation budgetary appropriation process

    budget bottom line bottom line

    budget calendar

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page104The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    budget call letter

    budget constraint

    budget control

    budget cut

    budget deficit budget gap

    Budget Enforcement Act

    budget envelope

    budget estimate budget forecast

    budget execution

    budget framework law

    budget institution budgetary unit spending agency spending department spending unit

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page105The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    budget law approved budget

    budget management

    budget neutral

    Budget Officer [IMF]

    budget outturn budget performance

    budget presentation

    budget proposal [GFS 1986] draft budget budget bill

    Budget Reform Division [OBP/BR]

    budget rigidity

    budget savings

    Budget Section [INS/AI/BU]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page106The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    budget sector agencies

    Budget Strategy Division [IMF-OBP/BS]

    budget surplus [realized surplus]

    budget tracking budget tracking exercise

    budget universality principle general budget rule

    budget year

    budgetary account

    budgetary balance budgetary equilibrium

    budgetary central government [GFSY] budgetary central government accounts [GFS 1986]

    budgetary expenditure budgetary outlay fiscal expenditure

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page107The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    budgetary financing gap budgetary gap

    budgeted funds


    / /


    Budgeting and Fiscal Transparency Division [FAD/..]

    budgetization fiscalization

    ) (

    buff (paper) [IMF] buff statement

    ) (

    Buff Document [IMF document series; BUFF/...] BUFF

    BUFF/ED Document [IMF document series; BUFF/ED/...] BUFF/ED

    ] [

    buffer stock

    Buffer Stock Financing Facility [SNA93] BSFF

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page108The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    building and loan associations [SNA93]

    building block [statistics, models]

    building society [GBR]

    build-operate-transfer BOT

    build-own-operate BOO

    build-own-operate-transfer BOOT

    built-in elasticity of a tax system

    ) (

    bull market [securities exchange] bullish market

    bull operator bull

    bulldog bond [GBR]

    bullet loan

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page109The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    bunch maps, method of Frisch method

    bunching of maturities debt bunching

    bundling of transactions

    bunker fuel [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    bunny bonds


    burden of disease [GDDS, population] disease burden

    burden sharing (in the Fund's expenses) [IMF]

    ) (

    burden sharing [IMF; BPM5]

    )( )(

    burden [IMF]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page110The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    burden-sharing mechanism [IMF]

    Bureau of Computing Services BCS

    Bureau of Information Technology Services BTS

    Bureau of Language Services BLS

    Bureau [G-24]

    Bush Initiative compact for global development compact for developing country aid

    business accounting

    business activity

    Business and Industry Advisory Committee [OECD] BIAC

    business and professional licenses [GFSY]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page111The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    business community

    business confidence

    business continuity plan

    business corporation corporation

    Business Council for Sustainable Growth [UN]

    business credit services [BPM5]

    business cycle economic cycle trade cycle boom-bust cycle

    business day working day

    business expenses representation expenses

    business investment

    business license tax occupational license tax

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page112The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    business plan

    business processes [IBRD-Strategic Compact]

    business profit tax

    business profits trading profits

    business recovery

    business services [BPM5, BPM6]

    business to business B2B

    business to consumer B2C e-tailing

    business travel [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

    business travelers [BPM5]

    ] - 1993 [

  • 311egaP cibarAhsilgnE3102lirpABEWyrassolGFMIz .FMI eht fo noissimrep nettirw roirp tuohtiw mrof yna ni detanimessid eb ton yam niereh atad ehT

    cibarA hsilgnE

    atad etagergga decilps-ttub

    gnol yub

    nigram no yub ]seitiruces[ gniyub nigram

    trohs yub

    edis yub

    rotsevni dloh-dna-yub

    ygetarts dloh-dna-yub

    tnemeerga kcabyub kcabyub tbed esahcruper tbed

    tnemegnarra kcabyub ]OTW[ kcabyub ]OTW[

    naol nwod-yub ]DRBI[

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page114The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    buyer's credit [WTO]

    buyer's market soft market

    buying exchange rate buying rate buyer's rate bid rate

    buying member [IMF]

    Buys-Ballot table

    By-Laws [IMF] by-laws

    By-Laws, Rules and Regulations [IMF]

    byproduct by-product

    c.i.f. valuation [BPM5]

    Cable Room [IMF-SEC]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page115The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Cable/Telex Center [IMF]

    Cafeteria [IMF]

    calculated market interest rate calculated market rate

    calculated quota share [IMF] share in calculated quotas [IMF]

    calendar year

    call account

    call for committed funds call

    call for subscribed capital

    call in debt

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page116The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    call loan callable loan demand loan [Debt Guide, 1993; External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users, 1993]

    call money

    call option clause call option call provision

    call option call

    call protection [bonds]

    callable bond

    callable option

    callable [capital market]

    CAMELS composite rating capital, assets, management, earnings, liquidity CAMEL



  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page117The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Canadian Council for International Cooperation [Canada] CCIC

    Canadian International Development Agency CIDA

    canceled check paid check

    cancellation of arrears [BPM5]

    cancellation of SDRs [IMF]

    canonical correlation

    cap [securities settlement systems]

    capacity building

    capacity constraint

    Capacity Forum [IBRD-PACT]

    capacity margin

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page118The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    capacity output

    capacity underutilization underutilization

    capacity utilization


    capital account convertibility

    capital account crisis

    capital account flows [BPM5]

    Capital Account Issues Division

    capital account [budget]

    capital adequacy

    capital adequacy ratio CAR

    capital adequacy standards [BIS]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page119The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    capital and financial account [BPM5]

    capital asset fixed asset fixed capital non-current asset long-term asset long-lived asset plant and equipment

    capital assets pricing model CAPM

    capital base

    capital budget [IMF]

    capital buffer

    capital charge

    capital contributions [BPM5]

    capital controls

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page120The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    capital cost cost of capital

    capital crunch

    capital cushion

    capital deepening

    Capital Development Fund [UN]

    capital equipment

    capital expenditure CAPEX capital outlay

    capital flight [SNA93] flight of funds

    capital flow capital movements

    capital formation [SNA93]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page121The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    capital gain holding gains

    capital gains tax

    capital gearing ratio gearing ratio leverage [corporate finance, USA] gearing [GBR] financial gearing

    capital good producer good

    capital income

    capital intensiveness capital intensity

    capital investment

    capital loss

    capital market

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page122The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Capital Market Development and Financial Infrastructure Division [MCM/CD]

    Capital Markets and Financial Studies Division

    Capital Markets Consultative Group [IMF] CMCG

    Capital Markets Debt Issues Division

    Capital Markets Financing Division

    capital requirement [banking]

    capital revenue [GFSY]

    capital stock

    capital structure

    capital subscriptions to international organizations [BPM5]

    capital tax

    capital transaction

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page123The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    capital transfer

    capital value

    capital widening widening of capital

    capital, excluding reserve assets capital, excluding reserves

    capital-asset ratio [banking] capital ratio

    capital-certain claims

    capital-debt ratio equity-debt ratio

    capital-exporting country

    capital-importing country


    capitalization (of interest) [Paris Club]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page124The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    capitalization bond [debt restructuring]

    capitalized value

    capital-labor ratio

    capital-loan ratio [banking]

    capital-output ratio

    / /


    captive buyer

    captive company

    captive institution


    carbon capture and storage CCS carbon capture

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page125The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    carbon credits

    carbon dioxide CO2

    carbon emissions trading scheme carbon trading scheme cap and trade scheme

    carbon finance

    carbon market

    carbon pricing scheme

    carbon tax

    Career Development Section [HRD/SD/CD]

    career stream career pattern

    caretaker government

    cargo consolidation consolidation

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page126The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    cargo handling [BPM5]

    Caribbean Basin Initiative [USA] CBI

    Caribbean Community CARICOM Caribbean Common Market

    Caribbean Development Bank CARIBANK CDB

    Caribbean Financial Action Task Force [money laundering] CFATF

    Caribbean Free Trade Area

    Caribbean Group for Cooperation in Economic Development CGCED

    Caribbean I, II Division [WHD/C1, C2]

    ) ()(

    Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Center [IMF-CARICOM-UNDP] CARTAC

    Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page127The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    carousel fraud missing trader fraud

    carriage of passengers [BPM5]

    carried interest


    carriers with crew [BPM5]

    carry over [budget]

    carry trade

    carryforward carryover loss carryforward loss carryover tax loss carryforward tax loss carryover

    carrying cost (of inventories)

    carrying value carrying amount written-down value book value

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page128The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Cartagena Agreement Andean Subregional Integration Agreement



    cascade tax multistage cumulative tax

    cascading [taxation]

    case study

    case-by-case basis, on a


    cash account [IMF, SDA]

    cash assets

    cash balance

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page129The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    cash basis accounting cash accounting

    cash basis reporting [GFS 1986]

    cash bond

    cash buyback [debt]

    cash courier

    cash crop

    cash economy cash-based economy

    cash equivalent [GFSM]

    cash flow

    cash flow budget cash budget cash plan

    cash flow relief cash relief

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page130The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    cash flow waterfall

    cash goods

    cash in bank cash held by banks

    cash in hand cash on hand [GFSM]

    cash in rights [IMF rights approach]

    cash items

    cash limit [budget]

    cash loan disbursement

    cash loan financial loan

    cash management

    cash margin

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page131The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    cash market physical market spot market

    cash operating deficit

    cash operating surplus

    cash payment

    cash pooling

    cash position

    cash rate overnight rate call rate call money rate interbank call rate overnight call money rate

    cash ratio requirement minimum cash requirement

    cash rationing

    cash settlement

    cash tender offer

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page132The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    cash voucher [GFS 1986]

    cashier's check official check treasurer's check bank check

    Cashier's [FIN/AX/AP/CA]


    casualty insurance


    catalytic effect

    catalyze financial flows


    catch-up demand

    catch-up effect

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page133The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    categorical grant [public finance] special purpose grant

    causal relationship


    cease and desist order


    ceiling price

    cell-relative imputation linking

    censoring [statistics]

    Center for Latin American Monetary Studies CEMLA

    center of economic interest [BPM5; GFSM]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page134The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Central Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center [IMF] Central AFRITAC

    Central African Banking Commission COBAC

    Central African Customs and Economic Union CACEU

    Central African Economic and Monetary Community CAEMC Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa

    Central African Monetary Area [BEAC] CAMA

    Central African Monetary Union CAMU

    Central African States Development Bank CASDB

    Central America Emergency Trust Fund [IDA] CAETF

    Central American Bank for Economic Integration CABEI

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page135The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Central American Common Market CACM

    Central American Division [WHD/CA]

    Central American Economic and Social Community CESCA

    Central American Free Trade Agreement CAFTA Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement CAFTA-DR

    Central American Fund for Economic Integration CAFEI

    Central American Fund for Social Development CAFSD

    Central American I, II Division

    ) ()(

    Central American Institute for Public Administration CAIPA

    Central American Monetary Council CAMC

    Central American Monetary Union

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page136The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Central and Eastern European Countries CEEC

    Central Asia Department CTA

    Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program [ADB] CAREC

    central bank credit facility [securities settlement systems]

    central bank currency swaps [BOP]

    Central Bank Gold Agreement CBGA Washington Agreement on Gold

    Central Bank of West African States BCEAO

    central bank central banker

    central banking

    Central Banking and Market Infrastructure Wing CBMI

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page137The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    Central Banking Division [MCM/CB]

    central counterparty CCP

    Central Division, I, II, III [EUR/C1, C2, C3]

    ) () ()(

    central estimate [IMF]

    Central European Countries [IMF] CEC countries of Central Europe

    Central European Division I, II, III [EU1/C1, C2, C3]

    ) () ()(

    Central European Free Trade Agreement CEFTA

    Central Files Unit [TGS/ID/AR/CF]

    central government

    central government deposits [GMBS]

  • zIMFGlossaryWEBApril2013EnglishArabic Page138The data herein may not be disseminated in any form without prior written permission of the IMF.

    English Arabic

    central limit theorem

    central ministry [budget]

    central moment around the mean

    central planning

    central processing unit [computers] CPU

    Central Product Classification [UN-EC, statistics] CPC

    central rate [IMF]

    central securities depository [securities settlement systems]


    centrally planned economy