Glosario de Cocina Correccion

Glosario de Cocina


Glosario de Cocina correccion.doc

Transcript of Glosario de Cocina Correccion

Glosario de Cocina


Glosario de Cocina

Melina Mazzoleni

Introduccin a la interpretacin, 2005

Edible plants

Plantas comestibles



1. artichoke: a tall, thistle like composite plant, Cynara scolymus, native to the Mediterranean region, of which the numerous scale like bracts and receptacle of the immature flower head are eaten as a vegetable.


2. asparagus: a plant whose young green or white shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable.esprrago

3. beans, green: the immature green pod of the kidney bean, eaten as a vegetable. Also called string bean, string less bean.chaucha (arg.) / juda verde / habichuela verde

4. broccoli: a form of a cultivated cruciferous plant, Brassica oleracea botrytis, whose leafy stalks and clusters of usually green buds are eaten as a vegetable.


5. Brussels sprout: a plant, Brassica oleracea gemmifera, having small, cabbage like heads or buds along the stalk, eaten as a vegetable.

repollito de Bruselas

6. cabbage: any of several cultivated varieties of a plant, Brassica oleracea capitata, of the mustard family, having a short stem and leaves formed into a compact, edible head.. It is also the head or leaves of this plant, eaten cooked or raw.repollo

7. carrot: a plant, Daucus carota, of the parsley family, which has pinnately decompound leaves and umbels of small white or yellow flowers, in its wild form a widespread, familiar weed, and in cultivation valued for its edible root. It is also the nutritious, orange to yellow root of this plant, eaten raw or cooked.zanahoria8. cauliflower: a form of cultivated plant, Brassica oleracea botrytis, of the mustard family, whose inflorescence forms a compact, usually whitish head.coliflor

9. celery: a plant, Apium graveolens, of the parsley family, whose leafstalks are eaten raw or cooked.


10. chicory: a composite plant, Cichorium intybus, having bright-blue flower heads and toothed oblong leaves, cultivated as a salad plant and for its root, which is used roasted and ground as a substitute for or additive to coffee. The root of this plantendivia / achicoria

11. corn: a tall cereal plant, Zea mays, cultivated in many varieties, having a jointed, solid stem and bearing the grain, seeds, or kernels on large ears. It is also the grain, seeds, or kernels of this plant, used for human food or for fodder.

maiz12. cucumber: a creeping plant, Cucumis sativus, of the gourd family, occurring in many cultivated forms. It is the edible, fleshy fruit of this plant, of a cylindrical shape with rounded ends and having a green, warty skin.

pepino13. eggplant: a plant, Solanum melongena esculentum, of the nightshade family, cultivated for its edible, dark-purple or occasionally white or yellow fruit. It is also considered the fruit of this plant used as a table vegetable.


14. aubergine: Chiefly Brit. Eggplant. See 13.berenjena

15. endive: a composite plant, Cichorium endivia, having a rosette of often curly-edged leaves used in salads. Cf. escarole. Also called Belgian endive, French endive. It is a young chicory plant deprived of light to form a narrow head of whitish leaves that are eaten as a cooked vegetable or used raw in salads.

AmE: endivia

BrE: escarola16. fennel: a plant, Foeniculum vulgare, of the parsley family, having feathery leaves and umbels of small, yellow flowers. Also, the aromatic fruits of this plant, used in cookery and medicine.

hinojo17. garlic: a hardy plant, Allium sativum, of the amaryllis family whose strongly, pungent bulb is used in cookery and medicine. It is also the bulb of such a plant, consisting of smaller bulbs, or cloves, used in cooking, sometimes in the form of a powder or flakes.


18. leek: a plant, Allium ampeloprasum, of the amaryllis family, allied to the onion, having a cylindrical bulb and leaves used in cookery.puerro

19. lettuce: a cultivated plant, Lactuca sativa, occurring in many varieties and having succulent leaves used for salads.lechuga

20. mushrooms: any of various fleshy fungi including the toadstools, puffballs, coral fungi, morels, etc. Any of several edible species, esp. of the family Agaricaceae, as Agaricus campestris (meadow mushroom or field mushroom), cultivated for food in the U.S.

hongo21. onion: a plant, Allium cepa, of the amaryllis family, having an edible, succulent, pungent bulb.cebolla

22. pea: the round, edible seed of a widely cultivated plant, Pisum sativum, of the legume family.arveja (arg) / guisante

23. pepper: a pungent condiment obtained from various plants of the genus Piper, esp. from the dried berries, used whole or ground, of the tropical climbing shrub P. nigrum.

pimiento / morrn (arg.)

24. potato: Also called Irish potato, white potato. the edible tuber of a cultivated plant, Solanum tuberosum, of the nightshade family.papa

25. radish: the crisp, pungent, edible root of the plant, Raphanus sativus, of the mustard family, usually eaten raw.rabanito, rbano

26. shallot: a plant, Allium cepa aggregatum (or A. ascalonicum), related to the onion, having a divided bulb used for flavoring in cookerychalote / echalota / escalonia

27. spinach: a plant, Spinacia oleracea, cultivated for its edible, crinkly or flat leaves.espinaca

28. spring onion: Also known as salad onions, these are onions that have been harvested at a very young age. They have green shoots and a creamy white bulb, both of which can be eaten. They have a mild flavour and are often eaten raw.cebolla de verdeo

29. squash: The fruit of any of various vine like, tendril-bearing plants used as a vegetable.calabaza

30. Swiss chard: a variety of beet, Beta vulgaris cicla, having leaves and leafstalks that are used as a vegetable. Also called leaf beet.acelga

31. tomato: any of several plants belonging to the genus Lycopersicon, of the nightshade family, native to Mexico and Central and South America, esp. the widely cultivated species L. lycopersicum, bearing a mildly acid, pulpy, usually red fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable.tomate

32. turnip: the thick, fleshy, edible root of either of two plants of the mustard family, the white-fleshed Brassica rapa rapifera or the yellow-fleshed rutabaga.nabo

33. zucchini: a variety of summer squash that is shaped like a cucumber and that has a smooth, dark-green skin. The plant bearing this fruit. Also called, esp. Brit., courgette.zucchini (arg.)/ zapallito (arg.) /calabacn

33. courgette: Chiefly Brit. zucchini.

zucchini (arg.)/ zapallito(arg.)/ calabacn

34. horseradish: a cultivated plant, Armoracia rusticana, of the mustard family, having small, white flowers. It is also the pungent root of this plant, which is ground and used as a condiment and in medicine.

rbano picante

35. beetroot: any of various biennial plants belonging to the genus Beta, of the goosefoot family, esp. B. vulgaris, having a fleshy red or white root. The edible root of such a plant. The leaves of such a plant, served as a salad or cooked vegetableRemolacha

36. water cress: a cress, Nasturtium officinale, of the mustard family, usually growing in clear, running streams and having pungent leaves, which are used for salads, soups, and as a garnish.




37. barley: a widely distributed cereal plant belonging to the genus Hordeum, of the grass family, having awned flowers that grow in tightly bunched spikes, with three small additional spikes at each node. The grain of this plant, used as food and in making beer, ale, and whiskey.


38. oats: Usually, oats. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) the seed of this plant, used as a food for humans and animals.avena

39. rice: the starchy seeds or grain of an annual marsh grass, Oryza sativa, cultivated in warm climates and used for food.arroz

40. rye: a widely cultivated cereal grass, Secale cereale, having one-nerved glumes and two- or three-flowered spikelets. The seeds or grain of this plant, used for making flour and whiskey, and as a livestock feed.


41. wild rice: a tall aquatic grass, Zizania aquatica, of northeastern North America. The grain of this plant, used for food. Also called water oats, water rice.arroz salvaje

42. wheat: the grain of any cereal grass of the genus Triticum, esp. T. aestivum, used in the form of flour for making bread, cakes, etc., and for other culinary and nutritional purposes.


43. whole wheat: prepared with the complete wheat kernel.integral

fruits and nuts:

frutas frescas y secas

44. almond: the nutlike kernel of the fruit of either of two trees, Prunus dulcis (sweet almond) or P. dulcis amara (bitter almond), which grow in warm temperate regions.almendra

45. apple: the usually round, red or yellow, edible fruit of a small tree, Malus sylvestris, of the rose family. manzana

46. apricot: the downy, yellow, sometimes rosy fruit, somewhat resembling a small peach, of the tree Prunus armeniaca.damasco (arg.) / albaricoque

47. avocado: Also called alligator pear. a large, usually pear-shaped fruit having green to blackish skin, a single large seed, and soft, light-green pulp, borne by the tropical American tree Persea americana and its variety P. adrymifolia, often eaten raw, esp. in salads.

palta (arg.) / aguacate

48. banana: a tropical plant of the genus Musa, certain species of which are cultivated for their nutritious fruit. Cf. banana family. The fruit, esp. that of M. paradisiaca, with yellow or reddish rind.

Banana (arg.)/ pltano/ banano

49. blackberry: the fruit, black or very dark purple when ripe, of certain species of the genus Rubus.mora

50. blueberry: the edible, usually bluish berry of various shrubs belonging to the genus Vaccinium, of the heath family.arndano

51. Brazil nut: the three-sided, hard-shelled edible seed of the tree Bertholletia excelsa and related species, of South America.

Castaa de Par

52. cherry: the fruit of any of various trees belonging to the genus Prunus, of the rose family, consisting of a pulpy, globular drupe enclosing a one-seeded smooth stone.


53. chestnut: any of the several deciduous trees constituting the genus Castanea, of the beech family, having toothed, oblong leaves and bearing edible nuts enclosed in a prickly bur.castaa

54. coconut: the large, hard-shelled seed of the coconut palm, lined with a white edible meat, and containing a milky liquid.coco

55. date: the oblong, fleshy fruit of the date palm, a staple food in northern Africa, Arabia, etc., and an important export.dtil

56. fig: any tree or shrub belonging to the genus Ficus, of the mulberry family, esp. a small tree, F. carica, native to southwestern Asia, bearing a turbinate or pear-shaped fruit that is eaten fresh, preserved, or dried. The fruit of such a tree or shrub, or of any related species.


57. gooseberry: the edible, acid, globular, sometimes spiny fruit of certain prickly shrubs belonging to the genus Ribes, of the saxifrage family, esp. R. uva-crispa (or R. grossularia).


58. grapefruit: a large, roundish, yellow-skinned, edible citrus fruit having a juicy, acid pulp. The tropical or semitropical tree, Citrus paradisi, yielding this fruit.

pomelo (arg.)/ toronja

59. grape: the edible, pulpy, smooth-skinned berry or fruit that grows in clusters on vines of the genus Vitis, and from which wine is made. Any vine bearing this fruit.


60. hazelnut: any shrub or small tree belonging to the genus Corylus, of the birch family, having toothed, ovate leaves and bearing edible nuts, as C. avellana, of Europe, or C. americana and C. cornuta, of the Western Hemisphere.


61. kiwi: Also called Chinese gooseberry. the egg-sized, edible berry of the Chinese gooseberry, having fuzzy brownish skin and slightly tart green

62. kumquat: a small, round or oblong citrus fruit having a sweet rind and acid pulp, used chiefly for preserves.quinoto

63. lemon: the yellowish, acid fruit of a subtropical citrus tree, Citrus limon.limn

64. lime: the small, greenish-yellow, acid fruit of a citrus tree, Citrus aurantifolia, allied to the lemon.lima

65. mango: the oblong, sweet fruit of a tropical tree, Mangifera indica, of the cashew family, eaten ripe, or preserved or pickled.


66. nectarine: a variety or mutation of peach having a smooth, downless skin.peln (arg.)/ nectarina

67. olive: an evergreen tree, Olea europaea, of Mediterranean and other warm regions, cultivated chiefly for its fruit. Cf. olive family. The fruit of this tree, a small oval drupe, eaten as a relish and used as a source of oil.

aceituna (arg.)/oliva

68. orange: a globose, reddish-yellow, bitter or sweet, edible citrus fruit.naranja

69. papaya: the large, yellow, melon like fruit of a tropical American shrub or small tree, Carica papaya, eaten raw or cooked. Also called pawpaw.papaya

70. passion fruit: any edible fruit of a passionflower, as the maypop.

fruta de la pasin

71. peach: the sub acid, juicy, drupaceous fruit of a tree, Prunus persica, of the rose family.durazno (arg.) / melocotn

72. peanut: the pod or the enclosed edible seed of the plant, Arachis hypogaea, of the legume family: the pod is forced underground in growing, where it ripens.

man (arg.) / cacahuete

73. pear: the edible fruit, typically rounded but elongated and growing smaller toward the stem, of a tree, Pyrus communis, of the rose family.


74. pecan nut: a tall hickory tree, Carya illinoinensis, of the southern U.S. and Mexico, cultivated for its oval, smooth-shelled, edible nuts: the state tree of Texas. A nut of this tree.


75. persimmon: any of several trees of the genus Diospyros, esp. D. virginiana, of North America, bearing astringent, plum like fruit that is sweet and edible when ripe, and D. kaki, of Japan and China, bearing soft, red or orange fruit. The fruit itself.


76. pineapple: the edible, juicy, collective fruit of a tropical, bromeliaceous plant, Ananas comosus, that develops from a spike or head of flowers and is surmounted by a crown of leaves.

anan (arg.) / pia

77. plantain: a tropical plant, Musa paradisiaca, of the banana family, resembling the banana.pltano

78. plum: the drupaceous fruit of any of several trees belonging to the genus Prunus, of the rose family, having an oblong stone.


79. prune: a variety of plum that dries without spoiling.ciruela pasa

80. quince: either of two small trees, Cydonia oblonga or C. sinensis, of the rose family, bearing hard, fragrant, yellowish fruit used chiefly for making jelly or preserves.


81. raspberry: the fruit of any of several shrubs belonging to the genus Rubus, of the rose family, consisting of small and juicy red, black, or pale yellow drupelets forming a detachable cap about a convex receptacleframbuesa

82. strawberry: the fruit of any stemless plant belonging to the genus Fragaria, of the rose family, consisting of an enlarged fleshy receptacle bearing achenes on its exterior.frutilla

83. tangerine: Also called mandarin, mandarin orange. any of several varieties of mandarin, cultivated widely, esp. in the U.S. Deep orange; reddish orange.mandarina

84. walnut: the edible nut of trees of the genus Juglans, of the North Temperate Zone. Cf. walnut family.nuez

85. melon: the fruit of any of various plants of the gourd family, as the muskmelon or watermelon.meln

86. watermelon: the large, roundish or elongated fruit of a trailing vine, Citrullus lanata, of the gourd family, having a hard, green rind and a sweet, juicy, usually pink or red pulpsanda

herbs and spices:

hierbas y especias:

87. allspice: the dried, unripe berries of an aromatic tropical American tree, Pimenta dioica, used whole or ground as a spice.Pimienta de Jamaica

88. anise: a Mediterranean plant, Pimpinella anisum, of the parsley family, having loose umbrels of small yellowish-white flowers that yield aniseed.


89. basil: any of several aromatic herbs belonging to the genus Ocimum, of the mint family, as O. basilicum (sweet basil), having purplish-green ovate leaves used in cooking.


90. bay leaf: the dried leaf of the laurel, used in cookery.laurel

91. caraway: a plant, Carum carvi, of the parsley family, native to Europe, having finely divided leaves and umbels of white or pinkish flowers. It is also the aromatic seed like fruit of this plant, used in cooking and medicine.


92. cardamom: the aromatic seed capsules of a tropical Asian plant, Elettaria cardamomum, of the ginger family, used as a spice or condiment and in medicine.


93. chervil: an herb, Anthriscus cerefolium, of the parsley family, having aromatic leaves used to flavor soups, salads, etc.perifolio

94. chili pepper: the pungent pod of any of several species of Capsicum, esp. C. annuum longum: used in cooking for its pungent flavor.


95. chive: a small bulbous plant, Allium schoenoprasum, related to the leek and onion, having long, slender leaves that are used as a seasoning.cebolln

96. cinnamon: the aromatic inner bark of any of several East Indian trees belonging to the genus Cinnamonum, of the laurel family, esp. the bark of C. zeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon), used as a spice, or that of C. loureirii (Saigon cinnamon), used in medicine as a cordial and carminative.


97. clove: the dried flower bud of a tropical tree, Syzygium aromaticum, of the myrtle family, used whole or ground as a spiceclavo de olor

98. coriander: an herb, Coriandrum sativum, of the parsley family, native to Europe, having strong-scented leaves used in cooking and aromatic seeds used as a seasoning and in medicine. Also called Chinese parsley, cilantro.coriandro / cilantro

99. cumin: a small plant, Cuminum cyminum, of the parsley family, bearing aromatic, seed like fruit, used in cookery and medicine.


100. curry: East Indian Cookery. a pungent dish of vegetables, onions, meat or fish, etc., flavored with various spices or curry powder, and often eaten with rice.


101. dill: a plant, Anethum graveolens, of the parsley family, having aromatic seeds and finely divided leaves, both of which are used for flavoring food.


102. fennel seed: plant, Foeniculum vulgare, of the parsley family, having feathery leaves and umbels of small, yellow flowers. It is also the aromatic fruit of this plant, used in cookery and medicine.


103. ginger: a reed like plant, Zingiber officinale, native to the East Indies but now cultivated in most tropical countries, having a pungent, spicy rhizome used in cookery and medicine.jengibre

104. juniper berry: any evergreen, coniferous shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus, esp. J. communis, having cones that resemble dark-blue or blackish berries used in flavoring gin and in medicine as a diuretic.


105. mace: a spice ground from the layer between a nutmeg shell and its outer husk, resembling nutmeg in flavor.


106. marjoram: any of several aromatic herbs belonging to the genus Origanum, of the mint family, esp. O. majorana (sweet marjoram), having leaves used as seasoning in cooking. Cf. oregano.mejorana

107. mint: any aromatic herb of the genus Mentha, having opposite leaves and small, whorled flowers, as the spearmint and peppermint.menta

108. nutmeg: the hard, aromatic seed of the fruit of an East Indian tree, Myristica fragrans, used in grated form as a spice.nuez moscada

109. oregano: an aromatic herb, Origanum vulgare, of the mint family, having leaves used as seasoning in cooking. Also called pot marjoramorgano

110. paprika: a red, powdery condiment derived from dried, ripe sweet peppers.pimentn

111. parsley: an herb, Pertoselinum crispum, native to the Mediterranean, having either curled leaf clusters (French parsley) or flat compound leaves (Italian parsley), widely cultivated for use in garnishing or seasoning food. Cf. parsley family.perejil

112. pepper: a herb, Pertoselinum crispum, native to the Mediterranean, which has either curled leaf clusters (French parsley) or flat compound leaves (Italian parsley), widely cultivated for use in garnishing or seasoning food. Cf. parsley family.pimienta

113. rosemary: an evergreen shrub, Rosmarinus officinalis, of the mint family, native to the Mediterranean region, having leathery, narrow leaves and pale-blue, bell-shaped flowers, used as a seasoning and in perfumery and medicine: a traditional symbol of remembrance.


114. saffron: an orange-colored condiment consisting of its dried stigmas, used to color and flavor foods.azafrn

115. sage: an herb, Salvia officinalis, whose grayish-green leaves are used in medicine and for seasoning in cookery.salvia

116. savory: any of several aromatic herbs belonging to the genus Satureja, of the mint family, esp. S. hortensis (summer savory) or S. montana (winter savory), having narrow leaves used in cookery.


117. tarragon: an Old World plant, Artemisia dracunculus, having aromatic leaves used for seasoning. Also called estragon.estragn

118. thyme: any of numerous plants belonging to the genus Thymus, of the mint family, including the common garden herb T. vulgaris, a low subshrub having narrow, aromatic leaves used for seasoning.


119. turmeric: the aromatic rhizome of an Asian plant, Curcuma domestica (or C. longa), of the ginger family. A powder prepared from it, used as a condiment, as in curry powder, or as a yellow dye, a medicine, etc.


120. vanilla: any tropical, climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla, esp. V. planifolia, bearing pod like fruit yielding an extract used in flavoring food, in perfumery, etc. It is also the fruit or bean of this orchid. The extract of this fruit.


121. cayenne: a hot, biting condiment composed of the ground pods and seeds of the pepper Capsicum annuum longum.pimienta de cayena



122. egg: the hard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird and especially by the common domestic chicken; also : its contents used as food. Not a dairy foodhuevo



e. white


fried e.

huevo frito

boiled e.

huevo pasado por agua

scrambled e.

huevos revueltos

poached e.

huevos poch

123. chocolate: a preparation of the seeds of cacao, roasted, husked, and ground, often sweetened and flavored, as with vanilla.chocolate

124. cocoa: a powder made from roasted, husked, and ground seeds of the cacao, Theobroma cacao, from which much of the fat has been removed.


125. coffee: a beverage consisting of a decoction or infusion of the roasted ground or crushed seeds of the two-seeded fruit of certain coffee trees.the seeds or fruit themselves.Any tropical tree or shrub of the genus Coffea, of the madder family, esp. C. arabica and C. canephora, cultivated commerciallycaf

126. mustard: a pungent powder or paste prepared from the seed of the mustard plant, used as a food seasoning or condiment, and medicinally in plasters, poultices, etc.


127. salt: a crystalline compound, sodium chloride, NaCl, occurring as a mineral, a constituent of seawater, etc., and used for seasoning food, as a preservative, etc.


128. sugar: a sweet, crystalline substance, C12H22O11, obtained chiefly from the juice of the sugarcane and the sugar beet, and present in sorghum, maple sap, etc.: used extensively as an ingredient and flavoring of certain foods and as a fermenting agent in the manufacture of certain alcoholic beverages; sucrose. Cf. beet sugar, cane sugar.azcar

White s.

azcar blanco /a

s.lumps or cubes

azcar en pancitos / en


confectionerss. (AmE)/icing s. (BrE) azcar impalpable (arg.)

/azcar glas

granulated s.

azcar granulada

castor s.

azcar lustre

brown s.

azcar negra

129. tea: the dried and prepared leaves of a shrub, Camellia sinensis, from which a somewhat bitter, aromatic beverage is prepared by infusion in hot water.


130. vinegar : a sour liquid consisting of diluted and impure acetic acid, obtained by acetous fermentation from wine, cider, beer, ale, or the like: used as a condiment, preservative, etc.


dairy products:

productos lcteos:

131. milk: this liquid secreted by cows, goats, or certain other animals and used by humans for food or as a source of butter, cheese, yogurt, etc.


condensed m.

leche condensada

skim m. (AmE)/ skimmed m. (BrE) leche descremada

powdered m.

leche en polvo

whole m.

leche entera

homogenized m.

leche homogenizada

pasteurized m.

leche pasteurizada

evaporated m.

leche evaporada

132. butter: the fatty portion of milk, separating as a soft whitish or yellowish solid when milk or cream is agitated or churned.manteca (arg.) / mantequilla

133. cream: the fatty part of milk, which rises to the surface when the liquid is allowed to stand unless homogenized.crema

134. yogurt: a prepared food having the consistency of custard, made from milk curdled by the action of cultures, sometimes sweetened or flavored.yogur

135. cream cheese: a soft, white, smooth-textured, unripened, spreadable cheese made of sweet milk and sometimes cream. Gulf States. cottage cheese.

queso crema

136. cottage cheese: an extremely soft, or loose, white, mild-flavored cheese made from skim-milk curds, usually without rennet.


137. grated cheese: Any hard or semi hard cheese that has been reduced to small shreds or pulverized by rubbing against a rough or sharp perforated surface.queso rallado

edible fats and oils:

grasas comestibles y aceites:

138. oil: any of a large class of substances typically unctuous, viscous, combustible, liquid at ordinary temperatures, and soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water: used for anointing, perfuming, lubricating, illuminating, heating, etc.


olive o.

aceite de oliva

cod-liver o.

aceite de hgado de bacalao

linseed o.

aceite de lino

vegetable o.

aceite vegetal

139. fat: any of several white or yellowish greasy substances, forming the chief part of adipose tissue of animals and also occurring in plants, that when pure are colorless, odorless, and tasteless and are either solid or liquid esters of glycerol with fatty acids; fats are insoluble in water or cold alcohol but soluble in ether, chloroform, or benzene: used in the manufacture of soap, paints, and other protective coatings and in cooking.


animal f.

grasa animal


grasa de pella

vegetable f.

grasa vegetal


grasa de cerdo

140. margarine: a butter like product made of refined vegetable oils, sometimes blended with animal fats, and emulsified, usually with water or milk. Also called oleomargarine.margarina

kitchen utensils:

utensilios de cocina:

141. aluminium foil: metal in the form of very thin sheets, used for wrapping food for cooking.papel de aluminio

142. brush: an implement consisting of bristles, hair, or the like, set in or attached to a handle, used for cooking.pincel

143. cake tin: a metal container where the preparation of a cake is placed in order to be cooked.molde

144. electric beater: an electric device used for beating eggs or any other preparation.

batidora elctrica

145. frying pan: a shallow, long-handled pan in which food is fried. Also, fry-pan, frypan Also called skillet.sartn

146. grill: a.the part of a cooker that directs heat downwards to cook food that is placed underneath it.

gratinador / parrilla (arg.)

b. a flat metal frame that you put food on to cook over a fire


147. grinder: a machine or tool for grinding a solid substance into a powder.


148. kitchen paper: thick paper on a roll, used for clearing up liquid, food, etc. Also called kitchen roll (BrE), kitchen towel (BrE) or paper towel (AmE).

rollo de cocina

149. masher: a cooking device used for crushing food into a soft mass.


150. palette knife: a knife with a blade that bends easily and has a rounded end, used by artists and in cooking


151. rubber spatula: an implement with a broad, flat, usually flexible rubber blade, used for blending foods or removing them from cooking utensils, mixing drugs, spreading plasters and paints, etc.

esptula de goma

152. saucepan: A deep round metal pot with a lid and one long handle or two short handles, used for cooking things over heat.

cacerola/ olla

153. spoon: A spoon that has a handle with a shallow bowl at the end, used for stirring, serving and eating food


wooden s.

cuchara de madera

dessert spoon

cuchara de postre

tablespoon, serving s.

cuchara de servir

soup s.

cuchara sopera


cucharita de t

154. thermometer: an instrument used for measuring the temperature of food, such as syrup, jam, jelly, etc.termmetro

155. weights: often, scales. A balance or any of various other instruments or devices for weighing food.balanza



156. bacon: Meat from the back or sides of a pig that has been cured (preserved using salt or smoke), usually served in thin slices.


157. beef: meat that comes from a cowcarne de vaca

158. ham: The top part of a pigs leg that has been cured (preserved using salt or smoke) and is eaten as food.


159. lamb: meat from a young sheep.cordero

160. pork: meat from a pig that has not been cured (preserved using SALT or smoke).


161. veal: meat from a calf ( a young cow).ternera

meat cuts:

cortes de carne:

162. chop: a thick slice of meat with a bone attached to it, especially from a pig or a sheep.


163. minced meat: meat cut into very small pieces using a special machine.carne picada

164. ribs: a piece of meat with one or more bones from the ribs of an animal.costilla

165. rump: a cut of beef from the hind part of the body of an animal, behind the loin and above the round.cuadril

166. steak: a slice of meat or fish, esp. beef, cooked by broiling, frying, etc.bife

167. tenderloin: a cut of beef or pork lying between the sirloin and ribs.lomo



168. kidney: the meat of an animal's kidney used as food.rin

169. liver: an organ in other animals similar to the human liver, often used as food.hgado

170. sweetbread: Also called stomach sweetbread. The pancreas of an animal, esp. a calf or a lamb, used for food.mollejas

171. brains: (pl.) the brain of an animal, eaten as food.


172. heart: a firm rather dry variety meat, usually beef or veal.corazn

173. tongue: the tongue of some animals cooked and eaten.


174. chitterlings: the small intestine of swine, especially when it is prepared as food. They are also known as chitlings, chitlins.chinchulines (arg.)specification for cooked meats:

puntos de coccin:

175. raw: uncooked, as articles of foodcrudo

176. rare: cooked just slightly.vuelta y vuelta

177. medium rare: cooked further but still the meat is red inside.a punto

178. well done: thoroughly cooked, esp. until all redness is gone.cocido



179. anchovy: any small, marine, herring-like fish of the family Engraulidae, esp. Engraulis encrasicholus, found in the Mediterranean Sea, often preserved in oil and used in salads, spreads, etc., or packaged in paste form.


180. caviar: (also caviare). The eggs of some types of fish, especially the sturgeon, that are preserved using salt and eaten as a very special and expensive type of food.


181. cod: a large sea fish with white flesh that is used for food.bacalao

182. eel: any of numerous elongated, snakelike marine or freshwater fishes of the order Apodes, having no ventral fins.anguila

183. haddock: a North Atlantic food fish, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, of the cod family.abadejo

184. hake: any marine fish of the genus Merluccius, closely related to the cods, esp. M. bilinearis, found off the New England coast.


185. herring: a North Atlantic fish that swims in very large groups and is used for food.


186. mackerel: a food fish, Scomber scombrus, of the North Atlantic, having wavy cross markings on the back.caballa

187. plaice: a European flat sea fish, Pleuronectes platessa, used for food.platija

188. red snapper: any of several snappers of the genus Lutjanus, esp. L. campechanus, a large food fish of the Gulf of Mexico.


189. salmon: a large fish with silver skin and pink flesh that is used for food. Salmon live in the sea but swim up rivers to lay their eggs.


190. sardine: the pilchard, Sardina pilchardus, often preserved in oil and used for food.sardina

191. sole: a European flatfish, Solea solea, used for food.lenguado

192. trout: a common freshwater fish that is used for food. There are several types of trout:


rainbow t.

trucha arcoiris

salmon trout

trucha salmn / salmonada

193. tuna: any of several large food and game fishes of the family Scombridae, inhabiting temperate and tropical seas.atn

194. whiting: a slender food fish of the genus Menticirrhus, of the croaker family, inhabiting waters along the Atlantic coast of North America.




195. calamari: a squid, esp. of the genus Loligo.calamar

196. clams: a large fish that can be eaten. It has a shell in two parts that can open and close.


197. crab: any decapod crustacean of the suborder Brachyura, having the eyes on short stalks and a short, broad, more or less flattened body, the abdomen being small and folded under the thorax.


198. lobster: any of various large, edible, marine, usually dull-green, stalk-eyed decapod crustaceans of the family Homaridae, esp. of the genus Homarus, having large, asymmetrical pincers on the first pair of legs, one used for crushing and the other for cutting and tearing: the shell turns bright red when cooked.langosta

199. mussel: any bivalve mollusk, esp. an edible marine bivalve of the family Mytilidae and a freshwater clam of the family Unionidae.


200. prawns: (BrE)any of various shrimp like decapod crustaceans of the genera Palaemon, Penaeus, etc., certain of which are used as food.

langostino, camarn, gamba

201. oysters: any of several edible, marine, bivalve mollusks of the family Ostreidae, having an irregularly shaped shell, occurring on the bottom or adhering to rocks or other objects in shallow water.


202. scallops: any of the bivalve mollusks of the genus Argopecten (Pecten) and related genera that swim by rapidly clapping the fluted shell valves together.


203. shrimps: (AmE) any of several small, long-tailed, chiefly marine crustaceans of the decapod suborder Natania, certain species of which are used as food.

langostinos, camarones, gambas



204. octopus: any octopod of the genus Octopus, having a soft, oval body and eight sucker-bearing arms, living mostly at the bottom of the sea. pulpo


carne de caza:

205. partridge: a brown bird with a round body and a short tail, that people hunt for sport or food.


206. hare: any rodent like mammal of the genus Lepus, of the family Leporidae, having long ears, a divided upper lip, and long hind limbs adapted for leaping.


207. pheasant: any of numerous large, usually long-tailed, Old World gallinaceous birds of the family Phasianidae, widely introduced.


208. quail: a small, migratory, gallinaceous game bird, Coturnix coturnix, of the Old World.codornz

209. rabbit: any of several soft-furred, large-eared, rodent like burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae, allied with the hares and pikas in the order Lagomorpha, having a divided upper lip and long hind legs, usually smaller than the hares and mainly distinguished from them by bearing blind and furless young in nests rather than fully developed young in the open.


210. venison: the flesh of a deer or similar animal as used for food.




211. chicken: the flesh of the chicken, esp. of the young bird, used as food.pollo

212. duck: any of numerous wild or domesticated web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, esp. of the genus Anas and allied genera, characterized by a broad, flat bill; short legs, and depressed body.


213. fowl: any of several other, usually gallinaceous, birds that are barnyard, domesticated, or wild, as the duck, turkey, or pheasant.

ave de corral

214. goose: any of numerous wild or domesticated, web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, esp. of the genera Anser and Branta, most of which are larger and have a longer neck and legs than the ducks.


215. turkey: a large, gallinaceous bird of the family Meleagrididae, esp. Meleagris gallopavo, of America, that typically has green, reddish-brown, and yellowish-brown plumage of a metallic luster and that is domesticated in most parts of the worldpavo



216. cover: to place something over or upon, as for protection, concealment, or warmth.cubrir

217. chill: to make something very cold but without freezing it.


218. drizzle: to pour in a fine streamespolvorear

219. measure: to ascertain the extent, dimensions, quantity, capacity, etc., of, esp. by comparison with a Standard.medir

220. place: to put something in a particular place, especially when you do it carefully or deliberately.


221. pure: to make food become a thick liquid by crushing fruit or cooked vegetables in a small amount of water.


222. remove: to move from a place or position; take away or off:sacar

223. reduce: to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etcreducir

224. seed: to remove the seeds from (fruit).quitar las semillas

225. shake: to move or sway with short, quick, irregular vibratory movements.agitar

226. wrap: to fold or roll up.envolver

Different ways of cutting:

Maneras diferentes de cortar:

227. chop: to cut in pieces; mince (often fol. by up)picar

228. dice: to cut into small cubes.cortar en dados

229. fillet: a. to cut or prepare (meat or fish) as a fillet.

b. to cut fillets from.


230. mince: to cut or chop into very small pieces.picar, moler

231. slice: to cut into slices; divide into parts.rebanar

232. shred: to cut or tear into small pieces, esp. small strips; reduce to shreds.cortar en juliana / desmenuzar / picar / triturar

cooking methods:

mtodos de coccin:

233. bake: to cook by dry heat in an oven or on heated metal or stones.hornear

234. boil: to heat water to the point where it forms bubbles and turns into steam or vapour, at 100 C.hervir

235. braise: to cook (meat, fish, or vegetables) by sauteing in fat and then simmering slowly in very little liquid.

estofar / dorar / brasear

236. brown: to fry, saut, or scorch slightly in cookingdorar

237. fry: to cook in a pan or on a griddle over direct heat, usually in fat or oil.freir

238. grill: to broil on a gridiron or other apparatus over or before a fire.grillar

239. broil: to cook by direct heat, as on a gridiron over the heat or in an oven under the heat.grillar / asar

240. roast: to cook (meat or other food) by direct exposure to dry heat, as on a spitasar / rostizar

241. saut: to cook in a small amount of fat; pan-fry.saltear

242. scald: to parboil or blanch (fruit, vegetables, etc.).escaldar / blanquear

243. seal: to burn or char the surface of.sellar

244. sear: to burn or char the surface of.sellar

245. simmer: to cook or cook in a liquid at or just below the boiling point.mijoter / cocinar a fuego lento

246. steam: to place food over boiling water so that it cooks in the steam.

cocinar al vapor

247. stew: to undergo cooking by simmering or slow boiling.guisar

food or dishes can be:

la comida puede estar:

248. bitter: having a harsh, disagreeably acrid taste, like that of aspirin, quinine, wormwood, or aloes.amargo

249. cold: having a relatively low temperature; having little or no warmth.fro/a

250. cooked: having been prepared for eating by the application of heat.


251. hot: having or giving off heat; having a high temperatura.caliente

252. mild: not strong, spicy or bitter.suave

253. raw: not cooked.crudo/a

254. salty: containing or tasting of salt.


255. sour: having an acid taste, resembling that of vinegar, lemon juice, etc.; tart.agrio

256. spicy: having a strong taste because spices have been used to flavour it.picante

257. sweet: containing, or tasting as if it contains, a lot of sugar.


soups can be:

las sopas pueden ser:

258. thick: heavy or viscous.espesa

259. clear: transparent; pellucid.consom / caldo

260. creamy: resembling cream in consistency or taste; soft and smooth.cremoso / sopa crema

different ways of beating:

diferentes maneras de batir:

261. beat: to stir vigorously.batir

262. blend in: to add something and then mix.agregar y mezclar

263. blend: to mix smoothly and inseparably together.mezclar

264. cream: a. to form creambatir crema

b. to work (butter and sugar, or the like) to a smooth, creamy mass.


c. to skim (milk).


265. fold in: to mix in or add (an ingredient) by gently turning one part over another.incorporar con movimientos envolventes

266. mix: to add as an element or ingredient.mezclar

267. stir: to move a liquid or substance around, using a spoon or something similar, in order to mix it thoroughly.


268. whip: to beat (eggs, cream, etc.) to a froth with an eggbeater, whisk, fork, or other implement in order to mix in air and cause expansion.


269. whisk: to mix liquids, eggs, etc. Into a stiff light mass, using a fork or a special tool.batir

foreign measurements:

medidas extranjeras:

270. dash: a small amount of something that is added to something else.pizca

271. gallon: a unit for measuring liquid. In the UK it is equal to about 4.5 litres; in the Us it is equal to about 3.8 litres. There are four quarts in a gallon.


272. ounce (oz.): a unit for measuring weight, 1/16 of a pound, equal to 28.35 grams.


273. pint (pt.): a unit for measuring liquids and some dry goods. There are 8 pints in a gallon, equal to 0.568 of a litre in the UK and 0.473 of a litre in the US.


274. pound (lb.): a unit for measuring weight, equal to o.454 of a kilogram.libra

275. quart (qt): a unit for measuring liquids, equal to 2 pints or about 1.14 litres in the UK and 0.94 of a litre in the US.

cuarto de galn

the kitchen:

la cocina:

276. burner: the part of a cooker/stove that produces flame.quemador / hornalla (arg.)

277. dishwasher: a machine for washing dishes, kitchen utensils, etc., automatically.lavavajillas

278. grill: a grated utensil for broiling meat, fish, vegetables, etc., over a fire; gridiron.gratinador, parrilla, grill

279. larder: a room or place where food is kept; pantry.alacena, despensa

280. oven: a chamber or compartment, as in a stove, for baking, roasting, heating, drying, etc.


281. refrigerator: a box, room, or cabinet in which food, drink, etc., are kept cool by means of ice or mechanical refrigeration.


282. salamander: an oven usually heated from the top and bottom by gas, for cooking, browning, and glazing food.salamandra

283. saut pan: a large shallow pan with a long handle, used for frying food in it.sartn

284. sink: a basin or receptacle, as in a kitchen or laundry, usually connected with a water supply and drainage system, for washing dishes, clothing, etc. the restaurant:

en el restorn:

285. accompaniment: something that you eat, drink or use together with something else.


286. bill (BrE) / check (AmE): a statement of money owed for goods or services supplied.Cuenta (arg.) / adicin

287. bread basket: a basket or similar container for bread or rolls.panera

288. dessert plate: a small plate used for serving desserts.

plato de postre

289. dinner plate: a big shallow plate used for serving the main course of a meal.

plato playo

290. dish of the day: the special meal that is prepared each day by a restaurant.

plato del da

291. dessert: (AmE) cake, pie, fruit, pudding, ice cream, etc., served as the final course of a meal.postre

292. garnish: something placed around or on a food or in a beverage to add flavor, decorative color, etc.guarnicin, decoracin

293. goblet: a drinking glass with a foot and a stem but with no handle.copa

294. main course: the principal dish of a meal that goes after the starter and before the dessert.

plato principal

295. napkin: a small piece of cloth or paper, usually square, for use in wiping the lips and fingers and to protect the clothes while eating.


296. napkin ring: a ring or band of metal, wood, plastic, etc., through which a folded napkin is inserted, often as part of a place setting.servilletero

297. pepper shaker (AmE) / pepperpot (BrE): a small box with perforations in the top, for sprinkling pepper.


298. place mat: a mat set on a dining table beneath a place setting.


299. pudding: (BrE) the dessert course of a meal.postre

300. salt shaker (AmE) / saltcellar (BrE): a container for salt with a perforated top to allow the salt to be shaken out.salero

301. soup dish: a deep plate used for serving liquids such as soups.plato hondo

302. starter (BrE) / appetizer (AmE): a small amount of food that is served before the main course of a meal.


303. tablecloth: a cloth for covering the top of a table, esp. during a meal.


304. table wine: a wine that contains not more than 14 percent alcohol and is usually served as an accompaniment to food.

vino de mesa

305. tip: a small present of money given directly to someone for performing a service or menial task; gratuity.propina

306. waiter/waitress: a person whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant.

mozo/a (arg.) / mesero/a / camarero/a

307. wineglass: a drinking glass, as a goblet, having a foot and a stem and used specifically for serving wine.copa de vino

drinks / beverages:


308. beer: a bitter alcoholic drink made from malt and flavoured with hops. There are many types of beer.cerveza

a. draft b.

cerveza tirada

b. dark b.

cerveza negra

c. lager

cerveza rubia



309. champagne: the sparkling, dry, white table wine from the region of Champagne in France.champn

310. cider: an alcoholic drink made from the juice of apples.


311. juice: a drink made from the liquid that comes from fruits or vegetables.jugo (arg.) / zumo

312. lemonade (BrE): a sweet fizzy drink made with lemon flavour.limonada, gaseosa

313. pop: a carbonated, flavored, and sweetened soft drink.refresco / gaseosa

314. soda: an effervescent beverage consisting of water charged with carbon dioxide.soda

315. soft drink: a beverage that is not alcoholic or intoxicating and is usually carbonated, as root beer or ginger ale.

refresco, gaseosa

316. water: a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O, freezing at 32F or 0C and boiling at 212F or 100C.agua

a. running w.

agua corriente

b. mineral w.

agua mineral

c. sparkling w.

agua mineral con gas

d. fizzy w. (BrE).

agua mineral con gas

e. drinking w.

agua potable

f. tonic w.

agua tnica

317. wine: an alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes that has been left to ferment. There are many different kinds of wine.


a. red wine

vino tinto

b. white wine:

vino blanco

c. sparkling wine

vino espumante

d. ros wine:

vino rosado


bebidas alcohlicas:

318. advocaat: a Dutch liqueur made with brandy, sugar, and eggs.licor de huevo

319. brandy: a spirit distilled from wine or from the fermented juice of grapes or of apples, peaches, plums, etc.cognac, brandy

320. gin: an alcoholic liquor obtained by distilling grain mash with juniper berries.ginebra / gin

321. grappa: an unaged brandy, originally from Italy, distilled from the pomace of a wine press.


322. port: any of a class of very sweet wines, mostly dark-red, originally from Portugal.oporto

323. rum: an alcoholic liquor or spirit distilled from molasses or some other fermented sugar-cane product.ron

324. sherry: a fortified, amber-colored wine of southern Spain or any of various similar wines made elsewhere.


a. sweet sh.

jerez dulce

b. dry sh.

jerez seco

325. tequila: a strong liquor from Mexico, distilled from fermented mash of an agave.tequila

326. vermouth: an aromatized white wine in which herbs, roots, barks, bitters, and other flavorings have been steeped.


327. vodka: an unaged, colorless, distilled spirit, originally made in Russia.


328. whisky: a strong alcoholic drink made from malted grain. It is sometimes drunk with water and/or ice.whisky



329. breadcrumbs: crumbs of bread, either dried or soft.pan rallado

330. brown bread: any bread made of flour darker in color than ordinary wheat flour, esp. graham or whole wheat bread.pan negro

331. french bread / baguette/ french stick: a yeast-raised bread made of dough containing water and distinguished by its thick, well-browned crust, usually made in long, slender, tapered loaves.pan francs, baguette

332. panettone: an Italian yeast-leavened bread, traditionally eaten on holidays, usually made with raisins, candied fruit peels, almonds, and brandy.pan dulce

333. rye bread: bread that is made either entirely or partly from rye flour, often with caraway seeds.pan de centeno

334. white bread: any white or light-colored bread made from finely ground, usu. bleached, flour.

pan blanco

335. whole wheat bread / wholemeal bread: bread containing whole grains of wheat.

pan integral

336. (tin) loaf: bread which is baked in a rectangular tin.

pan de molde

337. sliced bread: white or brown bread which its main ingredient is milk, and which, after baked, is cut into slices.

pan lactal




abadejo183. haddock

ablandar264. cream, to

ablandar (manteca) 264. cream, to

aceite138. oil

aceite de hgado de bacalao138. cod-liver oil

aceite de lino138. linseed oil

aceite de oliva138. olive oil

aceite vegetal138. vegetable oil

aceituna67. olive

acelga30. swiss chard

acompaamiento285. accompaniment

adicin285. bill

agitar225. shake, to

agregar y mezclar262. blend in, to

agrio254. sour

agua316. water

agua corriente316. running water

agua mineral316. mineral water

agua mineral con gas316. sparkling water, fizzy water

agua potable316. drinking water

agua tnica316. tonic water

aguacate47. avocado

ajedrea116. savoir

aj94. chilli pepper

ajo17. garlic

alacena279. larder

albahaca89. basil

albaricoque46. apricot

alcaravea91. caraway

alcaucil1. artichoke

almeja196. clams

almendra44. almond

amargo248. bitter

anan76. pineapple

anchoa179. anchovy

anguila182. eel

ans88. anise

apio9. celery

apunto177. medium rare

arndano50. blueberry

arenque185. herring

arroz39. rice

arroz salvaje41. wild rice

arveja22. pea

asar240. roast, to

asar238. broil, to

atn193. tuna

ave de corral213. fowl

avellana60. hazelnut

avena38. oats

azafrn114. saffron

azcar124. sugar

azcar blanco124. white sugar

azcar en pancitos / terrones124. sugar lumps or cubes

azcar glas123. confectionerss sugar

azcar granulada124. granulated sugar

azcar impalpable124. confectioners sugar, icing sugar

azcar lustre124. castor sugar

azcar negra124. brown sugar

bacalao181. cod

baguette331. french bread, baguette, French stick

balanza155. weights

banana48. banana

batidora elctrica144. electric beater

batir261. beat, to

batir268. whip, to; 269. whisk, to

batir crema264. cream, to

berenjena13. eggplant, 14. aubergine

berro36. water cress

bife166. steak

blanquear241. scald, to

brandy319. brandy

brasear234. braise, to

brcoli4. broccoli

caballa186. ackerel

cacahuete72. peanut

cacao124. cocoa

cacerola152. saucepan

caf125. coffee

calabacn32. zucchini, 33.courgette

calabaza29. squash

calamar195. calamari

caldo258. clear

caliente251. hot

camarero/a305. waiter/waitress

camarn200. prawns

camarones203. shrimps

canela96. cinnamon

cangrejo197. crac

caqui75. persimmon

cardamomo92. cardamom

carne de vaca157. beef

carne picada163. minced meat

castaa53. chestnut

castaa de par51. Brazil nut

caviar180. caviar

cebada37. barley

cebolla21. onion

cebolla de verdeo28. spring onion

cebolln95. chive

centeno40. rye

cerdo160. pork

cereza52. cherry

cerveza308. beer

cerveza307. ale

cerveza negra308. dark beer

cerveza rubia308. lager

cerveza tirada308. draft beer

chalote26. shallot

champn309. champagne

chauchas3. green beans

chinchulines174. chitterlings

chocolate123. chocolate

chuleta227. chop

cidra310. cider

cilantro98. coriander

ciruela78. plum

ciruela pasa79. prune

clara122. egg white

clavo de olor97. clove

cocido178. well done

cocido/a250. cooked

cocinar a fuego lento244. simmer, to

cocinar al vapor246. steam, to

coco54. coconut

codorniz208. quail

coliflor8. cauliflower

colocar220. place, to

comino99. cumin

conejo209. rabbit

consom259. clear

coac319. randy

copa293. goblet

copa de vino307. wineglass

corazn172. Herat

cordero159. lamb

coriandro98. coriander

cortar en dados228. dice to

cortar en Juliana232. shred, to

costilla164. Ribs

crema133. cream

cremosa (sopa)260. creamy

criadillas174. chitterlings

crudo/a253. raw

cuadril165. rump

cuarto de galn275. quart

cubrir216, cover, to

cuchara153. spoon

cuchara de Madera153. wooden spoon

cuchara de postre153. dessertspoon

cuchara de servir153. tablespoon

cuchara de servir153. serving spoon

cuchara sopera153. soup spoon

cucharita153. teaspoon

cuenta286. bill / check

crcuma119. turmeric

curry100. curry

damasco46. apricot

dtil55. date

decoracin292. garnish

desmenuzar231. shred, to

desnatar (leche)264. cream, to

despensa279. larder

dorar236. brown, to

dorar234. braise, to

dulce257. sweet

durazno71. peach

echalota26. shallot

endivia15. chicory

endivia15. endive

enebro104. juniper berry

eneldo101. dill

enfriar217. chill, to

entrada302. starter, appetizer

envolver226. wrap, to

escaldar242. scald, to

escalonia26. shallot

escarola15. endive

esprrago2. asparagus

esptula150. palette knife

esptula de goma151. rubber spatula

espesa (sopa)258. thick

espinaca27. spinach

estofar235. braise, to

estragn117. tarragon

faisn207. heasant

filetear229. fillet, to

frambuesa81. raspberry

frer237. fry, to

fro/a249. cold

fruta de la pasin70. passion fruit

frutilla82. strawberry

galn271. gallon

gambas203. shrimps

gambas200. prawns

ganso214. goose

gaseosa312. lemonade; 315. soft drink

ginebra320. gin

grapa321. grappa

grasa139. fat

grasa animal139. animal fat

grasa de cerdo139. lard

grasa de pella139. suet

grasa vegetal139. vegetable fat

gratinador146. grill

grill278. grill

grillar238. grill, to; 239. broil, to

grosella57. gooseberry

guarnicin292. garnish

guisante22. pea

guisar247. stew, to

habichuela verde3. green beans

heladera281. refrigerator

hervir234. boil, to

hgado169. liver

higo56. fig

hinojo16. fennel

hinojo16. fennel seed

hongo20. mushroom

hornalla276. Burner

hornear233. bake, to

horno280. oven

huevo122. egg

huevo frito122. fried egg

huevo pasado por agua 122. boiled egg

huevos pochs122. boached egg

huevos revueltos 122. scrambled egg

incorporar con movimientos envolventes265. fold in, to

individual298. place mat

integral42. whole wheat

jamn158. ham

jengibre103. ginger

jerez324. sherry

jerez dulce324. sweet sherry

jerez seco324. dry sherry

juda verde3. grean beans

jugo311. juice

kiwi61. kiwi

langosta198. lobster

langostino200. prawns

langostinos203. shrimps

laurel90. bay leaf

lavavajillas277. dishwasher

leche131. milk

leche condensada131. condensed milk

leche descremada131. skim milk/ skimmed milk

leche en polvo131. powdered milk

leche entera131. whole milk

leche evaporada131. evaporated milk

leche homogenizada131. homogenized milk

leche pasteurizada131. pasteurized milk

lechuga19. lettuce

lengua173. tongue

lenguado191. sole

libra274. pound

licor de huevo318. advocaat

liebre206. hare

lima64. lime

limn63. lemon

limonada312. lemonade

lomo167. tenderloin

macia105. mace

maz11. corn

mandarina83. tangerine

man72. peanut

manteca132. butter

mantel303. tablecloth

mantequilla131. butter

manzana45. apple

margarina140. margarine

medir219, measure, to

mejilln199. mussel

mejorana106. marjoram

melocotn71. peach

meln85. melon

membrillo80. quince

menta107. mint

merluza184. hake

mesero/a305. waiter/ waitress

mezclar263. blend, to

mezclar266. mix, to

mijoter245. simmer, to

molde143. cake tin

moler230. mince, to

molinillo147. grinder

mollejas170. sweetbread

mora49. blackberry

morrn23. pepper

mostaza130. mustard

mozo /a306. waiter / waitress

nabo32. turnip

naranja68. orange

nuez84. walnut

nuez moscada108. nutmeg

olla152. saucepan

onza272. ounce

oporto322. port

organo109. oregano

ostras201. oysters

pacana (nuez)74. pecan nut

palta47. avocado

pan blanco334. white bread

pan de centeno333. rye bread

pan de molde336. (tin) loaf

pan dulce332. panettone

pan francs331. french bread, baguette, French stick

pan integral335. whole wheat bread, wholemeal bread

pan lactal337. sliced bread

pan negro330. brown bread

pan rallado329. breadcrumbs

panceta156. bacon

panera287. bread basket

papa24. potatoes

papaya69. papaya

papel de aluminio141. aluminium foil

pargo188. red snapper

parrilla278. grill

parrilla146. grill

pato212. duck

pavo215. turkey

peln66. nectarine

pepino12. cucumber

pera73. pear

perdiz205. partridge

perejil111. parsley

perifolio93. chervil

pescadilla194. whiting

picante256. spicy

picar227. chop, to

picar230. mince, to

picar231. shred, to

pileta284. sink

pimentero297. pepper shaker / pepper pot

pimentn110. paprika

pimienta112. pepper

pimienta de cayena121. cayenne

pimienta de Jamaica87. allspice

pimiento23. pepper

pincel142. brush

pinta273. pint

pia76. pineapple

pisar221. pure, to

pizca270. dash

pltano77. plantain

platija187. plaice

plato de postre288. dessert plate

plato del da290. dish of the day

plato hondo301. soup dish

plato playo289. dinner plate

plato principal294. main course

pollo211. chicken

pomelo58. grapefruit

postre291. dessert; 299. pudding

propina305. tip

puerro18. leeks

pulpo204. octopus

puretera149. masher

quemador276. burner

queso crema135. cream cheese

queso rallado137. grated cheese

quinoto62. kumquat

quitar las semillas224. seed, to

rabanito25. radish

rbano25. radish

rbano picante34. horseradish

rebanar231. slice, to

reducir223. reduce, to

refresco313. pop; 315. soft drink

remolacha35. beetroot

repollitos de Bruselas5. Brussels sprouts

repollo6. cabbage

revolver267. stir, to

rin168. kidney

rollo de cocina148. kitchen paper

romero113. rosemary

ron323. rum

rostizar239. roast, to

sacar222. remove, to

sal127. salt

salado254. salty

salamandra282. salamander

salero300. salt shaker / saltcellar

salmn189. salmon

salpicar218. drizzle, to

saltear241. saut, to

salvia115. sage

sanda86. watermelon

sardina190. sardine

sartn283. saut pan

sartn145. frying pan

sellar243. seal, to; 244. sear, to

servilleta295. napkin

servilletero296. napkin ring

sesos171. brains

soda314. soda

sopa crema259. creamy soup

suave252. mild

t129. tea

tequila325. tequila

termmetro154. thermometer

ternera161. veal

tomate31. tomato

tomillo118. thyme

trigo42. wheat

triturar231. shred, to

trucha192. trout

trucha arco iris192. rainbow trout

trucha marrn192. brown trout

trucha salmn192. salmon trout

uva59. grape

vainilla120. vanilla

venado210. venison

verm326. vermouth

vieira202. scallops

vinagre130. vinegar

vino317. wine

vino blanco 317. white wine

vino de mesa317. table wine

vino espumante317. sparkling wine

vino rosado317. ros wine

vino tinto317. red wine

vodka327. vodka

vuelta y vuelta176. rare

whisky328. whisky

yema122. egg yolk

yogur134. yogurt

zanahoria7. carrot

zapallito32. zucchini, 33. courgette

zucchini33. zucchini; courgette

zumo310. juice


Diccionario de la Real Academia Espaola, vigsima segunda edicin.

Dictionary of English Language and Culture, Longman, England, 1993.

The Oxford Spanish Dictionary, Oxford University Press, USA, 1994.

Websters Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language,1999.

www.lingolex.comwww.wordreference.comwww.yourdictionary.comMelina Mazzoleni, Instituto de Enseanza en Lenguas Vivas J.R.Fernndez, 2005

Glosario de cocina.