Glock Gen4 Pistols

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  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols


  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols



    T he G e rn 4, ju st ~like a ny G LO CK p is to l h as ~ hes am e tim e testedl "Safe Act ion" system durable exterior finish, . co ld hammer fo rge;c i ba lrre l l a u rab i I li ty~ re i iab il ii ty= ~ight wei9lnt, ., t llat make GLOCK f irealrmsramous!

    The new Gen411as several new features designedllo satilsfy the mostd em an din g co ns um ers . lt is b as ed o n a f u l l l size 817/G22 MIBS(multiple back strap) framewlth a reduced short frame trigger

    mechanism h O l U s i n g L The t 'l1J ll lI l tip leback: S '~r aps y st em a llowsthe user to changlE! the cireumferenee offthe grip to fit theirillldividual hand size.T he g trip h as th re e O ip tio rw s;a s ho rt fra me ve rs io n, m e-dium frame or large IT-ame that ar-eeasl Iy chanqed a ndsecured wi~ha sit1g~epin.The grip angle of the GLOCK "SaJfeAction" Pistolis not cnanqed by back strap' mooifi'calnons. Thise ns ure s th at th e s ho ote r d oe s n ot s ho ot h ig h o r lowwhen lmodi l fyi i l1Q~heback strap or when shoot ingwnth a di if if e re l1 l t GLOCK Pilstol.

  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols


    The smallest back su-ap is inte~fated in tiIle 817MB5 rec li l. lc ii tng t he , trigge F ' di s tance of the standards iz eG '1 71G 2: 2 t am e by 2 mm . T he m ediU lm b ackstrap is a 2 mm back strap offering eqllJi3J~siza ofa standard G17/G22 frame. The large back strElPis a 4 mm b ack stra p.

    T he m aqazlne re leas-e catch of the G eM is reverslble a nd e nla rg ed ..Thereversibl,e rnaqazlneceteh a~llowsUSHIfS to switch t~e catch to the left or rigntsid e of the p isto l w ijth no ad ditional pa rts.

    Addirliollally, the Gen4 has 8 J new Rough Textured Frame {Gen4 RIF)suliacedesigned to enhall"lcegrip traction and is present on the frame as w ell as theln te ro ha n qe ab le b a ck s tr ap s . .

  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols


    GLOCK Back Strapsm m i n . c h _ l _

    w/o Back Strap (SF)SF Length > (avera,!I} 202 7.95

    T rig ge rr d is tance 70 2.76

    M Length {avera II} 204 8.03T rig gewd lstaace 72::2 .83large Back Strap (4 rnrnj

    L Length (overall) 206 8,11T r ig ge r d is ta n ce 74 2,,91

  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols


    GLOCK( ;Al l IBeR!tx19S ' I { S 1 I " E MSafe Actioo

    Gen4 lP~stolModels

    _!IGl-li6 25 9 . ' Z2 .Q 4 o zL OA De D ~ -~005 g .'31.91 02.

    MAG. CAF.'AOITYStarCiait l: 17OF.'TIIONAL119/38

    Both Mode-Is:LS!1 i !I th [ s l de cpl .)Wld!h

    188 rnrn30mm

    ~"-3~i!!!oh1.18 inch

    BOJITeIprof PiJllI

    1 l 8: > :: a g -r igh t I lOJm l tw i$ t2,5 kg 5.5 Ihs.

    Heightwith Magcfi" 138mm 5~43inch Barre lengil!h 114mrn 4,4~inch lriggerTra\rel 12,5mm ~J49ilnchz in e ( in c !" sights) Lenglh of tw is t .2 ,5 tJ rnm 9.84 inch

    L'ergth belw~enSights

    GLOCK 22 Oer!4


    CAL IBER. 4 4 )SYSTEMSafeAQ~Ol

    WEIG,HT.6459/23 Q:'.LOADED~'-~' 972 g.' 35 oz


  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols


    GLOCK Gen4 CompatibitityGLOCK "Safe Action" piistols only require 34 components ~ clearlly less thanconventionai pistols. This simpli fies spere parts IOgiist ics" reduces susceptibil ityto errors, reduces maintenance costs and above all results in unsurpassed partscompatibil ity among various GlLOCK pistol models.

    c omp al jb ll e w i 1l hG LOCK 1 7 Ge n4

    _ _ _ _ ~ - . . c : - : : _ _ _ ~ _- _--~-

  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols



  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols


    GLOCK HOLSTERGLOCK S.afety Holster" 'iNot~8iI8b1eforllleUSn18rketS afe - s imple - q uic k; T he G LO CK S afe ty Ho!lsteraffords o ff ic e rs o n duty op timum p rot ec s on hinderinguIl81Jjlhmized access to fue weap(llrn bytllurd1lparties. Ea&y operation and er~mllOmical design makef or jh e i eg :emJa ry GLOCK speed. This a l Io \ l' ll 'Sfor q tuick drawing of tn e weapon il! on e moton,GLOCK Belt 'ManglerD itfe [fe nt~ y d im e ns io ne d s ho rt a nd tandem carry p la tes can be attached to any se-rvlice b elf fo rcp tlm um carry com fort aH lle G LO CK S afe ty Ho!s ier .GLOCK Tactiical Belt HangerCombines th e f ea tu re s o f th e G LOCK S afe ~ Holster w i th e rgonom ic ~ow posit io n in g .

  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols


    GLOCKTacticall ILi'ght an d Laser Modu~les

    GTL 10 11 1

    I OP ~PArIONAl MODES:+ Xeron Li~ht\c+XeF'liJltllight dimmable (GTL 1 1 ) ,

    OPERATIONAL MODES; XenonU~ht, Xsnon Light '> VIS laE8[,ViS Laser\ . tXenon L i ; ; J h t d immab le (GTL 22 )/

    OF'!"RAi i !ONAL I,.Xenon Light, xenon Light ""VI S LES8'J, VI S Use!, IR l ight IR L ight + IR Laser,. I,R.Laser I+ Xeno~ L igh t o imm ab le ( GT L 5 :2 )+IIRLaserdimmable (G'TL 52) I O n ly a ~a ila ble t o L E & i1 i11~a')'\_ ~e>;;!:IUI1~~'11th'" US

  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols


    GL 0 CK "SAFE ACTIION" SYSTEMGLOCK pistols are equipped withthe Safe Action System. a fully automatic safety systemconsisting of ihree passive, independently operating rnechenlcal safeties, which sequentiallyd isengag 'e when the trig ge r ls p ulle d a nd a utom atic ally re en ga ge w h en th e trig g er is r ele as ed ,

    1 Triglgelr Safety2 F ir;ing P in Safety3 Drop Safety

  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols


    1 Trigger SafetyT'he trigg,ersafety ls lncorporatsd ~ntothe tr~ggrerin the formoVa Ilev,erand w hen iin ~h,e fOMard pos it io n , b lo c ks t lhe t rig ge rf rom morving reaf'l .l \!'ard. To fire this pistol, ill! triglger safetya nd th e tl".ig ge l" itse lf. m us t be deliberatelly depressed at th esame time. If the triggler safety is not depressed, the triggerwni l n ot m o ve re aru va rd s a nd a (~ ow t he p is to l to fire .

    2 Firing Pin SafetyThe spri ing-!oaded fiirifilQpin safety proJects into tlhe firing pinc ha nn el a nd m ec ha nilc ailly b lo cks th e firin g p in fro m m ovin gforward. When the trugg!f is being moved rearwards, a verti-cal extension of the trigger bar pushes the liming pin safetyu pw a rd s, c le arlr'1 g tn e fin in g p iln c ha nn el, D urin g th e s lid e o Y=ding process, the firing pin sa fe t y au toma t ic aJ 'l y reengages.

    3 Drop SafetyThe rear part of the trigger bar, whiich has a cruciform shape,rests w l fl lh bO '~harms on the drop safety shelf located in thetn ig .g er m ec ha nis m h ou sln q, W h nltth e trig ge r is pu lled to therear, the trigger bar begins to move , of!'Ulntilfinally separatingf rom the firing pi n l ug , Du rii ng the s l r ide,cyc lmng process, thet f l igQlerbalF'~s~Iiftedand caught hy the f ir in g p in ILlg, The tri:g-ger bar is reengaged by the fir ing pin lug.

  • 8/7/2019 Glock Gen4 Pistols
