GlobeMed at Columbia Project Cheat Sheet 2012-2013

GlobeMed at Columbia


A basic outline of our 2012-2013 project with GWED-G. Briefly learn why we chose each objective of our project, what each objective will accomplish, and how each objective will be accomplished

Transcript of GlobeMed at Columbia Project Cheat Sheet 2012-2013

GlobeMed at Columbia

Our project: hiv/aids awareness

In 4 bullet points…

•  HIV awareness and sensitization

•  Capacity building of voluntary community health workers

•  Promoting maternal and newborn health

•  Supporting health facilities through provision of equipment

Objective 1 HIV/AIDS awareness and


Why did we choose this objective?

•  Lack of knowledge in communities about HIV prevention

•  Prevalence of HIV in northern Uganda: ~6.5%

•  Sensitization campaigns were a turning point for HIV positive beneficiaries

•  Important to educate before doing a blood screening

•  Strong link between HIV transmission and gender-based violence

•  Youth group response: they abandon their farming to educate peers about HIV

Objective 1: HIV/AIDS Awareness + sensitization

What will this objective accomplish?

Objective 1: HIV/AIDS Awareness + sensitization

•  Increased levels of HIV/AIDS awareness and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention

•  Reduced levels of discrimination and stigmatization of HIV clients

•  Increased care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)

•  Increased freedom of discussion about HIV management and prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) at the family level

How will we accomplish this objective?

•  Continue and scale up awareness and sensitization on HIV/AIDS prevention

•  Incorporate GBV prevention and response approaches to sensitization campaigns

•  Add livelihood components to current youth groups and HIV positive women’s groups

•  Establish routine HIV/AIDS counseling and testing (HCT) services by conducting group counseling and individual counseling

Objective 1: HIV/AIDS Awareness + sensitization

Objective 2 Health worker capacity


Why did we choose this objective?

•  Health workers are key in spreading awareness and provide care for HIV positive patients

•  Loss of livelihood and income due to voluntary health work

•  Lack of official nature to VHT position

•  Transportation into villages is difficult

•  Rainy season impedes VHTs from doing good work

Objective 2: health worker capacity building

Objective 2: health worker capacity building

What will this objective accomplish?

•  Increased knowledge and skills for health workers

•  Increased understanding for VHTs about conducting home visits

•  Increased knowledge on the existing health centers/hospital referral points for HIV clients and mothers on PMTCT, HCT, ANC, and family planning

•  Increased numbers of clients reporting for counseling and testing

How will we accomplish this objective?

•  Conduct refresher trainings to 20 VHTs on best practices and skills in HIV prevention management, community sensitization, conducting outreaches and home visits, and making referrals

•  Provide 5 bicycles to VHTs, 20 rainboots, and 20 raincoats to reinforce outreaches

•  Incentives for VHTs in the form of salt, sugar, and soap

•  Encourage male VHTs’ wives to join existing women’s groups

Objective 2: health worker capacity building

Objective 3 Promote maternal and

newborn health

Why did we choose this objective?

•  Lack of knowledge about prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) among HIV positive women and their husbands

•  Women have HIV free babies, but their children are still malnourished

•  Lack of livelihood support for women

•  Women know about PMTCT, but men not as knowledgeable

Objective 3: Promote maternal + newborn health

Objective 3: Promote maternal + newborn health

What will this objective accomplish?

•  Increased knowledge on PMTCT for HIV positive women and their husbands

•  Reduced numbers of HIV infected babies born to HIV positive women

•  Reduced numbers of malnourished children born to HIV positive women

How will we accomplish this objective?

•  Enroll 40 mothers for PMTCT and antenatal care (ANC) services and counseling after testing

•  Provide counseling for pregnant couples, allowing men to become partners in health and family planning

•  Conduct referrals for PMTCT services and ensure availability of emergency obstetric care & newborn care within health facilities

•  Incorporate nutritional education and support supplements to mothers and their babies in the form of vegetable seeds

Objective 3: Promote maternal + newborn health

Objective 4 Support to health facilities

Objective 4: support to health facilities

Why did we choose this objective?

•  PMTCT education could be all for naught if health facilities do not have supplies to perform a safe birth because HIV can be transmitted through fluids during childbirth

•  Health facilities lack safe birth materials

•  Village health workers saw that provision of safe birth kits was hugely effective

Objective 4: support to health facilities

What will this objective accomplish? •  Improved service delivery at health facilities

•  More healthy babies born because of safe birth kit distribution

How will we accomplish this objective?

•  Provide safe birth kits for HIV positive mothers