Globe Tailoring Cincinnati will be with us September Bros ... · THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS FRIDAY...

THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS FRIDAY AUGUST 29 1902 c 8 KENTUCKY A up- MjFC y n E High Grade Merchant Tailoring Fabrics of Exclusiee Designs Perfection of Style and Fit- I Cordial Invitation is extended to our patrons and friends to attend f Grand Opening in our Tailoring Department An experienced cutter from jf The Globe Tailoring Co Cincinnati will be with us on z- H September 1st 2nd and 3rd j- S Street Paris the- E I Tvvirl Bros o Maui Kentucky 1Alll1111 lAl 1111111Alll ttrrrrr fttt r itrrttift r tttttt rtr trretrrtrfttttr tt tttrrrortrrtt i IN1111 fi iJldu U1111110A I U 111111 < < = = = = = = = Yes said the train on strelt dress Im all dragged out DR FENNERS KIDNEY and BackacheA- ll diseases of Kidneys Bladder Also Rheumatism Back acheHeartDiseaseGravel Dropsy Female Troubles CURE Dont become discouraged There is a cure for you If necessary Dr Fenner lie has spent a time just such cases as yours All consultations Free Eight months in bed heavy backache pain and soreness across kidneys also rheu matism Other remedies failed Dr Fen ners Kidney and Backache Cure cured mo completely H WATERS Hamlet NY Druggists 50c Ask for Cook T Sure Cure Circular Dr O 1 1 UOUAllUU Fanner FredoniaNY EXPERIENCE has demonstrated just what Raymons Pink Pills will do R L McDavid Kelley La says I suffered from congestion of the liver for many years and tried the best doctors in the country without any benefit and finally tried a box of Ramon Treat- ment and to my surprise was entirely cured I cheerfully recommend them for all and even more than you claim for them W T Brooks and Clarke Co septl A gentle reminder the polite collec- tor I I l 1 BookFree y the j j t r ¬ ¬ ¬ Women and Jewels Jewels candy flowers man that is ne order of a womans preferences Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman Even greatest of all jewels health is often the strenuous efforts to make m or save the money to purchase them If a woman will risk her to get a coveted gem then let her fortify herself against the insiduous consequences of by the regular use of Dr Boschee e Ger- man It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal the lungs and bronchial tubes and drive r a lisease from the system I ct a cure aJl but it is a certain cure for coughs olds and all bronchial troubles You can get Dr G G reliable remedies at W T Brooks Get Greens Special Almanac In the mining shaft the man is only a drop in the bucket Stops the Cough and Works Off Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No No Pay Price 36c The tower olock is never underhand- ed Brain Fool Another redicnlous food fad has been brandeed by Upmost competent authori ties They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain another ffcr muscles and still another for bones A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body but it will sustain every Yet however good your food may its nutriment destroyed by indjev oa or dyspepsia You must prepare we their or prevent by taking regular doses of Greens Flower favorite medicine of the millions A few doses aids digestion stimulates the liver to healthy action purifies the blood and makes you feel and vigor- ous You can get Dr G G reliable remedies at W T Brooks Get Greens Special Almanac colds and bronchial affections the o a J 4 part August t1 I i 1 ct I IF t ci Nonsense ether is ¬ = ± 10O REWARD 1OO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Oatarrah Halls Catarrah Cure is the only cure known to the medical fraternity Catarrah a constitu tional disease requires a constitutional treatment Halls Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O by Druggists 75c Halls family Pills are the best Riches take wings but it takes more riches to get angel wings Only 50 Centst- o make your baby strong and well A fifty cent bottle of Scotts Emulsion J will change a sickly baby to- y a plump romping child i Only one cent a day think of it Its as nice as cream 5 Send for a free sample and it SCOTT BOWNE Chemists h 409415 Pearl Street New York Ji soc and 100 all druggists The teeth of the storm are sometimes in the mouth of the river A Good Thing German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr A Boscbee a celebrated Ger man Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries- in Medicine It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung of the sever est nature removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a and healthy condition- It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test giving satis faction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two billion bottles sold annually Bosbhees German Syrup was introduced- in the United States in 1868 and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will re lieve any ordinary cough Price 75c Get Greens Special Almanac W T Brooks- A CHANGE I have recently employed another barber and put in another chair making four in all You can al ways get a turn tat my shop Service the best tf TOM CRAWFORD This is on box of the genuine Laxative Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one BLUE LICK Blue Lick Water can be found on sale at C B Mitchells G S Vardens and at J Frank Prathers GEO T LYONS Agent 20jun4m FOR thirty days I will make Royal Platino Portraits size 16x20 for 850 and 400 Now is your chance for a firstclass portrait at small cost Reg ular priee is 700 L GRINNAN July 1 1902 Nobody ought to expect the dress maker to be what she seams Makes Weak Women Strong- I have taken your Remicks Pepsin Blood Tonic I know it is the best Tonic ever made It will make every weak woman strong I cannbt praise it enough writes Mrs O D Pickering Olney Ill For sale by W T Brooks ConstipationD- oes your head ache Pain back of your eyes Bad taste in mouth Its our liver Ayers Pills are iver pills cure headache dyspepsia 25c AH druggists Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or black Then use BUCKINGHAMS BO era or Onuoanta P HMX Co rust RH Sold e than Arl 5 IA felt ears ff Bromo Quinine r consti- patIon DYE Oft A da- ys Fresh 1 Whiskers tV- Y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = This and That The 15000 annual payment author ized by the Legislature for the bene fit of the State Fair was made at Frank- fort to President Dorsey and Secretary Neal Mrs Rachel McKinney died Haute at the age of ninetyeight years leaving four generations of descendants numbering four hundred and thirty three The editor and proprietor of Free dom newspaper have been convicted of libel and sedition On the first charge they fined 1000 and sentence to six months imprison ment Sentence has not been imposed under the sedition charges Field Marshal Lord Wolselev on being asked whether he had said that the American army was the best in the world stated that he believed the quotation accurately described the f 3 Messages to Friends in the Orient From the Wilkesbarre Leader Carrying with them more than a score of graphophone records messages to friends in the far East the Rev and Mrs John Gowdy have started for Foo Chow China where they will make their permanent home Several years ago the Rev Mr Gowdy left West Pittston for Drew Seminary to be edu cated to engage in missionary work and he was very successful He re ceived an appointment as instructor in the AngloChinese College there and three weeksago here ended his journey of 18000 miles to mark the close of a romance of his earlier life in West Pitts tonMiss Gertrpde Thompson daughter of Mr and Mrs G B Thompson became his bride and agreed to share his for- tune and success in the Orient When it became known that the couple will travel through the interior they were asked to take messages to many friends and to facilitate the un- dertaking and perhaps to bring the recipient thereof a trifle nearer home it was decided to make graphophone records and this was done They were packed in a case and will be delivered- as the missionary happens across tin I friends in Terre a MiniJa each I were sit- uation ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ of Nativity While crossing the Atlantic on the Lncania bound for Europe Henry O Friok of the steel trust was accosted by a strange man who called to him Hello Pittsbnrg How are you Frick looked at the man a moment and then replied Very well thank yon New York I How do yon know Im from Pittsburg By the stogie youre smoking an swered the stranger And how do you know Im from New York Why replied Frick i New York Mail and Express- A Day of Music and Mirth A circular received at this office an- nounces a day of music and mirth at Lex- ington Ky on Monday Sept 1st a legal holiday which will be held under the auspices of Bluegrass Typographical Union No 189 of that city There will be a grand street parade picnic speaking and dancing and various amusements at the fair grounds Gov Beckham and ExGov Bradley will open the exercises with short speeches Dancing from 3 p in to midnight Music by Saxtons full band One fare on railroads for the round trip Laughter As a Stomach Cure Worry is but one of the many forms of fear so that worry tends to the pro duction of indigestion Indigestion tends to put the body of the subject in a condition that favors worry There is thus established a viscious circle which tends to perpetuate itself each element augmenting the other It is necessary to secure a cheerful whole some atmosphere for the dyspeptic- He should eat his meals at a table where there is good fellowship and whare funny stories are told He should himself make a great effort to contri bnte his share of this at the table even if it be necessary as it was in one case under my care for him to solemnly and seriously collect funny paragraphs from the press and at first interject them spasmodically during lulls in the con versation at the table The very efforts and determinations cf the man to cor rect his own silent habits at the table to correct his feelings of discouragement worry were in themselves a promise of success The effort made was adequate- to the obstacles to be overcome He succeeded and the spectacle of that man trying to be funny at table when he felt thorougly discouraged and blue is one we shall never forget Laughing is in itself also a useful exercise from the standpoint of diges tion It stirs up all the abdominal or gans it increases the circulation of the blood it increases peristalis it increases the secretion of gastric juices Five minutes deliberate laughing after each meal would be an excellent perscription- for some people Both wealth and poverty have their disadvantages at times To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure EW Groves signature- is on each box 86c aprllyr No thought the smoke Im not silly enough to make a Janice Meredith I Indications I I by your gall I r out- door n U curl ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Trochets Colchicinc Salicylatc Capsules- A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT endorsed the medical authorities of Europe and America Dispensed in spherical capsules dis solve in of the stomach irritation or disagreeable symptoms Price 1 bottle Sold by sure get the genuine WILLIAMS MPG CO OHIO Sole Props For Sale by W T BROOKS CLEVELAND causing ¬ Cleopatra may not have been a seam stress but we have often heard of Cleopatras needle There are times when the cornetists goes ontand blows himself nn n ¬ George Washington was the father of his country but nowadays we have city fathers The horns of a dilemma scarcely describe meeting a ferocious mnley cow W T BROOKS CLARK CO r r o y f name sometimes given to what II il i ill 1 11 II J generally known as the BAD DIS EASE It is not confined to dens of c vice or the lower classes The purest drinking from the same vessels using the same toilet articles or otherwise coming in contact with persons who have contracted it It begins usually with a little blister or sore then swelling in the groins red eruption breaks out on Ten years ago I contracted a bad case the mouth the throat becomes of a physician until I found that could ulcerated the hair eye brows and no good taking and a very short time all evidence of more contaminated copper colored the disease disappeared Splotches and pustular eruptions and tIes and today am sound and well sores appear upon different parts of R M Wall Morristown Tenn the body and the poison even destroys the bones SSS is a Specific for this loathsome disease and cures it even in the worst forms It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes the blood and penetrates to all parts of the system Unless you get this poison out of your blood it ruin you and bring disgrace and disease upon your children for it can be transmitted from parent to child S S S contains no mercury or potash but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable compound Write for our free home treatment book and learn all about Contagious Blood Poison If you want medical advice give us a history your case and our physicians will furnish all the information you wish without charge whatever THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA the BlOOd POIS on and best people are sometimes infected with tis awful through the clothing a the body sores and ulcers appear Blood Poison in do me SSS I commenced to at once lashes fall out j the blood becomIng in I took six bot will any s is- Is r of I was under treatmen t Then began improve p < > Cures Eczema Humors Pimples and Carbuncles Costs Nothing to Try B B B Botanic Blood Balm ia now recognized as a certain and sure cure for eczema itching skin humors scabs scales watery blisters pimples aching bones or joints boils carbuncles prickling pain in the skin old eating sores ulces etc Botanic Bloom Balm taken internally coures the worst and most deepseated cases by enriching purifying and vitalizing the blood there- by giving a healthy blood supply to the skin Botanic Blood is the only cure to stay cnred for these awful an noying skin troubles Heals everv sore and gives the rich glow of health to skin Bnilds up the broken down body and makes the blood red and nourish- ing Especially advised for chronic old cases that doctors patent medicines and hot spriugs fail 10 cure Druggists 1 To prove B B B cures sample sent free and free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co Atlanta Ga Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter Good Advice The most miserable beings in the world are those from Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint More than 75 per cent of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two dis eases and their effects such as Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Costiveness Palpitation of the Heart Heartburn Waterbrasd Gnawing and Burning Pains at the Pit of rch Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disagreeable Taste in the Mouth Com- ing up of Food after Eating Low Spir- its etc Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two relieve you Try it Get Greens Special Almanac W T Brooks L N Rates Lexington and return at onefare for tha roundtrip Sept 9 to 13 inclusive limited to Sept 15 account Colored Fair Lexington Ky and return Sept 1 at one and onethird fare for the round trip limited to Sept 2 account Blue- grass Typographical Union celebration and parade Ewing Ky and return at for roundtrip Sept 11 12 and 13 lim ited to Sept 15 account Ewing Fair Special train will leave Ewing for Paris each day at 530 p m Natural Bridge Aug 81 at Washington D C and return Oct 3 4 5 6 at 1120 for roundtrip final limit Oct 15 with provision for ex tension of limit to Nov 3 1002 A R encampment DesMoines Iowa and return at one fare 1885 for roundtrip Sept 11 12 13 14 final limit Sept 25 provision for extension of limit to Oct 15 1902 ac count Grand Lodge I O O F Birmingham Ala and return at one fare 1255 for roundtrip Sept 14 15 and 16 limited to Sept 27 Cincinnati 0 and return 125 Aug 24th F B CARR Agt H RION T A gin inmi 111 in 11 mi n mi 11 inn in in u nimm MRS W A 1 JOHNSON I- s Has received from t her Publisher P THE THIRD EDITION E of her popular 1 COOK BOOK 1- ll ana is now on sale at her Book and Stationary Store- S MrS Johnson has also jj the agency for the wellknown s SCHARF PIANO g and will sell them at a slight p- S on factory prices 5J Call and see one at her Store Inn i inn urn umu mini i in n i ii ninoi t he the VI r one 150 account- G J wnat to I How to 800K It t- It j S 5 i E t Y f v J t y tom fare r I ii ad- vance ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = > ffr ii j art Eastman it isnt a Kodak r I t A NEW FOLDING for the for he vast pocKef at six dollars MaKes pictures x 2 inches loads in daylight has a fine menis- cus lens finder automatic shutter- in fact has the Kodak quality all the way through Kodak for pictures i Jt xa Film Cartridge n expomtes ift r X254 93 Do 6 exposures EASTMAN KODAK CO Catalogue f tc at tke or mu Rochester NY frooooo t Drifts Kodak Picturts aug21ti2de- ci 3 room frame in East Paris cistern and outbuildings Price Vacant lot 31x204 stable and fruit on same Price 260 Will trade both the above for small farm near Paris About 2 acres of land house of 4roonia 2 porches pantry smoke house coal house corn and stable Small orchard and never failing water Terms cash Price 700 197 acres of Bourbon county Land ata bargain and on easy terns Call and Brick Cottage 5 Rooms Bas Pantry Porches Lot 126x900 feet good cality Price 3650 Let us show you thin nice Home 12 acres 3 Rooms and Kitchen House Paris will sell Worth the money 87 feet on Main street running beck to High street fronting 69 feet on High 2 Frame Houses price 5200 How does this suit you for an investment Frame Cottage Cistern2 acres of Land in Paris at the low price of 1400 168 acres near Paris large tobacco barn nice Home Let us sell you farm o 3 acres of Land 8Room House nice good locality at the low price of 4000- o 6 acres of Land 4Room House with Kitchen Stable Buggy House Shed etc just outside the city Price 3000 8Room House Cellar Large Cistern Stable etc Lot 100x290 a nice Home for the low price of 2250 Let us show you this property A nice twostory Brick plenty of room large lot shade and fruit at the Jow price of 4000 y O 7 i We will not have another CombinajfeityijL Sale before September as we failed to fe the property ready for May 28 For Sale 246 acres of land on vjlle Lexington Pike 6 miles from Paris 25 acres of timber plenty of to bacco land one tobacco barn 3room brick house and all necessary out build ings in good repair and well watered Must be seen to be appreciVled Price 115 per acre Twm ca balance i and 2 years 6 per cent on deferred May run last payment Lancaster Northcott REAL MATE BROKERS ST El KODAK t pocketalmost l No o Folding Pocket f6m Transparent 15 and I F R ALBI lot 6ox204 1375 o o see o 0 near 0 o o Wagon o 0- i o the Mays pay- ments r f t for Rrow k y it us this PARIS v ¬ ¬ >

Transcript of Globe Tailoring Cincinnati will be with us September Bros ... · THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS FRIDAY...

Page 1: Globe Tailoring Cincinnati will be with us September Bros ... · THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS FRIDAY AUGUST 29 1902 c 8 KENTUCKY A up- MjFC y n E High Grade Merchant Tailoring Fabrics of





MjFC y n

E High Grade Merchant Tailoring

Fabrics of Exclusiee Designs

Perfection of Style and Fit-

I Cordial Invitation is extended to our patrons and friends to attendf Grand Opening in our Tailoring Department An experienced cutter from

jf The Globe Tailoring Co Cincinnati will be with us on z-

H September 1st 2nd and 3rd j-

S Street Paris



Tvvirl Broso Maui Kentucky

1Alll1111 lAl 1111111Alll

ttrrrrr fttt r itrrttift r tttttt rtr trretrrtrfttttr tt tttrrrortrrtt


IN1111 fiiJldu U1111110A I U 111111







Yes said the train on streltdress Im all dragged out



BackacheA-ll diseases of Kidneys

BladderAlso Rheumatism Back

acheHeartDiseaseGravelDropsy Female Troubles

CUREDont become discouraged There is a

cure for you If necessary Dr Fennerlie has spent a time just suchcases as yours All consultations Free

Eight months in bed heavy backachepain and soreness across kidneys also rheumatism Other remedies failed Dr Fenners Kidney and Backache Cure cured mocompletely H WATERS Hamlet N YDruggists 50c Ask for Cook

T Sure Cure Circular DrO 1 1 UOUAllUU Fanner FredoniaNY

EXPERIENCE has demonstrated justwhat Raymons Pink Pills will do RL McDavid Kelley La says Isuffered from congestion of the liver formany years and tried the best doctorsin the country without any benefit andfinally tried a box of Ramon Treat-ment and to my surprise was entirelycured I cheerfully recommend themfor all and even more than you claimfor them W T Brooks and Clarke

Co septl

A gentle reminder the polite collec-tor




1 BookFree










Women and JewelsJewels candy flowers man that is

ne order of a womans preferencesJewels form a magnet of mighty powerto the average woman Evengreatest of all jewels health is often

the strenuous efforts to makem or save the money to purchase them If

a woman will risk her to get acoveted gem then let her fortify herselfagainst the insiduous consequences of

by the regular use of Dr Boschee e Ger-man It will promptly arrestconsumption in its early stages andheal the lungs and bronchialtubes and drive r a lisease fromthe system I ct a cure aJl but itis a certain cure for coughs olds andall bronchial troubles You can get DrG G reliable remedies at WT Brooks Get Greens SpecialAlmanac

In the mining shaft the man is only adrop in the bucket

Stops the Cough and Works Off

Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets curea cold in one day No No PayPrice 36c

The tower olock is never underhand-ed

Brain FoolAnother redicnlous food fad has been

brandeed by Upmost competent authorities They have dispelled the sillynotion that one kind of food is neededfor brain another ffcr muscles andstill another for bones A correct dietwill not only nourish a particular partof the body but it will sustain every

Yet however good yourfood may its nutriment destroyedby indjev oa or dyspepsia You mustprepare we their or prevent

by taking regular doses ofGreens Flower favoritemedicine of the millions Afew doses aids digestion stimulates theliver to healthy action purifies the bloodand makes you feel and vigor-ous You can get Dr G Greliable remedies at W T BrooksGet Greens Special Almanac

colds and bronchial affections



J 4





i 1





ci Nonsense






The readers of this paper will bepleased to learn that there is at least onedreaded disease that science has beenable to cure in all its stages and that isOatarrah Halls Catarrah Cure is theonly cure known to the medicalfraternity Catarrah a constitutional disease requires a constitutionaltreatment Halls Cure istaken internally acting directly uponthe blood and mucous surfaces of thesystem thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving thepatient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doingits work The proprietors have so muchfaith in its curative powers that theyoffer One Hundred Dollars for any casethat it fails to cure Send for list oftestimonials

Address F J CHENEY COToledo O

by Druggists 75c

Halls family Pills are the best

Riches take wings but it takes moreriches to get angel wings

Only 50 Centst-o make your baby strong andwell A fifty cent bottle of

Scotts EmulsionJ will change a sickly baby to-y a plump romping childi Only one cent a day think

of it Its as nice as cream5 Send for a free sample and it

SCOTT BOWNE Chemistsh 409415 Pearl Street New York

Ji soc and 100 all druggists

The teeth of the storm are sometimesin the mouth of the river

A Good ThingGerman Syrup is the special prescrip

tion of Dr A Boscbee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged tobe one of the most fortunate discoveries-in Medicine It quickly cures CoughsColds and all Lung of the severest nature removing as it does thecause of the affection and leaving theparts in a and healthy condition-It is not an experimental medicine buthas stood the test giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidlyincreasing sale every season confirmsTwo billion bottles sold annuallyBosbhees German Syrup was introduced-in the United States in 1868 and is nowsold in every town and village in thecivilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 75cGet Greens Special Almanac W TBrooks-

A CHANGE I have recently employedanother barber and put in anotherchair making four in all You can always get a turn tat my shop Servicethe best


This is on box of the genuineLaxative Tablets

the remedy that cures a cold in one

BLUE LICK Blue Lick Watercan be found on sale at C B MitchellsG S Vardens and at J FrankPrathers GEO T LYONS Agent


FOR thirty days I will make RoyalPlatino Portraits size 16x20 for 850and 400 Now is your chance for afirstclass portrait at small cost Regular priee is 700 L GRINNAN

July 1 1902

Nobody ought to expect the dressmaker to be what she seams

Makes Weak Women Strong-I have taken your Remicks Pepsin

Blood Tonic I know it is the best Tonicever made It will make every weakwoman strong I cannbt praise itenough writes Mrs O D PickeringOlney Ill For sale by W T Brooks

ConstipationD-oes your head ache Painback of your eyes Badtaste in mouth Its

our liver Ayers Pills areiver pills cure

headache dyspepsia25c AH druggists

Want your moustache or beard a beautifulbrown or black Then useBUCKINGHAMSBO era or Onuoanta P HMX Co rust RH









ffBromo Quinine





















This and That

The 15000 annual payment authorized by the Legislature for the benefit of the State Fair was made at Frank-fort to President Dorsey and SecretaryNeal

Mrs Rachel McKinney diedHaute at the age of ninetyeight yearsleaving four generations of descendantsnumbering four hundred and thirtythree

The editor and proprietor of Freedom newspaper have beenconvicted of libel and sedition On thefirst charge they fined 1000and sentence to six months imprisonment Sentence has not been imposedunder the sedition charges

Field Marshal Lord Wolselev onbeing asked whether he had said thatthe American army was the best inthe world stated that he believed thequotation accurately described the


Messages to Friends in the Orient

From the Wilkesbarre LeaderCarrying with them more than a score

of graphophone records messages tofriends in the far East the Rev andMrs John Gowdy have started for FooChow China where they will maketheir permanent home Several yearsago the Rev Mr Gowdy left WestPittston for Drew Seminary to be educated to engage in missionary workand he was very successful He received an appointment as instructor inthe AngloChinese College there andthree weeksago here ended his journeyof 18000 miles to mark the close of aromance of his earlier life in West Pitts

tonMiss Gertrpde Thompson daughter ofMr and Mrs G B Thompson becamehis bride and agreed to share his for-

tune and success in the OrientWhen it became known that the

couple will travel through the interiorthey were asked to take messages tomany friends and to facilitate the un-

dertaking and perhaps to bring therecipient thereof a trifle nearer homeit was decided to make graphophonerecords and this was done They werepacked in a case and will be delivered-as the missionary happens across tin

I friends

in Terre

a MiniJa















of Nativity

While crossing the Atlantic on theLncania bound for Europe Henry O

Friok of the steel trust was accostedby a strange man who called to him

Hello Pittsbnrg How are youFrick looked at the man a moment

and then repliedVery well thank yon New York I

How do yon know Im from PittsburgBy the stogie youre smoking an

swered the stranger And how do youknow Im from New York

Why replied Fricki New York Mail and Express-

A Day of Music andMirth

A circular received at this office an-

nounces a day of music and mirth at Lex-

ington Ky on Monday Sept 1st alegal holiday which will be held underthe auspices of Bluegrass TypographicalUnion No 189 of that city Therewill be a grand street parade picnicspeaking and dancing and various

amusements at the fair groundsGov Beckham and ExGov Bradleywill open the exercises with shortspeeches Dancing from 3 p in tomidnight Music by Saxtons full bandOne fare on railroads for the roundtrip

Laughter As a Stomach Cure

Worry is but one of the many formsof fear so that worry tends to the production of indigestion Indigestiontends to put the body of the subject ina condition that favors worry Thereis thus established a viscious circlewhich tends to perpetuate itself eachelement augmenting the other It isnecessary to secure a cheerful wholesome atmosphere for the dyspeptic-He should eat his meals at a tablewhere there is good fellowship andwhare funny stories are told He shouldhimself make a great effort to contribnte his share of this at the table evenif it be necessary as it was in one caseunder my care for him to solemnly andseriously collect funny paragraphs fromthe press and at first interject themspasmodically during lulls in the conversation at the table The very effortsand determinations cf the man to correct his own silent habits at the tableto correct his feelings of discouragementworry were in themselves a promise ofsuccess The effort made was adequate-to the obstacles to be overcome Hesucceeded and the spectacle of thatman trying to be funny at table whenhe felt thorougly discouraged and blueis one we shall never forget

Laughing is in itself also a usefulexercise from the standpoint of digestion It stirs up all the abdominal organs it increases the circulation of theblood it increases peristalis it increasesthe secretion of gastric juices Fiveminutes deliberate laughing after eachmeal would be an excellent perscription-for some people

Both wealth and poverty have theirdisadvantages at times

To Cure a Cold in One DayTake Laxative Bromo Quinine TabletsAll druggists refund the money if itfails to cure E W Groves signature-is on each box 86c aprllyr

No thought the smoke Im notsilly enough to make a Janice Meredith

I Indications


I by your gall
















Trochets Colchicinc Salicylatc Capsules-A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUTendorsed the medical authorities of Europe andAmerica Dispensed in spherical capsules dissolve in of the stomach irritation ordisagreeable symptoms Price 1 bottle Sold by

sure get the genuineWILLIAMS MPG CO OHIO Sole Props



Cleopatra may not have been a seamstress but we have often heard of

Cleopatras needle

There are times when the cornetistsgoes ontand blows himself

nn n

¬ George Washington was the father ofhis country but nowadays we have

city fathers

The horns of a dilemma scarcelydescribe meeting a ferocious mnley cow



r o y

f name sometimes given to whatII il i ill 1 11 II J generally known as the BAD DISEASE It is not confined to dens of

c vice or the lower classes The purest

drinking from the same vesselsusing the same toilet articles or otherwise coming in contact with personswho have contracted it

It begins usually with a little blister or sore then swelling in thegroins red eruption breaks out on Ten years ago I contracted a bad case

the mouth the throat becomes of a physician until I found that couldulcerated the hair eye brows and no good taking

and a very short time all evidence ofmore contaminated copper colored the disease disappearedSplotches and pustular eruptions and tIes and today am sound and wellsores appear upon different parts of R M Wall Morristown Tennthe body and the poison even destroys the bones

S S S is a Specific for this loathsome disease and cures it even in theworst forms It is a perfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes

the blood and penetrates to all parts of the systemUnless you get this poison out of your blood itruin you and bring disgrace and disease uponyour children for it can be transmitted from parentto child S S S contains no mercury or potash

but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable compoundWrite for our free home treatment book and learn all about Contagious

Blood Poison If you want medical advice give us a history your caseand our physicians will furnish all the information you wish withoutcharge whatever THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA


BlOOd POISon and best people are sometimesinfected with tis awfulthrough the clothing

athe body sores and ulcers appear Blood Poisonin

do meS S S I commenced to at oncelashes fall out j the blood becomIng in

I took six bot





of I was under treatmen tThen began





Cures Eczema HumorsPimples and Carbuncles

Costs Nothing to TryB B B Botanic Blood Balm ia

now recognized as a certain and surecure for eczema itching skin humorsscabs scales watery blisters pimplesaching bones or joints boils carbunclesprickling pain in the skin old eatingsores ulces etc Botanic Bloom Balmtaken internally coures the worst andmost deepseated cases by enrichingpurifying and vitalizing the blood there-by giving a healthy blood supply to theskin Botanic Blood is the onlycure to stay cnred for these awful annoying skin troubles Heals everv soreand gives the rich glow of health toskin Bnilds up the broken down bodyand makes the blood red and nourish-ing Especially advised for chronic oldcases that doctors patent medicines andhot spriugs fail 10 cure Druggists 1To prove B B B cures sample sentfree and free and prepaid by writingBlood Balm Co Atlanta Ga Describetrouble and free medical advice sent insealed letter

Good Advice

The most miserable beings in theworld are those from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint More than 75per cent of the people in the UnitedStates are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects such as SourStomach Sick Headache HabitualCostiveness Palpitation of the HeartHeartburn Waterbrasd Gnawing andBurning Pains at the Pit ofrch Yellow Skin Coated Tongue andDisagreeable Taste in the Mouth Com-ing up of Food after Eating Low Spir-its etc Go to your Druggist and get abottle of August Flower for 75 centsTwo relieve you Try itGet Greens Special Almanac W TBrooks

L N Rates

Lexington and return at onefare fortha roundtrip Sept 9 to 13 inclusivelimited to Sept 15 account ColoredFair

Lexington Ky and return Sept 1

at one and onethird fare for the roundtrip limited to Sept 2 account Blue-grass Typographical Union celebrationand parade

Ewing Ky and return atfor roundtrip Sept 11 12 and 13 limited to Sept 15 account Ewing FairSpecial train will leave Ewing for Pariseach day at 530 p m

Natural Bridge Aug 81 at

Washington D C and return Oct3 4 5 6 at 1120 for roundtrip finallimit Oct 15 with provision for extension of limit to Nov 3 1002

A R encampment

DesMoines Iowa and return at onefare 1885 for roundtrip Sept 11 1213 14 final limit Sept 25 provision forextension of limit to Oct 15 1902 account Grand Lodge I O O F

Birmingham Ala and return at onefare 1255 for roundtrip Sept 14 15and 16 limited to Sept 27

Cincinnati 0 and return 125 Aug24th


gin inmi 1 1 1 in 1 1mi n mi 1 1 inn in in u nimm



s Has received from ther Publisher P

THE THIRD EDITIONE of her popular


ll ana

is now on sale at herBook and StationaryStore-

S MrS Johnson has also jj

the agency for the wellknown sSCHARF PIANO

g and will sell them at a slight p-

S on factory prices5J Call and see one at her Store

Inn i inn urn u m u mini iinn i iininoi

t he








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ffr ii j art Eastman it isnt a Kodakr



for the for he vast pocKefat six dollars MaKes pictures x 2inches loads in daylight has a fine menis-cus lens finder automatic shutter-in fact has the Kodak quality all the waythrough

Kodak for pictures iJt x a

Film Cartridge n expomtes iftr X254 93Do 6 exposures

EASTMAN KODAK COCatalogue f tc at tke

or mu Rochester N Y

frooooo t Drifts Kodak Picturts



3 room frame in East Pariscistern and outbuildings Price

Vacant lot 31x204stable and fruit on same Price 260Will trade both the above for smallfarm near Paris

About 2 acres of land house of 4roonia2 porches pantry smoke house coalhouse corn and stable Smallorchard and never failing water Termscash Price 700

197 acres of Bourbon county Land atabargain and on easy terns Call and

Brick Cottage 5 Rooms Bas PantryPorches Lot 126x900 feet good calityPrice 3650 Let us show you thin niceHome

12 acres 3 Rooms and Kitchen HouseParis will sell Worth the money

87 feet on Main street running beck toHigh street fronting 69 feet on High 2Frame Houses price 5200 How doesthis suit you for an investment

Frame Cottage Cistern2 acres of Landin Paris at the low price of 1400

168 acres near Paris large tobaccobarn nice Home Let us sell youfarm


3 acres of Land 8Room House nicegood locality at the low price of 4000-

o6 acres of Land 4Room House with

Kitchen Stable Buggy HouseShed etc just outside the city Price3000

8Room House Cellar Large CisternStable etc Lot 100x290 a nice Homefor the low price of 2250 Let us showyou this property

A nice twostory Brick plenty of roomlarge lot shade and fruit at the Jowprice of 4000 y

O 7 i

We will not have another CombinajfeityijL

Sale before September as we failed to fe

the property ready for May 28

For Sale 246 acres of land onvjlle Lexington Pike 6 miles fromParis 25 acres of timber plenty of tobacco land one tobacco barn 3roombrick house and all necessary out buildings in good repair and well wateredMust be seen to be appreciVled Price

115 per acre Twm ca balance iand 2 years 6 per cent on deferred

May run last payment

Lancaster Northcott





No o Folding Pocketf6mTransparent





lot 6ox2041375














the Mays




for Rrow ky






