Globe Issue 20

ursday August 30th 2012 Issue 20 IH's Adventures in Wonderland! and much much more!


20, new country of the week and fun facts!

Transcript of Globe Issue 20

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Thursday August 30th 2012 Issue 20

IH's Adventures in Wonderland!

and much much more!

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Globe TeamcontentsEditorStephanie Rogers

DesignShannon BolandFiona Robertson

ContributersKyle O’NeilSusie Tindall

RegularsRiley MetcalfeJon ReganMarina SaundersPeng TiongRebecca DuttonEmily VearingMadi Nicholson

THE GLOBE is published weekly by Stephanie Rogers on behalf of the International House Student Club.The material here is edited but uncensored and therefore the views expressed here do not reflect those of the editor.

Please share your ideas, your opinions, your ads and your skills with us by emailing us at [email protected]

THE GLOBE acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional owners of this land. We pay our respects to their elders past and present.

© 2012 The Globe. All rights reserved.

International House241 Royal ParadeParkville, VIC

2 THE GLOBE: August 30 2012

page 4 - New** Susie’s fun facts!


Page 6 - A producers note..

Page 10 - Columns & more! International House Student Club The University of Melbourne

241 Royal Parade, Parkville Victoria 3052, Australia IHSC Communication Officer, Sita Carolina

Office: +61 (0) 3 9347 6655 Facsimile: +61 (0) 3 9349 1761 Email: [email protected]

IHSC Distillations of the week starting Monday 27th August 2012

Issue Description

Tutoring Program Training for the Tutoring Program will be happening this Thursday 30th of August at 7.30pm.

Winery Tour This Saturday! Listen out to Aya for more details!

ICAC Music Soiree This Sunday! Listen out to Ben Gray for more details

Student Club Position Information

Sunday, 2nd of September (Time TBC). Student club members will be available to come and ask questions about positions, etc.

Student Club Committee Meetings

GC/AC: 8.30pm Monday @CDR followed by AC GC: 9.30pm Wednesday @CDR

For a more detailed report of the IHSC matters, please read the GC or AC minutes. GC and AC minutes can be found on Nexus.

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the top two

editor's edictInternational House241 Royal ParadeParkville, VIC

THE GLOBE: August 30 2012 3


Steph rogers

Hi everyone!My apologies for the Globe being a couple of days late. However it was only due to the fact that we have a whole bunch of great new

articles! That’s right, with fun facts from Susie and a new column starting up on countries around the world, as well as our regular

contributers, I hope you enjoy this weeks edition :)In other news, IH play was definitely worth seeing, featuring the

applause to all the cast, but especially Jyosheel and Afif!!

For all of you who didn’t come to watch, you really did miss out!It’s that time of the semester where mid-terms and a sudden load of assignments have magically been dumped in front of us… and without play, there’s no more “productive procrastinating” that can be done. RMIT has started their mid-semester break and it’s not long before Melbourne Uni and ACU students are too!

AGM will be held on Sunday, September 9th so if you’re considering a position, keep stalking (or if you haven’t started yet, start today!) Student Club members and ask them about what it’s like!!Enjoy the rest of your week and keep studying!That’s all from us,P and VP

Hey guys,To all the cast and crew involved in this years play, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, what a success it was! We sold out on two nights and the other two nights were just as full! On behalf of everyone another huge congratulations to Georgia as the director, Hayley as the coordinator, Kyle as the producer, Tom Soh for lighting, Gemma for the cos-tumes, and Bec and Eunice as production manager for their hard work to make play work and run as smoothly as pos-sible regardless of the tight time restrictions. A round of

outstanding performances from IH talent, if you didn’t go you missed out ;)That’s all from me this week, hope ya enjoy!


find us online, on your iPhone or on your iPad at:

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4 THE GLOBE: August 30 2012

new this week!!Susie’s Completely Useless Fun Facts!

By Susie Tindall

- Vegemite was the first item in Australia to be electroni-cally scanned at a supermarket.

- There are 52 toilets in IH.

- 1560 grams of Milo are consumed by IHers after dinner every evening.

- The Australia classic, ‘The Castle’, was filmed in 11 days.- Switzerland has been neutral since 1815.

- Victoria women were unintentionally given the right to vote in 1863, as they forgot to write ‘male’ in the legisla-


- The song, ‘Come What May’ from the movie Moulin Rouge was initially written for Romeo and Juliet.

- There were at least 8 revolutions/civil wars in individ-ual countries in Europe from the French Revolution and

WW1, but no conflict between countries.

- More people were killed in the American Civil War than in every other American-involved war combined.

- Wednesday, 16th April – The day IHers discovered the stamina of Ormond boys. Over time this statistic has been reduced from half a minute to twenty seconds.

Fail Ormond...

This week... MÉXICO!

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THE GLOBE: August 30 2012 5

new** COUNTRY OF THE week!

Mexico is an amazing country; the third largest in Latin America and rich in history, tradition, natural beauty and culture. The people are vibrant and wel-

coming and the food is to die for! From the natural delights of the pristine beaches to archaeological wonders, the country boasts diversity in touristic destinations and attractions. Mexico is home to the largest population of Spanish speakers in the world and has

the world’s second highest number of Catholics.

FUN FACTS!- Tequila is a national drink (liquor)

- Mexico introduced chocolate, corn and chillies to the world

- Hot chocolate is a sacred drink of the Aztecs, who also brought about the word ‘tomato’ and who also decorated their shields with turquoise – as they

believed it would protect them

- The three colours of the flag represent; green – hope and victory, white – purity, red – bloodshed

- Mexico is the largest salt producer in the world … (for all that tequila may-be?)

- During the two equinoxes when the sun sets, the pyramid ‘El Castillo’ shows a shadow of a serpent moving down the structure

- The country’s capital, Mexico City – ‘the city of palaces’, sinks about 8 inch-es each year

- The 2011 population statistics: 114, 793, 341 people

By Madi Nicholson

This week... MÉXICO!Home of our best friend, or maybe

worst enemy… TEQUILA!

By Madi Nicholson

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6 THE GLOBE: August 30 2012

IH's adventures in wonderland!This week, producer of this years IH play Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

gives a shout out to the cast and crew... By Kyle O’Neil

Hey everyone! First up, well done to everyone involved! The show turned out to be a huge success with two sell out performances on Friday and Saturday night. A massive

thank you to Hayley as the IH Play Coordinator for allowing the event to run smoothly :)

The team were put under a lot of pressure to put together the whole show in just over four weeks of rehearsals. Under the guidance of the amazing director Georgia Martin, and with the support of the cast, the show was a big hit. It would not have

been possible without the skills Georgia contributed.

The set design was fantastic and really brought out a sense of the wild craziness that is Wonderland! The extensive props also added to the overall enjoyment of the per-

formance. A special thank you to Bec and Eunice for all their efforts.

The sound and lighting effects in the theatre were very appropriate and only intensi-fied the feeling of the play, and so a thank you goes out to both Alexandre and Tom

Soh for their expertise :)

The make-up and costumes were so creative and colourful and suited the show per-fectly. Thank you Gemma and Emily for all your time and patience, we couldn’t have

done it without you!

And often the neglected backstage crew are overlooked, but if it weren’t for your consistent work and dedication, headed by Cherisha, the show could not have flowed

as smoothly as it did ;)

Finally a massive congratulations to the entire cast of the IH Play 2012. All the perfor-mances were spectacular, and it was an amazing end to such a fast paced production. Jyosheel as Alice did an incredible job, with her commitment to learning all her lines and perfecting her acting abilities. And an overall thank you to the entire cast, all the

way from Alice to the Citizens of Wonderland.

Everyone involved in the play contributed so much and it was the combined effort of the whole play team that saw us have such great success this year! Well done IHers!

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8 THE GLOBE: August 30 2012

Living the values of International house

International House was established in Melbourne at a time when the Aus-tralian government first began inviting students from South East Asia to come and study in Australia. Known as the Colombo Plan, the aim was to break down prejudices and misunderstandings between nations. At this time still Australia adhered to a strict immigration policy, known as the ‘White Australia’ policy, which limited non-white immigration. For the

newly arrived Asian student, life was hard.

They were a long boat journey from their homes, had limited contact with their friends and family, and many faced prejudice, ignorance and even

racism. A group of students at the University of Melbourne were interested in assisting the new arrivals, welcoming them and building friendships that

resulted in the view that the establishment of International House serve in the best interests of both international and local students. International House offered a safe and caring environment, and a place of mutual re-spect. To me, the most important value that International House has al-ways supported is to understand, appreciate and respect the principles, cultures and differences of others. I spoke once with a student who had

attended IH in it’s earliest years, and he told me of a time when he was re-fused entry to a country pub on the basis of it not allowing entry to Asians.

He spoke of International House being an amazing home, a place where everyone was considered equal. Although this disgusting display of racism is unlikely to be found in Australia in the present day, other prejudices still


We at International House are lucky to live in a place that values difference that is accepting of every person regardless not just of where they come from, but also of their beliefs, their political views or the way they chose

to live their lives. In order to reap the benefits of living in such an amazing and diverse community, we must respect one another regardless of differ-ence. We must take the time to talk to someone new, to learn about who

they are and where they come from. It is up to us to develop and nurture a community that upholds the principles, attitudes and activities of an equal

and global world.

By Rebecca Dutton

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THE GLOBE: August 30 2012 9

Two of the most stressful things in college are picking a major and decid-ing what you want to do with the rest of your life. As of now, the hardest

decision you’ve probably had was picking which college you wanted to go to, and that wasn’t even that hard. (clearly IH).

As you can see the future is bleak in this economy. And in this case, the phrase “less is more “ actually does apply. So my advice is to stop worrying about what major will help you in the long run, because they all lead to the same job. Enjoy college for what it is, an excuse to be drunk and have fun

all the time. Trust me, understanding this flow chart will better prepare you for the real world than any other major will.

Picking a major By College Town Life. For more college stories visit

By Rebecca Dutton

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10 THE GLOBE: April 16 2012 THE GLOBE: March 5 2012 11THE GLOBE: August 30 2012 10

columnsSerious S#*% You Missed this Week

with Riley Metcalfe

Anders Breivik, the man responsible for the terrorist attack in Norway last year, killing 77 and injuring 242 has been sentenced to 21 years in jail (a minimum of 10 years,) the maximum punishment allowed in Norway. Breivik’s sentence is a special type of sentence called containment – it can be extended indefinitely. As part of the ruling, Breivik was also declared sane. Breivik will not appeal the sentence – as he does not accept the legitima-cy of the Norwegian court. The trial has raised eyebrows overseas as it granted concessions to Breivik that would be unusual elsewhere –such as allowing him to spend five days elaborating on his ideology to the court.

Apple has been awarded one billion dollars in dam-ages, after Samsung was found to have violated their pat-ents. Apple initially sought between $2.5 and $2.7 billion dollars in damages and a freeze on the sale of Samsung products that had been found to have violated Apple patents – including the Samsung Galaxy series of smart-phones, and Galaxy Tab tablet. Similar claims by Samsung against Apple have been dismissed. Ironically, Apple is Samsung’s largest customer, as they buy components from them. Samsung will appeal the decision, and similar cases are ongoing in various countries, including Austra-lia.

A rough week for Julia Gillard, as a front page story in the Weekend Australian resurrected a decade-old con-troversy over the circumstances regarding Julia Gillard’s resignation from Slater and Gordan (a legal firm.) Her then-boyfriend was accused of syphoning off money from a company that was to provide education and training to workers. Gillard had provided legal advice while the firm was being set up, but was cleared of all wrongdoing by an internal investigation. The allegations had been aired again in The Weekend Australian this week, which, as a result of an angry phone call from Gillard, prompted the Australian to unconditionally apologize. In a later press conference, Gillard lashed out at the “misogynists and nut jobs on the internet” that circulate such rumours.

Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon, died Sunday morning after complications following heart surgery. He was 82 years old. He is survived by Buzz Aldrin, second man on the moon, Michael Collins, the command module pilot, and John Glenn, first American to orbit the Earth. Armstrong was described by Barack Obama as being “among the greatest of American heroes – not just of his time, but of all time.”

This week’s list of palm oil free products is all about biscuits, or cookies, if you

prefer americanisms. Just think, not only are these products delicious and ethically responsible but you know palm oil free products contain far less saturated fat

than products containing palm oil! Buy-ing palm oil free is better for the envi-

ronment and better for your body.Love, The IH Environments committee.

palm oil free products!

Aldi Stores - Parkwood but-ter shortbread

Goodman Fielder - Paradise cottage cookies More-ish


Old colonial cookie co - Butterfingers pure butter


Woolworthes select - choc chunk, choc and macada-

mia, ginger cookies

Hampden trading - Artisse dark chocolate crepes

Weightwatchers - Butternut cookies, raspberry tartlets

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THE GLOBE: August 30 2012 11

I love elections, I really do. To me, there’s nothing more excit-ing than the idea of millions of people coming together to

have their say on the future direction of the country. It’s fasci-nating to watch the results come through and watch where the swings are, seeing political dreams made and broken along the

way.So you can imagine my excitement yesterday when we had – unbeknownst to most down here – two separate elections taking place in different parts of the country. The Northern

Territory went to vote in their quadricentennial general elec-tion, in what is always a bizarre, unpredictable affair with huge, non-uniform observed swings. In contrast to this, the people of Heffron in inner-city Sydney went to vote for a new state Member of Parliament following the resignation of former

NSW Premier Kristina Keneally – a vote which delivered a clear victory to the Labor Party.

The Northern Territory’s election was a fascinating affair. Overall, it appears the final result will be fifteen seats to the Country Liberal Party (one of four members of the federal

Liberal-National coalition), nine to the Labor party and one to an independent. The three additional seats the CLP stands to pick up have delivered a decisive win to the Liberals – the fifth state or territory government to fall to the conservatives in recent years. The swings were far from uniform. A number of seats swung towards the Labor party, while others – such as the remote seat of Arnhem – saw an incredible 30% swing

towards the Liberal Party.Resoundingly, however, it appears our Territorian friends have

rejected the incumbent Labor government. The reasons behind this are numerous, but many suspect the federal government’s

racist intervention – which involves sending military forces to ‘protect’ the local population – in Aboriginal communities is primarily to blame. On that front, it appears our Territorian friends are a little short-sighted, as it was in fact the Liberal

Party under John Howard which first drafted the racist policy back in 2007.

Regardless, it appears the people of the Northern Territory sol-idly associate the intervention with the Labor Party, so much so that NT Labor was forced to campaign under the pseudonym “The Henderson Team” – after outgoing Chief Minister Paul

Henderson – and not mention party’s actual name in any elec-tion material. After seeing the results, one might think the ALP

would be rethinking their strategy before branding the next federal campaign “The Gillard Team”.

In other election related news, down here in Victoria we have local government elections coming up. The good news is that here in the City of Melbourne, anyone living here can vote, not just Australian citizens. If you’re keen to have your say on who should be the next Lord Mayor of Melbourne (*cough* Alison Parkes *cough*), make sure you grab a form from the front of-

fice and hand it in to Town Hall by the 31st of August!

columnsJon forces his political opinion onto International

HouseBy Jon Regan-Beasley

funny stuff

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12 THE GLOBE: August 30 2012

haha! with Peng tiong

What does trigonometry have in common with a beach? Tan Gents

How do hearing impared people greet one another? They sine waves

Question time!Brought to you by Riley Metcalfe

1. Who made the decision to sack the Whitlam government in 1975? 2. Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia? 3. Who wrote the pamphlet The Age of Reason? 4. What was the first eukaryotic organism to have its genome se-

quenced? 5. What was on the first CD ever pressed?

Answers in next weeks edition!
