Globaloria Do's and Dont's

Globaloria Do’s and Don’t’s How to be a successful Globaloria Participant


Learn about what you should and shouldn't do in your Globaloria class

Transcript of Globaloria Do's and Dont's

  • 1. Globaloria Dos and Donts How to be a successful Globaloria Participant
  • 2. DO: Show your work, and upload all your files each class
  • 3. DONT: Share Personal Information
  • 4. DO: Connect with other Globaloria Participants in the Network
  • 5. DONT: Harass other students or vandalize their work
  • 6. DO: Remember to be open minded and listen to what others have to say
  • 7. DONT: Disrespect others or behave inappropriately
  • 8. DO: Work together and help others who might be struggling
  • 9. DONT: Use someone elses copyrighted work
  • 10. DO: Alert your teacher or community leader if you see anything inappropriate or dangerous
  • 11. DONT: Eat or drink around your computers or abuse them
  • 12. DO: Manage your time and know you are being evaluated
  • 13. DONT: Forget to have fun!