Globalisationandthemedia 101206142731-phpapp01

globalisation and the media

Transcript of Globalisationandthemedia 101206142731-phpapp01

globalisationand the media

local and national economies and cultures are integrated through communication, transport, and trade

ideas, language, and culture are circulated around the world

economic globalisation allows for the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour

examples of this would include BT call centres in India or iPhones “assembled” in China from parts made in multiple countries...

the media is responsible for the distribution of cultural capital

globalisation gives us junk


does it also give us junk culture?

globally recognised brands...

...end up destroying or

replacing folklore and


krampus santa

hollywood helped export american culture to the world

global icons

a global iconography

The Beatles spread American popular music around the world

is a global message of

peace and love a bad thing?

or is there something sinister about an homogenised global monoculture?

does globalisation threaten diversity?

or does it help create it?

there have been global protests against economic globalisation

the bad habits of american banks caused a global financial crisis

icons of america are often the focus of attacks

the internet is

another means of

spreading ideas

a network of connections

a global infrastructure

does the internet also give the world

an opportunity to talk back?

what does the internet bring to china?

what does china bring

to the internet?

how far do you agree with the following statements?

“globalisation of culture through

mass media results in the

suppression of diversity”

“too much power is in the hands of a few global media giants”

“the media is structured to influence our

consumer habits”

“media we have is both a result and a cause of globalisation”

culture is a commodity that gets bought, sold, & rearranged

“we passively consume an artificial homogenous culture created by the media”

“internet activism is on the rise”


…or are most of us merely passive consumers of other people’s internet activism?
